What helps fight weight. Expert advice on weight loss

Since you have decided to fight excess weight, then you already have psychological motivation: you are unhappy with your appearance, and you would like to improve your health. Such desires are laudable and can always help you achieve your goal, but this is not enough. You've probably already tried to reset overweight, but you didn't succeed. Let's look at the main mistakes in the fight against excess weight. Unfortunately, this struggle is usually waged with consequences, but we must start with the causes.

This is a very difficult task, but you can solve it for yourself once and for all.

The fact is that food is a kind of drug for the body. Switching to a normal diet after a long period of heavy meals is as difficult as quitting smoking for a heavy smoker.

First you must answer a simple question: do you eat to live or live to eat?

As long as you live to eat and eat and eat, you will not succeed in eliminating excess weight. After all, you want to eat because you are always hungry, or because you want to treat yourself to something tasty, or because your soul is bad, or you need to calm down and not be nervous, or concentrate...

Thoughts create the world. You become who you imagine yourself to be. Socrates said that it is imperative to think about how we live and draw appropriate conclusions.

Improve your thoughts and your life will improve.

Combating overeating requires not only changing your thinking, but also actively pursuing a spiritual lifestyle. You've probably noticed that spiritual people are very rarely fat.

Once you have higher spiritual interests, you will lose the desire to eat a lot and enjoy gluttony. By the way, Orthodox believers easily endure even long and strict fasts precisely because during the period of fasting they devote their thoughts to God and prayers, without being distracted by worldly temptations.

It is important to start your day by thinking about your current affairs, and you must immediately tune in to the positive course of events. You should remember positive examples from the recent past that will help you today.

You must be absolutely confident of success. Even if something doesn’t work out today, it means it will work out in the near future. Just five minutes of psychological attitude, and life will turn on the bright side towards you.

Without such an attitude, you will once again get nervous and again eat too much to calm down.

To eat less, study your behavior by answering the question, when do you feel the urge to eat extra? Find the reasons and time at which the eating disorder occurs. Once you understand your mistakes, it will be easier for you to change your behavior.

Often, violations of the regime occur when organizing feasts at home or at work, when visiting restaurants, cafes and fast food establishments such as McDonald's.

Try to organize your life in such a way as to avoid frequent regular feasts, especially those accompanied by the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and if you do find yourself in such conditions, then choose the most acceptable and healthy dishes for you and only “peck” them. You must always be prepared psychologically for situations that can cancel out all your good undertakings.

Most often, a person relaxes in the evening in front of the TV, eating his late lunch and dinner and then grabbing whatever he can get his hands on, while listening to the fast-paced events on the TV screen.

Don't eat in the evening out of boredom. There should be no TV food in your house: crackers, cookies, chips and beer.

Do not stockpile high-calorie foods. These products should only be purchased once and in minimal quantities.

There should be only low-calorie food at home.

You should not keep beer at home and alcoholic drinks. Beer gives weight gain - body weight increases, as if from the yeast it contains. All alcohol contains empty calories and destroys your health. There should be no food in a visible place, neither in the rooms nor in the kitchen. Only drinking water may be visible.

Let, when you approach the refrigerator, you will be greeted by a large inscription:

❧ Don't touch me, you've already eaten.

Fans of home “pranks” can accompany the opening of the refrigerator door with the sound of an alarm siren or an expletive phrase that will be spoken by talking electronics.

Don't be afraid that you will run out of energy when you switch to a different diet.

In fact, a person needs very little food per day, only it must be of high quality and healthy, giving the body everything it needs for life and work. Forget all kinds of gastronomic fads.

❧ The transition from increased nutrition to smaller portions should be gradual, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to adapt to a new way.

The restructuring of nutrition should begin with a psychological attitude:

❧ “I don’t overeat anymore, I want to be healthy, I eat in moderation and only three times a day.”

The first step to improving your diet is to stop eating between meals. Some people may initially require four meals a day, with the total amount of food being equal to three meals a day.

To eat less, you need to get used to small portions. This can be achieved in the following simple ways.

Instead of large dinner plates, have small and not very deep plates.

Spoons should be dessert spoons, forks should be small. If you are able to eat wooden chopsticks, then it’s better to eat main courses with chopsticks. Chopsticks make it possible to grab a very small portion and eat longer than with a spoon or fork. A person eats less and for longer, but gets full faster.

It is better that your cutlery is beautiful and brings joy with its designs. When switching to simple and healthy food, you should pay attention to the beauty of the dishes served. The beauty of food and cutlery will help you compensate for what previously gave the gourmet the look and taste of high-calorie food.

You can suppress your appetite like this: do not eat high-calorie foods, but only eat low-calorie foods that contain a lot of fiber.

You should eat very slowly, then satiety will come faster, and the absorption of food will be more complete, which will help you eat less.

You should not drink while eating. It is better to drink much later after eating. If you like to drink before meals, you can drink half a glass or less of sour or sour freshly prepared juice or a diluted juice drink twenty minutes before your meal.

If you cannot stand breaks between meals, then you can eat one piece of fruit. Only! Or drink half a glass of water slowly room temperature. The feeling of hunger will disappear. If this is not enough, take one or two microcellulose tablets (MCC), they will fluff up in your stomach, and you will have the feeling that you have eaten something. These pills will also help cleanse your body of harmful toxins.

More often modern man grabs something extra to snack on while sitting down to watch TV or at the computer, and sometimes even has lunch and breakfast with them. Under no circumstances should you keep the TV in the kitchen.

Now you only eat at the kitchen table! In pleasant silence or with quiet smooth music, contemplating the landscape outside the window and enjoying the appearance of fruits and other healthy foods.

You should not run into the room with food to watch TV there. The less you interact with the TV, the better. TV has a very bad effect on health, in particular on the psyche, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Eating while watching TV goes unnoticed, the feeling of satiety does not occur, and the gastrointestinal tract is not only stretched, but also traumatized by our mental experiences, which we sometimes don’t even notice. In addition, both the TV and the computer deprive you of positive energy, saturating you with harmful energy and information. The computer should only be used for work and not for entertainment. You should watch TV rarely, choosing only the best and positive programs.

If you still spend a lot of time watching TV and feel the urge to eat while watching TV, use distracting physical exercise. If you decide to run to the kitchen for food during a commercial break, you should instead turn off the TV and lie on your back on the mat with your knees bent. First, you should lift the pelvis up with emphasis on two legs. You should linger in the upper position and then return to the starting position. When lifting the pelvis, you should inhale, when returning to the starting position, exhale. Do this several times, and then move on to lifting the pelvis with emphasis on one leg, while keeping the other leg straight at an angle so that from the side it seems to be a continuation of the supporting leg. Breathing is coordinated in a similar way. After completing a series of such exercises during a commercial break, you will feel that you no longer want to eat.

Your diet should be healthy and complete in composition. We must strive to follow the natural way of life. The closer your lifestyle, including your diet and your physical activity, matches natural purpose person, the more healthy you will be.

