Physiological compatibility of partners. Sexual compatibility of men and women

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Every woman's dream is to meet her soul mate with whom she can create happy family and live “in sorrow and joy” until your gray hairs. And your significant other will indeed “knock on your door” one day, but not everyone can live together until their gray hairs - some family boats go to the bottom. And all because there is no “foundation” of the relationship – compatibility between spouses.

What is it and how to find harmony in marriage?

What is compatibility in the relationship of spouses - signs of complete compatibility and harmony in marriage

The term “compatibility” in this case can be used to describe a multi-level “pyramid” in which all levels are interdependent and intersecting.

The main ones:

  • Physiological compatibility. Initially, it occurs at the first mutual sympathy. This includes the understanding that you like everything about a person - his appearance, his smell, his gestures and facial expressions, his manner of speech and gait, and so on.
  • Point 1 also includes intimacy. Or compatibility. The satisfaction received by both partners indicates their compatibility.
  • Psychological compatibility. It has a serious meaning and powerfully influences them, regardless of the presence/absence of physical compatibility. In general, without going into philosophical reasoning, the essence of this type of compatibility can be expressed in one phrase - “they understand each other perfectly.”
  • Intelligent compatibility. It is also of considerable importance, given that well-read person with serious intellectual capabilities, constantly searching for new ways for self-development, simply will not be able to build his life for a long time with a partner with whom there is nothing to talk about except about the menu for tomorrow. This type of compatibility includes common interests, harmony in joint leisure time, watching movies and listening to music, discussing news, etc.
  • Household compatibility. He never screws up his toothpaste cap and leaves it on the sink, and she doesn't like to wash dishes in the evening. He brews a tea bag 2-3 times, but she prefers to drink steeped tea. He loves to waste money and lives one day at a time, she is a great saver. Everyday incompatibility breaks family boats into pieces, sometimes in the very first year of marriage. And sometimes simply because dishes are left in the sink every morning.
  • Social psychological compatibility. A story from the “prince and the pauper” section. She is a girl from the working class, he is a representative of the golden youth. This union is doomed to failure in 80% of cases. In addition, the environment of each partner, status, communication environment, etc. also matters.

Signs of compatibility in marriage

How can you understand that you are two halves who have come together like puzzles in life, and not strangers who will one day discover that they have nothing in common?

What are the signs of compatibility?

  • You are spiritually compatible. Your goals, needs, views and opinions, interests and attitudes are united and consistent.
  • You are compatible in character and emotional properties , and are able to exist in a single household space without conflicts.
  • You are united in matters of raising children and organization of family functions.
  • You get mutual pleasure from intimacy and simply from the presence of a partner next to you, and your temperaments (appetites) are the same.
  • You have no disagreements on issues of nationality and religion.
  • You have normal and smooth relationships with your relatives partner (mutual).

To summarize, we can say that complete compatibility of partners is their compatibility in all areas of life and aspects.

If there is a match less than 70-80% talk about poor compatibility and high risk divorce.

Factors of psychological compatibility of partners - what ensures harmony in the relationship between spouses?

As noted above, psychological compatibility is most important in the life of spouses together. A happy union is built on the stability of relationships, which are impossible in the absence of all the components of psychological compatibility.

What factors ensure harmony in the psychology of marital relationships?

  1. Emotional side.
  2. The degree of attachment of spouses to each other.
  3. Degree of social maturity.
  4. Psychophysical level of spouses. It is ideal when a couple has the same temperament, biological rhythm of life, and peculiarities of the functioning of the senses. Tension occurs in relationships where he is a night owl and she is a lark (or vice versa). Or where he is choleric, and she is phlegmatic.
  5. Similarity of characters. The closer the spouses are to each other in character, the safer and more confident they feel together. This is where the principle of complementarity comes into play.
  6. Compatibility.
  7. And, of course, a general cultural level, including common interests.

Signs of incompatibility in the relationship between spouses - don’t miss the moment!

How to understand that you are incompatible?

The main signs of incompatibility between partners are the following:

  • Genetic incompatibility.
  • The struggle for financial resources. That is, quarrels arising on the basis of which of the two earns and who spends. Material squabbles kill any positive beginning in a young family.
  • Intellectual incompatibility. For example, she, sophisticated and intelligent, loves to read the classics, writes philosophical articles, goes to the theater and quotes Brodsky, but he does not understand how the Primer differs from “War and Peace”, picks his teeth with a fork, soulfully hurls obscenities and considers the work in garage is the ultimate dream.
  • Sensual incompatibility. Every spouse periodically has the desire to escape, at least temporarily, away from their partner. Also, sometimes both of them are struck by the thought - “we have become strangers to each other.”
  • Different mentalities. He was raised in a wealthy Muslim family, she in a working-class atheist family. Everyone has their own views on life, principles and values. Everyone considers their position to be correct. Intransigence with each other's positions will sooner or later lead to a break.
  • Inability to communicate. During conflicts, he withdraws into himself. She is able to express dissatisfaction only by screaming and tears. The inability to communicate is the reason why many couples break up.
  • Moral incompatibility. She is a believer, quiet, incapable of conflict, insult, or swearing. He is the complete opposite.
  • Household incompatibility.

Reasons for psychological incompatibility of partners - so who is to blame?

The list of reasons for psychological incompatibility can be endless. And it is impossible to single out one side as to blame, because no one can be to blame for the incompatibility of characters.

Another question is if both spouses are quite capable of changing the situation through compromise and concessions, but both have no desire - in this case there is simply no need to talk about any compatibility.

So, why spouses can be psychologically incompatible - the main factors are:

  • No spark. Physiology - 5 points, there are no material and everyday quarrels, one culture and religion, excellent relations with relatives on both sides, but... no love (spark). Such relationships are most often doomed to break up.
  • Nothing to talk about.
  • Opposing interests, opinions, goals.
  • Different Personality Types , “gap” in characters.
  • Bad habits. In this case, we're talking about not only about smoking and other bad habits, but about other chronic shortcomings (severe snoring, sloppiness, absent-mindedness, etc.).
  • Immaturity – age, personal, social . One is already able to take responsibility and make serious decisions on his own at the age of 18, while for another, at the age of 40, childhood only ends.

Worth noting, that, oddly enough, the compatibility of natures and characters can also become a psychological discrepancy. For example, two clear leaders in a family always cause the family boat to tilt. Just like two phlegmatic people who together “spit at the ceiling” and wait for change.

In general, we can talk about psychological incompatibility if the answers to the following questions are negative:

  1. Are you able to talk with your spouse “about nothing” (just chatting at dinner, on a walk, on the road)? Do you have something to talk about? Are you able to talk for 2-3 hours straight without losing interest in each other?
  2. Do you think that your mutual love is strong?
  3. Can you imagine both of you in old age with grandchildren?
  4. Are you calm about everyday life? bad habits each other (unwashed dishes, scattered things, etc.)?
  5. Are your results on IQ tests similar?
  6. Do you have a good relationship with your partner’s relatives (and he with yours)?

