Venerable Seraphim of Sarov. Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, wonderworker (†1833)

Even before his death, Elder Seraphim of Sarov in a conversation with N.A. Motovilov predicted that “with his flesh he will lie not in Sarov, but in Diveevo.” Then many did not give any importance to this, and after his death the elder rested in the Sarov desert. But in the 20th century, events occurred that made this amazing prophecy completely fulfilled.

1903 - 1991 - the history of the transfer of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov

There are many diary and literary records of eyewitnesses left about the Sarov celebrations of the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. There are many photographs and even a small newsreel. And it is not surprising, because the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II himself and his family took part in those celebrations. Here is an excerpt from the book by I.V. Preobrazhensky “Discovery of the Holy Relics of St. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov (description of an eyewitness)"

“...The coffin was placed on a green velvet stretcher and covered with a rich crimson velvet embroidered silk cover. The bells began to ring. The Sovereign Emperor, the Grand Dukes and the Archimandrites lifted the stretcher and carried it. On a high stretcher, the coffin was visible from everywhere. The procession presented a majestic and touching picture. During his lifetime Fr. Seraphim was the humblest and poorest of the elders, rich only in his simplicity and loving soul, and now the coffin of this humblest man is carried by the Autocrat of the Russian Land with the Grand Dukes and hierarchs of the church.”

But the relics of Saint Seraphim did not rest for long in Sarov. A revolution swept across all of Russia, atheists came to power and began to close churches and confiscate church property. So in 1920, in the city of Temnikov, Tambov province, atheists carried out a completely blasphemous opening of the relics of St. Seraphim, taken from Sarov. The new authorities tried to hide the relics of the saint revered in Rus' (and even destroy them!), covering up the traces of their movements. But the Lord makes everything secret clear.

And in 1991 the Russian Orthodox Church return the Kazan Cathedral in Leningrad, under the arches of which in the years Soviet power there was a museum of religion and atheism. And relics are found in the former storerooms of the museum. And also the act of opening the relics of St., drawn up in detail by atheists in 1920. Seraphim of Sarov. And after a long examination, it was established that the relics are indeed the remains of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

The newly found relics of the beloved saint were solemnly transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and a month later - to Moscow to the Epiphany Cathedral. It was then that the decision was made to permanent place residence of the remains of the saint - and this place became the recently opened Seraphimo-Diveesky convent in Diveevo.

The fact is that in 1947 the city of Sarov, where it once belonged, became a military-scientific facility and was closed. And 15 km from it was located, which was connected with spiritual threads with the Monk Seraphim no less, if not more than the city of Sarov.

In this miraculous way, the saint’s prophecy came true. His relics were brought to the Trinity Cathedral of the Seraphim-Diveye Monastery, and already on August 1, 1991, Patriarch Alexei II served a prayer service there.

This is the reverend father, whose relics can be seen in photos on the Internet and in the Diveevo temple. He was born in the eighteenth century and became famous for his good deeds. It is recommended for seriously ill and suffering people to turn to the relics of Seraphim.

The relics of St. Seraphim: where are they located and how do they help?

In order to go to the relics of Seraphim of Sarov, you need to know about the history of his life and understand why this simple man became a saint and how he helped the people, that now healing is expected from his relics.

Seraphim was born in the eighteenth century and was baptized as Prokhor. At the age of seven, his mother took him to build a cathedral. There he stumbled and fell from the bell tower, but remained unharmed. At the same time, he had an excellent memory and learned to read and write. He loved to read the holy book and teach the basics to others. In addition, he visited quite often church services and read the psalter to his peers.

At the age of ten, he got sick and almost died. The Queen came to him in a dream and promised to heal him. At that time they were carrying the miraculous icon of the Sign of the Mother of God. Moreover, when they carried it along the street, it was raining and they had to carry it through their yard. Mother Prokhora carried out her sick son and placed him next to the icon that was being carried. Then he began to get better.

Being older, Prokhor made a pilgrimage to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where the elder blessed him and gave him a joke, indicating the place - the Sarov hermitage, where he was supposed to accept obedience. Shortly after the incident, he went to the Sarov Monastery, where he became a novice. At that time, what did he not do:

  • was the elder's cell attendant;
  • worked in a stable;
  • worked in carpentry;
  • worked as a sexton.

At that time, each of the monks went into the forest for solitude. There he asked the elder for a blessing and free time devoted to prayer. A few years later he fell ill with dropsy and experienced constant suffering. But despite the fact that he was swollen his whole body and he was in constant pain, the elders looked after him. During all three years of illness, he never showed indignation. He did not want to be examined by a doctor and prayed constantly. One fine day, the Mother of God and the holy Apostles came to him, illuminated him and liquid poured out of the hole. Since then, Prokhor has recovered. At the place where the Mother of God stayed, the saint built a church with his own hands.

Reverend Seraphim, how does he heal?

Later, as can be seen in the photo, Prokhor accepted monasticism, thereby showing his love for serving God and his desire to serve him. A year later he was ordained a deacon. For six years he tirelessly spent time in union with God. He didn't rest, often forgot about food and did not need additional strength, because God gave it to him. During his service, he repeatedly saw Angels who appeared to him.

One day Seraphim saw the Lord Jesus Christ walking towards him through the air. Thus he was sanctified for his strange service before God. He worked in the monastery throughout the day, and at night he went to a deserted forest cell, where he spent most of his time in prayer. Closer to the age of forty, Serafin was awarded the rank of hieromonk.