Under no circumstances should you “starve yourself.” Constant malnutrition (usually in the absence of fortified food) only harms the body and deprives it of strength. This is the path to exhaustion of the body. Moreover, some fanatically malnourished people bring themselves to dystrophy.

You should lose weight correctly by eating nutritious and healthy foods.

In the process of active natural weight loss, you should have only positive thoughts that you will gradually lose weight, become attractive and be fit? feel better. We must treat ourselves with love. n

Those people who think hatefully about themselves, despising their body and berating themselves for the accumulated fat, will not achieve positive results in natural weight loss.

It is useful to inspire yourself:

“I’m not much overweight, but it’s like carrying a five-kilogram dumbbell on me all the time; I don’t want to carry the extra weight anymore.”

“My weight is much higher than normal, and it’s like constantly carrying a pound (two pounds or more) weight on myself. I carry unnecessary weight 365 days a year, year after year. This can’t happen anymore.”

“My body gets tired from unnecessary overload and may get sick. I love myself, I have pity on my heart, I don’t want to get sick, but I want to lose weight.”

It should be noted that carrying a live load is much worse than carrying a weight. Living cargo requires additional nutrition, because it is a part of your body that also requires its own.

All your thoughts and actions should be positive. Start losing weight only with the joy that you are saying goodbye to your past condition and moving towards a new, better appearance and better health.

When you have decided for yourself that you eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat, you can begin to develop an indifferent attitude towards the type of food. Here are examples psychological trainings for people with a certain willpower. If you manage to master this attitude towards food, then your life will become much easier. So, let's do the following.

First, after eating, you go into the store, walk along the display cases with those products that you used to like. And now you look completely calmly and even with contempt at unhealthy products. When you learn to calmly look at any food on a full stomach, without buying anything, you can move on to a more complex psychological problem. You enter the store in a hungry state, look at the display cases and don’t buy anything. You should be absolutely indifferent to the appearance of products in the store, convincing yourself that tasty and healthy food awaits you at home. Sometimes when you visit a store, passing along display cases with unhealthy products, you choose something healthy and tasty for yourself, buy this product and eat it at home with pleasure. But to all the other products in the store you show your indifference or your contempt. This book will give you tips on which foods are healthy and which to avoid.

To develop the right attitude towards fruits, berries and vegetables, go to the vegetable aisles at the market and admire the varied beauty of plant foods. And then walk through the meat aisles with animal carcasses cut into pieces, with bloody stains from the counters, with the offal and entrails of animals, with severed pig heads. The meat aisles will not excite you unless you are a confirmed meat eater. Return to the vegetable rows. What a contrast. After this, you will eat much less meat, and maybe even give it up.

Watch your eating habits. If you want to eat because you have nothing to do or to calm down, switch your attention to other actions: urgent work, physical and breathing exercises, a walk, etc. Here is the appropriate mental attitude for you:

❧ I don’t eat because I have nothing to do. When I have nothing to do, I look for something useful to do and relax.

Often a person eats to calm his nerves. Stress and food that relieves it are inextricably linked. Eating when you're anxious is a very easy way to calm down. But this will make your weight even more.

Here is the appropriate psychological attitude for this case:

❧ I'm worried, but I'll calm down quickly if I breathe correctly. I'd rather move than eat when I'm worried.

Alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and strong sedative pills are also very simple ways calm down, but harmful to your health.

Positive ways to combat stress include breathing exercises. In second place for the speed of stress relief is motor activity. O exercises help a lot. relaxation. To suffer less from stress, you need to restore and accumulate vital energy. Strong emotions - laughing or crying - help relieve stress. To be less stressed, you should try to have a positive attitude towards everything. The simpler you are in life, the less stressed you are. Don't set unrealistic goals, try to get along with people, and you will experience less stress.

Here is an example of stress relief activities. When you want to free yourself from nervous tension, treat yourself to something tasty, drink a glass or light a cigarette, try the following.

Stand up straight and stable. Straighten up. Raise your head proudly. Look up and into the distance. Take a deep breath. Breathe deeply, slowly and rhythmically. First, take a deep breath, then hold your breath and exhale long. Give yourself confidence in your abilities. Tell yourself:

- I'm calm. I am absolutely calm. I'm confident. Everything that worries me is absolutely not worth my worries. This is ordinary life.

If you want to light a cigarette, then you should smoothly bring your hand with an imaginary cigarette to your mouth, and then throw it away, accompanying these actions with the words:

- I won't smoke this cigarette to calm down. I'm quitting smoking.

Then do a few more breathing exercises.

Similarly, slightly changing the movements and text of self-hypnosis, you should do it when you want to eat something extra, drink a can of beer, a glass of wine or cognac.

After finishing the breathing exercises, you should drink half a glass slowly, in sips. drinking water, and then switch to other activities (go for a walk, do household chores, etc.). When the situation at work is such that it is impossible to even get up from your desk, and you are excited, you should take a deep breath, and then hold the air in your lungs for a longer time, then exhale slowly. Your actions should not look defiant. Everything should look natural. People around you should not notice your actions. And this breathing will make you feel better. As soon as your work environment allows you to go out, run up the stairs, walk along the corridors, go outside. Physical exercise and proper breathing will help you relieve stress.

Previously, you probably tried to lose weight using various diets, but it did not help you. Moreover, after some time your weight even increased. Now this won't happen to you. With the natural method of losing weight, the body lives healthy life, all physiological processes in him are gradually improving, and his health is improving, while his weight is gradually decreasing.

Majority diets for weight loss are based on low consumption of one food group for a long time, which only leads to deterioration of health. Weight is lost as a result of loss of water in the body and muscle protein, while relatively little fat is consumed with such diets. Losing the protein structures of muscles and severely dehydrating the body is extremely harmful to health. Loss muscle mass brings weakness and apathy, so you don't want any additional physical activity. After all, you can barely cope with your work and household chores. Such nutrition contributes to the maintenance and even accumulation of excess weight. The loss of protein structures leads to the loss of essential substances - enzymes that are actively involved in digestion. As a result, digestion processes are further disrupted. But enzymes still allow you to actively burn fat in the body.

It seems that your weight has decreased somewhat, but at what cost, you don’t know. Regular scales will not tell you how much fat has actually been burned in the body. But you should know that contrived monotonous diets for weight loss are harmful to health, and weight is lost as a result of weight loss necessary for the body substances, since many essential components are missing from your food for a long time. With such nutrition, the body develops strong feeling hunger that torments you. As a result, you stop eating this way and start eating more, and as a result, everything goes down the drain. And the psychological result of such a diet is terrible - you lose faith in your strength and ability to correct the situation with excess weight in better side. This leads to the fact that, out of a bad mood, you again begin to eat a lot, as a result of which your weight increases even more.

Now you are allowed to eat all foods that are good for you, in reasonable quantities, throughout the day. You don’t feel acute hunger, you move a lot, and your weight gradually decreases to the limits you set. By regulating nutrition and physical activity, you achieve a normal weight, maintaining and strengthening your health in harmony with your physiology.