If there are more than 3 “No” answers - means in your family life it's time to change something.

Is it possible to achieve compatibility in love and marital relationships - what to do if the family boat tilts?

Marital relations are essentially impossible without trust, mutual understanding and... compromises.

When we fall in love, we very rarely think about why we were attracted to this particular person. There is no doubt about the correctness of the choice if the partners are suitable for each other both emotionally and physically. However, harmony is not always achieved... It is very difficult at the initial stage of a relationship to conclude whether partners are suitable for each other, since the frequency of sexual intercourse during this period is usually higher than normal. According to sexologists, it is possible to objectively judge the degree of a man’s sexuality only after the end of the honeymoon, because males love to show off and amaze their chosen ones with records in bed. With a woman the situation is the opposite: she needs time to understand whether she is worthy new boyfriend. After this, even the most outspoken shy woman, feeling comfortable and confident with him, will surprise him with his indomitable temperament in intimate scenes.

But it also happens that after a while a lull comes to the bed, elevator, car, and after it disappointment and dissatisfaction. The problem has a bitter name "sexual disharmony" . It is worth recognizing that in practice there are rarely cases of absolute incompatibility, and yet even a partial discrepancy can ruin a relationship that has not really begun. Psychologists advise such couples to undergo family therapy sessions, for example, we advise you to visit the website of one good psychologist.

Anatomical sexual disharmony

The correspondence of the male and female genital organs is very important for the technique of sex - disproportion in size often becomes the reason for the lack of sensual pleasure during sexual intercourse. Female physiology is designed in such a way that in its normal state the vagina has an average length 7.5-10 cm. The first number refers to its front wall, the second - to the back. This means that the depth of the passage is 10 cm, but with excitement it increases even more by 5 cm. The average length of the phallus in an erect state is 15 cm. So, if we compare the average sizes of male and female genital organs, we will notice a certain correspondence. In addition, the vagina is very elastic - there is even the concept of “vaginal accommodation”, meaning that during a long-term relationship, the female genitals adapt to the male ones. In this regard, most sexologists are sure: after some time after the start of sexual activity, a couple achieves harmony in sex.

It is, of course, difficult to argue with this opinion. However, it must be taken into account that during orgasm, a woman’s vagina contracts by two to three centimeters, while the ejaculating man strives to penetrate as deeply as possible into the depths of his beloved’s body. As a result, complications are possible, for example, cervical erosion or thinning of the vaginal walls. Properly selected poses and exercises will help you cope with sexual incompatibility; There are also mechanical devices that add the missing centimeters to the phallus, or rings that prevent it from penetrating too deeply.

A discrepancy of more than three centimeters is classified as sexual disproportion. If the vagina does not reach the standard ten, and the man’s organ exceeds the average size, then the “horsewoman” and “officer” poses are contraindicated for such a couple. (when a woman's legs lie on a man's shoulders). The most advantageous position in this “genital” situation is when the woman sits on her partner’s lap, facing him. The vagina reflexively lengthens, as if protecting itself from the penis.

Sometimes an obstacle is the fact that people have different sexual temperaments, and this leads to differences in intimate needs. Sexual activity then varies from two or three sexual acts per day to several per year. Incompatibility of temperaments occurs as often as incompatibility of characters. Some people like to have sex 24 hours a day, others don’t want any contact for months. Weak sexual activity of the partner leads a temperamental wife to chronic dissatisfaction, neurosis, and vice versa. Therefore, the best option is when people with similar levels of sexual needs get married - otherwise everything will end in divorce.

Family sexual disharmony and orgasm

Many couples fail to achieve orgasm at the same time, and for some reason they see this as an almost psychological problem. Sexologists warn: you should not consider orgasm the only indicator of sexual success, because the positive feelings associated with intimate communication are extremely diverse. By assigning orgasm the role of necessary completion of sexual intercourse, a woman, in case of failure, (and this, considering female psychology and physiology, does not happen so rarely) may become convinced of her inferiority, and constraint and fear of another fiasco will completely deprive her of sensual pleasure. A man, finding himself in such a situation, will make a disappointing diagnosis of “sexually incompetent,” which also provokes negative consequences. So get hung up on imaginary problem failure to achieve double-edged orgasm is not recommended.

If you want sex to bring only pleasure, you need to learn to set your own rules, strive for your own orgasm, but without turning it into a cult. All kinds of disorders will not make your sex life more harmonious. In such a situation, you should under no circumstances put pressure on your partner - it is much better, for both of you, to try to understand and support your loved one.

When incompatibility between men and women occurs

The reason for the incompatibility of partners may be age characteristics. Thus, during puberty a conflict situation arises:

  • men reach the peak of sexual activity,
  • while women are still little interested in this sweet side of life.

As a result, couples are faced with the problem of male infidelity, which is why the woman develops an inferiority complex, flavored with a fear of sexual intercourse. Here it is important to realize that this is temporary disharmony, because betrayal in this case is dictated not by the mind and heart, but by hormones: the body demands its own. Several years will pass, and the man will settle down, and the woman will mature and appreciate all the charm of intimacy.

How to treat sexual incompatibility between partners

It also happens that between lovers there arise serious problems due to differences in previous experience. Sexual preferences and views that develop during communication with partners suddenly turn out to be completely unacceptable in new relationships, which is why young people sometimes have great difficulty adapting to each other. By withdrawing into themselves, they end up destroying the family when there is an opportunity to save it. The vast majority of problems in sex are of a psychogenic nature, so experts recommend talking to each other, remembering that all people are individual, and the manifestations of sexuality are diverse and determined by differences in upbringing and experience. And yet, it is important to learn to express your feelings and achieve mutual understanding from the very beginning of an intimate relationship, and not when problems arise. This, perhaps, is the secret of family happiness.

Sexual compatibility- a question of great importance for any couple. This topic may be especially relevant at a time when partners no longer have great experience sexual life or start living together, or when they have been living for some time and are thinking about marriage or have recently gotten married.

Moreover, sometimes these questions may arise only several months or years after the start of sexual relations with a partner, because sexual constitution sometimes it can manifest itself fully only when “the hormones have already played out” and the first ardent sexual storm calms down.

“He terrorizes me with sex every night! I love him, I want to live my life with him, but what about this? I don’t need that much sex, it’s already becoming unpleasant, what happens next?”

“My girlfriend wants sex all the time! I feel inadequate if I can’t satisfy her sexual needs.”

