Aviation Day (Air Fleet Day). Russian military aviation celebrates Air Force Day amid technical renewal

At the beginning of the second month of the year, congratulations are received from pilots, flight attendants, mechanics and everyone else whose work is related to aircraft, because Russian Civil Aviation Day is celebrated. When and how did this holiday appear?


In 1923, on February 9, a decree was issued on achieving the growth rate and quality of aircraft manufacturing, which must meet the standards developed countries. To achieve these goals, a special Civil Aviation Council was organized.

There were no educational institutions that would graduate specialist pilots and aircraft engineers at that time. Therefore, all the tasks set by the leadership of the state fell on the shoulders of military navigators, who urgently began to undergo retraining.

A few years later, in 1932, new structure became stronger, it had its own flag, uniform and new name. Previously, the Russian air fleet was called “Dobrolet”, and now it has received the name “Aeroflot”. However, at that time they had not yet thought about Russian Civil Aviation Day, what date to celebrate it and how. This only happened in 1979, but it was originally called “Aeroflot Day”. This holiday still exists, but it is celebrated at a different time.

Civil aviation in Russia

In 1923, the main airport in the USSR was, of course, in the capital - in Moscow on Khodynskoye Field. At that time there was only one route along which planes carrying people and cargo flew: from Moscow to Berlin with stops in Smolensk, Kaunas and Konigsberg. But in June of that year, when the official structure appeared, another regular flight was added from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod. And from this moment on, more and more new airports begin to appear in the country, new flights begin to operate.

Today civil aviation performs the following functions:

  • transportation of passengers and cargo to different destinations,
  • delivery humanitarian aid,
  • participation in search and rescue operations,
  • assistance in medical care for residents of hard-to-reach regions of the country, etc.

Today, Russian airliners can be found in every corner of the world, and this is not perceived as something out of the ordinary. But before, every flight (especially long distances) was looked upon as a feat and sincerely rejoiced at it. So, in 1927, a real breakthrough took place at that time - a Moscow-Tokyo flight was made, and just 2 years later, Russian pilots visited North America.

Flights did not stop during the Second World War, so today, on Russian Civil Aviation Day, when the holiday is celebrated, they do not forget about the real exploits of the pilots who transported humanitarian aid and transported from besieged Leningrad those who urgently needed medical care.


February 9 is not an official holiday, but despite this, celebrations take place throughout the country. How large-scale they will be depends primarily on whether the date is round (50, 70 or 90 years have passed since 1923) and on the city in which the celebrations are taking place. In anniversary years, parades may be held, where members of the government of the country and, of course, the Minister of Transport are present.

Other holidays whose history is very interesting:

On Russian Civil Aviation Day, congratulations are also received from retirees and industry veterans. By the way, those who work as pilots can retire quite early, having devoted only 25 years (men) or 20 years (women) to the profession. Many “pensioners” are therefore not yet 50 years old. They are relatively young and full of energy, so it is worth organizing a holiday for them.

If you need to organize a celebration in a small group of pilots, flight attendants, etc., then you can turn to the following entertainment:

  • guide a toy plane along a given route using radio control;
  • flight attendants can be asked to temporarily, holding the tray with one hand, collect it from the floor maximum quantity glasses of water;
  • check the vestibular apparatus of the pilots by placing some kind of stick (for example, a bat) on the floor, ask them to lean their forehead against it and spin around it 10 times, and then quickly run to the nearest chair.

Russian Civil Aviation Day is a holiday when it is appropriate to talk about the jokes of pilots that once really happened. For example, how one British aircraft captain took a seat in the back row among unsuspecting passengers. When everyone took their seats and began to worry that the pilot had been gone for a long time, he became indignant and said that in this case he would take the helm himself, after which he unfastened his seat belt, went into the cockpit, closed the door behind him, and the plane began to move .

There are many similar stories. And, perhaps, someone will decide not only to tell them, but also to “make a joke” in honor of the holiday. However, it is better not to do this, because among the passengers there may be very impressionable people.

Most of our contemporaries have taken to the air at least once on board an airliner. This means that he entrusted his life to the reliable hands of civil aviation employees and aviation sector workers, who no less ensure safety air transport than flight personnel. And on August 21, we all have the opportunity to thank these people by celebrating their professional holiday. Yes, and don’t confuse Air Force Day with Military Day. air force- these are different holidays.


Military aviation was the first to appear in our country, the civil air fleet was born second. Regular air services began in the USSR in 1922, when the permanent Moscow-Konigsberg line was launched. As the country’s civil air fleet developed, it “took wing” and, to mark this phenomenon, in 1933, thanks to I.V. Stalin, this important holiday- at that time it was called “Day of the Soviet Air Fleet”. It is clear that after the collapse of the Union, changes were made to the name and the holiday received its current name.

