How to make condensed milk at home? Homemade condensed milk - recipe, photo. How to cook condensed milk in a can: different methods - the result is the same and very tasty

Despite the fact that many housewives know approximately how long to cook condensed milk in a jar, they do not always follow the rules for preparing the product. This often ends in accidents, the results of which have to be scrubbed off the walls within a few hours. In fact, cooking this delicacy, so beloved by many and actively used in confectionery, is not so difficult.

Today, condensed milk is not only boiled in a saucepan. Now this can be done in a slow cooker, pressure cooker, or microwave. If necessary, there are options for preparing an already opened product. Of course, you don’t even have to figure out how to cook condensed milk correctly, because today it is sold in ready-made form. But practice shows that the most delicious product remains the one boiled with your own hands in a tin can.

How to choose the right condensed milk for boiling?

Particular attention should be paid to the process of choosing milk, otherwise all efforts may be in vain. The enduring popularity of the product has caused some manufacturers to try to save money on its production. Sometimes even in a store you can buy the most real fake, which after heat treatment in a slow cooker or microwave turns into an unpleasant-tasting mixture that is also hazardous to health.

To prevent this from happening, when buying condensed milk you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Product Name. For cooking, and simply consuming it in its original form, it is better to take “condensed milk with sugar”, adding the word “whole” is allowed. All other variations indicate that the product is not prepared according to standards and most likely contains flavorings or herbal ingredients.
  • Production standard marking. The best option is GOST marking. There is also TU marking, but it indicates the presence of plant components in significant quantities, which in this case is not welcome.
  • Shelf life of milk. If it exceeds one year, then the presence of preservatives is guaranteed. This in itself is bad; it is also not clear how the mass will react to boiling in a microwave, slow cooker, or some other type of processing.
  • Marking on the tin lid. It’s good if it is not applied, but knocked out, and from the inside. The first place in the inscription should be the letter M and four numbers. The third and fourth should be 76, indicating high quality product.

Advice: Regardless of whether you plan to cook condensed milk or use it in pure form, you should not take a product packaged according to plastic bags. Real condensed milk can only be in an iron can. It is this packaging that allows you to preserve the product for as long as possible, in the production of which no harmful additives were used.

  • Quality of packaging. The presence of chips, signs of deformation or cracks is unacceptable.

There is no need to focus on the cost of the product. A high price does not always indicate the required level of quality, but a low price does not always indicate that the seller, for some reason, is trying to quickly get rid of the product. The main thing is that the condensed milk meets all the requirements listed above.

Basic rules for preparing the product

Before you cook condensed milk at home, you need to consider a number of points. This is especially true for those housewives who do not risk using approaches to preparing the mass in a slow cooker, pressure cooker or microwave.

  1. It takes no more than an hour to obtain a soft brown and still fairly fluid composition. A dark, thick and rich product is obtained after 3.5 hours of cooking. Depending on how long you cook condensed milk, not only its color and consistency change, but also its taste. The aged composition is rarely used directly for food; it is usually used for making creams.
  2. If the liquid evaporates during the cooking process, it must be replenished. Moreover, it is used for this purpose exclusively hot water, otherwise an explosion may occur.
  3. After the required time has been maintained, there is no need to rush to open the boiled condensed milk. It is better to leave it in the same water until it cools completely. Then the jar will not slam when opened, and the milk itself will turn out more tasty.
  4. Before boiling condensed milk in a jar with any of possible ways, it is worth reading its composition. The optimal consistency of the product is possible if the milk fat content is 8%.

After the condensed milk has been selected and all the secrets of the process have been studied, you need to proceed directly to boiling it. You can do this at home in one of several ways.

Traditional method of boiling condensed milk and using a multicooker

Cooking condensed milk in a saucepan is quite simple. You need to place the jar without a label on its side in the selected container and fill it cold water. Place the structure over high heat and bring the liquid to a boil. Then reduce the heat to a minimum. After that, all that remains is to keep the composition as long as necessary, monitoring the water level in the pan. If after some time the color of the water in the jar changes or a leak is detected, the manipulation must be stopped immediately.

