Best twin compatibility. Compatibility of Gemini with other zodiac signs


Like most zodiac signs, perfect union For Gemini, it can happen with the constellation located opposite in the astrological circle. This is Sagittarius, representative of the element of Fire. Sagittarians are very integral individuals, but at the same time they are quite calm and non-conflicting. They somewhat pacify the frivolous Gemini, compensating for some of their carelessness with their reliability and responsibility. They are ready to take care of Gemini and can come to terms with their inconstancy. Gemini values ​​love of life and energy in representatives of this fire sign. These qualities are also present in Gemini, in which the signs - opposites are very similar. Therefore, the union can develop very successfully. The same as with other representatives of the fire element - Leos and Aries.

Gemini gets along well with the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The union can be strong if Gemini comes to terms with the excessive secrecy and mystery of Capricorns, the stubbornness of Taurus and the pedantry of Virgos. All these qualities are little known to the representative of the element of Air and can irritate if they are expressed too clearly in earth signs. If Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus are not too typical, the listed qualities are represented in them, but do not dominate, the relationship can be very successful.

Relationships in which two air signs are present, such as Gemini and Aquarius, Gemini and the Twins, Gemini and Libra, start off very brightly. Representatives of the Air element are energetic and easy-going. They love to learn new things that make them similar to their partner. They go on extreme trips together, jump with a parachute, and have fun with friends. They have a lot in common, which at the first stage allows you to create a strong pair. But then, when the time comes for one of the partners to be responsible for the family, disagreements begin. Air signs too frivolous to constantly solve everyday issues, raise children, etc. Therefore, marriages often break up, Geminis go in search of more responsible partners who can take on everything everyday problems.

Gemini sign unions water element- Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios rarely turn out well. These signs are too focused on themselves and their goals. They cannot forgive Gemini for their varied hobbies. They don’t understand why waste time if you can direct all your energy to achieve success in one thing. In addition, Cancers and Scorpios have quite complex character, they are very easy to offend. And Geminis rarely follow their words, constantly saying something that displeases water signs. Successful relationships can only develop in those couples where Gemini builds an alliance with Scorpio, born at the end of November. He already has enough Sagittarius qualities, ideal partner for an air sign.

Gemini is one of the most feminine signs. Freedom and independence are his main values. The compatibility of Gemini women with other signs is low, but the chances of happy love and there is always a successful marriage.

Women of this sign are cold, changeable and light as air. They easily make new acquaintances, but quickly lose interest in their partner.

Looking at the Gemini girl, you can endlessly admire her grace and lightness. The air element endowed her with the ability to create, a rich imagination and quick reaction. But such women rarely stay at home and deal with household issues. They need to be constantly surprised.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so the rational side of women of this sign is stronger than the emotional side.

The influence of the year of birth on the character of Gemini

The Chinese horoscope states that the year in which a person was born affects not only his character, but also his destiny.

How do the characteristics of Gemini differ depending on the year of birth?

  • The Rat is smart, resourceful, but often too harsh with loved ones. For all her energy and resourcefulness, it is rarely comfortable to be with her, so her personal life is not always happy;
  • The Ox is witty and easy to talk to. But in life she really likes to plan everything. The first place for such a woman will always be work;
  • Tiger - best friend. She will give advice, help, encourage. For her there are no “strangers” and “friends”. But, helping everyone around her, she herself needs help and consolation no less than others. And there is very little energy and time left for loved ones;
  • A girl born under the sign of Gemini-Rabbit (Cat) is loving. But she rarely comes across men who are ready to marry. Perhaps that is why the process is important to her, not the result;
  • The snake is modest and calm. But at the decisive moment he will not miss his goal. The excessive coldness of this combination often repels men;
  • Those born in the year of the Horse are distinguished by their hard work and sincerity. They easily cope with any difficulties, everything in their career goes like clockwork. They also try to take love milestones unceremoniously, but this rarely succeeds. Next to them they see ideal man, which often takes a lifetime to find. And even after the wedding, there remains a slight feeling of dissatisfaction with your choice;
  • Gemini-Goat women easily create a family, are faithful to their husbands, caring and gentle. Compatibility with other signs in marriage is most favorable;
  • The cheerfulness of the Gemini-Monkey will help you get out of any trouble as a winner. Their strong character will help you achieve success, but will not be the key to a happy marriage;
  • Gemini-Rooster is distinguished by a flexible mind and distrust. Girls of this sign have to constantly overcome obstacles;
  • Gemini-Dogs are smart, honest and open to everything new. A woman of this sign is usually faithful to her chosen one, but her amorousness can ruin the strongest relationships;
  • Confident Gemini-Pig loves noisy parties and holidays. Girls of this sign attract attention and make a strong first impression. But long-term relationships rarely work out;
  • Gemini-Dragon is a successful sign. The powerful energy and charm of this girl make it easy to control other people, especially men. Often such a person dominates in a relationship, and therefore needs strong man near.

