MAC has lost confidence. A new structure will investigate aircraft accidents

Almost detective story! And, it seems, with a continuation... In November 2015, the government Russian Federation decided to redistribute the functions of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) between the Ministry of Transport, the Federal Air Transport Agency and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

According to this decision, the functions of determining the procedure for certification of international and commercial airports, types of aircraft and a number of other important aviation systems were transferred to the Ministry of Transport. The certification process and verification of certification requirements must be carried out by specialists from the Federal Air Transport Agency. The Ministry of Industry and Trade received the authority to certify enterprises related to the production of aircraft. And an incomprehensible fuss began.

Pressure came on IAC when, as part of the development of Federal Law-253 of July 21, 2014, amendments were made to Art. 8 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation in terms of vesting the Federal Air Transport Agency with the authority to issue permits to developers and manufacturers of civil aircraft.

No logic

Since the initiators of the changes did not imagine how the “innovations” would begin to work in practice, with the adoption of this law, the previously existing government documents, according to which the IAC acted as an authorized body for the certification of developers and manufacturers in the Russian Federation, were not canceled or changed. And the IAC Aviation Register continued to work in all areas. The final start to the previously adopted decisions was given in November 2015.

According to aviation experts, the situation unfolding around the MAK has no logic behind it. After all, the entire contractual framework with EASA, FAA and ICAO “hangs” on it. When the functions of the Federal Air Transport Agency are transferred, all of it “flies”, not only throughout Russia, but throughout the entire aviation space former USSR. MAC is the regulator of everything post-Soviet space and acts on behalf of all former parts of the Union in the external aviation sphere. Even Ukraine, which, in defiance of Russia (by the way, it was under Viktor Yanukovych) introduced its own register system, later came to its senses and did not break ties with MAK. Having begun the process of creating a national register, it ran into the impossibility of creating an external legal framework in the global aviation space, which the IAC has.

Drawn certificates

At the end of 2015, the head of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, received final decision about the actual liquidation of this institution. It should be noted that Mr. Medvedev has not liked the IAC for a long time. After the crash of the Yak-42 plane in Yaroslavl, we can say that Medvedev stopped the operation of this type of aircraft. POPPY believes: the equipment was in order, but there are questions about the work of the Federal Air Transport Agency. I remember that then an inspection of flight schools began, and someone was caught with fictitious diplomas and false certificates. But the matter was hushed up.

In connection with this disaster, Alexander Neradko, who heads the Federal Air Transport Agency, supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, launched an attack on the MAK. Minister Denis Manturov has his own interest. He repeatedly tried to push through the IAC to issue a developer and manufacturer certificate for JSC Russian Helicopters (VR), which he created. And I regularly received the answer: to carry out certification in accordance with AP-21, it is necessary to prepare necessary documents(including real material production). But the Verkhovna Rada is a bureaucratic superstructure with a staff of about 800 people. Material production, she is a common shareholder in a number of helicopter assets, each of which has its own production certificates

and/or development aviation technology, does not have it on its balance sheet. After several attempts to persuade the MAK management, Manturov, apparently, began to “draw” certificates from the Ministry of Industry and Trade himself. But so far no one outside Russia recognizes them. However, this does not prevent them from selling them at a reasonable price to enterprises, receiving fees for “certification”.

What will destruction lead to?

Also had their interest in “overclocking” the MAC. Federal service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC), which, together with BP, came up with its own system of external “military certification” of repair enterprises. Although it seems that this is a completely illegal action, since in other countries military trade and repair services are regulated in the same way as in the Russian Federation, at the level of special national regulators.

Thus, it turns out that the group of interested parties in the liquidation of MAK is Denis Manturov (Minister of Industry and Trade), the leadership of the FSMTC and Alexander Neradko (Rosaviation), and it was headed by order of Dmitry Medvedev Arkady Dvorkovich. This group organized the raid on MAK.

