Indian duck: original cooking recipes, photos, ideas. Roasting a duck in the oven is a great way to cook poultry

Not a single pleasant and important celebration is complete without a signature dish, which is the pride of the hostess and the subject of admiration for all guests. It so happens that most often we are offered a bird as the “highlight of the program”. Chicken has already become common, goose is less common, but turkey is considered a delicacy.

There is an opinion that this species is the result of crossing a turkey and a duck, but this is not at all true. The Indian duck is a separate species of poultry. She came to us from Mexico, where her real name sounds like “muscovy duck.” Its meat is a dietary product, combining taste and benefit.

It is not as fatty as duck, and even softer and more tender than turkey fillet. Dishes made from such meat are allowed to be consumed even by those who are on a diet, due to their low calorie content. It will benefit both the growing body and those recovering from a serious illness.

If you've never tried turkey before, it's time to cook something truly special.

The right choice is the key to a delicious dish!

Most often it is stuffed and baked, but stewed and fried meat is also very tasty. To experience the full palette of these tastes, you need to choose the right bird. To do this, remember a few rules.

  1. The most delicious dishes are obtained from a fresh carcass; frozen ones are significantly inferior in taste.
  2. When choosing a bird, pay attention to the color of the skin; it should be beige, without scratches, spots or feathers.
  3. If you buy a pre-cut carcass, look at the meat, it should be pale pink or light red in color.
  4. Freshness can be determined by holding it in your hands. If the meat is sticky, don't buy it. Don’t forget to also smell the product; there should be no foreign odors in it.
  5. The quality will also show elasticity; if, by pressing on the skin, it quickly returns to its original appearance, then such a carcass will make a very tasty dinner.

Subtleties of cooking

To ensure that your family and guests admire how deliciously the bird was cooked, there are several secrets in store that are now available to you.

  1. Before cooking, the meat must be soaked in water or scalded with boiling water, so it will become even softer and juicier.
  2. The bird should be kept in the marinade for at least 1.5 hours. During this time, it will be completely saturated with all the aromatic spices. But don’t overdo it, marinating for longer than 3 hours will take away all the juice.
  3. When baking the carcass in foil, you need to add a little water to the baking sheet so that it bakes evenly.
  4. The optimal cooking time depends on the weight. So, for every kilogram of carcass there is 1 hour of baking or stewing.

Simple and tasty Indian dishes - decoration of the festive table

Baking in the oven is perhaps one of the easiest ways to prepare a tasty and aesthetically pleasing dish that will definitely top your festive banquet.

With apples on your sleeve

This cooking method is very convenient, because by placing the carcass in a sleeve, you create a certain microclimate in which the meat is baked, while retaining all the juices. In addition, the sleeve prevents splashes from contaminating the oven. To prepare this you will need:

  • Indian duck carcass – 1 pc.
  • apples – 2-3 pcs.
  • fat sour cream – 3 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp.
  • garlic – 4 cloves.
  • thyme, ground black pepper, salt.

Pour boiling water over the turkey, rub with salt and black pepper, and marinate for 1.5 hours. Mix the squeezed garlic with sour cream and mayonnaise, generously grease the bird with this mixture inside and out. Peel the apples from the core and cut into large slices, fill the carcass.

Place the prepared bird in a baking sleeve and place it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 1.5-2 hours. If you want the dish to have a crispy crust, carefully cut the bag 30 minutes before the end of baking.

2 in 1

This recipe will help you kill two birds with one stone - prepare the main dish and a side dish, thereby saving time. The list of ingredients is simple:

For the sauce:

  • vinegar – ½ tbsp.
  • water – ½ tbsp.
  • grated ginger root.
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • eggplant – 2 pcs.

First you need to marinate the carcass in a heated sauce made from vinegar, water and grated ginger. The time allotted for this process is 1 hour. Potatoes, onions and eggplants need to be cut and also marinated in ½ tbsp. soy sauce, a few cloves of garlic, salt and pepper.

Before baking, the turkey and potatoes are rubbed on top with salt and pepper and placed in a deep form, where a vegetable bed of onions and eggplants is first placed. Then put in the oven for 2 hours at 200 degrees.

