Why don't they sell alcohol? Fine for selling alcohol to minors, without a license, at night and on holidays

Special requirements apply to the sale of alcohol in the Russian Federation. In particular, Federal Law No. 171-FZ “On State Regulation of the Alcohol Market” establishes a ban on the sale of alcohol at certain hours. This requirement concerns not only alcohol sellers, but also alcohol consumers. Due to the fact that, according to paragraph 5 of Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ, they have the right to set a different time for the sale of alcohol, many people are confused. What is the time for selling alcohol in Moscow, and what is it in the Moscow region - we dispel all questions for business and citizens!

Regulatory regulation of the time of sale of alcohol

The rule regulating the time of sale of alcohol in the country is contained in Article 16 of the main “alcohol” law. In accordance with paragraph 5 of this article, the sale of alcohol is prohibited in the Russian Federation from 11 pm to 8 am local time.

It should be noted that this requirement does not apply to the retail sale of alcohol, which is carried out by organizations and individual entrepreneurs when they provide catering services and duty-free trade.

Based on the provisions of paragraph 5 of Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ, during prohibited times, alcohol can only be purchased in restaurants, cafes, etc., as well as at the airport in Duty Free stores and similar duty-free points when crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the article in question gives the right to establish different times for the sale of alcohol in a specific area. Thus, Law No. 171-FZ establishes a federal ban on the sale of alcohol from 11 pm to 8 am the next day. Regional authorities have the right to increase the period of prohibition of alcohol sales for their region established by federal legislation on their own.

Alcohol sales times in Moscow

Given that regional hours for the sale of alcohol may differ from federal ones, you should refer to your local law governing the sale of alcohol. The capital's document establishing additional restrictions on the sale of alcohol in Moscow is Moscow Government Decree No. 1069-PP dated December 28, 2005. According to this Resolution, the capital is subject to a federal ban on the sale of alcohol. Thus, you can buy alcohol in Moscow from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Time for selling alcohol in the Moscow region

To determine the time of sale of alcohol in the region, you must refer to the Law of the Moscow Region dated April 27, 2012 No. 40/2012-OZ “On the retail sale of alcoholic products.” Previously, this law had Article 6, which established a different time for the sale of alcohol in the region. In December 2014, the governor of the region, A. Yu. Vorobyov, signed an additional Law of the Moscow Region No. 55/110-P, which noted confusion with the time of sale of alcohol in the region. Based on this, there is now a federal ban on the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region. Thus, the time for selling alcohol in the Moscow region is from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Responsibility for selling alcohol during prohibited hours

If regulatory authorities establish the sale of alcohol during prohibited hours - from 11 pm to 8 am, then the store will be held administratively liable.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 14.16 of the Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses Selling alcohol during prohibited hours is punishable by a fine:

  • For general director store, the fine ranges from 5 to 10 thousand rubles;
  • for a store as a legal entity - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles;
  • For citizens who purchased alcohol during prohibited hours, liability and fines are not provided accordingly.

Almost everyone knows how long alcohol is sold in domestic stores. adult population countries. The start and end times of the sale of alcohol are fixed by law and imply liability for their violation. However, in certain territories and regions of the Russian Federation there are additional restrictions on the time of sale of alcohol, as a rule, introduced in the direction of tightening.

When can you sell and buy alcohol?

The ban on unlimited night-time alcohol sales was introduced for several purposes:

  • reduce the overall alcoholism of Russians;
  • reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages per capita of the country's adult population;
  • reduce the purchase of alcohol (including low-alcohol drinks - cocktails and the like - and beer) by minors, teenagers and young adults;
  • prevent the increase in crimes at night, including those committed while drunk.

Law on the sale of alcohol No. 171-FZ was accepted November 22, 1995. It has been amended several times, but the main provisions are enshrined in this legislative act.

Article 2 The law determines which drinks should be considered alcoholic. All liquids containing more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol are considered to contain alcohol. These include both strong products (cognac, vodka, rum, brandy and others with a strength of 40% vol. and higher), as well as wines and wine products, as well as beer and all drinks made on its basis. The category of alcoholic beverages does not include non-alcoholic beer, the strength of which is usually up to 0.5%.

Article 16 This Law determines where and when alcohol can be sold and purchased. According to the rules, alcohol can only be sold on the territory of the Russian Federation from 8-00 am to 23-00 pm. Moreover, all retail outlets, with the exception of public catering establishments, must adhere to this law.

Nevertheless, the law provides that each subject of Russia can introduce its own regional rules for the sale of alcohol, which do not contradict the basic norms. For example, if in Moscow alcohol is sold only during the hours prescribed by law, then in the Moscow region additional rules have been introduced according to which the sale of alcoholic beverages is possible only from 11-00 to 21-00. In Khabarovsk you can buy alcohol-containing products from 10-00 to 22-00, while in the Khabarovsk Territory - from 8-00 to 22-00. The question of how much alcohol is sold for is left to the discretion of the administration of regional and municipalities. You can learn about such a ban both from self-government bodies and directly from places of sale of alcoholic beverages.