“My husband was no good in bed. Before we got married, we made love several times a week, but now, a year later, it turns out that he only needs once a month at most, and what should I do? I want to get a divorce"

Such questions to psychologists and sexologists are not uncommon.

To understand what could be the matter here, let us turn to the concept of sexual or sexual constitution of man and woman. This is the totality physiological characteristics organism, formed by hereditary factors. There are 3 types of sexual constitution: weak, medium and strong.

These names do not carry any evaluation, there is no concept of “bad - good” sexual constitution, she is what nature gave you. Within each category, subcategories can be identified that describe more precisely, for example, a weak sexual constitution may be closer to average, or may be at the extreme pole - the weakest possible.

People with any constitution can experience difficulties in sexual relationships. What is important here is not what kind of sexual constitution a particular person has, but what characteristics the partners encountered. Knowledge about your sexual constitution and the constitution of your partner will help you guess what sexual compatibility in pairs, better understand each other and help decide on further actions.

Navigation through the article “Sexual compatibility of partners. Sexual constitution and sexual compatibility":

Sexologists consider the following vectors:

  1. The age of awakening of libido (sexual desire) - when attraction to the opposite sex arose.

Strong constitution: 9-11 years old, average 12-14, weak 15-17 and older

  1. Age of first ejaculation, regardless of how ejaculation occurred - during sexual intercourse, masturbation, emission

Strong: 10-12 years, average 13-15 years, weak 16-19 and later

  1. Trochanteric index is the ratio of height to leg length.

Strong 1.99-2 or more, medium 1.92-1.98, weak 1.85 or less - 1.91

Roughly speaking, the longer the legs, the weaker the sexual constitution. One woman admitted: “I really like guys who are tall, long-legged, and basketball players, but my body responds to short, stocky, hairy guys.” That woman had a strong sexual constitution, and her body itself told her which men she would be ideal with. sexual compatibility.

  1. Pubic hair growth - weak: horizontal (along female type), medium: with a transition to the stomach in the form of a path of hair to the navel (male type), strong: male type with excess hair growth (hypertrichosis).
  2. Maximum kurtosis (number of repeated ejaculations per day), regardless of how ejaculation occurred. Weak: 0-3, medium 4-6, strong 7-9 or more
  3. Time to reach the conditioned physiological rhythm (CPR) after the start of regular sexual activity (after what time). The conditioned physiological rhythm is considered to be 2-3 sexual intercourse per week (for the European population). Not everyone always achieves UFR (in the absence of a permanent partner, for example, this is often impossible for objective reasons), so this column may remain blank.

With a weak constitution, UFR is established immediately or after a year of regular sexual activity, with an average one - from 2 to 10 years (and before that, sex can occur more often), with a strong one - 11 years or more. larger number sexual intercourse per week with a regular partner.

  1. The absolute age of achievement of a conditioned physiological rhythm. This item may also remain blank. Weak: up to 26 years, average - from 27 to 40 years, strong from 41 or more.

Here sexologists consider the following vectors:

  1. Age of first menstruation. With a weak constitution, it occurs at the age of over 15 years, with an average one - from 13 to 14, with a strong one - at 12 years and earlier.
  2. Regularity of menstruation: with a weak sexual constitution, there may be long-term irregularities in the cycle or even amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). In moderate cases, there may be episodic short-term cycle disturbances with pronounced adverse external influences, or without disturbances. With strong - monthly cycle regular without pathology.
  3. Fertility: the timing of pregnancy after the onset of sexual activity (in the absence of protection) or, if there was long-term protection, the timing of pregnancy after the cessation of protection.

If the sexual constitution is weak, pregnancy can occur after 3 or more years, in the case of an average one - from 6 months to 2 years, and if the sexual constitution is strong, it can occur even with contraception or very quickly, within 6 months.

  1. The nature of the pregnancy. With a very weak constitution, there may be miscarriage, threat of miscarriage, severe pathology, severe toxicosis and any other pathological course.

If you have a weak sexual constitution, it is not at all necessary that the pregnancy will be difficult, it only means that the likelihood of a complicated pregnancy is slightly higher. With an average sexual constitution, toxicosis may occur easily or without any pathology at all, with a strong one - as a rule, pregnancy is easy.

  1. Trochanteric index, ratio of leg length to height: weak - 1.88-1.96, average -1.96-1.99, strong - 2 or more
  2. The nature of hair growth in the pubis and axillary area: weak - hair growth is either absent, or there are single straight hairs, or the hair is thicker and longer in the central part of the pubis. With an average sexual constitution, hair growth is of the female type: the pubis and upper labia are covered with curly hair with a horizontal upper line. With a strong constitution - a tendency towards the male type or hypertrichosis.
  3. Awakening of erotic libido (age) Weak: 14-17 and older, average 12-13, strong 11 years and earlier
  4. First orgasm (age): weak - at 31 years old and older, average: at 21 - 30 years old, strong - at 20 years old and earlier.
  5. Achieving 50-100% orgasmicity (at what age): weak after 35, average 20-35 years, strong - at 19 and earlier.

Your performance may be different types constitution, then you need to look at where most of the answers are and take into account those that are in other types. For example, most indicators indicate an average sexual constitution, but if there are also answers from a strong one, then we can talk about an average constitution with a tendency towards strong, etc.

Now, knowing what your sexual constitution is, you can assume your possibilities. For example, a 25-year-old man has sex 4-5 times a week. If he is a carrier of a weak sexual constitution, then it turns out that at such a frequency he functions at the limit of his capabilities. If his sexual constitution is average, then this corresponds to his personal norm. In the case when the sexual constitution is strong, the amount of sex for him is far from the limit.

Or, for example, a woman with a weak sexual constitution, having sex once a week, may even suffer from excess sex, while a woman with an average constitution will most likely feel dissatisfied, and with a strong one, she will experience acute frustration due to a lack of sexual intimacy.

If the partners have the same sexual constitution, the chances of sexual compatibility increase significantly.

Couples often ask how much sex is normal? There are no norms here, each couple is unique and has its own characteristics of sexual life. What may be the norm for one couple is unacceptable for another.

Averages do not tell the true story because the range of individual differences is so large. Some young couples have sex extremely rarely, while others do it several times a day.

Here it is also important to take into account the peaks of sexual activity: a woman or a man with any sexual constitution in different times life will manifest different levels interest in sex. As a rule, after 30-35 years of age, women pay more conscious attention to sex as a process, and in men at 40-45 years of age, the need for sex decreases compared to the age of 20. Although in this too everything can be very individual.

A young couple in their early 30s came to the reception: “We have sex once a month, are we probably sick?” The psychologist asked if anything else bothers them, besides suspicions that this is not entirely normal, if there is some kind of emotional and physical dissatisfaction. It turned out that no.

