Lakshmi - Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Other forms of Lakshmi that are included in the list of Ashtalakshmi include

Anyone who has visited the mysterious and so incomprehensible India knows how great the veneration of local Hindu gods is there. They are asked for protection, well-being, health and good luck, bring offerings and sincerely believe that they will not forget to benefit their petitioners.

Kind and wise, bringing happiness and material wealth, peace in the home and harmony in relationships, endowing women with charm and attractiveness, and men with a happy destiny, she enjoys great love all Hindus.


They tell how this wonderful goddess was born different stories. "Mahabharata" tells that Lakshmi was born from a beautiful golden lotus, which grew from the head of Naryana - one of the incarnations god Vishnu. She is one of the repositories of the power and energy of Vishnu, and according to many beliefs, she inextricably follows him in all his avatars and reincarnations.

According to other sources, the father of the goddess was the sage Bhrigu. During his long wanderings around the world, the seventh son of Brahma tried to solve for himself an important philosophical question about whether knowledge can nourish the human body like ordinary food.

Meet another deity of India, the destroyer, whose image is quite terrifying.

Meeting on the way goddess of wisdom Saraswati And god of the sea Varuna, he realized that information only feeds the mind, and the human body needs food. It was then that he created the beautiful goddess Lakshmi, who helps to get money and gives the opportunity to satisfy hunger.

But the most beautiful and unusual myth connects the birth of Lakshmi with such an event as the churning of the world's oceans. It was when the asuras and devas through their efforts churned the water into milk and Fourteen magnificent wonders arose, among whom was Lakshmi. She surfaced among the primordial waters on a beautiful lotus flower, which has since been its integral attribute. The moment she rose above the waves of the raging ocean, all the gods, enchanted by her beauty, wanted to take her as their wife. But she chose Vishnu and has been following him ever since.


The name Lakshmi itself is translated from Sanskrit as “goal”. And this goal is the prosperity and well-being of a person in all areas of his life. This is one of the few goddesses who combine both magical and very practical qualities.

Lakshmi is the goddess of prosperity. And well-being can be embodied in hundreds of different things. For some, success in business or family happiness, some ask for health or fame, others come for wisdom or longevity. But they all turn their prayers to the beautiful Lakshmi, the golden-skinned goddess seated in a lotus flower.

She is also considered the patroness of motherhood, spiritual purity, life's pleasures and good luck. Lakshmi like loving mother, is ready to intercede for every sinner and ask Vishnu for him. That is why even those who are completely desperate rush to her for help.

Lakshmi's mission is eternal happiness on earth. But this happiness is not a gift, it is an active and meaningful activity of a person, a feeling of satisfaction from a fulfilled duty.


All myths and stories describe Lakshmi as a beautiful young woman. She stands or sits in a lotus flower. Individual temples of the goddess are quite rare. As a rule, her images and sculptures can be found where Vishnu is worshiped.

Lakshmi can be dark - this shows that she spouse dark-faced Sometimes, to emphasize her ability to bestow wealth and wealth on people, she is depicted in golden yellow colors. Snow-white Lakshmi is the embodiment of the purity of nature. But more often than not, she seems to be shrouded in a pinkish haze, symbolizing her compassion and care for all things.

As the companion of Vishnu, she is usually depicted with two hands. She's in them holding coconut and lotus. In her own temples she has four arms.

This is the personification of her ability to give to any person four main goals in life:

  • righteousness,
  • wealth,
  • bodily pleasure,
  • bliss.

They are symbolized by the lotus, the shell, the ambrosia vessel and the bilva fruit.

Ten-armed Lakshmi, holding a bow, arrows, mace and discus, is an incarnation of Mahalakshmi, one of the aspects of the warrior goddess Durga.

Sometimes Lakshmi is depicted surrounded by elephants who pour water on her. And as a vahana - a symbol of the goddess and her mount - an owl is used.