Among young people, the question of how long beer is sold is especially relevant. Until January 1, 2013, this intoxicating drink, along with other low-alcohol drinks (up to 5% vol. strength), was allowed to be sold to the population at night. However, since the beginning of 2013, it has become impossible to buy beer after 23-00.

The Law does not apply to organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcohol at public catering establishments. These include restaurants, cafes, bars and other establishments where the sale alcoholic drinks allowed 24 hours a day. However, certain requirements are imposed on such retail outlets. Such an enterprise must have the appropriate license to sell alcohol; in addition, alcohol cannot be sold for takeaway: it is allowed to sell it only by the glass, and the buyer must consume all purchased alcohol inside the establishment. The laws provide for administrative liability for non-compliance with the rules.

Everyone involved in the sale of alcohol should remember the responsibility for trading at unspecified times. If law enforcement agencies determine the sale of alcohol at unspecified hours, administrative fines may amount to:

The law also provides for liability for the sale of alcohol via the Internet at inappropriate times. In addition, if several cases of alcohol sales are recorded at one outlet in a year, the punishment may be more serious - up to and including revocation of the license and possible closure of the store.

Sale of alcohol to minors

This law on the sale of alcohol to minors contains instructions not only from what time and until what time alcohol can be sold in Russia. Legislators consider the fight against teenage and youth drunkenness to be an important task. Since school, Russian residents know that the sale of alcohol to minors is prohibited.

In the Russian Federation, adulthood occurs at the age of 18. In some regions adopted by-laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age.

Regardless of what age the buyer of alcohol appears to be, the seller has the right to demand an identification document from him. This power was introduced by Article of the Law of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2011 No. 218. If the buyer's age is in doubt and he does not have a passport, the seller has the right to say - I will not sell.

Responsibility for selling alcohol to minors may be borne by both the seller who sold the goods to the teenager and the owner of the outlet. As a rule, these are administrative fines, the amount of which is determined in each individual case. Individuals can pay from 3 to 5 thousand, officials - from 10 to 20 thousand, legal - from 80 to 100 thousand rubles.

Every merchant should know how old they have been selling alcohol. In addition, in any self-respecting retail outlet where alcohol is on sale, there should be an appropriate warning about the age at which you can buy alcohol.

In order to stop the illegal sale of alcohol to teenagers, interested persons or eyewitnesses can report to law enforcement agencies on the sale of alcohol to minors at a particular outlet. If possible, video materials should also be provided. Police officers, together with Rospotrebnadzor employees and representatives of the media, regularly conduct control raids, often with the participation of a minor, to identify and suppress such actions.

Places where alcohol is sold

Articles of the Law provide for places where the retail sale of alcohol is completely prohibited, regardless of the time of day.

A complete ban on alcohol is imposed:

  • in all medical institutions;
  • in any educational institutions;
  • in places of sports, cultural and leisure activities;
  • at public transport stops and in the transport itself;
  • at train stations, markets, gas stations, mobile retail outlets, airports (except duty-free areas), as well as others public places or next to them.

Institutions may have signs indicating that alcohol is not allowed here.

Days of complete ban on alcohol

In order to improve the crime situation, the sale of vodka and other alcoholic beverages is completely prohibited several days a year. To give the country's minor population the opportunity to celebrate some school holidays without alcohol, it cannot be bought on September 1 - Knowledge Day and May 25 - the day Last call. Moreover, alcoholic drinks are not sold to adults on this day.

In many regions, a ban on alcohol exists on June 1 - Children's Day and June 27 - Youth Day. On this day, alcohol is not sold until 00 o'clock the next day.

Celebrating Temperance Day is becoming a good tradition; it falls on September 11th. Often on this day, in cities and villages, big holiday, where they talk about healthy way life, that without alcohol there can be an interesting and meaningful life. The children will learn how old they are to sell both vodka and beer, whether they need to be bought and at what time they should not be bought, and what effect they have on the body. Such propaganda leads to a possible cessation of drinking alcohol in the future.

Laws restricting the sale of alcohol at night exist in many countries around the world. Over the years of the existence of the Law in Russia, it was possible to achieve certain results that legislators hoped for. The alcohol culture of the population is gradually being formed. As statistics show recent years, total quantity Alcohol consumption in the country is steadily declining. Consumption of beer and low-alcohol products increased, while strong drinks began to be purchased less frequently. The number of crimes committed at night in the state has decreased alcohol intoxication.