After that, they, together with a psychologist, analyzed their sexual constitutions and saw that in this couple - perfect sexual compatibility: Both have weak sexual constitutions, and they were lucky to meet each other. So, for this particular couple, sex once a month is the absolute norm, and they are happy.

It also happens that the difference in sexual constitution turns out to be insurmountable.

When partners’ sexual constitutions differ significantly, and they are not ready to meet each other halfway, or are ready, but nature constantly asserts itself, sometimes it is wiser to separate so as not to torment each other all their lives.

A young woman with a strong sexual constitution fell in love with a man with a weak one. When they lived in different cities and met a couple of times a month during her business trips, their sexual compatibility seemed quite normal. Then he invited her to live with him, she agreed and moved.

After some time, it became clear that their compatibility in sex was actually far from ideal: sex once a month and monotonously was enough for him, but she needed it much more often and more diverse.

Where some couples could agree and add other methods of sexual interaction, they failed: the man could not bring himself to increase sexual activity, and the woman began to look for satisfaction on the side. The difference was significant and insurmountable. They eventually separated, giving them the opportunity to create more harmonious unions.

The girl met a young man of 30 years old. She is divorced, young, beautiful. He sees that he likes her, but doesn’t get around to having sex. Why? Maybe he has a very weak sexual constitution? The psychologist suggested possible sexual disorders in the man. The girl decided to check. When I was visiting him, I tried to initiate sex.

Then he honestly admitted to her that he had great masturbation experience, but does not have much sexual experience. Strong excitement before direct sexual contact often blocked his initiative towards girls.

He really wanted sex with her, but had a huge amount fears about this process itself .

But the girl was not afraid of problems. She turned out to be very supportive, did not devalue him, humiliate him, and did not turn away. After consulting with a psychologist, she gradually helped him reduce his anxiety and overcome his fears.

At first they just talked about it, then they agreed on mutual caresses without sex on the advice of a psychologist. But on the very first evening they couldn’t resist, and the pleasure from sex for both of them exceeded all expectations. Their intimate relationship improved. And their sexual compatibility turned out to be high.

Another example: A young married couple came to the reception. The psychologist interviewed each individual separately. The wife complained that she did not have enough sex and suspected that their sexual compatibility was low. The husband explained this by saying that he was very busy at work and was tired. When analyzing the sexual constitutions of the partners, it turned out that both of them were weak.

But the woman mistakenly assumed that she needed more sex, since it turned out that she was driven by an unconscious attitude that for her sex is an expression of her partner’s love, i.e. if there is a lot of sex, it means she is loved. While true sexual needs turned out to be small.

What should partners committed to each other do if it turns out that their compatibility in sex is far from ideal, that they differ greatly in the level of their sexual needs?

When spouses with different sexual constitutions love each other very much and have the same value system, they will adapt, find options, without cheating or breaking up.

For example, if a wife’s sexual constitution is weaker than her husband’s, she can sometimes remain in sex in a passive role, if this is acceptable for her, or give her partner sexual satisfaction in other ways than direct sexual intercourse - for example, resort to oral or manual caresses .

And the one whose sexual constitution is stronger will not insist on sex so often, sometimes helping himself through masturbation. It can provide a real and pleasurable outlet for sexual needs when a person's sexual needs are at the moment exceed the needs of his partner.

In general, the more active role is given to the partner who has more energy and who needs sex more. It is important to discuss this together and find solutions that will suit both. Then partners will not have the feeling that their compatibility in sex is low and is a constant source of problems.

Such partners will try to take care of each other without being violent. Those. adapt to these differences in sexual constitution, in the presence of other, no less important, factors - love, common values. Therefore, for each couple with such complaints, their own solution can be found.

Of course, good sex and a successful marriage are not directly related, however, relationships that bring great sexual satisfaction tend to last longer, and spouses in this case are less likely to resort to infidelity than when the marriage does not provide such satisfaction.

However, the sexual compatibility of partners, resulting from an identical or similar sexual constitution, is not all that can influence the quality of sex. The most important element determining the quality of sexual relationships between partners is communication between them.

Sex is as important a topic as raising children, current affairs and everything else that you are ready to discuss with each other. If you are afraid to discuss the topic of sex, you may lose that important part of intimacy in a relationship, something that strengthens family and trust in each other. If a couple is not ready to talk about sex, they are often not ready to talk about much else, and instead of constructive dialogue, partners think for each other, get offended, and manipulate.

If you're afraid talk to your partner about sex, you should think about trust, what are you afraid of and what terrible things could happen if you start openly discussing these topics with each other? How much do you trust your partner? Do you know for sure his needs, thoughts related to sex, or are you just guessing and thinking for him? And him? Does your partner know about your needs in your sex life?

In this case, it would be good to contact a psychologist or sexologist who will help the couple start such a conversation. Research by American sexologist Alfred Kinsey found a close correlation between the ability of partners to talk about their sexual desires, feelings and the quality of marital sex.

Despite the importance of such a compatibility factor as sexual constitution, one should not forget: how a person expresses himself in sex depends on many other aspects: personality type, upbringing, attitudes and myths absorbed from the parental family and society.

It is important to remember that sexual compatibility alone does not guarantee happy family relationships, and does not replace everything else: spiritual closeness, compatibility of characters, common goals, principles, etc. And does not exclude the need for a couple to be willing to work on their relationship, including . and sexy.

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« Sexual compatibilitypartners.
Gender constitution and sexual compatibility

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The horoscope of sexual compatibility has always been compiled in all centuries. Both kings and poor people could afford this. Everything good should be done according to the stars, starting from marriage and ending with planting seedlings in the country. A horoscope of sexual compatibility is not mysticism, it is an exact science of knowledge of the stars and cosmic influence on every person.

Sexual compatibility: this is knowing your capabilities and the character of your partner. How can astrology help figure this out? How do the planets influence our behavior here on Earth? What does it mean when you read in an astrology book that you were born under the sign of Scorpio and that the person you are currently interested in sexually was born under the sign of Leo, and that astrologers generally consider these two signs to be incompatible, or "square" ( i.e. they form an angle of 90 degrees with each other). What does it mean when an astrologer looks at your personal horoscope and says that your Venus is in a negative aspect to Mars (the planet of your lover) and that the circumstances are not very favorable for your romance? Or that your husband or wife is currently going through an unfavorable Saturn period and therefore you need to be patient if sometimes your sexual attempts are rejected? (Since he or she has not stopped loving each other, but, thanks to the influence of Saturn, just closed in on themselves temporarily.) What does this mean for you, happy that Jupiter (the planet that astrologers call the “Great Beneficence”) will soon smile on you and a new one will come to you romance novel. All this simply means that astrology is of great importance. She helps you find the right sexual partner. By interpreting the specific pattern that planets form in your initial horoscope, an astrologer can help explain to you the psychosexual personality of the individuals within it, because different planets influence your brain through electromagnetic waves.

