Bergamot essential oil with honey. Bergamot oil in cosmetology

On the Mediterranean coast near the Italian city of Bergamo, a very capricious tree grows: its flowers fall off from the wind, and its fruits cannot stand the heat at all. In addition, this very not small (from two to ten meters in height) evergreen plant dies at temperatures below 5° C. Is it any wonder that such a sissy feels best in sunny Calabria? But even people who have never visited Italy are probably very familiar with the aroma of small yellow-green fruits. So, meet: bergamot.

Not the most delicious, but very aromatic citrus

In fact, experts still do not have a common point of view on the origin of the plant itself and its name. Some consider bergamot to be an independent type of citrus fruit, obtained by crossing citron and bitter orange; others are sure that it is just one of the varieties of bitter orange. Some associate the name “bergamot” with the Italian city of Bergamo, and others with the ancient Turkish city of Pergamon (modern Turkish Bergamo). Southeast Asia is considered to be the birthplace of bergamot, but today its main growing area is Italy (however, this thorny tree is also found in Africa, southern Turkey and France).

Photo gallery: bergamot, its flowers and fruits

Bergamot is an evergreen tree with fleshy leaves and small yellow-green fruits reminiscent of oranges. Delicate white bergamot flowers, blooming in March, have a surprisingly bright and pleasant aroma. Cut bergamot fruit looks like a lemon or orange.

The aroma of bergamot fruits - spicy-citrus with a smoky bitterness and light floral notes - is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. But their taste, unfortunately, is much inferior to the lemons, limes and grapefruits we are used to: the sour-bitter, tart pulp does not at all make us want to eat it. Therefore, the plant is used primarily to obtain the essential oil contained in the peel of the fruit. True, recently they began to produce bergamot ether from its flowers and leaves.

How bergamot “inherited” in the history of mankind

It is generally accepted that bergamot began to be used on an industrial scale in 1824 as a flavoring agent for low-quality tea. It was as a result of this process that the well-known Earl Gray (“Earl Gray” or “Grey-haired Earl”), the most popular variety of flavored tea all over the world, appeared over time.

The classic version of Earl Gray is black tea with bergamot oil, although today green and white teas with bergamot flavor are also produced under this name.

Pieces of dried peel or a few drops of bergamot oil added to tea leaves give the drink an unforgettable taste and aroma.

  • back in 1709, eau de Cologne (“Cologne water”) was made in Germany based on bergamot ether, and this is no less than the first cologne in the history of mankind;
  • there are references to the use of bergamot oil by German doctors in the treatment of wounds and skin diseases already in the 17th century;
  • In the most ancient esoteric practices, it was believed that bergamot oil, which belongs to the group of solar oils, increases the brightness of the aura, gives a feeling of joy and happiness, protects from other people’s negative energy and awakens creative forces.

There is also an opinion that the pharmacist from Cologne, who created Cologne water, simply managed to unravel the secret composition of “aqua regina” - “royal water”, invented in one of the monasteries of Florence in the 14th century.

In general, it must be recognized that the use of bergamot by humans has a long and quite diverse history.

Recent history of bergamot

In whatever area bergamot is used today - be it perfumery, cosmetology, esotericism, medicine or cooking - we are, first of all, talking about its essential oil.

Bergamot essential oil

Despite the fact that the peel of bergamot is quite heavily saturated with esters, about two hundred kilograms of fresh fruit are needed to produce one kilogram of light green oil.

Citrus essential oils are obtained in two main ways: cold pressing (pressing) or distillation. Since in the second case the plant material comes into contact with hot water or steam, its aroma is partially lost. Therefore, oil obtained by distillation is of lower quality.

Of course, with such a relatively low yield, the finished product is very expensive. But its unique properties, due to its composition, justify all the costs incurred.

Composition of bergamot oil

In terms of the richness of its composition, bergamot oil is, as they say, “ahead of the rest”: it consists of 175 different substances. By the way, among citrus fruits, only bergamot (and its oil) contains melitidine and brutieridine, which have a pronounced anti-cholesterol effect.

  • The amazing aroma of the fruit is due to linalool and L-linalyl acetate, and the rest of its beneficial properties are responsible for:
  • limonene;
  • camphene;
  • citral;
  • geraniol;
  • caryophyllene;
  • D-a-terpineol;
  • bergapten;
  • methyl anthranilate;

and a whole bunch of specific substances and compounds like oxygen-containing sesquiterpenoids (nerolidol, farnesol, bisabolols).

It is clear that everyone has the right to expect absolutely unique properties from a product with such a unique composition. Well, bergamot oil fully lives up to these expectations.

Aromatic light green bergamot oil has a rich, varied composition and many beneficial properties.

We love, appreciate, are proud: properties and uses of bergamot oil

  • Thanks to its unique composition, bergamot oil:
  • exhibits antibacterial, antiseptic, wound-healing, antispasmodic, antipyretic, tonic and soothing properties;

reduces total cholesterol, blood sugar and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, which are responsible for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Therefore, the product is actively used for:
  • stress, neurosis, depression, anxiety;
  • bronchitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx and sinuses;
  • functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (loss of appetite, intestinal colic, stomach pain);
  • cystitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • acne, pustules;

psoriasis, eczema, herpes, skin irritations, seborrhea.

Thus, there are at least three areas of application of bergamot oil besides the food industry with its teas and the perfume industry with its cologne: medicine, psychology and cosmetology.

Fragrant medicine

For medicinal purposes, bergamot oil can be used both externally and internally (which is, generally speaking, very rare for esters).

Table: medicinal recipes using bergamot oilMedical problem
Recipe for using bergamot oilAngina
Use a mixture of 3 drops of bergamot oil and 1 tsp to gargle. honey mixed in a glass of waterFever
Add 15 drops of bergamot oil to 200 ml of cold water and apply a compress to the calf musclesDepression
Add one drop of bergamot oil to 1 tsp. honey and take the mixture three times a dayA mixture of one drop of bergamot oil and 1 tsp. take honey one to three times a day
Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction25-30 drops of bergamot oil and 1 tsp. dissolve honey in half a glass of boiled water, divide the resulting drink into 3 parts and take three times a day for a week
Elevated cholesterol levelsAdd to 1 tbsp. honey 3 drops of bergamot oil and take the resulting mixture once a day 30 minutes before meals for a month
Poorly scarring woundsUse externally a mixture of 10 ml of vegetable oil and 5 drops of bergamot oil
PhlebeurysmApply compresses from a mixture of 200 ml of water and 10 drops of bergamot oil
Flu, ARVITo destroy viruses, add 3-5 drops of bergamot oil per 15 sq.m. to the aroma lamp. room area
Oral inflammationUse a rinse of 100 ml warm water, 2 drops bergamot oil and 2 drops tea tree oil
HeadacheMassage the back of your head and temples with a mixture of 10 ml grape seed oil, 2 drops bergamot oil and 2 drops neroli oil
Bacterial diseases of the genitourinary systemFor two weeks, use tampons soaked in a mixture of 1 tbsp at night. water and 3-4 drops of bergamot oil

In addition, since bergamot oil can actively influence a person’s emotional sphere, it is highly valued by psychologists.

Bergamot and psychology

Psychologists (as well as esotericists) have long known that the aroma of bergamot:

  • increases concentration;
  • activates creativity;
  • relieves anxiety;
  • successfully fights despondency;
  • stabilizes the psyche;
  • increases self-esteem;
  • gives a feeling of joy.
  • start the morning with an invigorating shower using gel with bergamot;
  • periodically inhale the aroma of bergamot at work to relieve accumulated fatigue;
  • before an important meeting, breathe in a mixture of bergamot and lavender aromas to achieve the necessary level of concentration and focus;
  • Use aroma lamps and aromatherapy baths with bergamot oil to reduce anxiety and improve mood and appetite.

By the way, you can achieve an amazing refreshing effect using the following simple recipe: add a couple of tablespoons of full-fat milk or cream, pre-mixed with five to seven drops of bergamot ether, to a bath of warm (about 45°C) water. 15 minutes of relaxation in such a bath - and you are ready for new achievements.

Video: benefits of bergamot

Hardly anyone will dispute the fact that a person’s emotional state most directly affects his appearance. So already at the stage of psychological relaxation, bergamot oil makes us fresher and more beautiful. But these are mere trifles compared to how it can affect our appearance as a cosmetic product.

Home cosmetologist

The antiseptic and wound-healing properties of bergamot oil, as well as its ability to regulate the level of oily skin and have a tonic effect on it, make this ester an effective cosmetic product.

Let's get our face in order

Are you tormented by problem skin, acne, rosacea, comedones, acne? No problem: bergamot is here to the rescue! Its essential oil:

  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and effectively fights oily skin;
  • tightens pores;
  • accelerates cellular regeneration and quickly heals wounds and ulcers;
  • evens out skin texture and increases its elasticity;
  • Lightens dark circles under the eyes and refreshes skin tone.

