What does the United Russia logo really mean? The United Russia logo contains the symbol of the Antichrist - Baphomet.

For several years now, people have been googling information on the Internet about what is actually on the logo. Russian party United Russia is depicted not as a bear, but as a goat, and the party itself is almost Satanists. Let's actually try to figure it out. Here's the logo United Russia

Now attention! Another image

And indeed, the image somewhat resembles a goat. True, you shouldn’t associate a goat with Satanists. Just as you shouldn’t drag Hebrew into the United Russia logo. Well, now another idiotic proof that United Russia is Satanists

The logic is ironclad! But behind this logic there is nothing but nonsense. By the way, if for example there were such parties as “United Japan”, “United Sweden” or “United Italy”, would they also be Satanist? In general, according to the logic of the author of this masterpiece, the United Russia party is a Satanist only because all three words have six letters. Simply wonderful. And now looking here

It turns out very interesting. I did this on purpose to compare what could have happened if similar parties existed, and how they would have been written in Russian. And the notorious sixes are everywhere. But the so-called number of the beast is not just three sixes, but 666, which is the sum of the numbers 600, 60 and 6. That is, 666=600+60=6. Well, and one more thing. The author of this masterpiece about United Russia decided to refer to Hebrew. Well, what is Hebrew? Hebrew. Each Hebrew letter has its own numeric value. For example, the number 60 in Hebrew corresponds to the letter Samekh, the number 600 corresponds to the letter Mem (final), and the number 6 corresponds to the letter Vau. All named letters can be found here

And here is the ancient Slavic initial letter

What do the Old Slavic initial letters and Hebrew have in common? And the common thing is that each letter has its own numerical value. It was similar in the ancient Greek alphabet. Why was this so? And all because numerology was also used at that time. And numerology was used to get as much as possible more information knowledgeable people (magi, priests) from some word or number. And if the author of the masterpiece about United Russia had been a little familiar with numerology, then he would have been aware that the number 666 can also be represented as the sum prime numbers. That is, it would look like 6+6+6, and the sum would be 18, but 18 is both 10+8 and 1+8 according to the same numerology. So, here is the final letter of Hebrew, which is formed as a result of our numerological actions, this is the letter Tet, whose numerical equivalent is -9. And Tet symbolizes nothing more than an organic unity that exists with the support of cosmic energy, well, what letter in the ancient Slavic initial letter has a numerical equivalent of 9, and what meaning does this letter carry? naked eye. But all this has nothing to do with United Russia. Just as Satanism has nothing to do with a united Russia. Well, pulling a rod called the caduceus by the ears to Satanism is generally nonsense, since the caduceus is also the rod of the Roman god Mercury. And the caduceus is not only on the emblem of the Federal Customs Service, but also on the emblem of the US Army Medical Service

Well, here is the rod itself

In general, the devil has nothing to do with it. Well, now let’s get back to what does the United Russia logo symbolize? Bear or goat? As for me, he is a bear and a goat at the same time. Moreover, Russia acts as a bear, and the ruling party is a goat who rides on a bear. Just wondering, what will happen to the goat when the bear throws it off? After all, do not forget that a bear is a predatory animal, and it will not be difficult for him to corrupt a goat. So, maybe the goat should think before it’s too late about who he decided to ride?

As they say - good ideas are in the air. I've been thinking about doing a post about the logo for a long time now. ruling party United Russia, but, to be honest, I was just lazy. So it hung in my drafts. But yesterday I came across interesting option. Those interested can follow the link A LITTLE ABOUT THE UNITED RUSSIA LOGO

The material is certainly interesting and worthy of attention.

However, “Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer.” I cannot ignore some points that I consider fundamental when considering a logo.

I hope you noticed that Baphomet is holding on his knees not a simple object - a caduceus. This is what it looks like according to Wikipedia:

And here it is - on Baphomet’s lap:

Interesting similarity, don't you think? For example, the same caduceus appears on the emblem of the Russian Customs Service:

But let's not get distracted.