Any diets and food additives, which involve rapid weight loss and even rapid fat burning, are dangerous to your health. In this mode, many harmful substances are formed in the body - free radicals, which cause tissue damage and aging of the body. If fat in the body is lost very quickly, then a reaction occurs that converts some of the proteins into fat. At the same time, protein metabolism in the body is disrupted and a painful state occurs with very poor health. After such methods of losing weight, it is very difficult to restore your health.

Resorting to natural methods losing weight, you lose your weight slowly, harmful substances are destroyed and eliminated from the body due to high physical activity. Your nutrition is complete, your strength only increases, and your health improves as you lose weight. So this time you will succeed in losing weight. The main thing is to be confident in yourself, achieve your goal and not give up halfway.

You are losing weight by full program, but the weight doesn’t come off. Or this: he leaves and then returns. And you can’t understand why you can’t lose excess weight, because you’re fighting it so hard! But the fact of the matter is that there is no need to fight.

No, we are not encouraging you to move up to the heavy weight category. Extra is extra. This is not good for your health or figure. However, everything that most of us do in an effort to lose weight is starving ourselves with strict diets, sweating in the gym (“I’ll die, but I’ll run 10 km!”), - all this, alas, does not work. What will help you lose excess weight? We found out this with our experts and learned many interesting and effective techniques, including completely unique ones - the “toothbrush rule” and the “dialogue method”.

About weight and scales

So, before we start fighting excess, let's find out whether there is excess. So you weighed yourself, entered the data into the online calculator for calculating body mass index (BMI) and - oh horror! - found that BMI was at the upper limit of normal. Or, worse than that, in the pre-obesity zone. “That's it, I'm fat! - you decide. “From tomorrow I will eat only cucumbers!” However, focusing only on BMI is wrong. More precisely, it is correct, but with reservations. Firstly, we need to make allowances for age. For example, at 25–34 years old an acceptable BMI is 20–25, at 35–44 years old it is 21–26, and at 45–54 years old it is 22–27. That is, middle-aged people have a higher BMI than young people. And this must be taken into account. Secondly, trying to estimate the physique of people with developed muscles using BMI can give an incorrect result, because muscles are heavier than fat. “BMI does not work at all when we are dealing with athletes,” says Fatima Dzgoeva. - By the way, ballerinas can also be included among them. Former athletes may also have a higher BMI than normal. But even if you have nothing to do with professional sports or ballet, you cannot fit yourself into the same clichés.”

Deal with overload

Do you want to lose weight? Then the first point of the program should be a visit to an endocrinologist or nutritionist. And it doesn’t matter how much you plan to lose - 5 kg or 15. “When people sell an apartment, they go to a realtor, and do not sell the home themselves,” explains Fatima Dzgoeva. - You shouldn’t take your health lightly. Independent attempts to lose weight, including through strict diets, can lead to weight regain and serious health problems. For example, as a result fast weight loss Gallstones may form in the gallbladder. The next aggressive diet will lead to even more stone growth. And this is fraught with terrible complications.” The doctor will start with an examination. In particular, it will find out the percentage of bone, muscle and fat mass. This is more objective than BMI. Perhaps everything is fine with you, and what seems superfluous to you is not superfluous at all.

“For example, for women aged 45+, a slight excess of body weight is even beneficial,” says Fatima Dzgoeva. - Due to fat, female hormones estrogens are formed, the production of which decreases after 40 years. In addition, studies have shown that a slight “overweight” prolongs life. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to adjust yourself to the model parameters. Even harmful. After this, self-hatred appears (“I’m fat!”), stress, complexes, neuroses... This attitude needs to be changed.” If it turns out that there is still excess, you need to figure out where it came from. After all, until you establish the cause of the “overload”, it will be difficult to get rid of it. And the reasons can be both physiological and psychological.

Genes, drugs, lack of sleep

Genes, of course, are “to blame” for excess weight, but not always, but only with a certain genotype. It is the genotype that does not give a chance to lose weight only on a low-calorie diet - you have to make additional efforts. But there are few such people. The main and most common reason obesity was indicated by Maya Plisetskaya when she said her famous phrase: “You need to eat less.” It’s elementary - a person eats too much and moves too little. Hence the excess weight.

Another reason for weight gain is chronic lack of sleep. Scientists have found that a daily half-hour sleep deficit over the course of a year increases the risk of obesity by 17%. If you don’t get enough sleep for years, the risk of becoming overweight, even with proper nutrition and regular fitness, increases to 72%. Some recover due to hormonal problems and metabolic disorders. “If a person is overweight, it is imperative to check carbohydrate metabolism,” advises Dr. Dzgoeva. - Insulin resistance maintains and stimulates weight gain. In addition, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland must be excluded. This can also contribute to weight gain."

Without the sun - completeness

To set extra pounds can push and... lack sunlight. The production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness - decreases during the gloomy off-season. Fatigue, apathy, irritability, Bad mood. How else can you get serotonin? That's right, through food. Treats become an antidepressant. And everything would be fine if you did not abuse such a “medicine”. But many people can’t stop and get fatter and fatter... However, there is a shortage sun rays threatens a deficiency of not only serotonin, but also vitamin D. According to the latest scientific data, this can also lead to weight gain. Therefore, people who are prone to obesity should take a blood test for vitamin D. If it is low, you need to drink vitamin complexes or go at least for the weekend where the sun shines.

Medicines are the answer

Antihistamines can have a “filling” effect (some of them increase appetite), hormonal pills, in particular contraceptives (contraceptives of the latest generation, as a rule, do not cause weight gain, but everything is individual), drugs for the treatment of hypertension, the same beta blockers - these are wonderful drugs, they lower blood pressure, slow down the pulse and reduce the risk of arrhythmias. But some people experience side effect in the form of weight gain.

Everything from the head

It often happens that a woman says that she wants to lose weight, and even makes some efforts to achieve this. But deep down she is happy with everything - she feels fine, looks good, her husband dotes on her. And this internal mismatch can slow down the process of losing weight. On the one hand, it wouldn’t hurt to lose a couple of kilograms, but on the other hand, everything is great as it is. So the weight stays where it is. “In addition, the tendency to overeat is a stable and favorite habit,” says Larisa Rudina. - And it’s difficult to get rid of the habit because of the repeated connections: “thoughts - actions - emotions.” In the neural networks of the brain, such connections literally form “paths” that strictly determine our behavior. A simple example. You decided to remake the switches at home: they were at the top, now they are at the bottom. So, it will take three weeks to develop a simple motor stimulus in order to wean yourself from pulling your hand up, groping for the switch. And to change a stable eating habit, it takes an average of three months!” So you shouldn't expect quick results. Moreover, according to the expert, food addiction is just that: an addiction. The same as drugs or alcohol. Changing a habit is serious work. But nothing is impossible.

