Russian Air Fleet Day. Gloomy afternoon XXI century

On September 28, 1992, the Russian authorities adopted a resolution “On the establishment of the Russian Air Fleet Day holiday.” It indicated that this event should be celebrated on the third Sunday in August - in 2016 this day fell on August 21.

A little history:

  • On July 30, 1912, Emperor of the Russian Empire Nicholas II decided to form the country's first aviation unit. Then it was used old calendar. Therefore, when moving to new dates, the founding day air fleet moved to August 12th.
  • On April 28, 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided to celebrate Aviation Day on August 18. The holiday was also called USSR Air Fleet Day.
  • September 28, 1992 already Russian authorities decided to hold the celebrations on the third Sunday in August.
  • On May 31, 2006, another decree appeared, which united the Day Military air force(August 12) Happy Russian Air Fleet Day. Since then, all festive events have been held at the end of August.

In 2016, the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Alexander Neradko, spoke with congratulations:

Dear colleagues! Dear veterans of civil, state and experimental aviation!

Air Fleet Day is a professional holiday for everyone who has connected their lives with the sky, controls aircraft in the air, ensures their flights on the ground, works to create new and improve existing winged machines, and prepares new generations of conquerors of the fifth ocean.

An aviator is not just a profession, it is a vocation to make the dream of flight inherent in every person come true.

On behalf of the Central Office Federal agency air transport and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate all Russian aviators and aviation enthusiasts on our common holiday! I sincerely wish you all good health, prosperity, new heights in service and at work, peaceful and clear skies, as well as good luck in all your endeavors!

On the eve of the professional holiday, August 18, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov presented state and departmental awards to civil aviation workers.

Festive events will take place today in different cities Russia.

An air show from the Falcons of Russia took place in Khabarovsk. Numerous spectators were able to watch demonstration flights of SU-27, SU-35S, SU-30SM fighters and MiG-29 light front-line fighters. Figures aerobatics the Russian Falcons aerobatic team demonstrated at low altitude and high speeds. Paratroopers of special groups demonstrated jumps from low altitude. And the festive events continued with performances by dance and vocal groups.

The festive program “Airmania on Kama” will take place in the skies of Perm. The main event here will also be the performances of the pilots. Spectators will be able to see P-96 Golf, Cessna-172, LA-4, Flamingo, Vilga-35, Yak-52 and Yak-54 aircraft in the sky.

At the Irkutsk airport they decided to celebrate Russian Air Fleet Day with an exhibition of equipment. Visitors will be able to see the following aircraft models - AN-24, AN-26, AN-148, Sukhoi Superjet, CRJ-200. In addition, they will be shown several types of helicopters, as well as special ground equipment for servicing aircraft. Well, a festive concert will take place on the main stage of the city.

Air Force Day 2016

Russian Air Force Day 2016 is a symbol of the feat of brave pilots, a time of reward for the courage of all those who dedicated their strength, and indeed their whole lives, to our air force. And even if this is a military holiday, are there people who dream of peace more than others than the defenders of the Motherland?

Air Force Day 2016: what date?

The Presidential Decree, signed on May 31, 2006, approves the time for celebrating Air Force Day. According to this document, the Day of the Russian Military Armed Forces falls on August 12. This time was not chosen by chance: it was on August 12, one hundred and two years ago, that the State of the Aeronautical Unit was created in the Russian Empire - the first air force huge Empire. Russian Air Force Day, the date of celebration of which does not depend on the day of the week, that is, is not variable, is celebrated in air military units on a large scale. However, most of the various events designed to celebrate this solemn date are held on Russian Air Fleet Day, which always falls on a day off.

Happy Air Force Day, you will find

Air Force history

August 12, the date when Air Force Day 2016 will be celebrated throughout our vast country, was chosen with reason. It was on this significant day exactly 102 years ago that the Military Department of the Russian Empire issued a decree on the creation of the Aeronautical State - a special department that should lead the air forces in the management of General Staff. This decree was preceded by a number of extraordinary circumstances.