Sexuality Aries

Aries is a very passionate, assertive and energetic lover. In bed, he can act quite selfishly, but he knows how to make it good not only for him, but also for his partner. As a rule, Aries do not have problems with potency - their sexual energy and strength can only be envied.

How to please an Aries

Provide them with an abundance of sex, but above all, flatter them since Aries rules the 1st house of the Zodiac, which concerns gender, Aries live in the “world” of the body - they physically process, master all other areas human relations. They love to be flattered during sexual intercourse. They also recognize diversity in sex. relationships, believing that nothing goes beyond the bounds of decency.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 30, the most suitable partners are among people of the Leo and Sagittarius signs. All three - fire signs and up to this age they are extremely restless.

When Aries has passed this age - 30 - he begins to gradually mature and become more sedentary, less impetuous and ardent, more practical. At this time they are compatible with the signs of Taurus and Virgo. These two earth signs are very practical; a trait that Aries lacks in order to succeed. After 29.5 they become less self-centered: they concentrate on love and sex, and begin to direct their energy to solid acquisitions and provision.

At the age of 40, which is halfway through the Uranus cycle, Aries must control themselves as... they have a lot negative traits, such as the inability to complete what started. At this time they can be compatible with Libra (a sensitive, mental sign) and Gemini (also an intellectual sign).

Fidelity Score

In my younger years, not so much. Until the age of 20 and a little more, Aries want adventure and pleasure. Married life is excellent, provided that both spouses are passionate about achieving common goals. For Aries, the best period for various pleasures, adventures and sex. compatibility up to 30 years old, unless, of course, they are forced to get married or settle down. After 30, the possibility of a strong family life increases.

Taurus sexuality

Taurus loves and appreciates all carnal pleasures, be it delicious food, sweet sleep or good sex. In bed, as in life, he is characterized by thoroughness: perhaps you cannot call him an overly temperamental lover, but he knows exactly how to get pleasure himself and give it to his partner. His caresses are not a stormy onslaught, but rather a long love marathon. He has nowhere to rush, including in bed: attentive and persistent, he knows how to ignite the fire of desire in his partner and is determined to enjoy it to the fullest.

How to satisfy a Taurus

Taurus's attitude towards sex can easily become too prosaic both when he is not connected with his partner by deep feeling and when he is simply tired of it. Taurus will not hesitate to ask them for the phone number of any other suitable partners.

Most suitable partners

Up to 30 years of age, the most suitable partners are people with knowledge. Capricorn and Virgo. All three are earth signs and up to the age of 30 they are all looking for random, a little passive sensory connections. But if Taurus chooses Virgo, he must keep in mind that she is beautiful, but cold, and if Capricorn - that he is a good partner and husband, but later he will not be able to satisfy him sexually.

After 30, Taurus begins to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner among Gemini and Aries. Gemini will increase his intelligence, and Aries will increase his fire and energy. Aries and Gemini are quite intellectual signs and, like Taurus, do not have their head in the clouds. Sometimes it is useful to bring him down to earth so that he can take a good look at his life and subsequently change his future.

After 40 years, when Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited prosperity, he is ready for deeper, idealistic, spiritual relationships. Here it can be compatible with Scorpio.

Fidelity Score

In general, it’s always “good.” A solid sign, Taurus does not like change. In their younger years, Taurus are especially loyal to their friends and relatives. In marriage, their fidelity is constant and dependent.

Gemini Sexuality

(May 22 – June 21)

Geminis hate routine and love everything new, and this fully applies to their behavior in the intimate sphere. In life they can have many more or less long-term hobbies, even one-night stands, and sometimes they are able to have two affairs at the same time.

They do not have increased sexuality, but their partner will not be bored: in bed, Geminis are inclined to experiment. Often the Kama Sutra becomes their reference book for some time - at least until they try almost everything in it. However, both in love and in marriage, Geminis first of all look for intellectual, rather than sexual, compatibility in a partner.

How to Satisfy a Gemini

Since Geminis are very sensitive nervous system, they love touch very much. Need I say here that Geminis are not constant in love? They often want to curb themselves, but cannot miss the opportunity to experience something interesting.

Most suitable partners

First of all, I want to say that due to Gemini's high sensitivity to the influence of circumstances, they are able to get along with all 12 signs, and, of course, many manage to visit the 12 astrological bedrooms. But in general, until the age of 30, Gemini should look for the best partners among the signs of Libra and Aquarius. All three are air signs and until the age of 30 they act with ease, are quite liberal, fickle and superficial.

After age 30, Geminis begin to mature (albeit more slowly than other signs) and learn their true nature, which becomes less restless. Then they often find compatibility with the signs of Taurus and Aries. Taurus offers them stability and companionship, Aries offers excitement and good model"I".

After 40 years, Gemini should have fully developed and acquired the highest intellectual strength and self-control. At this time they may be compatible with Sagittarius, the mental sign.

Fidelity Score

In youth it’s bad, with the exception of people of those signs who have many planets in four permanent signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. They stabilize Gemini's indecisiveness. In marriage - average. This is one of the real chronic “coquettes”.

Best period to acquire loyalty - complete ignorance, uncertainty of one’s victory. In other words, Geminis are fascinated by the unattainable. They are most inclined after 40 years, when they are both experienced and tired, when they are ready to describe their adventures, they want someone to wait for them in the evening.

Sexuality Cancer

IN intimate life Cancer cannot be called an overly temperamental or inventive lover, but he is excellent at feeling and even guessing the desires of his partner. In bed, he is capable of being gentle and tactful, and is ready to make every effort to please his loved one. We should also not forget that Cancer is an esthete and a connoisseur of convenience. In love, external surroundings are no less important to him, from comfortable furniture to suitable music. You can be sure that he will furnish his love nest with taste, creating an intimate atmosphere of bliss and comfort.

How to satisfy Cancers

Make them feel young! They idolize youth (followed by Libra and Leo).

The only way for Cancer to overcome sexual desire and remain faithful is to find himself in a situation where this is impossible: at work, at a conference, in a hospital where he is immobile due to a cast, or in the arms of his beloved wife.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 30, Cancer should look for the best partners among the signs of Scorpio and Pisces. All three are water signs and require close, passionate and deep emotional connections.

After age 30, Cancers usually begin to mature and realize their true personality, becoming more liberal and less careful. Then they often find compatibility with the energetic signs of Gemini and Virgo. These two signs, ruled by Venus, have a lot of youthful energy and do not consider it humiliating to accept attentions, including gifts from boys who are already over 30 years old.

