How to get someone to help you. How to persuade a person? Rules for successful persuasion

Every preschooler is looking forward to this with trepidation. autumn day. And it’s good if parents give their grown-up child a real holiday, will help you adapt to your new school life.

To begin with - the mood

Both the child and his parents need to prepare for September 1 in advance. And it is very important how you yourself feel about the upcoming event. If a child periodically hears phrases like “That’s it, you’ll soon get bad grades,” “At school they’ll quickly teach you to obey,” “Poor you, the end of your carefree life has come,” then he is unlikely to be in a positive mood.

Try to speak only positively about your studies. Tell us how you went to school, how many friends you had, how you loved your teacher. Make a small (even if just for a week) tear-off calendar, hang it in your child’s room and tear off a page every day, counting how much time is left until September 1st. Discuss together what items need to be purchased and what to change in the furniture arrangement and interior. Every little thing will help the baby tune in, and this is more important than ever.

Preparation is the key to success

The preparation itself for September 1 should be carried out in two directions: what you will do with your child and what you will do without him. For example, together you can buy everything you need for school ( school uniform, backpack, office, desk, chair, lamp, etc.). It is simply necessary to involve the future first-grader in this: it is important that he is surrounded by objects that he likes and do not cause discomfort. And the preparation, which does not include the participation of a young schoolchild, includes the choice of a gift and holiday decorations.

The gift can be purely symbolic. Alarm, wrist watch, photo album, case for cell phone... Think about what the child himself would like to receive. Even if it's a soft toy, why not? The main thing is that the newly-minted student is sincerely happy about it.

As for the decorations, it is, as they say, up to your taste and budget. You can draw a poster, a map from home to school (both beautiful and interesting), hang balloons around the apartment or hang a bell on the door - just like on a ruler. Just try to do all this in secret, late in the evening of August 31 - so that the day of September 1 itself turns out to be unforgettable.

It's time to go to school

So, on September 1, a newly-minted first-grader is surprised by the apartment’s unusual decor, school-themed children’s songs are playing in the house, and a snow-white shirt or blouse is hanging on a hanger. It's a start! It would also be nice to film this day on camera (be sure to include an interview about how he plans to study and who he will become in the future) or take more photos.

You need to go to the line itself in advance, slowly, so that the student’s memory remains of solemn speeches, and not a crazy race from home to educational institution. In addition, the child will probably want to meet and communicate with his classmates.

And be sure to be close: even though the baby has grown up, he may be scared and confused.

The holiday continues

The day of knowledge at school has come to an end, and everything is just beginning for you. For the holiday to be a success, the student needs to be entertained: taken to a cafe or to the cinema, bought or cooked something tasty, organized a family holiday. It would be great if you could invite some of his classmates. Have fun, make people laugh, organize competitions - by the way, tasks related to letters and numbers are perfect for such a day. Be sure to take photos. And closer to nine in the evening - go to bed. After all, the child is already a schoolboy, and for a schoolchild the routine is very important.

The ceremony ended, the first school bell rang, and the students went home. Is this really the end of the holiday? It is in our power to extend it and make Knowledge Day special and memorable. Let's look at some ideas on how to spend this day with the kids. different ages outside the school walls.

First graders and junior grades

Let's start with our smallest and main heroes of this day - of course, with first graders. Today they set foot in the schoolyard for the first time, sat at a desk, and met their classmates and teachers. Such an abundance of impressions! Shall we continue the celebration at home?

Prepare in advance to meet your favorite student. Let one of your family members or friends transform the apartment while you accompany him to school. Lots of balloons, flowers, bright paper garlands... And, of course, invite the little schoolboy’s friends! And all together greet the first grader with congratulations, confetti and firecrackers. This technique will remain in the memory for a long time.

To make the holiday interesting, you need to make a plan and come up with a theme. In our case – school and Knowledge Day.

Start the holiday with a treat, because everyone is probably hungry, but what about your favorite dishes? great way cheer up! After this, invite everyone to watch a scientific film together, for example, about dinosaurs (children love them very much), but warn them to watch carefully, since then they will have a competition. The film should be easy to understand and no longer than 20-30 minutes; this time is optimal for little fidgets. After watching, give a quiz asking simple questions and for each correct answer give a gift: a notebook, a pen, a lollipop.

After the quiz, play school with your children. Spend the most simple lessons, for example, drawing, physical education, reading. Praise each student, reward them with good grades, and then offer to switch roles. Now let your first grader be the teacher. All kids will love this game!

