Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for health, healing, and a speedy recovery. Prayer for the health of the sick: effective words for recovery

It is not for nothing that this saint is considered one of the most powerful - a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for health in some cases can really work miracles.

The saint is considered the patron saint of those who travel, especially at sea, protecting them from various disasters, helping children, the poor and those who need money or cannot find a job. It is known that the prototype of Santa Claus, who does good deeds at Christmas, was St. Nicholas. At that time there was no difference between Orthodox and Catholic Christians, so St. Nicholas is equally revered in these different directions. In addition, he can send joy, including unexpected ones, to those who sincerely pray to him, ask for help and are ready to correct their own sins.

Prayer as a talisman

Exists strong prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker about health. It can be found in the church canon of the saint, but if you do not have time or need to read the prayer several times, you can say it in your own words or use the following text:

« O Great Father Nicholas, the Servant of Christ! Wonderworker of Christ, who saves ships, who saved girls from bad marriages of poverty for the sake of what was prepared for, Great Wonderworker, free and help me from many troubles! In sorrows, quick helper, help me, my sinful servant (name), my intercessor! Save, protect, strengthen and have mercy, fence off from earthly and heavenly misfortunes and grant joy, pleasure, long life and health.”

If you are praying for another person, you need to remove the word “me” and say his name. Then a strong prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for health will work, and in the near future you can expect relief from suffering. But remember that prayer is not a panacea and using it alone in the fight against illness is not best option. In addition, there are some twists of fate when even very appealing higher powers does not work and the person, despite everything, dies. Usually this is associated with key karmic moments, God’s predestination, a person’s fate, or some kind of sin for which he did not repent in time. Usually this is a desire for harm or even death for someone, magical rituals to death, even if not done with one’s own hands, murder or misfortune that a sick person did to someone else. In such a situation, not only the sinner himself usually suffers, but also his close people, especially children.

However, a prayer for health to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can become an excellent amulet. You just need to sincerely strive not to do or wish any harm on anyone, to believe that the saint will definitely help in any difficult situation.

Is it possible to read it if there is no icon nearby?

Certainly. Even in hospital conditions, where there are no icons, prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for health can work miracles. The main thing is to sincerely believe, have hope, follow all the doctor’s instructions and try to come to terms with the loss, if that happens.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker can rightfully be called the most popular and most beloved saint, God's Pleasant. Its long and righteous life was entirely devoted to serving the Lord and people. Having received a rich inheritance after the death of his parents, a deeply religious young man distributed it to the poor and suffering.

Thanks to his fidelity to Christ’s teachings and selfless life, the Savior endowed Nicholas with the gift of miracles, which he repeatedly used to help his neighbors. Through his prayer she was tamed sea ​​element, insects left the fields, threatening the farmers with hunger, but miraculous healings through his prayer brought him special fame. Moreover, healings continued to occur even after the death of the saint, at his relics; Many such cases have occurred in modern history.

Even today, people pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker, confiding their troubles to him and asking for help in a variety of life circumstances, including in case of illness.

It is believed that praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in illness speeds up recovery. Most often we pray for the health of our loved ones, but we also need to pray for our own health in order to serve them as support and not become a burden to anyone. Many prayers are read in Church Slavonic, but the prayer for health to Nicholas the Ugodnik can be read in Russian.

Prayer for health to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Oh, Nicholas the All-Holy, saint of the Lord, our eternal intercessor, and our helper everywhere in all troubles. Help me, God’s servant (name), sad and sinful, in real life, ask the Lord to grant me remission of my sins, for I have sinned in deed, in word, in thoughts and with all my feelings. Help me, the accursed one, Holy Wonderworker, ask our Lord for good health, deliver me from torment and ordeal. Amen.

How to Pray to a Saint

You can pray in church by placing your candle in front of the icon, or you can have a small iconostasis at home to offer prayer in the morning and evening, before going to bed. IN home iconostasis There must certainly be icons of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, you choose the rest of the saints at your discretion, but among them there must be St. Nicholas the Wonderworker: the significance of this “universal” saint is so great that he extends his help to almost all areas of life.

Setting up an iconostasis in your home is very simple: icons can be placed on a shelf nailed to the wall, or on a table or bedside table. A vessel with holy water is also placed there. Icons, candles and lamps should only be purchased in a church shop - this is a guarantee that they are consecrated. If you have any icon that you value, be sure to consecrate it in the church.