To achieve such wonderful results, you can either add 2-5 drops of bergamot oil to your favorite cream, toner, lotion, makeup remover, or treat yourself to homemade, pleasant and effective cosmetics based on it. For example, like this:

  1. To cleanse the skin: you will need 10 ml of grape seed oil, 5 drops of bergamot oil, 5 drops of thyme oil; mix all the ingredients and rub the resulting mixture into cleansed facial skin before bed.
  2. To reduce oily shine: you will need 75 ml of distilled water (sold in pharmacies), 15 ml of glycerin (sold in pharmacies), 5 drops of bergamot oil, 5 drops of geranium oil; mix all ingredients well and wipe cleansed facial skin before going to bed.
  3. To lighten the skin and increase its tone: you will need 2–4 drops of bergamot oil, 0.5 tsp. honey, 500 ml warm boiled water; mix oil and honey, dissolve the resulting mixture in water, rinse your face, previously cleansed of makeup and impurities, and blot dry.
  4. To tighten pores: you will need egg white, 5 drops of bergamot oil; beat the whites into a loose foam, add oil, apply the resulting mixture to cleansed facial skin for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  5. For acne: you will need half an apple (without peel), 1.5 tsp. grape seed oil, 5 drops of bergamot oil; Grate the apple on a fine grater, add a mixture of oils, apply the resulting mixture to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Immediately after applying the product, a slight burning sensation may appear, which quickly passes.
  6. For acne: you will need 5 g of dry plantain leaves (sold in a pharmacy), 10 g of red clay (sold in a pharmacy), 20 drops of bergamot oil; Grind the plantain leaves into powder, add clay and oil, mix well, apply the mixture evenly to pre-steamed facial skin and leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Bergamot oil is an excellent care product for oily skin, as it has antiseptic and wound-healing properties, as well as the ability to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

I have problem skin that periodically becomes inflamed. I am preparing a face mask with bergamot oil and clay, it soothes well and relieves irritation.

Daria, 25 years old

But the face is a face, and no one has canceled the care of other parts of the body. So, what else can bergamot oil offer us?

When age is not determined by a passport

A massage product with bergamot oil can dry out pustules and herpetic rashes on the body, reduce the appearance of acne, reduce sweating and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, refresh and cool the skin. To do this it's simple:

  • mix 50 ml sweet almond oil, 5 drops bergamot ester, 5 drops lemon oil, 3 drops and 1 drop rosemary oil;
  • use the resulting mixture for general or segmental massage or rubbing.

By the way, anti-cellulite massage with bergamot oil is also very effective. In this case, use a mixture of 10 g of carrier oil and 5-7 drops of bergamot oil. Such massages are performed in a course: one procedure every two days for two weeks.

Bergamot oil also helps to obtain an even, beautiful tan. Therefore, it makes sense to add 2-3 drops of it to 1 tbsp. l. your favorite tanning product and apply the resulting mixture to your body about an hour before sunbathing.

[The next paragraph can be safely skipped by young ladies who are not yet concerned about the condition of the skin of their hands.] Oh, these hands! It is they (and not light wrinkles around the eyes or a few gray hairs in the hair) that reveal our true age to others. But we must admit that they get much more in life than other parts of the body: cleaning, cooking, washing (yes, this happens) - all this cannot but leave its mark. So, dear ladies of about Balzac age: bergamot oil perfectly nourishes and rejuvenates the skin of the hands, and the author of the article tested it on herself. Prepare a mixture of 10 ml of base oil (the author prefers coconut oil, but you can take, for example, sweet almond or grape seed oil) and 3-5 drops of bergamot oil, apply it to your hands and massage the skin thoroughly (by the way, this mixture perfectly strengthens nails and speeds up their height). And let your age be determined by the shine of your eyes, and not by the wrinkles on your hands!

I use bergamot oil for my face and nails. For the skin, I add the product to the day cream; with oil, it mattifies the skin even more and dries out inflammation. The complexion looks healthy, the skin glows. For nails, I rub the oil into the cuticles and nail plates, they have become stronger and do not flake.

Alina, 23 years old

And also, no matter how unpleasant it is to talk about it, there is such a problem as excessive (and extremely odorous, yes) sweating of the feet. Also familiar to the author firsthand, alas.

Thousand dollar legs

The author of the article arranges this procedure for himself at least twice a week. It helps fight excessive sweating of the feet and deodorizes them. It's simple: add 2 drops of bergamot oil, fir oil and tea tree oil to a bowl of warm water (about four liters). You will enjoy rinsing your feet in this bath for 15–20 minutes. That's it, that's enough. Tested for myself. Did you think it would be more difficult?

Braid - girlish beauty

Well, today a waist-length braid may be too much, but healthy, well-groomed hair is an indispensable attribute of female beauty at all times. And it will help us to make them like this (drum roll)... Have you guessed it? That's right, bergamot oil. Because this is exactly what it is:

  • fights dermatitis and seborrhea of ​​the scalp;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • strengthens and nourishes hair follicles;
  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • prevents split ends of hair.

As a result, we have shiny, strong, healthy hair. To do this, you just need to add a few drops of bergamot oil to your regular shampoo, conditioner or conditioner. Or apply these drops to a wooden comb and carefully comb your hair in different directions. Moreover, this action must be performed regularly, otherwise, unfortunately, there will be no effect.

Regular combing with a wooden comb using a few drops of bergamot oil promotes healthy and beautiful hair.

It’s also good to make hair masks. For example, these:

  1. For dandruff: you will need burdock oil (1 tbsp), slightly warmed in a water bath, bergamot oil (2 drops), tea tree oil (3 drops), eucalyptus oil (3 drops); mix all the ingredients, rub the mixture into the hair roots and leave for 40 minutes, wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
  2. For damaged and weakened hair: you will need castor oil (1 tbsp), burdock oil (1 tbsp), bergamot oil (4 drops); mix the ingredients, apply to hair from the roots along the entire length and leave under a plastic cap for 15 minutes, wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
  3. To strengthen hair: you will need natural yogurt (30 g), bananas (2 pcs.), bergamot oil (15 drops); beat yogurt with bananas in a blender, add bergamot oil to the resulting mixture and mix well, rub the mixture into the roots of dry hair and distribute it along its entire length, leave the mask under a plastic cap for 1-2 hours, rinse with your usual shampoo.

Or a rinse for oily hair, for example, like this:

  • add 1 tbsp to 500 ml of warm boiled water. l. apple cider vinegar and a mixture of bergamot oil (5-7 drops) and rosemary oil (3-5 drops);
  • Rinse your washed hair with the product.

I add bergamot oil to tea, it turns out very aromatic, and when I have a cold it helps to cope with the disease faster. I recently started using a hair product, I do masks once a week to strengthen the roots, my hair falls out less.

Lyubov, 31 years old

So, in medicine, psychology and cosmetology, bergamot is highly valued, and this is well deserved. However, despite its, frankly speaking, simply disgusting taste, this citrus is widely used in cooking. Don't believe me? But in vain.

Bergamot in cooking

  1. There is nothing better in the world than adding a little grated bergamot zest to your muffin batter. Honestly. It turns out so piquant that neither lemon nor orange zest stood next to it. And in the absence of fresh bergamot fruit at hand, it is quite possible to use a drop of bergamot oil for this purpose.
  2. Pork ribs, well marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, honey, bergamot juice (the main thing here is not to overdo it), ground black pepper, ground hot red pepper and ground coriander, then baked in the oven, guaranteeing you the adoration and devotion of all men fed this masterpiece ( just don’t forget to serve beer with these ribs). Again: if bergamot fruit is not available, use a drop (literally a drop) of bergamot oil combined with balsamic vinegar instead of juice.
  3. A dressing of finely chopped fresh cucumber, dill, a few drops of bergamot juice, natural yogurt, mustard and salt can turn a trivial Chinese cabbage salad into a glamorous dish for a slimmer diva.
  4. A cocktail of 50 ml of Malibu white Caribbean rum with the addition of a couple of drops of bergamot juice and a piece of ice makes life not just bearable, but definitely wonderful.

In general, the fact that you were born bitter and sour does not mean that you will not find use for yourself, and that you will not be loved and appreciated.

Grated bergamot peel added to the dough gives baked goods a piquant spicy aroma and a pleasant taste.

Bergamot oil: contraindications

Unfortunately, every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment, and almost everything has contraindications. And with citrus fruits - any kind - you need to be extremely careful: these fruits quite often cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using bergamot oil, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate test by applying a small amount of aromatic liquid to the crook of the elbow. It should be borne in mind that redness of the skin and a burning sensation in the first five minutes after such application are absolutely normal phenomena.

In addition, it is strictly not recommended to use bergamot oil on exposed skin immediately before going out into the sun: this way you risk getting uneven pigmentation. This leads to a simple conclusion: whatever cosmetic procedures with bergamot oil you are going to use, perform them in the evening before bed (the exception is sunbathing with a tanning product enriched with bergamot ester. But you remember that such a product is applied to the skin at least after an hour before going out into the sun?).

And finally, it is better for pregnant women to refrain from using bergamot oil: a number of substances contained in this ether can cause unwanted contractions of the uterus. Of course, this does not mean that for nine difficult months of her life a woman should forget about her favorite tea with bergamot, not at all: in the absence of an allergic reaction, a cup of aromatic drink a couple of times a week will not lead to fatal consequences. This, as always, is a matter of reasonable measures.

A little esotericism at last

Of course, esoteric practices are not close to everyone, but it would be unfair to remain silent about this side of the use of bergamot oil.

It is believed that solar bergamot oil increases the glow of a person’s aura and dampens the vibrations of a hostile astral field. At the mental level, it organizes and structures the information and thoughts received.