The main rules for losing weight

Doctors say that you can lose weight by giving up strict diets, exhausting workouts, and fighting excess weight. “Food should be comfortable,” advises Fatima Dzgoeva. - The priority is the Mediterranean style of nutrition: fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, chicken, seafood. Limit red meat to once a week. Fats - to a minimum, except olive oil, it improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Breakfast should be hearty and varied. Studies have shown: the more components it includes, the less prone it is to obesity.” Physical activity should be comfortable. You have to do what you like. “It’s better to do three squats every day than to run a marathon once a month and collapse,” says Larisa Rudina. - I call this the “toothbrush rule.” We brush our teeth every day, without thinking whether we want it or not, whether we are in the mood today or not - we brush, and that’s it. It should be the same with physical activity. First, we determine what you are really ready for, and then we take this action out of the “choice zone.” We just do it! This is exactly the case when discipline is much more important than motivation.”

Get off the diet

In addition, it is important to change internal settings. “When you say, “I want to go on a diet,” you are predicting a series of difficult days in the future. Which, naturally, causes internal protest, continues Larisa Rudina. - Therefore, you don’t need to go on a diet, you need to get off the diet! Try to evaluate your life in terms of gain, not loss. After all, food gives us pleasure. Therefore, learn to eat little by little, savoring every bite. Then you won’t have to give up even prohibited foods. For example, if you love chocolate, don’t eat the whole bar, but put a small piece of dark chocolate under your tongue like a tablet.”

After reading our article, you are unlikely to immediately begin to live by the new rules. Changing habits is not easy. But you still try to introduce new rituals - start every morning with a glass of water, do a plank before breakfast and remember the “toothbrush rule”. All this really works and helps you maintain the right weight.

Minus 50 grams

Agreeing with yourself is another important point in a weight loss program. “For example, a lazy thought appears - “I should do some exercise,” says Larisa Rudina. - And her inner voice drowns out: “Come on, get some sleep, you’ll do it on Saturday, you’re so tired!” The dialogue usually stops at this point. But we need to lead him further: “Okay, you get some sleep, and I’ll go do some exercises.” Inner voice He will immediately begin to be indignant: “What, without me?!” But you can offer: “If you want, join.” Try to analyze at least one day of life and you will see that our behavior is often affected by offensively simple things. One can indignantly reject this “absurdity.” Or you can laugh and start moving your knees (and other parts of your body). Laughter takes us out of the “cortisol zone” - the stress zone, and movement ensures the production of serotonin - the hormone of pleasure. And it happens very quickly." Another important tip: do not try to lose more than ten kg at once. This can only be achieved with extreme diets, the dangers of which we have already discussed. Break the task into subtasks. In psychology, this is called “solving an elephant in parts” (a huge elephant is the problem). So, agree with yourself that you will lose weight by 50 g per day. Agree, 50 g doesn’t sound scary. And most importantly, it is quite real. But in a year you will lose 18 kg! Provided: 50 g daily, without skipping or self-deception (I’m so tired today, I’m stressed, just one tiny chocolate bar...).

And now - the most important thing. Before you start losing weight, choose a fitness center, buy “ healthy foods“, ask yourself one question: “WHY do I need this?” WHAT will I do once I become slim and healthy? WHAT can I replace an evening with cake in a home cinema? And answer these questions as honestly as possible. Since we're talking about not about a one-time breakthrough: I’ll suffer for a year, and then what will happen. You choose your lifestyle. Forever. For life.

Fatima Dzgoeva, endocrinologist at the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph.D.

Larisa Rudina, psychologist, associate professor of the Faculty of Sports Management of RANEPA, candidate of psychological sciences

Which woman does not dream of an ideal figure? Standards in different eras perfect figure were different. Thus, during excavations in Austria, they found a firuka of Venus from Willendorf, the age of which was determined to be 20 thousand years BC. The figure of this woman is very far from the idea of ​​an ideal figure in modern concept: She had huge breasts, hips and belly.

During times Ancient Egypt and Rome, the standard of femininity and beauty was considered to be sizes close to our modern ones. And this can be understood by looking at the sculptures and images of Aphrodite of Knidos, Nefertiti, Cleopatra. But later, during the Middle Ages, the standards of female beauty were completely forgotten. These times were considered “dark”; culture was dying out. The religions that existed at that time, including Christianity, did not welcome external beauty. It was only in the 13th century that attention was again paid to female beauty; in those days it was considered beautiful women small in stature, with small breasts and a fragile build.

Another century passed and the Renaissance began. And at this time, plump women again became the standard of female beauty. You will notice this if you look at the paintings painted by artists of this era. In their paintings you will not notice a single thin woman.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, women with boyish shapes, thin, with small breasts became the standard of beauty. And this fashion has survived to this day. Now any girl, and women too, at all costs, try to bring their figure to 90-60-90. This is good because excess weight has always been and is the enemy of health. But everything is good in moderation, being very thin is bad, and obesity will not improve our health.

Today we will talk about obesity how it affects our health and whether we need to fight it overweight and how to do it?

Obesity is a condition in which an increase in body weight occurs due to the deposition of adipose tissue on the hips, abdomen, and mammary glands. A body mass index table, which can be found from an endocrinologist or even on the Internet, will help you find out whether you are obese.

Adipose tissue is not normally a simple fat depot. It has high metabolic activity. It continuously undergoes intensive metabolic processes, such as the synthesis and hydrolysis of lipids: the synthesis of fatty acids, including from carbohydrates, their esterification into triglycerides or neutral fat, its deposition and breakdown to form fatty acids, and the use of the latter for energy purposes. In a healthy person, the processes of lipogenesis and lipolysis are balanced.

There are 4 stages of obesity:

  • Stage 1 - excess weight up to 20%,
  • Stage 2 - excess weight from 20 to 50%,
  • Stage 3 - excess weight from 50 to 100%,
  • Stage 4 - excess weight more than 100%.

Causes of obesity

The causes of obesity can be systematic overeating, excessive and late dinners, a sedentary lifestyle, the predominance of carbohydrate foods in the diet, metabolic disorders, and lack of sleep.

Obesity can also be caused by:

  • diseases endocrine system: hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), hypogonadism (a disease caused by a deficiency of androgen hormones in the body);
  • a tendency to stress, which results in a psychological eating disorder; a person tries to eat away any stress.

Everything would be fine, but the most unpleasant thing is that increased weight and obesity can cause complications. The most common are atherosclerosis and hypertension, which are lately have become frequent companions of obese people and, as a result, such people have a high risk of developing serious complications such as stroke or myocardial infarction.

Increased weight often leads to diabetes mellitus Type 2, cholecystitis and the formation of gallstones, pancreatitis, fatty liver degeneration, cancer. Obesity contributes to disruption of water-salt metabolism, resulting in complications such as deforming osteoarthritis, herniated intervertebral discs, and gout.