The main thing is that there are no secular objects nearby: paintings, posters, decorative items, TV, computer, etc.

During prayer, candles or a lamp are lit in front of the icons (take care of fire safety!)

You need to pray alone. First they read the “Our Father”, and then their prayer. Please note: in every prayer there is repentance for our sins and glorification of the saint to whom we turn for protection and help. The most powerful prayer for illnesses to Nicholas the Wonderworker is the one that comes from pure heart and is filled with faith that it helps, especially if it is a prayer for the health or healing of a child.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for the healing of a child

Oh, most holy God's Pleasant - Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! Grant mercy for the recovery of my beloved child. Please forgive me my sinful sorrow and do not be angry with me for my ignorance. Amen.

Most of all, we value our children, and after them, our parents. Pray daily for their health, especially for the health of a sick parent.

Prayer for the health of parents to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with sincere prayer. I ask you to protect my parents from illness, infirmity and weakness. Help them follow the righteous path and give them hope in the Kingdom of Heaven. Don't let yourself succumb to sinful temptations. Intercede for them before our Lord. Thy will be done. Amen.

Often you have to pray for the healing of a loved one: a wife or husband, for a sick relative.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for the healing of her husband and loved ones

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Savior of our lost souls! We turn to you with a humble request in sickness and infirmity. Remove damage and serious illness from (name). Forgive (name) all sins that caused such grave suffering. Accept the repentance of the sick person and his loved ones. May all illnesses leave his mortal body and indestructible health and grace arrive. May the Lord, through you, hear our humble request and not condemn it. Ask, O Saint Nicholas, that all adversities be released and illnesses left forever. It's all your will. Amen.

Often a person brings upon himself terrible disease- drunkenness. There is also a prayer for deliverance from this vicious illness.

Prayer to Nicholas the Ugodnik for deliverance from drunkenness

From my husband's drunkenness

Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with a prayer. Generously have mercy and deliver my husband (a person close to me) from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, they found disgust and devastated his craving for drunken libation. He will not sip, swallow or pour out harmful drinks without a shudder. And he will sip and pour the property into the belly of holy water. Thy will be done. Amen.

From my son's alcoholism

Holy Wonderworker, Nicholas the Pleasant! I turn to you with a motherly request. You always help those who ask you for assistance in matters of life. So listen to my request. I ask you to have mercy on me and send my son deliverance from bitter drunkenness, which is destroying his soul and body. I ask you, Wonderworker Nicholas, to send him disgust in vodka and any other alcoholic drinks. Deliver my son from internal cravings that are harmful and harmful to health, let everything intoxicated become disgusting and tasteless for him. Do this, Saint Nicholas, so that my son will never again be able to drink alcohol without feeling disgust in his soul and strong disgust. Do this, O Pleasant of God, who became famous for his miracles during his lifetime, so that my son will not be able to drink alcohol either day or night, not at a party, not at home, not on a weekday, not on a holiday. May Your strong word forever stop my son from his destructive drunken passion. Just as none of the Saints ever drank vodka, so may my son, the Servant of God (son’s name), never drink it and forget about it forever. Amen.

Illnesses are sent to a person for a reason, but to atone for sins. Thanks to sorrows, people develop into spiritually and become closer to God.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing will help relieve serious condition the patient, and perhaps the saint will help him to recover completely.

What to ask for in prayer

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for health has long been used by people to get rid of many ailments. During his earthly life, he more than once saved those suffering from impending death. And according to his dormition, the Saint continues to look after humanity, saving his prayer books from troubles and hopeless situations.

It is recommended to attend Liturgy on Sundays, confess and receive communion. It is necessary to understand that when turning to Nicholas the Wonderworker with a call for help, our prayer will be to the saint, and we will receive help from the Lord.

When reading prayer requests, you need to have pure thoughts, a bright soul and faith in the best!

Prayer for Healing

O all-holy Nicholas! Intercessor and speedy helper of all the sorrowful and sick! Beg our Lord to forgive His servant (your name) for the sins that he committed out of ignorance or thoughtlessness. Ask Him to deliver your body and soul from the machinations of the devil, worldly diseases, from ordeals and eternal torment. Amen!

Prayer for health

Alleviate all illnesses, our great intercessor Nicholas, dissolving grace-filled healing, delighting our souls, and cheering the hearts of all who zealously flow to your help, crying out to God: Alleluia.