In addition, bergamot oil is a strong aphrodisiac and has long been used in related magical rituals. Esotericism claims that it can attract a partner and strengthen the spiritual connection between lovers. On the other hand, this oil helps to get rid of excessive love attachment and dependence.

So if your relationship has reached a dead end, and you would like to end it without unnecessary drama, tears and suffering, dilute it in 1 tbsp. l. water 3 drops of bergamot oil and rub the aromatic mixture on your body: this remedy will strengthen your mental strength, eliminate doubts and hesitations and make the breakup as easy as possible. In any case, this is exactly what magicians, shamans and sorcerers of various kinds promise.

And your favorite perfume compositions with notes of bergamot will help you maintain peace of mind and faith in a happy tomorrow: Azure Lime (Tom Ford), Balenciaga Paris (Balenciaga), Armani Prive Cologne Spray Eau de Jade (Giorgio Armani), Pomegranate Splash (Marc Jacobs) , Coco Mademoiselle (Chanel).

Video: using bergamot oil

Citrus fruits are a wonderful gift from nature to man: sunny, juicy, invigorating, aromatic, they give energy and joy and restore the taste for life. Even the New Year smells like a Christmas tree and tangerines, have you noticed? And the small fruits of bergamot, although tasteless to the point of inedibility, are no exception. Hold them in the palm of your hand, bring them to your face and feel the enormous potential hidden for the time being in the thick multi-layered peel. Just believe the unspoken promise and that little splash of sunshine will change your life.

Bergamot oil has a unique wonderful aroma and healing properties. It is actively used in cosmetology and medicinal purposes. This remedy is even credited with a certain magical effect that it can have on people. However, this product has its contraindications, so before use it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Chemical composition

Bergamot essential oil has a rich chemical composition. It contains a large number of complex aromatic organic compounds, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, sodium and other trace elements. The product is obtained by cold pressing or steam distillation. In the first case, the oil is obtained from the fruit, and in the second from the leaves and flowers. To obtain this drug, a large amount of plant raw materials is required, so its cost is quite high.

The bergamot tree is native to Southeast Asia. Its plantations are currently located in southern Italy and South Africa. The plant is no more than five meters in height, the fruits are small, slightly larger than a walnut. Bergamotines have several layers of aromatic peel, the slices are juicy and have a very bitter taste.

Bergamot essential oil: properties

The most well-known beneficial properties of bergamot include the following:

  • eliminates pain and spasms

The ether has a relaxing and calming effect on the central and peripheral nervous system. Our body is permeated with a network of neural connections that connect the body with the brain. As soon as we relax and heavy thoughts go away, pain and spasms in organs and muscles disappear behind them.

  • relieves irritability, fatigue and anxiety

This product has a wonderful complex aroma, which with its citrus-sweet notes brings back memories of summer and makes you think about something pleasant. This effect occurs due to the relaxing effect on the nervous system of special substances that make up the fetus.

  • is an excellent aphrodisiac

This applies to both men and women. This remedy is good to use for decreased sexual desire. The best way to do this is to use aromatherapy.

  • has antipyretic properties

Due to its high content of organic acids, vitamins and microelements, bergamot oil stimulates the immune system and helps in the fight against microbes and viruses. In this case, you can use compresses or use this product for rubbing and massage.

  • good antiseptic
  • normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands

Improves digestion and metabolism. Normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. During periods of exacerbation of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better not to use this drug.

  • helps with upper respiratory tract diseases

Dilates blood vessels, promotes better blood flow to the lungs, and helps eliminate spasms. Can be used as aromatherapy to ease breathing.

  • improves appetite

This must be taken into account by people who are overweight.

  • helps get rid of varicose veins

Ether strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves heart function and accelerates blood flow in the body. This helps to thin the blood and eliminate congestion in the veins.

  • thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots

Well suited for people prone to thromboembolism. The consumption of bergamot oil should be limited for those individuals who have poor blood clotting or hemophilia.

Blends well with herbs such as sage, ylang-ylang, geranium and eucalyptus.

The use of bergamot essential oil in cosmetology

This product has found active use in cosmetology. Bergamot essential oil is used:

  • for face

This product has an excellent whitening effect and removes age spots well, however, when using this product, it is necessary to limit the time spent in the sun.

Bergamot oil can be added a few drops to face mask mixtures. It perfectly tones the skin, removes oily shine, and reduces the number of wrinkles.

  • for hair

The product improves the condition of skin and hair. If your hair has become brittle and dull, or gray hair has appeared, then apply a few drops of the product to the comb and run it through your hair.

It is good to add bergamot oil to a rinse, such as an herbal infusion. It will enhance the positive impact of the latter. The drug also helps get rid of vitiligo and baldness. To prevent the appearance of the latter, rub this oil into your scalp once a week.

  • for nails

The product has a gentle effect on the cuticle and nail plates, softening them. Nails become strong, smooth and shiny.

It is also necessary to take into account that this product is allergenic, so consult a specialist before use.

Bergamot essential oil in folk medicine

Bergamot oil has also found its use in folk medicine. It is most often used in the following cases:

  • for rubbing during respiratory diseases and viral infections;
  • for the treatment of herpes;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • helps get rid of helminthic infections;
  • improves digestion with low acidity.

Magic properties

Bergamot is widely used for white magic rituals. Its complex, spicy aroma sets you in a certain mood, helping you to quickly implement your plans. Bergamot oil is not a remedy for protecting against the effects of negative energy, but it will help in matters of the heart, as well as improve mood and relieve anxiety and melancholy.

Also well suited for rituals for material well-being, childbirth and attracting good luck.

Aromatherapy with bergamot essential oil

The healing aroma is actively used for aromatherapy sessions:

  • use of aroma lamp

For such a procedure, you can use either a specialized aroma lamp or just a container of hot water. Drop a few drops of bergamot oil into the water, then wait a little; as the liquid evaporates, the room will be filled with aroma.

  • using an aromatic bath

The product must first be dissolved in milk or cream and then poured into the bath. You can take it no more than a quarter of an hour, otherwise an allergic reaction of various etiologies may occur.

  • use in the bath

In a bath or sauna, the beneficial effects of this product on the body are enhanced. Bergamot oil perfectly relaxes, improves breathing, and kills harmful microorganisms. It is not recommended to use this product for a long time in high temperature conditions to avoid skin irritation.

  • use for massage treatments

You can drop a little product into the massage base, stir well and begin the procedure. Avoid direct contact of oil and skin to avoid chemical burns. The drug perfectly tones and warms the body, gives the skin a pleasant aroma.

  • use as a mouth rinse

Suitable for people suffering from oral inflammation. You can add a few drops of the product to the rinse solution, and then treat the oral cavity.

  • use in lotions and compresses

Well suited for relieving local pain, rashes and inflammation. Pure bergamot oil cannot be used; a special mixture must be prepared for this purpose.


The price can vary from 150 to 300 rubles for a 5 ml container, depending on the manufacturer, delivery costs, composition and other factors.


Bergamot essential oil has the following contraindications:

  • increased skin pigmentation

Bergamot essential oil should be used with caution by people whose skin is prone to pigmentation. If you use this product for medicinal purposes, you must avoid direct sunlight.

Also, this drug should not be used by people prone to cancer, as this can provoke the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

  • allergic reactions

This product is a strong allergen because it contains a large number of complex chemical organic compounds. Before using this oil, you need to check the body's reaction; to do this, mix the drug with a small amount of cream and apply to an open area of ​​skin, for example, the wrist. If redness does not appear, the oil can be used in procedures.

  • pregnancy and lactation

During such a delicate period, this product cannot be used, since it is quite allergenic and toxic to the mother and fetus during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, it is also necessary to avoid the use of this oil. Because the complex chemical composition can change the taste of milk and cause allergies in the child, or various developmental disorders.

  • period of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system

During exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of this drug should be avoided. This can worsen the course of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of these organs.

  • epilepsy and other mental disorders

Despite its calming effect, bergamot oil is contraindicated for individuals suffering from mental disorders. As practice shows, the complex aroma of this product can trigger increased aggression in people with these diseases.

  • childhood

The use of bergamot oil for treating children is not recommended, as it can be irritating to a growing child's body and cause an allergic reaction.

  • insomnia

The aroma of bergamot has a slight tonic effect, which is not at all suitable for individuals with sleep problems.

Bergamot essential oil has a complex and varied chemical composition. It contains many useful substances and helps in treating digestive problems, depression, improves the functioning of the endocrine glands, increases appetite, etc. This product is also actively used in cosmetology to treat skin and hair problems. The ether has its contraindications, so before use it is necessary to consult a specialist.

The birthplace of bergamot oil is Italy. After all, it is there that nature has created the necessary conditions for the normal growth and development of these “capricious” plants. But these small trees compensate for their excessive “capriciousness” with the enormous benefits that their fruits bring.

Perhaps no fruit in the world has such a specific intense citrus aroma with sweet notes as bergamot has. Essential oil has not only medicinal but also cosmetic properties.

Freshly prepared ether has a viscous consistency and a light green-yellow color. After some time, the color may change - become green-brown, and the smell may acquire bitter-spicy notes.

