44 days of torture in Japan. Junko Furuta, the terrible tragedy of a Japanese high school girl

Japan is famous throughout the world as a country of high technology and this state has a fairly low crime rate. It’s hard to believe that truly terrible crimes can be committed there too. And yet, even in Japan, law enforcement officials sometimes have to investigate criminal cases that would make normal people's blood run cold. The victim of one of the most brutal murders in the modern history of Japanese criminology was schoolgirl Junko Furuta.

The beginning of a deadly nightmare

In the late fall of 1988, four underage boys kidnapped a 16-year-old girl. The victim of the criminals was high school student Junko Furuta. The oldest of her abductors was 17 years old at the time of the crime, his name was Hiroshi Miyano. Three friends of the organizer took part in the kidnapping: Jo Ogura, Shinji Minato and Yasushi Watanabe. The criminals forcibly brought their victim to the house of Hiroshi Miyano's parents. From that moment on, Junko's life turned into an ongoing nightmare. The kidnappers forced the girl to call her relatives and say that she left her parents' house voluntarily and was in a safe place with friends. Junko Furuta was introduced to Miyano's parents as the girlfriend of one of his fellow accomplices.

Life in hell

The kidnapped girl was held captive by criminals from the end of November 1988 to January 4, 1989. The Miyano family's house became the prison for Junko. The kidnapper's parents quickly realized that the girl was a prisoner. What kept them from going to the police was the fact that Hiroshi was a member of the Yakuza criminal group and promised to kill anyone who interfered with his affairs. From the very first day of her imprisonment, Furuta was subjected to regular rape, including in a particularly perverted form, beatings and physical torture. The girl was punished for any “misdemeanor”; she was not allowed to leave the house and was kept for days without water or food. Junko Furuta begged Miyano's parents to help her escape or call the police. At times she asked her abusers to simply kill her and “stop it all.”

The case of the murdered and cemented high school student

The prisoner's condition steadily worsened due to numerous injuries and ongoing abuse. During the last weeks of her life, Junko had difficulty moving around the house independently. It took her about an hour to crawl to the bathroom. On January 4, 1989, Miyano and his friends once again brutally beat the girl. After that, the attackers doused Junko with gasoline from a lighter and set her on fire. As forensic experts later determined, the girl died from painful shock. The next day the decision was made to dispose of the body. The corpse was placed in a large barrel and filled with cement solution, after which it was taken to a construction site. The discovery of a body with traces of numerous sadistic tortures caused widespread Furuta's case to be called the "high school girl murder and cementing case." Quite quickly, law enforcement officers managed to calculate and

Shocking details of the crime

In Japan, during the events described, there was a For this reason, representatives of official structures did not give detailed comments on the progress of the investigation and hid the identities of the criminals. For the first time, the real names and surnames of the killers appeared in the newspaper Shkan Bunshun, whose correspondents stated that “the rights of people do not apply to cattle.” It was in this publication that biographies of the criminals and many shocking details of the murder were published. Hiroshi Miyano and his accomplices almost immediately began to cooperate with the investigation. The sadistic minors described in detail exactly how they tortured the girl. In their testimony, the defendants stated that the murder of Junko Furuta was not part of their plans. The criminals claimed that they did not realize until the moment of the victim's death how serious the damage was being caused to her. According to the killers, until the last moment they thought that Junko was pretending that she was in so much pain and bad.

Trial and sentence for murderers

At the time of the trials, all the offenders were minors. Despite this fact, they were tried as adults, to the fullest extent of local laws. The court found all four defendants guilty. For the torture and murder of Junko Furuta, the criminals received from 4 to 17 years in prison. The sentence seemed very lenient to the victims - the relatives of the murdered girl. Junko's parents even tried to appeal the court's decision. However, due to a number of circumstances, they were unable to do this. The main criminal - Hiroshi Miyano (it was in his house that the victim was held) - served 17 years in prison. The first thing he did after his release was change his last name. His most active accomplice did the same. Obviously, the criminals realized that murders are committed in Japan, as in any other country, but their compatriots will never forget their atrocities.