With multi-filling

Another option for baking a whole stuffed carcass is to prepare a rice and vegetable filling for it. To surprise everyone with her culinary talent, she will need:

  • rice - ½ cup;
  • sour apple – 1 pc.
  • tangerine – 1 pc.
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper, curry.

Products that seem incompatible at first glance will make your dish special, you just need to prepare everything correctly. Cut the apple into slices, disassemble the tangerine, stuff the bird. Place the rice, cooked until half cooked, around it, after adding chopped pepper and a glass of water.

You need to bake the carcass with rice for at least 2 hours at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Indo-duck is not the most popular bird in gastronomy, which is not entirely justified. Its meat, unlike ordinary duck, is dietary, it is tender and aromatic. A properly baked carcass will become a signature dish at any festive table. We will tell you in this article how to properly cook turkey in the oven, and what secrets allow you to make it unusually tender and juicy.

How to choose an Indian duck

When choosing a turkey carcass, they are usually guided by two criteria - freshness and age of the bird. In addition to the fact that the carcass should be fresh, it is very desirable that the bird be on the counter while at a young age.

Here are a few rules on how to choose the right quality product:

  • Smell. The carcass should smell nice. A rotten smell is characteristic of stale birds.
  • Appearance. The skin of a fresh bird is light beige in color without any spots. There are no damages or unnatural bulges on its surface. Feathers - completely removed.
  • Texture. When pressed, the skin should quickly return to its original position. The meat should be firm and difficult to separate from the bone.
  • Color. Poultry meat should be pale pink to light red in color.
  • The meat should be slightly moist to the touch, but not sticky.
  • The age of a bird is determined by the end of the keel bone; young representatives of these birds will only have a white cartilaginous formation there.

How to cook turkey in the oven with apples: a step-by-step guide

Proper preparation indoutki involves the following steps:

  • Pre-treatment of turkey

Wash the carcass well. Inspect for the presence of feathers, if necessary, remove them with ordinary tweezers or tar these “fluffy” areas, then wash again. Gut the bird if this has not been done before in the store. Gut through the back hole. Leave offal or “guts” - liver, heart and stomach for making broth or sauce.

  • Preparing the filling for the dish

Basically, these birds are baked whole, stuffed with different fillings. Among them, the most popular are rice, buckwheat, mushrooms, potatoes or fruit mixtures of apples, prunes, lemon and raisins. Stuffing is a great opportunity for any housewife to show off her flight. culinary fantasy. The main thing is that at the time of stuffing, the cereals are already in a state of al-dente, that is, half-ready.

  • Preparing the carcass for baking

With washed and dried paper towel cut the birds excess fat. To make the crust of the carcass tender on the bottom and crispy on the top, pour boiling water over it. It is better if this boiling water is the marinade itself. After this, hang the turkey by the legs for 2-3 hours, and after this time the carcass will be ready for marinating. It is also marinated for about 2-3 hours, in different marinades, the recipes for which we will give below.

  • Cooking turkey

When the carcass is well marinated, we proceed according to the intended recipe. If necessary, rub it with garlic, pepper and salt. We fill it with the prepared minced meat. Do not put too much filling, otherwise the skin may burst in some places, and some space will also be needed for the juice.
Sew up the hole through which you stuffed the bird with thread; if there is no thread, secure the seam with a toothpick. The stuffed turkey carcass is ready for baking. For cooking, use a duck pan, sleeve or foil.

The best Indian duck recipes


Indian duck carcass 2.5-3 kg, rice – 1 cup, carrots – 1 pc., onion – 1 pc., 2 sweet red large apples, honey – 1 tbsp., mustard – 1 tbsp., soy sauce – 2 tbsp, sugar 1 tsp, 3 lemons, salt, pepper, rosemary, cloves, flour.