This aromatic ether is part of the group of solar essential oils due to its properties. Thanks to this, it promotes self-development, creation, the development of creative abilities and carries positive energy.

Useful properties of the oil:

  1. Calms the nervous system in stressful situations, helps get rid of depressive thoughts, lift your mood, and cope with melancholy and despondency.
  2. Strengthens hair follicles, contributing to their supply of nutrients - vitamins and minerals. Fights dandruff and seborrhea (dry and oily types).
  3. Normalizes the secretion of sweat glands. Regulates the processes of sebaceous glands secreting skin lubricant. Actively fights various dermatological diseases.
  4. Tones and refreshes the skin, increases its elasticity, improves complexion. The oil helps accelerate the regeneration of skin cells.
  5. The use of bergamot oil relieves spasms in headaches, muscle and joint pain.
  6. Stops inflammatory processes and relieves pain in diseases of the genitourinary system (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis).
  7. Suppresses pathogenic microflora of bacterial, viral and fungal origin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, in diseases such as chickenpox, herpes, smallpox, eczema with the presence of trophic ulcers.
  8. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  9. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, it increases the excretory function of the intestines, promotes smoother digestion, and eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Due to the fact that oil accelerates metabolic processes in the body, it helps to reduce body weight.
  10. Bergamot oil helps in the treatment of colds accompanied by damage to the respiratory system (tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.).
  11. Has the property of lowering body temperature.
  12. Normalizes blood pressure indicators. Helps in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  13. It is a natural aphrodisiac, a source of inexhaustible sexual energy. Helps improve imagination and fantasy.

Bergamot essential oil: application

In medicine

In the field of medicine, this oil is used for the prevention and treatment of many pathologies.

  • Chronic fatigue, increased nervousness.
  • Depression, stress.
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Spasms in muscle tissue.
  • Joint pain.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Colds of various etiologies.
  • Dermatological systemic diseases.
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  • CNS disorders.
  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, including high blood pressure.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Functional disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hyperhidrosis.

The use of bergamot oil in cosmetology

Skin and hair care

In cosmetology, bergamot oil is widely used for hair and face to cure many diseases and improve the condition in general. Bergamot ester is included in various cosmetics designed to care for problem skin:

  • creams (nourishing, moisturizing, toning, mattifying);
  • scrubs;
  • lotions;
  • tonics;
  • rubbing (medicinal chatter);
  • cream for washing.

Read more: Bergamot essential oil for face and hair

As for hair care, this bergamot oil is used as a component in the manufacture of masks, shampoos, conditioners, rinses and antistatic sprays.

These hair and skin care products can be made at home yourself. It is recommended to use them within 3-5 days from the moment of preparation.

After this period, the healing properties of bergamot essential oil weaken and it becomes unable to provide the desired effect.

By regularly using these products, you can get rid of:

  • from acne, including the formation of which is caused by hormonal imbalance;
  • from herpetic rashes;
  • from minor cuts, scratches, abrasions, bruises, bruises;
  • from venous stars;
  • from dandruff and seborrhea;
  • from split ends of hair;
  • against hair loss and dull hair color.

Bergamot oil for tanning

Many people use essential oils to achieve an even bronze tan. However, not all of them are suitable for this role. Experts do not recommend using bergamot oil for tanning.

It is phototoxic and, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, is capable of releasing decay products of toxic agents that cause the formation of pigment spots on the skin, the development of dermatological diseases and tumor neoplasms.

Due to the use of bergamot oil while tanning, burns may appear on the skin. The mechanism of their formation is due to the fact that a large number of free radicals accumulate in the upper layer of the skin.

These particles (atoms or molecules) provoke the development of foci of inflammation in skin cells, which threatens the latter with death.

Body skin care with bergamot oil

Bergamot oil also shows excellent results when used as an ingredient in bath mixtures.

After just one course of such procedures, the skin of the body becomes soft and velvety. Rashes, manifestations of cellulite, and the consequences of irritation are eliminated from its surface.

The skin gains elasticity and firmness. It seems as if she begins to glow from within.

Nail and cuticle care

It’s not for nothing that manicurist/pedicurists often use bergamot oil for nails. This unique product can also be used at home.

You just need to massage your nails and the skin surrounding them daily, using 1-2 drops of oil. Rub it into your nails and cuticles for a minute.

As practice shows, after 10 sessions of such procedures, nails will become stronger and will stop peeling and breaking. And burrs will not form around the nail plates.

Bergamot oil in tea, use in cooking

This unique essential oil can add a piquant taste to dishes and give them a subtle fruity aroma. Bergamot oil is most often added to tea (green, black, fruit, herbal). This oil also goes well with:

  • with sweet pastries;
  • with steaks;
  • with desserts (jam, preserves, pastille);
  • with vegetable soups;
  • with salads made from vegetables and fruits.

Remember, the more drops of oil you sprinkle on the tea leaves, the more pronounced the aroma of bergamot will be heard, but do not overdo it.

The magical uses of bergamot oil

This oil is used in white magic during various rituals. It will not protect against evil spirits, damage or the evil eye, but it will very effectively help in matters of the heart. Thus, the magical properties of bergamot oil are often used for the following purposes:

ridding a person of longing for a loved one (oh); establishing closer contact with your lover; restoration of mental balance; removing the crown of celibacy; eliminating the consequences of a black love spell.

This oil also helps in performing rituals for good luck, material enrichment, easy childbirth and improved health. Learn more about the magical properties of essential oils.

As you can see, ether can be used not only in aromatherapy, but also for other purposes. Bergamot essential oil, whose properties and uses have a wide range, can create a festive mood.

Inhaling its rich sweetish-spicy aroma, you feel as if you are plunging into the atmosphere of ancient Italian towns with narrow streets filled with optimism, irrepressible temperament and bright colors!

Bergamot essential oil is one of the most favorite essential oils for many. This wonderfully scented oil is very versatile and has many beneficial and healing properties. Bergamot oil can improve mood, kill bacteria, reduce headaches, improve digestion, improve hormonal balance and many other useful things this oil can provide. Read further in the article about all the properties, how to use the oil and who it is not suitable for and can cause harm.

Bergamot essential oil is obtained from a plant of the genus Rutaceae with fragrant flowers called bergamot. In fact, it is a hybrid obtained by crossing orange and citron. The scientific name of bergamot is Citrus Bergamia.

Scientists still debate where this tree comes from. But today it is growing in many countries of Central Asia, Africa, Latin America and, of course, Italy. According to one version, bergamot oil owes its name to the city of Bergamo, located in Italy. Here, bergamot was first cultivated for industrial purposes to obtain oil.

According to another version, bergamot comes from the Turkish “beyarmudu”, which means “princely pear” or “beg armudy” - master’s pear. True, the fruit of bergamot has nothing to do with pears. Perhaps they began to call it that because of its similarity to the bergamot pear.

Composition of bergamot essential oil

Bergamot oil is obtained from the peel of the fruit, flowers and leaves of the plant. The most valuable is the oil obtained from the peel of the fruit. This oil is obtained by cold pressing, which means it retains more of all useful and valuable substances compared to the hot distillation method.

To obtain 90 ml of finished oil, 100 bergamot fruits are required.

Bergamot essential oil is characterized by a high content of:

Limonene – 59 percent

Linalyl acetate – 16.8 percent

Linalool – 9.5 percent

In addition to these three main components, the essential oil contains nerol, bergapten, bergaptol, citral, limonene and other substances.

Linalyl acetate and linaool give the oil a specific pleasant aroma. These two substances are also the main components of lavender essential oil and it is they that give bergamot oil those beneficial and healing properties, unlike other citrus oils.

The healing properties of bergamot essential oil

The healing properties of bergamot oil have been confirmed by numerous studies. The main medicinal properties of the oil include:






Its pleasant sweetish aroma lifts your mood and can improve digestion. It can treat the entire body, ranging from skin diseases to internal diseases.

The oil can be used for:

Improves mood and relieves stress;

Eliminate depression;

Reducing pain in joints and muscles;

Improving the functioning of the digestive system;

Skin cleansing and treatment;

During colds and viral diseases.

This essential oil can be a great addition to your natural medicine cabinet.

In Chinese medicine, this oil has traditionally been used to stimulate the digestive system and increase energy. These days, the oil can be used for a much wider range of problems.

It can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, fungi and other infections. The oil can be used topically to treat skin, internal infections such as bladder, kidney or colon infections.

To treat burns or other minor wounds such as rashes or insect bites, apply a little diluted oil to the affected area.

For depression

Bergamot essential oil is one of the best oils that can help you overcome depression and the symptoms that come with it. Symptoms of depression can have far-reaching health consequences. Feelings of hopelessness and depression can cause fatigue, apathy, loss of appetite, and decreased sexual desire. Depression is usually treated with pharmaceutical drugs, which have a large number of contraindications and side effects, including personality changes and weight gain.

Use bergamot oil. You can inhale the aroma of the oil directly from the bottle or place a few drops on your palm to lift your spirits.

Rubbing a few drops of oil into the neck and temples, abdomen, and legs can also relieve the condition.


Bergamot essential oil has powerful relaxing properties. Millions of people around the world suffer from stress and anxiety today. This condition can ultimately have a negative impact on your overall health.

Any of us who find ourselves in a similar situation are undoubtedly trying to cope with such a condition. Although there are medications that can help overcome stress, they are often addictive and have many side effects. Naturally, many want to find a safer alternative solution.