One of the ways to glorify the goddess Lakshmi is Indian, which takes place annually in late October - early November. Bright and noisy fireworks, hundreds of lights and colorful lamps illuminate the streets of Indian cities and villages these days. According to legends, while people are busy celebrating, Lakshmi herself walks through their homes and bestows prosperity and wealth on those who are brighter and more decorated than others.

Sages and yogis teach people how to properly worship Lakshmi and address her with respect. Special mantras will allow you to attract the attention of the goddess and achieve prosperity.

If you want good luck to settle in your home, remember a few simple tips:

  • The goddess loves yellow and pink;
  • She happily comes to those houses where joy and fun reign, music plays;
  • Decorate your home with flowers, the goddess really likes them;
  • Get rid of old and broken things, don't be hoarders.

And don't forget to thank Goddess Lakshmi for everything she gives you. Just repeat the words to yourself: "Om Nameh Lakshmi Namah" and you will see how your life will change for the better.


Have you ever heard of Goddess Lakshmi? This Indian goddess, whose name is associated with many virtues, such as beauty, peace, knowledge, love. Moreover, Lakshmi is also a goddess prosperity, happiness, prosperity, luck, success and favor of heaven. Her name means "happiness" in Sanskrit.

Legend has it that Lakshmi arose from a Lotus flower floating on the surface of the pristine waters of the ocean. The Lotus flower symbolizes purity and wealth, spiritual and material. Therefore, Lakshmi is always depicted either on a lotus or holding a lotus.

Lakshmi is considered the goddess of Love, Beauty and Prosperity. And there is even an opinion that when a person begins to get rich, they say that Lakshmi has settled in his house, and if, on the contrary, there are only continuous failures, Lakshmi has left him.

So how do you get in touch with this Goddess of Prosperity? There are several ways. One of them is meditation, the second is chanting mantras mentioning the name of the gold-bearing Lakshmi. You can combine chanting mantras with meditation. This will definitely bring beneficial fruits into your life, and you will see their impact very soon.

If you simply keep an image of Lakshmi in the house, then prosperity will also appear, but perhaps not as quickly as when used together with mantras and meditations.


Ganesha is the Indian god of abundance with the head of an elephant. He is considered patron of business, god of wealth, who removes obstacles from the path of those who strive for success.

You may not like the appearance of Ganesha at first sight. Animal head and squat fat body Somehow they don’t fit together very well. But Ganesha is the patron saint of people of subtle minds who are not deceived appearance. He who fails to see the Divine in Ganesha becomes a victim of the rational mind, which is the greatest obstacle on the path of spiritual development.

Ganesha is depicted as squat, with a large belly, four arms (sometimes six, eight, and maybe even sixteen) and the head of an elephant with one tusk. In three hands he holds an axe, a lasso and, sometimes, a shell. The fourth hand may be depicted in a "giving of gifts" gesture, but most often he is holding a laddoo, a sweet ball made from pea flour. His small eyes shine as if gems. He sits on a rat, or she accompanies him. According to legend, the rat was once a demon, but Ganesha curbed it and made it his mount. This demon symbolizes vanity and insolence. Thus, Ganesha conquers false vanity, pride, selfishness and insolence.

There is an opinion that what larger size there will be a figurine of Ganesh, the more money he will bring it. So, decide for yourself what size to buy Ganesha.

The Ganesha talisman can be made from different material. It can be semi-precious stones, copper, bronze or wood. But it doesn’t matter what material the talisman is made of, the main thing is a respectful attitude towards Ganesha. In India, where Ganesha is especially revered, there are many plastic figurines.

It is better to place a bronze figurine of Ganesha in the metal sectors West, North-West or along right hand at your workplace. Then it will symbolize the help of friends and wealth. You can also place a bronze Ganesha in the career sector, since metal generates water - money.

And the wooden Ganesha should be placed in the wealth sector or in the family sector. Then your money will grow.

To enhance the effect of Ganesha’s help, you need to scratch his tummy or right palm. You can also put Chinese coins or sweets next to him - Ganesha loves offerings very much and will definitely please you with pleasant surprises.

