The fat penguin timidly hides his fat body. Song about the petrel, poem by Maxim Gorky

After M. Gorky returned on March 12, 1901 from a trip to St. Petersburg and Moscow. It was published in 1901 in the magazine “Life” as an independent work after the entire story was banned by censorship. The writer at this time was associated with the Moscow organization “Iskra”, conducted revolutionary propaganda among students and workers, and initiated widespread public protests against the persecution of students, “... the dawns of spring are burning in my heart and I breathe deeply,” he wrote he in the spring of 1901 to L. Andreev. “The Song” was written in response to the bloody dispersal of a student demonstration at the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg on March 4, 1901. Initially, it was not conceived as an independent work, but was part of the satirical story “Spring Melodies,” where different layers of society were depicted as birds. A representative of the younger generation, Chizh (apparently a student), sings an extremely exciting song “About the Petrel.” Censorship prohibited printing the story in its entirety, but unwisely permitted the song of the siskin (the entire “Spring Melodies” was printed illegally on a hectograph by Nizhny Novgorod radicals). Before going to press, Gorky changed the final phrase. Instead of “Wait! There's a storm coming soon!" staged “Let the storm blow harder!” As a result, on April 17, Gorky and his bosom friend, the poet Skitalets, were arrested and then expelled from Nizhny Novgorod. His farewell resulted in a mass demonstration. The magazine was closed in May.


The publication of the magazine with the “Song of the Petrel” caused a stir among the gendarmes. Next, the “Song of the Petrel” was given in full and talked about the “strong impression” it made in literary circles. After the release of “The Song of the Petrel,” the author himself began to be called “the petrel” and “the storm herald.” “The Song” was one of the reasons for the banning of the magazine; the issue in which it was published turned out to be the last. However, the distribution of the work did not end there. “Song of the Petrel” was included in collections of revolutionary poems and songs published abroad. Having become a battle password during the years of the first Russian revolution, “Song of the Petrel” aroused hatred in the reactionary camp. In the advanced circles of Russian society, the “Song of the Petrel” was accepted as a fiery revolutionary proclamation; the work was widely distributed through illegal publications. Bolshevik propaganda repeatedly used the images of the “Song of the Petrel”, which is why, often, the work is perceived only in a political and temporal context. However, in “The Song of the Petrel,” in addition to the call of the storm, there is the eternal theme of the loneliness of the brave hero and the contrast of this courage with philistine cowardice and a limited, gray life. During the years of struggle against autocracy, “Song of the Petrel” was one of the powerful means of revolutionary propaganda.


Over the gray plain of the sea the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel soars proudly, like black lightning.
Now touching the wave with his wing, now soaring up to the clouds like an arrow, he screams, and the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of the bird.
In this cry is the thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and the confidence of victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.
Seagulls moan before the storm - they moan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.
And the loons also groan - they, the loons, cannot enjoy the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.
The stupid penguin timidly hides its fat body in the cliffs... Only the proud Petrel soars boldly and freely over the foam-gray sea!
The clouds are descending darker and lower over the sea, and they sing and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.
Thunder rumbles. The waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Now the wind embraces flocks of waves in a strong embrace and throws them with wild anger onto the cliffs, smashing the emerald masses into dust and splashes.
The petrel soars with a cry, like black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, tearing off the foam of the waves with its wing.
Here he is running around like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and he laughs and sobs... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy!
In the rage of thunder, - a sensitive demon, - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds will not hide the sun - no, they will not!
The wind howls... Thunder rumbles...
Flocks of clouds burn with blue flames over the abyss of the sea. The sea catches the arrows of lightning and extinguishes them in its abyss. Like fiery snakes, the reflections of these lightnings curl into the sea, disappearing.
- Storm! A storm is coming soon!
This brave Petrel soars proudly between the lightning over the angry roaring sea; then the prophet of victory shouts:
- Let the storm blow harder!..