Research has shown that bergamot oil can help reduce feelings of anxiety and restlessness by stimulating mood hormones such as serotonin and dopamine.

Bergamot oil mixed with lavender oil is very effective in solving problems such as depression and anxiety.

Inhaling the aroma of the oil added to an aroma lamp diffuser throughout the day can significantly improve your mood and relieve feelings of tension.

Against pain

Many studies have shown that using the oil may be much safer than taking painkillers. It can be used to relieve pain caused by headaches, spasms, and muscle aches. The oil also helps reduce pain associated with arthritis or rheumatism.

To relieve muscle and joint pain, dilute 5 drops of essential oil with a carrier oil and massage the area of ​​pain.

To relieve headaches, rub a few drops of oil on your neck or temples. You can simply inhale the aroma of the oil.

To improve digestion

Bergamot oil has long been used to improve digestion. It helps stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, which helps the body break down food and ease its passage through the digestive tract.

It also helps stimulate muscle contractions in the intestinal wall, which improves the movement of waste through the intestine. There is even evidence that the oil can help with food poisoning, as it has very powerful antibacterial properties.

For any digestive problem, you can rub 4-5 drops of oil on the abdominal area once a day.

There is evidence that the oil can be used against worms. In fact, worms are not such a small problem. If you do not get rid of it in a timely manner, it can lead to the development of anemia. If you have worms, the body does not receive enough nutrients, which in turn can lead to insufficient production of red blood cells. Namely, they are responsible for feeding cells with oxygen throughout the body.

Use of the oil, especially in young children, may be a major benefit against medications. Apply a few drops of bergamot to your hands and rub the oil into your stomach area.

Against tetanus

Tetanus is a dangerous disease. Bacterial spores can be found in soil or house dust. If tetanus spores land on a wound, they can penetrate deeper and then enter the bloodstream.

Essential oil has disinfectant and antiseptic properties and can kill bacteria that can lead to infection. Using a cotton ball or swab, the oil can be applied to wounds to kill bacteria and promote healing.

Against fever

Bergamot essential oil can be used to reduce fever caused by bacterial illness. The oil can be effective against internal and external bacteria and can reduce high body temperature by relieving stress and stimulating hormone secretion.

When you have a fever, inhale the aroma of the oil every other day at night, placing the aroma lamp near your bed.

For oral hygiene

Bergamot essential oil is one of the few essential oils that can be used to relieve toothache and gum inflammation.

You can add a few drops of bergamot to a glass of water and rinse your mouth with this liquid. When brushing your teeth, you can add a drop of oil to the toothpaste and brush your teeth.

For colds

Bergamot oil is an excellent remedy for colds and related related problems. It improves mucus discharge and reduces the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract, helps get rid of germs and viruses, as well as toxins, in the body.

To treat a runny nose and difficulty breathing, inhale oil vapors from an aroma lamp diffuser throughout the day and, if possible, at night.

You can inhale the aroma of the oil directly from the bottle or place a few drops on your palm whenever you find it difficult to breathe.

You can do steam inhalations with the oil by dropping a few drops into a bowl of hot water or an inhaler container.

Bergamot essential oil for skin and hair

Bergamot oil may be beneficial for hair growth. Just add a few drops of oil to your shampoo or hair rinse.

The oil will be especially useful for oily hair, as it can reduce oiliness by regulating the secretion of sebum.

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of the oil help fight dandruff, relieving itching and irritation.

This oil is also useful for those who suffer from acne, eczema or other skin problems. Essential oil can help solve many of these problems.

This oil has good antiseptic, antibacterial and disinfectant properties. It effectively fights bacteria that often lead to acne.

The oil can be used if you have blackheads on your face as it can control sebum production.

In addition, the oil can reduce the appearance of acne scars as well as stretch marks. This oil can be used for wound healing as it improves skin scarring by regulating the skin's production of melanin.

The oil is also used to treat eczema and psoriasis. The oil is effective against fungi, including strains of nail fungus.

To treat the skin, place a few drops of oil on a cotton swab and apply it directly to the affected area.

Just remember that bergamot oil is a citrus oil and may increase photosensitivity. Therefore, exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided for at least 24 hours after applying the oil to the skin.

Use of bergamot essential oil in everyday life

The oil has found application in everyday life. Of course, treating the trash can with it is still not entirely the best solution. However, this oil is not that cheap. But it is quite possible to repel insects or as a natural deodorant.

As a deodorant

The oil has a pleasant citrus aroma. In addition, it can kill bacteria that multiply when we sweat. In fact, they cause an unpleasant odor.

To get rid of unpleasant odor, you can add a few drops of bergamot to your bath or apply it to your armpits and legs.

To repel insects

Bergamot oil is an excellent natural repellent. It can be used to repel not only mosquitoes and midges, but also ants and other unpleasant uninvited guests.

Make your own repellent. Simply add a few drops of oil to a water bottle and treat doorways or window frames.

Bergamot oil is also great for freshening the air in the home and can eliminate unpleasant odors from cooking or tobacco.

How to use bergamot oil

Depending on the condition and what problem you want to solve, there are several ways to use the oil. Here are the most common methods.

Inhalation directly from a bottle or aroma lamp diffuser.

Aromatic baths. Just add a few drops to warm bath water. This bath is very relaxing and calming. It is also useful for skin diseases.

Local application. In this way, the oil is best used to solve skin problems such as acne or scars.

Massage. Oil massage is used for various pain sensations. Before massage, bergamot oil must be diluted with a carrier oil.

Men's water with bergamot oil

Men use cologne no less than women wear perfume. Most men, after shaving, apply eau de toilette all over their face, as they say, pouring it into their palms. But it has long been no secret that eau de toilette and aftershave lotions do not contain any natural ingredients. And, therefore, there is no benefit from them.

It's easy to make your own eau de toilette. It will only take a couple of minutes. In addition, such water will be much healthier than store-bought water.

Cedar essential oil – 5 drops

Bergamot essential oil – 3 drops

Sandalwood oil – 2 drops

Alcohol (70%) or vodka – 300 ml

Glass bottle with spray

Mix all the ingredients in a bottle and enjoy for your health.

Be sure to use a glass bottle. Citrus oils contain a high concentration of acidic components.

The oil can be added to shampoo and hair rinse, toothpaste, skin cleansers, and shower gel. From 2 to 5 drops will be enough depending on the volume of the tube or bottle.

Bergamot oil in tea

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to add bergamot essential oil to tea. This oil is the secret ingredient in the famous Earl Gray tea. This is what gives the tea its special aroma. In principle, bergamot oil is one of those oils that can be used internally. But is this always reasonable?

First, all the benefits of the oil can be obtained through aromatherapy or through the skin.

Secondly, this oil, like many other oils, has antibacterial and antifungal properties and this can have an effect on the intestinal microflora. And not only pathogenic.

Many studies confirm the negative effect of such oils on bifidobacteria. They inhibit the growth of such bacteria.

Therefore, if you decide to flavor tea or other drinks with oil and take it orally, it is better to do this in combination with taking probiotics. You need to take probiotics 4 hours after taking the oil orally.

Of course, as mentioned above, bergamot oil, as well as orange and lemon oil, can be taken orally. But it's better to mix them with something. In the case of bergamot, honey would be a good option. Just drop a drop of oil on a spoon of honey and add to tea.

There is no exact scientific data on what dose of oil can be toxic for oral administration. Therefore, it is better to exercise some caution in this matter. Especially when it comes to children.

What does bergamot oil combine with?

Bergamot essential oil goes very well with citrus oils, sandalwood, sage, lavender, ylang-ylang, and frankincense.

Bergamot essential oil is a safe essential oil. But there are still several contraindications.

Like other citrus essential oils, bergamot oil increases skin sensitivity to direct sunlight. This can lead to an increased risk of sunburn, blisters and rashes. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid exposure to sunlight for at least 24 hours after applying the oil to the skin. All this applies to open areas of skin.

Before applying oil to your skin, you need to do a sensitivity test. However, there may be an individual intolerance to oil. This should be done before each use of a new bottle or oil from a different manufacturer.

Always dilute the oil with a cosmetic carrier oil before using it on the skin.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is better to avoid using oil and be sure to consult a specialist.

Bergamot oil may lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.

From all the information in this article, we can conclude that this oil can be classified as one of the best essential oils. Yet it is very versatile and not only has a pleasant aroma, but also brings quite a lot of benefits.

The essential oil is extracted from a plant with fragrant flowers called bergamot. This is a hybrid that is obtained by combining orange and citron. It is used in folk recipes to get rid of various diseases and cosmetic problems.

Bergamot essential oil - composition

The presented product is popular due to its unique and refreshing aroma. It boasts a large number of useful and medicinal properties, all thanks to its extensive chemical composition. The highest quality bergamot oil is obtained from fruit peels using the cold pressing method, which helps preserve beneficial substances. To get 90 ml of the finished product, you need to take 100 fruits. Bergamot oil, the properties and use of which are confirmed by doctors, has:

  • limonene – 59%;
  • linalyl acetate – 16.8%;
  • linalool – 9.5%;
  • nerol, citral, bergaptol and other substances.

