How to prepare for a party. Rolls and cocktails: how to prepare for a home party

For two weeks

Adjust your diet

If you have already given yourself a New Year a couture dress is one size smaller, it’s time to go on a diet (especially if you are planning a full-fledged Russian feast with herring under a fur coat and Olivier). By the way, the creators of the “Royal Diet” nutrition system have updated the menu of the weight loss program so that not a single dish is repeated in 35 days. Among the new products: spelled mousse with muscat pear, Taimyr fish soup made from omul, mullet and nelma, barramundi fillet marinated in coconut milk, With stewed cabbage pak choy and chicory and many more unusual dishes. So that a diet with limited calories - among the options "Lightness" (850 kcal), "Grace" (1200 kcal) or "Become" (1600 kcal) - does not seem so dull.

Sign up for a modeling massage

Manual massage itself is one of the best ways fight against overweight and cellulite, but the Klazko clinic network has figured out how to make it even more effective. Most recently, the modeling drug “Fat Inhibitor”, H.Q.B.M., fell into the golden hands of local craftsmen. Contains: Slimbuster L complex (an active peptide that controls energy metabolism, interferes with education excess fat and reduces the volume of adipocytes), bee venom (helps improve lipid metabolism and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect) and horophytes - a complex of carefully selected extracts of medicinal plants obtained at ultra-low temperature and pressure of 500 atmospheres (such manipulations allow you to preserve everything beneficial features). As a result, the effect of the massage grows exponentially: after several procedures, you can notice a decrease in volume, an improvement in skin tone and a significant reduction in cellulite. Intensive course is five procedures twice a week, during which you can lose up to 15 cm. Home wraps with the product are also welcome.

During the week

1) Skin modeling gel Supermince, Méthode Jeanne Piaubert
2) Anti-cellulite cream-gel with lifting effect Body Fit, Clarins
3) Slimming concentrate Concentré Minceur, Caudalie
4) Corrective gel against cellulite Défi Cellulite, Thalgo
5) Body gommage Gommage Or Élixir, Payot
6) Anti-cellulite body cream with a warming effect, Tour De Fresh
7) Body Strategist Cream, Comfort Zone

Roman Bespalov

Take an intensive body program

If the pleasant pre-New Year bustle is overshadowed by the thoughts that the festive night, and with it the dream dress (tuxedo?) that has long been waiting in the wings, is inexorably approaching, and the figure is still far from ideal, then the decisive moment has come - you need to take yourself into hands and run to the Lantan clinic, where they know what to do. The “Six Days of Slimness” program was developed precisely for such cases when there is no time, but there is an urgent need to become six or even nine centimeters slimmer - this is how much, according to statistics, the participants of the course lose in volume, and at the same time strengthen their muscles and get rid of obvious signs cellulite.

As is clear from the name of the program, you will have to come to the clinic six times—every day or once every two days. The basis of the course is the most advanced and modern method of losing weight using a low-level laser, which, using a non-surgical method, allows you to start the process of active lipolysis at a deep level. To speed up metabolism and improve muscle tone, the program includes pulse stimulation and infrared therapy procedures. It won’t hurt, but it can be slightly unpleasant in places - however, these sensations cannot be compared with sweating for hours in a gym, nor with the annoyance of having quietly grown a couple sizes larger than my holiday wardrobe. The procedures are complemented by rich vitamin and nutritional cocktails for the skin.

To calculate the program specifically for you, before it starts, a bioimpedance study is carried out, the purpose of which is to calculate the percentage of adipose tissue, muscle mass and fluids in the body and measure which areas require increased attention. Above all, you will also be advised by a nutritionist who will help you adjust your diet, which will be useful not only before the New Year, but also during the January holidays.

Give your skin the Hollywood treatment

Beyonce, Eva Mendes and Kate Winslet are fans of the HydraFacial procedure, so there is no doubt about the quality of the care. But the Biocode Med clinic decided to improve the technology by adding Dermadrop non-injection mesotherapy: working in synergy allows you to enhance the result of each procedure and prolong the effect.

“It all starts with diamond dermabrasion: it helps to “loose” the stratum corneum, remove peeling and improve the subsequent passage of drugs,” says Margarita Reznikova, chief physician clinics. “But this stage can be skipped if heavy doses of insolation are ahead, and almost without any damage to the case: next in the program is an exfoliant serum (it also quite professionally softens dead skin cells) and peeling with glycolic and salicylic acids.”

