Brief characteristics of the polar bear. Polar polar bear

Polar bear- one of the most large predators living on land. Its height at the withers (from the ground to the neck) is 1.5 m, the foot size is 30 cm in length and 25 in width; Male polar bears weigh 350-650 kg, some even more, females 175-300 kg. A bear lives 15-18 years.

Polar bears live in the Arctic - at the North Pole.

The color of the fur of this animal is from snow-white to yellowish, thanks to this the bear is almost invisible in the snow, but the polar bear’s skin is black, but it is not visible through the thick fur, except very slightly on the nose. Polar bears are very resilient and can cover long distances at a brisk pace. Their feet are covered with fur, which gives them greater stability when moving on ice and snow. Polar bears can run, but they usually walk.

Polar bears are excellent swimmers; they jump into the water head first or slide off an ice floe, and swim using their front paws. Dive with closed nostrils and with open eyes. They know how to fish. After coming ashore, they immediately shake off the water.

Polar bears spend much of the year on ice-bound shores along the coast. As a rule, they hunt alone. They search for food both day and night. Polar bears hunt seals by lying in wait at holes through which the seals breathe air, or by approaching animals lying on the ice. Polar bears have a very sensitive sense of smell. They are able to smell seals lying in a shelter under the snow.

These animals are very curious and intelligent. While tracking a seal, a polar bear covers its black nose with its paw, blocks the prey's escape route, or even pretends to be an ice floe floating by. A bear can experience emotions from rage to joy: after a successful hunt and hearty lunch he sometimes starts frolicking like a kitten.

In winter, when there is severe frost and polar night, the bear can hibernate. The she-bear also lies down for the winter in an ice den along with her cubs. For five months she does not eat any food and at the same time feeds the born cubs, usually two, with milk. The cubs, covered with sparse whitish fur, are born helpless, blind and deaf. Their length is 17-30 cm, and their weight is 500-700 g. Mother bear warms with her body. And in the spring, the grown-up cubs leave the den. Bear fathers do not take any part in raising children. And they themselves can pose a serious threat to them.

In summer, bears' food is more varied: small rodents, polar foxes, ducks and their eggs. Polar bears, like all other bears, can also eat plant foods: berries, mushrooms, mosses, herbs.

There are not very many polar bears left on earth and hunting for them is limited.

Questions about the report about the polar bear

1. What does a polar bear look like?
2. Where do they live?
3. What do they eat?
4. How do they reproduce?

Today we still have a chance to see a polar bear in wildlife, be it a TV show on Discovery or exotic trip to his places natural habitat. But it is likely that our children will be deprived of this opportunity. So that this would not happen in the lessons of the surrounding world, students primary classes study the animals of the Red Book of Russia.

Children will learn that many animal species are endangered, how fragile animal world, you need to take care of this beautiful world nature.

Message on the surrounding world on the topic "Animals of the Red Book of Russia - polar bear"

Polar bear - a short description for children

from the series "Animals of the Red Book of Russia"

The polar bear is one of the largest predators living on land. Its height at the withers (from the ground to the neck) is 1.5 m, length 2-2.5 m, foot size 30 cm in length and 25 in width; Male polar bears weigh 350-650 kg, some even more, females 175-300 kg. Maximum lifespan is 25-30 years, rarely more. Its size surpasses all predators in the world. But such dimensions do not prevent the animal from moving deftly in the snow, swimming and diving.

Polar bear fur color winter time snow white. With the arrival of warmth, the fur becomes yellowish. Also, thanks to its fat reserves, the bear stays afloat perfectly. A polar bear, like every predator of this size, must have dangerous weapon. These are powerful jaws and the strongest claws.

Polar bear habitat

White bears all year round associated with drifting and fast ice sea ​​ice where they hunt seals - ringed seal and, to a lesser extent, the sea hare. If bears do come onto land, it’s usually not for long. The exception is pregnant females, who lie in dens for up to six months, and in some years, bears who, for one reason or another, remain on land for several weeks.