Retail sales of strong alcoholic beverages are subject to a license. A number of prohibitions have currently been introduced for trading organizations, the main one of which is a limited time period for the sale of alcohol. These deadlines are individual in each region of the Russian Federation and are regulated by the regional administration.

Alcohol sales times in 2016: what the law says

Waging an intensified fight against alcohol addiction, deputies decided to ban the sale of alcohol in stores late in the evening. Such measures, they claim, lead to a decrease in the crime rate and reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages per person. But these innovations are not understandable to all citizens, because the time for selling alcohol in different regions of Russia is not the same.

IN Federal law on alcohol circulation under number 171-FZ (Article 16) it is stated that throughout Russia, retail sales of alcoholic beverages are prohibited during the period from 23:00 to 8:00 (local time).

This ruling does not apply to government organizations catering They can sell all types of alcohol during opening hours. An entrepreneur engaged in private trade in public catering has the right to offer for sale only low-alcohol drinks during the hours when the sale of alcohol is prohibited. To the points retail alcohol-containing products, in each individual case, the regional administration has the right to introduce extraordinary measures limiting the sale of alcohol in its subject. This may concern the place where alcohol is sold and the permitted time. With rare exceptions, strict administrative measures may be applied, followed by the closure of the point of sale of alcohol.

Alcohol sales time in Moscow and St. Petersburg

The time limit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in Moscow is dictated by Decree of the Moscow City Government dated December 28, 2005 No. 1069-PP. According to this state document, from September 1, 2010, the sale of alcohol in the city of Moscow was prohibited from 22:00 of the current day to 10:00 of the next day. By the subsequent Decree of the Moscow Government of November 15, 2011, the night time for the sale of alcohol in the metropolis was increased.

On December 26, 2014, the law on the legalized retail sale of alcohol in Moscow and the region, officially signed by Governor Andrei Vorobyov, was published on the website of the Government of the Moscow Region. In 2016, you can buy alcoholic beverages in retail stores and supermarkets in the capital and Moscow region from 8:00 to 23:00.

Such measures are timely and relevant. The additional time allocated for the sale of alcoholic beverages contributes to:

The authorities of St. Petersburg have increased the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages. Numerous disputes and debates did not lead to a different solution. Therefore, the time for the sale of alcohol in St. Petersburg in 2016 is from 11:00 to 22:00 and therefore you can drink from 22:00 to 11:00 in the northern capital only in restaurants, clubs and bars.

Remember: The permitted periods for the sale of alcohol are clearly stipulated by law, and failure to comply with them leads to administrative or criminal liability.

The government of the Russian Federation is actively fighting the problem of alcoholism in the country. Unfortunately, today such bad habit people of all ages have. not many people know it in the Moscow region. However, this information will be useful not only to buyers, but also to sellers themselves. In our article you can find out the hours of alcohol sales, as well as learn as much as possible about the bill itself.

General information about the bill

The law on the sale of alcohol at certain times was passed on November 22, 1995. 171 bills are regularly updated, so it is important to monitor the changes in order not to become a violator.

This bill prohibits entrepreneurs from selling alcoholic products at night if they contain more than 5% alcohol. All beer, wine, vodka and others are prohibited.
The law on the sale of alcohol also provides for a number of penalties for persons who sell strong drinks to minors. According to the bill, the parents of an unscrupulous teenager are also held accountable.
Each region of the Russian Federation has its own temporary restrictions on the purchase and sale of alcohol. It is for this reason that it is important to know about the features of the adopted bill in a particular area.

It is worth noting that restrictions on the sale of alcohol also exist on certain days. Most often these are holidays and only occasionally weekends. In our article you can familiarize yourself in detail with all the subtleties and nuances of the bill.

Role of the bill

According to the government, the law banning the sale of alcohol should help reduce the percentage of alcohol-dependent people. Vladimir Putin believes that with such social problem, of course, we need to fight. To do this, you need to use all sorts of common sense methods.

Drinking strong drinks has a detrimental effect on the health and mental development of a teenager. It is for this reason that, according to the bill, the wholesale and retail sale of alcohol to minors is punished especially strictly.

There are high hopes for Bill 171. Thanks to him, the number of alcohol-dependent people on the territory of the Russian Federation should decrease. The underground sale of strong drinks must also disappear.

Temporary in the Moscow region

Regularly visits the capital of the Russian Federation and its region large number people living in other cities and countries. It is for this reason that almost everyone should know the time of sale of alcohol in the Moscow region.

Two years ago, the government decided to allow the sale of alcohol in Moscow from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. This time limit is still in effect today. Previously, the bill, which provided for the time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region, prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages from 10 pm to 11 am.

The decision to change the bill was due to the unstable economic situation in the country. An additional 4 hours daily brings more than one billion rubles to the regional budget. Deputies note that this change was not due to social wishes, but to the need to replenish the budget.