Lately on television various talk shows show people with last stage obesity. But what brought them to this state? First of all, low physical activity and eating disorders. If you are overweight, it is usually very difficult to exercise physical activity, thereby further aggravating your condition and causing even greater fat deposition.

How to reduce your weight

  1. The most important thing is to get up from your chair or sofa. Literally and do anything exercise or work. To become Aphrodite, you need constant physical activity. This can be any housework. I recommend, for example, that you wash the floor the same way you did when there were no vacuum cleaners, bending over and holding a rag in your hand. No one canceled walks fresh air, running, swimming, fitness classes, dancing. The most important thing is to move as much as possible.
  2. Be moderate in your eating, try to eat every 3 hours, this dulls the feeling of hunger, eat more protein foods. Limit your intake of flour and sweet foods - they inhibit the breakdown of fats. Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber (cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, wheat bran, sprouted cereal seeds, etc.) Do not give up bitterness and spices, they regulate the metabolism of fats (mustard, coriander, horseradish, rib, hot pepper). But at the same time, try to limit salt to 2 grams per day and do not forget to drink plain unboiled water up to 2-2.5 liters per day. To somehow reduce the feeling of hunger, drink water half an hour before meals, this way you will deceive your stomach and eat less food.
  3. Gradually reduce the calorie content of meals to 1100-1400 kcal per day. This can be achieved not only by consuming low-calorie foods. You can allocate a small plate and spoon for yourself. A small plate holds less food, but with a small spoon you will eat longer and will feel full faster. It has been proven that no matter how much food is put on a plate, in most cases the entire portion is always eaten.
  4. Salt baths (2 grams of salt per bath), sea, and mustard baths help normalize weight.
  5. There are plants that improve metabolism and promote weight loss: barberry, dandelion, cucumber, tansy, burdock, lingonberry leaves, celandine.

You can make the following collection: take 20 grams of corn silk, dandelion leaves, yarrow herb, sage, mint, chicory root or herb, buckthorn bark, parsley fruits, mix everything. Then pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave, strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.


There are several biologically active points on the human body, massaging which can dull the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite. Try massaging the following points:

- At the junction of the earlobe and the jaw.

- If you place your index finger and middle finger at the top of the lower jaw near the ears, then when you open and close your mouth, you will feel the place where the jaw moves under your fingers, grab a little nearby area of ​​skin that protrudes into the inside of the ear, just above its lobe and massage for 3 minutes.

- Massage the point located between the upper lip and nose. Thumb place under upper lip, and the index finger is outside.

- Find the most voluminous part of the lower leg and massage it.

In his book Zone Therapy, author Joseph Corvo recommends massaging the fleshy (thickest) part of the palm to reduce appetite and control your weight. In addition, this massage promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland and normalization of metabolism. Massage this area for 3 minutes, then gradually move up to the wrist, thereby further stimulating the pancreas, allowing you to regulate insulin production and normalize its level.

Follow these simple tips. And then, without any diets, you will know how to deal with your excess weight or obesity. And in conclusion, for those who want to lose at least a little weight, watch and do exercises with Laysan Utyasheva.

With wishes for good health Taisiya Filippova

The BRAIN does not allow a person to lose excess weight and avoid regaining lost kilograms.

The creation of images most often occurs through self-suggestion. The brighter and more emotional the image, the more reliably it will be recorded in the subconscious (in scientific language it sounds like “excite the dominant”). And then this image (“excited dominant”) will do everything to come true. The subconscious will work for you, even when you are sleeping, when you are eating or riding on the bus. The dominant is that something most important is highlighted in the brain, the most important reaction of the current moment, and everything secondary is inhibited and ignored.

The dominant is (like everything that concerns the subconscious) another manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation and also helped our distant ancestors to survive in conditions wildlife. The principle of dominance does not allow the existence of many equal centers of excitation in the brain; it transfers all the energy of the brain to perform only the most important task at the moment.

The dominant allows you to concentrate on one thing, suppressing and ignoring everything else. If you have a strong desire to eat, then you will only think about food. But if at this moment a fire suddenly starts, the center of excitement will move and you will forget about food, and you will run as hard as you can, taking your feet away from the fire.

Moreover, the dominant focus of excitation not only suppresses other centers, but also takes away their energy. Roughly speaking, the more you wanted to eat before, the more you will now run from the fire.

But if an animal has not so many dominants (i.e. needs) - to feed itself, to avoid danger, to mate, then a human has just an insane amount of needs. There are also physiological needs (hunger, thirst, sexual desire, the need for warmth, light), and the need for safety, and the need for love (to be in a group, not to feel loneliness), and the need for respect, and the need to explore (craving for knowledge), aesthetic needs (craving for beauty and order) , the need for self-realization, etc.

Each of these biological, social, spiritual, etc. needs can become a dominant need, and our task is to make sure that the dominant does not arise on its own under the influence of some external factors, but arises according to our desire.

Dominant in the fight against excess weight

That is why, in order for the brain to allocate its resources to solving the problem of losing weight, then Our FIRST and MAIN task is to arouse the dominant force in the fight against excess weight.

With this action we will bring all the capabilities of the brain to our side! We will force the subconscious to work on this task, and at every step it will look for and find solutions.

How we configure our subconscious (with the help of emotional images), that’s how it will work, that’s what it will achieve.

But look at how we act now. Suppose that you want to be slim and beautiful, but if an emotionally charged image of yourself as fat has taken root in your subconscious, or if you do not believe that losing weight is even possible, then there is no doubt that in this case nothing will come of losing weight.

The desires of consciousness (mind) are nothing compared to the ancient power of the subconscious, and in this case you did not want to win this power over to your side.

To avoid this, you need to create a bright, emotionally charged image for yourself. In our case, the main goal of creating an image is to see yourself thinner, to see how the fat has disappeared from your body.

Start with the statement: “I am losing fat every second.” Then imagine the fat draining like water from your body. How it melts like snow under the rays of the sun. It evaporates like water on glass on a hot day.

This image of fat draining from your body is very useful to keep in mind during physical training - the effectiveness of training increases 3 times.

If your imagination is well developed, then you can go further. Imagine that fat is gradually evaporating from your body, and now your body has reached the condition you need! It's lost weight! Be sure to positively reinforce this image of yourself as slim and beautiful (you will delight yourself).

Next, imagine as clearly as possible: you are slim and beautiful, you get out of bed in the morning, stretch, do exercises, douse yourself with water. Here you are walking down the street and people look at you, see your reflection in the window and smile at it. So you come to work, the employees compliment you, congratulate you, and start asking you how you did it. You meet an acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time; at first he does not recognize you and exclaims: “God, this cannot be! How did you lose weight!”, “It’s a miracle!” You feel proud and confident from the changes that have occurred.

It is with this state of joy and happiness that you must reinforce the image of the future.

You need to evoke the desired image for 10-30 minutes a day (you can do it 2 times for 5-15 minutes). Use your time traveling in the subway, minibuses, taking a shower, etc. for this. There are many opportunities to allocate 10-30 minutes a day. It is highly advisable to evoke such an image early in the morning - the morning mood sets the tone for the whole day.