What kind of men will a Gemini girl prefer in love?

The compatibility of the Gemini girl with other signs is influenced not only by the stars. Great value has the attitude of the woman herself to happy marriage and a long-term relationship with a specific man.

Gemini and Aries

Such a couple can only develop on the basis of strong passion. Even after a few years, the relationship between them will be full of tenderness and romance. This love will be cemented by true friendship and complete mutual understanding.

The main problem is jealousy. The Gemini girl will never be able to understand that flirting with other men is the height of recklessness. A scene of jealousy will be guaranteed for her.

The reason for the rupture of their union may be a mutual desire to be free.

Easy, non-binding relationships are often short-lived. And even a wedding will not stop each of them from slamming the door at any attempt on his life. privacy and personal independence.

Gemini and Taurus

At first glance, they are an ideal couple. But this apparent prosperity is short-lived. They are too different. The Gemini woman will not understand the desires of the practical and earthly Taurus. She will soon become bored with him. The sexual relationship of such a couple rarely turns out to be long-lasting. Gloomy Taurus simply does not understand the unpredictability and frivolity of his companion. In love, the main thing for him is constancy. He needs reliable rear And faithful wife. The woman initiates the divorce because she quickly gets bored with household chores and monotonous chores.

Gemini - Gemini

Passion and complete mutual understanding will be replaced by coldness and conflicts. The obvious compatibility of a Gemini woman and a Gemini man is expressed in their common main feature: unpredictability.

Smart and insightful, Geminis rarely give free rein to their emotions. The rational nature of both will force them to analyze each other’s actions and constantly doubt the correctness of the decision. This problem can be avoided if you trust your partner as you trust yourself.

Gemini and Cancer

The basis of their relationship is ideal sexual compatibility. But with a closed Cancer it will be difficult to find points of emotional contact. Geminis are too busy with themselves and their own affairs, so even after several years of marriage, these close people will be infinitely far from each other.

In order for the union to become happy, Cancers need to learn to trust their partner and open their souls to him. And a girl under the auspices of Mercury simply needs to sometimes turn off her head and listen to her heart.

The Cancer man needs a safe haven physically and psychologically, so a woman must learn to create family comfort.

Gemini and Leo

The compatibility of a Gemini woman and a Leo man is one of the highest. However, a long-term relationship of this couple is possible only if their meeting took place in mature age, after 35 years, when both had already become more tolerant and wiser.

Freedom-loving Geminis will take a long time to tame jealous Leos. For men of this sign, a woman turns into property: they will please their soul mate, but also demand complete and unconditional submission from her.

Gemini and Virgo

The compatibility of Gemini paired with Virgo will largely depend on their common interests. They should be united by some kind of joint business or hobby. The love of this couple, like a fine wine, must ripen. She rarely appears at first sight.

If marriage takes place, it most often happens after several years of acquaintance and strong friendship. Their relationship after marriage is happy. Children from this union have extraordinary charm and charisma.

Gemini and Libra

Venus patronizes Libra men, endowing them with simply cosmic charm. And Gemini can't resist. Romantic Libra knows how to look after and spares neither money nor time for their beloved.

But their unions rarely become durable: when passions subside, routine and monotony come. Both cannot stand this, so they part ways with a light heart.

Gemini and Scorpio

The love story of this couple always begins in a very unusual way.