Unlike Moscow itself, purchasing alcohol is more problematic. There, the bill allows the sale of strong drinks from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Tougher measures

Since last year, the government of the Russian Federation has been considering amendments to the bill. According to it, the time for selling alcohol in the Moscow region and other cities should be significantly reduced.

The future bill will allow the sale of strong drinks from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Selling at any other time will result in a fine, loss of license or imprisonment. The updated bill is planned to be released soon.

It is worth noting that in some cities of the Russian Federation today there are more stringent requirements for the sale of alcohol than in Moscow. This is precisely what the update of the decree is connected with. Member of the Public Chamber Sultan Khamzaev argues that in regions where stricter measures are in place, the level of crime and administrative offenses is significantly lower. It's no secret that most rash acts are committed under the influence of alcohol.

In regions where alcohol cannot be purchased for more than four hours a day, the mortality rate from alcohol abuse has been significantly reduced. In cities where there are no special restrictions, the situation is the opposite.

IN Murmansk region The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited from 9 pm to 11 pm. There, per hundred thousand population there are only 853 dependent person. As we said earlier, the hours for selling alcohol in the Moscow region are: 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. There, per one hundred thousand population, there are more than a thousand people who are addicted to alcohol.

The adoption of new additions to the bill will entail a reduction in the crime rate. The number of people suffering from alcoholism will also decrease.

Ban on display

In the near future, the government of the Russian Federation plans to consider another bill. According to it, strong drinks can only be purchased in a separate store. It may be prohibited to place alcohol on the counter. In this case, the buyer will have the alcohol-containing drink taken out of the warehouse in an opaque bag.

Consumers have different views on possible changes to the bill. Some people think that such an addition is pointless. This is due to the fact that cigarettes were also prohibited from being placed on the counter, but even despite this, smokers did not get rid of the bad habit.

Rural residents are also concerned about possible changes to the bill. As a rule, there is only one store there. If he refuses to display alcohol, he may go broke.

Some citizens like this bill. They believe this could reduce the number of people addicted to alcohol.

Sale of alcohol on holidays

On the territory of the Russian Federation it is prohibited to sell alcohol on some days. Most often these are holidays. In some regions, the sale of alcohol is prohibited on weekends. For example, the amended bill is in force in the Ulyanovsk region.

Entrepreneurs are prohibited from selling alcohol on May 25. This is no coincidence, because it is on this day that all schoolchildren graduate. In order to avoid crimes committed by teenagers while intoxicated, the government of the Russian Federation categorically prohibits the sale of alcohol on this day.

The sale of alcohol on holidays is prohibited for a reason. This reduces the incidence of injury, unplanned pregnancies and crime. It is prohibited to sell alcohol in all holidays that are associated with children and adolescents, namely:

  • September 1 (Knowledge Day).
  • (Children's Day).
  • June 27 (Youth Day).

September 11 (Sobriety Day) is also considered a non-alcoholic day. The sale of alcohol on January 1 is not prohibited. However, as a rule, many shops are closed on this day.

Who and where can sell alcohol?

Bill 171 also contains requirements for persons who will sell alcoholic products. Selling alcohol from the age of 18-20 is considered legal, but underage sellers will be required to leave their place of work. In this case, the store owner will be required to pay a fine for the offense.

It is worth noting that the store alcoholic products must be located away from children's institutions and playgrounds. It is also prohibited to sell alcohol near military installations and crowded places.

Prohibition of the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age

A year ago, the government of the Russian Federation took up for consideration a project according to which persons over 21 years of age would be able to purchase alcohol. It is no secret that today it is prohibited to sell alcohol to minors, regardless of the time of day. Many deputies believe that such an addition will help to avoid alcoholism among young people. The consideration of the updated bill is not accidental. Experts say that at the age of 18, a teenager cannot yet take conscious actions. The addition of the bill will help reduce the rate of unplanned pregnancies and crime among young people.

Penalty for violation

Today there is increased control over compliance with the rules for the sale of alcohol. Any violation entails serious punishment. An entrepreneur who sells alcohol must have documents for it. If they are missing, he will need to pay a fine, the amount of which ranges from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

If a store sells counterfeit alcohol, the entrepreneur will be required to pay a fine of up to 15 thousand rubles. If a seller sells alcohol to minors, he will be forced to pay a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles. Punishment is also provided for the entrepreneur and the organization itself.

Let's sum it up

Alcohol has a negative effect on the human body. Due to the growing number of alcohol-dependent people, the government of the Russian Federation is actively supplementing the current bill. It is possible that in the near future only those persons who have reached the age of 21 will be able to buy alcohol. We strongly recommend that you remember all the features of the bill. Thanks to this, you will save yourself from possible penalties.