Programs for the position of head of a municipality. Vagiz Gabbasov واغيظ عباس

and here is its text:

Election program of the candidate for the post of head of the municipal formation Leninsky Village Council of the Orenburg District Orenburg region V.Kh. Gabbasova

Dear fellow villagers!

Recent years have brought the village them. Lenin has many disappointments that can be briefly described in three words: “crisis of local authorities.”
For the favorable development of the village, coordinated interaction between various branches of government is necessary. If I am elected to the position of Head of the municipal formation of the Leninsky Village Council, I will make all the efforts necessary for this, which will undoubtedly benefit the residents of the village named after. Lenin.
My program is designed to ensure that our village restores itself as a civilized and promising locality so that every resident sees, understands, feels the prospect of development, and is confident in the future!


Development of a Strategic Development Plan for the municipal formation Leninsky Village Council until 2015 and until 2020;
- Creation and implementation of the municipal target program " Social development village”, which includes construction and renovation of housing, kindergarten, schools, first aid stations, sports and cultural and leisure facilities of the village;
- Coordinated, joint work with deputies to implement the orders of voters, to solve problems, eliminate “ pain points» municipality;
- Creation of the official website of the Administration of the Leninsky Village Council, where information on the activities of the administration, financial and other transactions, income and expenses of the village council will be updated daily. The site will also post village news, announcements and carry out feedback with users. Or the establishment of a local newspaper, which will be published monthly or quarterly, where the above information will be placed.


Development of a set of measures for effective use land plots, real estate objects, reservoirs located on the territory of the Leninsky Village Council;
- Assisting village enterprises in implementing programs for technical re-equipment of production and production of new types of products, involving them in participation in exhibitions and fairs in order to expand sales markets.
- Creation of a Council of Entrepreneurs of the village in order to identify and solve problems of business development, as well as their participation in the development of the village.
- Elimination of all administrative barriers to the development of small businesses;
- Facilitating the participation of agricultural producers in the federal program to support them (national project “ Agriculture"), support in obtaining agricultural loans;
- Development of industries focused on the production and processing of agricultural products. Promoting the creation of new jobs.


Development and implementation of a comprehensive “Water Supply” program, including drilling wells, replacing water pipelines, installing fire hydrants;
- Reconstruction of power supply and street lighting systems;
- Systematic major renovation roads, asphalting. High-quality and timely work on summer and winter road maintenance;
- Creation and implementation of the municipal target program “Comfortable Life” (improvement of streets, installation of sidewalks, storm drains on the streets, landscaping of the village);
- Giving a modern architectural appearance to the streets of the village, coordinating the construction of new facilities with building codes and regulations, and the interests of residents;
- Conducting competitions and promotions to encourage residents to active participation in the improvement of the village;
- Mobilization of own investment reserves utilities to maintain and develop the material and technical base of housing and communal services;
- Improvement of the village cemetery;
- Identification and liquidation of unauthorized landfills on the territory of the village council, arrangement of sites for the collection of solid waste;
- Providing residents with access to cable networks(television, internet, communications).


Resolving the issue of providing village residents with timely emergency medical care;
- Promoting the provision of primary health care in outpatient clinics and hospitals, medical care during pregnancy, during and after childbirth;
- Ensuring disabled people have unhindered access to public institutions;
- Water quality assessment and environmental forecast groundwater, development of a water protection regime for the Sakmara River zone within the territory of the Leninsky Village Council;
- Control over discharges of enterprises, environmental monitoring;
- Promoting the creation of industries for processing solids household waste.


Stimulating and encouraging families who are role models in raising children;
- Ensuring priority in the area of ​​maternal and child health;
- Expanding the number of recipients of budget subsidies for the purchase and construction of housing from the categories of young families and families of public sector workers;
- Providing targeted assistance to pensioners and veterans.


Promoting modernization school education and the return of children who study in city and neighboring schools;
- Facilitating participation in district, regional and federal programs for working with gifted children;
- Creating conditions for development polytechnic education schoolchildren (creation of school workshops, the opportunity to obtain working professions, intensification of career guidance work with students);
- Providing support for school graduates upon admission and further education in educational institutions primary, secondary and higher vocational education.