After forty years Seraphim remained alive in the forest five kilometers from the monastery. There he secluded himself in prayer and came to church only on Saturday. While he was in the thicket of the forest, he plunged into a state of trance for a long time during prayer.

At one point in his life, Seraphim took a vow of silence. He tried not to talk to or meet anyone. For three years he spent in complete solitude. But looking at what the saint was doing, people wanted to force him to leave silence. Thus, he carried his life-giving cross and protected himself with prayer. As the old scriptures write, the devil brought various temptations to Seraphim. Then he intensified his work s and took upon himself the feat of pillarism.

Throughout the night, he stood on a stone in the forest and prayed with his hands raised. After that, he spent a thousand days and nights like this. Then the devil decided to kill him and sent robbers to him. He was attacked by robbers. Thus, he picked up an ax and the robbers began to beat him. They almost killed him, but when they discovered that the saint had nothing of value, then they were ashamed of what they had done and left. Seraphim lay motionless and suffered all night. Despite the fact that there were identified individuals who beat him, the elder insisted that he not punish them.

After a sixteen-year stay in the desert, Seraphim returned to the monastery. For five years no one saw him. He took another vow of silence before God. For ten years he remained silent and only in the nineteenth century he opened his mouth. On the day when this happened, the Mother of God appeared to him again, she illuminated his gaze with two saints. She told him to leave his monastery and receive people who needed guidance, consolation and healing. Since then, since early morning and until late evening his cell became open to people.

Healings of Seraphim of Sarov

The relics of Seraphim of Sarov can heal just like himself spiritual guide. He healed both spiritual problems and physical ones. He prayed before God and the gracious word. At the same time he felt great love and the kind words with which he addressed people. People came to him tirelessly, because in the face of a saint he attracted people to himself. He saw the thoughts, as well as the mental attitude and circumstances of each person. The main thing is that the will of God was revealed to him, in which he accepted advice.

Throughout his life, noble people came to him and statesmen. He gave appropriate instructions and taught him fidelity. Many visited the elder, for example, Emperor Alexander the First. But Seraphim did not accept everyone.

Shortly before the Decembrist uprising A guardsman came to the elder. But the elder drove him away, because he knew in advance that the officer wanted to receive a blessing for the uprising. Thus, he escaped his death in front of the people. He told the guardsman’s mother that her son could have died in infancy, but now he would die on the gallows. He also had the gift of providence.

IN last years The elder spent his life in the Diveyevo monastery of the convent. There he cared for the sisters who turned to them for their spiritual and everyday difficulties. At the same time, almost everyone helped the elder and the monastery. Those who were healed by him visited him especially often.

Many of those whom he healed in the last years of his life saw him standing in the air while praying. But he strictly forbade talking about it until that moment. until he dies. As ancient manuscripts note, the Holy Mother of God came to Saint Seraphim twelve times. In addition, he was visited by saints and twelve virgins, who served as a banner of his imminent death and glory.

The relics of the monk: where are they placed and how to get to them?

The elder died at the beginning of the nineteenth century in his cell during prayer. It is worth noting that he died from smoke inhalation. He knelt and prayed constantly and said that after his death there would be a fire. As soon as the door was opened, they saw that he was standing lifelessly, with his hands folded in a cross.

His relics were placed in a special oak coffin, which he prepared for himself during his lifetime. They buried him on the right side of the altar. Soon everyone in the neighborhood learned that he had died. For eight days the relics of the saint stood in the temple. Despite the fact that there was a fire and a large crowd of people, no one smelled the burning smell. During this time, everyone said goodbye to Seraphim. It was especially hard for the sisters from the Dieevsky Church.

On the ninth day the deceased was shallow. A prayer was placed on his hands and his hands unclenched. Everyone was quickly notified of this sign. After the venerable body was buried, it was buried in the place where the monk himself indicated. The old man lived for seventy years.

Relics of Seraphim of Sarov: how to get to them?

According to the predictions of the Monk Saint Seraphim, his relics will be found. But soon after the persecution of Christians they should be lost, and subsequently this is exactly what happened. During the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks began persecuting Orthodoxy. Therefore, thanks to their efforts, all the holy relics were confiscated. Special commissions opened the crayfish containing holy relics. After that, they drew up protocols and took away the relics in an unknown direction. Most of the relics were desecrated, so the clergy hid the relics in their homes.

But this did not happen with the relics of St. Seraphim. They were kept in the Diveyevo Monastery, they were opened and taken away in an unknown direction. Only over time were the relics installed for viewing in the Passionate Monastery in Moscow. But then an anti-religious museum was organized. In the thirties of the twentieth century, a museum in Moscow was blown up and the relics of St. Seraphim disappeared. In many historical sources This is described in the photo.

Only at the end of the twentieth century in Leningrad, in the building of the Kazan Cathedral, his relics were unexpectedly found.

They were discovered by chance during the next check. After the burials were opened, an inscription was discovered stating that this is Father Seraphim y. Specialists long time conducted research and made sure that it was really him. After an examination was carried out, it was determined that this was indeed St. Seraphim.

How to get to the relics of the monk?

Today the relics of St. Seraphim can be seen in monastery- this is the Holy Dormition Sarovskaya let, which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Some of the relics are located in Endov in the Church of St. George the Victorious Great Martyr. You can also see the relics in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Salovetsky Monastery.