Undoubtedly, in many areas there are questions about the activities of the MAK and its director Tatyana Anodina. But this cannot be the reason for the destruction of an entire interstate institution on which the entire contractual basis on aviation issues rests. The destruction of MAK will entail the collapse of the entire external contractual base not only for the Russian Federation, but also for the countries of the former USSR.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has moved the switch

Against the backdrop of aspiration Russian authorities integrate the states of the former Union into unified system the collapse of MAK (a ready-made integrator of aviation space) appears to be the absence of any elementary state logic.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade, having encountered big problems in matters of reorganization, has already turned its attention to the Federal Air Transport Agency. And Russia sent out official notification notes that the functions of MAK were transferred to the Federal Air Transport Agency. But I didn’t receive an approving response to any of them.

The organizers of the destruction of MAK did not attach any importance to the fact that aviation security issues are not regulated by notification. There is a two-way principle of recognition of qualifications and other attributes of this area.

The US and the EU have been aligning their positions for eight years, and this is with full favorable attitude. No one knows how long Alexander Neradko will connect them in the current conditions of confrontation between Russia and the West.

To create a contractual framework with EASA, it is necessary to sign an intergovernmental agreement with the European Commission. And here it is big problem, because if at least one EU state is against it, then Russia will not see such an agreement.

And before it’s too late, this process must be stopped urgently. Since the decision was made to transfer to the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation the functions previously performed by IAC, the proper execution of the powers assigned to the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Air Transport Agency in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2015 No. 1283 was not organized.

In the zone high risk

The Russian aviation industry is in a high risk zone of zeroing out the export potential for civil aviation products (SSJ, MS-21 programs, Mi-172, Mi-171A1, Ka-32A11BC helicopters, etc.) at least throughout the entire period of work on recognition new system certification. Considering that in modern world exists high level competition in the aviation sector, it can be assumed that the reformatting of regulation in the aviation field will be used by external competitors both in the global market and to obtain preferences within Russia in exchange for even partial recognition of the new certification system.

To get out of this situation, it would be useful to cancel earlier decisions made and return to the already created system based on MAK, carry out a change of leadership within the framework of Russian law in this organization. And also convene the Council on Aviation and Airspace Use. Approve a new candidate for the post of chairman. Adopt updated rules of procedure for the Council. But professional competence the new leader must be recognized by ICAO and other international aviation structures. Lawyers and effective managers"will not be accepted there.

Interstate aviation committee(IAC) is the executive body of 11 states of the former USSR (Commonwealth of Independent States) for functions and powers delegated by states in the field civil aviation and use of airspace.

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is an agency European Union on regulation and execution of tasks in the field of civil aviation safety.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - Central Authority public administration USA in the field of civil aviation.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) – specialized institution The UN, which sets international standards for civil aviation and coordinates its development to improve safety and efficiency.

The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC of Russia) is a federal executive body of Russia that exercises control and supervision in the field of military-technical cooperation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Established on the basis of the intergovernmental “Agreement on Civil Aviation and the Use of Airspace” signed in December 1991. In accordance with Article 8 of this agreement, the IAC is the executive body ensuring the implementation of decisions of the Council on Aviation and the Use of Airspace, created by the agreement as an international governmental organization. Council sessions are held at least once a quarter, and draft programs and agendas are presented by the Chairman of the IAC and approved by the Council. The Chairman of the IAC is appointed by a resolution of the Council of Heads of Member States Economic Community(since 1991 this position has been held by T. G. Anodina).

Long time The IAC, as the successor to the Soviet Commissions on the use of airspace, air traffic control and state supervision of aircraft safety (in terms of functions agreed upon by the CIS states), dealt with a wide range of issues of certification in civil aviation and investigation of aviation accidents in the interests of sponsor states. About legal status MAC has different opinions, a number of lawyers believe that MAC is not a subject international law and cannot independently exercise any authority, much less state functions of the Russian Federation or another CIS state. At the same time, the IAC, as the executive body of an international governmental organization, and its employees, who are international personnel, cannot be held responsible for the improper performance of their functions before the authorities state power Russian Federation or another CIS state.