Scorpio is a favorite of women. This is not surprising: in modern conditions It’s rare to meet someone with whom you can experience so many exciting adventures and unforgettable moments.

The romance between Gemini and Scorpio usually develops slowly and interestingly, more and more reminiscent of the plot of some famous film or play about true love. Most often with a happy ending.

Gemini and Sagittarius

IN cheerful companies this couple will become irreplaceable. Together they can create a mood of happiness and fun, sprinkle witty jokes and anecdotes. And the two of them are very comfortable. The compatibility of a Gemini woman with a Sagittarius man is high both mentally and physically.

Like all opposite signs of the zodiac, the union of these two people is bright, but short-lived. The stumbling block will be the inability to give in to each other. Each of them comes first for himself. And only the desire to hear and understand the partner can save the couple.

Gemini and Capricorn

The horoscope says unequivocally to this union: “No!” The compatibility of these zodiac signs is too low. But if they are visited by the present and strong feeling, then everything is possible.

Despite the fact that it is difficult for them together, Capricorn can take on the function of a father in this union: he will manage and guide, teach and educate. If the girl allows herself to be controlled, the relationship will continue. But such a couple will not be able to develop.

Gemini and Aquarius

At first glance, the light and open Gemini woman is completely compatible with the freedom-loving Aquarius. They will be able to understand and forgive each other’s mistakes, and sexually their sensuality is limitless.

The main problems will open up when the guy and the girl stop idealizing each other. Several years will pass before passions subside and mutual grievances take center stage. Then the reason for the breakup could be some trifle.

Gemini and Pisces

The zodiac horoscope does not imply absolute harmony and mutual understanding of these signs among themselves. Pisces' gaze is directed inward to themselves; they are of little interest in what is happening inside another, even if loved one. A man of this sign likes to dream and does not like to do, and the girl in this pair is not satisfied with such impracticality.

In such a union, the roles are mixed: the woman is the boss, the man is the subordinate. As long as this state of affairs suits both and the main quality of each is tolerance, years of happy life will pass. family life. But such unions most often break up after decades of marriage.

Air passions in the world of the Zodiac. Gemini, compatibility with other signs

Perhaps the most restless and dual sign ruled by Mercury. Lively and extraordinary, does not tolerate criticism, rudeness and prodding. In love, as in business, as in everything else, Geminis do not look for difficult paths. They do not accept jealousy, although there are many reasons for its appearance. Gemini is a zodiac sign whose compatibility with other signs is determined by the latter’s ability to make compromises, to be a strong and original person. Geminis are afraid of their partner's excessive emotionality. The duplicity of this constellation can be explained by the duality of the sign, its ability to “put on” the right mask, adapting to everyone, but this does not mean at all that they do not have character, that they will always adapt to their partner. Knowing how to do it and doing it are two different things, just like the zodiac sign Gemini itself.

Compatibility with representatives of the element of Fire
  • Aries. A very positive couple. Both are cheerful, looking for entertainment, joy and pleasure from life. If Aries does not get tired of the peculiar Gemini, then the couple can lay claim to a harmonious, lasting marriage. In any case, diplomatic representatives air element They can always come to an agreement. The sexual emancipation of the signs in this union also plays an important role.
  • Lion. A good combination for both. One of the most harmonious couples of the Zodiac. Of course, if Gemini stops their intrigues on different fronts and focuses only on their Leo. In turn, Leo will react with admiration to the sexual games and experiments brought to life by the restless Gemini. Advice to the latter: let Leos dominate in relationships - you won’t regret it!
  • Sagittarius. Gemini is a zodiac sign with which fire signs are ideally compatible, but this does not apply to Sagittarius. Passion for travel, diversity in the sexual sphere, originality of both - this is what will make the union harmonious and lasting. Criticism, inconstancy, restlessness - these are the disadvantages of the couple that have to be worked on. The trouble is that in this poorly compatible couple, hardly anyone will want to fight for the relationship. The duet is good for friendship and creative cooperation. Just as a family union is easily created, it is also easily destroyed.