Today, people turn to Saint Seraphim in the following cases:

  • spiritual guidance;
  • requests for recovery (helps with serious illnesses);
  • if it is impossible to determine life path;
  • if it is impossible for women to become pregnant.

And in a number of other cases, you can turn to St. Seraphim. It is worth noting that the saint helps absolutely all those who really need his help. It is especially important to honor a saint in his day.

  • January 15;
  • August 1.

When accessing relics, it is best to consult a priest how best to conduct this ritual. In addition, it is recommended to approach with kind and bright thoughts and motives. As practice shows, when accessing the relics of the monk, he helps 90%.

In order to feel the energy of the saint, many ministers suggest going to Diveevo to the very church where the elder was buried for the first time. Many argue that it is in Diveevo that real healing can come.

You can get to Moscow from Moscow by car in six hours. But you can not only plan your route to the temple yourself. Many pilgrims go to church for services during St. Seraphim's Day. Quite often they take everyone with them.. Therefore, if you decide to go to Diveevo, you can try to go with them. Another option for visiting the relics of Seraphim is to go on an excursion tour with a group to Diveevo. This option will take eight hours of your time. Alternatively, you can get to Nizhny Novgorod by train to Diveevo; this method will be long but economical.

If you need healing from St. Seraphim, you should definitely visit his relics in Diveevo or Moscow. Perhaps then your problem will be solved and will never bother your life.

Where are the relics of Seraphim of Sarov?

In a broadcast on Radio Radonezh Archbishop of Istra Arseny recalled the discovery of the relics of Seraphim of Sarov:
“At the end of 1990, the director of the Museum of the History of Religion in Leningrad, Stanislav Alekseevich Kuchinsky, called me: “Vladyka, I cannot say for sure, but we discovered the relics of some saint of God. The relics of a skeletal composition, no coverings. Only one mitten on the relics was preserved, on which has the following inscription: “Reverend Father Seraphim, pray to God for us!” According to the inventory, these relics do not work for us; we found them by chance, wrapped in one of the tapestries...”
Of course, I immediately informed His Holiness Patriarch. His Holiness spoke with Stanislav Alekseevich, and then, in December, a special commission was created under the chairmanship of Bishop Eugene. I, too, was a member of it, as well as some clergy of the St. Petersburg diocese.
And so, we arrived in St. Petersburg (then still Leningrad), and in the presence of the director, his deputies and museum employees, we went up to the room where the “find” lay. Of course, we are used to always trusting only documents - but here there were no documents. But I already said at the beginning that back in 1988, Bishop Eugene managed to discover the act of opening the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov with detailed description(In fact, that’s why Bishop Eugene became the chairman of the commission). Based on this act, we began to compare the found relics with the description. Everything found was in complete agreement with the remains of St. Seraphim of Sarov! Even this fact: do you remember from the life of the monk how he was beaten half to death by robbers who were looking for money from him? And even this agrees: the found relics have a rather strong dent on the sternum!
What struck me most then? The head of St. Seraphim was in a scufe with a round hole in the forehead. Apparently, some kind of round metal plate was previously glued to this hole so that people would touch it. So, the bones of the saint’s skull are dark in color, but this place is light-light, it’s so kissed. This gave me some kind of joyful feeling...
After examining the relics, His Holiness the Patriarch ordered the director of the Sofrinsky plant to make a shrine for St. Seraphim. Then he called Metropolitan Nicholas of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas and informed him about the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim.
The church people learned about this event a little later. At the Patriarchal Christmas greetings at the Epiphany Cathedral of Yelokhovsky, His Holiness the Patriarch, in response to the greeting of Metropolitan Juvenaly, addressing the worshipers, said: “And I also want, my dears, to inform you about one thing unusual phenomenon, which the Lord has given us these days: the relics of our venerable and God-bearing father Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov, have been found!” I was amazed how the whole cathedral literally sighed: such a deep experience was in the people!
In mid-January 1991, His Holiness the Patriarch departed for St. Petersburg (then still Leningrad), where the relics of the saint were carried out of storage with solemn singing to the Kazan Cathedral (it had not yet been handed over to the Church), where a short prayer was performed. Then the relics were transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, at the holy gates of which the dear shrine was greeted by the clergy and flock of the Leningrad diocese.
For several weeks the relics of St. Seraphim were venerated in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. On the feast of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, His Holiness again visited the Northern capital, and on the evening of February 6, the relics of St. Seraphim were sung by a multitude of people gathered on the streets - “Reverend Our Father Seraphim, pray to God for us!”, “We magnify you, Reverend Our Father Seraphim!” - in a religious procession they were transferred from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to the Moscow Station. Walking along Staro-Nevsky, along other streets that were designated for the religious procession, how touching it was to see so many people with candles, to hear this quiet prayerful singing! There was no shouting, no hubbub, no excitement... There was no chaos that usually accompanies rallies and meetings... Everything was permeated with a special, spiritual joy!
A special train carriage was allocated to deliver the relics of the saint to Moscow. When the procession with the procession approached the station, we saw that all the platforms and approaches to the station building were completely occupied by people! At that moment, it seems to me that the work of the station was completely paralyzed...
When we drove away, there was such a feeling that you can’t convey it without tears! The carriage with the relics of St. Seraphim was the last one on the train; His Holiness the Patriarch was also in it. When the train started, all the people standing on the platforms or at the entrance to the station knelt down. This moment - the bow of the residents of St. Petersburg, saying goodbye to the Reverend - is so imprinted in the memory that it is difficult to forget. It was a single emotional impulse...
On the way to Moscow, the clergy read akathists all night and served prayer services. In the morning we arrived at the Leningradsky station of the capital.
From the Leningradsky station to the Epiphany Cathedral a large procession with the relics of St. Seraphim. I remember this happened on the feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrows”: a frosty day, drifting snow, but the weather had no effect on the mood of those gathered, joy overwhelmed everyone!
When the relics of the saint were brought into the Epiphany Cathedral, a thanksgiving prayer service immediately began spontaneously: no officials, no followers - everything was done by heart, by inspiration, there was such inspiration!
From February to July 1991, the relics of the saint remained in Epiphany cathedral. In the summer, a grand procession of the cross took place - already in cars - led by His Holiness the Patriarch, hierarchs and clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, to transfer the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov to Diveevo, to the newly opened Diveevo convent.
This religious procession took place literally throughout Russia: through the cities of the Moscow, Vladimir, and Nizhny Novgorod regions, and further - through Arzamas - to Diveevo. Of course, I remember a lot: many people of different ranks and positions who sought to join the shrine. Everywhere the religious procession was accompanied by a mass of people; I was especially struck by those who greeted me in Lakinsk. Since there was no stopping point in this city, and, in addition, a torrential downpour began already at the entrance to Lakinsk, we wanted to drive without stopping. But what did we see? Many people came out onto the road - with banners, crosses, flowers and icons. They came out to greet St. Seraphim! And then it’s pouring! And suddenly, seeing our motorcade, all these people, despite the pouring rain, kneel down! It’s hard to convey the feelings that overcome you when you see such reverence for a shrine!
And this was the case along the entire route: everywhere people came out to the side of the road, met the relics of the monk, each in his own way expressed the joy of meeting the shrine.”