At the end of the day, you can invite everyone to watch the video and photos from the first call together, but if they are not ready yet, then organize a children's disco. Let the kids frolic to their favorite songs.

This holiday scenario is suitable for students junior classes, just make your own adjustments depending on your age, complicating or simplifying the questions.

Middle classes

You can also arrange a holiday for older students. But for the entertainment part, it is best to invite a professional, for example, a magician, a clown or a dog trainer. If this is not possible, then make sure that the students are not bored. You can offer to do something with your own hands or play an outdoor game, because at this age all children are very active. Award the most creative, active and talented people with certificates and prizes.

The treat can be decorated in an unusual way. For example, a salad in the shape of a globe with a world map, a cake in the shape school board, on which congratulations on Knowledge Day are written.

You can also end the evening with a disco or offer to play your favorite computer game. But keep in mind that if the kids get too excited, it will be very difficult to tear them away from the monitor!

High school students

At this age, schoolchildren know how to entertain themselves better than you and I. That is why give them freedom. If they want to go to a cafe with friends or play in the yard, why not? You should not insist on holding a holiday in family circle. It will be enough to sit down with the whole family in the evening festive table and congratulate your favorite student. You can also give a nice and useful gift.

Scenario. First-grader's Knowledge Day

Kovylina Tatyana Dmitrievna, teacher primary classes, MBOU "Samus Lyceum", ZATO Seversk, Samus village

Description of material: I bring to your attention the script for the first lesson in 1st grade. This is the first meeting between a student and a teacher, and how it goes will form the child’s first impression of both the teacher and the school.
The office is decorated flowers made from balloons, a congratulatory ribbon “First time, first grade!”, everyone has helium balloons on ribbons on their desks (which after the holiday are launched into the air with wishes made).

Scenario of the first lesson in first grade

Guys, you have crossed the threshold of the school, and now you are all students. And now we will go to the magic room, which is called the classroom. There you will receive gifts every day. But these are not sweets, not cakes, this is KNOWLEDGE! I will tell you, my dear students, everything that I myself know. So, let's go!
Guys, you are in a magical room. Look how cozy and clean it is here. Many people cared that you come to this spacious and beautiful class.
(The guys take their places at their desks according to the indicated nameplates)
Hello my friends!
All of us are 1 A.
School is the most best friend,
Our second home is ours,
Here we comprehend the course of science
We are a friendly family.
I - big family parent,
And my name is... (teacher)
You and I will study together. I really want it to be easy for you to learn, and I will always be happy to help you.
I'll tell you everything:
Why does there thunder?
And about the north and about the south,
And about everything that is around,
About the bear, about the fox
And about the berries in the forest...
Teacher: Together we have to learn not only to read, write and count, play and have fun, but also to be sad, rejoice at our successes and the successes of our comrades, think, reflect. And in order for us to cope with all this, we probably need to get to know each other.
- How can we do this? (children's options)
- Let's all say our name together. (they call) It didn’t work out.
- Let's all say our names in a whisper. (they call) It didn’t work out again.
Yes, guys. It’s good to play together, sing, sometimes read poetry, but it’s better to speak one at a time. This is the first school rule. A person becomes especially pleased when they listen to him. If we learn to listen to each other, we will all feel warm and comfortable.
I will now read a poem and if you hear your name in it, then get up.
Are there Artyoms in our class? cuffs
Is there Ekaterina? Where is our Sophia? Afanasteva, Skripkina
Is there Olga... Juliana? Mikhailova, Dunaevskaya
Is there Roman among you? Rumyantsev
Are there Ulyans? - as many as two! Denisova, Romashova
Nikolai, Denis, Nikita? Panov, Makarenko, Ivanov
Well, let's see, children, here
Who's name is Christina? Vorobyov
Where is Maria? Just class
Did everyone get into first class? ???....
Let's continue to listen to me
And let's see - where is Ksyusha? Krasnorutskaya
Two Yegors...Veronica? Shekhovtsov, Koltunov, Shevchenko
Here they are! Look at that!
Angelina? Just one? Popova
And Maxim? There are two of them! Pchelkin, Seliverstov
Two Daniels? One Karina! Belokur, Stankevich, Geiko
Is there at least one Antonina? Nemoshchenok
That's all, my friends,
Our friendly family!
Applause for first graders
How beautiful you all are.
Today you came to school for the first time.
Elegant, ceremonial, so beloved.
The girls, combed with bows, are sitting.
And the boys are great, so cute
They look at us so neatly now.
Clap someone's hands today good mood.
Let me try to guess why you are so happy today. If I guess right, you clap your hands. Agreed?
You are happy because you have a beautiful backpack;
Because there are a lot of new school things in your backpack;
Because you are smart and beautiful today;
Because you really want to go to school,
Because you came to school for the first time as students;
Because today is your holiday?
What holiday is today?
(children's answers)
Today is our birthday. Whose birthday is it today? Our class's birthday.