Compatibility with representatives of the elements of Earth

  • Taurus. This couple is poorly compatible. Taurus is too boring in bed and conservative in life, according to Gemini, and besides, he is possessive, and Gemini does not like it when someone limits their freedom. Mutual discontent is guaranteed.
  • Virgo. Impulsive and energetic experimenters, Gemini seems frivolous and untrustworthy to Virgo. In turn, Gemini considers Virgo boring and tedious and does not tolerate her dominance. A marriage can be more or less successful only when Virgo is a woman and Gemini is a man.
  • Capricorn. Partners who are too different are unlikely to live together. The practitioner Capricorn is slow and judicious; Gemini, on the contrary, is flighty, fickle and energetic. According to Capricorn, they behave defiantly. In bed, too, the picture of incompatibility is obvious.

Compatibility with representatives of the Air element

  • Twins. Zodiac sign, which has every chance of being compatible with its sign. And be harmonious. Both are easy-going, active and cheerful. True, both easily start new relationships “on the side” and are not averse to flirting. Marriage has a chance of success.
  • Aquarius. Gemini is an Air sign, like Aquarius. Equally independent and freedom-loving. Passion for adventure, outbursts of emotions, tenderness and sympathy - everything will be in the marriage of two air representatives.
  • Scales. A wonderful compatible couple. Both are undemanding, passionate, light and free. An ideal couple, a happy union.

Compatibility with representatives of the element of Water

  • Cancer. Gemini is the zodiac sign with which compatibility has surpassed representatives water world on the other hand, even Gemini’s ability to adapt to any person does not help here. Cancer is overly emotional for Gemini. The possessive habits of the first irritate the second.
  • Scorpion. There is no question of compatibility here, only sexual relations. But this is not enough for a strong connection. A jealous Scorpio will cause a storm of protest. The relationship may end in open hostility.
  • Fish. They are too suspicious and distrustful of Geminis. Both signs love to flirt and have relationships on the side. The relationship is unlikely to develop successfully and last long, although all the prerequisites for this exist.

According to the horoscope of compatibility with the Gemini woman, anything can await you, except for one thing: you will never get bored with her! And how can you be bored next to a person who is so many-sided that it is difficult to understand: which of her many faces is real? Perhaps this is the image of a wonderful housewife and caring mother, from which the comfort of a home emanates? Or the face of a desperate traveler, whose energy can only be satisfied by a tour for extreme sports enthusiasts, with kayaking along the stormy rivers and conquering mountain peaks?

Or maybe a real Gemini woman is that spiritual person who modestly sits at a concert classical music or listening with bated breath to a lecture on cybernetics? Or is it a sexy and witty conqueror of men's hearts in an extravagant outfit? Or a housewife throwing a tantrum at you over nothing?

Oddly enough, both the one and the other, and the third are integral parts of the changeable image of the Gemini woman. If you stay with her long enough, you can be sure that you will face all these (and more) aspects of her!

And here you will have to decide what you expect from your beloved. Predictability or at least stability? Then you don’t belong next to a Gemini woman. If the very thought that instead of one beloved you will have at least a dozen of them excites your blood, feel free to propose marriage to the unpredictable Twin. Perhaps her inner world will forever remain a mystery to you, but most of the men you know will be openly jealous of you.

According to the compatibility of the Gemini woman, she is interested in everything new, exciting the imagination. Listen to her advice more often! It is natural for a woman of this type to continue her career after marriage, and her husband should treat this with understanding. True, as a rule, Geminis manage to combine home and work. True, keep in mind: conquering an inquisitive Gemini and even getting her as a wife is not as difficult as accustoming her to the idea that your marriage is not just her next adventure, but an adventure designed for the long term.

Indeed, Gemini can be so sociable, witty, seductive and active that it is foolish to think that the men around can remain indifferent to this. If you remember the changeability of the Gemini woman, it becomes clear that you will have to spend a lot of effort to convince her of your own irreplaceability and uniqueness.

However, if you find the strength to share at least some of the many interests of the Gemini woman, for example, going with her to visit friends, to football and to the theater, and are also ready to patiently endure her regular outbursts of anger (Gemini is very hot-tempered) , you have every chance to win her heart forever.