Bergamot essential oil – properties and uses

Numerous chemical components determine the presence of antiviral, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, tonic, sedative and other properties. Bergamot essential oil is used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  1. Even after one use, you can improve the functioning of the nervous system, which helps cope with insomnia, stress, bad mood and depression. With regular use you can get a boost of energy. The most affordable option is aromatherapy.
  2. Helps you concentrate better, so bergamot oil can be used before an important exam or speaking in public.
  3. Thanks to its general strengthening effect, you can reduce the risk and speed up the recovery process from flu and colds. With regular use, you can strengthen your immune system.
  4. Given the presence of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, you can get rid of inflammation in the nasopharynx.
  5. Bergamot oil is also recommended for diseases that are accompanied by breathing problems, for example, tonsillitis or bronchitis. This is due to the presence of expectorant properties.
  6. It is worth noting the positive effect on the digestive system, which helps cope with the feeling of heaviness after eating and improve appetite.
  7. The presented product has a mild antispasmodic effect, so it is recommended to use it for cramps and pain that occurs after eating.
  8. This is an excellent remedy for vegetative-vascular dystonia. Bergamot helps normalize blood pressure, has a positive effect on blood vessels, thins the blood and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  9. Ether is also used for external use, and all thanks to the presence of antiseptic and antibacterial effects. It helps with various skin infections such as eczema, scabies, herpes and so on. The product has a healing effect, so it is recommended to apply it to burns and insect bites.
  10. If a woman and baby are not allergic to citrus fruits, then they can use bergamot oil to improve and enhance lactation.
  11. Due to its deodorizing properties, ether can be used as a natural deodorant for the oral cavity. It is recommended to use it during the treatment of infectious diseases.

Bergamot oil in gynecology

Some folk remedies are used in the treatment of gynecological problems. Bergamot oil is widely used for thrush, and all thanks to its antifungal effect. Mix a few drops in 1 liter of warm water and use the liquid to wash the irritated vagina. You should not use such a remedy often, as this may negatively affect the state of the internal microecology. Bergamot oil is also recommended during the postpartum period to cope with the psycho-emotional state.

Bergamot oil for runny nose

During the period of active spread of viral diseases, it is recommended to use essential oils that cope well with pathogens. Doctors recommend aromatherapy, thanks to which the vapors of bergamot essential oil, the properties and use of which are used in folk recipes, will destroy the virus in the air. There are a couple of use cases:

  1. Inhalations. Pour water with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees into the container. Add 4-5 drops of healing elixir to it. Breathe over the released steam for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Rubbing. For a runny nose, mix bergamot oil with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil and thoroughly rub the mixture on your back, neck and chest. The released vapors will enter the nasal passages, helping to cope with a runny nose.

Bergamot oil for herpes

The herpes virus often appears on the lips in the form of rashes, which can cause the problem to spread. Bergamot essential oil can be used to relieve and prevent diseases, all thanks to the presence of antiviral properties. It is important to start applying the product when the first signs appear.

  1. To prepare the medicine, take 3 drops each of tea tree and bergamot ether, 4 potassium lavender and 5 teaspoons of calendula tincture.
  2. Mix well and soak a cotton pad in the mixture, which should be applied to the problem area of ​​the skin.

Bergamot oil for Giardia

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 3 drops of ether. You can also use refined sugar.
  2. Eat this medicine and after it you should not drink or eat for 40 minutes.
  3. The duration of treatment is one week.

Bergamot oil in cosmetology

Cosmetologists could not ignore such a healing product, so they began to use it in products to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. Bergamot oil, the use of which gives incredible results, cannot be applied in its pure form, so it is recommended to use a base: olive, peach, burdock and other oils. You can simply add ether to your usual cosmetic products and a few drops will be enough.

Bergamot oil for hair

A rich list of beneficial properties can be used in the preparation of miracle products to care for curls. Bergamot hair oil relieves various dermatological problems and dandruff, stabilizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, improves metabolism in the follicles, tones and soothes the skin, and has a strengthening effect. There are various home cosmetology products and these include:

  1. To make your curls shiny, you need to apply a couple of drops of ether to a wooden comb. While combing, you can evenly distribute the beneficial substances.
  2. Bergamot oil, whose properties and uses have been proven through experiments, can be used to strengthen hair. Mix 15 ml of burdock oil with a couple of drops of ether. Apply to strands, put on a cap, insulate with a towel and leave for an hour. After time, wash off with shampoo.

Bergamot oil for face

Esters have been used in cosmetology for a long time, and all thanks to their numerous properties. Bergamot oil helps against acne, wrinkles, oily shine, comedones and other problems. With its help you can tone, lighten, increase elasticity, accelerate regeneration and stabilize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Bergamot oil, whose properties and uses have been known for many years, may cause slight redness, but this goes away after 5 minutes.

  1. For deep nourishment, use a mixture of 5 ml jojoba and 15 ml grape oil, adding 3 drops of ether. Apply for 10 minutes.
  2. To tighten pores, beat the egg white well and add 5 drops of bergamot oil. Keep the mask on for 5-10 minutes.
  3. To enrich your care cosmetics, it is recommended to add ether to cream, tonic, milk or lotion, keeping in mind that there should be 4 drops of extract per serving.

Bergamot oil for skin

The fragrant product can be used not only to care for the face, but also for the body. With its help, you can increase elasticity and tone the skin, get rid of the “orange peel” and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Bergamot body oil can be used in the following procedures:

  1. Healing bath. Take half a bath of water and in a separate container combine a large spoon of cream and 6 drops of bergamot oil. Place the finished mixture in the bath. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  2. Elixir for the steam room. To get aromatic and healing steam, it is recommended to use bergamot oil in an amount of 5-6 drops.
  3. Massage mixture. Mix any massage oil and ether, taking into account the proportion that there should be 4-5 drops of elixir per 50 ml of base.

Bergamot oil for nails

  1. Periodically take hand baths by adding 3 drops of ether to the water. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  2. To strengthen the nail plate before a manicure, it is recommended to make a mask by combining: 30 ml of almond oil, 4 drops of lavender ether, 3 drops each of ylang-ylang and bergamot, and 2 drops of myrrh.

Bergamot essential oil – contraindications

Although the ester of this citrus is safe, in some situations it can be harmful.

  1. Bergamot oil, the contraindications of which have been scientifically confirmed, increases the skin's sensitivity to direct sunlight, so after use it is forbidden to go out into the sun for 24 hours.
  2. Before using this product for the first time, it is important to perform an allergy test by applying a small amount to the back of your wrist and checking for reaction.
  3. Women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding should consult a doctor.

The rich aroma of this sunny citrus seems to transport us to its homeland - Italy, charging us with irrepressible optimism and energy.

Bergamot essential oil is often called Italian oil, because it was on the “shoemaker” island that nature created ideal conditions for these capricious plants.

However, this tree fully justifies its excessive whimsicality with its boundless benefits and the widest scope of action, but first things first.

The name of this citrus fruit is closely associated with a town called Bergamo, which is considered the birthplace of these fragrant trees. The plant itself has a very bad character - even a slight breeze easily tears off the blossoming flowers, and the fruits themselves fall off from excessive heat, when at 5°C the tree can even die.

Be that as it may, the Italians successfully extract bergamot essential oil from the fruit, and are rightfully considered the best producers.

The bulk of the highest quality oil comes from the south of Italy – the Calabria region, which is located at the very “toe” of the Apennine boot. However, despite this, you can often find a cheaper North African version of citrus extract on sale.


The method for obtaining bergamot ester is based on pressing the peel of unripe citrus fruits. The most optimal time for harvesting is considered to be from late autumn to mid-winter. To produce 1 kg of high-quality oil, about two hundred kg of fresh raw materials are required.

It is quite difficult to confuse bergamot oil with any other oil, because only this greenish-yellow viscous ester has an incomparable intensely sweet, fruity, fresh aroma.

However, over time, the color of the liquid may change to greenish-brown, and the smell acquires a bitterish-spicy note.

Bergamot ether is often called orange lavender, since its composition contains the same substances that are contained in lavender extract, which only adds honor to this elixir.

However, do not forget that, like all other citrus fruits, bergamot essential oil is phototoxic and can cause skin pigmentation.

If we talk about the optimal concentration, then before use the oil should be diluted with the base in a ratio of 1:10. In addition, before the first use, you should definitely conduct a skin sensitivity test so as not to cause allergies and irritation.

Bergamot essential oil properties

Bergamot esters have one very interesting property; they can have the most beneficial effect on a person’s psychological state.

  • By inhaling these sunny aromas, you can get rid of irritability and obsessive fear, depression and apathy, tune into a positive mood and develop your creative potential.
  • There is an opinion that aromatherapy using this oil can cheer up even the most inveterate pessimist.

However, this is only a small fraction of all the medical merits of the bergamot extract. These aromatic drops contain powerful antioxidant, immunomodulatory, wound-healing and antiviral properties.

And this is all along with the fact that the use of products containing essential bergamot oil is mostly based on a pronounced antispasmodic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, coupled with an antipyretic effect.

  • I would especially like to note the discovery in 1999 of the antifungal activity of this amazing natural component.
  • The praises of bergamot can be sung endlessly, and what is important, it is deserved, because its competence, among other things, also includes reducing the level of bad cholesterol, thinning the blood and strengthening blood vessels.
  • Also, these citrus drops will be an excellent medicine for those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders and also suffer from lack of appetite.