After 40 years, Cancers must fully develop and gain control over themselves. Then they can be compatible with Capricorn (a highly organized, partly mental sign, which is always ready to unite its goals and gain power with the already settled Cancer).

Fidelity Score

In your younger years it’s bad. The exception is the case when Cancer stays at home for a long time under the guidance of one of the parents, usually the mother, and thus their behavior is controlled not by Cancer himself, but by someone else. Marriage is also bad, unless Cancer is connected with his spouse common cause or work, when they constantly see each other. The best period for obtaining fidelity from a Cancer is when he is very young and inexperienced, or after 35 years of age, when he is already a seasoned lover and welcomes the refreshing demand for fidelity. Cancers are also loyal to lovers when they are offered luxury and comfort. But this will seduce any sign in our age of materialism!

Sexuality Leo

Leo loves to show off in all areas of life, including in bed. You can be sure that he knows everything or almost everything about seduction. His bedroom probably has a luxurious, comfortable bed, and the lighting is carefully thought out. Leo may not be a very temperamental or inventive lover, but he will do everything possible to look like that. In any case, in Leo’s sexual arsenal there will always be several spectacular techniques with which he can pleasantly surprise you.

How to Satisfy a Leo

First of all, flatter them often. When making love, Leo takes time, enjoying. They love to be caressed, kissed and told gentle flattery. Women of this sign want to hear that their face is the face of an angel, that their body is beautiful, that their presence ignites anyone. The Leo man also loves flattery. His lovers get much more if they talk about his masculinity and assure him that they have never loved anyone so much before, even if it is not true. And indeed, Leos cannot stand even the thought of rivals; their partners must be well-groomed and fit. Women of this sign should not spare their wardrobe to create a seductive, feminine image. Anyone who wants to attract a Leo must make an effort to create the appropriate atmosphere, because... luxury, intimacy, pleasant music weakens the resistance of the most stubborn Leo.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 30, Leo should look for the best partners among people of the signs Aries and Sagittarius. All three are fire signs. And during these years they are very independent and act on an objective, disinterested basis.

After 30 years, Leos begin to strive for more settled life, more patient relationships and become more practical. At this time, they can be compatible with the sign of Capricorn, who, under the guise of a king, can also sit on the throne with Leo, even if Capricorn is rarely so cultured, friendly and receptive. Leo can also be compatible with Gemini after 41.5 years, who fascinate Leo with their brilliant intellect.

After 40 years, Leos are already spiritually developed, have become less vain, eccentric and have reached the pinnacle of their intellectual development. Now they find compatibility with the signs of Libra and Scorpio. The Libra-Leo combination is a famous astrological duet. Since Libra always tries to please and Leo also wants to be pleased, together they make a successful and contented “slave-master” couple. The combination “Scorpio-Leo” is possible only among highly developed types. But when it occurs, beware! This is real power, intelligence, creative connection - emperors and empresses, not just kings and queens!

Fidelity Score

Of all the astrological signs, Leo is perhaps the most faithful. In their youth, Leos are warm and loyal friends. As they mature, they become extremely faithful and devoted.

In marriage, their fidelity is excellent, provided that their spouses stand lower, walk one step behind and rarely challenge them general concept(image) about yourself. And never humiliate Leo in society. What others think of them is so important to them that they may quickly divorce a spouse who constantly embarrasses them in front of friends and family. Leos can even threaten with force those who criticize them in front of their workmates.

Virgo sexuality

Virgo usually does not waste time on fleeting romances - she strives to meet her true love. In search of her soul mate, she is even capable of long-term abstinence, so only a select few have a chance to end up in her arms. Surprisingly, it is precisely this chastity that is Virgo’s powerful sexual weapon. In bed you cannot call her passionate or sensual, but her external fragility and unclouded internal purity can inflame a partner no less than the techniques of the most experienced seducers.

How to Satisfy a Virgo

Before considering this area, we must establish the emotional and physiological traits that astrologers consider Virgo to have. They are usually so obsessed with their bodies tension, thanks to an overactive mind, that in order to get them interested in sex, you need to try to relieve this tension. But it seems that Virgo does not want it to leave her - as if she is so accustomed to tension that she has forgotten what it means to simply relax.

Virgos also don't care about being caressed. They rather strangely do not like this incentive.

Because. we have placed Virgo among the less passionate children of the zodiac, there is one means of satisfying them - convincing them that they are doing you a favor. They will easily fall into the trap and show how well they can serve, they will not be able to resist. Flattery can also inspire them to be extremely active, even if their passion is feigned.

Most suitable partners

I must note sadly that although people of the Virgo sign have good qualities for love and marriage, they are not the most suitable lovers. But because Their ruling planet Mercury is subject to change, they can only change their personalities with great difficulty.

Until the age of 30, the most suitable partners are among the signs of Taurus and Capricorn. All three are earth signs and until the age of 30 they behave passively, their connections are casual and sensitive, their relationships are stable and close. Taurus sign people can add a little softness to nervous Virgos, while Capricorns, with a high sense of organization, can seek help from Virgo's practical mind.

After 30 years, Virgos begin to understand the stupidity of their attitude to life and relax their severity, but only after they have already accumulated a lot of knowledge and professional work. They can now be compatible with the signs of Scorpio and Leo. People of both signs highly value Virgo's intellect and may lend a little of their own strength to the weaker sign of Virgo, who allows the blessings of life to bypass him, all because of his work.

After 40 years, virgins have already developed spiritually. Now they can be compatible with Sagittarius, the mental, idealistic sign that has all the Virgo virtues, only without their restraining, prohibitive restrictions.

Fidelity Score

In my youth - very good. But Virgos are always looking for relationships with similar people who are deeply interested in study, work and their goals.

In marriage - very good, because... Virgo usually marries after many years courtship, during which time they subjected their future spouses to many severe tests, after which they fell in love with them forever.

Sexuality Libra

Libras are one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac, and this shows in both their courtship and their behavior in bed. With all their mysterious appearance, enigma, and omissions, they are able to create an atmosphere of exciting flirtation. And although Libras do not have a hot temperament, love with them is full of surprises and saturated with a wide variety of shades of feelings. Libra's love of beauty often manifests itself in the fact that they do not lose interest in the opposite sex until old age.

How to Satisfy a Libra

Treat them with tenderness. They hate vulgar decorations, and of all the signs they are the most easily distracted during sexual intercourse. They often dream during love. It is common for them to think about someone else: a former lover or an unfulfilled image. Many Hollywood stars were born under this sign, but calculations show that people of this sign, which rules love and marriage, are not very successful in these areas.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 30, Libra is most compatible sexually with the signs of Gemini and Aquarius; all three are air signs, and until the age of 29.5, their intellectual, social and sexual connections are fragile and changeable.