The first milestone on the path to creating an air force should be considered the formation in 1904 of the Aerodynamic Institute in Kuchino. Zhukovsky, the father of aerodynamics, began training pilots for the first aircraft of the Empire. However, several more years were to pass before the construction of its own military aircraft.

1910 is the date of a large purchase of aircraft in France. From that moment on, government training of pilots began, and the aircraft were placed at the disposal of the military forces.

Next significant date in the history of Russian aeronautics - 1913. Sikorsky, famous inventor, who had a huge influence on the development of aviation not only in Russia, but throughout the world, builds his famous aircraft - “Ilya Muromets” and “Russian Knight”. The history of Russian aircraft construction began with these aircraft.

The rapid development of the industry could not but affect the military forces. Aircraft became a full-fledged part of the state imperial army, first as a method of conducting reconnaissance, and then as an independent combat unit. Pilot Nestorov, a legend of world aviation, was the first to perform a combat air ram, which became an example of the courage of domestic pilots.

After the signing of the famous decree in 1912 on the creation of a special air unit one could already safely talk about the presence of a full-fledged armed air force in the country.

Unfortunately, with October Revolution Since 1917, the development of aeronautics has seriously slowed down. However, already in the 30s of the last century, the country rapidly began to catch up with the rest of the world, which had gone ahead in this area. A sharp increase in the number of aircraft, the construction of pilot training schools, the design and construction of our own fighters and bombers - all this became the basis of today's Russian Air Force.

It finds its origins in Russian Empire, which became its progenitor by purchasing aircraft from France. This became a prerequisite for the founding of flight schools, and then for the creation military aviation. Until now, Russia pays tribute to the pilots who did not return from the battlefield, who achieved victory at the cost of their lives, and honors the military who underwent training and achieved success in their service. However, not everyone knows what date the Air Force holiday is, despite its state status. To clarify, we should look at history.

The birth of the celebration

Initially, August 12 can be considered. It was on this date in 1912 that Nicholas II signed a decree on the creation of the first aviation unit, which was part of the Main Directorate of the General Staff. Before this, aviation was part of and only with the signing of the Decree began to perform independent intelligence functions.

Why then does the question arise about what date is the Air Force holiday?

It must be remembered that Russia once had Soviet and post-Soviet space.

The first prerequisite for changing the date of the celebration was the creation of the workers' and peasants' Red Fleet in 1918.

Even then, the Bolsheviks got rid of all symbols and remnants that were reminiscent of the Russian Empire that once existed.

Let's start researching the topic. Air Force holiday, what date has it been approved since the times of the USSR?

In 1933, to match the new fleet, he was elected new date celebrations - August 18. The main motive in choosing the day was the combination of the celebration with the end of the summer period of combat training and demonstration of merit aviation production. Now the holiday includes mandatory aeronautical competitions, aerobatics performances, and fire exercises.

The purpose of creating Air Force Day was to promote the development of socialism through the growth of aviation construction and the strengthening of air defense. However, it would be fair to note that the USSR fleet consisted of several aircraft, which means that they soon began to separate, demanding own day honors. This is how, for example, Civil Aviation Day appeared.

So, the question of when to celebrate the holiday remains open.

It is inevitable that the Air Force will join the general trend and petition for a separate show of respect.

In 1997, President Russian Federation, heeding the requests of military aviators and taking into account their merits, both in land and sea military operations, issues a decree recognizing Air Force Day and returning historical date- August 12.

Now the question of what date the Air Force holiday seems to have been resolved. But, no.

Having completely confused the people, it was decided to approve the third Sunday of August as the official Air Force Day. The reason for this was the need to coincide with the Foundation Day Russian aviation happy day off. Thus, the government was able to find consensus without forgetting its historical roots.

A little confusion

Some people not only wonder about the date of the celebration, but ask: “What date is the Air Force and Air Defense holiday?”