With all its extensive beneficial effects on the human body, the use of bergamot ester should still be limited:

  • pregnant women,
  • patients whose medical history includes a diagnosis of epilepsy.

Uses of bergamot essential oil


2 drops of bergamot ether and another 2 drops of tea tree ether must be dissolved in 1/3 tbsp. warm boiled water.

This remedy is very effective for sore throat, tonsillitis and inflammation in the oral area, including periodontal disease.

Universal product for internal use

Recipe No. 1

To prepare a mixture for fever and inflammation of the ENT organs and genitourinary system, as well as an excellent anthelmintic and appetite-increasing remedy, you need 1 tbsp. honey add 4 drops of bergamot extract.

Consume half an hour before meals.

Recipe No. 2

The second recipe for oral medication can be prepared as follows: dilute bergamot essential oil (2 drops) in 1 tsp. raspberry jam.

This berry-citrus tandem is able to relieve dystonic symptoms, strengthen the immune system, and also stimulates digestion and blood circulation, relieves spasms in the intestines and has a carminative effect.

PMS Relief Blend

You need to prepare a mixture of essential oils of bergamot (4 drops), clary sage (4 drops), petitgrain (2 drops) and add it to 10 ml of jojoba base oil.

The resulting product should be applied pointwise to the wrist and solar plexus.


A wound-healing warm compress will help relieve swelling and relieve pain.

Mix 5 drops of bergamot essential extract with 5 ml of warm olive oil, then apply the mixture to a cloth and apply to the damaged area.

Herpes remedy

You don’t even need to prepare an antiviral remedy for herpes; you just need to apply pure bergamot essential oil to the affected area of ​​the skin every 3 hours.

Don't forget to do a sensitivity test first.


During the period of flu and acute respiratory infections, a bottle of bergamot ether simply must be on hand. Cold (5-6 drops) and hot (2-3 drops) inhalations will effectively cope with cough and sinusitis.

The procedure takes 5-10 minutes.

Douching for genitourinary infections

To treat inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system in women, you need to dilute 6-10 drops of bergamot ether and 1 tsp. baking soda in ½ liter of warm boiled water, and douche with the resulting solution.

Warm aroma baths (7 drops of oil + 2 tablespoons of emulsifier per bath) are also very effective for cystitis and urethritis.

Bergamot essential oil for face

In cosmetology, bergamot also plays an important role due to its antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Epidermal care products enriched with this aromatic ester promote rapid healing of acne, regulation of fat metabolism, rejuvenation and relief of inflammation and irritation in dry and sensitive skin.

Mask for oily skin

This mask will help get rid of excessive oily skin.

Mix 1 tbsp in a common container. glycerin, 1/3 tbsp. mineral still water, bergamot ether (5 drops), geranium ether (5 drops), sandalwood ether (3 drops) and apply the resulting mixture to the face.

After 20-30 minutes, the mask can be washed off with warm water.

Acne Cleansing Toner

Take 2 tsp. base grape seed oil and add to it 10 drops of bergamot extract and the same amount of thyme ether.

You need to wipe your face with this product once a day, and after a week the pimples will dry out and the skin structure will normalize.

Hand skin care

Our working hands also need care. To intensively nourish and restore the skin of your hands, as well as strengthen your nails, you need to apply a mixture of 1 tablespoon onto your hands with massaging movements 3 times a week. any base oil mixed with 4 drops of bergamot ether.

Bergamot essential oil for hair

In addition, the bergamot extract also prepared many pleasant surprises for hair. It perfectly nourishes and strengthens, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also fights dandruff.

In addition, bergamot oil has a refreshing and tonic effect, and also prevents hair fragility, and helps with eczema and psoriasis.

Nourishing and regulating mask

3 tbsp. mix almond oil with 5 drops of bergamot extract and rub the oil mask into the scalp, after which you should put on a plastic cap and wrap your head in a towel.

After 2 hours, the hair should be washed with shampoo.

Aromatic combing

To give your hair a healthy shine and radiance, as well as an unforgettable aroma, apply 1-2 drops of bergamot essential oil to a massage brush before combing.

Well, if you don’t have time to grow long beautiful hair, I suggest you buy hair extensions on the site that will help you create any hairstyle, creating volume on the crown and adjusting the length of your hair. In emergency situations, whether creating a wedding hairstyle or an evening hairstyle, this is a real lifesaver!

Mask for healing and hair growth

The most effective restorative and strengthening agent is this composition:

  • 1 tbsp each burdock and castor oils must be mixed with 4 drops of bergamot ether, after which the resulting mixture is applied to the hair from the roots and along the entire length, and after an hour, rinsed off with shampoo.

Regular use of such a mask will make the hair structure smooth, eliminate split ends and hair loss, and also fill your curls with vitality, and as a bonus, a delicate fruity aroma.

Rinse aid

If you mix 3 drops of rosemary and bergamot oils with 15 ml of apple cider vinegar, and then bring the resulting mixture to a volume of 0.5 liters with mineral water, you can get an excellent rinse for healing and strengthening hair.

Enrichment of funds

To enhance the nutritional and tonic qualities of hair or skin care products, for every 10 ml of the product, be it cream or shampoo, add 3 drops of aromatic oil.


The use of bergamot essential oil in aromatherapy has enormous benefits. It perfectly calms, helps cope with depression, but also acts as an effective pain reliever and disinfectant.

  • The aroma lamp will require only 3-7 drops per session.
  • You should not add more than 1-2 drops to an aromatic pendant.


In world cooking, the aromatic qualities of bergamot have been appreciated for quite some time. This natural flavor is actively used in fermented milk and confectionery products; it is often used to flavor teas and various fruit drinks.

In addition, bergamot drops are added to meat, vegetable and fish dishes, enriching their taste and aromatic value.

Thanks to its rich natural composition, bergamot essential oil has proven itself in a variety of areas. It has found wide application not only in medicine, cosmetology and perfumery, but is also in great demand in the kitchen.

Friends, I hope you will agree that bergamot oil has a very impressive track record in order to purchase this elixir. But in any case, with or without oil, I wish you good health and good mood in these last days of spring!

With love Elena Skopich

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Bergamot essential oil

There is one very rare specimen in the rutaceae family and citrus genus called “bergamot”. This plant can be found only on one of the Italian coasts, where it grows in its original form. True, the creator of bergamot is a man who crossed bitter orange and orange and as a result received a wonderful evergreen plant with a magnificent aroma. The Italians are very proud of these trees, growing near the city of Bergamo, because only the soil and climate of this place allow them to grow fruits with the most vibrant and rich aroma.

Bergamot essential oil obtained from the multilayer peel of the fruit, from the flowers and leaves of this plant. The yield of the finished product is very small, so the oil is highly valued.

Properties of bergamot essential oil

Bergamot oil has many useful properties. It is used as an antispasmodic, soothing, anti-inflammatory agent, as a massage product for tired skin, and also as an antiseptic.

Like any essential remedy, bergamot oil helps restore a person’s energy: it can help improve communication skills, enhance imagination and creative thinking. It can be called an aphrodisiac because bergamot oil is used as a means to enhance the sexual desire of partners.

When carrying out cosmetic procedures, the property of bergamot oil is useful, helping to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the ability to narrow skin pores.

Aroma lamp: 3-7 drops per session.

Scented medallion: 1-2 drops.

Refreshing bath: Mix 4-8 drops of oil with a spoonful of milk or cream, add to a partial bath with warm water (up to 45 degrees), take for no more than 15 minutes.

Bath: 5 drops per application to aromatize steam in a steam room.

Gargling: Dissolve 2 drops of bergamot oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil in 100 ml of warm water. This remedy will also help with inflammation in the mouth.

Bergamot essential oil in cosmetology

Massage: Mix 5-7 drops of bergamot oil with 10g of base oil and use for body massage.

Additive for cosmetics: add 1 to 5 drops of bergamot oil to any cream, toner, rinse or face mask. This will enrich any product, giving it new qualities inherent in bergamot.

Skin Cleanser: dissolve in 1 tsp. grape oil, 5 drops of bergamot oil and the same amount of thyme oil. This product should be rubbed into the skin daily at any time of the day.

Body Oil: take sweet almond oil (50ml) as a base, add 5 drops of bergamot oil, 5 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of neroli oil and 1 drop of rosemary oil. This product has a refreshing and cooling effect.

Product for oily skin: add 15 ml of glycerin to 75 ml of distilled water. add 5 drops of geranium oil and 5 drops of bergamot oil, as well as 3 drops of sandalwood oil. Mix everything well and apply to face at night. The product removes oily shine and normalizes the fat metabolism of the sebaceous glands.

Hair care product: Apply one drop of bergamot oil to the massage brush and simply comb your hair in different directions. Your hair will gain shine and an unforgettable aroma.

Hand and nail product: Apply 1-2 drops of bergamot oil to the skin of your hands, spread over the entire surface, including nails. Your hands will receive an excellent remedy for nutrition, cooling and rejuvenation.