  • “Song” was set to music by P. N. Renchitsky (melodeclamation).
  • Boris Akunin in his blog compared the Song of the Petrel with the current (2012) political situation in Russia.

see also


Sat. “Gorky’s revolutionary path”, Central Archive. M. - L., 1933, pp. 50-51.

E. Yaroslavsky. See: “Gorky’s revolutionary path”, M.-L., 1933, p. 8 - 9

Wikimedia Foundation.


    See what “Song of the Petrel” is in other dictionaries: Pseudonym of the famous writer Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov (see). (Brockhaus) Gorky, Maxim (real name Peshkov, Alexey Maxim.), famous fiction writer, b. March 14, 1869 in Nizhny. Novgorod, s. upholsterer, paint shop apprentice. (Vengerov) ... ...

Large biographical encyclopedia

Maksim Gorky.

Song about the petrel.

Over the gray plain of the sea the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel soars proudly, like black lightning.

Now touching the wave with his wing, now soaring up to the clouds like an arrow, he screams, and the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of the bird.

In this cry is the thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and the confidence of victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.

Seagulls moan before the storm - they moan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.

And the loons also groan - they, the loons, cannot enjoy the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.

Darker and lower clouds descend over the sea, and sing, and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.

Thunder rumbles. The waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Now the wind embraces flocks of waves in a strong embrace and throws them with wild anger onto the cliffs, smashing the emerald masses into dust and splashes.

The petrel soars with a cry, like black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, tearing off the foam of the waves with its wing.

Here he is rushing around like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and laughs and sobs... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy!

In the rage of thunder, - a sensitive demon, - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds will not hide the sun - no, they will not!

The wind howls... Thunder rumbles...

Flocks of clouds burn with blue flames over the abyss of the sea. The sea catches the arrows of lightning and extinguishes them in its abyss. Like fiery snakes, the reflections of these lightnings curl into the sea, disappearing.

Storm! A storm is coming soon!

This brave Petrel soars proudly between the lightning over the angry roaring sea; then the prophet of victory shouts:

Let the storm blow stronger!..

Finally, I found an excellent video sequence for the famous work of Gorky.

“Song of the Petrel” was written in response to the dispersal of a student demonstration at the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg in March 1901. Initially, the entire poem was not published because it did not pass censorship. I never understood that they were so afraid of this graphomaniac nonsense?

I remember at school they got so sophisticated by composing all sorts of nonsense based on the Petrel...


Over the gray plain of the sea the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel soars proudly, like black lightning.Now touching the wave with his wing, now soaring up to the clouds like an arrow, he screams, and the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of the bird.In this cry is the thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and the confidence of victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.The seagulls moan before the storm - they moan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.And the loons also groan - they, the loons, cannot enjoy the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.The stupid penguin timidly hides its fat body in the rocks... Only the proud Petrel soars boldly and freely over the foam-gray sea!The clouds are descending darker and lower over the sea, and they sing and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.Thunder rumbles. The waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Now the wind embraces flocks of waves in a strong embrace and throws them with wild anger onto the cliffs, smashing the emerald masses into dust and splashes.The petrel soars with a cry, like black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, tearing off the foam of the waves with its wing.Here he is rushing around like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and laughs and sobs... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy!In the rage of thunder, - a sensitive demon, - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds will not hide the sun - no, they will not!The wind howls... Thunder rumbles...Flocks of clouds burn with blue flames over the abyss of the sea. The sea catches the arrows of lightning and extinguishes them in its abyss. Like fiery snakes, the reflections of these lightnings curl into the sea, disappearing.- Storm! A storm is coming soon!This brave Petrel soars proudly between the lightning over the angry roaring sea; then the prophet of victory shouts:- Let the storm blow harder!..


Maksim Gorky

Over the gray plain of the sea the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel soars proudly, like black lightning.

Now touching the wave with his wing, now soaring up to the clouds like an arrow, he screams and - the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of the bird.

In this cry is the thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and the confidence of victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.

Seagulls moan before the storm - they moan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.

And the loons also groan - they, the loons, cannot enjoy the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.

The stupid penguin timidly hides its fat body in the rocks... Only the proud Petrel soars boldly and freely over the foam-gray sea!