Your brain is stopping you from losing weight!

Newsweek magazine (No. 56 for 2005) published research by British scientists from the universities of Newcastle and Edinburgh on the problems of excess weight. Experts set out to understand why people on diets initially lose weight, but, as a rule, after some time the lost kilograms return.

Over the course of several years, numerous studies have been conducted on thousands of people wanting to lose weight. As a result, a clear conclusion was made: the BRAIN (subconscious mind) does not allow a person to lose excess weight and avoid regaining lost kilograms. As soon as a person gains excess weight, the brain “reprograms”, gets used to its new image and begins to perceive extra pounds as normal!

All attempts to lose weight are interpreted by our brain, accustomed to excess weight, as a threat to the very survival of the body, so the brain automatically slows down the metabolism. And after a while, no matter what a person does, the lost kilograms return.

Those. serious problem the fact that, even having lost weight, a person, as a rule, still perceives himself as fat, sees himself as fat in the future and considers this the norm.

So, after many years of research, scientists made a discovery: you can lose weight and, most importantly, ensure that the lost kilograms never return again, in the following way - you need to introduce a new optimal weight norm into your brain, which controls the human body, imprinting an image into your brain ideal self.

If this is achieved, then you can lose weight without even changing your lifestyle, without changing your eating habits. The body itself will gradually change its metabolic rate and bring its weight into line with the new optimal norm. Simply because now the brain will perceive extra pounds as a threat to the very survival of the body.

Once again I repeat this most important point - you need to drag the subconscious to your side at any cost, make it see you in the future as slim, thin and young. Scientifically speaking, you need to stimulate the weight loss dominant.

If you can't get the images, there is an easier option.

In my sports practice there was such a case. A young 16-year-old boy had a congenital heart defect. He was a smart, kind, well-read guy, won regional olympiads in mathematics and chemistry among schoolchildren. But due to a heart defect, he never played sports. Physically, he looked like a dystrophic person, wore glasses with thick lenses, girls avoided him, and he was very worried about this.

And at some point he got tired of it. He placed a photograph of the famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger in front of the table mirror and began to engage in imagery every day, strictly for 30 minutes a day.

He looked at the photograph of the muscular Schwarzenegger, then at himself in the mirror, and tried his best to imagine this powerful body in himself. Within six months he looked completely different. He did not become, of course, a bodybuilder, but he also ceased to be dystrophic. Now he was a fit young man with fairly strong and voluminous muscles.

To be honest, this case amazed me then, because the guy really couldn’t play sports, but he was able to change his figure solely through figurative ideas. The power of the subconscious is truly limitless!

“And about the imaginary desired figure. I also read this in your newsletter. I found a photo of one super-model, cut it out and glued my face to it, and every day I looked at myself in this form for a very long time, carefully examining and ADVISING my new body.

And finally, I could close my eyes and see myself very clearly, in color, with all the details. But, I must admit, this did not happen right away; quite a lot of time has passed since the release of your newsletter.

But then, OH, MIRACLE! My stomach began to melt by leaps and bounds! But really, it wasn't too big, but I wanted to make it FLAT! And this despite the fact that I didn’t change ANYTHING, neither in nutrition nor in physical education. I really didn’t lose weight (I didn’t have such a goal), I just wanted my stomach to become flat, and it did! Without much effort." (Valentina D.)

Yes, the power of the subconscious is truly limitless!

I must warn you right away - The most important thing here is practice. At first, the brain is reluctant to respond to a new task - vivid scenes, ideas, and images are difficult to draw. Don't worry - this is normal. Just keep practicing, and very soon everything will turn out beautiful and bright. Such figurative representations are very effective and have long been used by athletes.

American psychologist Alan Richardson conducted such an experiment.

He divided the student basketball team into three groups in order to find out the best way to practice serves. The first group trained as usual, the second (control) did not train at all, the third also did not go to the gym, but were engaged in a mental representation of the training. A check-up a month later surprised many - there was no improvement in the second group, but both the first and third groups showed the same improvement in results - by 20%.

Sambo is a very traumatic sport, and our sambo wrestlers have accumulated considerable experience in quickly recovering from the most serious injuries.

Kharlampiev usually recommended for speedy recovery mentally work on the injured leg as often and as intensively as possible. He also recommended lying down with eyes closed mentally work out the throws in every detail. This turned out to be so effective that sometimes an athlete, forced to stop training due to injury, later, when starting training, surprised everyone with new techniques.

Of course, this is not for the lazy; it is very difficult to mentally work in such a way as to sweat. But the healing of injuries is incomparably faster than with passive lying and sports results practically do not decrease.

Just as water takes the form of a vessel, so the subconscious will create our lives depending on the images (dominants) that we put into it every day.

This is similar to dropping one drop of red paint into a jar of water. At first you do not notice any effect - the color of the water does not change. But gradually, as you continue to drip day after day, you see that the water turns pink and then red.

We must take care of the contents of our subconscious and cleanse it of harmful and negative ideas much more thoroughly than, for example, brushing our teeth. If some restless and limiting image gets into it, then it will begin to act according to this image - we will experience fears and uncertainty.

Clean up this idea, with the help of an emotional image, arouse a new dominant and all the uncertainty will disappear as if by hand. published .

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Interview for Women's Magazine with Sviyash A.G. , Kyiv

Why do you think women, even when they get fat, always talk about how they are losing weight? Why is this one of the main problems in our heads - in your opinion? Is it beneficial for us to look for diets, discuss them, try them? Is this a way of communication or personal complexes? Is life a struggle? Or is this some kind of game?

Absolutely all people in their behavior are guided by standard attitudes (stereotypes, unconscious programs or beliefs). This is very convenient, because we do not need to make a choice every second; we make decisions automatically, unconsciously, based on these attitudes.

For example, when we meet an acquaintance, we greet him and expect that he will also greet us (and not spit at us, for example).

This kind of unconscious behavior is very convenient because you don’t have to waste energy constantly making decisions (think of how tired you feel when you walk around a store for several hours trying to choose the thing you need). And it's safe because you can easily predict other people's behavior.

On the other hand, such unconscious behavior sometimes creates many problems for us. For example, with our weight. About two hundred years ago, women had no ideas about how much they should weigh or what kind of figure they should have—it was indecent to even discuss these issues.

Today the situation has changed. Women flaunted their bodies, and stereotypes immediately formed in this area. Their sources are very different.

One of them, in my opinion, was the shape of the bodies of girls demonstrating clothes - models. The designers chose the skinniest girls possible so that people would look at the clothes and not be distracted by the models. The hanger, even if it is self-propelled, should not distract the attention of the audience. But women unconsciously associated beautiful clothes with the body shape of the model, and as a result, the old “coat hangers” became a symbol of female beauty. And all women began to strive to be like the models.