The main point that prevents me from taking user material research seriously


this is the name JESUS, which he discovered upside down in the paws of a bear.

Let's start with the fact that there is not and cannot be any “Jesus” in Hebrew. I refer the curious to my post WEALTH RUBBER, in which I examined this name in detail.

I would like to draw your attention to a small detail - despite all the assurances of the Ivers, there is no word in Hebrew ישוע, which is usually translated as “Jesus”. There is only שוע, the name JOSHUA or YESHUA, meaning “wealth of God,” which was borne by the man who was later recognized as the “savior” of the whole world. In this case, the most authoritative is the online Hebrew dictionary IRIS - check it yourself. Even Google Translate diligently hides the truth. What to do! The Ivers are simply masterful at the art of camouflage.

And then - why do the Ivers turn over their own letters? This is written only for those who speak Hebrew - how many of us are there?

Therefore, I think that the version is interesting, but not true.

And now it’s time to get down to the actual material. which has been sitting in my drafts for so long:

It all started quite a long time ago when I came across this demotivator:

Since I don’t speak Hebrew, I had to think about why, in fact, the logo of the leading political party Rasei looks so strange. Even to the most impartial and objective view, it still looks strange.

At least because there is a butting goat hidden in the bear. Don't you see? And if like this:

But to hell with you, not a goat! As ZhDP helpfully reports:
The symbol of the party is a reversed marcherbear . The party congress, held on November 26, 2005, decided on changes in the party symbols: instead of a bearbrown The bear became the color symbol of the party.white color, outlined in blue. Above the image of a bear there is a flutteringRussian flag , under the image of the bear there is the inscription “United Russia”. Bear semantics is actively used by the party, including through variousallusions . So one of the sections of the party’s official website is called “Den”.

That's it, Mikhalych! It turns out that this is not a goat at all, as you might think - but " polar bear, outlined in blue"

Cool. Such a skinny bear, although white. By the way, I couldn’t find the author of this masterpiece at all.

My attempts to find any explanation for the author’s absence on the internet ended in failure. However, I put the matter aside and was going to return to it anyway.

I won’t bore you with stories about my preliminary research - anyway, they did not give me an option that could be considered final and carrying at least some semantic load.

But still, I assumed that something was clearly encrypted here - and at the simplest level, so that those who know could see and read without any problems.

My friend solitaire17 She offered her own interesting option:
This is what I saw:
The two hind legs of the bear are the letter Aleph, and the two front legs are the Aleph reflected in the mirror. Thus, the Throne is obtained, but in fact the Ark of the Covenant.

And then it fits in that United Russia, or rather the leadership of Russia, which comes from the KGB, adopted the COB, developed in the bowels of the KGB.
The bear's legs, representing the two letters Aleph in a mirror image, carry the Ark of the Covenant from the Sinai campaign, where the Pharaoh priests sent them.
And under the feet in the underbelly - the pharaoh and on the left, on the right a cat and a dog - the pharaoh's servants and gods with the heads of a cat and a dog.
And all this is carried within the Russian bear - the bear is tied up, carries the weight of the underbelly.

The explanation is interesting, but it seemed insufficient to me. Look again at what I'm trying to explain to you:

Here I just removed the extra parts" polar bear" - those that are intended to distract the eye. If you still say that this does not look like some kind of inscription, then you are in the wrong place and you better go read something about cute cats.

However, at some point I looked again at these “pharaoh, cat and dog” and suddenly thought that these “ears” could just serve as a pointer to “extra” parts that should not be taken into account. Something like this:

To be honest, at first I was even upset, the result seemed so absurd to me. Clicking in frustration through the pages of the JDP, I suddenly realized that Hebrew, in addition to printed letters, also has a written version. By the way, very significant differences in the outline of letters are obtained.