To prepare condensed milk in a multicooker, the following stages of work must be completed:

  • Remove the label from the can and wipe the iron surface with a damp sponge. We line the bowl of the device cloth napkin, which prevents scratches on the non-stick surface.
  • We place the jar on the bottom or lay it on its side. Fill it with water just above the jar itself, but below the maximum allowed for the bowl.
  • It’s good if the multicooker has a steam release valve. It needs to be closed, then the water will practically not boil away.
  • Bring the water to a boil using the “Frying” or “Boiling” mode. Then close the lid of the device, set the “Multi-cooker” or “Stewing” mode (the temperature in the multi-cooker should be kept within 100-105ºС).

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot cook condensed milk very quickly in a slow cooker. Here again you will have to spend at least 2-3 hours to obtain a thick and rich mass.

How can you cook an already opened can?

If the condensed milk is in an unintended open jar or it was bought in a bag, then there is no way to cook it in a pressure cooker, saucepan or slow cooker. You will have to do this in the microwave or use the water bath principle. This is what the second option would look like:

  • Pour the milk into a glass jar, but do not fill it to capacity. Place a cloth napkin on the bottom of the water pan and place a can of condensed milk on it 9 to ensure uniform heating). Fill the pan with water so that its level exceeds the level of condensed milk in the jar.
  • Just cover the jar with a lid and do not screw it on. Bring the water to a boil and reduce the heat to low. We make sure that the water level never drops below the level of condensed milk, this is fraught with pop or explosion.

With this approach, you can not even act on time, but simply monitor the condition of the product. Although this technique processing can theoretically be carried out in a multicooker; it’s not worth risking the device.

Processing condensed milk in a pressure cooker and microwave

An undeniable advantage of using a pressure cooker is the fact that there is no need to constantly monitor the process of preparing condensed milk. But don’t think that this method shortens the preparation time for the treat. The manipulation technique is as follows:

  1. We place the jar with the product in the pressure cooker, fill it with water, not exceeding the maximum level allowed for the device.
  2. We lower the lid, start the device, after the water boils, wait only 15 minutes and turn off the device.
  3. Now all you have to do is wait until the water cools down completely with the lid closed. This will take approximately 2-3 hours.

The fastest way to cook boiled condensed milk is in the microwave. True, you will have to vigilantly monitor the device so as not to miss right moment or prevent an accident. We open the jar, pour the milk into a container made of suitable material, it should not be filled. Boil the product for half an hour (microwave power should be at least 400 W). An additional inconvenience is that every couple of minutes the device must be stopped and the composition stirred, otherwise it will burn. On the other hand, with this approach it becomes possible to monitor the condition of the product.

Regardless of how the cooked mass was prepared, it is necessary to evaluate its final appearance, taste and smell. If, as a result of processing, the composition has a bitter taste, then most likely it was overcooked or burnt (this is especially typical when boiling in the microwave). Any unpleasant notes in the odor indicate that a stale component was originally used. And the presence of multi-colored spots indicates low quality of the composition, the presence of harmful ingredients or a violation of milk production techniques.

Every person has delicacies that they have loved since childhood. Maybe they no longer bring such pleasure as many years ago, but every time they remind you of happy years. Boiled condensed milk– this is the apotheosis of pleasure for little gourmets. They are the ones who prefer to eat it with spoons. Well, adults use it more as a cream or dessert. Today this delicacy can be bought in any store, but the taste is not the same. Or maybe it’s better to make boiled condensed milk with your own hands? By the way, in previous years they didn’t sell ready-made boiled condensed milk; my mother made it. Why don't we try a delicacy prepared in our own kitchen? Moreover, there are quite enough recipes.

Classic way
Keep in mind - this is the most common, but also the most dangerous recipe. The slightest oversight and a can of condensed milk will explode. So be careful.
For this option you will need a tin can of factory milk. We place it in a saucepan, pour water so that the jar drowns in it. Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 3 - 4 hours. You need to monitor the water level, periodically adding as it boils. The time is up, remove the jar from the pan, give the milk a chance to cool, open it - and enjoy the delicate brown fudge!