Development and implementation of a comprehensive program “Young Specialist”. Active activities to consolidate youth on the territory of the village council. Creating conditions for such consolidation. Involving youth and young specialists in solving the problems of the village council, their active involvement in the life of the village;
- Organization of recreation areas;
- Showing public concern for conscripts and military fellow countrymen undergoing conscript service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces;
- Propaganda healthy image life, spiritual development, creativity and cultural heritage.


Development and support of the House of Culture, search and assistance in promoting new interesting and effective leisure forms;
- Development and modernization of rural libraries;
- Assistance in the revival of amateur performances in the village;

Development of mass sports (football, rounders, volleyball, street basketball, hockey, skiing). Purchasing sports equipment for school;
- Construction of children's and sports grounds in the village;
- Support for village residents who participate in mass sports competitions various types sports conducted from regional to international level.

All issues of local importance will be resolved through the development and implementation of targeted comprehensive development programs at the expense of local budget funds, as well as budget funds district and region allocated to the village council for the implementation of specific programs.

Today I sign every line of this program and promise, in the position of Head of the Leninsky Village Council, to honestly serve the residents of the village, to act exclusively within the framework of the current legislation and to comply moral principles modern human society.

Elections are considered valid when voters turn up. We do not have the moral right to vote for random people.

FOR economic development Lenin village

FOR the revival of spirituality and best traditions

FOR the well-being of every family

FOR our common future.

The UNITED RUSSIA party is a voluntary association of citizens Russian Federation who put their main goal to ensure a decent life for the current and future generations of Russians.

The strategic goal of the UNITED RUSSIA Party is to build Russia as a great power based on historical traditions and original cultural values its peoples, the best achievements of world civilization.

The development vector that Russian society has determined for itself that it is a strong democratic, socially oriented state. This is a free, fair and spiritually united society; competitive innovative economy; high quality lives of citizens. Our ideology is Russian conservatism - the ideology of national success, the ideology of civil solidarity, which is based on the principle of “preserve and increase.”

Our main priority is the development of human potential and improving the quality of life. We are aware of our responsibility for the present and future of the country and will make every effort for its successful development.

The UNITED RUSSIA party received the support of the majority of Russian citizens, thanks to real things, positive changes in the life of the country. With the direct participation of UNITED RUSSIA, it was possible to restore order in the country, strengthen the unity and integrity of the state, and improve the level and quality of life of citizens.

The UNITED RUSSIA party, being the most influential political force in the Orenburg region, unites about 19,000 people in its ranks; our local branches operate in all municipalities of the region. Based on the results of the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region, the largest faction was formed.

Gabbasov V.Kh. since 2008 he has been a member of the party " United Russia" Today, politically responsible and effective government is needed at all levels, and therefore the United Russia party is nominating its candidate for deputy of the municipal formation Leninsky Village Council of the Orenburg District of the Orenburg Region. Having nominated candidates and determined the program of their activities, the United Russia party acts as a guarantor of its implementation and will constantly, together with the public, monitor the implementation of the provisions election program, as well as additional coordinated actions of their candidates.
We ask all residents who care about the fate of their native village to support Vagiz Khamitovich Gabbasov in the upcoming elections on October 10, 2010. We count on your trust and support. Only together, through persistent daily work, we can make Lenin village even more modern, comfortable and comfortable, and the life of the village residents worthy and prosperous!

and here is its text:

Election program of the candidate for the post of head of the municipal formation Leninsky Village Council of the Orenburg District of the Orenburg Region V.Kh. Gabbasova

Dear fellow villagers!

Recent years have brought the village them. Lenin has many disappointments that can be briefly described in three words: “crisis of local authorities.”
For the favorable development of the village, coordinated interaction between various branches of government is necessary. If I am elected to the position of Head of the municipal formation of the Leninsky Village Council, I will make all the efforts necessary for this, which will undoubtedly benefit the residents of the village named after. Lenin.
My program is designed to ensure that our village restores itself as a civilized and promising settlement, so that every resident sees, understands, feels the prospect of development, and is confident in the future!


Development of a Strategic Development Plan for the municipal formation Leninsky Village Council until 2015 and until 2020;
- Creation and implementation of the municipal target program “Social development of the village”, which includes the construction and renovation of housing, kindergarten, school, first aid station, sports and cultural and leisure facilities of the village;
- Coordinated, joint work with deputies to implement the orders of voters, to solve problems, to eliminate “pain points” of the municipality;
- Creation of the official website of the Administration of the Leninsky Village Council, where information on the activities of the administration, financial and other transactions, income and expenses of the village council will be updated daily. The site will also post village news, announcements and provide feedback to users. Or the establishment of a local newspaper, which will be published monthly or quarterly, where the above information will be placed.