From this point of view, let us now consider the resulting picture:

Let's see what happens:

The result is the word TsAV (the Hebrew letters are not printed, but written. The written letters almost exactly match the picture)

As you can see, any iver can easily read what exactly is written by the “feet” of the bear... However, the word TsAV has another meaning, no less interesting: - this is a section of the Torah, which describes in detail the process of sacrifice: who should be dressed in what, who goes where and why. In the details, so to speak. Here's a look at the links:

Weekly section of Tsav (Hebrew צַו‎) - 25th section of the Torah and 2nd section of the book of Vayikra. Got my name from the first meaningful word text: Tsav et-ha-aharon, veet-banav = Pass it on To Aaron and his sons...Contains verses 6:1 to 8:36.

When the Torah describes the way in which the kohen was to remove the ashes from the altar after the sacrifice, it says the following: “And he will take off his clothes, and put on other clothes, and take the ashes outside the camp to a clean place” (Vayikro, 6:4). Commenting on this verse, Rashi. explains that the kohen's change of clothes before he takes out the ashes is dictated by the rules of decency, so that, when taking out the ashes, he does not contaminate the clothes in which he usually performs the service. “In the clothes in which he cooks food for his master, he will not pour a glass for his master. Therefore, “he will put on other clothes,” simpler,” he emphasizes.

The TsAV section is mainly addressed to the Kohanim and therefore it begins with the words “Command Aaron and his sons” (Vayikra 6:2) (Hizkuni explains that the Vayikra section includes rules for making sacrifices that are obligatory for the entire people. The TsAV, however, talks mainly about Mitzvot that Kohanim must observe)

Let's return to the goat, which is hidden inside the bear.

Why do the Ivers need some kind of Baphomet when there is Azazel into the abyss.

I won’t belabor the point, but a number of Iberian sources indicate that it was not animals that were sacrificed. And the people. Another nationality. Simply put - goyim. Do you have any doubts? In vain. If Abraham, at the command of God, was ready to kill his own son without hesitation, what can we say about some goyim?

To summarize:

1. The logo of the ruling party has a clear message to those who speak Hebrew - everything that comes from this party has the force of “order, decree, command”
2. The logo clearly indicates the section of the Torah CAB, which tells about the sacrifices and the order of their implementation
3. The victim is clearly indicated - Rus', which has a bear as its symbol. That is why the “scapegoat” is simply hidden in the silhouette of the bear.

Here is an interesting option for deciphering the logo that I offer you. It's up to you to decide which version is closer to the truth.

I just want to say that the actions of United Russia in recent years and it’s true that they very much resemble the sacrifice of Rus' and the Russian people inhabiting it. Read the CAB - everything is written there and keep in mind that for the Ivers we are not even cattle, we are worse:

Be careful

Most of the information that we blindly believe in the media is veiled and embellished to such an extent that it loses the basic essence of truth and borders on lies. More precisely, we receive only the information that is imposed on us by people from above: the government, the world elite, the authorities. The media write about what the government dictates to them, thus distorting information and deliberately misleading the reader.

For example, what do we know about the United Russia party? In the media it positions itself as the largest political party Russia, which is fighting for a promising future for its citizens. But what really? Let's try to look at the details:

The United Russia logo is a bear, a symbol of reliability, perseverance and wisdom. But its shape is slightly distorted; if you isolate the base of the bear, then a completely different animal emerges - a goat.

But what does a goat have to do with the United Russia logo? Perhaps it is some kind of special symbol? If you ask any search engine “a goat is a symbol…”, then an approximate picture will be like this: “a goat is a symbol of the devil; symbol of the Antichrist; The goat is a symbol of Satan."

The goat or Baphomet is a mythical creature that personifies Satan. The creature called Baphomet is depicted with human body and the head of a goat, whose hands are painted in Latin words: “solve” (disintegrate, dissolve, saw up) and “coagula” (freeze, thicken, save, put in pockets). Say, if a land lawyer wrote the slogan “fall apart, pocket, saw up,” would you contact him?

Let's go further, the United Russia logo was not limited to Baphomet. If you pay attention to the paws of the “bear”, you can see something like an inscription or word on them, but certainly not in the Indo-European language. Rather, it looks like eastern hieroglyphs, that is, in Hebrew. Turning the logo upside down, using word selection we get “?????” (Jesus). It turns out that the bear's paws are not paws at all, but the name "Jesus" in Hebrew.