And losing weight is very difficult, since other product manufacturers have already baked, smoked or fried a huge amount of very tasty products, and in every possible way inspire us with the need to buy and eat it all (remember the pre-New Year's sales hysteria). They are helped by our instincts, which say: “if you successful person- confirm this, eat your fill. Only unsuccessful people, busy with survival, cannot afford to eat well.” If you remember, in the East, a person’s weight still indicates his level of well-being. And in Japan people want to touch a fat person in order to get good luck from him.

So one program “you need to be thin and slim” inside of us fights with another program “eat when you can afford it.” Well, internal struggle always leads to discontent, the origins of which are sometimes difficult to understand. You can talk a lot about diets and excess weight, but unconsciously confirm your well-being through weight.

- What lessons does Life give us if we are unhappy with our appearance? Is the desire to be like, for example, Twiggy an idealization?

Twiggy herself is just a very small, graceful woman. But thanks to the efforts of the media, she became an idol, which millions of women strive to be like. They strive unconsciously, working out a new attitude that was instilled in them: “you can be successful in life (marry a prince, achieve success in your career) if you are like Twiggy.”

In itself, this is just an attitude, like “say hello when you meet an acquaintance.”

But an attempt to change your body, to make it thin, meets resistance from the body, which wants to live, that is, to eat. This resistance leads to lingering self-judgment. And this, if you remember, is idealization. The essence of which is no longer achieving the desired weight, but the process of struggling with one’s body.

Let me briefly remind you that idealization is an idea that is excessively important for a person, and if it is violated, he is immersed in long-term experiences. In this case, we are talking about idealizing one’s appearance. The media imposed the idea (attitude, stereotype) that “you can consider yourself beautiful if you have 90-60-90 curves and weigh no more than 50 kg.”

This is impossible for physiological reasons for most women, but the theme is so strong that a person is guided by it unconsciously, without thinking about where it came from and whether it can be realized. There is no time to think, you need to practice the setup! So the struggle with your body begins, accompanied by endless worries.

And, as you know, what you fight with, you get again and again.

Outwardly, it looks as if some external force (God, Life, evil forces) endlessly pokes its nose at your weight and says: “Are you condemning this? Condemning is a sin. Accept and love yourself. Until you do this, you will get your weight over and over again.”

In fact, there is no such external force. It is we ourselves who unconsciously get carried away by the process of struggle and forget about the final result. The process of struggle itself becomes much more interesting than the result.

After all, struggle is a process of overcoming, it is strong emotions, it is development, it is life! The result itself, against the backdrop of struggle, is boring and often unnecessary, since after it life will become insipid and uninteresting. Especially if there are no other equally significant goals. Therefore, while you are passionate about the struggle, achieving results may be very difficult.

One woman once told the following story. She spent 15 years trying to lose the “extra” 12 kilograms. Diets, food supplements, special clothes, fasting, sports - everything was tried with zero results. At the same time, the rest of her life proceeded quite normally - she is a mother of two children, a good relationship with her husband, and a good career at work.

Then, at some point, she got tired of it all. And she said to herself: “That’s enough. Let them suffer while looking at me, fat. I wanted the best, but nothing worked out for me. I don't care about my weight anymore." And she abandoned all her diets and eating regimens. Of course, the experience she gained did not allow her to overeat, but she stopped paying attention to her weight and allowed herself many food joys.

A month later, she noticed that her clothes were too big for her. She stepped on the scales and was surprised to discover that she had lost the much-desired 15 kg before, without making the slightest effort! Her goal was realized as soon as she stopped fighting her body. When she approached her husband and said that she had lost 15 kg, he replied: “Darling, maybe you’re sick? You need to eat well so you don't get sick. Please eat well, I’m worried about you and your health.”

And she felt enormous annoyance at herself for having spent a huge amount of effort, time and money on something that no one really needed. She simply unconsciously worked out an external attitude about what a woman should be. Although her husband loved her as she really was, and not in her fantasies.

- Maybe, by losing weight, we adapt to the standard, but in fact we can change these standards ourselves?

I think it’s time for women to stop being robots, unconsciously acting out the messages they have been given about body shape and weight. We need to learn to live wisely, using the ability to think given to us from birth. And choose for yourself what kind of figure and what weight is more convenient for you to have.

When you see a dozen or two completely identical slender girls on the screen (for example, in a backup dancer), you get the feeling that they were cloned and grown in the same incubator.

Since the form is the same, the content is apparently the same. Like soldiers in the army. There are no Personalities in the army, there are wordless executors of other people’s commands, robots (ideally, of course),Do you want to be a robot, mindlessly carrying out other people's instructions? Most likely not. You want love, happiness, personal well-being, awareness of your uniqueness, don’t you? But only a Personality can claim this. The robot does not have its own desires; it carries out other people's commands.

If you want to be a Personality and build your life yourself, and not be a blind executor of other people’s attitudes, then start thinking. And the easiest step on this path is to decide for yourself what weight and what shapes you consider acceptable and achievable for yourself. Most likely, they will differ from stereotypes imposed from outside. And then you make a plan to achieve this result. And you slowly go to him, without feeling the slightest dissatisfaction with yourself about your current state.

- You focus on proper relationships not only with other people, the world around you, but also with yourself. In particular, we are talking about self-love. Do we, poor women, need to suffer, go on diets, deny ourselves edible pleasures, or is it enough to love ourselves as we are? You look - and others will like you, and no one will notice that you weigh 100 kg, in their eyes will you seem like a reed?

Movement towards any results should begin with self-love, then these results will come to you easily, playfully. Out of habit, we think the other way around: “ Why do you love me now? If I lose 20 kg, then I’ll be worthy of love.”

This is a mistake. Even if you accidentally lose 20 kg, you will immediately find spots on your skin, insufficiently white teeth, bad hair, or something else. And the fascinating process of fighting with oneself will continue ad infinitum.

To give up the fight, no external victories are needed; everything necessary for the onset of a truce is always available in your head. You just need to give yourself a command, and the struggle will stop. It's not very easy, but it's possible.

More often they do this out of desperation (as in the example above), but you don’t have to wait for this unpleasant event. Just tell yourself not to worry about your weight anymore. And making sure that your hectic mind no longer burdens you with these thoughts and experiences is not at all difficult. The solution to the weight problem is not in activity, but in the way of thinking, in changing the attitude towards oneself.

- We often, looking in the mirror, say to ourselves: I’m so fat, I’m ugly, again I can’t see my waist, and so on. What consequences can we expect for such “orders”, and how can we resist them?

If you tell yourself that “I’m fat, I’m ugly,” then you judge yourself for something bad you’ve done (for example, you failed to achieve required weight, lazy, etc.). You are guilty, and the guilty must be punished, we know this from childhood. As a result, you unconsciously create a mode of expectation of punishment, and your subconscious mind finds a way to create trouble for you.

That is, many (not all!) of our troubles are the result of our unconscious expectation of punishment for our bad behavior(for example, for overeating).