Mentions of Junko Furuta in popular art and culture

Furuta's story shocked the people of Japan and many people outside of this country to the core. The first feature film about the fate of the unfortunate girl was shot in 1995 by her compatriot, director Katsuya Matsumura. In 2004, another master, Hiromu Nakamura, dedicated a film called “Concrete” to Junko. Both films show the torture and murder of a girl quite harshly. Such a story cannot be forgotten or ignored, but still such a movie is not recommended for impressionable people. In memory of Junko Furuta, a manga was created and a song was recorded. Murders are committed regularly in Japan, but the story of this girl will forever remain in the memory of every Japanese. This crime is shocking in its inhumanity and unreasonable cruelty, as well as the lack of motive. It is difficult to believe that this murder was committed by ordinary young people who were declared sane by a psychiatric examination.

A terrible tragedy that shocked the whole of Japan - in November 1988, a group of minors, including Hiroshi Miyano, Jo Ogura, Shinji Minato and Yasushi Watanabe, kidnapped 16-year-old Junko Furuta, a high school student in Misato, Saitama Prefecture. For several weeks, they forcibly held the unfortunate girl in a house that belonged to the parents of one of the attackers. The kidnappers, through threats and torture, forced Furuta to call her parents and tell them that she had run away from home and should not be looked for. The girl lied to her parents that she was staying with a friend. The criminals also demanded that, in the presence of the adult owners of the home, Furuta say that she is the girlfriend of one of the guys. However, this was not particularly necessary: ​​the adults did not call the police even after the unfortunate woman personally begged them for help. The young man's parents remained impassive to her pleas, fearing the revenge of Hiroshi Miyano, who had connections in the yakuza.

Even the Nazi executioners could envy the sophistication of the atrocities of the young Japanese. The guys constantly raped the girl, brutally beat her with improvised objects (including twigs and golf clubs), threw heavy dumbbells on her stomach, burned different parts of her body with cigarettes, introduced various foreign objects, forced her to drink urine and eat insects, inserted fireworks into her body. anus and set them on fire, cutting their nipples with a knife. Screams, moans and pleas had no effect on them, but on the contrary provoked them even more. The long list of all the abuses shocked even experienced police officers. One of the most severe burns was inflicted on her as retaliation for trying to call the police by phone.

After some time, the high school student's wounds became so painful that, according to one of the attackers, the unfortunate victim barely crawled down the stairs for more than an hour just to use the bathroom. And her tormentors looked at it and laughed. The criminals said that many of their friends knew very well that Junko Furuta was in that house, but the police were never able to find out whether these people had been to the torture house and whether they took part in the torture of the schoolgirl.

The girl repeatedly begged the boys to spare and kill her in order to end her torment, but the cruel sadists were not going to lose their favorite toy so easily. On January 4, 1989, frustrated by her loss at mahjong, criminals severely beat her with a steel barbell and subjected her to horrific abuse, after which they poured lighter fluid on her body and set it on fire. The girl’s body could not bear all the torment she experienced and Junko Furuta died from painful shock. The day after the victim's death, the young executioners placed her tortured body in a barrel, filled it with cement mortar and dumped it in a construction site near Tokyo's Koto district.

In Japan, this horrific tragedy was called the “High School Girl Murder and Cement Case” (女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人事件). The criminals failed to avoid arrest, the girl’s body was found and the sadists were detained. According to the requirements of the Japanese juvenile justice system, at first their names were not disclosed, but the weekly Japanese publication Shukan Bunshun was not afraid of the possible consequences and published the personal data of the killers, arguing that “human rights do not apply to cattle.” At the trial, the monsters partially admitted their guilt in “inflicting bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim,” but refused to admit guilt in committing premeditated murder, saying that they did not understand how severe the suffering of their victim was: they supposedly thought that she was only pretending.

Taking into account all the circumstances of the case and the provisions of the Japanese criminal code, in July 1990 the court handed down sentences to the criminals, providing for terms ranging from 4 to 17 years in prison. The girl's parents were dissatisfied with the judges' decision (it seemed to them not harsh enough) and tried to challenge it. Unfortunately, they didn't succeed. Hiroshi Miyano was recognized as the leader of a gang of thugs. He served 17 years, later changing his name to Hiroshi Yokoyama. Jo Ogura was recognized as his first mate and spent eight years in juvenile prison. He was released in August 1999 and changed his name to Jo Kamisaku. However, Kamisaku did not manage to stay free for long and in 2004 he again went to prison for 7 years for beating his friend, who allegedly stole his girlfriend.