Just what does it mean if the name "Jesus" is written on an upside down symbol? As you might guess, it turns out that “Christ” is the opposite, that is, it is a symbol of the Antichrist. As many know, the inverted cross symbolizes Satan, and again we are back to mythical creature Baphomet, who has already met before.

The United Russia logo contains the inscription “United Russia Party”. Let's count how many letters each word contains: Party - 6, United - 6, Russia - 6. “666” is another symbol of the Antichrist. You can reassure yourself that this is all nonsense, but the pattern on the party logo of three symbols of the Antichrist or symbols of Satan, whether intentionally or accidentally made the main tenets of the party, is unlikely to bring order and prosperity to the state they rule.

The emblem of "United Russia" was copied from the 370th division of the Wehrmacht, and from Italian - United Russia, literally,
fascist Russia. " Fache" - Unity, togetherness. Source:

Has the State Duma of the Russian Federation banned the United Russia bear?

The United Russia bear is in danger. For a flag or badge with a bear, you can easily get imprisoned for 15 days. And all because the State Duma, at the instigation of Zheleznyak, is already in its second reading.

But this is true, by the way. From the text of the bill it follows that the punishment will be 15 days of arrest.

The idea is not new. Back in 2006, deputies of the Moscow City Duma proposed amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences, increasing fines for the same thing, for which deputies of the State Duma decided to tighten the punishment. Even then, observant people noticed that they would have to, for example, be fined for the coat of arms of Moscow.

Here is the coat of arms of Moscow:

And this is the emblem of the 29th (1st Russian) SS Grenadier Division “RONA”:

There are also problems with the Russian flag. Because it is “confusingly…” similar to the chevron, which consisted of Russian emigrants and prisoners who fought on the side of Nazi Germany.

Very popular symbol There was a bear in the army of Nazi Germany. He was depicted on combat vehicles of the 3rd Panzer and 68th Infantry Divisions of the Wehrmacht. But in these divisions the bear was standing on two legs. But the bear on the 370th emblem infantry division the Wehrmacht, which is called “confusingly...” looks like the bear of “United Russia”. Any expert will confirm this to you.

Here are the EP bears:

And this is a fascist bear, from the emblem of the 370th Wehrmacht Infantry Division:

And here are the bears of the United Russia and the 370th Wehrmacht Infantry Division together:


Extremism will cost dearly
They are starting to fight him with increased fines

Deputies of the Moscow City Duma proposed to add to the Code of administrative offenses amendments several times increasing fines for propaganda and public display of Nazi symbols. However, there is no clear definition of what such symbolism is in the legislation. This will be determined by forensic experts. The Security Council of the Russian Federation has already ordered the adoption of anti-extremist measures, in particular, to “strengthen” institutions that will supply their expertise law enforcement agencies and ships.

Amendments to Article 20.3 Federal Code administrative offenses were proposed at a meeting of the commission on interethnic and interfaith relations of the Moscow City Duma. They provide for an increase in fines for propaganda and public display of Nazi symbols to 2.5 thousand rubles. (now 500-1000 rubles), as well as the introduction of liability for this offense for legal entities(fine up to 100 thousand rubles). “The existing penalties have long lost their force,” Igor Eleferenko, head of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Interethnic and Interfaith Relations, explained to Kommersant. “It is important to introduce penalties for legal entities, because they make a profit from the distribution of such products.” Mr. Eleferenko also proposes introducing additional restrictions for booksellers, obliging them to distribute books with fascist symbols in opaque packaging.