Development of a set of measures for the efficient use of land plots, real estate, and reservoirs located on the territory of the Leninsky Village Council;
- Assisting village enterprises in implementing programs for technical re-equipment of production and production of new types of products, involving them in participation in exhibitions and fairs in order to expand sales markets.
- Creation of a Council of Entrepreneurs of the village in order to identify and solve problems of business development, as well as their participation in the development of the village.
- Elimination of all administrative barriers to the development of small businesses;
- Facilitating the participation of agricultural producers in the federal program to support them (national project “Agriculture”), support in obtaining agricultural loans;
- Development of industries focused on the production and processing of agricultural products. Promoting the creation of new jobs.


Development and implementation of a comprehensive “Water Supply” program, including drilling wells, replacing water pipelines, installing fire hydrants;
- Reconstruction of power supply and street lighting systems;
- Systematic overhaul of roads, asphalting. High-quality and timely work on summer and winter road maintenance;
- Creation and implementation of the municipal target program “Comfortable Life” (improvement of streets, installation of sidewalks, storm drains on the streets, landscaping of the village);
- Giving a modern architectural appearance to the streets of the village, coordinating the construction of new facilities with building codes and regulations, and the interests of residents;
- Conducting competitions and promotions to encourage residents to actively participate in the improvement of the village;
- Mobilization of utilities’ own investment reserves to maintain and develop the material and technical base of housing and communal services;
- Improvement of the village cemetery;
- Identification and liquidation of unauthorized landfills on the territory of the village council, arrangement of sites for the collection of solid waste;
- Providing residents with access to cable networks (television, Internet, communications).


Resolving the issue of providing village residents with timely emergency medical care;
- Promoting the provision of primary health care in inpatient clinics and hospitals, medical care during pregnancy, during and after childbirth;
- Ensuring disabled people have unhindered access to public institutions;
- Assessment of water quality and forecast of the ecological state of groundwater, development of a regime for the water protection zone of the Sakmara River within the territory of the Leninsky Village Council;
- Control over discharges of enterprises, environmental monitoring;
- Promoting the creation of industries for processing solid household waste.


Stimulating and encouraging families who are role models in raising children;
- Ensuring priority in the area of ​​maternal and child health;
- Expanding the number of recipients of budget subsidies for the purchase and construction of housing from the categories of young families and families of public sector workers;
- Providing targeted assistance to pensioners and veterans.


Promoting the modernization of school education and the return of children who study in city and neighboring schools;
- Facilitating participation in district, regional and federal programs for working with gifted children;
- Creating conditions for the development of polytechnic education for schoolchildren (creation of school workshops, the opportunity to obtain working professions, intensification of career guidance work with students);
- Providing support for school graduates upon admission and further education in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education.


Development and implementation of a comprehensive program “Young Specialist”. Active activities to consolidate youth on the territory of the village council. Creating conditions for such consolidation. Involving youth and young specialists in solving the problems of the village council, their active involvement in the life of the village;
- Organization of recreation areas;
- Showing public concern for conscripts and military fellow countrymen undergoing military service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces;
- Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, spiritual development, creativity and cultural heritage.


Development and support of the House of Culture, search and assistance in promoting new interesting and effective leisure forms;
- Development and modernization of rural libraries;
- Assistance in the revival of amateur performances in the village;

Development of mass sports (football, rounders, volleyball, street basketball, hockey, skiing). Purchasing sports equipment for school;
- Construction of children's and sports grounds in the village;
- Support for residents of the village - participants in mass sports competitions in various sports, held from the regional to the international level.

All issues of local importance will be resolved through the development and implementation of targeted comprehensive development programs at the expense of local budget funds, as well as district and regional budget funds allocated to the village council for the implementation of specific programs.

Today I sign every line of this program and promise, in the position of Head of the Leninsky Village Council, to honestly serve the residents of the village, to act exclusively within the framework of current legislation and to observe the moral principles of modern human society.

Elections are considered valid when voters turn up. We do not have the moral right to vote for random people.

FOR the economic development of the village of Lenin

FOR the revival of spirituality and best traditions

FOR the well-being of every family

FOR our common future.