Homemade boiled condensed milk
Be prepared for the fact that this method will take a lot of time and labor and will require special care. However, the result is such that you will not regret your decision to make boiled condensed milk at home. After all, when we open another can of our favorite delicacy at home, we sigh: the taste is not the same, and we don’t know what additives are in there. So we'll do everything ourselves.

We take two liters of 3% fresh milk (in extreme cases, in bags or bottles). You will also need 0.5 kg of sugar, a little vanilla (if you like it) and one teaspoon of soda. It is advisable to cook in a copper basin; if you don’t have one, you can use a pan with a thick bottom. Pour the milk into a bowl, add vanillin. Put the milk on the fire, bring to a boil and pour in sugar and soda mixed with a small amount water.

The milk continues to boil, and our task is to stir it intensively. It will take quite a long time to cook - at least two hours. When you notice that the milk is thickening and changing color, the heat should be reduced. As soon as the cooking time has passed, the container with milk should be placed in a large container filled with cold water and kept there for about ten minutes, stirring constantly.

That's all. Cool the boiled condensed milk completely, and you can take a sample from this unique, aromatic delicacy that you can’t buy in a store! Those with a sweet tooth will probably want to eat it in its pure form, but home confectioners will definitely use it as a cream for waffle cakes or pastries.

Cooking condensed milk in the oven
Also a very common method. Pour a can of store-bought condensed milk into a heatproof saucepan. Next, take a high baking sheet or just big shape, fill with water and place a container with milk in it. The water should reach approximately half the level of the condensed milk.
Cover the pan with foil and place the entire structure in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. We wait 2-3 hours. The time depends on how dark you want the finished treat to be. Check periodically to see if the water has boiled away. If necessary, you need to add it. The timer signaled the end of the process - take the baking sheet with the pan out of the oven, remove the foil and mix the milk mass. As soon as it cools down, you can start the feast.

Boiled condensed milk from the microwave
Those who are especially impatient can make boiled condensed milk at home much faster. But this requires a microwave oven.
Open a can of condensed milk and pour it into a microwave-safe container. Place the pan in the oven and cook for 15 minutes using medium power. It must be said that store-bought condensed milk comes in different quality, so the cooking time for the “varenka” may not be the same; you may have to add a few minutes. You need to be guided by the color of the boiled condensed milk. Next, as in other recipes, let it cool and enjoy the deliciousness.

We use a pressure cooker
This method will appeal to those who do not want to constantly monitor the cooking process.
Fill the pressure cooker with cold water and place a can of condensed milk in it. The water should cover it completely. Close the pressure cooker and place on high heat. 12 minutes should pass from the moment the water boils. Turn off the unit. Let the water cool down. After that, we take out the jar, open it, and eat it together.

You can prepare condensed milk in a slow cooker
To do this, you need to take a can of store-bought milk, preferably marked “GOST”. Open it, pour the contents into a glass jar and close the lid. The bottom of the saucepan should be covered with a cloth to avoid scratching the bottom. Place the jar in the multicooker and add water to about half the milk level. Close the lid and select the “Stew” or “Milk porridge” program, setting the time to 4 hours. Click “Start”. The process has begun, although not quickly, but this is a property of this household appliances. There is no need to open the lid slightly and add water - it does not evaporate from the multicooker. The ready signal sounds - carefully remove the jar, cool, and then continue as in previous recipes.

If the result disappoints you
It’s rare, but it happens that you can make boiled condensed milk at home good quality fails. And this happens for one of two reasons. You bought not very high-quality condensed milk, which contained too many impurities. A good one should consist of milk with a fat content of at least 8 percent and sugar, or you simply did not cook the condensed milk or allowed too little time for the process. There is a pattern here: the longer condensed milk is cooked, the thicker, darker it is and, accordingly, tastier.

We all know that boiled condensed milk is very sweet and high in calories. But how many of you know about the composition of this product? About the benefits and harm? Did you know that condensed milk is highly concentrated milk with sugar that is subjected to heat treatment?