The terrible story of Junko Furuta was not forgotten. Two films were made in Japan telling about this tragedy, and one popular Japanese group dedicated a song to the deceased - The GazettE- Taion

Undoubtedly, children are the flowers of life. But what to do when a flower turns from a tender and vulnerable plant into a disgusting weed? No matter how sad it may sound, such deviations as cruelty, sadism, the desire to kill and mock, arise precisely in childhood. Only the time of manifestation varies. HistoryTime has the facts about outrageous cases of teenage cruelty. We would like to tell you about one of them as part of our section. We warn you in advance that this article will describe very unpleasant, even disgusting scenes, so we ask particularly impressionable visitors to think carefully before starting to read.

This story took place in 1988 in Japan. It is worth noting that the criminal world of the Land of the Rising Sun is distinguished by its special flavor and organization - what is the Yakuza mafia group alone worth! But let's get back to history. Junko Furotu, a 16-year-old high school student in Misato City, has been kidnapped - attention! - by their own peers, the oldest of whom was 17 years old.

The event occurred on November 25, 1988. Four juvenile criminals forcibly held the girl, not even as a hostage, but as a toy. The place of torture was the house of the parents of one of the guys. The worst thing is that the parents did not react to the martyr in any way. The fact is that one of the kidnappers, the leader of their company, had connections with the Yakuza. He was the leader of some small gang, that is, essentially a representative of the local “gopota”, but, as you know, the mere mention of a mafia group brings chilling horror to the inhabitants of Japan. No one wanted to get involved with him, including his own mother and father, who did not risk contradicting their son.

There is a version that the young man sympathized with Junko, a spectacular, sought-after high school student, but she did not really reciprocate his feelings. This is what caused the nightmare in which she found herself.

First of all, the girl was forced to call home and tell her family that she had run away from home and was now visiting her friend, and everything was fine with her. This, according to the kidnappers, should have temporarily thrown the police off the trail.

The things that happened in the house where the victim was kept are hard to wrap my head around. The guys not only brutally raped the girl countless times, but also abused her in every possible way. Stuffing foreign objects into a girl’s sensitive areas is just the beginning. She was beaten mercilessly: with golf clubs, tire irons, iron bars; throwing dumbbells on your stomach; they burned different parts of the body, cut them, and so on. And that's just physical torture. The executioners did not give the girl food or water and forced her to eat cockroaches and drink her own urine. In addition, she was forced to perform self-gratification in public. According to the testimony of the criminals, at least 100 people knew about Junko's location. True, the investigation was never able to find out whether these people took part in the torture or simply observed.

The girl's torment lasted 44 days. During this time, a huge number of sharp objects visited her genitals - from scissors to red-hot knitting needles for a chicken grill. The torturers put out cigarettes on her hands, poured liquid from lighters onto different parts of her body and set them on fire. The girl repeatedly asked her tormentors to simply kill her so that everything would end as quickly as possible. The damage from the beating was so severe that she once had to crawl up the stairs for an hour to use the bathroom. Moreover, the executors did not ignore this and “encouraged” Junko with evil laughter, mockery and spitting.

The last torture lasted two hours. During this time, the victim was beaten with an iron rod, his face and eyes were burned with a candle, and his arms, legs and stomach were also burned with lighter fluid. The reason for the execution was the loss of one of the young people at mahjong. On this day, the unfortunate woman died from painful shock. The next day, Junko's body was placed in a barrel and filled with cement mixture. The barrel was dumped near Tokyo's Koto district.

Poster for the film "Concrete"

But the criminals did not go unpunished. The police nevertheless arrested the young non-humans. First, the fanatics were examined in a psychiatric hospital, where they told the doctors that they did not realize how much the girl was in pain, because they thought that she was faking it. They were declared sane, but what sane person is capable of such a thing?

A long investigation began. According to the requirements of the Japanese justice system, the names of the attackers were initially not disclosed. However, the Japanese public was so shocked by the news of this horrific tragedy that their names were eventually declassified. Although the criminals were associated with the mafia, the weekly publication Shukan Bunshun was not afraid of the possible consequences and published the personal details of the killers, arguing that “human rights do not apply to cattle.”

At the trial, the four monsters partially admitted their guilt. They still tried to prove that they did not understand the girl’s torment and refused to be charged with premeditated murder. The sentences ranged from 4 to 17 years in prison. The girl's parents were unhappy with this decision, but, unfortunately, they failed to challenge it. The gang leader received the maximum sentence; his assistant served 8 years.