Although the certification authority of the IAC in Russia expired in December 2015, AR IAC continues to issue type certificates for interested CIS countries. However, since 2015, the main task of the IAC is to conduct investigations of aviation accidents involving civil aviation aircraft (in

Anodina Tatyana Grigorievna

Chairman of the Interstate Aviation Committee

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (since 1981), Laureate of State Prizes, Honored Scientist, holder of the highest orders of Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, etc. According to Russian legislation, he has the rank of Federal Minister.

She passed all scientific positions from junior researcher to Director of the leading research institute in the field of air navigation, which she headed for 20 years. For more than 10 years she headed the Main Scientific and Technical Directorate of the Ministry. For many years he has held various senior scientific and administrative positions. Carried out teaching activities. Currently collaborating with the Department of International Law at MGIMO.

Initiator of the creation and since 1991, by decision of the Heads of State, Chairman of the Interstate Aviation Committee.

Head of the creation of a system of independent investigation of aviation accidents and international system certification of aviation equipment and airfields, fully harmonized with European and American ones.
MAK is the first regional organization in the field of independent investigation and certification, legal principles and whose experience served as the basis for the creation similar organizations in the European Union (in 2002), Latin America and other regions of the world. In 2010, this principle was enshrined in the standards of Annex 13 to the ICAO Chicago Convention.

IAC has been a member of the international organization of independent investigative bodies ITSA for 10 years (a total of 17 organizations).

With the direct participation of T. Anodina, they were created and certified, including within the framework international projects, new aircraft: Il-86, Il-96, Il-114, An-124, An-70, An-140/148, Ka-32, Tu-204, RRJ and others.

Under her scientific leadership, the first automated systems air traffic control, navigation and landing of aircraft, which are operated in more than 100 airfields and control centers.
Initiator of the USSR's entry into ICAO (190 states of the world) and the transition to international standards in the field of air navigation and technical equipment for airfields and air routes. She was a member of the ICAO specialized committee on the strategy of future air navigation systems based on the use of the global satellite navigation system, which included representatives of 5 states - the USA, France, Australia, Japan, and the USSR.

As part of this strategy adopted by ICAO for international civil aviation, an agreement was reached to recognize the GLONASS system as part of the global satellite system (along with GPS). The results of this work were recognized worldwide scientific achievement. In 1997, T. Anodina was awarded the Highest International Prize in the field of aviation - the E. Warner Prize, as a world-famous scientist, major researcher and organizer of the creation and implementation of national, regional and global satellite technologies for civil use. Since 1959, 31 people have been awarded this Prize.

Over the 20 years of IAC activity, 536 aviation accidents have been investigated in 76 countries. 134 types of aircraft manufactured in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, USA, Canada, Europe, Brazil, etc. are certified. 80 international airfields, 516 types of airfield equipment of Russian and foreign production are certified.

According to Life, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree establishing the International Bureau for the Investigation of Aircraft Accidents and Serious Incidents. The new structure is designed to perform the functions of the IAC, created back in 1991. The new structure will include specialists from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, which are members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The doors to the new international organization are also open to other CIS countries.

Part of the functions of the IAC for certification of aircraft, engines and airfields is planned to be transferred to the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Air Transport Agency.

Thus, according to the instructions of the Prime Minister, the functions of the IAC for certifying types of aircraft will be transferred to the Federal Air Transport Agency, airfields - to the Ministry of Transport, and engines and propellers - to the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Previously, these functions were delegated to the IAC, essentially on a voluntary basis.

The government believes that, unlike the IAC, the new Bureau will conduct investigations not only of accidents, but also of serious incidents that differ not only in consequences, but also in circumstances.