Children's performances.
1. There are various holidays throughout the year,
And today is our holiday!
For the first time we go as FIRST GRADES
To your friendly school class!
2. On this holiday in September
We will call all our parents
So, it's time to start
Our holiday is open, we are glad to see you, friends!
3. Hello, school! We are with flowers
We enter the classroom for the first time.
And with autumn eyes
The sun is looking at us.
4. Not a bit for us, friends,
It wasn't offensive
What did they say "First class"
You can’t see because of the flowers.”
5. We came to school for the first time
Goodbye, preschoolers,
We're in a school fraternity now
We want to join, guys.
6. And the parents are standing on the sidelines
And they look at us with excitement!
It's like everyone saw it for the first time
Grown up children now!
7. True friendship begins at school
To never end.
True friendship is tested by the heart
So this friendship is forever.

Guys, I want our class to be very friendly. I really want to be friends with you. Here's my hand. Who wants to make friends with me, extend your hands to me.
The teacher walks around the class, touching each student.
So that these hands of friendship will always be with me, circle your palm on a piece of paper and sign your name on it.
Children are working, music is playing.
- Dear guys! I have a surprise for you!
A letter has arrived in your name from Vasilisa the Wise, and there is a note in it!

This letter is special!
It comes with a surprise and a secret!
It will always help in trouble,
Strength and knowledge will increase!
What's in the envelope? Some numbers. And here is the continuation of the letter.
If you barely study,
Then you'll get the number (Two)
If you know everything,
Your rating will be (Five)
I will hide all the grades in a magic envelope, and you will take them out and see what grades you will get at school.

You keep your mark a secret from everyone. Here's how I'll say 1.2.3. show me your marks - show me your marks.
(I put the numbers 2, 3 and 4 in a secret pocket glued to the bag, and at the bottom there are only 5. I suggest that the bravest ones pull out their rating from the magic assessment bag, the children pull out 5)
One, two, three, show me the mark.
It turns out that you will all good students with excellent grades.

What things can you bring to school? I'll read a poem. And you will clap your hands if such things are needed at school, but if some things are not needed at school, show them with your head movements. Let's see who is the most attentive of you...

If you are going to school,
Then you take with you in your briefcase:
- In a squared notebook?
- A new slingshot?
- A broom for cleaning?
- A diary for the top five?
- Album and paints?
- Carnival masks?
- ABC in pictures?
- Torn shoes?
- Markers and pen?
- A bunch of carnations?
- Colored pencils?
- Air mattresses?
- Eraser and ruler?
- Is there a canary in a cage?
- An album to draw on?
- Chewing gum to chew?
- Textbooks in a cover?
- Plates, forks, spoons?
- A sofa to lie on?
- Cardboard to cut out?

How we will learn, we learned what can be carried in a backpack, we remembered how
Will we behave at school?
If you agree with a statement, then say “Yes” out loud, and if the sentence says something wrong, then say “No.”
All homework
I will do it clearly. Yes
Late for class
I'll come running in the morning. No
I won't forget my pen at home
And a notebook and a pencil. Yes
I forgot - I’ll cry
For the whole class, for the whole floor. . No
I promise in class
Don't make noise or chatter. Yes
If I don’t know the answer,
I will raise my hand. . No
And during recess
I promise not to make noise, yeah
Do not knock down people and walls,
Don't push like a bear. Yes
I will be clever, I will be brave,
I will play football. Yes
So I'll be there every now and then
Hit the ball into the window. . No
I'll be smart and cheerful
Do good deeds, yeah
So that my home school
She accepted him as if she were her own. Yes.