Wise advice from Seraphim of Sarov
Take away sin, and illnesses will go away, for they are given to us for sins.

Out of joy a person can do anything, out of inner stress - nothing.

The world lies in evil, we must know about it, remember it, overcome it as much as possible.

If the family is destroyed, then states will be overthrown and nations will be corrupted.

Save yourself, thousands will be saved near you...
Drink where the horse drinks. A horse will never drink bad water.
Make the bed where the cat lays down.
Eat the fruit that the worm touched.
Feel free to take mushrooms that midges land on.
Plant a tree where the mole digs.
Build a house on the spot where the snake warms itself.
Dig a well where birds nest in the heat.
Lie down and get up with the chickens - you will have the golden grain of the day.
Eat more green and you will have strong legs and a hardy heart like a beast.
Swim more often and you will feel like a fish in water on land.
Look at the sky more often, and not at your feet, and your thoughts will be clear and light.
Be silent more than speak - and silence will settle in your soul, and your spirit will be peaceful and calm.

Sergey Turchenko


There is plenty of evidence that the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, discovered by the Bolsheviks on December 17, 1920, were secretly replaced earlier with the remains of another Sarov hieromonk. And after the closing of the relics, which took place on August 16, 1921, they were again placed in their coffin. And the relics of the substitute, in the very form in which they lay in the saint’s shrine, were returned to their original place.

And after the disappearance of the relics of Father Seraphim, taken to Moscow in 1927, they were discovered by employees of the Krasnoslobodsk OGPU and transported to the Leningrad Museum of Religion and Atheism. Where they were found in 1990 and transferred to Diveevo in 1991 as the “authentic” relics of Seraphim of Sarov.

For a better understanding of the events of all those years, we cite the words of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II:

“In 1920, in the city of Temnikov (this is a mistake, not in Temnikov, but in Sarov - ed.) in the Tambov province, atheists carried out an autopsy of the holy relics of St. Seraphim. The report drawn up during the autopsy described in great detail both the relics themselves and what they were dressed in and on what they rested...

During the inventory carried out in connection with the decision to return the Kazan Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church and the departure of the museum from it, holy relics were found. Sewn into matting, they lay in the museum's storerooms, in one of the rooms of the former sacristy, where the tapestries were kept. When they unrolled the mat, they saw the relics, mittens put on their hands, on one of which was embroidered “Reverend Father Seraphim,” and on the other, “Pray to God for us.” It was impossible to claim that these were the relics of the Sarov wonderworker, based only on this inscription. That's why we found the act and documents of the opening of the relics in 1920.

One of these documents states that the relics were removed from the monastery for their destruction or display in a museum. That is the threat of destruction of the holy relics of St. Seraphim was quite real. But by the Providence of God, evil was turned into good, and everything worked out in such a way that a document was drawn up by the hands of atheists, describing in great detail the relics of the monk after their opening in the twentieth year.

Special Commission it was established that the relics found in the Kazan Cathedral fully corresponded to the description relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov." (“Moscow Church Bulletin”, 1991, No. 14(59)).

But why can’t we recognize them as the authentic relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov?