The main stage of care is vacuum cleaning with a serum that has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating properties. The whole trick is in a special nozzle in the form of a spiral: the vacuum effect is associated with a constant supply of the drug, so that, according to the principle of operation, the device is somewhat reminiscent of a powerful washing vacuum cleaner. Next come ampoules: brightening, rejuvenating with growth factors or a slight effect of botulinum toxin (they are chosen depending on the needs of the skin) and antioxidant serum, which saturates the skin with moisture and protects against free radicals, slows down the aging process and improves complexion.

“Then, according to the standard protocol, there would be a finishing cream, but in our case we use Dermadrop,” continues Margarita. - Under the influence high pressure we send low molecular weight hyaluronic acid into the dermis. The method allows penetration to a depth of up to 3.5 mm, and this is comparable to injections.”

You can undergo the procedure at least on December 31st - the wow effect is guaranteed. But if your skin is prone to rashes and inflammation, it is better to do it the day before and go one day without makeup.

Per day

1) Moisturizing and refreshing facial tonic Toner Balancing & Refreshing, Nairian
2) Intensively moisturizing mask with ceramides Hydrolift, The Oozoo
3) Anti-aging serum that improves complexion Glow Booster, Capture Youth, Dior
4) Extra Intensive, Cellular Performance, Sensai mask
5) Revitalizing mask that increases skin radiance Masque Gel, Anne Semonin
6) Day emulsion for skin radiance Cell Shock White, Swiss Line
7) Oxygen flash mask Oxygen Facial, Dr. Brandt

Roman Bespalov

Do everything at once

Are you used to putting everything off until the last minute? Then you have every chance of finding yourself under the Christmas tree with a stupid cap that hides your unpainted gray hair and your nails are purple not from nail polish, but from herring under your fur coat. If you know this weakness, sign up in advance for one of the salons of the premium British network SACO: complex programs have appeared on the menu, when the masters work with four or even six hands, so that the most driven workhorse here will be turned into a beautiful swan in a matter of hours. And absolutely without loss of quality, for which the network is so famous.

The set of brands that salon specialists work with is also suitable for the most capricious visitor. Hair here is dyed with Kydra and evo fabuloso, and cared for and styled with Olaplex, Aveda, Oribe, Alterna and Kevin.Murphy.

Ultraceuticals, APOT.CARE, Pharmaskincare are responsible for the freshness of the face; color scheme— By Terry, Jane Iredale and Senna. Plus leaders in nail care: Christina Fitzgerald, Luxio and Shellac.

After the ball

1) Night restorative face cream Midnight Secret, Guerlain
2) Night peeling concentrate Absolue Precious Cells, LancÔme
3) Thermal water Eau Thermale, La Roche-Posay
4) Soothing elixir for sensitive skin prone to redness Skin Relief No. 80, Bobbi Brown
5) Shower jelly with an invigorating citrus aroma Whoosh, Lush
6) Bath and massage oil with chocolate aroma So Yummy, Lycon
7) Deglusterol drink - has an antioxidant effect, improves metabolism and normalizes sleep
8) Bath and shower oil Fortitude, Elemis
9) Pinstripe detangling spray, R+Co
10 Moisturizing body balm Eau De Néroli Doré, Hermès
11) Dry shampoo Unicorn, COLAB

Roman Bespalov

Go for a lymphatic drainage massage

If you find the strength to crawl to the cosmetologist on the morning of January 1, lymphatic drainage procedures will help bring your face (and you) back to life. In order to acquire a blooming appearance as quickly as possible, you need to solve the issue with edema: disperse the liquid, the retention of which was caused by the abundance of grandmother’s pickles, eaten on a hunt with grandfather’s moonshine. And a regular manual massage will do the job perfectly.

Allow one and a half to two hours for the procedure - most likely, it will need to be supplemented with peeling and a moisturizing mask, especially if you spent half the night blowing up firecrackers.

“After a long stay in the cold, the condition of the skin does not change better side: the uniformity and integrity of the stratum corneum is disrupted, the scales are located chaotically, gaps form between them, and therefore fluid loss increases,” explains Andrey Fedorov, head of medical cosmetology at the Beauty Z beauty center. “The result is dehydrated, rough, dull skin "

Excessive food riots in the company of alcohol will also play a cruel joke: under their influence, the concentration of sebum changes - it becomes thicker, and instead of moisturizing the epidermis, it begins to flicker treacherously on the forehead and cheeks.