What can you do about it? Stop thinking badly about yourself. To do this, you need to fill your head with positive statements (affirmations), displacing negative thoughts about yourself with them. For example, thoughts like “I'm delighted with myself! I approve of all my actions! I accept my body and ask it to forgive me for judging me. I'm proud of myself! I'm delighted with myself! I approve of all my actions! I'm great!".

It is clear that at first such thoughts will cause you disgust, headache, and even nausea. No problem, hang in there, it will pass quickly. A couple of hours of repeating positive statements and you will feel better. And then they will become part of your way of thinking, positive thinking. And since you think positively, you will not have feelings of guilt and you will not need to punish yourself, that is, create trouble for yourself. Problems will go away from you, you will joyfully float on the waves of life.

And if in this state you sincerely want to change your weight, then your subconscious will immediately find a way to do this in the best possible way. It is clear that this will not happen by magic, but you will have to make very real efforts (use diets, exercise, etc.), but you will do all this with pleasure, and excellent results will not be long in coming.

But this will not happen until you change your attitude towards yourself and your body. Otherwise, some very smart fighters with their body will immediately decide: “okay, I agree to mutter your stupid affirmations for two hours a day, if only I lose weight.” This kind of bargaining doesn't work.

First, you completely remove the judgment of your body and begin to love yourself with all your splendor, despite the attempts of the media and your friends to pin on you some kind of assumption about your imperfection. And then, if you need it for some reason, you can change your weight. Chances are you won't even need it - why change something you love?

Although, in order not to upset others, or to become more attractive to men who are also fooled by media propaganda, you can slightly adjust your weight.

- Is it possible to lose extra pounds and gain weight through psychological persuasion (I don’t mean Dovzhenko coding or hypnosis)?

External coding usually helps only gullible people with low internal criticality. It must be said that women by nature are more open to external instructions than men. Therefore, if you are not very critical, then you can successfully use both methods of externally introducing weight loss attitudes into your subconscious, and methods of self-programming, for example, according to the method of M. Norbekov. This helps uncritical people achieve the desired result. Provided, of course, that they need this result.

What do I mean? Some time ago, a woman came to me for advice about her excess weight. She tried all known methods of losing weight - shaping, fasting, diets, nutritional supplements, etc. The result is that over ten years of struggle with herself, she added another 15 kg.

Moreover, the weight increased even when they were on a strict diet and ate a couple of crackers or several dried fruits a day. The result is fantastic, contrary to all the laws of materialistic science! The weight appeared as if out of nowhere! In fact, apparently, her body absorbed and converted into fat deposits the energy it received from environment with breathing and in sleep.

So, I immediately tried to find out why she needed to lose weight? And what will happen when she achieves such a desired result? The answers to these questions turned out to be very vague. The situation became extremely clear - in fact, the woman categorically did not want to lose weight.

She is a housewife, raised three children, her husband earns good money and supports the family. She had her first child immediately after graduating from college, which means she didn’t work a single day. While the children were small, she was in demand. When the children grew up and became independent, she was not “in business”, unclaimed. She is afraid to go to work, to run her own business, and to raise no one else (except her husband, perhaps). She doesn’t know how to sit idle, she hasn’t been trained since childhood. What should she do now, die at 45 years old or something (as pensioners often do after retirement)?

It was a rather stressful situation, and she quickly found a way out of it - she began to fight with her body. Often wealthy women in such a situation get sick and heroically fight for their health, completely unwilling to recover.

Here the easier option was chosen - the fight against excess weight (with a sincere unconscious desire to never win it). When she realized these processes, we together began to look for a way out of this situation. And it is obvious - we need to make sure that she has some other exciting thing in her life, and she does not need to cling to her weight at any cost.

We outlined steps for several months in advance, and she went to execute them. I am sure that her weight will go away as soon as it becomes a real obstacle to her on the way to new goals. Unless, of course, she derives other benefits from it (they were not visible here).

What is meant by “other benefits”? The fact that being overweight provides unconscious benefits to many women which he is not willing to give up in exchange for weight loss. Therefore, the weight does not decrease.

Here are a few such benefits:

Being overweight makes it possible to fill your life with meaning, gives you a purpose in life, relevance, the opportunity to develop and communicate with new people (as in the example above);

You can blame your failures on being overweight, otherwise there would be discomfort from having to take responsibility for them;

Being overweight allows you to avoid the stress of disappointment in your personal life (if I lose weight, then I’ll get married. But internally I’m not at all ready to enter into the struggle to build a family life because of low self-esteem. As long as you’re overweight, you don’t have to fuss with your personal life);

Excess weight helps to avoid stress associated with desired changes in life (change of job, divorce, etc..). You want to change something, but you are afraid to do it, and blame it on your weight for why you do not make these changes;

Often, excess weight is a consequence of improperly structured communication, which consists of feasts or visits to restaurants. If you eat less, you will lose some (or even all!) communication, and you can’t think of anything in return. Therefore, you are doomed to be overweight;

The very process of eating food leads to the outflow of blood to the stomach, and restless thoughts calm down in the head. If you don’t know how to live in peace with yourself and the people around you (you have a lot of idealizations for which you endlessly fight), then you will unconsciously shove another piece into your mouth all the time in order to calm down. That is, the benefit here is not in weight, but in the process of calming down with food, and excess weight is a consequence of these processes.

These are just some of the hidden benefits that women receive along with their kilograms. And these benefits turn out to be stronger than all diets and shaping, so the most effective weight loss methods for others (!) are stalled on you. And this will continue until you realize these benefits and make sure that you no longer need them.

- Maybe you can justify us and tell us how to deal with fat deposits, and so that the fight does not become a fixed idea, but leads to the desired results? Can you come up with affirmations? Draw yourself? Hang a portrait of a goal above the bed? And live and rejoice: good man should there be a lot?

You again ask about what needs to be done. But, most likely, many women have already tried all this. Therefore, I suggest that they DO NOT do anything to lose weight for the next two to three months. More precisely, do not do anything new on this topic in relation to what you are doing now.

And they should start thinking for themselves.

Why do you need your excess weight?

What benefits do you get from having it?

Where does your weight fit into your value system?

And are you ready to sacrifice part of your work, communication, raising children or something else very important to you for the sake of weight loss?

Are you ready for the changes that will come to you with weight loss?

What will you do, what will you do with yourself?

Why aren't you doing this now?

Does being overweight stop other women from doing the things you plan to do after losing weight?

If not, are you lying to yourself?

Are you ready for internal changes, are you aware of their consequences?

Or would you prefer to brush aside these thoughts and start eating another portion of dietary supplements?

This will mean that you are not ready to lose weight, nothing more.

Find the answers to these questions and you will understand why you created excess weight for yourself. And why are they categorically not ready to get rid of it.

If you understand this and change your guidelines, then any method known to you will help you lose weight - it has helped many other women who do not cling to their weight. Or he will leave you on his own, as in the first example. Good luck on your journey to living a smart life like you haven't tried before.

Questions were asked by E. Kirichenko