And it’s worth fighting for, because, despite all her qualities that are not very convenient for family life, the Gemini Woman has many talents. She is easy to talk to and can entertain anyone, even the Pope, with conversation, and in her role as a hospitable hostess she will make an indelible impression on her guests. One can only envy her erudition and erudition, and at the same time she is capable of being surprisingly sentimental and romantic. In other words, the Gemini woman, woven from contradictions, virtues and small weaknesses, is a living illustration of the saying about the incomprehensible female logic.

In terms of compatibility in love and marriage, the Gemini woman is an interesting, multifaceted personality - she has good intuition, does not waste time on trifles, builds a career and at the same time looks for her soul mate. She is smart, dreamy, kind and demanding, flexible and unyielding. She will be both an excellent comrade and an excellent wife - but only on the condition that there is spiritual closeness and mutual understanding between you.

The Gemini woman is smart, has a great sense of taste and an equally great sense of humor. Life next to her will keep you in constant good shape, and each new day will give you new sensations, since it will be completely different from the previous one.

Gemini Woman with Other Signs

Gemini woman and Aries man- An Aries man can be good partner for a Gemini woman, as they are both very cheerful, laid-back and active! Aries loves to be the initiator of relationships and can shower a woman with romance like a “knight in shining armor.” And she will definitely appreciate his advances. Partners can count on a long-term and happy relationship if the man accepts the unpredictability of the Gemini woman.

Gemini woman and Taurus man- A Taurus man, as a rule, does not best choice for a Gemini woman. Purposeful and stable, in the eyes of a woman he most often looks too simple, strict or even boring and incapable of entertainment. In addition, Taurus is a big owner, and the Gemini woman does not like a man to limit her independence. Therefore, it is unlikely that they will have a successful union.

Gemini woman and Gemini man- Impulsive and energetic Geminis find it very difficult to be together, even though they have a lot in common. Love for freedom and independence does not allow them to establish serious relationship, in which there is no way to escape mutual obligations. Therefore, their couple is doomed to constant conflicts and heated showdowns, as a result of which they simply tire of each other and cannot be together.

Gemini woman and Cancer man- A long-term relationship between a Cancer man and a Gemini woman is unlikely, since they are too different. The only thing that can attract them to each other is good sexual compatibility. However, most often this is not enough to establish mutual understanding between them. Therefore, the role of friends or lovers rather than spouses is more suitable for them.

Gemini woman and Leo man- A fiery Leo man most often becomes an excellent partner for a Gemini woman. They both tend to be on top of fashion and look amazing. Leo can give a woman the stability she needs. At the same time, he is not inclined to limit her freedom. The Gemini woman will be an excellent conversationalist and a true admirer of Leo, who loves and appreciates attention.

Gemini woman and Virgo man- People of these zodiac signs are ruled by Mercury, so they certainly have something in common. However, while the Gemini woman can find common ground even in seemingly unrelated things, the discerning Virgo man can find differences even in the same things. When these positions are transferred to daily life, the Virgo man may seem too moralizing and picky. They are too different and are unlikely to be together.

Gemini woman and Libra man- People of these signs may not seem very similar at first glance, but in fact they have very good compatibility. They get along very well with each other and their union is based on mutual respect and understanding. This is one of those rare couples that is distinguished not only by love, but also by strong friendship. For a Gemini woman and a Libra man, this relationship will be very successful because all their needs will be satisfied by that one special person who is always there.

Gemini woman and Scorpio man- Despite all their differences, people of these signs are literally attracted to each other, although for different reasons. First of all, they have very good sexual compatibility. However, transferring it into everyday life can be very difficult. If the Scorpio man is unwilling to open up to his beloved, cannot expand the boundaries of his trust and give her freedom, the Gemini woman will ultimately leave him.

Gemini woman and Sagittarius man- The “fiery” Sagittarius man is the complete opposite of the “airy” Gemini woman. But sometimes opposites attract. And this is probably one of those cases. And despite the big differences, they have a lot in common. Both partners are lifelong seekers and love to learn and teach. They love to travel and explore new horizons, which makes their life rich, vibrant and unusual.