You shouldn't combine these two great events into one. Despite some similarity in dates, Air Force Day, as we found out, is celebrated on the third Sunday in August, and Air Defense Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in April - the holidays are different.

In addition, the celebration of Air Defense Day is younger. The first participation of these troops in battle was marked by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. It was for their services during this difficult period for the country that the army was awarded its own memorial day.

True, here too there was a change of dates. Initially, it was celebrated on April 11, but already in 1980 it was moved to the second Sunday of the same month.

Yet the differences between these memorials are stronger than their similarities.


The great dates of our Motherland should be remembered, because this is history, the struggle of our ancestors for the life that we now have.

What date is the Air Force holiday, everyone needs to know; this holiday needs to be celebrated, paying tribute to all those who fought for our peaceful sky.

The holiday was established both for military and civil aviators, as well as for the developers and creators of aircraft.

The first celebration of Air Fleet Day took place on August 18, 1933. On this day in Moscow, at the Central Airfield named after M.V. Frunze (on the territory of Khodynka Field) an aviation festival was held, during which samples of Soviet aviation technology, the skill and courage of aviators were shown. The air parade was attended by members of the Soviet government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, headed by Stalin. From this day on, August 18 became a national holiday, however, despite the fact that the Day of the “entire” air fleet, that is, all aviation of the USSR, including aviation, was declared Navy, Civil Air Fleet, Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction of the USSR (Osoaviakhim), etc., The Air Force of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) played a leading role in this holiday both in numbers and in the variety of tasks solved.

Since 1935, air parades dedicated to the USSR Air Fleet Day have been held in Tushino on weekends, i.e. were not strictly tied to the day of August 18, but were sometimes postponed to another day or even canceled due to weather conditions.

After the Great Patriotic War, air parades were not held every year; sometimes they were held in July (in 1951 - July 8, in 1952 - July 27). The last air parade in Tushino took place on July 9, 1961. Subsequently, aerial displays of new models of military and civil aircraft were held in Domodedovo. The last of them took place in 1967.

In the 1970s and 1980s, central air parades were not held. However, the tradition of holding air holidays, dedicated to the Day USSR Air Fleet, preserved on regional level. Every year, air holidays were held in Zhukovsky (by test pilots of the M. M. Gromov Flight Research Institute), in Monino, in Kubinka and other aviation centers of the country.

Since 1972, the holiday has been celebrated on the third Sunday in August.

Officially, the postponement of the celebration of USSR Air Fleet Day to the third Sunday in August was legalized by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorial days.”

In 1997, military pilots had their own holiday - Air Force Day, celebrated on August 12. Therefore, since 1997, Air Fleet Day is professional holiday for teams of enterprises and organizations, workers and veterans of civil aviation.

Civil aviation in Russia began its development from the moment in February 1923, the Labor and Defense Council of the RSFSR adopted the resolution “On the assignment of technical supervision for air lines to the Main Directorate of the Air Fleet and on the organization of the Civil Aviation Council", which marked the beginning of state regulation of air transport activities in the country.

In 1923, the first aviation society "Dobrolet" was created in Moscow to organize on a commercial basis the transportation of passengers, mail, aerial photography and other work. By June 1923, Dobrolet was equipped with the first regular passenger airline in the USSR Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod.

In 1931, the country's first passenger air terminal opened at the central airfield (Khodynskoye Pole) in Moscow. On February 25, 1932, the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet (GU Civil Air Fleet) was formed and the official abbreviated name of the country's civil aviation was established - Aeroflot. In 1932, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR approved the first Air Code of the USSR. In 1936, the USSR became a member of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI).

During the Great Patriotic War, aviators of the civil air fleet made a significant contribution to the victory over the enemy. Special units of Aeroflot participated in combat operations. During the war years, pilots made more than one and a half million combat missions, of which about 40 thousand were behind enemy lines, transported 1.6 million people, and over 400 thousand tons of military cargo.