Today, more than 4,000 airplanes and 2,000 helicopters belonging to various Russian airlines transport up to 30% of passengers and cargo on intercity and international airlines “from south seas to the polar edge."


Every year the celebration of this important date is becoming increasingly widespread in our country. All civil airfields host large-scale air shows, both with the participation of professional aerobatic teams and with the participation of amateur pilots.

In many Russian cities Mass public celebrations are held, television programs include:

  • stories from the life of civil aviation;
  • stories of outstanding pilots about their work biography;
  • reports from pilots' performances;
  • feature films on relevant topics.

On this day they walk not only civil pilots, but also the military, as well as everyone who is at least in some way connected with aviation in general. And, which is quite natural, most people meet not only on the streets, but also at the festive table. Many airlines gather employees for cooperative events. Distinguished specialists are awarded awards and valuable gifts.

Day Air Fleet Russia is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of August. In 2019, it is celebrated on August 18. All aviation employees participate in the ceremonial events: pilots, flight attendants, airport support staff, and maintenance departments. Employees of aircraft factories, design bureaus, teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions join the celebration.

Aviation moves people and cargo over significant distances in relatively short time. Aircraft carry out important military operations: they participate in combat missions and supply units with equipment and food. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists who work in this industry.


On Russian Air Fleet Day, aviation workers accept congratulations. Management presents certificates of honor and valuable gifts to distinguished employees. Colleagues gather for festive tables. Events take place in cafes, restaurants or outdoors. The picnic is accompanied by fishing and swimming in ponds, and cooking over an open fire. Those gathered make wishes and toast that the number of takeoffs coincides with the number of landings, exchange experiences, and discuss technical innovations.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs about the history of aviation. Pilots, flight attendants, and dispatchers talk about their career paths and incidents during flights.

This day also marks the occasion of Air Force Day.


The first celebrations took place in 1933, after the publication of Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated April 28, 1933 No. 859 “On the celebration of Air Fleet Day of the USSR.” The document prescribed that the event be held annually on August 18.

The tradition of celebration was preserved in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. September 28, 1992 Presidium of the Supreme Council Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 3564-1 “On the establishment of the Russian Air Fleet Day holiday.” The document formalized the holding of ceremonial events annually on the third Sunday of August.

About the profession

Air fleet pilots provide and conduct flights. They are required to operate the aircraft in accordance with established rules and regulations. Maintenance personnel troubleshoot equipment, replace it, and check its functionality.

The path to the profession begins with graduation from a specialized educational institution. The graduate receives the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Before becoming an employee of the air fleet, you must pass certification.

The crew of ships has the right to retire before the established age. This is due to the harmfulness and danger of the profession, which come not only from technology and nervous tension. IN upper layers In the atmosphere where airplane routes lie, the radiation level is several times higher than on Earth.

It finds its origins in Russian Empire, which became its progenitor by purchasing aircraft from France. This became a prerequisite for the founding of flight schools, and then for the creation of military aviation. Until now, Russia pays tribute to the pilots who did not return from the battlefield, who achieved victory at the cost of their lives, and honors the military who underwent training and achieved success in their service. However, not everyone knows what date the Air Force holiday is, despite its state status. To clarify, we should look at history.

The birth of the celebration

Initially, August 12 can be considered. It was on this date in 1912 that Nicholas II signed a decree on the creation of the first aviation unit, which was part of the Main Directorate of the General Staff. Before this, aviation was part of and only with the signing of the Decree began to perform independent intelligence functions.

Why then does the question arise about what date is the Air Force holiday?

It must be remembered that Russia once had Soviet and post-Soviet space.

The first prerequisite for changing the date of the celebration was the creation of the workers' and peasants' Red Fleet in 1918.

Even then, the Bolsheviks got rid of all symbols and remnants that were reminiscent of the Russian Empire that once existed.

Let's start researching the topic. Air Force holiday, what date has it been approved since the times of the USSR?

In 1933, to match the new fleet, he was elected new date celebrations - August 18. The main reason for choosing the day was to combine the celebration with the end of the summer combat training period and demonstration of merit aviation production. Now the holiday includes mandatory aeronautical competitions, aerobatics performances, and fire exercises.

The purpose of creating Air Force Day was to promote the development of socialism through the growth of aviation construction and the strengthening of air defense. However, it would be fair to note that the USSR fleet consisted of several aircraft, which means that they soon began to separate, demanding own day honors. So, for example, the Day appeared Civil aviation.

So, the question of when to celebrate the holiday remains open.

The situation becomes inevitable when Air Force join the general trend and petition for a separate manifestation of respect.

In 1997, the President of the Russian Federation, heeding the requests of military aviators and taking into account their merits, both in land and sea military operations, issued a decree recognizing Air Force Day and returning historical date- August 12.