  1. Prepare the marinade. Squeeze the juice from 3 lemons, heat it slightly in a water bath, add rosemary and cloves, hold in the water bath for 3 minutes so that the aromas of the spices are well revealed.
  2. Place the prepared carcass without the neck into a ceramic container and pour the marinade over it. Leave for 3 hours in the refrigerator.
  3. Let's prepare the filling. Cut the apples into slices.
  4. Cook broth from poultry neck, onions and carrots. Let's salt it. Take half the broth and cook the washed rice in it until al dente.
  5. Strain the rice and let it cool.
  6. Rub the marinated bird inside and out with a mixture of salt and pepper.
  7. Stuffing. Take the carcass and place it with the neck hole down. Line the inner surface with apple slices to form an apple cylinder. Place the cooked rice into the resulting cavity. Sew up the carcass. If a needle and thread are not available, use a toothpick to poke a hole.
  8. Mix honey and mustard and gently spread the mixture onto the skin of the bird.
  9. Thermal stage of processing. Grease the foil a little olive oil and place the carcass there. Close the foil tightly and place the dish in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 180°. After 2 hours, open the foil and leave the bird in the oven for another 20 minutes to form a golden brown crust.
  10. While the game is cooling, prepare the sauce. Heat the remaining broth, but do not let it boil, add 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, make it a little thicker with flour.

The dish is ready!

Check out the recipes and cook.


Indian duck carcass 2.5-3 kg, potatoes - 4 large pieces, leeks - 1 piece, 2 medium eggplants, vinegar - 0.5 tbsp, ginger root, soy sauce - 0.5 tbsp, garlic - 1 head, salt, pepper

  1. Prepare the marinade. Mix half a glass of vinegar with 0.5 tbsp. water. Peel the ginger and grate it on a fine grater. Add ginger to the vinegar solution, heat the marinade to a temperature of 40°.
  2. Pour marinade over the prepared carcass and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours.
  3. Let's prepare the filling. Wash the potatoes well and cut them, unpeeled, into oblong slices. Cut the leek into rings. Eggplants - in rings of medium thickness. Place all vegetables in ceramic dishes, salt, pepper, add 2-3 chopped garlic cloves, pour everything soy sauce and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours.
  4. Rub the marinated turkey inside and out with a mixture of salt, pepper and garlic.
  5. For baking you will need a casserole dish. Lubricate the bottom and edges with olive oil. Chop the remaining half of the leek and eggplant. We line the bottom of the casserole with them.
  6. We fill the carcass with the mass prepared earlier (step 3).
  7. We sew up the carcass or chop it off with toothpicks and place it on a bed of vegetables.
  8. Bake at 180-200°C for two hours with the lid closed and another 20 minutes with the lid open.
  9. Let the game cool and the dish is ready!


turkey carcass 2.5-3 kg, lard – 200 g, buckwheat – 1 cup, cherry tomatoes – 6-8 pieces, green onions, basil, mayonnaise, salt pepper, saffron.

  1. Marinate the prepared carcass in mayonnaise for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.
  2. Cut pork fat without skin into small squares and fry until it is crispy.
  3. Let's prepare the filling. Boil the buckwheat until half cooked and mix it with roasted, chopped green onions and basil, add salt, pepper, and a pinch of saffron to taste. Wash the cherry tomatoes and add them to the buckwheat.
  4. Remove excess mayonnaise from the marinated carcass. Rub with salt and pepper.
  5. We stuff the bird, sew it up, pack it in foil and put it in the oven to cook for 2 hours at 180°C. Open the foil and leave the dish in this form for another 15-20 minutes so that a golden brown crust appears on it. Then let the dish cool a little and serve!

So, to make your baked turkey juicy and tender, follow these tips:

  • Buy only fresh, not defrosted poultry.
  • Before cooking, pour boiling water over the carcass, preferably broth.
  • Marinate the bird for 2-3 hours only.
  • The baking time for an Indian duck depends on its size - 1 kg of carcass = 1 hour of baking.
  • To ensure that the bird bakes evenly and remains juicy, when baking in foil, add a little cold water to the baking sheet.

It will be easier for you to master the cooking process if you watch how turkey is cooked in the oven with fruit in the video.

I wish all regular readers and guests good health, that is, hello!

I recently thought that I could cook from Indian girls, recipes preparations Not many of this bird exist. For the holiday, the Indian duck could be baked with apples in the oven (in the baking sleeve it turns out very juicy), but in weekdays I wanted to make a stewed turkey with a slight sweet and sour note from apple and carrots.

How is a duck different from an Indian duck?

The Indo-duck is the same musk duck; it differs in appearance from an ordinary duck in its interesting view, color, its body is elongated and wide, and on its nose the indo-duck has a fleshy growth, like a turkey. In males, the feathers on their heads rise into an interesting, menacing crest :)

Indo-ducks are easier to breed than ordinary ducks; they can even do without a pond entirely.