After the end of the war, the Soviet Union restored the destroyed civil aviation facilities and continued to develop a network of allied and local lines, building new air terminals and runways. Representatives of a new generation of aviation equipment began to appear on Aeroflot routes.

In 1970, the USSR became a member International organization civil aviation (ICAO). Within the framework of this organization, Soviet specialists participated in the preparation of international legal norms related to liability for damage caused by an aircraft, and contributed to the development of a convention on the rights and obligations of an aircraft commander.

By the end of the 1980s, Aeroflot annually transported more than 120 million passengers, about three thousand tons of cargo, and over 400 thousand tons of mail.

Air transport accounted for up to 20% of the total passenger turnover of the USSR, and on long-distance routes (4 thousand kilometers or more) - over 80%. The share of air transportation in the country's cargo turnover was small (less than 0.1%). Civil aviation aircraft of the USSR performed regular flights to 4,000 cities and settlements Soviet Union and to airports in almost 100 foreign countries.

In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR and Russia’s declaration of sovereignty, the new stage in the history of domestic civil aviation. In the former Soviet republics and regions of Russia, their own airlines were created. Aeroflot ceased to be an all-Union structure and became one of several hundred airlines and civil aviation production associations.

In 1992, work began on industry restructuring, corporatization and privatization. Airline enterprises were divided into independent airports and airlines.

On March 19, 1997, the Air Code of the Russian Federation was adopted, establishing legal basis use of Russian airspace and aviation activities. In accordance with the code, federal rules for the use of airspace and federal aviation regulations have been developed.

Today domestic civil aviation demonstrates high rates growth, the geography of flights of Russian airlines is expanding. Based on international and regional hub airports, a route network is being formed to meet the growing needs for mainline, regional and local air transportation of passengers and cargo.

As of 2016, 259 airfields were included in the register of civil aviation airfields of the Russian Federation, of which 81 airports are approved for international flights.

In the transport system of the state, civil aviation is an important component. In 2015, Russian airlines transported about 92.1 million passengers and more than one million tons of cargo and mail.

During the first half of 2016, aviators transported about 38.1 million people and more than 436.9 thousand tons of cargo and mail.

In the life of Russia with its vast territory, the importance of air transport is enormous. It ensures the mobility of people, solves the most important social objectives to supply residents of hard-to-reach areas with food, medicine and other essential items, promotes the development of business activity, and ensures interregional connections.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Day of the Air Force (VVS) aviators of the Aerospace Forces (VKS) of Russia, designers and builders aircraft celebrate in the context of a large-scale technical update of the aircraft fleet, weapons, intensive flights And combat use Russian planes and helicopters.

Russian Air Force Day was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2006. On this day in 1912, the Minister of War signed Order No. 397, according to which all issues of aeronautics and aviation were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate of the General Staff, where an aeronautical unit was created.

On Russian Air Force Day, RIA Novosti notes a number of significant positions that characterize the new look of military aviation at this stage of its development.

Component of the Russian Aerospace Forces

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, on August 1, 2015, the new look Armed Forces (AF) of Russia - Aerospace Forces, formed by merging the Air Force and the Aerospace Defense Forces.

The creation of a new type of armed forces was due to the need to unite under a single command all the forces and assets responsible for ensuring the security of Russia in aerospace.

"The Aerospace Forces have become the most powerful branch of the Armed Forces. We receive timely the latest designs weapons and military equipment. Thanks to this, it is the Aerospace Forces that are successfully breaking the back of international terrorism in the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR),” said Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, at the opening of the finals of the international competition “Aviadarts-2016” in the Ryazan region.

The Air Force, as a component of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is intended to repel aggression in the air sphere and protect command posts of the highest levels of state and military command, administrative and political centers, industrial and economic regions, the most important economic and infrastructure facilities of the country and troop groups from air strikes; defeating enemy targets and troops using both conventional and nuclear weapons; aviation support for combat operations of other types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

According to their purpose and tasks, Air Force aviation is divided into long-range, front-line, military transport and army. The Russian Air Force operates bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance, transport and special aircraft.