Teacher: Well done, you listened to me carefully! Now guess what animal the riddles are talking about. (You can show the picture)
The pachyderm takes the hay with its trunk... (elephant)
Who likes to run around on branches? Of course, red... (squirrel)
In the thicket, with his head raised, howls from hunger... (wolf)
Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot brown... (bear)
On the fence in the morning... (rooster) crowed

Fabulous congratulations.
Do you know that fairy-tale characters sent you congratulations? Yes, yes, after all, all fairy-tale heroes also once learned something, they graduated from a fairy-tale school and can read and write. And now many fairy tale characters We are happy to congratulate you on your first day of school and pass on our advice. Guess who sent them to you.
If you are walking across a field and find some money, then do not rush to buy a samovar, as I did. Better buy a new interesting book. (The clattering fly)

We, all three cheerful brothers, hasten to congratulate you on the beginning of the school year. Study better, and then you will be able to build the same strong house of stones as our brother Naf-Naf! (The Three Little Pigs)

Don't run around the classroom during breaks, otherwise you might accidentally break a vase or drop a golden egg. And then I will have to hatch a new egg, not a golden one, but a simple one. (Chicken Ryaba)

Congratulations to all first graders! I wish you to gain wisdom and definitely learn to read. And when Papa Carlo gave me the alphabet, I exchanged it for a ticket to the puppet theater, which I really regret. Take care of your textbooks! (Pinocchio)
Study as hard as you can in school, and not only in science, but also in politeness. And then one day a girl Masha came to visit us. She ate our porridge, broke Mishutka's highchair and even lay on our beds! (Three Bears)
I also dream of going to school like you! If I had been at school, I would have learned that the Wolf is a cunning predator, and you should never talk to him and, especially, tell him where my grandmother lives. (Little Red Riding Hood)
Well done! You know fairy tales and fairy-tale characters very well!
But at school they learn not only to write and read, but also to solve examples and problems. At school they learn to sing songs, because without music life is sad.
They learn to draw, because without colors life will be dull. They learn to work, because without labor you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond. And in physical education classes they learn to run and jump in order to be agile and strong. If you have definitely decided to become first-graders, then you and I now need to say the first-grader’s oath. And, most importantly, then fulfill everything that you promise in this oath.
From today you are first graders! I congratulate you! I ask you to take the first grade oath. Repeat in unison: “I swear!”
First-grader's oath
I swear in front of everyone to try to be healthy,
Go to Samus school regularly!
I swear!
I swear I can read and write decently
And carry “good” and “excellent” in your backpack.
I swear!
I swear that I will try very hard
No more fighting with my friends!
I swear!
I swear to be a well-mannered child,
Don't run around the school, but walk.
I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give away my baby tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,
And I won't play on the computer!
I swear!
I will always be a perfect child
I swear!
Congratulations from parents
Today is your holiday!
You're very big now
Rejoice, you are a first grader!
Open the door to new knowledge.

You came as a baby kindergarten,
Frightenedly clinging to my mother,
You looked timidly at the guys,
For teachers and nanny.

Years have passed, you have become big -
And the school opens its doors.
And congratulations with all my heart,
Of course, everyone believes in your success!

Here the cheerful bell rings -
And the school welcomes you!
Lessons and breaks await
And great grades!

Started academic year,
Joyful, cheerful!
The bell calls for class,
Hello, hello school!

Today is your holiday
Our wonderful first grader!
So that your path is easy,
Don't forget these lines!

Do well in all subjects
Know the answers to questions!
Strive to be diligent
Strive for new knowledge!

Congratulations from grandmothers
Our dear grandson goes to first grade today
We send you off with great happiness!
Today you will be a schoolchild for the first time,
Therefore, with all our hearts we wish you:
Become the best student in school,
Study every task diligently.
May every new and wonderful day
Good beginnings come.

It's hard to raise your children,
There is a lot you need to know for this.
I would like to wish my parents:
Always help children with everything,
Get the child ready for school in the morning,
Give good parting words in time,
Have time to read a smart book,
And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off,
To avoid everyone's illnesses,
We still need to toughen up the children,
Everyone also attends meetings,
Help the school as much as possible.
And most importantly - without a doubt -
I wish you patience!

Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath as parents of first-graders!
Oath of parents of first-graders
I swear (be I the mother or be I the father)
Always say “Well done” to your child!
I swear!
I swear to leave in due time,
I swear I won't be late for class.
I swear!
I swear I will not “build” my child’s education,
I swear to master a foreign language with him.
I swear!
I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.
And help him do his homework.
I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give away my last tooth,
Then I promise my child
Feed daily boiled condensed milk!
I swear!
Then I will be an ideal parent
And I will never forget my oath!
I swear!

My dear student
A bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new backpack behind me,
There is excitement and delight in the eyes,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today main holiday your,
You are going to school for the first time,
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Everyone is given balloon and a first grade card.