Externally, the product looks appetizing: caramel color, taste and even smells sweet. For some, the taste is reminiscent of toffee, while for others it’s just something milky. The consistency of the sweet resembles thick cream or butter.
Many people believe that condensed milk is incredibly harmful, useless and very hard on the body. But we want to say that even though condensed milk is packaged in cans for a long time, it still retains useful micro- and macroelements and vitamins.

Who can and who can't?

Condensed milk can and should be eaten by both adults and children. It is recommended in the diet of pregnant women and even the smallest children, but only if the product is real, prepared at home. It will be useful for strengthening of cardio-vascular system and for mental activity for donors and people of mental work. As mentioned above, the product is complete the necessary elements, so there should be no doubt about its benefits.

It is strictly forbidden to eat condensed milk for those who are allergic to milk and diabetes. It is also better not to use the product for people who are obese. It is better for children to limit access to this sweetness so as not to lead to dental problems.

Calorie content of the product

328 calories per 100 grams of product is no joke. This is really a lot, but how delicious! After the first spoon you want a second, and then the fifth is just around the corner, right?

Energy value of the product:

Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates:

  • Proteins: 7.2g. (∼28.8 kcal)
  • Fat: 8.5g. (∼ 76.5 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 55.5g. (∼ 222 kcal)
  • Energy ratio (b|w|y): 8% |23%|67%

So you understand, a store-bought product will not go far in terms of calorie content. Store-bought white condensed milk contains 321 calories, while white condensed milk contains 340 kcal. But remember that homemade sweets may be a little higher in calories, but you will be satisfied with them and gain useful components and vitamins.

Incorrect composition of boiled condensed milk

By buying store-bought, you won’t get anything useful other than a pleasant aroma. You will buy a jar containing a huge amount of dyes, preservatives, and vegetable oils (like palm oil). Boiled condensed milk from the store may also contain various thickeners and other components harmful to health.
By the way, “low-calorie” types of condensed milk have existed for a long time. Such a product will contain no more than 200 calories per 100 grams, depending on the composition of the boiled condensed milk. Often such condensed milk is prepared by those who cannot live without the popular sweet even on a diet. In addition, you can also find a vegan one (that is, without dairy content at all).

What is the difference between boiled condensed milk and regular milk?

Basically, the answer is right in the question. One condensed milk is boiled, but the other is not. But everything is not so simple, there are a little more differences.
Condensed milk is incredibly concentrated milk and sugar. It is so rich that it is even healthier than regular milk. The basis of the product is chlorine, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, sodium, calcium and even several groups of various vitamins (vitamins A, B, C, D, E, H, PP, choline).
In terms of consistency, no matter how strange it may sound, condensed milk resembles nothing more than PVA glue. The aroma is reminiscent of cream, vanilla and milk at the same time. The color is creamy, very pleasant and appetizing.

Boiled condensed milk is a product that can be prepared from scratch using only four ingredients: milk, sugar, soda and citric acid. You can boil regular condensed milk and get the new kind condensed milk

In order to get boiled milk from regular condensed milk, it must be boiled directly in a tin can. This is a long process - it takes up to four hours of your time. And here, by the way, it is very important to know when to stop. After all, if you don’t add water to the pan, the condensed milk can explode and all your walls, including the ceiling, will become sweet.

The benefits and harms of boiled condensed milk

The very first and most important advantage of this product- this is its nutritional value. If you are hungry or have a poor appetite, you can eat just a few spoons and feel full. But you shouldn’t get carried away, because this sweet milk mass is really incredibly high in calories.
Another advantage of our product is easy absorption. Therefore, condensed milk often appears in the diet of people with low immunity or low weight on the recommendation of a doctor.

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It contains calcium, protein, magnesium - all this is incredibly useful for any body. But this does not apply to the faithful condensed milk that is sold in stores. The product sold is completely artificial and all that remains of the healthy one is a pleasant, alluring aroma. Therefore, we highly recommend it. It's not as difficult as it seems. This task can be completed in less than an hour.

To make your head and hormones work better or to improve your metabolism, it is recommended to consume this product in your diet. Just five grams of the product will begin to stimulate brain activity.
What's harmful about condensed milk after boiling? We cannot call the product healthy and recommend that you consume it every day due to its high sugar content. For this very reason, it is necessary to limit the product in the children's diet in order to avoid caries.