Armament and military equipment The Russian Air Force is currently actively updating itself.

PAK FA is coming

The PAK FA (advanced aviation complex for front-line aviation) is a fifth-generation T-50 fighter equipped with a fundamentally new avionics complex and an advanced phased array radar. Its first flight took place on January 29, 2010 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the first public display was on August 17, 2011 at the international aviation and space salon MAKS-2011 in Zhukovsky near Moscow.

“The machine is truly excellent - in terms of aerobatic, navigation and other characteristics, it detects other aircraft at a very great distance, it has no equal in this. We have something to be proud of, and we are glad that such a machine will come to us,” said the commander-in-chief Russian Aerospace Forces Viktor Bondarev.

According to Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov, serial deliveries of the PAK FA to the Russian Air Force will begin in 2018, although previously it was planned to begin in 2016-2017.

As stated by Deputy General Designer of the United Engine Corporation (UEC) Viktor Belousov, the first prototypes of the standard “second stage” PAK FA engine will be manufactured by 2017, the first tests will take place in 2018.

"It's too early to talk about creating the first prototype engine of the second stage, so far only demonstrator engines are ready, on the basis of which this prototype will be created (“product 30”). I think that the prototype itself will be ready by 2017, and, accordingly, the first flights with it will take place in 2018,” Belousov said.

It is planned to equip the PAK FA with, among other things, a modernized close-combat aircraft missile based on the R-73. RIA Novosti reported this general manager aviation enterprise "Dux" (rocket developer) Yuri Klishin.

According to him, the new missile will have expanded launch range capabilities, angle of attack, overload, guidance head capture, increased protection from various types of traps, increased reliability, autonomy, and versatility. “So we are working on such a product, which should enter service in the near future. In general, its effectiveness will be increased by 25-30%... Of course, these missiles will also be installed on the PAK FA. There is a whole range of weapons on the internal and external pendants," Klishin said.

Today, the R-73 is the most launchable and reliable air-to-air missile in the Russian Air Force. It is capable of hitting targets at altitudes from 5 meters to 20 kilometers, moving at speeds of up to 2.5 thousand kilometers per hour.

Although the fifth generation fighter T-50 is not yet in mass production, according to open sources, work is already underway in Russia to create combat aircraft sixth generation. It will be hypersonic, single-seat, invisible to the enemy, super-maneuverable, multifunctional, made of composite materials. The plane will have a cockpit, but at the same time it will be able to fly both with and without a pilot, that is, it will combine both manned and unmanned options. The first flight of a prototype of the sixth generation fighter is planned for the period until 2025.

The electronic warfare (EW) system created by the Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET) for the sixth generation fighter will create a fully automated airborne defense system, the KRET press service told RIA Novosti.

“The concern will create a special electronic warfare system for a sixth-generation combat aircraft. In the new model of this weapon, practically full automation the entire process of operation of the on-board defense complex, with the integration of antenna systems and instrument units with the main on-board radio-electronic equipment of the aircraft,” noted a representative of the concern.

Dry station wagons

In the future, the Su-34 aircraft will replace not only the Su-24 bombers, but also the Su-25 attack aircraft, giving the basis for a universal line of bomber and attack aircraft, Bondarev said. “This aircraft will replace the Su-24 when it reaches the end of its service life. The Su-34 will be on the program as a fighter-bomber, and we will consider it in the future as an attack aircraft,” he said during a visit to the Novosibirsk aircraft plant.

“In the future, it may replace the Su-25, and we will come to one line of different modifications of the Su-34. Universality will be achieved,” the commander-in-chief added.

According to him, the Su-34, during operation in the Air Force, showed itself “from its most excellent side”: it has a “very good” bomb load - 8 tons, excellent accuracy characteristics, “allowing it to work with a conventional bomb almost like precision weapons", as well as reliability. The most important positive characteristic This aircraft is the absence of negative reviews from pilots of aviation units.

