Are the highlighted words glass homonyms? Yulia Pushnova, I

353. Find in explanatory dictionary examples of homonyms. Make common sentences with them and emphasize grammatical basics.

354. Name homonyms. What do they mean? What part of speech are they? In which word does the letter yu represent two sounds?

A boxer dog (a breed of dog, noun) is a boxer (a person who practices boxing, noun) in the ring.
To force (to occupy the entire area, v.) a room with furniture - to force (to force, v.) to work.
Combatant (suitable for buildings, adj.) forest - combatant (relating to actions in the ranks in combat operations, adj.) commander.

In the word "furniture" the letter yu represents two sounds.

355. Write down phrases with homonyms so that it is clear what they mean. What meanings of the highlighted word do you know? Write down the words that have missing letters: 1) at the root: 2) at the ending.

356. Why is the idea expressed unclearly in these sentences? Express it more precisely. In the incentive sentence, include an address and a “polite” word, please.

1. Bring onions. (plant or weapon?)
Please bring onions.
Please bring a bow for shooting.

2. The tap does not work. (plumbing or construction?)
The faucet in the kitchen does not work.
The crane at a construction site is not working.

357. Are the highlighted words homonyms? Why? Write them out in initial form and make 2-3 sentences with any of them.

358. How is the humorous nature of the poem created? Find homonyms in these verses. What do they mean? Explain punctuation in dialogue.

The humorous nature of the poem is created through homonyms: mink (beast) - mink (animals' home), chanterelles (animal) - chanterelles (mushrooms).

Each line of dialogue is introduced with a dash. There is a colon after the author's words.

So does the word iron, along with the direct meaning, appeared figurative meaning.

Name transfer occurs if the items have any similarities.

For example, the color of ripe wheat and gold - golden wheat, i.e. light yellow, similar in color to gold.

People's actions are often attributed to inanimate objects.

For example, they say : the wind fell asleep, i.e. fell silent, froze. The wind is spoken of as an animate being.

IN works of art words with a figurative meaning are often used as a means of expression.

The explanatory dictionary indicates not only the direct, but also the figurative meaning of words.

For example:

Dazzling, - oh, - oh, - flax, - flax, - flax.

1. Very bright, blinding to the eyes. The dazzling light of the sun.

2. Transfer. Extraordinary, amazing. Dazzling beauty.

Exercise 5.

Find words in the text that are used figuratively.

Wonderful sunny February days have arrived. In the morning, as always, I went out to wander around the estate and observe. Something extraordinary was happening in nature. It seemed that she was celebrating some unprecedented holiday of the azure sky, pearl birches, coral branches and sapphire shadows on the lilac snow.

2. Homonyms

Words of the same part of speech, identical in sound and spelling, but completely different in lexical meaning, are called homonyms.

In explanatory dictionaries, homonyms are explained in different dictionary entries and designated serial number.

For example:

Bor . 1. -a, about the forest, in the forest, plural. pine forests, m. pine forest, growing on dry elevated place. There are wood grouse in the forest.

Bor . 2. -a, m. Steel drill used in dentistry. The dentist uses boron in his work.

Exercise 1.

Are the highlighted words homonyms? Why? Write them down in initial form and make sentences with them.

Glass of glass - water glass Mow obliqueoblique sight. Warm oven – oven pies. Breed pigeons- the sky has become pigeons. Whitewash ceiling - ceiling potatoes.

3. Synonyms

In the Russian language there are different words that mean the same thing: the same object, the same sign, the same action.

For example, two in different wordshippopotamus, hippopotamus- called the same animal. Adjectives scarlet, red denote the same sign - red color. Verbs run, rush denote the same action - move quickly, move.

The words hippopotamus - hippopotamus; red - scarlet; run - rush - synonyms.

Synonyms hippopotamus - hippopotamus differ in that the first of them is used more often in colloquial speech; word hippopotamus, as a rule, is used in scientific works.

Synonyms run - rush differ in that the second of them ( rush) has an additional connotation of meaning: to rush means not just to run, but to run at high speed.

Red – scarlet differ in that the second of these synonyms denotes a bright red color of a light shade.

Synonyms- these are words of the same part of speech that mean the same thing, but may differ from each other in shades of lexical meaning and use in speech.

There are many synonyms in the Russian language. There are special dictionaries of synonyms. Explanatory dictionaries also provide synonyms when explaining the meanings of some words.

Exercise 1.

Find synonymous words in the text. Explain why the author uses these particular words in this text.

The painting depicted a girl. She looked at the water of the canal and seemed to be contemplating something. Her whole face, thin and sad, was immersed in thought. She did not notice either the passers-by who looked at her with curiosity, or the janitors who lazily gazed at the gate.

4. Antonyms

Antonyms - words of the same part of speech with opposite lexical meaning.

Exercise 1.

Choose antonyms for one word from each phrase.