After 30 years, they begin to mature and become more practical. They have already moved towards a more sedentary and less intermittent lifestyle. Now they often find compatibility with the signs of Scorpio and Aries, as these two Mars-ruled signs are sometimes a little rough on Libra, both of whom are highly ambitious. They need a gentle balance from the scales and encourage their calm demeanor.

After 40 years, Libra has already developed and gained control over their intellectual selves. Now they are often compatible with the signs of Pisces and Sagittarius, due to their idealism and romanticism.

Fidelity Score

In young years, it’s good, from about 13 to 23 years old, they strive to form a close union in love and friendship.

Excellent in marriage, provided they are not required to play the role of a passionate lover, and also if they are given relative freedom to engage in social life and devote free time aesthetic values.

The best condition for compatibility with Libra is mutual interests in work or large number money, which allows libra to be given freedom from various responsibilities.

Zodiac and sexuality: Scorpio

Scorpio is one of the most passionate signs of the Zodiac. He loves and appreciates all carnal pleasures, and primarily physical love. One can only envy his partner: in bed, Scorpio is tireless, inventive, gentle, persistent and ardent.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 30, the best partners are among the signs of Cancer and Pisces. All three are water signs, which at this age are extremely emotional and act in a mental-sexual way. Sometimes Scorpio is well compatible with the signs of Capricorn and Virgo.

After 30 years of age, he usually begins to mature and become aware of his permanent self, which gradually becomes extremely aggressive and domineering. Then they are often compatible with the signs of Taurus and Libra, whose ruling planet is Venus. These signs have great patience and the ability to endure the domineering nature of Scorpio.

After 40 years, Scorpio should already be fully developed as a person and gain control over his intellectual “I”. At this time, he is often compatible with the sign of Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Fidelity Score

In the younger years - average, unless you are looking for something more physical in them. In marriage - great. They protect and strengthen their home and marriage, provided they are allowed to have extramarital affairs. They know how to hide them and never flaunt them in front of their beloved. The best period to gain the fidelity of a Scorpio is after he turns 30 and when there is great agreement between the partners from the very beginning. But under these conditions, who would not be faithful?

How to please a Scorpio

Provide some sex, but don't do it too quickly. In their younger years they are romantic, amenable to music and soft light. Later they become less reserved, more courageous, and may like bright lights and mirrors. Scorpio spouses must be neat and clean.

Zodiac and sexuality: Sagittarius

In bed, few can compare with Sagittarius. He is strong, tireless, loves to experiment, and his carelessness and good mood are able to make intimate communication with him surprisingly easy and relaxed. On the bed he can have a fun pillow fight or, wrapped in a sheet, pretend to be a Roman emperor. Spending time alone with him is an exciting and unpredictable activity, but also dangerous: it is too easy to fall under the sexual spell of a Sagittarius and too difficult to convince him to stay with you for a long time.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 30, Sagittarius should look for the best partners among the signs of Leo and Aries. All three are fire signs, and until the age of 30 their relationships are not as close and dependent as, for example, the relationships between water signs. Keyword in the relations of this group - independence.

In their youth, Sagittarius may find a good partner in Taurus or Pisces. After 30 years of age, Sagittarians begin to mature, they realize their real personality, which gradually becomes extremely restless and mentally. Then they are often compatible with the two signs ruled by Mercury - Virgo and Gemini. People of these signs have high intelligence and fascinate Sagittarius.

After 40 years, Sagittarius is already developed personality, he gained self-control and the ability to look inside himself. At this time, he becomes very aggressive, domineering and, moreover, independent. Then he is very compatible with Taurus and Libra. Both signs can get along with powerful people.

Fidelity Score

In youth - poorly, with some exceptions of highly developed, intellectual types. In marriage - average, and only if their spouses can tolerate their desire to be with the “crowd”. The best period for compatibility with Sagittarius is after 35 years.

How to Satisfy a Sagittarius

Sagittarians admire sexual adventures, and they like not so much the sexual intercourse itself, the change of a new partner.

Zodiac and sexuality: Capricorn

You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that under the calm and strict appearance of Capricorn lies a sensitive, even sentimental nature, which fully manifests itself in moments of intimacy. Capricorn does not have a hot temperament, but the combination of perseverance and confidence with the manifestation of the most tender feelings can lift his partner to the pinnacle of bliss. In bed, Capricorn does not like sexual experiments, preferring to act for sure, but his methods have been tested for centuries and never fail.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 30, Capricorn should look for the most suitable partners among the known. Taurus and Virgo. All three are earth signs. The relationship between them is easy and a little passive, but usually stable.

After 30 years of age, they begin to lose their restraint and become less strict. Here they are often compatible with the sign of Aquarius and Scorpio. Aquarius teaches them to be noble and kind, to look at life humanely. However, Scorpio is the best choice because... They are smart and cunning, business Capricorns admire them.

After 40, Capricorns usually achieve their goals and the heights of their minds. Then they are often compatible with the sign. Pisces, other “self-sacrificing” people who give Capricorn spirituality.

Fidelity Score

In their younger years - good, especially before the age of 30, at this time they are modest and take care of business. In marriage - very good, up to 35 years. Saturn, the ruling planet, forces people of this sign to walk the narrow path of fidelity. However, they are always a little reserved.

How to please Capricorn

First of all, you need to remember that the romantic aspect in a relationship with Capricorn rarely lasts more than three months (a long enough time to strengthen the relationship). Then sex. The aspect will be reduced to simple necessity.

Capricorns need to be able to brush aside the cold embrace of Saturn and show everyone that red blood still flows in their veins.

The word "career" is synonymous with the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn men provide the best for their family. Women make excellent mothers and housewives, even if they are a little harsh with children and lack a certain talent for creating a cheerful mood in the house.

The upwardly mobile goat, symbol of Capricorn, usually always makes it to the top. His star gave him the ability to overcome all obstacles in his path. Perseverance, perseverance, foresight - most Capricorns are endowed with these qualities.

Zodiac and sexuality: Aquarius

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 30, they need to look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Gemini and Libra. All three are air signs, their relationships are fragile and changeable. Gemini offers intellectual stimulation and fun camaraderie, while Libra offers balance and harmony.

After 30 years of age they are more interested in practical earthly life, and then they are often compatible with the signs of Virgo and Aries. Virgo's keen mind and ability to work tirelessly can help Aquarius enter the realm of practicality. Aries offers burning ambition to Aquarius and serves as a good example of his Self.

After 40 years, Aquarius acquires a positive direction in his personal life and work, and he is ready to enter into high society. At this time, he is very compatible with his opposite sign - Leo, who has also already begun to go in this direction. If previous relationships between Aquarius and Leo were unsuccessful, our matured Aquarians can try again, because... by this time they have become more diplomatic and know what can and cannot be expected from Leos.