And despite the age of the child, I want this day to be remembered only by pleasant emotions. And here everything, as they say, is in your hands, parents. We have prepared for you some simple and useful ideas, which will turn the day of the first call into a real holiday.

The bell is ringing

The ceremonial ceremony and the first lesson in the class are over. Parents can relax and children can enjoy the holiday to the fullest. But in order for this to be possible, it is necessary to think through an action plan in advance.

You need to start a few days before important date, after all the right attitude- the key to a pleasant day.

Creating a festive atmosphere

Where should I start? In fact, everything is very simple:

First of all, parents should forget about fears and discontent. Yes, you may have to spend a lot of money to provide your child with everything necessary educational materials, but you shouldn’t even mention it in front of your child. Prepare him for another one to begin interesting year, during which he will be able to gain a lot of new knowledge and impressions.

To create a festive atmosphere, start by giving your child freedom of choice in the shopping process. school supplies, and then decorate the house together. The most affordable option is balloons, beautiful autumn leaves, a wall newspaper and a photo collage.

On a wall newspaper you can display your child’s expectations for the upcoming school year, “seasoning” it all short rhymes own composition.

In a photo collage, it would be appropriate to use photographs from previous celebrations or collect the brightest moments of a child’s life from birth to the present, if this is a first-grader.

Let's go for a walk

It’s worth saying right away that you should have two options for celebrating September 1, in case the weather lets you down.

So, if your plans don't break weather conditions, then you can please your child with a hike:

  • For a picnic. This is a real haven for children. In addition to preparing goodies and songs around the fire together, you can easily hold family competitions, interesting competitions and end the holiday with bright fireworks.
  • To the amusement park. Such entertainment will be of interest not only to younger children; even teenagers are often not averse to having fun in such a place. A significant advantage also lies in the fact that while the child is enjoying the games, parents can be distracted by a coffee break.
  • Walk on the water. Have you ever had a picnic on the water? Then Knowledge Day is the time for this. Firstly, you will be able to fully enjoy a warm autumn day, and secondly, this is a truly unforgettable experience.
  • Horseback riding. Communication with animals is one of the the best ways get rid of stress. The beginning of the school year is always a little exciting for schoolchildren, so leisurely walks on beautiful, stately horses can perfectly relieve the atmosphere.

But if the ceremony had to be held under umbrellas, you shouldn’t despair. There are many more options for how to celebrate this day:

  • Cinema. Popcorn, interesting film or cartoon, and long time to discuss impressions. The child will definitely like this.
  • Dolphinarium. If your child has never swam with dolphins before, give him this opportunity. No weather can prevent you from receiving a hurricane of positive emotions.
  • Holiday at home. Who said celebrating the start of the school year at home is boring? Favorite delicacies will definitely lift your spirits, and interesting quizzes will awaken the spirit of competition. One more interesting idea– video interview. Make it a tradition to record a video every year where you ask the same questions. For example, what the child wants to become, what he likes most about school, a few words about friends, etc.

It is worth noting that such entertainment is usually suitable for primary and secondary school students. Don’t be offended if, after finishing school, a teenager asks you for some money for personal expenses and goes for a walk with friends.

Nice gifts

September 1st is a holiday and worth celebrating. Gifts, of course, are an integral part. First, let's think about teachers. good to the class teacher It would be a sin not to give a nice present. But this does not mean that you will have to fork out for expensive equipment or precious jewelry. Great options for such a case are:

  • bouquets of sweets;
  • original diary (for example, personalized handmade);
  • a cup with pleasant wishes from students;
  • souvenir tea or coffee sets.

Now let's figure out what you can give to a schoolchild. First of all, you should pay attention to whether the present will be useful. Of course, it’s great if the theme of the holiday continues in this case. But if you know that some other option will be more useful, then why not:

  • High school students will certainly appreciate a new computer desk or some modern gadgets and devices (tablet, e-book, fitness bracelet).
  • For first-graders and primary school students, childhood does not end, so you can safely make them happy board games or creativity kits. And for parents who are ready to share the responsibility for our little brothers with their baby, we recommend giving them a pet as a gift.
  • A fun gift for children of any age will be an unusual alarm clock - jumping, glowing, with a special glass surface on which you can leave wishes every day.

Pleasant impressions with which the new school year begins are the engine that will help you gain knowledge with pleasure. Don’t be lazy to make a holiday, it’s so simple.