“A light peeling will remove excess sebum and make the skin smooth, and the mask will solve the problem of dehydration. Thus, our cosmetologist Irina Antonchuk will not only bring your face to life, but also prepare it for applying makeup,” continues Fedorov. — But it’s better to wait a couple of days with invasive procedures. Although there are no direct contraindications, the rehabilitation period may increase: the presence of alcohol in the blood negatively affects its clotting.”

Spend a couple of hours at the spa

Have you gained 3 kg since last night? Don't panic, most of the newly acquired weight is water, which can be removed with simple manipulations. “Start with a massage: a superficial one will activate the capillaries, and a deeper one will launch metabolic processes and ensure the outflow of lymph from internal organs“,” explains Elena Zinovieva, a spa massage therapist at the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit. Next point Elena recommends wrapping. Especially for everyone who feels sick in the morning from the smells of the sea (algae masks are certainly effective, but often smell too naturalistic), the chain’s salons use gel from the Italian brand T-Shock. It contains 31 plants, each of which has drainage properties. Plus elastic bandages (they provide compression) soaked in saline solution (the latter, in turn, relieves stress and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system).

1) Face mask Serum in a Mask, Kenzoki
2) Face mask “Divine Hydration”, Organic Shop
3) Device for combating age-related changes in the eye area based on Time Control light therapy, Talika
4) Patches Benefiance, Shiseido
5) Massager for the skin around the eyes Iris, Foreo
6) Face mask CellCollagen, CellCosmet
7) Intensive Concentrated Collagen Face Mask, KWC

Roman Bespalov

Connect currents and ultrasound

With dehydration, bruises and bags under the eyes (and they are after sleepless night sparkling and caviar are most likely to appear) in the Remedy Lab clinic they fight using a combination of microcurrent therapy and local dynamic micromassage on an LDM device.

The action of currents strengthens the orbicularis oculi muscle, restores muscle tone, improves blood supply and lymph flow. And LDM works at the cellular level: ultrasonic waves with different and rapidly changing frequencies provide intense local massage. As a result, metabolic processes in the skin are activated, inflammation and muscle spasms are eliminated.

Set up internal processes

Dry skin and grey colour faces after the holiday are just the tip of the iceberg: last 24 hours the body was subjected to severe intoxication. But this is not a reason to run to the hospital or pharmacy; now the problem is being solved in beauty clinics with the help of a variety of drips: detoxifying, vitamin and placental.

At the Time of Beauty center, for example, they use the Japanese drug Laennec, which is made by hydrolyzing the human placenta. Do not be afraid of this phrase - the product is successfully used in the Country rising sun already 60 years old. It is thanks to this natural composition that the body accepts the drug as if it were native. In this connection, it not only helps the liver cope with everything that you threw at it yesterday, but also heals the body as a whole: it activates metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system and has a powerful antiage effect.

The pre-holiday program always follows the same scenario: an evening with drinks in the office, Secret Santa, a corporate party, meeting with friends and exchanging gifts.

As a rule, in last days Before the New Year there is barely enough time to rest, not to mention the moments when you can take care of yourself. For those who find time for themselves a few minutes before the start of the celebration, we will tell you about emergency ways to bring beauty.

Take a break and breathe in some bergamot

No, we will not suggest going through a long session of aromatherapy and massage in the SPA to relax, everything is much simpler. If you need to get rid of stress, now is the time to use
A study that was conducted on mice, but works quite well in humans: bergamot oil reduces the level of cortisol (the stress hormone). In other words, essential oils or candles with the aroma of bergamot will bring you to your senses in a matter of seconds. In addition, many cosmetic brands now add different smelling salts to their kits, which are divided into those that soothe and those that give a boost of vigor.

Don't try to do complex makeup in time

On Instagram you can find a lot of creepy videos where girls apply several layers of foundation, do bright contouring, turning the face into a mask of the leader of the Redskins. If you only have a few minutes for beauty, then you certainly don’t have time for such procedures. In such cases, makeup artists advise focusing on one element of makeup: contouring, bright lips, cat-like wings. But just really do one thing, and not all at once.

Buy universal cosmetics

If you make bright eyes, this does not mean that everything else should not be made up at all. But instead of rummaging through your makeup bag to find all your products, it’s better to buy universal products in advance. Almost every brand makes products suitable for both lips and cheeks, for example. As a rule, they are all delicate colors and very pleasant to the taste.

Don't skimp on mascara

When you don't have enough time to apply false eyelashes, makeup artists advise first curling your eyelashes and then applying several layers of mascara, paying special attention to the outside of the eye. To create a more dramatic look, you can apply mascara to the lower eyelid.