For a polar bear to be near the sea. Therefore, he spends his life near the ice-covered Arctic seas. This predator is mainly distributed in the Northern Arctic Ocean, Hudson and Baffin Bays, in the northern Bering Sea and on the Arctic islands.
White bears lead a nomadic lifestyle. Sometimes the current carries them over long distances.

What do polar bears eat?

The main prey of bears are seals, which predators lie in wait near the holes. When the seal pokes its head out, the polar bear throws the animal out with a powerful blow. Eats only lard and seal skin. Only in times of famine can it eat the entire carcass.
In addition to seals, polar bears feed on fish, chicks, and carrion. Can hunt large animals such as walruses.

In summer it can eat cloudberries, seaweed, willow shoots and sedge leaves.

The main reasons for the decline in polar bear numbers:

For polar bears, the main natural limiting factor is the number and availability of seals.

IN natural conditions The polar bear is not threatened by anyone except humans. A big threat to polar bears are poachers, who can hunt bear cubs.

Climate change poses a major threat. Due to a sharp drop in temperature, the ice cover began to decrease. This has led to a decrease in the population of seals and walruses, which are the main source of food for polar bears. For these reasons, conservation of this animal is of great importance.

Although the polar bear is the largest predator on Earth, thanks to humans its species is in danger of extinction. Therefore, the polar bear is listed in Red Book and is protected. It is also listed in the International Red Book. The hunting of polar bears in the Russian Arctic has been prohibited since 1956.

Conservation of polar bear populations in the Russian Arctic contributed to the organization of a special protection regime in places where ancestral dens were concentrated (Wrangel and Herald Islands and Franz Josef Land). In order to improve the protection of polar bears, the following measures are proposed:

Expand the area of ​​the Wrangel Island nature reserve;

Organize specially protected natural areas and water areas in the areas of Novaya Zemlya and Severnaya Zemlya;

Introduce stricter time limits on economic activity in areas where polar bears are concentrated in ice and in places where they are found in dens;

Implement preventive measures, reducing the likelihood of polar bears appearing in populated areas and attacking people (remove or move landfills as far as possible from food waste, cutting places sea ​​beast and fish;

More reliably isolate food stores and warehouses from animals;

Equip regional environmental inspections with sets of immobilizing equipment, which can be used to catch and remove to a safe distance bears that enter the territory settlement, and etc.).

The polar bear regularly breeds in zoos in Kazan, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Perm, and Rostov-on-Don.

Today on Earth there are quite a lot of animal species that require special attention for the reason that they are becoming rare and may be in danger of extinction in the near future. Animals such as polar bears are also included in this group. The Red Book is intended to keep records of rare species and some of its pages are dedicated to the polar bear.

Polar bear habitats

This species of animal is interesting because its representatives live in places that are not very suitable for life. It's about about the Arctic with its harsh climate. Low temperatures air, long winter, polar nights did not become an obstacle for the polar bear.

The expanses of the Arctic Ocean with its lifeless islands, the northern outskirts of Eurasia and North America- places where the polar bear lives.
The Red Book, various encyclopedias and many other sources, providing information about this animal, indicate its significant difference from other species of bears living on the planet. Even its name can indicate certain characteristics of an animal. From the language of some peoples or scientific sources It is known that the animal is called differently - sea, northern, polar bear.

Paths of evolution

Scientists for a long time It was believed that the development paths of the polar and brown bear diverged approximately one hundred and fifty thousand years ago. And this happened in the area of ​​the planet occupied by modern Ireland. But recent research data has forced us to change this point of view. Today, science suggests that the separation of species occurred much earlier - on average, about six hundred thousand years ago. Over this long period, animals developed differences associated not only with habitat and nutritional conditions, but also appearance, Although genetic material indicates that these animals once had a common ancestor.

What is also common is the sad fact that all bears today are the White Himalayan and other species of these unique animals need the protection that only humans can give them. Although, it was he who became the main reason for the reduction in their numbers on Earth.

You can learn everything about the polar bear, as well as its relatives, on the pages of numerous publications, which contain research by scientists and stories of people who have encountered these unique and at the same time very dangerous animals in nature.