Fidelity Score

Aquarius is very faithful in all areas of human relationships. This is a permanent sign and these people feel best when they see familiar faces and places around them.

In his youth, Aquarius is a devoted and trusting friend; he usually carries his friendship into old age.

What about marriage? Well, first try to force him to marry at all. But when he finally gets married, he is faithful to the end, in his own way, maybe not always romantically, but always consistently, calmly and a little reserved.

How to satisfy an Aquarius

Never disrespect the intelligence and individuality of an Aquarius, or let him think that he is a mere tool for your pleasure. He won't tolerate this. Don't invite an Aquarius to spend one night with you - they will refuse, they need to get to know their partner.

Remember: Aquarius rules the house of friendship and believes that the result of sexual intercourse is the acquisition of a new friend.

Since they are curious, most of them want to have contact with everyone, to learn personally all forms of sexual experiences, and many Aquarians will try everything at least once. People who enter into relationships with Aquarians must remember that they consider themselves different from others. That's how it is. He does not fit into the allotted framework, he rebels faster than people of other signs, long-term sexual relationships with him are not possible, because... after a month of intimate relationships, Aquarius' mistress will become his best friend, and then already a loved one. Aquarius will rarely leave the same friend sitting at home; when he himself goes in search of a new lover, they go together.

Zodiac and sexuality: Pisces

Pisces have a special erotic charm that lies in their touching and defenseless nature. This is especially true for women, however, even in men these traits can be quite attractive and strong. In bed, Pisces are unusually sensitive and tender, which makes love with them unforgettable.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 30, you should look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Cancer and Scorpio. All three are water signs and until the age of 30 their relationships are very close, emotional, passionate and often stormy. In their youth, Pisces are attracted to the domineering personalities of Scorpio and the childish, impractical personality of Cancer.

After 30 years of age, they may be compatible with the sign of Libra. Libra attracts Pisces with its calm grace and sense of balance. Mature Pisces are attracted to Aquarians, who expand their world of communication and help suppress their over-emotionality.

After the age of 40, Pisces have already acquired greater stability and have come close to their best partner and to a friend - Virgo, opposite sign Pisces. Both signs are birds of a feather, under the harsh astrological skin, together they stabilize each other. Both signs are indifferent to sex.

In conclusion, I encourage Pisces to try each of the 12 signs, since Pisces are the most difficult to find a partner.

Fidelity Score

Pisces are usually very faithful people, especially in their youth, when they have deep and lasting connections with strong personalities who will guide their relationship and dominate. But the latter must endure the modest and shy nature of Pisces.

How to Satisfy Pisces

Most Pisces live in a world of illusions. No matter how liberal they are in sex. relationships, you need to play pretend with them. They often behave as if sexual intercourse is not really happening or as if their participation, even the most insatiable, is only a gesture to satisfy the partner. For the sake of consent, it is better to allow them to be indifferent to sex.

Many Pisces women are sexually frigid and behave cunningly, domineeringly, rudely with any man, insulting him in order to compensate for their unhealthy attitude towards sexual passion. Such people most often put on a mask of virtue and self-sacrifice.

This behavior is not typical for Pisces men. They are usually romantic, attentive and devoted lovers, husbands who want to please their partner. If incompatibility is revealed in their marriage, they rarely get divorced. Instead they intensify positive aspects their relationship.

Since Pisces is a water sign, they are extremely emotional. Pisces are completely dependent on their loved ones. They constantly test their partners so that they prove their love and prove that the fears and suspicions of Pisces are just a fantasy. Pisces must guard against paranoia and feelings of being betrayed. They must develop their own positive qualities: sympathy, hospitality, generosity. They should also beware of hypersensitivity and incessant chatter.

As you know, one of the main criteria for a happy life together is compatibility. In this case, not only psychological compatibility is important, but also physiological. If there is not always agreement between partners on some issues related to the psychology of communication, then over time you can always find common language and come to a common opinion.

If the partners are not physiologically compatible, then their life together is practically doomed.

To find out your physiological compatibility with your partner, we suggest you take this test, answering each of the questions “yes” or “no”.

At the end of the test there is a key that will help you calculate your score and determine your compatibility.

1. My wife and I have different rhythms between waking and sleeping. One of us is a night owl, the other is a pronounced early bird.

2. If my husband (wife) is angry about something, then it is not difficult for me to calm the anger with a couple of kind words.

3. My wife and I get along well.

4. It gets on my nerves that we do things at different paces - one is faster and the other is much slower.

5. Sometimes I get annoyed that my spouse eats a lot (often).

6. Sometimes conflicts arise due to different food preferences. What one likes, another cannot stand.

7. Sometimes it happens that when one of us is sad, the other is happy (and vice versa).

8. My spouse often prevents me from getting a good night's sleep.

9. Our temperaments are very similar.

10. Intimate relationships usually have a positive effect on our overall relationships.

11. My wife (husband) suits me quite well in bed.

12. I know for sure that I am satisfied with my partner in an intimate way.

13. The desire to have sex usually occurs with the same frequency.

14. I like to shower (wash in the bathroom), but my spouse does not (or vice versa).

15. We resolve all conflicts that arise fairly quickly.

16. My husband (wife) always knows how to calm me down if I’m worried.

17. One of us can lose self-control in an argument, while the other always maintains it.

18. In general, we live in harmony.

19. It annoys me when I do housework while my spouse is resting.

20. I always forgive my spouse for various breakdowns.

21. If one of us is upset about something, then the other one cannot be happy about something at that time, and vice versa - when one is having fun, then the other one is in a good mood.

22. The time of year, the weather outside the window, affect us in approximately the same way.

23. We are very similar, we have the same feelings and reactions.

24. My husband (wife) often makes various comments to me: don’t shuffle on the floor, don’t drum your fingers, hurry up, etc.

Key to the test:

Give one point if you agree with the statements given in paragraphs: 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18,20,21, 22, 23.
Also give yourself one point if you disagree with the statements given in points: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 19, 24.
Add up your points.

From 0 to 8 points.
Your level of physiological compatibility is very low. Often you irritate each other because one does it this way, and the other thinks it should be done differently.

From 9 to 12 points.
In this case, everything is not so hopeless, but it is far from ideal compatibility. Try to be more attentive to each other if you want to save your relationship.

From 13 to 18 points.
Congratulations, you have found a very suitable partner. You understand and feel each other well. Such compatibility may well become a good basis for a happy family life.

From 19 to 24 points.
Very high level physiological compatibility. As they say, even if you launch into space, you understand each other literally at a glance, you feel almost the same. As they say: “Advice and love”!