The UNITED RUSSIA party is a voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation whose main goal is to ensure a decent life for the current and future generations of Russians.

The strategic goal of the UNITED RUSSIA Party is the construction of Russia as a great power on the basis of historical traditions and original cultural values ​​of its peoples, the best achievements of world civilization.

The vector of development that Russian society has defined for itself is a strong democratic, socially oriented state. This is a free, fair and spiritually united society; competitive innovative economy; high quality of life for citizens. Our ideology is Russian conservatism - the ideology of national success, the ideology of civil solidarity, which is based on the principle of “preserve and increase.”

Our main priority is the development of human potential and improving the quality of life. We are aware of our responsibility for the present and future of the country and will make every effort for its successful development.

The UNITED RUSSIA party received the support of the majority of Russian citizens, thanks to real deeds and positive changes in the life of the country. With the direct participation of UNITED RUSSIA, it was possible to restore order in the country, strengthen the unity and integrity of the state, and improve the level and quality of life of citizens.

The UNITED RUSSIA party, being the most influential political force in the Orenburg region, unites about 19,000 people in its ranks; our local branches operate in all municipalities of the region. Based on the results of the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region, the largest faction was formed.

Gabbasov V.Kh. Since 2008 he has been a member of the United Russia party. Today, politically responsible and effective government is needed at all levels, and therefore the United Russia party is nominating its candidate for deputy of the municipal formation Leninsky Village Council of the Orenburg District of the Orenburg Region. Having nominated candidates and determined the program of their activities, the United Russia party acts as a guarantor of its implementation and will constantly, together with the public, monitor the implementation of the provisions of the election program, as well as additional coordinated actions of its candidates.
We ask all residents who care about the fate of their native village to support Vagiz Khamitovich Gabbasov in the upcoming elections on October 10, 2010. We count on your trust and support. Only together, through persistent daily work, we can make Lenin village even more modern, comfortable and comfortable, and the life of the village residents worthy and prosperous!

Election program of a candidate for the position of head rural settlement n. Berezovy Subin Nikolai Vladimirovich.

Dear residents of Berezovy village!

Today, local authorities independently resolve most important issues and problems of their territory. I offer you my election program for discussion.

The main goal of my program is to create conditions for normal life village This requires well-coordinated, business-like interaction between the administration of a rural settlement and residents, the leadership of the district, region, enterprises, and institutions.

I have experience as a leader, so I am aware of the full burden of responsibility that I will take upon myself if you support me in the upcoming elections.

The main direction of the election program:

1.Creation of a system of responsible power and effective management:

Ensure transparency of the activities of the rural settlement administration;

Promote the development of public self-government;

Work with appeals and statements from citizens, actively interact with the public;

Regularly report to village residents at meetings on the work of the village administration.

2. Interaction with the representative body

Ensure constructive interaction between the village administration and the Council of Deputies in resolving issues of local importance to improve the quality of life of the population

3.. Socio-economic development of the settlement:

Develop and approve a municipal targeted program for the village of Berezovy for implementation Federal Law No. 185 of July 21, 2007 in order to receive funds from the federal budget for the overhaul of an apartment building housing stock;

To do this, work to create homeowners’ associations;

Carry out work on registering all intra-village roads as property of the settlement in order to plan the costs of maintenance and repairs in the settlement’s budget.

Conduct an inventory of street lighting and develop measures to expand the network where it is needed.

4. Providing conditions for increasing the level and improving the quality of life:

Implementation of measures for the comprehensive improvement of the territory of the settlement, including:

To ensure high-quality preparation of the settlement’s housing stock for the heating season, flush the heat supply systems using a new technological method that protects the internal surfaces of boilers, pipelines, radiator sections from corrosion, scale and deposits and improves the quality of hot water.

Sanitary cleaning of the green zone of the settlement from unauthorized dumps;

Resolving the issue of systematically collecting household waste from the private sector of the settlement;

Conducting an inventory of production and consumption waste disposal sites in accordance with current legislation;

Continue work on the construction of sports grounds;

Improve courtyard areas (playgrounds, parking for personal vehicles);

Conduct daily work to solve the problems of the older generation;

Develop a park recreation area;

Ensure development mass type sports, healthy lifestyle conditions, support youth initiatives and projects.

I am ready to persistently implement this program with the active support and trust of the population.