1. On the relics located in Diveevo, there are completely no traces of tannins from being in an oak coffin filled with water for forty years. Evidence of this is available in the memoirs of Archpriest Dimitry Troitsky, a participant in the 1903 celebrations: “Father Seraphim lay in a coffin on oak shavings. The entire contents of the coffin, due to the tanning properties of the shavings, and the most honest remains, and White hair on the head, beard and mustache, and all the monk’s attire - underwear, a linen cassock, a mantle, an epitrachelion and a cowl - everything was painted in one color, reminiscent of a black crust rye bread» . (Archpriest Dimitry Troitsky. “Glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov.”).

If any of the readers have seen this color, they will say that it dark brown.

Which is confirmed by another piece of evidence from that time: “For application, a hole was left on the forehead, through which you can see dark brown part of the forehead." (V.P. Schneider. “To Father Seraphim. Memoirs of pilgrims.” Sarov celebrations).

These traces are not present on today’s relics and their color is approximately two times lighter than that of the saint’s relics in 1903, which is especially clearly visible from the particles of relics in new and pre-revolutionary reliquaries!

2. Proof of their substitution is the act of closing the relics dated August 16, 1921, according to which their color became “...darker than it was at the autopsy on December 17, 1920”. (S. Fomin. “On a visit to Father Seraphim.” Documents on the opening of the relics).

That is, having just been taken out of the grave, they could actually darken in the light and fresh air. But how can relics with the color of “crust of black rye bread” noticeably darken?!

3. Proof of their substitution is the “act of autopsy of the remains of Seraphim of Sarov dated December 17, 1921,” which clearly shows that the Sarov monks, who were in a hurry with the substitution, clearly confused the location of individual bones, which, when the original relics were found in 1903 “they were arranged in anatomical order... All the bones were wrapped in monastic robes... The leg bones were collected in special shoes, the hand bones - in gloves... Both were placed in their places...” (Letter from Archimandrite Sergius Tikhomirov dated July 18, 1903).

“One of the cotton wool hands that is set aside is taken, the cotton wool is unrolled, in which the ulna and radius bones of a small person are found, and the same is true in the second hand. The cotton wool of the brush is unrolled. The hand bones include one tooth and one part of a vertebra. In total, the hand contains four metacarpal bones, five carpal bones, five large phalangeal bones, two second phalangeal bones, and two ulnar bones. This is all in the left hand, and among the carpal bones there is one bone of the other hand. The brush unfolds right hand, among the bones of the hand there is part of a vertebra. In total there are 5 carpal bones, 4 metacarpal bones, 3 first phalangeal bones, three second phalangeal bones and 3 nail bones. Take the shoe and take it apart. The left shoe, among the bones of the foot there is a bone of the hand.(!)”. (Archive of the Moscow Bank of the MSSR. D. 29. L. 249 vol.-250) (S. Fomin. “On a visit to Father Seraphim.” Blasphemy).

This is a real leapfrog with bones, completely unacceptable for the relics of such a Great Saint! But, interestingly, neither those who opened them in 1920, nor those who acquired them in 1990, guessed absolutely anything!

Meanwhile, there was no physical possibility of confusing them at the time of their acquisition in 1903, because according to the recollection of the same Archpriest Demetrius Troitsky: “The upper skin was also partially well preserved and tightly fitted the skeleton, as if they had dried to it, as a result of which the hands at the wrists and feet at the ankles remained in their places not separated, and the face of the monk retained traces of similarity with the iconographic his image» . (Library of St. Seraphim of Sarov).

But it is quite easy to confuse them in the absence of covers holding them together. Because the bones of the hands, folded on the stomach, easily mix not only with each other, but also with the vertebrae underlying them.

4. Evidence of their substitution is also a certificate of new material for the mantle in the same act from 1920: “Then the gold brocade stole is removed, for which the head of the figure is raised. Also visible is a figure in a black robe, made of black material and completely new.
5. Proof of the substitution of relics is the fact that the above remains skin on the relics lying today in Diveevo, completely absent!

Here is a testimony about this from Bishop Arseny, Archbishop of Istrinsky, told by him on Radio Radonezh on July 24, 2003: “To make everything clear, I’ll tell you the background of the events. The late Archbishop of Tambov Evgeniy (Zhdan) helped a lot in the matter of finding the relics of St. Seraphim. It was with his appointment in 1987 to the Tambov department that great efforts began to be made to revive spiritual life in the Tambov region. Along the way, the bishop studied a lot of documents and accidentally came across those that contained a description of the opening of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov by NKVD officers. Certainly, this is terrible paper- looting was shown against the holy saint of God - but she is literally valuable, detailed description every bone, every vertebra found in Reverend's cancer...

In 1990... the director of the Museum of the History of Religion in Leningrad, Stanislav Alekseevich Kuchinsky, called me: “Vladyka, I cannot say for sure, but we have discovered the relics of some saint of God. Skeletal relics, no covers . Only one mitten on the relics has been preserved, on which there is the following inscription: “Reverend Father Seraphim, pray to God for us!” According to the inventory, these relics do not work for us; we found them by chance, wrapped in one of the tapestries...”

...And so, we arrived in St. Petersburg (then still Leningrad), and in the presence of the director, his deputies and museum employees, we went up to the room where the “find” lay. Of course, we are used to always trusting only documents - but here there were no documents. But I already said at the beginning that back in 1988, Bishop Eugene managed to discover the act of opening the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov with a detailed description. Based on this act, we began to compare the found relics with the description. Everything found was in complete agreement with the remains of St. Seraphim of Sarov! Even this fact: do you remember from the life of the monk how he was beaten half to death by robbers who were looking for money from him? And even this agrees: the found relics show a rather strong dent on the chest bone (Library of St. Seraphim of Sarov).