The Muscovy duck (Indo-duck) comes from South America(Mexico), its wild populations are still found there. And Indian ducks, although very curious, are real homebodies and caring parents.

Turkey meat wins, unlike duck meat it is less fatty, therefore, due to its low calorie content, it is considered dietary. Therefore, if you come across the meat of such a bird on the market, be sure to try to cook some kind of meat from it. delicious dish(for example, from an Indian duck)!

Well, I'll give you the recipe, how to cook delicious stew from:

  • young Indian duck (weighing 1.5 kg),
  • bulbs – 1 pc.,
  • carrots – 1 pc.,
  • apples – 1-2 pcs.

Indian duck stewed with onions, carrots and apples


Wash the duck, cut into portions. Peel apples and carrots, cut into slices and circles. Cut the onion into half rings. Place a pillow of onions, carrots and apples on the bottom of the saucepan, and pieces of duck on it. Add a little water, it is not necessary to cover the turkey entirely with water; juice will still be released during the stewing process. Stewed turkey with apple and vegetables is prepared over low heat, cooking time is 1.5-2 hours. At the end of cooking, you need to salt and pepper the turkey, add your favorite spices and bay leaf.

Cooking turkey in a slow cooker

Place apples and vegetables on the bottom of a multicooker saucepan.

Place pieces of turkey on them.

The whole duck fit in my large Panasonic multi-cooker; in a small multi-cooker with a capacity of 2.5 liters of food, place the duck pieces to the maximum risk. Water (preferably boiling water) is added to half the volume of loaded products, the multicooker is set to “quenching” mode for one and a half to two hours. If you expect to download indoutka and vegetables and go about your business, then add salt, bay leaf and spices immediately at the beginning preparations.

Serve the Indian duck stew with a side dish, pouring it over own juice released during cooking.

A dish of Indo duck will turn out very tasty if you cook it in.

Well recipe for cooking turkey in the oven You can “copy” from the recipe video from Serge Markovich:

Duck stuffed with rice and baked in foil in the oven

More poultry recipes can be found in

P.S. If the network is busy, you may not be able to access it, just try again several times :)

Duck in the oven “The most tender” We recommend cooking duck in the oven according to our recipe! Meat in milk - Indian recipes Meat in milk turns out tender and very tasty. Duck in the oven with apples and cheese We suggest cooking delicious recipe ducks in the oven with apples and cheese. It turns out very tasty!

In almost any case, there will be a poultry dish on your table. Most often chicken appears on our tables, a little less often goose, then duck and very rarely turkey. Indo-duck meat is considered to be dietary when compared with the meat of an ordinary duck. The meat is also more tender and not as stringy.

Roasting a duck in the oven is the most win-win option for cooking poultry. This bird can be stuffed like a regular duck, with cereals, vegetables or citrus fruits. But in order for turkey meat to turn out juicy, tasty and even healthy, you need to know how to cook it, and this is exactly what we would like to tell you about.

Baked turkey with apples can be roasted whole in the oven in a deep pan, or can be cooked in foil or a baking sleeve.

Indian duck baked in the oven

The oven does not get dirty with splashes of fat when baking poultry; the “microclimate” in the oven allows the duck to cook in its own juices and be juicy.

I used dried thyme in my recipe; I really like this herb with its delicate aroma. We cut out the core of the apples and divide them into large slices, with which we fill the turkey carcass. Fill the indoutka with fruit and place it on foil. Cover the baking sheet on top with foil and put the turkey in the oven for 2 hours, bake the bird at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Honestly, I have never tried Indian duck. There will be 5 ducklings growing in my poultry house today. These are not exactly Indian ducks, but they were in their ancestors. When they grow up, I’ll try your recipe.

I didn’t even know what the difference was between a duck and an Indian duck! The indo-duck is the same musk duck, externally it differs from an ordinary duck in its interesting appearance, coloring, its body is elongated and wide, and on the nose the indo-duck has a fleshy growth, like a turkey.

The Muscovy duck (Indian duck) comes from South America (Mexico), and its wild populations are still found there. And Indian ducks, although very curious, are real homebodies and caring parents.

Therefore, if you find the meat of such a bird on the market, be sure to try to prepare some tasty dish from it (for example, homemade turkey noodle soup)!

cooking turkey recipes

Serve the turkey stew with a side dish, pouring over its own juices released during cooking.