The most popular “dish” with condensed milk is still. Remember, the same one when the cakes are smeared with a thick layer of boiled condensed milk and all this beauty is sent to the refrigerator for soaking for several hours, or better yet, overnight.

The second most popular dessert. You must remember those same balloons from childhood that we filled with condensed milk with our own hands and then ate with a mug of hot tea while watching cartoons in the kitchen every morning.
To eat deliciously, don’t let the calorie content of boiled condensed milk scare you. We still highly recommend making this treat yourself. You can be sure that you have prepared something delicious and truly useful product for yourself and your loved ones. Rest assured that the calories in the resulting product will only be beneficial!


Not only children love sweets, but also adults. Sweets, cakes, gingerbreads, pastries lift your spirits and bring pleasure. And the real taste from childhood is boiled condensed milk. Yes, supermarkets sell already boiled condensed milk - toffee. But the delicacy you prepare yourself is much tastier. Of course, many housewives know well how this process goes. It is important to follow all steps. Otherwise, it will take hours to clean the kitchen. After all, if cooked incorrectly, a jar of raw sweetness may simply burst. So, how to cook condensed milk in a jar yourself?

Selecting condensed milk in a can for cooking

If you decide to make your own boiled condensed milk or condensed milk in a tin can, you need to pay attention Special attention choosing this product. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain. Thanks to such popularity, many manufacturers are trying to save on raw materials and reduce the cost of sweets. In the process of cooking such products, they turn into an incomprehensible mass, which is very harmful to human health.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to pay attention to some factors:

  • Can marking. A high-quality product must have an embossed marking, and not just a printed or written one. At the same time, it is knocked out on the lid or bottom of the jar from the inside. First it gets stuffed alphabetic character"M" and numbers. If the last two characters are “76”, then the condensed milk is of high quality.
  • Standard marking. The highest quality and delicious condensed milk prepared in accordance with GOST. TU marking is allowed. In this case, plant components are used in production large quantities. This worsens the taste characteristics of the product.
  • Name. To cook delicious condensed milk, or to eat it raw, choose the name on the can “Sweetened condensed milk.” Some manufacturers write “Whole milk”. This option is also acceptable. Other products are not manufactured to the standard and may be harmful.
  • Storage period. Real, properly made condensed milk cannot be stored for more than one year. If the packaging indicates a longer shelf life, it means preservatives were added during production. When heated, they can turn into a real time bomb.

Pay attention to the quality of the packaging itself. The delicacy is not suitable for either cooking or eating in its natural form. plastic container. Real condensed milk is packaged only in tin cans. Only such packaging allows products to be stored for such a long time without the use of preservatives. Cracks and dents are unacceptable on a tin can.

How to cook condensed milk in a can in a saucepan?

To cook delicious sweets in a jar, you need to consider some points. First of all, the cooking time of the product is taken into account. How long does it take to cook condensed milk in a jar? If you want to get a delicate, beige shade, the cooking time will be only 1 hour. To obtain a dark brown color, you will have to cook the sweetness for about 3.5-4 hours.

Cooking time also affects the taste characteristics and consistency of condensed milk. The longer it cooks, the thicker it will be. As a rule, such masses are used not for direct consumption, but for making filling or cream for confectionery products. During the cooking process, the water in the pan will evaporate. It definitely needs to be added. But to prevent an explosion and condensed milk from ending up on the kitchen walls, only hot water is added.

Follow these cooking steps:

  • Peel the jar off the label;
  • Place the jar sideways in the pan;
  • Pour cold liquid over the condensed milk;
  • Bring condensed milk to a boil over high heat;
  • Reduce heat to low;
  • Cook the condensed milk for the prescribed time.

If you notice that milk has begun to flow out of the can, you should stop cooking. Otherwise, the jar will definitely explode. Do not immediately open the condensed milk when it is cooked. Wait until the product has cooled completely. So, the condensed milk will be tasty, and the container will not burst. Study the composition of condensed milk before cooking. The required consistency will only be achieved when the milk fat content does not exceed 8%.