In addition to using the Ganesha talisman itself, it is recommended to repeat mantras addressed to him personally. This will grant you purity of intentions, good luck in business and all kinds of prosperity.

Hotei or Laughing Buddha

Hotei is the god of Wealth, fun and prosperity. In fact, at one time there was a monk Buddha who wandered through villages, and with him joy and happiness came to the villages. Buddha carried an impressive bag behind his back, and when asked what was in it, Buddha replied that he had the whole world there. Amazing, right?

People who revere him believe that his large bag symbolizes a huge amount of money and precious stones. Some believe that his impressive belly symbolizes wealth. From this they conclude that the larger the Buddha's belly, the more powerful he is.

They say that in order to enlist the help of Hotei, you need to stroke his belly every day. And if you rub the Hotei figurine on your stomach exactly three hundred times, thinking about your most cherished desire, rest assured: your desire will come true. Therefore, stroking the belly of the Laughing Buddha has become a habit among many Chinese businessmen.

Others believe that the Laughing Buddha is the Buddha of Happiness because nothing brings him more joy than collecting all the world's misfortunes into his bag. This is the reason for his fun: he takes on what he loves most in the world - other people's problems.

According to Feng Shui, you should place a figurine of Hotei in the living room, preferably so that his gaze is directed towards the front door; and the figurine should be as large as possible. The presence of the Laughing Buddha will have a beneficial effect on any room, since the image of this deity is believed to emit positive Qi (). Moreover, Hotei is able to absorb all the negative and deadly Qi inside the house, it is a good antidote to the annual invasion of flying stars, bringing with them illnesses and losses.

If you decide to purchase a Hotei, choose a figurine made from a material that will not disturb the harmony of the place where you intend to place it, or from a material considered most favorable to you. As for the figurines of Hotei, they can be golden or white with various attributes.

If in your hand there is Hotei on a ginseng staff pumpkin, gourd and a bunch of six ancient Chinese lucky coins- this promises you financial well-being, success, happy long life, purity family relations and prosperity to your descendants. Peach- this is a symbol immortality, clutched in his left hand, promises for many years healthy life. If Hotei holds fan- that means out of your way with all the obstacles are thrown around, complicating your path to your cherished goal. When Hotei walks in the pyramid, among coins and golden sand, then such a paperweight will calm the “workhorse”, help to concentrate, get into a working mood,- and, of course, earn more. Sometimes you can meet Hotei with a magic pearl in hands. This is a symbol and material and spiritual wealth. If Hotei holds rocker, and on it - a lucky coin and a basket of gold bars, this is justified expectation great wealth , A necklace on the neck (it depicts the hieroglyph "Fuk") - promise happiness and good luck. When Hotei is portrayed with the Dragon, This guarantee of attracting substantial capital, successful business development or the opportunity to open your own business involving serious financial investments.

Hotei figurine has no pose of great importance, but take your time and choose the figurine you like best. Whenever you feel down, rub the Laughing Buddha's belly and look into his eyes. You will find that his joy is contagious and his smile will lift your spirits.

Jambhala - Tibetan Buddhist God of Abundance

Tibetan Buddhists believe in the existence of gods of abundance who help those in need. One such God of Abundance is Jambhala. According to legend, if you correctly place the figurine of this god of abundance under a cascade of overflowing water, your home will never lack anything.

Buddhist Jambhalas usually have a stern expression on their faces and always hold a mongoose in their hands, from whose mouth precious stones, gold and other wealth fall.

There are five different Jambhals:
Green Jambhala is usually depicted with his consort;
Yellow Jambhala is usually depicted seated;
Black Jambhala is usually depicted standing;
White Jambhala is usually depicted riding a Dragon;
Red Jambhala is usually depicted as resembling the Hindu god Ganesh.

In order to lure Jambhala with his mongoose that brings jewelry and gold, it is necessary build a waterfall that will pour its waters onto the crown of this god. This ritual will ensure prosperity in your home.

If you build Jambhala Abundance Falls with respect and respect, you will not only receive material benefits, but you will also be able to enrich yourself spiritually, understand your soul and true purpose on this Earth - and this is sometimes more important than the first.