Bergamot oil for the body

Bergamot oil is a good helper for strengthening brain activity. It will help you acquire clear concentration and clarity of thinking, and will help you structure the information received throughout the day. So, before an exam or interview, it is recommended to add a drop of grapefruit, bergamot and lavender oils into the aroma medallion. Even at work, you can fight fatigue by using an aroma lamp, or simply by dropping bergamot oil onto a piece of foam rubber soaked in water and placing it on the table. During your lunch break, you can massage your neck and shoulders with massage oil with the addition of bergamot - your vigor will return.

Bergamot oil treatment

Essential oil of bergamot and esoterics

Everything that is connected with the human aura, or rather, with one of its shells - the ethereal field - interacts very subtly with essential oils, and bergamot is no exception here. You can simply write that bergamot oil improves your mood, or you can say that it increases the brightness of the aura - both will be true. As a result of the brightening of the aura, a person’s creativity is activated, fantasy and imagination awakens. As a protective agent, bergamot oil will help in large crowds of people: it will protect the aura from the negative vibrations of an unfriendly environment and help maintain peace of mind.

Emotional outbursts in the aura are already problems with the astral plane. Here, bergamot oil will help normalize the vibrations of the astral field, acting as a stabilizer. In other words, if a person has a low level of vibrations, bergamot will help increase them and raise vitality. And in case of overexcitation, it will calm down and smooth out rough edges. In the mental area, bergamot oil will restore order by structuring thoughts and information.

Contraindications to the use of bergamot oil

Bergamot oil and the sun's rays are incompatible! Therefore, after any procedure with bergamot oil, you should not go out into the sun - the skin may get unwanted pigmentation. This is why natural bergamot oil is no longer used in cosmetics.

It is better to limit the intake of bergamot oil internally to people suffering from acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant women and those suffering from epilepsy.

name two completely different plants: a citrus tree and a herb from the mint genus. But the essential oil is obtained from a citrus tree called Citrus bergamia. Its small, edible fruits taste like a cross between a lemon and a grapefruit, and are native to the Mediterranean.

Bergamot got its name from the Italian city of Bergamo, where bergamot oil was first sold.

Bergamot essential oil is obtained by cold pressing, and it takes about a hundred fruits per three ounces of essential oil. Bergamot essential oil is used in both perfumery and cooking. And of course, bergamot essential oil has uses in aromatherapy.

We will discuss some ways to use bergamot essential oil in aromatherapy below.

Active substances contained in bergamot: alpha-pinene, limonene, alpha-bergapten, beta-bisabolene, nerol, geraniol, linalool. Bergamot essential oil is also rich in polyphenolic compounds.

1. Bergamot as an antidepressant

Bergamot has been used for a long time as an antidepressant. At the first symptoms of depression (for example, loss of appetite and interest in daily activities, feeling constantly tired), try to cope with depression with the help of bergamot - and you may not have to use antidepressants.

2-3 drops of bergamot essential oil used for inhalation is the easiest way to use. You can rub bergamot in your palms and inhale the aroma, or you can add ether to a diffuser or aroma lamp.

2. Remedy for digestive problems

Another important property of bergamot essential oil is its ability to have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. This ability manifests itself in a complex manner. Bergamot improves the secretion of digestive enzymes, bile, enhances the absorption of nutrients, and improves digestion. This is especially useful for children who refuse to eat due to lack of appetite.

Tea flavored with bergamot oil enhances gastrointestinal motility, reducing the time food spends in the large intestine, and thereby reducing many of the risks of developing various intestinal diseases.

Attention! Only bergamot essential oil of pharmacopoeial quality is suitable for flavoring tea.

3. Harmonization of hormonal levels with bergamot

Bergamot essential oil has a harmonizing effect on the endocrine glands and the production of various hormones. These hormones include, for example, insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. And some studies have shown that women who regularly drink bergamot teas report a decrease in problems associated with PMS and menopause.

4. Antipyretic properties of bergamot

To reduce fever in Russia, a decoction of linden blossom or raspberry jam was traditionally used. But you can also cope with fever with the help of bergamot essential oil. This is achieved by stimulating the capillary circulatory system, increasing sweating and getting rid of toxins that accumulate in the body.

Keep in mind that fever itself is not a disease. This is a sign that the body is fighting an infection, and high temperature is the body's weapon. By reducing fever, bergamot essential oil fights infection, be it viruses or bacteria. And at the same time, bergamot does not contain harmful chemicals.

In this case, it is recommended to use bergamot oil using cold inhalation or rubbing. For inhalation, apply a couple of drops of ether to the aroma stone and periodically inhale its aroma. For rubbing, dissolve 3-4 drops of ether in a quarter teaspoon and then in a bowl of water.

5. Bergamot essential oil in dentistry

Dealing with bad breath can be difficult, and toothpastes only provide short-term relief. Products containing bergamot essential oil do this much better: the odor is caused by bacteria living in the oral cavity, and the antimicrobial properties of bergamot effectively inhibit the development of these microbes.

Add five drops of bergamot to 2 ml of polysorbate 20, then dissolve this mixture in 50 ml of mint hydrolate for a natural mouth rinse.

Another valuable property of bergamot is its ability to prevent tooth decay and relieve toothache.

6. Pain-relieving effect

The analgesic property of bergamot essential oil is explained by two reasons: the ability to reduce the sensitivity of nervous tissue and a decrease in the level of stress and anxiety, which increase any pain sensation.

As an analgesic, bergamot essential oil is applied topically, and is used for different types of painful conditions, from headaches to chronic arthritis pain.

To relieve joint or muscle pain, mix equal amounts of bergamot ester and carrier oil and rub the mixture into painful areas.

7. Hair care

The antimicrobial and antifungal properties of bergamot essential oil will also be useful in hair care. Products containing bergamot ester will reduce skin itching and help cope with dandruff. 2-3 drops of bergamot essential oil added will significantly improve its quality and give your hair freshness and shine.

After washing, rinse your hair with conditioner consisting of a liter of water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, in which stir 5-6 drops of bergamot. This mixture will make your hair smooth and shiny.

All of the listed methods of using bergamot oil refer only to natural essential oil of the highest quality. This is exactly what you can buy on our website.

Irina Andreeva

Bergamot is a citrus tree native to Italy. Botanists call the town of Bergamo the birthplace of the plant, hence the name. This tree requires careful and delicate treatment; the slightest temperature fluctuations can kill it. Nevertheless, the Italians have adapted to the capricious citrus and harvest its fruits. The pulp of bergamot is used to make candied fruits, and the zest is used to make medicinal.

What is bergamot essential oil

An oily substance with a bright summer citrus aroma and notes of flowers is obtained from the zest of Italian bergamot. Interestingly, 200 kg of natural raw materials are consumed to produce one liter of this product. Obtained by steam distillation.

The composition of this natural ether is complex. It contains 300 useful compounds, the effect of which on the body is complex and balanced. The most valuable substances in the composition:

The amazing aroma of the fruit is due to linalool and L-linalyl acetate, and the rest of its beneficial properties are responsible for:
linalyl acetate.

These components determine the healing “essence” of the product, they also provide.

Bergamot essential oil: properties

Due to the healing properties of bergamot essential oil, it is used in medicine, aromatherapy, and cosmetology. Him and baths.

Main properties of the essential product:

Fights symptoms of colds. The product reduces the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that cause influenza, relieves fever, and thins sputum.
It becomes an anti-inflammatory component in products intended for the treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system.
Treats herpes and fungal diseases.
Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Essential oil thins the blood, blocks and removes bad cholesterol, and lowers blood pressure.
Treats heart disease and is used in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Helps with intestinal colic - reduces their severity and eliminates pain.
Improves appetite and regulates the gastrointestinal tract. The use of bergamot oil helps eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the stomach after a heavy meal.
The pharmaceutical product strengthens the immune system.
Essential oil is an aromatherapy substance. It calms, relieves stress and helps with...
The product is used in the treatment of skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema.
It is a component of care products for.
Normalizes problematic skin types - copes with acne.
Is an antioxidant.
Relieves the unpleasant consequences of insect bites - fights itching, burning and pain.
Treats hyperhidrosis and therefore is used in the composition.
It has a beneficial effect on hair: strengthens it, normalizes its condition, improves appearance and fights dandruff.

The healing effects of bergamot essential oil are also used to combat skin diseases such as vitiligo. The drug is included in drugs aimed at correcting this pathology.

Bergamot essential oil: use in aromatherapy

The aromatherapy properties of this ether are multifaceted. The drug manifests itself as an antidepressant, a sedative and, on the contrary, an energy mobilizer. This essential oil has a bactericidal effect and is used to prevent ARVI.

The calming effect is achieved due to the content of flavonoids in the oil. They stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine in the body, and these hormones leave no chance.

This product cares for the skin of the body and makes it elastic. Use it after taking a bath.

Bergamot essential oil for hair and nails

The most common way to apply a scented hair product is through combing. Place 2 drops of oil on a comb and comb through your curls. The product will strengthen them and help if it is present. In addition, the aroma oil will give your curls a warm citrus aroma. For oily hair, use 1 drop of essential oil.

Enrich your shampoos and conditioners with essential products. The proportion is the same as for the skin - 3 drops per 15 ml of the main product.

Bergamot essential oil for nails and hand skin is used in its pure form. Apply 5 drops of oil to the hands and massage the skin. As a result of regular use, the skin on your hands becomes tightened and elastic, and your nails grow faster.

21 January 2014, 17:40