“The aircraft today has practically been brought to a state that satisfies all the requirements of the technical specifications issued by the Aerospace Forces,” Bondarev noted. “We are receiving the entire planned number of aircraft and, what makes me especially happy, for the second year in a row the plant is giving us two aircraft over the plan. We are receiving almost an entire regiment of Su-34s,” he emphasized.

The Commander-in-Chief also stated that the Russian Aerospace Forces and industry plan to switch to full life cycle maintenance of Su-34 fighter-bombers. This will help ensure the reliability of equipment service and increase its serviceability, which should be at least 90-95%.

Su-34 fighter-bombers have been tested in combat against international terrorists in Syria.

Strategic wings

According to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov, the Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Manufacturing Company (VASO) will transfer to the Russian Ministry of Defense a specialized control center based on the Il-96-400 in 2016. Similar equipment is available only in the USA - there a similar complex is called the “Doomsday Plane”.

Air point strategic management designed for use in conditions of rapid deployment of troops, lack of ground infrastructure, as well as in the event of failure of ground control posts, nodes and communication lines.

An integral part of the Air Force is long-range aviation (LA) - the means of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a component of strategic nuclear forces. DA is designed to solve strategic, operational-strategic and operational tasks in theaters of military operations (strategic directions).

Its main task on the scale of the Air Force is considered to be both nuclear and non-nuclear deterrence of potential adversaries. In the event of the outbreak of war, the DA will carry out tasks to reduce the military-economic potential of the enemy, destroy important military installations, and disrupt state and military control. The DA formations and units are armed with strategic and long-range bombers, tanker aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft. The basis of the aircraft fleet is the Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers, Tu-22M3 long-range missile carrier-bombers, Il-78 tanker aircraft and Tu-22MR reconnaissance aircraft.

The main armament of the aircraft is aviation cruise missiles long range and operational-tactical missiles in nuclear and conventional configuration, as well as aerial bombs various purposes and calibers.

Further development of DA is carried out through the modernization of Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3 bombers with service life extension, as well as through the creation of a promising aviation complex long-range aviation(PAK YES) - strategic bomber fifth generation.

According to the plans of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the first PAK DA should take off by 2020. The new bomber is expected to have high combat power, low visibility and be able to penetrate modern air defenses. PAK DA will solve problems that are currently occupied by three types of long-range aircraft - Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22 M3.

It is expected that by 2040 a sixth generation strategic bomber will be created, which will already be unmanned. While strategic bombers of the fifth and sixth generations have not been created, work is underway to modernize the Tu-160, proven by practical tasks. In 2015, it became known about the decision to resume production of these bombers in the modernized version of the Tu-160M2 and to postpone the completion of the development of the new generation PAK DA bomber to a later date.

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that serial production of the Tu-160M2 should begin in 2023. At the same time, the Russian Aerospace Forces plan to purchase at least 50 vehicles.

The first flight of the modernized strategic bomber could take place at the end of 2018. This was announced by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces during the international competition "Aviadarts-2016". “The first Tu-160M2 should take off at the end of 2018, and then 2021 - the rise of the first production one. And purchases will begin,” Bondarev said.

The first modernized Il-78M-90A tanker will be ready for testing in November-December 2016, Andrey Kapustin, managing director of Aviastar-SP JSC, told RIA Novosti.

The prototype Il-78M-90A is being built at the Ulyanovsk enterprise Aviastar-SP. It will be the first tanker aircraft produced in Russia. Before this, all Il-78 aircraft were assembled in Uzbekistan at the Tashkent Aviation Production Association named after Chkalov.

“In November-December of this year, the aircraft will be ready. This year this machine should be transferred to Ilyushin OJSC for testing. Then Il OJSC will be engaged in its modification,” Kapustin said. According to him, the series launch of the aircraft is planned for 2018.

Il-78M-90A is a modification of the Il-76MD-90A aircraft. It will be the main flying tanker, adapted for in-flight refueling of long-range, front-line and special aviation aircraft. The IL-78M-90A will allow simultaneous refueling of two front-line aircraft such as Su-27 and MiG-29 using refueling units installed on the wing.