Guan Gong

Guan Gong is the god of wealth and war. The glory of this commander over time grew into a religious cult. In addition, he is the defender of the oppressed, and in lately- defender of politicians and businessmen.

Merchants have always revered Guan Gong as the God of Wealth - if you are doing business or working in trade, take note! But remember: Guan Gong is considered the god of wealth when depicted as a civil official. If on it military uniform- this is already the patron of warriors, as well as the pacifier of evil spirits.

There are many various options Guan Gong. His figurine is usually made of porcelain or wood, and he can assume a variety of poses. He can sit on a horse, on a throne, or simply stand in a commanding pose. The more stern Guan Gong's face is, the more powerful he is considered. The most influential is the Nine Dragon Guan Gong, depicted with nine dragons on his body and five dragon flags on his back.

Placed in a home or office, a figurine of this deity will provide its inhabitants with peace and tranquility, will protect the breadwinner and grant all inhabitants fantastic luck and prosperity.

The power of the Guan Gong deity will reach its peak if you place it in the northwestern part of the house. The figurine should look at the front door so that the deity seems to follow everyone entering and leaving the house with his gaze.

It is believed that if all kinds of leaders and businessmen place a figure of Guan Gong behind their workplace, they will never be denied support from influential people. There will rarely be an attempt to remove them from their positions - symbols of power and might.

It is not necessary to worship Guan Gong. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, all you need is an image of this deity in your home or office.

Three star elders

The Three Star Elders are three Chinese deities who bring Health, Wealth and Prosperity. The star elders Fu, Lu and Shousing are used as Feng Shui talismans throughout the world. They are not gods in the religious sense of the word, they are just symbolic deities. Images of star elders are used in Feng Shui one at a time or all together.

But the elders depicted together are considered a more favorable symbol, bringing great luck and prosperity to the house.

To activate this talisman, figurines of star elders are placed in the place of the house where the whole family most often gathers, either in the health sector or in the assistants sector. Elders represent the three most common aspirations in Feng Shui: Health, Wealth and Prosperity.

Star Elder named Fu is extremely popular in Asian countries. His figurine symbolizes great luck, which, coming to your home, brings money, abundance, joy into it and makes you truly happy. And if you look at traditional Chinese panels, you will see how often they depict either the star elder Fu surrounded by mountains of coins, or the hieroglyph “Fu” and a hundred variants of its spelling - as a symbol of hundreds of wishes for prosperity and happiness.

Star Elder Lu, often depicted holding a child or surrounded by children, this is the god of Prosperity, Abundance and procreation. His figurine will bring you monetary wealth on for a long time. If he is depicted with a scroll and a scepter in his hands, these are symbols of strength and power, symbolizing family authority and worthy heirs.

Star Elder Shousin- god of health and longevity. You can distinguish the Shousin figurine by the staff made from ginseng root and the peach - symbols of immortality. In China, it is customary to give a Shoushin figurine to men to symbolize the inexhaustible source of their strength.

Ebisu and Daikoku

Ebisu and Daikoku are gods happiness and good luck, walking hand in hand. Ebisu and Daikoku can be depicted separately, but when they are side by side, it symbolizes the harmony between spiritual development and material wealth. If I may say so, this is especially for those who fear that, having become richer, they will become callous.

Ebisu is the god of happiness and good luck, as well as trade (which is especially important for everyone involved in trade), serves as a talisman for achievement harmony, helps in choosing a life partner, protects the home from infidelity and betrayal. Ebisu is depicted with the sacred fish Tai - a symbol of good luck and spirituality.

To activate the talisman, place the Ebisu figurine next to the water. This could be an aquarium, a fountain, or just a vase of water.

Daikoku is one of the seven gods of happiness. This is a great talisman wealth and prosperity. In addition, this deity acts as the patron of the hearth and protects the house from all kinds of unfavorable energy.