The story of Junko Furuta has not been forgotten. Two films are dedicated to her, as well as a musical composition by a popular Japanese group. It is curious that in the film “Concrete,” based on this nightmare story, after the death of Junko, the young people experience something similar to remorse. The HistoryTime editors strongly doubt that things were the same in reality, and that these four are really capable of experiencing at least some human feelings.

12 June 2018, 18:47

In short, ladies and gentlemen, I'll start straight - if you have weak nerves or a weak stomach, or a wild imagination, or a tendency to stress, do not read this post. I'm serious. I myself would prefer not to know what it was. For several days I walked around as if dumbfounded - and this despite the fact that, in principle, I was accustomed to stories about various famous murders. There is, you know, this tendency - sometimes to read something creepy, doubly creepy because it’s real. Then it gets sick and worse, but after a while you read again.

This time the story is especially creepy. Japanese stories in general are often distinguished by some kind of special monstrosity, just like their horror films. I know that here on the site there are people either permanently residing in Japan, or often visiting there - perhaps they know this story better, I am retelling it from English-language sources (the Russian-language Wikipedia also has information, but it is a little inaccurate and not so complete) .

Again, I repeat, people, seriously - if such stories make you feel bad, don’t read.

So, this story happened at the end of 1988 in the Japanese city of Misato. Sixteen-year-old schoolgirl Junko Furuta was an ordinary teenage girl - a pretty, smart, diligent student. She wasn't the "cool girl" - she didn't drink, didn't smoke, didn't do drugs - but she was still the popular girl at her school. The school bully and bad guy Hiroshi Miyano was “in love” with her, but the girl refused him - she was not in the mood for any relationship. And few people dared to refuse Miyano - he boasted of his connections with the yakuza.

On November 25, 1988, Miyano and his friend Nobuharu Minato were wandering around a local park, looking for women they could rob and rape. Around eight in the evening they saw Junko, who was riding her bicycle home from her evening part-time job. On Miyano's orders, Minato knocked Junko off her bike and escaped. Miyano pretended that he was just passing by and offered help to Junko, saying that he wanted to walk her home. Junko agreed.

But he did not take her home.

He took her to a nearby warehouse, where he informed her of his connections with the Yakuza, and threatening to kill her and her family, he raped her first in the warehouse, then took her to a nearby hotel, where he raped her again. From the hotel, he called his friends Minato, Jo Ogura and Yasushi Watanabe. These, excuse me, creatures already had experience of gang rape - even before that, they once kidnapped and raped a girl, although she was released alive.

At three in the morning, Miyano took the girl to the park, where the other three were already waiting. They reported that they knew where she lived and that the Yakuza would kill her entire family if she dared to escape. After this, she was taken to the house of Nobuharu Minato's parents, where she was raped again, this time by a group. There she remained. Forever.

On November 27, Junko's parents contacted the police, reporting her missing. To throw everyone off the scent, the scoundrels forced her to call home and say that she had run away, she was fine, she was with friends. They forced her to ask her mother to withdraw her statement from the police so that no one would look for her. The girl was forced to tell Minato's parents that she was Minato's girlfriend. Minato's parents and brother pretended that everything was fine. They didn't tell anyone anything, didn't help Junko in any way, even when she stopped pretending and started begging them for help. They later stated that they did nothing because they were afraid of Miyano and his connections with the mafia, and they were afraid of their own son, who himself often attacked them.

Or they were just as ugly as their offspring.

Because then Junko survived 44 days of hell. They abused her with monstrous, incredible cruelty - I would call her bestial, but such animals do not exist. What they did to her was simply a nightmare. And it’s especially creepy when you think that this was done to a sixteen-year-old girl by guys who were not much older than her.

According to their own confessions in court, during these forty-four days, Junko was raped more than 400 times, both by these four and by some other guys they knew, whom the scoundrels brought to them (the killers later said that about where Junko was and what happened to it happened, about a hundred people knew). She was beaten. They were starving. They hung it from the ceiling and used it as a “punching bag”, hitting it with sticks and golf clubs. They threw dumbbells on her stomach. They inserted foreign objects into her vagina and anus, including scissors and a lit light bulb. They forced her to drink urine and eat live cockroaches. They burned her with cigarettes and a lighter. They burned her eyelids with hot wax and a lighter. They inserted fireworks into her genitals, mouth and ears and set her on fire. They cut her nipples and breasts. They forced her to sleep on the balcony (in winter) and locked her in the refrigerator. Many times the girl asked to “kill her and be done with it,” but the scumbags did not want to let her go so easily.