The main function of the new structure is an expert investigation into the circumstances of aviation accidents, says a Life source in the Russian Government.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation notes that after the formation of national air legislation in Russia and other CIS countries, the 1991 agreement on the creation of IAC “largely lost its functions.”

The new structure will include Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Negotiations with countries included in the EurAsEC took place throughout 2018. They were talking about their inclusion in the International Bureau for Aircraft Accidents and Serious Incident Investigation.

According to the executive director of the Aviaport company, Oleg Panteleev, if the creation of a new investigation body takes place without haste, then the new bureau will have time to prepare personnel, scientific, technical and material base for its work. At the same time, maintaining interaction with the IAC in this area will make it possible to use the developments of highly qualified specialists and international contacts.

Life sources in the aviation industry express another version of the creation of the International Bureau for the Investigation of Aircraft Accidents and Serious Incidents under the Eurasian economic union(EAEU). In their opinion, this is how Rosaviatsiya is trying to take control of the system of independent investigations that the MAK has been conducting for 27 years.

Honored Pilot of the Russian Federation, Hero of Russia Magomed Tolboev says that he does not understand why create a new structure for investigating aviation accidents in the CIS countries and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), if competent specialists worked at the IAC.

Experts attribute the problems of the MAC in Russia and its legal status on the territory of the country.

On the one hand, the IAC is the federal executive body of the Russian Federation responsible for investigating aircraft accidents, and on the other hand, it is an interstate structure not accountable to Russia. This is where the legal conflict lies.

The MAC, its officials, as well as the decisions they make are beyond the control of the administrative and judicial system of the Russian Federation. Consequently, the MAC is a supranational body, absolutely free to make any decisions, which excludes legal mechanisms for involving it officials to liability, and also does not allow the use of judicial and administrative means of protection of the violated rights of subjects provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation aviation activities,” lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky explained to Life.

Now the IAC is investigating all aviation accidents involving aircraft of states parties to the agreement, both on their territories and beyond, as well as within the framework of agreements concluded with other states. The main principle of the IAC investigation system is independence, which is in accordance with the recommendations International organization civil aviation (ICAO), International Association air transport (IATA) and the European Community Directive regarding the independent investigation of aviation accidents.

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) was established on December 30, 1991. The parties to this agreement to date are the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

The IAC itself refused to tell Life details about the creation of a new structure.

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) does not comment on decisions of government bodies of the Russian Federation, the IAC told Life.

According to Life, Russia may announce its withdrawal from the IAC at the next meeting of the executive committee, which will lead to a chain reaction.

It cannot be ruled out that, following Russia, representatives of other participating countries will announce their withdrawal from the IAC founders. Then the organization will simply cease to exist,” said Life’s interlocutor familiar with the situation.

The abbreviation MAK often appears in news feeds and on news websites, in connection with aviation topics, as well as investigations of major plane crashes. Let's try to understand the activities and purpose of this department, what it does, what powers it has.

The official website of the International Aviation Committee positions its work as serving to achieve safety and systematic development of civil aviation, as well as increasing effective use aviation space of all states that have become participants in this program.

History of creation. Development process

Created at the end of 1991 between 12 independent states former USSR, on the basis of a special agreement, the interstate aviation committee began to monitor and control compliance with the following standards:

  • uniform aviation rules;
  • a unified certification system for the use and production of airliners;
  • airworthiness standards;
  • assessment of the category of airfields and their equipment;
  • independent investigation of aircraft crashes and incidents;
  • organization together with the coordination of airspace development and management.

In the summer of 1992, the IAC Aviation Committee was included in the list of intergovernmental organizations, which confirms its activities as complying with all international and national legislation of the participating countries.

Sign on the MAK building

Main participating countries

Today it includes interstate committee consists of eleven states. Here is their list:

  1. Armenia;
  2. Kyrgyzstan;
  3. Kazakhstan;
  4. Azerbaijan;
  5. Belarus;
  6. Russia;
  7. Moldova;
  8. Uzbekistan;
  9. Turkmenistan;
  10. Tajikistan;
  11. Ukraine.