Hundreds of the newest air units

More than 100 units of the latest aviation equipment are expected to arrive at Russian air units in 2017, said the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

“In 2017, according to the state arms program, according to the state defense order, there will be no less than in 2016. Moreover, we will receive new equipment - T-50 fighters, new helicopters,” Bondarev noted.

According to information from the head of the Main Armament Directorate of the RF Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Anatoly Gulyaev, in the second quarter of 2016, “for the Aerospace Forces, ... 4 new and 54 aircraft that have undergone repair with modernization, 23 new helicopters and 11 helicopters that have undergone repair, 15 unmanned aerial vehicles, more 8 thousand units of aviation weapons."

“Mi-8AMTSh helicopters are being delivered ahead of schedule. Repairs and modernization of seven Il-76MD aircraft have been completed, which will soon be transferred to military units,” added the lieutenant general.

The modernized Mi-28NM "Night Hunter" combat helicopter with dual controls and enhanced weapons is expected to enter serial production by the beginning of 2018, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces said. According to him, the updated helicopter has become easier to operate and more convenient for pilots. “It has increased armament, increased engine thrust, plus protection of the helicopter from portable anti-aircraft guns.” missile systems worth it in full. And, of course, dual control,” Bondarev listed.

As stated by the commander of military transport aviation (MTA), Lieutenant General Vladimir Benediktov, the Russian Aerospace Forces will receive about 30 modernized Il-76MD-90A aircraft by 2020. In total, the Russian Ministry of Defense should receive 39 Il-76MD-90A aircraft by 2021. Starting from 2021, it is planned to establish their serial production at a rate of 21 units per year.

“According to the comprehensive development program of the BTA, it is planned to receive new Il-76MD-90A aircraft, about 30 aircraft, by 2020. Also, as part of the modernization program, the modernization of almost all types of aircraft is provided - these include the An-124 and Il-76MD aircraft,” he said Benediktov. He added that by 2020, BTA plans to increase its potential both through new technology, and through modernization of the existing one.

Il-76 military transport aircraft, which currently can pick up and land one air assault brigade, will be able to take on board one airborne division by the end of 2020, said the commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov. He noted that the production of Il-76 aircraft was transferred from Tashkent to Ulyanovsk.

Hydrogen for drones and a fuse for aerial bombs

During the Aerospace Forces operation in Syria, Russia tested new drones powered by hydrogen fuel, which allows them to increase flight time, a high-ranking representative of the military-industrial complex told RIA Novosti.

“UAVs powered by this new fuel can carry out the tasks that are expected of them for much longer: conducting reconnaissance, processing information. This will allow us to perform the tasks we perform in the fight against international terrorism“,” says Andrei Krasov, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense. According to the deputy, this is a great achievement for Russia, since initially the country “lagged behind in the development of unmanned aerial vehicles.” “But now, with the advent of this drone, we are beginning to catch up with We already have something that doesn’t exist abroad,” he noted.

About successful tests the latest non-contact fuse for aerial bombs and equipping them with new generation ammunition, which will soon enter service Russian army, General Director of the Tekhmash concern Sergei Rusakov told RIA Novosti.

An aircraft bomb with a proximity fuse in terms of its capabilities and damaging properties significantly exceeds the bombs that are currently in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces and are equipped with contact fuses.

The press service of Tekhmash noted that the most difficult task was to ensure the protection and performance of the proximity fuse under exposure conditions elevated temperature as a result of kinetic heating during transportation on an external carrier sling at supersonic speeds.

“To ensure protection of proximity fuse components from thermal kinetic heating, the designers of NIIEP Tekhmash developed an original design of a heat-protective cap that is reset during operation during autonomous flight as part of an aerial bomb after it is dropped from the carrier,” he said official representative concern.