The figurine of Daikoku is easy to recognize: he is depicted with a bag, a sacred mallet and a rat. In this case, don’t let the bag and the rat scare you - these are symbols of abundance. The bag contains wealth, but the rat will only appear in a rich house: in a poor one it simply has nothing to eat. The bag itself is filled with magical rice, and when the rat gnaws holes in it, the rice spills right into your hands. Daikoku dances and taps the sacred mallet, that is, forges happiness: with each blow there is more happiness and prosperity in the world. So let him bang with a mallet for good health!

Activating this talisman is very simple: love him and watch the magical dance of Daikoku more often, then your care for him will be rewarded with the enhanced effect of the talisman, which will ultimately bring you wealth, happiness and prosperity.

And if Shoushin, Ebisu and Daikoku are placed three at once, then this means that before your eyes there is a triple talisman at once: a wish for great luck, prosperity and longevity.

Pi Yao

Pi Yao is one of the most powerful protective talismans, which has the ability to keep people out of the house. evil people and unfavorable energies. Pi Yao is usually depicted with the face of a lion dog, which has one horn, hooves, small wings and a tail. The most auspicious image is considered to be Pi Yao, sitting on coins and protecting the well-being of his owners, and also has the ability to increase it. According to legend, Pi Yao has a huge appetite, which contributes to savings.

Where is the best place to place the Pi Yao talisman? Since this is, first of all, a protective talisman, it should be placed in those places that are affected negative energy Sha: sharp corners, opposite towers and peaks, various ledges - always facing outwards. If you can see from your window acute angle another building, then place the Pi Yao on the windowsill facing the street. If you travel frequently and leave your home unattended for a long time, then best place for Pi Yao it will be about front door or in the hallway. In this way, Pi Yao will guard and protect your home. It is not recommended to place the Pi Yao figurine in the bedroom.

In addition, if you work in business, then Pi Yao will be an indispensable assistant for you. He will protect you from the onslaught of competitors and help you increase your wealth. In China they even exist specialty stores, which specialize in selling only this talisman.

To activate the Pi Yao and enhance its protective properties, the talisman should be rung with a bell once a week or a large candle should be burned next to it once a month.

According to Chinese traditions, in order for there to be happiness, money and good luck in the house, it is necessary to place a pair of Pi Yao, since this talisman is a pair. You can buy one figurine or a pair. Choose for yourself! This talisman, even when used alone, is considered very powerful and effective.

Sun Wu-Kung or the Monkey King

Sun Wu-Kung or the Monkey King is a popular hero of Chinese folklore and painting. In Feng Shui, the image of the monkey king is used as a talisman that brings health, success and protection. Unlike Western culture, the image of a monkey in Asia is considered a symbol of resourcefulness, talent, intelligence and success. That's why the Chinese love and value him so much.

If you are involved in any kind of martial arts, then the image of Sun Wukun is your talisman. Because, according to legend, Sun Wu-Kung is the founder of the monkey style of wushu. This talisman will add strength, dexterity and speed of movement to you.

Activating this talisman is not at all difficult. You need to periodically make offerings to him in the form of fruits and sweets.

A little history. The Chinese adopted the image of the divine monkey from India, where there was a cult of the monkey deity. The Chinese tell the following about the emergence of the Monkey King. The monkey hatched from a stone egg under the influence sun rays. Then, in search of food, she met the teacher Xuan Zang, who revealed to her the essence of the universe and told her the secrets of transformation. But the monkey gained immortality through cunning and became arrogant and uncontrollable. And only Buddha managed to stop her. Sun Wukong was locked under a mountain for 500 years, and, according to the verdict of the Buddha, a righteous man traveling in search of sacred books had to free him. Xuan Zang freed him and became his protector, for which he was included in the number of Buddhas under the name of the Victorious Buddha.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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And also our blogs:

In Hinduism, Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, has eight forms - Ashta Lakshmi. The eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi vary from region to region. The most popular and widely revered forms are found in the Sri Ashtalakshmi Stotram. The eight forms of Lakshmi are as follows:

Adi Lakshmi (primordial mother goddess)

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