Darker and lower clouds descend over the sea, and sing, and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.

Thunder rumbles. The waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Now the wind embraces flocks of waves in a strong embrace and throws them with wild anger onto the cliffs, smashing the emerald masses into dust and splashes.

The petrel soars with a cry, like black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, tearing off the foam of the waves with its wing. Here he is rushing around like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and laughs and sobs... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy!

In the rage of thunder, - a sensitive demon, - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds will not hide the sun - no, they will not!

The wind howls... Thunder rumbles...

Flocks of clouds burn with blue flames over the abyss of the sea. The sea catches the arrows of lightning and extinguishes them in its abyss. Like fiery snakes, the reflections of these lightnings curl into the sea, disappearing.

Storm! A storm is coming soon!

This brave Petrel proudly soars between the lightning over the roaring angry sea, then the prophet of victory shouts:

Let the storm blow stronger!..

March 1901

"Life", 1901, No. 4; Sat. "Songs of Struggle", ed. Union of Russian Social Democrats, Geneva, 1902, p. 20

Poetry in Bolshevik publications 1901-1917 / Intro. article, comp., prep. text and notes I. S. Eventova. L., Sov. writer, 1967 (Poet's book)

“It is unlikely that in our literature one can find a work that would go through as many editions as Gorky’s Burevestnik. It was reprinted in every city, it was distributed in copies printed on a hectograph and on a typewriter, it was copied by hand, it was read and reread in workers' circles and in student circles. Probably, the circulation of "Burevestnik" in those years was several million" (E. Yaroslavsky. See: "Gorky's Revolutionary Path", M.-L., 1933, pp. 8 - 9).

The song was written in response to the bloody dispersal of a student demonstration at the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg on March 4, 1901. The irony of fate is that the song was published legally - in the fourth issue of the magazine "Life" (April 1901). It was not conceived as an independent work, but was part of the satirical story “Spring Melodies,” where different layers of society were depicted as birds.

This song was sung by a little siskin (apparently a student). Censorship prohibited printing the story in its entirety, but unwisely permitted the song of the siskin (the entire “Spring Melodies” was printed illegally on a hectograph by Nizhny Novgorod radicals). Before going to press, Gorky changed the final phrase. Instead of "Wait! A storm is coming soon!"

staged "Let the storm blow harder!" As a result, on April 17, Gorky and his bosom friend, the poet Skitalets, were arrested and then expelled from Nizhny Novgorod. His farewell resulted in a mass demonstration. The magazine was closed in May.

The song was set to music by P. N. Renchitsky (melodeclamation).

Song about the petrel.

Over the gray plain of the sea the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel soars proudly, like black lightning.

Now touching the wave with his wing, now soaring up to the clouds like an arrow, he screams, and the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of the bird.

In this cry is the thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and the confidence of victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.

Seagulls moan before the storm - they moan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.

The student unrest of 1901 is also dedicated to

Darker and lower clouds descend over the sea, and sing, and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.

Thunder rumbles. The waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Now the wind embraces flocks of waves in a strong embrace and throws them with wild anger onto the cliffs, smashing the emerald masses into dust and splashes.

The petrel soars with a cry, like black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, tearing off the foam of the waves with its wing.

"Song of the Storm Petrel"

In the rage of thunder, - a sensitive demon, - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds will not hide the sun - no, they will not!

The stupid penguin timidly hides its fat body in the rocks... Only the proud Petrel soars boldly and freely over the foam-gray sea!

Flocks of clouds burn with blue flames over the abyss of the sea. The sea catches the arrows of lightning and extinguishes them in its abyss. Like fiery snakes, the reflections of these lightnings curl into the sea, disappearing.

Storm! A storm is coming soon!

This brave Petrel soars proudly between the lightning over the angry roaring sea; then the prophet of victory shouts:

Let the storm blow stronger!..

Here he is rushing around like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and laughs and sobs... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy! The wind howls... Thunder rumbles...

Talk to someone whose opinion is very different from yours