We see the wise branches of the wicked put to shame by you, God-wise Father Nicholas: Aria for the blasphemer, dividing the Divinity, and Sabellia, confusing the Holy Trinity, has changed, but you have strengthened us in Orthodoxy. For this reason, we cry out to you: Rejoice, shield, protect piety; Rejoice, sword, cut off evil.

Rejoice, teacher of Divine commandments; Rejoice, destroyer of ungodly teachings.

Rejoice, ladder established by God, by which we ascend to heaven; Rejoice, protection created by God, with which many are covered.

Rejoice, thou who hast made wise the foolish with thy words; Rejoice, having inspired the morals of the lazy.

Rejoice, you who brighten the unquenchable commandments of God; Rejoice, bright ray of the Lord’s justifications.

Rejoice, for through your teaching the heretical heads are crushed; Rejoice, for through your faithfulness the faithful are worthy of glory.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker.

The Saint's childhood

The baby Nicholas was born into a family of pious Christians Theophanes and Nonna, who had a large fortune. From birth, he never ceased to amaze his father and mother. For example, during the Sacrament of Baptism, the baby stood on his own legs for 3 hours, not supported by anyone, thereby giving praise to the Most Holy Trinity. On Wednesdays, Fridays and days of long fasts, he did not take mother's milk and slept soundly for most of the day.

Growing up, he was increasingly drawn to God, spending most of the day in the temple. And at night I studied Holy Gospel and prayed to the Heavenly Father.

Youth and service to the Holy Trinity

At a young age, the future Saint was consecrated as a reader by his uncle, Bishop John of Patara. His task, in addition to reading certain prayers during the divine service, was to preach the Law of God to the flock entrusted to him. The parishioners loved the kind and intelligent young man and were sincerely amazed at his wisdom, which only elders possess.

After the death of his parents, Nikola distributed his inheritance to the poor, engaging in charity work.

Read about Nikolai Ugodnik:

One day he became aware of the impending fall from grace of a previously wealthy city dweller. Being in poverty and having three daughters, the father had no means of subsistence. He decided to give the girls away for fornication in order to somehow improve the difficult situation. To protect him from sin, Saint Nicholas threw a small bundle containing gold coins into the open window of the house for three days in a row. The father of the family was incredibly happy and counted the rich gifts as help from Heaven.

Soon, each of the young women met a worthy groom and the father played three cheerful weddings.

Under the protection of the Almighty

During a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the ship on which the Saint was sailing along with other passengers was caught in a terrible storm. Black sea ​​waves tried to sink the ship, and the reason for this was the presence of the devil on deck in human form. Nicholas prayed to the Almighty, soon the storm subsided, and the ship and people were saved. But during a storm, one of the sailors fell dead from a high mast. The miracle worker prayed to Christ and the sailor came to life.

Following the sea route back to their homeland, the evil captain decided to turn the ship back. Nikolai, noticing something was wrong, began to beg him to turn the ship in the right direction, to which he was refused. Then God intervened: a strong wind blew, turned the ship around and directed it along the right path.

Upon returning to Lycia, the saint joined the Brotherhood of Holy Zion, where he intended to spend the rest of his earthly life in silence. But the Voice of the Lord announced his other purpose on earth - the Pleasant was to serve people. He left the monastery and came to Myra. At that time, the holy fathers chose a bishop. It was revealed to one of them that the chosen one would be called Nikolai. And so it happened. The Lord Himself appeared to the saint and presented the Gospel, and the Most Pure Virgin Mary placed an omophorion on Christ’s protege.

At this time, severe persecution of Christians took place by order of Emperor Diocletian. Nicholas and his brothers in faith were imprisoned, where they spent several years, but the great saint was strong in spirit and strengthened his allies in the faith. With the advent of the reign of Constantine the Great, the shackles of the prisoners were removed and they gained their long-awaited freedom.

Nicholas returned to Myra and fiercely fought against paganism, idolatry, and zealously spread Christianity in Lycia.

In 325, the 1st Ecumenical Council took place, where the heretic Arius denied the Divinity of God the Son. In a fit of zeal for God, the holy saint slapped the false teacher in the face, for which he was deprived of his rank and signs of hierarchical dignity and sent to prison. But a miracle happened and several fathers who participated in the Council had a vision of the Savior and the Mother of God returning the Gospel and the omophorion to the Wonderworker. Shocked, they freed the saint from custody and restored him to his rank.

Mercy and miracles

During his earthly life, Nicholas the Wonderworker was merciful and performed many miracles.