Gemini woman and Capricorn man- The relationship between a Capricorn man and a Gemini woman is nothing more than a union of contradictions. Any connection between them always begins with contradictions; their life together, which, unfortunately, rarely lasts long, is built on contradictions. Perhaps the only chance to preserve the union between people of these signs is to establish strong intimacy and mutual understanding. The Capricorn man must be more flexible in his relationship with his chosen one, while the Gemini woman must accept the moral standards by which the man lives.

Gemini woman and Aquarius man- In this couple, both partners love freedom, so they are ready to provide each other with the necessary personal space. They share a desire to explore new horizons, travel and meet new people. However, since they are both unpredictable, their relationship may not always run smoothly. But in general, this union can be called quite successful, since the Aquarius man and Gemini woman understand each other very well and know what each of them wants from this relationship.

Gemini woman and Pisces man- In these relationships there is almost complete sexual compatibility. Otherwise, everything is far from so smooth. At first, the Gemini woman may be attracted to the sensitivity and romanticism of the Pisces man. However, it will be difficult for her to understand his constant need to be sure that he is loved and in demand. Gemini woman wants to go out and enjoy everyone public life, while a man born under the sign of Pisces is quite shy and loves to be in the world of his own fantasies.

According to the horoscope of compatibility with the Gemini woman, anything can await you, except for one thing: you will never get bored with her! And how can you be bored next to a person who is so many-sided that it is difficult to understand: which of her many faces is real?

Perhaps this is the image of a wonderful housewife and caring mother, from which the comfort of a home emanates? Or the face of a desperate traveler, whose energy can only be satisfied by a tour for extreme sports enthusiasts, with kayaking on wild rivers and conquering mountain peaks?

Compatibility of Gemini woman - Taurus man

In terms of compatibility, the Gemini woman and the Taurus man are very different, and this attracts them to each other. Mutual interest appears immediately, upon first meeting.

In this couple, everyone sees the benefits that come from their union. And then it all depends on whether they will focus on incompatible traits or become partners that complement each other. ..

Compatibility of Gemini woman - Gemini man

The union of sociable, energetic, restless Geminis does not fit into the usual framework. Gemini the twins in compatibility is a pair of two similar people– curious, active and smart. Due to excessive independence and love for unlimited freedom, problems often arise in their relationships. In general, no matter how long this relationship lasts, both of them will remember it for the rest of their lives.

In terms of compatibility, a Gemini man and a Gemini woman understand each other well and build relationships based on common interests: Geminis are not blessed with a particularly sensitive soul or sexual passion. A union in which there is a lot of friendship is more suitable for them than a passionate emotional attachment. Love in her pure form"tires Gemini, but next to the same rational person like themselves, they find their happiness...

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Cancer man

Compatibility between Gemini woman and Cancer man - this is a very strange and not very suitable couple: a woman open to the outside world, keenly interested in everything around her and a homely, reserved man.

In these relationships, physical attraction comes first: in bed, the Gemini woman and the Cancer man feel that they are made for each other, they are so at ease and comfortable together. And the best part is that the feeling of novelty may not leave their union many months later.

In ordinary life they are too different, each with their own dreams and goals. The cautious Cancer man and the restless Gemini woman have completely different paces of life - they even at different speeds walk and talk - and who would have thought that it was this dissimilarity that would become the basis for their sexual harmony...

Compatibility of Gemini woman - Leo man

Compatibility between Gemini woman and Leo man- this marriage union has not only a strong physical attraction, but also many common interests. Immediately after the wedding, boredom disappears from home and there is no need for detective stories, validol, valerian, caffeine and others medicines. Everyone is rejoicing. During the period of courtship, before marriage, Gemini is blinded by the splendor and generosity of Leo, and the latter is impressed by the lightness and mobility, playfulness and gaiety, wit and eloquence of the former.

True, after the stormy beginning of life together, there is often a certain cooling of feelings, sometimes reaching a crisis, the reason for which, as a rule, is the negative character traits and disposition of Gemini, especially their indecision, which irritates Leo, superficial feelings, criticality or endless delays ...