Go shower at the last minute.

Most of us would rather take a quick shower and then do our makeup. However, experienced makeup artists advise doing this after applying makeup, naturally avoiding getting water on your face. A couple of minutes in a hot shower will give your face a radiant look, and all you have to do is collect compliments.

Preparations for a major party take place comprehensively and in advance. I want to be perfect: with beautiful skin, hair, manicure and makeup. And the search for a dress begins a couple of months in advance. In such a hustle and bustle, it's easy to forget about the little things that complete the look.

How to prepare for a party

  • A month before the event, you need to take care of your facial skin - nourishing masks and scrubs will not harm even healthy skin. Problematic skin requires deep cleaning so that there is less makeup on the face and it looks natural.
  • To avoid problems on the eve of the event, you need to cleanse your face with gel or milk every morning and evening and wipe with a moisturizing toner. Complete home care You should have a moisturizer that suits your skin type. If inflammation appears, then you need to problem area After removing makeup, apply a drying agent several times a day, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or clinic.
  • Don't forget about the body. Before the party, do not wax yourself - this may cause irritation. Contact a specialist and choose a harmless procedure -.
  • Before the party, watch your diet. This is so that the dress fits your figure and does not cause swelling in the legs.
  • For beautiful hair, make nourishing masks. It's worth getting a haircut before a party to keep your hair alive and without split ends.
  • Try to avoid makeup mistakes. It should be natural and not bright. The colors must match each other. For longevity, use quality products and apply a base product to your face. You can outline the eye contour along the inner line of the lower eyelid with a white eyeliner - this will visually open the eyes and make the whites brighter. Pay attention to the ears - they often differ in color due to foundation.
  • For a snow-white smile, you should give up coffee and colored drinks a few days before the party. You can use homemade bleaches, but be careful.
  • You should be careful when choosing clothes. It should be appropriate for the season and not restrict movement. Tight clothes and shapewear will make you feel hot.
  • On the day of the holiday you should not take a bath. From hot water Swelling may appear throughout the body, and the mood will be sluggish and relaxed. Limit yourself to a shower with a drop of scented invigorating oil.
  • To freshen up your makeup, you don't need to powder. It is better to carefully apply a napkin to your face after sprinkling it with water.

  • To make your perfume last longer, mix eau de toilette and perfume of the same scent. Or use bath products from the same company.
  • Before the holiday starts, drink a glass mineral water. This will protect you from dehydration.
  • On the eve of the party, you should try on the outfit again and choose accessories and shoes to match it - this will save you from panic before going out.

The most important thing is to come to the party with good mood and in good company.

If you have to leave the house at 20.00, then start preparing at 18.00. Remember: every minute counts.

Spend half an hour in the shower: firstly, you shouldn’t apply a new layer of cosmetics on top of the old one, creating the effect of multi-layer plaster, which, as you know, crumbles, and, secondly, it’s better to have fun “with a clean head.”

After this, do not rush to put on your evening dress - you still have time. It is more convenient to spend the “getting ready” time in home clothes.

Lightly dry your hair with a hairdryer. A moderately warm jet will gently dry your hair in just 10 minutes.

After a busy day, your skin needs special support. Apply a cleansing mask to your face and neck, and while your skin comes back to life, moisturize your body with a hydrating, fragrant body lotion. Don't forget about active deodorant - you're going to dance, right?

After removing the mask, wipe your face and neck with toner, massage a little moisturizing cream into the skin of your face, neck and upper chest. IMPROVED RENEWING NOURISHING CREAM is very good for caring for the neck and décolleté area. The cream will be absorbed for 10-15 minutes. At this time, wrap your hair in Velcro curlers. The larger the curlers, the smoother the curl will be. Heat the entire structure with a hairdryer and do not remove the curlers until the strands have cooled. Dry your hair...

It's time for makeup. Don’t experiment - there’s simply no time to correct errors: only half an hour. To make regular makeup look festive, you only need to change a few details: Mix PROTECTIVE CREAM WITH A FOUNDATION TINT in the palm of your hand with GLISH FOR FACE AND BODY and apply to your face; GLISH can also be applied to the décolleté area. Its shimmering sparkles will add a mesmerizing effect of extravagance to your look!

Make the eyeliner line more intense than usual and blend it towards the temples;

Emphasize eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil;

Replace matte shadows with pearlescent ones; add glitter to the upper eyelid.