So, during a terrible famine in the city of Myra, he appeared in a dream vision to a rich merchant and begged him to bring a ship with grain to the city so that the starving people could bake bread. As a deposit, he gave the merchant three gold coins, which he found in his clenched fist in the morning.

During mortal danger The saint appeared to those praying through the air. There is evidence of miraculous help for Roman sailors who found themselves in the Mediterranean during a severe storm. The ship's sails were torn by the hurricane, and the ship tilted and began to sink. Most of the sailors understood that this was the end and there was no chance of salvation. But still, in the hope of salvation, they prayed to the Holy Saint. They were very surprised that after the appeal, Nikolai himself appeared on the ship, took the helm in his hands and steered the ship. Soon the storm subsided and the position of the ship straightened out, and the image of the Saint disappeared from the deck. The sailors easily reached the shore and lifted thanksgiving prayers Saint and Heavenly Father.

It happened that a selfish military leader accused innocent men. Nicholas, having learned about this, hurried to the place of execution. He snatched the sword from the hands of the executioner, which was raised over the heads of the prisoners, exposed the governor in a lie and forced him to repent.

The end of life's journey

The Great Saint passed away to the Lord at an old age, he was more than 70 years old. As in life, after his death, out of his inexhaustible mercy, he helps people who ask him for protection.

Upon his death, his burial place was cathedral in Myra, which became the center of Christian pilgrimage. In the 11th century, the relics of the Saint were secretly transported to the Italian city of Bari.

Miracles from the Holy Saint

Alexander Vertinsky talked about how after civil war he emigrated to China. On the façade of the local station hung a large icon of St. Nicholas. In one of spring days ran into the station out of breath old man and fell on his knees before the icon. He turned out to be a fisherman who fell through the ice, which turned out to be quite thin. The drowning man accidentally remembered the image of Nikola Ugodnik and with his own words, with the last of his strength, began to beg for help. The man woke up on the shore and realized that only the Wonderworker could help him get out of his deadly captivity.

Temples consecrated in honor of Nicholas the Ugodnik:

During the Great Patriotic War The saint saved soldiers from death. Surprisingly, some of them were not believers and were not baptized, thus they knew nothing about the Heavenly Helper.

One day in 1943, the saint led a young girl scout through a minefield and then disappeared. He appeared to her in the form of an old man dressed in a sheepskin coat. The girl learned the name of her savior only in the post-war years from the image in the temple.

Many wonderful stories Pilots, sailors, military officers and ordinary soldiers spoke about the unexpected rescue. And in modern times The flow of miraculous salvations and recoveries from serious illnesses through prayers to the Holy Saint of Christ does not dry out. Therefore, one cannot stop praying to the great elder and thanking him; he never leaves people’s sincere requests unanswered.

More prayers to St. Nicholas the Pleasant:

During the illness of a loved one, his relatives try to maintain peace in the house and create all the conditions for the patient to recover quickly. It often happens that even people who deny God, in a fit of despair, go to the Temple of God, light candles, order prayer services, magpies, and ask the Almighty and His Saints for help.

Any prayer is not just a standard text, it is a sincere conversation with the Lord. A prayer request can work miracles if it is pronounced not only with the lips, but also with the heart.

It must be remembered that prayer work is not a single means of therapy; elements must be present drug treatment.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for eye diseases

This world exists only because the servants of God are present here. They are called elders, saints, sages, gurus. But since many people want to get priceless spiritual benefits cheaply, there are also counterfeit false prophets. There is a place for both, because a person expresses his desires and, by his causeless unlimited mercy, the Almighty fulfills them all. As for diseases, they, unfortunately, are inevitable in this world. There are reasons for their appearance, but prayer to a saint can heal people better than any doctors. For example, a miraculous prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker works real miracles. People are not only healed from serious illnesses, but their lives are transformed, many even come to a rethink.

Many believers always have an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in their home. How does prayer help this great saint? The answer is everything. It’s not only in illness that you can call on St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It also helps in everyday situations, during difficult periods, and especially in requests for children. The following simple prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the healing of a child has enormous power.

How to pray correctly

The place for prayer must be clean. You need to light three candles, fill the vessel blessed water and place an icon of St. Nicholas next to them. Before praying, the Pleasant should read the “Our Father.” The prayer itself for the health of the child is very simple, but incredibly effective.