6. Proof of their substitution is also determined by eye "small" the height of the deceased, while the height of St. Seraphim (2 arshins and 8 vershoks or 1m 78 cm) was quite high. Here is an excerpt from the same act: “One of the cotton wool hands laid aside is taken, the cotton wool is unrolled, in which the ulna and radius bones appear small person." (Archive of the Moscow Bank of the MSSR. D. 27. L 249-249 vol.).
7. Proof of the substitution are the words of the last mother of Diveyevo, schema-nun Margarita Lakhtionova, which she said about that period of time: “Who knows, maybe even then the monks simply calmed us down and hid the relics. Of course, someone was working quietly here.”.
8. Evidence of the substitution of relics is also provided by a telephone message discovered in 2001 in the party archives of Mordovia, which was sent to Penza in July 1927 by the head of the Krasnoslobodsk OGPU Matveev: “I hereby inform you that the authentic remains of Seraphim of Sarov will be personally delivered by me with all the documents available on this issue upon receipt of permission to leave.” .

That is, three months after the relics of the saint were taken to Moscow and disappeared on the way there, other, but already “genuine remains of Seraphim of Sarov” were discovered!

Here is one of the evidence of the disappearance of the relics of St. Seraphim by the nun Seraphima (Bulgakova): “The relics were taken directly to Moscow. There they were received by a scientific commission. Priest Vladimir Bogdanov managed to join this commission. When they opened the box, then, according to the testimony of Fr. Vladimir, there were no relics in it. I heard this from his spiritual children. The late Bishop Athanasius, who was later in exile with Fr. Vladimir in Kotlas." (S. Fomin. “On a visit to Father Seraphim”).

9. But the most obvious and clear evidence of the substitution of relics, which does not require any forensic or genetic examinations, is complete no traces lifetime injuries, clearly recorded during the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov in 1903. Here is the testimony of Archimandrite Sergius (Tikhomirov) dated July 18, 1903: “On one rib bone there are traces that it was once broken and grew back together . It’s the same on one leg bone.”

There are no such traces (bone calluses) on the remains lying today in the Diveyevo shrine!

Valentina Afanasyevna about the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov

Father Seraphim Already during his lifetime, people considered him a saint; you can turn to him with prayers on any issues.
In front of his icon, it is very useful to pray for spiritual help in moments of despair or loss of strength due to the troubles that have befallen you. The saint believed that the most serious Christian sins are sorrow and despondency, so sincere prayers to him can help you overcome these adversities and gain strength.
Even during the life of St. Seraphim, it came to him a large number of people for help in protecting themselves from temptations, and the priest helped them, gave the stumbled people consolation and hope for resolving their problems. Until now, he hears us sinners, and with holy prayers before the Lord he helps all who repent.
The oil that is consecrated by his holy relics often helps the sick.
There is an opinion about Seraphim of Sarov that his help can be manifested in trade matters. He helps those people who strive not only for personal enrichment, but primarily engage in charity work, help their neighbors, the poor, sick people, and donate funds to the Holy Orthodox Church.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


The Monk Seraphim of Sarov was born on July 19, 1759 in the city of Kursk into a merchant family. At baptism he received the name Prokhor.
At the age of three, Prokhor's father died, who shortly before his death took out a contract for the construction of the temple St. Sergius, all the work to continue the work was taken by his wife Agafya. One day she went to a construction site with little Prokhor, who during the inspection stumbled and fell from a high bell tower. The mother was very frightened, but when she went downstairs, she saw her son healthy and unharmed, in which she saw the special care of God.
Around the age of ten, Prokhor became very ill, his life was even under threat, but in a dream he had a vision - the Queen of Heaven appeared to him and promised to heal the boy. Then the miraculous icon of the Sign of the Mother of God was carried in a procession around Kursk. Agafya carried out her sick son, he venerated the icon, and from that moment he began to recover quickly.
His older brother traded and began to teach Prokhor to this activity, but the boy’s soul yearned for God, he visited church every day, woke up early in the morning to go and listen to Matins. Prokhor learned to read and write early; from childhood, his favorite pastime was reading the Holy Scriptures and the Lives of the Saints. His mother saw what her son was doing and was very happy about it.