Memorable incident, purple twilight, sparkle brightly, shine of stars, walk in a chain, sweep away powder, evil blizzard, threaten disaster, terrible blizzard, spend the night, iron endurance, tried to help, vague outlines, seem close, reach the village.

The main ways of forming words in the Russian language.

1. Words in the Russian language are most often formed from other words by adding prefixes and suffixes to them:

a) prefix method - using prefixes: darken from get dark;

b) suffixal - using suffixes: car factory from automobile plant; prefix-suffix - using the simultaneous addition of a prefix and suffix: unite from single;

V) without suffix: transition from move on.

2. Words can be formed:

– adding stems using connecting vowels ( icebreaker from ice And prick) or without them ( Ivangrad);

- adding words: sofa bed;

- transition from one part of speech to another: factory canteen And dining room.

Exercise 2.

Determine from what and with what help these words are formed.

Joyful, reddish, excellent, spruce forest, nuclear-powered ship, sunrise, underwater, ribbon, binder, bakery, break.

Common words. Dialectal and professional words.

Many words of the Russian language are known to all the people. These words are commonly used.

For example: water, earth, sky, bird, green, blue, go, think, talk.

Our ordinary speech is primarily constructed from commonly used words

But there are words in the Russian language that not all people use in their speech. For example, the word Yaruga ( ravine) is used in the speech of residents of some places; fireclay(refractory clay) - in the speech of metallurgists. This uncommon words.

Word beet commonly used, it is known to all Russian speakers. Word beetroot used only in the speech of residents of a certain area. This dialectal word.

Dialect words - these are words used only by residents of a particular area.

Some of the most commonly used words in works of art are included in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian literary language. They are marked with region (i.e. regional). There are special dialect dictionaries, or dictionaries of the Great Russian language.

Words associated with the characteristics of the work of people in a particular specialty or profession are called professionalism.

Professional words are explained in special reference dictionaries and encyclopedias. The most commonly used professional words are given in explanatory dictionaries. They are marked specialist. (which means special).

The vocabulary of the language is constantly updated: new meanings arise for known words, new words are formed with the help of prefixes, suffixes, etc. All these words are called native Russian.

The vocabulary of the language is also replenished by borrowed words from other languages. Peoples inhabiting different countries, cannot live apart. Trade, cultural, and political ties arise between them. Communicating with each other, peoples sometimes borrow from each other personal and household items, tools, machines, weapons, objects of art, scientific concepts etc. At the same time, the words that call them are learned. Appear in the language borrowed words . Foreign words are sometimes so firmly adopted that people are unaware of their foreign origin.

Read the poem.

      Say "Spring" -
      And then it arose
      Runs in the green thicket
      A cheerful babbling key.
      We also call the spring key.
      (Key the doors have nothing to do with it.)

(A. Barto)

What two different objects do the highlighted words in the poem represent? Do these words sound and spell the same? What part of speech are they?

Words of the same part of speech, identical in sound and spelling, but completely different in lexical meaning, are called homonyms.

In explanatory dictionaries, homonyms are explained in different dictionary entries and are designated by serial number. For example:

Excerpt 1, -i, g. The ability to control oneself and exercise self-control. Show great restraint.

Excerpt 2, -i, gen. pl. -zhek. A short excerpt, quotation, extract from the text. Excerpt from the writer's diary.

353 . Find examples of homonyms in the explanatory dictionary. Make common sentences with them and emphasize grammatical basics.

354 . Name the homonyms. What do they mean? What part of speech are they? What word is the letter in? yu does it mean two sounds?

Boxer dog - boxer in the ring.
Making a room furnished means making it work.
Combat forest - combat commander.

355 . Write down phrases with homonyms so that it is clear what they mean. What meanings of the highlighted word do you know? Write down the words in which the letters are missing: 1) at the root; 2) at the end.

  1. The forester mowed the grass at the edge of the birch grove... 4 Little brother squinted his eyes and made a hilarious grimace.
  2. A school of horses rushed noisily across the field. The boy drove nails into the door frame.
  3. The girl was braiding her hair. My brother was sharpening his scythe. The tourists got out of the boat onto a sand spit.

356 . Why is the idea expressed unclearly in these sentences? Express it more precisely. In the incentive sentence, include an address and a “polite” word Please.


There is an outfit on the table. (Document or clothes?)
There is an order for coal on the table.
There is a festive outfit on the table.

1. Bring onions. (Plant or weapon?) 2. The faucet does not work. (Plumbing or construction?)

357 . Are the highlighted words homonyms? Why? Write them down in initial form and make 2-3 sentences with any of them.

Glass of glass- water glass; mow oblique - oblique sight; warm bake - bake pies; breed pigeons- the sky became pigeons; solution salt - salt porridge.

358 . What creates the humorous nature of the poem? Find homonyms in these verses. What do they mean? Explain punctuation in dialogue.

      The gopher jumped out of the hole2
      And he asked the red mink:
      - Where were you?
      - At the fox's.
      - What did you eat there?
      - Chanterelles.

(Ya. Kozlovsky)