In early December, Junko tried to call the police, but Miyano caught her before she could say a word. When the police called back some time later, Miyano told them there had been a mistake - and as punishment, he doused Junko's feet with lighter fluid and set him on fire.

But the police could have saved Junko. Some of her other rapists were later identified and arrested. One of them, named Koichi Ihara, later stated that he was forced to rape Junko on the sixteenth day of the girl’s captivity. Returning home, he told his older brother about everything. The brother told their parents, who called the police. Two police officers arrived at Minato's house, but the owners said that there was no girl in their house. They suggested that they search the house themselves, but the police decided that such an offer in itself was proof that nothing illegal was happening in the house. They refused, apologized and left. They were subsequently fired for this. Junko might have survived if she had been found then.

But they continued to bully her. After some time, she completely changed from the beatings. Her face was swollen. An unpleasant odor emanated from her festering wounds. She lost control of urination and bowel movements. She was vomiting. For this she was beaten again. But now the rapists have lost sexual interest in her. They caught a 19-year-old girl and raped her in a group.

On January 4, 1989, the rapists, according to them, invited Junko to play a game of mahjong with them, which she won. Angry, they beat her again. Since her body was bleeding and covered with pus, they beat her with plastic bags over their fists. And they beat her not only with their hands - with a stick, with a barbell. They then poured lighter fluid on her arms, legs, face and stomach and set her on fire. According to them, for some time Junko still tried to knock off the fire, but in the end she calmed down, and after a while she died from her wounds.

The killers wrapped the body in a blanket and took it out of the house. She was stuffed into a huge barrel and filled with cement, and thrown out at a construction site.

On January 23, 1989, Hiroshi Miyano and Jo Ogura were arrested for the rape of a nineteen-year-old girl in December. In March, they again summoned Miyano for questioning because they found the underwear of a raped girl in his home. During the interrogation, something the police said made Miyano think that the police knew about Junko's murder. He decided that Ogura had confessed to everything and told the police where to look for the girl’s body. The police were puzzled - they asked about the murders of a woman and her seven-year-old son, which happened shortly before Junko's kidnapping.

Junko's body was found and identified. Soon, Ogura and the other bastards were arrested again.

What happened next is also scary, to be honest. According to Japanese law, these scoundrels were considered minors. All of them were 18 years or younger at the time of the murder. They all got off extremely lightly. By law, the police had no right to publicize their names. The names became known only thanks to the press, newspaper Shukan Bunshun. The newspapermen said that human rights do not apply to livestock.

During the sentencing, the judge said that Junko's murder was so brutal, he believes her soul is still haunted. One of the spectators lost consciousness when the details of the girl’s torture were described at the trial. Junko's mother also suffered a nervous breakdown and needed the help of a psychiatrist.

Iroshi Miyano (who later changed his name to Hiroshi Yokoyama), the leader of the group, received the most serious sentence - seventeen years. He appealed, but the appeal court added three more years. It is reported that Miyano's mother eventually sold her house and gave Junko's parents 50 million yen ($425,000). Miyano was eventually released; in 2013, he was arrested again for fraud, but was released.

Nobuharu Minato, also known as Shinji Minato, was sentenced to four to six years, which was changed to five to nine years on appeal. He was sixteen years old at the time of the crime. His parents and brother were not accused. Junko's parents then sued Minato's parents in civil court, and won. After his release, Minato moved in with his mother. He is unemployed.

Yasushi Watanabe, originally sentenced to three to four years, eventually received a sentence of five to seven. He was seventeen at the time of the crime. After his release, he married a Romanian.

Jō Ogura, otherwise known as Jō Kamisaku, who was seventeen, served eight years in prison. Upon his release, he was reported to have frequently bragged about his role in Junko's rape and murder. In 2004, he kidnapped and beat his acquaintance Takatoshi Isono, whom he accused of having an affair with his girlfriend. According to Isono, Ogura threatened him with death, saying that he had killed before and gotten away with it. For this beating, he spent seven years in prison, and is now free again. It is reported that Ogura's mother once desecrated Junko's grave, claiming that the girl had ruined her son's life.

Society was shocked and angry at such light sentences, but unfortunately, the criminals were protected by the law applicable to criminals 18 years of age or younger. If the scoundrels had been a couple of years older, they would have received the death penalty. But unfortunately, these creatures are still alive and well.