In many stores today you can buy Indian duck - an Indian duck, the meat of which is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its tenderness. It is believed that the most aromatic and appetizing Indian duck is obtained if it is baked in the oven, first filled with a fruit mixture of apples, prunes and lemon.

The main thing is to strictly follow the technology and remember that the Indian duck will be tasty only if its meat is thoroughly baked, but at the same time remains juicy and soft.

Indian oven in the oven - simple and tasty recipes

In order for the filling to thoroughly saturate the turkey from the inside and make its meat especially tender, you can add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise to the resulting mixture.

You also need to make sure that there are no feathers left on the skin of the Indian duck. When baking, the pan does not need to be covered with a lid, which is one of the features of cooking turkey. The turkey is baked for about 1.5 hours. At the same time, every 20-30 minutes you need to turn it over and pour over the fat that will be released during the cooking process.

This is a dietary product, and cooking turkey is a pleasure! Each of the recipes is delicious in its own way. In a word - there are a lot of recipes, we will gradually publish everything from our recipe notebook. Duck in the oven recipe at home The “Duck in the oven” recipe is probably the most popular in many families.

I've eaten duck, but not turkey... If you want to cook turkey, this section is for you. We hope our recipes will delight you with unsurpassed taste!

  • Indian duck - 1 piece,
  • Salt, ground black pepper to taste,
  • Mayonnaise 1-2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sour cream (high fat content) - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Garlic 3 - 4 cloves,
  • Apples 2 - 3 pieces (I had apples and tangerines),
  • Thyme sprigs.

Cooking process:

First, we wash the carcass, pour boiling water over it and then rub it with a mixture of ground black pepper and salt. Leave to marinate for 1.5 hours.

At this time, you need to peel the garlic cloves, put them through a garlic press and mix with mayonnaise and sour cream. Rub the marinated turkey with the resulting mixture inside and out.

We cut out the core of the apples and divide them into large slices, with which we fill the turkey carcass. Grind the tangerine along with the peel (optional).

We place the prepared bird in a baking bag, secure it on both sides and, after making several small punctures, put it in the oven. The holes in the baking sleeve will release extra steam and will help form a beautiful golden crust. Bake the turkey at 190° degrees for 1.5 – 2 hours. If you like a more fried skin than in my photo, then I advise you to cut the bag 30 minutes before the end of cooking so that the duck is well browned.

    Recipe No. 2

    Indian baked in the oven with rice, tangerines and apples

To prepare turkey in the oven you will need the following ingredients:
  • Indian duck (medium carcass) - 1 piece,
  • Curry powder – 1 teaspoon,
  • Salt to taste
  • Tangerines (large) – 3 pieces,
  • Apples (sour) – 3 pieces,
  • Rice (round) – 1 cup,
  • Sweet bell pepper – 2 pieces.

    Cooking turkey with rice and fruit in the oven

First, you should rinse the gutted turkey carcass and fill it with salt water, leave to soak for 1.5 - 2 hours. Then we take the carcass out of the water, wipe it and rub it with a mixture of salt and curry powder, rub the carcass inside and out.

Rice should be washed and soaked in salted water for 2 hours; if desired, curry can be added to the water for color.

Tangerines should be peeled and divided into slices, each cut into two parts. Divide the apples into two parts, cut out the core and then cut into large cubes.

We wash the bell pepper and, after removing the core and stalk, cut it into small cubes. Then drain the water from the rice and mix it with the prepared bell pepper.

Cover a baking tray or baking dish with foil and make sides. Fill the indoutka with fruit and place it on foil. Place rice with bell pepper around the duck and fill with water (2/3 cup). Cover the baking sheet on top with foil and put the turkey in the oven for 2 hours, bake the bird at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

After two hours, you will need to remove the foil to allow the carcass to brown. You will also need to stir the rice and add water if necessary so that the cereal cooks evenly. Place the turkey back into the oven for half an hour.

When preparing this dish, you can experiment with spices, choosing those shades of taste that you like best.

Also as a filling stuffed duck you can use buckwheat, mushrooms, lemons, and dried apricots. In any case, you will get a delicious holiday dish.

Bon appetit and good recipes!