When using currently used aerial bombs with a contact fuse, most of the explosion energy is spent on the formation of a crater and destruction of the soil, which as a result reduces the radius of destruction of the enemy and makes the use of the warhead less effective.

In Syria and anywhere on the planet

The Russian Aerospace Forces proved its effectiveness during air operation RF in Syria, which began on September 30, 2015 at the request of SAR President Bashar al-Assad. The operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria has shown that they are capable of quickly creating combat-ready groups anywhere on the planet. Aerospace Forces aviation is capable of reliably hitting any enemy and conducting long-term fighting with maximum combat tension, and also quickly, confidently and calmly return to permanent airfields.

Crews of long-range bombers Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3, Su-34 fighter-bombers, Su-30SM multirole fighters, Su-24 front-line bombers, Su-25 attack aircraft, attack and transport helicopters took part in the operation against international terrorists army aviation.

Considering that the agreement between Russia and Syria on the deployment of an aviation group of the Russian armed forces on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, signed in August 2015, is of an indefinite nature, Russian military pilots still have combat work to do.

More than 500 exercises and competitions

"In order to implement the tasks assigned to the Aerospace Forces in summer period training 2016...planned to conduct a command post exercise with the 1st Army of the Air Defense and missile defense, more than 500 exercises at various levels,” said the press service and information department of the Russian military department.

It was noted that more than 1.3 thousand training events will be held with military personnel in their specialties, and air training competitions will be held among crews, the main of which are “Aviadarts”, “Keys to the Sky”, “Air Frontiers”.

The Ministry of Defense reported that Russian military pilots took first place in most nominations of the Aviadarts-2016 competition and received a team competition cup. This award was received from the hands of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Viktor Bondarev, by the head of the Russian team - Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Commander of the Air Force, Lieutenant General Andrei Yudin.

“We gained a lot of experience, learned from each other, watched how equipment is maintained, how it works at the training ground, watched the use of ammunition. We have a lot to learn and where to improve,” Bondarev said.

There will be new pilots

Initial flight practice in Russian military universities resumed after a three-year break - cadets of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after A.K. Serov made the first training flights on L-39 aircraft, said Air Force Commander - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces Andrei Yudin on May 26, 2016.

“Today is a significant day for all of the Russian Aerospace Forces - for the first time after a three-year break, young guys who will someday replace us at our combat post took off on their own,” Yudin said. "We have reached good competition to flight schools. This allows us to select the best during training, for whom we will not worry. This is the most important thing when performing combat missions,” added the Air Force commander.

He noted that the aircraft for initial flight training is still the L-39 Albatross jet, and in the fourth and fifth years, future pilots gradually learn to fly the new Yak-130 training aircraft. “Every year, according to plan, at least 10 Yak-130 aircraft arrive in Borisoglebsk and Armavir. modern types airplanes. The Yak-130 has quite complex equipment and multifunctional systems,” Yudin said.

He also said that in the next few years, flight schools are expecting the first arrivals of aircraft for initial training of the Yak-152.

“Today the ranks of the Aerospace Forces are replenished with a detachment of highly qualified specialists who will have to master the latest complexes and weapons systems, ensure the military security of the country, increase the aerospace glory of Russia,” said the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces while attending the graduation ceremony for young officers who completed their training at the Military educational and scientific center Air Force (VUNTS Air Force) "Air Force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" in Voronezh.

According to him, the officers will serve in the youngest branch of the Armed Forces, which in less than a year of existence has shown its highest efficiency and development prospects.

"During their studies at the academy, young specialists studied existing and modern models of aircraft and aviation weapons which are entering service with the Air Force,” the commander-in-chief emphasized.

Fly from 14 years old

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, a Presidential Cadet School (PKU) will open in Moscow, which will become the world's first pre-university educational institution, where students from the age of 14 will learn basic aircraft control skills.

Currently, the Russian military department is preparing specialized educational programs, “which will integrate secondary and additional education programs aimed at preparing cadets for training in specialized aviation and rocket and space universities.”