"Oh, the Most Holy Pleasant of God - Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. Grant mercy for the recovery of my beloved child. Please forgive me my sinful sorrow and do not be angry with me for ignorance. Amen."

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing will bring great benefits, even if it is read in your own words. The main thing is that they come from the heart.

Why do people suffer?

As a rule, people forget about their very long-standing desires and begin to complain about fate and not understand what is happening to them now and why. The problem for many is not that they don’t know who man really is and who God is, but that people don’t even want to know. There is no age at which someone does not die, be it before birth (abortion), at the moment of birth, in a month, a year, a hundred years. Inevitable death awaits us all. And most importantly, we feel fear when we think about it.

This feeling envelops us for a reason, but because of sinful actions. After all, there are laws of the Universe, whether people believe in them or not, they exist. The scriptures describe that there is a sun, a moon, the wind blows, and it rains only because of fear of God. We, out of our deep ignorance, think that we can do whatever we want, and nothing will happen to us for it.

If, for example, you go to some millionaire's private property, destroy his beautiful flower beds, kill his dog, break the furniture in the house - will the owner be happy with this? Of course not! So why, when we are punished for the fact that we commit all sorts of chaos in God’s creation, are we offended for some reason? Even in our ordinary criminal code laws there is a hint that ignorance of the law is no excuse from punishment. But the Supreme is not some kind of tyrant, He simply created this universe perfectly so that everyone could live happily. And if someone encroaches on what he is not entitled to, then he will inevitably bear punishment.

First comes a warning - a prompt from conscience, and if this voice is not heard, then illnesses arise that pacify our pride and give a person time to think. Illness is not bad! This is a sign from above that you are not living by the rules. The Lord sends His messengers to such unfortunate people so that they not only heal them, but also give them knowledge on how to live correctly and be happy forever, and not temporarily, as they now promise us at every step. Often in illness, people turn to God through His messengers. And this really brings good results. A sincere prayer for the healing of a sick person to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can banish the disease forever.

Prayer for Healing

"Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Savior of our lost souls. We turn to you with a humble request in sickness and infirmity. Remove damage and serious illness from (name). Forgive (name) all sins that have caused such grave suffering. Accept the repentance of the sick person and his loved ones May all illnesses leave his mortal body and indestructible health and grace come. May the Lord hear our humble request through you and not condemn it. Ask, O Saint Nicholas, that all adversities be released and illnesses be left forever. Amen. "

This prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing from illness is especially effective if it is read by the relatives of the sick person. Praying for others always brings quick results.

Saint Nicholas - who is he?

The Messenger of God, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, is known throughout the world for his amazing deeds. Surprisingly, he was born in rich family. Usually prophets ask God to be born with disabilities into a simple family of righteous people in order to avoid difficult temptations. Simply because there is wealth in the family, the need for God disappears. After all, they usually ask the Lord for something, and when you have all the benefits of civilization, then, accordingly, the need for petition disappears, pride increases, and they forget to glorify Him by whose grace all this was given.

Nicholas was born in Asia Minor, in the city of Patara, in 270. The parents were not only rich, but also believed in God. Since childhood, he listened and read a lot about the deeds of Jesus Christ. In the temple he was appointed reader. Going through many persecutions, he preached and was a priest, and then was appointed bishop in the city of Myra (now the city of Demre in Turkey), and previously it was a province of the Roman Empire - Lycia. This is where the name of Saint Nicholas of Myra came from.

For his deeds, during his lifetime he was called a saint and a miracle worker. He patronizes all travelers, sailors, illegally convicted, slandered people. He showered special mercy through God on children. For this he became famous all over the world, because children suffer and get sick everywhere. These, of course, are their sins for past lives in an adult body, through children they also pacify the pride of their parents, but no one wants to think about it. The main thing for many is to solve the problem in any way and go on sinning, and this is sad.

The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for children is one of the most powerful.

Saint Nicholas to help children

You can turn to the saint anywhere: at home, in a temple, in a hospital, and even on the street. Saint Nicholas helps children in any circumstances. And even when there are no children yet, they pray to him for their gift. You can also pray to the Holy Saint for a successful birth and the health of mother and child.

In travel, sickness and health, joy and sorrow, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps with everything.

Prayer for children

The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for children should not be read mechanically. Even if it is an akathist, it should be passed through the heart. Only sincere prayer brings results.