Cook condensed milk in a can in a slow cooker

Today, a multicooker is found in almost every kitchen. Using this device you can also cook delicious condensed milk. As in the previous version, you need to remove the label from the iron can and wipe it with a damp sponge. The multicooker bowl must be lined with a napkin (fabric) so that it does not get scratched by the tin.

The can of condensed milk itself can be laid on its side or placed flat. You need enough water to cover a little higher than the jar. But, you must not exceed the maximum mark in the multicooker bowl. If the device has a steam valve, it should be closed. This way, the liquid will not evaporate and you won’t have to add it.

In the “Frying” mode, the liquid with the jar must be brought to a boil. After this, close the multicooker with a lid and set the “Stew” mode. Usually, temperature regime is installed automatically. It should remain between 100-110 degrees. You won’t be able to cook condensed milk quickly even in a slow cooker. To obtain a thick, brown mass, at least 2.5-3 hours should pass.

How to make condensed milk yourself?

You can prepare condensed milk yourself. There is a universal classic recipe. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • Full-fat milk - 1.3 l;
  • Sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • Baking soda - 3 g;
  • Water - 0.1 l;
  • Vanillin - 20 g.

You can cook condensed milk yourself only in a pan with a special coating (non-stick), thick-walled. The combination of milk and sugar will first create foam and then begin to stick to the bottom of the pan. A bottom that is too thin will spoil the taste of the dish. If there is no suitable pan, the mass must be constantly stirred.

So, at the first stage, a mixture of vanillin, sugar, and water is prepared. Mix everything with a wooden spatula. The heat on the stove is set to below medium. The mixture is stirred with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. After the syrup is ready, you can slowly pour the full-fat milk into the mixture. As always, stirring the mixture until it comes to a boil. It is important to pour in the milk not cold, but room temperature.

The heat is reduced to the minimum level as soon as multiple bubbles begin to appear. At this stage, soda is added to the product. Since a sharp hissing and bubbling will begin, the condensed milk needs to be stirred intensively. Now the condensed milk is covered with a lid and simmered over low heat for one hour. The milk is stirred every 10 minutes.

After about an hour, the milk will turn a soft beige color. Right now you can remove the condensed milk from the heat if you want to get a liquid consistency. For thick, boiled condensed milk, you will have to simmer the product for another 40 minutes. After removing the product from the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let the condensed milk cool. The already cooled sweetness is poured into a jar, food container, and tightly closed with a lid.

Other delicacy recipes

Condensed milk with cream turns out very tasty. In this case, the composition of the ingredients is slightly different:

  • Sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • Powdered milk - 370 g;
  • Cream (33% fat) - 1 l;
  • Infant formula (dry) - 210 g;
  • Water - 120 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g.

The cooking pan should be the same as in the previous case. A mixture of their vanilla and plain sugar, water. The mixture is simmered over low heat until it boils. At this stage, the sugar has not yet completely dissolved. As soon as the mixture is homogeneous, it is removed from the gas. Now you can add cream to the pan, powdered milk, baby formula. The dishes are placed on low heat, and the condensed milk is constantly stirred. This will avoid the formation of lumps.

The product should simmer for 1.5 hours. During the cooking process, the product is constantly stirred, and the foam that has settled on the walls is returned to the pan. You need to turn off the heat when the mass becomes thick and viscous. The treat cools down at room temperature. This sweetness will turn out very tasty, moderately sweet. In a container with a tight-fitting lid (preferably glass), the product can be stored in the refrigerator for a long period of time.

Today on store shelves there is a sufficient amount of your favorite delicacy called “Boiled condensed milk”. However, the taste of the product is sometimes very disappointing. And in order to prepare it yourself, you need to know how long to cook condensed milk in a can and how to do it correctly to achieve the desired color and consistency. A properly prepared delicacy can be used for cakes, cream, cheesecakes, various desserts and simply for sandwiches.