Main activities of the Committee

Of course, with such a vast territory covered by the participating countries, the activities of the committee are very diverse. Let's dwell on its main directions.

Certification of aviation equipment production

To ensure safety and airworthiness, a regulatory framework for phased certification was created, adapted to many world standards.

It is according to this that not only aircraft and aircraft engines of the participating countries are certified, but also their elements. Upon completion of this procedure, a single certificate is issued, valid and recognized in the territory of these countries, but also in the following states:

  • Canada;
  • Iran;
  • India;
  • China;
  • European Union;
  • Brazil;
  • Egypt;
  • Mexico;
  • Indonesia and others.

Assessment and certification of airfields and their equipment

The created base of rules, approved by all countries that are members of the interstate committee, allows it to issue certificates for all types of airfields accepted throughout the territory of operation of this structure.

Conducting independent investigations

The IAC conducts investigations into air crashes when they occur on all airliners of the participating countries, not only on their territory, but also outside it. The main principle is the independence of the research conducted, as recommended in international practice.

Coordinating the development of civil aviation

The formation and implementation of interstate policy, the creation of economic interest, accessible competitive ability is the most significant part of the work of the IAC. This includes the following areas of cooperation:

  • training of high-level specialists;
  • development of tariff policy;
  • simplification of customs procedures;
  • interaction in emergency situations;
  • aeromedicine;
  • countering aviation terrorism and more.

Headquarters building in Moscow

Restriction of activities and deprivation of many powers

For more than 23 years, the International Aviation Committee has conducted accident investigations and certification of airliners, airfields and airlines. But after certain circumstances, at the end of 2015, by decree of the Russian Government, almost all certification activities were transferred to the Ministry of Transport and the Federal Air Transport Agency, and the MAK was deprived of its powers. Despite this, the Committee continues its work.

Reasons for distrust

One of the areas of work of the IAC was conducting investigations of aviation accidents. It was mistrust in the results of these investigations that was the reason for the limitation and redistribution of the committee’s powers between other structures Russian aviation. Let's look at some of them.

1997, route Irkutsk-Phan Rang

After takeoff, the plane crashed into a residential area, and the reason was the failure of three out of four engines at once. The IAC cited overloading of the airliner as the main reason, along with pilot error. He also carried out certification of this vessel a little earlier. Experts agree that the main cause of the fall is engine failure.

Tu-154M on the Crimean Peninsula

In the fall of 2001, during joint military exercises on the Crimean Peninsula, a Sibir Airlines plane was shot down by a Ukrainian missile. Despite the findings of the IAC, the Kyiv court rejected the carrier’s claim for damages, citing their unreliability. In the end financial matters have not been resolved to date.

MAK showed how recorders are deciphered

Route Yerevan - Sochi 2006

More than 120 people died when an Armavia airliner crashed over the Black Sea. The Interstate Committee points out the inadequate actions of the pilots as the main reason. Experts point to the lack of information in the committee’s report about the quality of the airfield’s meteorological equipment, which could have been the main cause of this disaster.

Flight from Poland 2010

A government plane from Warsaw crashed in Smolensk with 96 passengers on board. Despite the participation of foreign specialists in the investigation, the IAC in its final report indicates the main cause of the disaster was the incorrect actions of the pilots and their insufficient training. The Polish group, along with other experts, point out the technical shortcomings of the Severny airfield in Smolensk.

The main complaints against MAK

In his book, test pilot V. Gerasimov highlights a number of main complaints about the work of the interstate committee in the investigation of aircraft accidents, which became the main reasons for limiting this activity:

  • delaying the investigation, up to several years;
  • Certification of ships and investigation of the causes of the crash by the same organization leads to unreliable and ineffective conclusions;