This 16-year-old girl spent her 17th birthday in hell - she was kidnapped and tortured to death for weeks by her peers. This murder became one of the most brutal in Japan and served as the basis for the feature film "Concrete" directed by Hiromu Nakamura.


On November 25, 1988, minors (it is known that one of the criminals was 17 years old at the time) Hiroshi Miyano, Jo Ogura, Shinji Minato and Yasushi Watanabe kidnapped a 16-year-old second-year high school student (corresponding to 11th grade out of 12 ) named Junko Furuta, who lived in Misato City, Saitama Prefecture. For several weeks, the attackers forcibly held her in the house of the parents of one of the kidnappers.

To complicate the work of the police, one of the kidnappers forced Furuta to call her parents and tell them that she had run away from home, was now with a friend, and was not in danger.

He also threatened that in the presence of the owners of the house, Furuta would pose as the girlfriend of one of the kidnappers. This pattern of behavior was no longer necessary when it became clear that they were not going to call the police. The girl tried to escape several times, repeatedly begged the parents of the young man in whose house she was being held to help her, but they did nothing, fearing the revenge of Miyano, who at that time was the leader of a small yakuza group and stated that he would use his connections and kill anyone who dare to interfere with him.

Conspiracy of silence

According to statements made by the criminals during the investigation, the four of them raped Furuta, beat her with metal rods and golf clubs, threw dumbbells on her stomach, burned her with cigarettes and lighters (this is not a complete list of all sexual abuse). One of the burns was inflicted as punishment for trying to call the police. At one point, Furuta's wounds became so painful that, according to one of the criminals, she crawled down the stairs for more than an hour to use the bathroom.

They also reported that “perhaps another hundred people” knew that the girl was imprisoned in that house, but it remained unclear whether these people were simply in that house, or also took part in torture and rape. Furuta repeatedly begged the attackers to “kill (her) and be done with it.”

Death from painful shock

On January 4, 1989, using a mahjong loss as an excuse, she was beaten with a barbell and subjected to abuse: they poured liquid from a lighter on her legs, arms, face and stomach, and set her on fire. That day, Furuta died from painful shock. The perpetrators claimed that they did not realize how severe Furuta's injuries were; they allegedly believed she was faking it.

On January 5, 1989, Furuta's body was placed in a barrel, filled with cement mortar, and dumped at a construction site in Tokyo's Koto Ward.

Human rights do not apply to livestock

Furuta's case in Japan was named "Case of Murder and Cementing of a High School Girl" and numbered "Heisei 2 U-1058". The offenders were arrested and tried as adults, but as required by the Japanese juvenile justice system, their names were not made public.

However, the weekly publication Shukan Bunshun still made the personal details of the killers public, arguing that “human rights do not apply to cattle.” The personal details and background of the crime victim were also covered in detail in media reports.

The criminals pleaded partially guilty of “causing bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim.” The criminals refused to admit their guilt in committing premeditated murder. In July 1990, the criminals were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 4 to 17 years.

The parents of the deceased were not satisfied with the sentence handed down to their daughter's killers and filed a civil lawsuit against the parents of the accomplice in whose house the crime took place. Some of the charges were dropped due to conflicting evidence (sperm and pubic hair found on the body of the murdered woman did not match the semen and pubic hair of those arrested). Therefore, the lawyer representing the interests of the victim's parents refused to take further part in the case.

After the deadline

Hiroshi Miyano, who was recognized as the main criminal and served 17 years, changed his name to Hiroshi Yokoyama after leaving prison. Jō Ogura, recognized as his first assistant, spent eight years in juvenile prison and was released in August 1999, taking the name Jō Kamisaku.

In July 2004, Kamisaku was detained for beating his acquaintance Takatoshi Isono, who, according to the detainee, stole his girlfriend. This time Kamisaku was sentenced to seven years in prison.

History at the core

In 1995, Japanese film director Katsuya Matsumura made the exploitation feature film Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case (Joshikōsei konkurīto-zume satsujin-jiken).

In 2004, a film entitled “Concrete” was made on the same topic; directed by Hiromu Nakamura.

Also in 2004, a manga by Waita Ujiga called Shin Gendai Ryōkiden (Modern-Day True-to-Life Stories of the Bizarre) was released.

In 2006, the Japanese J-rock group the GazettE recorded a song called "Taion" (Body Temperature), dedicated to the memory of Junko Furuta.