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Virgo man

Compatibility between Gemini woman and Virgo man- this marriage union consists of a mixture of the vital elixir of Virgos and the nervous blades of Gemini. How Virgos can even find themselves in union with Gemini, these “multi-colored, shiny butterflies” is simply incomprehensible. This surprises not only their friends and relatives, but also the whole the world around us and even scientific astrologers. There are too many differences in their characters and morals, and they need a lot of patience and a great desire to change themselves in order to understand each other. Although in some ways the Gemini woman and the Virgo man immediately find common language.

Despite the fact that this is a rather complex union, at the same time, it is also very promising. Excellent business cooperation, good and useful friendship is possible between these signs...

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Libra man

Compatibility between Gemini woman and Libra man- this is the most fabulous, far from everyday life, airy and light union. You will rarely meet a happier couple than Gemini and Libra when they found each other.

There is perfect mutual understanding and harmony between them, they do not bind each other to anything from the material world, but they will never part, because they are united by love.

This union may seem strange to others, but it occurs quite often in life. The fact is that, despite all the dissimilarities in the characters of the Libra man and the Gemini woman, they are united by such common features character, such as emotionality and mood swings. Thanks to this, they understand each other perfectly...

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Scorpio man

Compatibility between Gemini woman and Scorpio man- it is difficult to find more dissimilar people. It is difficult for them to find a common language. A passionate and persistent Scorpio man and a charming “icy girl” - Gemini are capable of making each other unhappy.

This couple can only be united by a community of interests and business cooperation, co-authorship.

There may be both physical and spiritual harmony between them, but their marriage will always be very problematic. Their life together will constantly be complicated and darkened on the part of the Gemini woman - her elusive temper, endless girlfriends and eternal wanderings around the world, and on the part of the Scorpio man - by his strong and possessive character, painful jealousy and eternal suspicions, constant disputes and quarrels , showdowns, scandals...

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Sagittarius man

Compatibility between Gemini woman and Sagittarius man- these are real halves of one whole.

Most opposite signs complement each other well, but have different character, temperament and habits. Gemini and Sagittarius are interested in the same things, they have the same tastes, they notice the same things. The only difference is the divergent assessment of all this.

The relationship in this bright couple cannot be called traditional: both the Sagittarius man and the Gemini woman are extremely independent natures who are not too inclined towards family or marriage. As a rule, they do not demand oaths of eternal fidelity from each other and are in no hurry to submit an application to the registry office, however, it is the feeling of freedom in the relationship that gradually binds them more and more to each other...

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Capricorn man

“They came together: water and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire” - this phrase seems to be specially created in order to illustrate this marriage union. In terms of compatibility between a Gemini woman and a Capricorn man, there is a big plus in the relationship between the impetuous, independent Gemini, who does not recognize any boundaries, and the conservative Capricorn, who strives to create a family: their opposite qualities largely complement each other.

So this union has a chance, unless the partners begin to remake each other, but clearly distribute responsibilities in the family among themselves. In any case, only a solid, reliable and wise Capricorn can be the guarantor of the stability of this marriage. If the Gemini woman is much younger than the Capricorn man or both partners are already over forty, then such a union has even more prospects...

Compatibility of Gemini woman - Aquarius man

Compatibility between Gemini woman and Aquarius manis a union of two similar people. Not only friendship and cooperation are possible between them, but even a very noticeable and funny marriage union - with original ideas, ideas and plans, with knowledge of the secrets of the art of love and sex. As a marriage union, it is, of course, lively and lively, frisky and ardent, but, unfortunately, very, very unsecured, because the material side is weak for both one and the other. The partners do not pursue titles or titles, completely rejecting the hoarding and petty-bourgeois lifestyle.

It seems like they were specially created for each other. Often their love occurs “at first sight.” And there is nothing surprising here, both are ready to flutter like two moths, coo like doves, especially under the veil of secrets of moonlit nights, which, most often, end in the fun of free intimate contacts...

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Pisces man

Compatibility between Gemini woman and Pisces man- the dreamy philosopher Pisces man and the expansive Gemini woman are so different that it seems that nature created them with the intention that their paths would never cross. Usually they do not intersect, but there are exceptions to any rule.

The relationship between Gemini and Pisces is full of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Pisces is a symbol of intuition and fantasy, and Gemini is a symbol of reason and erudition. It is difficult for them to find common ground. If for some reason they do get together, the union promises to be original and bright...