You can pray to the Pleasant with these words: "Oh Almighty Nicholas, benefactor and intercessor! Show all your boundless generosity and give my children happiness, joy, health and prosperity. Do not turn away from my children. Show mercy, do not turn away in difficult times, show them the right way. May all Your power be manifested in them! Amen".

More than a prayer

Due to contact with Holy Persons, our heart is purified and we begin to live differently. In fact, every person can become a saint, but not everyone is ready to give their life to serve others (saving lost souls is the highest devotion to God). Saint Nicholas secretly distributed gifts, and now in the West he is called Santa Claus. But his mission was not to distribute earthly goods. He gave people faith and hope that God exists and loves them, caring even about everyday problems.

The miraculous deeds of St. Nicholas

In order not to attract attention and remain unidentified in his deeds, Saint Nicholas threw money and food into stockings that were hanging out to dry in the houses of the poor. Now in the West, because of this, children have taken up the tradition at Christmas and on the day of remembrance of the Saint to hang out a festive sock, where the miracle worker will put a gift for them.

When he studied in Alexandria, he traveled by sea and showed miracles of healing to sailors, which is why all sailors in the world carry with them the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

One day, a poor father of three beautiful daughters decided to make money on their charm through a bad deed (by renting them into a harem). Saint Nicholas, seeing the purity of the young creatures, decided to help them by throwing a dowry into their house. They all got married successfully. Father, of course, tracked down Nikolai, and having caught up, bowed at his feet. He took an oath from him that he would not tell anyone about this. He healed many sick and suffering people; their number has no end. Sincere prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing from an illness always brought a good result.

The Importance of Repentance

When asking for protection and healing, we must try very hard to understand that after this we need to change our lives so that we no longer sin and suffer no longer. After all, this is probably the biggest sin - to use the trust of the Saint and continue to do your dashing deeds. God can tolerate insults against him, but he will not tolerate his devotees being insulted. When we look at the image of the Saint in prayer, a connection necessarily occurs - he hears us. And it is a great mercy that we can call on the Lord and his servants at any time and in any place. Appealing to the saints on behalf of others is especially powerful. Praying to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the healing of a loved one brings much more benefit than asking about one’s own health. Selflessness and sincerity are important aspects of every person's life.

Nicholas the Pleasant is revered twice a year - on December 19 and May 22. But it is important to remember his mercy to everyone every day.

A person's health gets worse with age, and we all know this. Chronic diseases become more complicated and new problems arise. Not only sitting around the clock in the hospital, but also a simple prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing can help slow down this process. They read prayers to this saint for health and recovery, and seek salvation from illnesses and help. Nikolai Ugodnik devoted his entire life to serving the Orthodox faith.

Prayers for the sick to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker should be said before the icon of the saint. Such prayers brought grace and joy to an innumerable number of people, and will certainly bring it to others if they do everything correctly, believing with all their souls and admitting all their sins. Only through atonement and humility can peace and clarity be found.

Before praying to Saint Nicholas for healing from an illness, you must:

  • Clear your mind from everyday worries: drive away thoughts about school, work and other problems.
  • Remove things that could potentially distract you. Turn off electrical appliances, telephone, close the door to the room from annoying pets.
  • Create a suitable environment. If you pray at home, you need to close the curtains and light a candle or lamp in front of the icon.
  • To realize all your sins and your frailty - there is nothing to hide before the saints.

Appeal to Nikolai for health

“May your name be glorified in years, servant of God Nicholas, reverend in body, with worldly birth in spirit. The servant of God (name) humbly asks you, patron of the sick and healthy, children and elders, about health management. Now I am worn down like a plowman’s plow, but my soul is open to Serving the Lord, whose name is revered in every way in heaven, as on earth.

May you appear before the throne of the ever-powerful heavenly Trinity, so that the Lord may breathe strength into me. Opening my soul in prayers like an Orthodox torch, I can only hope for the healing of ailments. Be my intercessor, Saint Nicholas, protect my mortal body from illnesses, for on worldly earth I am still ready to serve the Lord. Let us glorify our ruler and patron Christ, whose flesh and blood we are, and equally we glorify the Father, the Son and the One Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Such prayers for help in health can be carried out not only at home, but also anywhere: in a hospital, on the street, in a store and even at work. If you don’t have an icon with you, you can simply raise your eyes to the sky.