In legal proceedings, a request for an examination can be submitted by both the prosecutor and the accused. If we're talking about, for example, about the propaganda of fascism, then these could be requests for so-called psycholinguistic or identification examinations, studying, respectively, the statements of the accused or the symbols he used. Similar studies in Russia can be carried out by the Federal Center forensic examinations at the Ministry of Justice, Institute of Forensic Science Center special equipment FSB, Forensic Expert Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as independent experts. The judge decides on the location of the examination. The technology of the identification examination, during which it will be determined whether the symbols are Nazi, was explained to Kommersant by the head of the forensic psychological examination laboratory Federal Center forensic examinations of the Ministry of Justice Tatyana Sekirazh. According to her, the work is carried out by analogy with the study of two similar trademarks to the so-called degree of confusion. “We will involve political scientists and historians who will look and compare how significantly one symbolism differs from another and whether the average person can mistake one for the other,” explained Ms. Sekirazh. Note that using this technology, the flags of the National Bolsheviks (hammer and sickle in a white circle on a red background) and the Russian National Unity ( white cross, similar to a swastika, on a red background). True, Ms. Sekirazh admitted that the center of the Ministry of Justice has not yet conducted such examinations, while clarifying that the cost of such a study will be about $1 thousand.

Unlike Russia, legal definitions of Nazi symbols are clearly stated abroad. For example, the German criminal code prohibits the public display of a swastika turned to the right and left, the flag and emblem of the Nazi party, SS and SA signs, poetry and music of the party anthem “Horst Wessel”. In Hungary, displaying swastikas, crosses with arrows, etc. is also prohibited.

Let us note that the Moscow City Duma joined the campaign on its own initiative Russian authorities to tighten legislation in the field of countering extremism. As Kommersant has already reported, the Russian Security Council has developed an action plan to combat extremism. It instructs law enforcement agencies to put judicial proceedings in cases of extremism on stream, for which purpose, by January 1, 2007, to develop a set of measures to strengthen the institution of forensic specialists who supply expertise to law enforcement agencies and courts.

Lawyers believe that fulfilling this order will not be easy. “Most likely, no expert base will be developed,” lawyer Dmitry Agranovsky is convinced. “The authorities will simply continue the practice of applying the law selectively.”

Alexander Kommersant-Voronov

In the official symbols of the United Russia party (left), if desired, you can find a certain similarity with the emblem of the 370th Wehrmacht Infantry Division (right)

Take a closer look at the symbol of the United Russia party, the bear is somehow strange, the illumination of chiaroscuro is incorrect, the complex outline is a counterform: hidden in the “skin of the bear” is a goat, bowing its head, pulling it onto the altar.

Scapegoat- in Judaism, a special animal on which sins were placed Jewish people. On the holiday of Yom Kippur, sacrificial livestock was brought to the Jerusalem Temple: a ram, a calf and two goats. Taurus and goat sacrificed(for the sins of the priest and the people), the tabernacle was consecrated with their blood, and the carcasses were later burned outside the camp. The sins of the entire Jewish people were placed on the second goat and taken into the desert. Hence the “scapegoat”. Or the goat was taken to the Judean desert, where they threw Azazel from the cliff into the abyss.

A number of Iberian sources indicate that it was not animals at all that were sacrificed, but people of a different nationality (goyim). Do you have any doubts? In vain. If Abraham, at the command of God, was ready to kill his own son without hesitation, what can we say about some goyim.

Bear's paws - the word Tsav

In addition to the goat, the United Russia logo features the paws of a bear, which look like some kind of inscription. If you remove the excess (front and back paws), you get the word TsAV (Hebrew letters are not printed, but written). Tsav is a section of the Torah that describes in detail the process of sacrifice.

To summarize:
1. The logo of the ruling party has a clear message to those who speak Hebrew.
2. The logo indicates the section of the Torah Tsav, which tells about sacrifices and the order of their implementation.
3. The victim is clearly indicated - Rus', which has a bear as its symbol.

Here is an interesting version of the logo decoding. Russian people, besides the fact that they glorify in churches Jewish god and the Jewish people (see), have now moved on to the final stage - from “lost sheep” they have become “scapegoats”, i.e. took upon themselves the sins of the Jewish people, and all that remains is to sacrifice.
* Website – http://iberolog.livejournal.com/343420.html (journal deleted)