Now the question of what date the Air Force holiday seems to have been resolved. But, no.

Having completely confused the people, it was decided to approve the third Sunday of August as the official Air Force Day. The reason for this was the need to coincide with the Foundation Day Russian aviation happy day off. Thus, the government was able to find consensus without forgetting its historical roots.

A little confusion

Some people not only wonder about the date of the celebration, but ask: “What date is the Air Force and Air Defense holiday?”

You shouldn't combine these two great events into one. Despite some similarity in dates, Air Force Day, as we found out, is celebrated on the third Sunday in August, and Air Force Day Air defense- second Sunday in April - holidays vary.

In addition, the celebration of Air Defense Day is younger. The first participation of these troops in battle was marked by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. It was for their services during this difficult period for the country that the army was awarded its own memorial day.

True, here too there was a change of dates. Initially, it was celebrated on April 11, but already in 1980 it was moved to the second Sunday of the same month.

Yet the differences between these memorable dates stronger than their similarities.


The great dates of our Motherland should be remembered, because this is history, the struggle of our ancestors for the life that we now have.

What date is the Air Force holiday, everyone needs to know; this holiday needs to be celebrated, paying tribute to all those who fought for our peaceful sky.

Memorable dates

ELISEEV Sergey Pavlovich- retired colonel, candidate of historical sciences (Moscow. E-mail: [email protected])

About two dates for celebrating the Day of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Day of the Air Fleet of the USSR

To the 100th anniversary of the creation of domestic aviation

On August 12, 2012, Russia will celebrate the centenary of the Air Force Armed Forces RF. Which historical events hundred years ago what caused this? After all, it is known that the first military pilots appeared in Russia already in 1910, and a year later the first aviation units appeared. Why does Russian Air Force Day fall on last month summer, why was this date chosen? The answers to these questions are related to the history of the development of aviation in our country.

IN Soviet times From 1933 to 1972, August 181 was celebrated as USSR Air Fleet Day. The following was reported about its establishment in No. 6 of the magazine “Bulletin of the Air Fleet” for 1933:

“On the recommendation of the Chief of the Military Air Forces of the Red Army, Comrade Alksnis, the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR initiated a petition to the Government to establish an Air Fleet Holiday Day.

On this occasion, a resolution was passed by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, according to which August 18 was designated as the day of the annual holiday of the Air Fleet.

The holiday is timed to coincide with the end of the summer period of combat training of the Air Force, which makes it possible to combine the holiday with a number of competitions and competitions in aviation technology, aerobatics, fire and tactical training.

Air Fleet Day can also be used to widely popularize military and civil aviation among the working masses Soviet Union. At the massive aviation festival, in which the Red Army Air Force, the Civil Air Fleet, the Soviet aviation industry and Osoaviakhim should take part, achievements in the field will be demonstrated aviation technology and aviation construction as a powerful means of socialist construction, development of technology and strengthening of the air defense of the Soviet Union"2.

The resolution itself was found in one of the collections of the Russian State Library3. Noteworthy is the brevity of the text and the absence of any references to the documents that served as the reason for issuing this resolution of April 28, 1933, No. 859.

After the publication of this message, the Air Force of the Red Army, the Civil Air Fleet of the USSR, the Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction of the USSR, aviation industry enterprises and other institutions and institutions of the country began to prepare for the first celebration of Air Fleet Day. The most solemn and important event scheduled for August 18 was the holding of an aviation festival in Moscow, at the Central Airfield named after M.V. Frunze.

The first celebration of Air Fleet Day was held at a high organizational level. Muscovites, guests of the capital, and representatives of foreign countries gathered at the airfield and near it. During the celebration, samples of Soviet aviation technology, the skill and courage of aviators were shown. The air parade was attended by members of the Soviet government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, headed by I.V. Stalin. From this day on, August 18 became a national holiday, however, despite the fact that the Day of the “entire” Air Fleet was declared, that is, all aviation of the USSR, including the aviation of the Navy, Civil Air Fleet, Osoaviakhim, etc., the Air Force of the Red Army and in number , and in terms of the variety of problems solved, they played a leading role in this holiday.

As the importance of other components of the USSR Air Fleet grew, USSR Civil Aviation Day (February 9), Navy Aviation Day, etc. appeared.

It would be logical to assume that the Air Force, called upon to solve combat missions on land and sea theaters of war ( long-range aviation), they will want to have “their own” Day.

Responding to requests from military aviators, the President of the Russian Federation, by his decree No. 949 of August 29, 1997, declared the date August 12 as Air Force Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

However, not everyone knows why this particular date was chosen. After all, the first military pilots appeared in Russia in the summer of 1910, and the first aviation detachments in 1911. The first demonstration of the capabilities of aviation technology in the capital - the “first aviation week” - took place in St. Petersburg in April 1910, and already in May, flight training for Russian aeronautical officers began in the newly created Aviation Department of the Officer Aeronautical School in Gatchina. Since 1914, the aviation department has become the Gatchina military aviation school.