Prayer service to Nicholas for illnesses

"Oh, guardian and protector of slaves Bozhikh Nikolai, turn your gaze from the firmament of heaven to the firmament of the world. With meekness in my soul, I appeal to you and ask for your protection in the matter against the disease. Convey the outpouring of my soul to the thrice holy God, who stands above us all. His mercy is truly limitless forever and ever. Do not turn away from me, the sinful servant of the Lord (name), who humbly prostrates himself with all meekness before your heavenly eyes.

I only ask the Lord for the forgiveness of the illness that has entangled me like mud. May my body be strong like the cross of the Lord and my mind as bright as His thoughts. Oh, Great Wonderworker, savior of worldly souls from sinful oblivion, grant me forgiveness. With mute lips you will remember Christ and his heavenly kingdom. Glory to you, Lord, glory!”

It is enough, sitting at the table, to rest your head on your bent arms and pray. After all, one should only turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with a prayer for the health of the sick person. protecting yourself from worldly worries. Then the result will not keep you waiting long.

Petition to Saint Nicholas for health

“Oh, holy saint of the human race, now Reverend Nicholas The miracle worker, the servant of God humbly reads a prayer for health help in the firmament of earth and heaven. May peace reign in my mortal and sinful body, may illness leave it in the name of the defender of mankind, Nicholas. Yes your name I am holy forever and ever, just as holy is our Lord Almighty, our creator and protector, who gave us life and leads us to the light.

No matter how sinful I am, I still ask you, coming from the human race, a sacred angel and a worldly intercessor, save my body from gnawing illness, strengthen my mortal bones and my sinful relics, for I strive for the Lord’s service and enlightenment without fail. My strength has left me and I humbly ask you to give me strength to serve the Lord, for I am His servant and must glorify His name in the stronghold of the earth, just as you glorify in the firmament of heaven. So I, servant of God (name), will bow before the almighty Trinity, the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit, may their kingdom of heaven be holy. Amen".

After prayer, it is best to drink a glass of holy water. This will not only help the body, but also strengthens the human mind who gets on the right path with the help of prayers


Request to the human intercessor for health

“Oh, Nicholas the Pleasant, all-human intercessor, who previously lived in the flesh, is now a reverend, has become an angel and looks at us from heaven with suffering, heed the prayers of the humble servant of God (name). Shed God's light on the soul, lost in the machinations of the dark, and help me drive out the illness. It gnaws at my mortal body like rusting iron, but even though I myself am a sinner, my thoughts are pure and directed toward serving the Lord.

Cleanse my body, I immeasurably ask, bowing before your face and the Holy Trinity, I am three parts: the One Father, the Son, the messenger to the sinful earth, who suffered for our sins, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the person asking is sick, and close person, for example, a child or husband, you can, of course, go to church and light a candle for health or order a prayer service.

But prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the healing of a loved one are much more powerful if they are read by the relatives of the person affected by the disease. The effect is several times better, and prayer does not take much time.

Petition to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the sick

A prayer for the sick for healing to Nicholas the Wonderworker is read with faith in healing, without this it is impossible.

“Oh, formerly a servant of God, and now a holy heavenly angel, I prostrate myself before you in humility. May you illuminate me, a sinner, with your holy gaze. I do not ask for myself, guardian of the human race, Nikolai Ugodnik, but for (name of the patient), God’s humble servant. He is no less sinful than all the laity, but his soul is on the way to redemption. Give him strength from the sky-high firmament to fight the disease, so that its tenacious branches can be driven away and scattered over the world.

Help the servant of God in closing his physical wounds, may his illness no longer gnaw at him, holy one Venerable Wonderworker Nicholas, guardian of the human race and petitioner before the Lord. Let us glorify our patron Christ, who took upon himself and suffered for our sins, let us glorify his father, the Tri-Power Lord, so that his word will be heard by all who are pure in soul and mind. Let us bow our knees before the Lord and let us pray for our sins with sinful lips forever and ever. Amen".

It is worth remembering that the main thing is not the number of prayers and their length, but the quality. The main thing in prayer is a person and his soul, the desire for God. If there is not enough time and a person is in a hurry, there is no need to rush, because praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing from an illness is a spiritual matter. If you forget words, you can insert your own, but only do it sincerely. General principle construction of prayer:

  • Turn to the saint, honor and glorify him.
  • Admit your sins, ask for help from a saint or for him to bring your prayer to the Lord.
  • Praise the Lord and the Holy Trinity.

Only by clearing your mind can you strengthen your body. You need to choose the right one Orthodox way, and will no longer be bothered by either physical or mental ailments. Amen.