When the young man reached the age of seventeen, he definitely decided that he would leave the world, asked for a blessing from his mother and devoted himself to monastic life.
First, the monk went to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where he met one perspicacious recluse, Dosifei, who saw in Prokhor a faithful servant of Christ. The recluse said that his place was in the Sarov desert and blessed the young man to go there for salvation.
On this advice, nineteen-year-old Prokhor Moshnin ended up in Sarov on November 20, 1778, where he was received by Elder Pachomius, who was the rector of the desert.
Constantly in prayer, Prokhor was a diligent performer of all the obediences that were assigned to him, he was among the first to come to services, in his cell he carefully read the holy spiritual books, and especially loved the Gospel, the Apostolic Epistles and the Psalter. He slept a little. But his soul thirsted even more strict life and one day, having received a blessing from the elders, God’s chosen one began to go into the forest to pray. The brethren were amazed at the power of holy deeds that Prokhor showed.
Prokhor was ill for a very long time, almost three years, but every time the monks offered him treatment, he rejected their offer, trusting in God’s mercy. And so, when Prokhor’s condition became critical, the Mother of God Herself appeared to him and again, as in childhood, healed him. After some time, the cell in which this miraculous visit took place was demolished, and in its place a temple and a hospital building were erected.
On August 13, 1786, at the age of 28, Prokhor was tonsured as a monk with the name Seraphim. In December 1787, Seraphim was ordained to the rank of hierodeacon. For 6 years, almost without interruption, he was in ministry. He hardly rested, often forgot to eat, but God gave him special powers.
One day during Divine Liturgy Seraphim received an extraordinary vision: the saint saw the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, shining with an indescribable light. He was surrounded by angels, archangels, and there were also cherubim and seraphim around. He walked through the air from the church gates, stopped near the pulpit and blessed everyone with His holy hands.
In 1793, the future saint was ordained to the rank of hieromonk.
After the death of Elder Pachomius, the Monk Seraphim, with the blessing of his spiritual father Elder Isaiah, left the monastery.

On November 20, 1794, he went to live in a secluded cell, which was 5-6 kilometers from the monastery in the forest on the banks of the Sarovka River. The cell had only one room with a stove. The monk made a vegetable garden near his home, and later began to raise bees. Seraphim's clothes were very simple, even wretched - a worn kamilavka, a robe made of white fabric, leather mittens, stockings and bast shoes on his feet. On his chest there was always a cross, with which his mother blessed him, and behind his shoulders was a knapsack, which always contained the Holy Gospel.

The zealous ascetic of Christ spent all his time in prayer and reading holy books. During cold weather, he collected firewood to heat his cell, and in the summer he worked on the land, growing vegetables in the garden, which he ate.
Before Sunday and holidays The Monk Seraphim of Sarov went to the monastery, where he listened to Vespers, All-Night Vigil or Matins and partook of the Holy Mysteries. Then he communicated with the monks, then took bread for a week and again returned to his lonely forest cell. At first he ate dry bread, and later, Holy Father Seraphim intensified his fast even more and even refused bread. The monk ate only vegetables that he grew in his garden.
Various temptations befell him. One day the Monk Seraphim of Sarov was attacked evil people, who demanded money that he allegedly received from the laity. The old man, of course, had no money; he meekly crossed his arms across his chest and said: “Do what you need.” The robbers attacked the ascetic, tied him up and severely beat him. After that, they broke into the cell, where they found some potatoes and one icon. Thinking about the Monk Seraphim that the hermit of Sarov had been killed, the villains became very frightened and ran away. When the saint regained consciousness, he immediately thanked the Lord God for this suffering and prayed for the forgiveness of the attackers, somehow freed himself from his bonds and in the morning, bloodied, reached the monastery. The doctors examined the wounds and were very surprised that the old man was alive - his head was broken, his ribs were broken, he lay exhausted for a long time, refusing even to eat.

And again Father Seraphim had a vision: Holy Mother of God with the apostles Peter and John the Theologian came up to him and said towards the doctors:

“Why are you toiling?” and to the monk: “This is from my generation!”

After these words, Father Seraphim refused doctors and left his life to God's hands. On the ninth day, his strength began to return and the elder was able to get out of bed. But for five whole months he was still in the monastery, restoring his strength, after which he returned to his cell again.
People learned about the reverend father, and they began to come to him for help. The elder tried to avoid some people because by that time he already knew how to recognize needs, and those who were really in need, he accepted and gave advice and instructions. Many people saw how the elder fed from his hands big bear– they even knew about the hermit Seraphim wild animals and they loved him.
The devil tried very hard to stop Seraphim’s ascetic feat, tempting and plotting him. So he made loud animal roars near the cell, or made it so that the saint imagined that behind the doors of his home a large number of people were trying to break into him or destroy the hut. Seraphim was saved only by prayer and strength Life-giving Cross The Lord's.
More than once the priest was tempted by the spirit of ambition, offering him to become an abbot or archimandrite of some monastery, but he strove for real asceticism and each time rejected such offers.
For three years the holy monk did not speak, keeping a vow of perfect silence. For a thousand days and nights he, like St. Semyon the Stylite, stood on a stone and prayed to God in the words of the publican:

“God, be merciful to me, a sinner!”

With courage, Father Seraphim endured winter cold, summer heat, rain, mosquitoes and flies. He left it only to take food.
No one knew about this feat until the Reverend himself told about it.
The saint weakened to such an extent in these exploits that he could no longer come to the monastery himself. Therefore, on May 8, 1810, after sixteen years in the forest, he left the hermitage forever and returned to the monastery, where he began a new feat of seclusion.

During the first five years of his stay in the monastery, he did not go out anywhere at all, no one even saw how the elder took the food that was brought to him. Then he opened the door of his cell, but still did not talk to people, having taken a vow of silence.
In his cell there was an icon of the Mother of God, with a burning lamp in front of it, and a stump of a stump was for him instead of a chair. And in the entryway stood an oak coffin, near which the elder prayed, preparing for the transition to eternal life.
When 10 years of such silent seclusion had passed, St. Seraphim of Sarov opened his lips again to serve the world and the doors of his cell opened for people. Many famous people visited him, statesmen, to whom he gave instructions and taught how to live with loyalty to the Church and the fatherland.
In November 1825, Seraphim had a dream about the appearance of the Mother of God, who allowed him to come out of seclusion. After which he began to visit the monastery and, in addition, helped raise the female monastic community of Diveyevo, which was founded by the landowner Melgunova in 1780.
A year and ten months before the end of his earthly life, Seraphim of Sarov was honored with the twelfth holiday in his life - the appearance of the Mother of God, which was like an omen of his blessed death and imperishable glory.
On January 2, 1833, the cell attendant of the venerable elder, Father Pavel, smelled a burning smell coming from the cell of Saint Seraphim. He always had candles lit, he said:

“As long as I am alive, there will be no fire, but when I die, my death will be revealed by fire.”