In November 1910, near Sevastopol, on the banks of the river. Kacha, under the patronage of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, the second aviation educational institution: Sevastopol Aviation Officer School, but unlike Gatchina, it functioned on a voluntary basis. Therefore, aircraft for the Gatchina school were purchased abroad by the military department, and aircraft for the Sevastopol school were purchased there, but with voluntary donations from the population.

In 1911, the Main Engineering Directorate (since 1913 - the Main Military-Technical Directorate - GVTU) created the first two aviation squads at aeronautical units. True, flights in them began only in 1912. Thus, the first sprouts of aviation arose in the Aeronautical Service, which belonged to the engineering troops.

However, on July 30 (new style - August 12), 1912, by order of the Minister of War (with the approval of Nicholas II) No. 397, aviation detachments were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate General Staff(GU GS)4. It was significant event, since aviation was officially recognized as an independent “Aviation Service”, which performed reconnaissance and communications tasks in the troops, and independently of the Aeronautical Service.

As a result, from the experimental air squads attached to some aeronautical units, aviation became an independent structural entity with the corresponding position and staff. To manage aviation and aeronautical units, in the fall of 1912, the Aeronautical Department was formed at the Main General Staff, which had an aviation and aeronautical department. Common name department - “aeronautics” should not mislead readers, since the concept of “aeronautics” meant (until about 1920) “flying in the air” in general, regardless of what aircraft, heavier or lighter than air, it was carried out.

Soon, at the end of 1913, decentralization of the control of aviation detachments took place: they were subordinated technically to the GVTU, and organizationally (primarily in terms of recruitment and combat use) to the Main Directorate of the General Staff. In connection with this reorganization, some aviators (and some aviation historians, including modern ones) had the opinion that aviation was again in engineering troops. In fact, according to the plans of the Russian General Staff, in the event of war, aviation detachments were supposed to go to the front and carry out combat reconnaissance and communications missions there, being operationally subordinate to the headquarters of the corps and armies. With the outbreak of the First World War, this is exactly what happened. Therefore, aviation has de facto become a branch of the ground forces.

But, despite this, the status of the Russian Air Force was still not strictly defined, which was one of the reasons for convening Aviation Congresses in the spring and summer of 1917, first soldiers’, and then general, with the participation of officers.

At the congresses it was recommended to celebrate Air Fleet Day on August 2, the Day of the Prophet Elijah. The Bolsheviks, having come to power, calling themselves “militant atheists”, began to oppose this date: it was not fitting for the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Air Force to celebrate its day on a religious holiday.

Therefore, in the twenties, “Aviation Day” began to be celebrated in July, most often timed to coincide with Bastille Day, that is, July 14.

After the first big show of aviation equipment, I.V. Stalin, and it happened on May 21, 1931, the newly appointed head of the Air Force Ya.I. Alksnis thanked the pilots for their excellent flights in front of the leaders of the party, country and army and for the first time called the pilots “Stalin’s falcons.” And in fact, from that time on I.V. Stalin personally took over patronage Soviet aviation, which became the reason for defining it as “Stalinist”.

I.V. Stalin, realizing that a powerful Air Fleet is both the prestige of the country and the education of the younger generation, instructed Ya.I. Alksnis to study the issue of writing new history aviation, in which the leading and guiding role of the Bolshevik Party in its creation was to be shown. It goes without saying that this story should not have mentioned former chairman RVSR L.D. Trotsky and his role in the creation of Soviet military aviation. Following the instructions of I.V. Stalin, Ya.I. Alksnis created a special historical group led by one of the organizers of the Red Air Fleet, M.P. Stroev. This group included former Chairman of the Bureau of Aviation and Aeronautics Commissioners A.V. Mozhaev, former member of the Management Board of the WF of the Republic N.D. Anoshchenko and other participants in the creation of the RKKVVF in 1917-1920.

As a result of the work of the said commission at the end of 1932 - beginning of 1933, several publications about the creation of Soviet military aviation in 1917-1918 appeared in the "Bulletin of the Air Fleet". In addition, in the June 1933 issue of the magazine, in the “Chronicle of the USSR” section, a message was published, the contents of which are given at the beginning of this article.

In some historical documents it is said that the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, headed by K.E. Voroshilov, head of the Red Army Air Force Ya.I. Alksnis and the Air Force leadership, explaining the choice of this date, proceeded from the fact that the second half of August is the most suitable time to celebrate Air Fleet Day, since around this time the Air Force ends summer period training in camps at field airfields and after joint exercises with ground forces return to permanent place deployment, where the holiday is held with the participation of not only the military, but also civil authorities and the public.<…>