How to choose condensed milk for cooking

It is no secret that manufacturers often change the original recipe for condensed milk. Therefore, the taste of the cooked product depends on the composition of the original product. When choosing condensed milk, you need to consider the following points:

    1. The cheapest options are usually not suitable for cooking. Inexpensive condensed milk may contain ingredients that are hazardous to health.
  • Condensed milk containing plant components will not boil down to the desired consistency, and the taste will leave much to be desired.
  • The tin can must be intact, without dents or chips.
  • The marking on the lid of the jar will tell you about the quality of the product. After the letter M there are four numbers on the marking. The first two report the manufacturer. If the third and fourth are 7 and 6, then such a product does not contain unwanted additives.
  • Condensed milk produced in accordance with GOST standards better than that one, which is produced according to technical specifications.

On a note! Condensed milk comes in different fat contents. The cooking time will depend on this. If you bought 8% milk, then you need to cook it in a saucepan for about two hours. If the fat content is 8.5%, then the cooking time is 3 hours.

How to cook condensed milk correctly

Housewives today have more than just a stove and pots in their arsenal. Therefore, you can prepare your favorite delicacy different ways. To do this, you need to find out how long to cook condensed milk in a saucepan, pressure cooker and microwave. You can choose any cooking method:

    • Traditionally, condensed milk is boiled in a saucepan. To do this, place a tin can on the bottom and pour water to the very top. After boiling, the condensed milk needs to be cooked for a couple of hours.
  • It will take very little time to cook condensed milk in a pressure cooker. The jar is completely covered with water and after boiling, cook for only 10 minutes. The jar should cool right in the pressure cooker. The water should not be drained.
  • You can boil condensed milk by pouring it into a glass jar. This method is good because the cooking time can be controlled based on the color and consistency of the delicacy. A glass jar with condensed milk is placed in a saucepan, and water is poured to the top level of the product in the jar. As it boils, you need to add hot water to the pan.
  • The good thing about the method of preparing boiled condensed milk in the microwave is that you can control the thickness and color of the delicacy. But at the same time, the milk must be poured into a suitable container. Cooking time ranges from 10 to 20 minutes.

Important! To prevent a can of condensed milk from exploding during cooking, you need to monitor the water level. It should completely cover the jar. As it boils, add hot water to the pan.

Recipes with boiled condensed milk

Since childhood, we remember the taste of our favorite anthill or tubes of boiled condensed milk. But there are many others original recipes that are worth trying. The family will definitely like it.

Cheesecakes stuffed with boiled condensed milk

Mix 8 tablespoons of semolina with 3 tablespoons of sugar and 0.5 kg of cottage cheese. To form cakes from the resulting dough, your hands must be moistened with water. Place a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk inside the flatbread and cover it with another flatbread. Roll the resulting cheesecake in flour and fry in large quantities. vegetable oil. Cheesecakes with a golden crispy crust are ready!

Cakes on sticks

This dessert is great for children's parties. 60 g butter beat with 60 g of sugar. Beat 2 eggs into the resulting mass, but not all at once, but one at a time. Mix well and add another 75 g of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 1 tablespoon of milk. For baking, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

For the cream, beat 50 g of butter at room temperature with 50 g of boiled condensed milk. Crumble the cake, which should already be cooled, and mix with the cream. Form small balls from this mass and put them in the cold for an hour.

Melt 150 g of dark and milk chocolate in a water bath. These two types can be mixed or used separately. The stick is dipped in melted chocolate mixture. Place the frozen ball on it and put it back in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

The balls are again dipped in chocolate and decorated with confiture. They should freeze in this form again. So that the cakes retain their appetizing appearance, they can be stuck into a foam plate and stored in the refrigerator until the holiday.

Waffle cake from childhood

Ready-made waffle cakes bought in a store are coated with ready-made cream. To prepare it, beat a can of boiled condensed milk for about 10 minutes with 100 g of softened butter. Crushed walnuts You can add it to the cream already. Each cake is generously coated with creamy mixture. The last cake does not need to be greased. The cake should be wrapped in film, placed on top and placed in the refrigerator for a day. As a result, the dessert soaked in this way will be very tender.

The preparation of each dish has its own secrets. Don't be afraid to cook condensed milk at home and pamper your loved ones.