When the doors were opened, everyone saw the lifeless body of the Monk Seraphim, which was in a position of prayer, and the books and other things in the room were smoldering.
The saint's body was placed in an oak coffin prepared during his lifetime, and burial took place on the right side of the cathedral altar.

For many years since the death of the saint, people came to his burial place, and through the prayers of St. Seraphim of Sarov, they received healing from various mental and physical illnesses.


In 1903, on August 1, the canonization of the Venerable Venerable Seraphim of Sarov took place. On his birthday, his relics were solemnly opened and transferred to a prepared shrine.

More than three hundred thousand people gathered in Sarov for this holiday.
On July 16/29, 1903, funeral all-night vigils - Parastases - were held in the Sarov Hermitage for the ever-memorable hieromonk Seraphim.
On July 17/30 a religious procession was held from Diveevsky Monastery to the Sarov monastery. All the way, the participants in the procession performed the canon of the Mother of God and sacred chants. Lithiums were celebrated in chapels along the way.
To meet the religious procession, a religious procession came out from Diveevo to the relics of Seraphim of Sarov. When they met, Bishop Innokenty of Tambov overshadowed the people in four directions miraculous icon Mother of God "Tenderness" while singing " Holy Mother of God, save us».
After this, the united religious procession headed to Sarov.
On the evening of July 18/31, at the All-Night Vigil, the Monk Seraphim was glorified as a saint. When the coffin was opened, everyone, including the Sovereign Emperor who was present, knelt down. Greatness began to sound

“We honor you, Rev. Father Seraphim...”

Historians claim that there had never been such holidays in Russia before this day.
The instructions of Seraphim of Sarov were left to the world, some of which were written down by himself, and some by those who heard them from his lips.
In 1903, “ Conversation by St. Seraphim of Sarov about the purpose of Christian life", which took place in November 1831, shortly before his death.
In addition to the teachings about Christianity, it contains a new explanation of the holiest of many important passages of Holy Scripture.


No one knows how many real miracles the Lord God performed through Seraphim of Sarov and how many more will be performed in the future.

First A miracle happened when Prokhor (that was the name Seraphim of Sarov had by birth) accidentally fell from the high bell tower of the temple, but as if nothing had happened, he got back to his feet without any injuries. At the age of ten, the Mother of God appeared to the sick Prokhor in a dream and healed him of a fatal illness.

In the monastery Prokhor fell ill with dropsy and became completely swollen, but after Holy Communion the Most Pure Mother of God appeared to him in the light and healed him again, touching his thigh with her staff.

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov had a brother Alexei, to whom he predicted for 48 years the exact date his death.

One day A deacon came from Spassk to Sarov and falsely accused another priest. When he came to the saint, he saw his deception and drove him away, saying:

“Go, oathbreaker, and do not serve.”

After these words, the deacon could not conduct services in church for three whole years (his tongue became mute) until he admitted to lying.

Seraphim of Sarov the animals obeyed. The Sarov monk Peter said: “Approaching the cell, I saw that Father Seraphim was sitting on a log and feeding the bear standing in front of him with crackers. Amazed, I stopped in fear behind a large tree. Immediately I saw that the bear went from the old man into the forest. St. Seraphim saw me with joy and asked me to remain silent about the bear until his dormition.”

The miracle of the appearance of the Seraphim spring.
On November 25, 1825, the Monk Seraphim saw on the banks of the Sarovka River Mother of God with the apostles Peter and John. The Mother of God hit the ground with her staff and a fountain of water came out from under the ground, and then She gave instructions on the construction of the Diveyevo monastery.
Taking tools from the monastery, Father Seraphim himself dug a well for two weeks, from the water of which miraculous healings occurred and still occur.

U St. Seraphim of Sarov had the gift of clairvoyance. He repeatedly answered letters without even opening them. After his death, many such sealed letters were discovered.

People have seen it more than once, like Father Seraphim, began to pray, and then, suddenly, rose above the ground. Daria Trofimovna, a sister from Diveevo, was once honored to see this miracle, but according to the order given by Father Seraphim, she remained silent about it until his death.

There is evidence when, through the prayers of St. Seraphim of Sarov, life was restored to incurable patients.

“If they reproach you, don’t reproach them. They're chasing you - be patient. Blame - praise. Condemn yourself - God will not judge you that way. Submit your will to the will of the Lord. Never flatter. Know good and evil in yourself: blessed is the man who knows this. Love your neighbor - your neighbor is your flesh. If you live according to the flesh, you will destroy both soul and flesh. And if it’s God’s way, you’ll save both of them.”

St. Seraphim of Sarov


We bless you, Reverend Father Seraphim, and honor your holy memory, teacher of monks and interlocutor of Angels.