Complement lipstick of an “evening” (rich) color with transparent or pearlescent gloss.

If the reflection in the mirror is satisfactory, remove the curlers. And now evening wear comes onto the scene. Right now, before the hairstyle is ready, so that you don’t have to correct it later. It is unlikely that getting dressed and pulling on stockings or tights will take more than 5 minutes.

Do your hair: comb your hair with a sparse comb and gather it into a braid, securing it with an elegant automatic hair clip." Lay your bangs back in wavy strands, fix with hairspray. Highlights of colored mascara will complement your hairstyle. Even with a careful approach, you will need no more than 15 minutes.

You will spend another 5 minutes to complement the outfit with accessories - jewelry or jewelry, a handbag. And don't forget about perfume!

What, is there still time left? Check if you forgot anything? Gifts, keys, shoes...

Complete relaxation There's nothing better than nap. American scientists have come to the conclusion that this method of relaxation makes it possible to relax not only the body, but also the skin - after just 15 minutes of sleep, the work of relaxing mechanisms in the skin is activated. If the thought of sleeping in the middle of the day makes you uneasy, choose another method of relaxation that will help you quickly regain your strength, such as watching your favorite movie or listening to pleasant music.

take a shower This is much better, although it sounds less pleasant, than a hot bath. Choose a shower gel that contains herbal extracts, such as mint or sage. These aromas calm (unlike citrus, which, on the contrary, excite) and at the same time awaken.

Exfoliate Don't overdo it. Shower gel with microgranules is enough. Not now best time for a hard washcloth or brush - they can cause skin irritation. Such sudden redness is caused by increased signals between nerve endings in the skin.

Foot care In the end, it is they, or rather your feet, who will be dancing the night away. Make a bath with the addition sea ​​salt. When the water has cooled down, throw a few ice cubes into a bowl and “march” through them for a few minutes - this is a kind of foot massage and at the same time a contrast shower. After the bath, apply a moisturizing foot cream (for example, with mint, chamomile, sage or lavender). Apply cooling gel to your ankles - this is especially necessary for girls suffering from varicose veins veins Finally, do a pedicure and apply nail polish (choose light shades - they, unlike dark ones, do not require as much careful application). If for carnival night you chose high-heeled shoes, you simply cannot do without special gel pads.

Apply a fragrant balm to your skin Let your body smell like cardamom, almonds, chocolate or cinnamon. We love the (product name) scented balm. Hydrated skin looks much better and feels much nicer.

Choose a scent Try mixing several scents, for example, floral with spicy. And if you have a sweet tooth, on the contrary, try to avoid mouth-watering smells reminiscent of your favorite desserts, for example chocolate cupcakes. Psychologists from Yale University have found that the smell of sweets instantly increases insulin levels in the blood, which speeds up the process of converting sugar into fat. Which means you get better faster...

Peeling or microdermabrasion This is the simplest and most painless way refresh your complexion and general form skin. Fast results are guaranteed. Two conditions: don't use any new ones. cosmetics(only time-tested ones) - they can cause irritation, and from scrubs, choose the most gentle ones, with small granules. We remind you once again: makeup lasts longer on smooth skin!

Firming massage Cosmetologists assure that five minutes of self-massage will make your skin look like it came out of a spa resort. We agree that from the outside this process looks, to put it mildly, unaesthetic, but believe me, the result will force you to do this execution more than once. So, brief instructions(perform symmetrically): starting from the center upper lip, do rotational movements to the cheekbones. Then from the center of the lower lip to the center of the cheeks (being careful not to stretch the skin). You can’t massage the skin under your eyes, just tap lightly with your fingertips. Patience and more patience, but the result is worth it.

Eye mask Take the ready-made one, in the form of plates, soaked in tightening and brightening substances. If you don’t have such a mask in your cosmetic bag, use an equally effective one. folk recipe- make lotions from frozen black tea.

Express face mask It should perform several functions: smooth (such cosmetics often contain silicone, which fills wrinkles), tighten (acts like a mesh), even out the complexion and brighten the skin (this is the merit of reflective particles), and do it flawlessly and instantly! If you have oily skin or mixed type, apply a cleansing and drying mask in advance. It will temporarily limit the production of sebum and eliminate oily shine. And don't forget to take matting wipes with you.

Lip balm Always carry it with you. Of course, it won’t smooth out the skin in five minutes, but the moisturizing effect is guaranteed. Dry, chapped lips are an unattractive picture. This trick is used by makeup artists a few minutes before models appear on the catwalk.