It must be said that the meeting did not always end happily, without sad consequences, if a person and a polar bear became its participants. The Red Book appeared because people sometimes tried to prevent the actions of a predator and destroyed it before it itself attacked a person or his home. But people’s actions were not always reasonable enough, and this ultimately led to a reduction in the number of polar bears.

Appearance and body structure features

A flat head is the main difference between a polar bear and a brown bear in body structure. The limbs of the animal have a pillar-like appearance. The feet are very wide. This helps bears move through deep snow without falling through. Thanks to special structure Their feet and the fact that they are covered with fur allow polar bears to move easily on the icy surface. Despite their enormous body mass, they easily overcome hummocks up to two meters high.

The bear's skin color is black, and the skin ranges from white to yellowish. The bear's fur acquires this color when summer period when the sun's rays are especially strong.

Types of polar bears

Animal species living in different regions of the vast Arctic territory differ from each other. The largest polar bears live on the islands. Individual individuals weigh about 1000 kilograms with a body length reaching three meters.

Most existing species of polar bears reach 450 kilograms of weight with a height of about two meters. Females are slightly smaller than males. Their weight averages about 300 kilograms.

The habitat of the smallest representatives of these formidable animals, such as polar bears. The Red Book took everything under protection existing species bears living in the Arctic.

Adaptation to life in the Arctic

Special care for the owner icy deserts manifests The polar bear lives only in the Arctic, most of which belongs to To the Russian state. In addition, polar bears are found on the mainland of Eurasia in the area of ​​icy deserts.

The polar bear does not live in other places on Earth. There are cases when animals on ice floes ended up in warmer climatic conditions, and this caused them big problems.

How did the animal adapt to such harsh living conditions in the Arctic? Firstly, the body is covered with thick fur. Secondly, the structure of the hairs helps trap air in them, which makes the fur warmer. A significant layer of fatty fiber also saves the animal’s body from hypothermia. At the harshest time of the year, its thickness is about ten centimeters.

With such thermal insulation, bears are not afraid of storms, severe frosts, or ice water ocean and northern seas. White bears - excellent swimmers. In search of prey, they can swim up to 80 kilometers a day. In this they are helped by the special structure of their paws, between the toes of which there are membranes. When swimming, the animal's limbs act like flippers.

What is the food of the northern bear?

The polar bear is a predator, so it feeds on the meat of animals that live near it. The bear hunts both in water and on land. The predator can easily cope with smaller animals, such as seals, in the water. He stuns the victim with a blow of his paw and pulls him out onto the ice.

A polar bear can compete with a walrus only on land. The skin of a killed animal and fat are the main delicacy for a predator. If not severe hunger, then the bear leaves the meat untouched, and other smaller predators eat it.

Reasons for the decline in animal numbers

Any person, if he tries to find out everything about the polar bear, will easily find information that one female bear is capable of giving birth to no more than fifteen cubs in her life. When feeding offspring, the death of the young is inevitable - harsh conditions life makes itself felt. Comparing these two facts, it is not difficult to assume that a reduction in the number of animals is possible due to natural reasons.

To this must be added the facts of illegal hunting, the object of which is increasingly becoming polar bears. The Red Book of our country and other countries of the world is trying to stop the process of reducing the number of these animals.

Animals of the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation

The polar bear, along with other animals, has been under state protection since 1956. Hunting for it is completely prohibited in Russia. In countries such as Canada and the USA, it is limited.

For the population living in northern regions Lands where polar bears have long been hunted. The Red Book of states interested in preserving the animal population tried to change the situation.

The meat and skin of bears, for the sake of which they were destroyed, modern world They are not the only source of food available to humans, nor are they the only material used to furnish a home or make clothing. Therefore, hunting bears was no longer considered a necessity. It is classified as poaching and is prosecuted by law.

As a result of the measures taken, a rare animal was saved - a polar bear. The Red Book published a description of the numbers and types of the population in 1993. By this time, not only the restoration of individuals was noted, but also a slight increase in the number of animals.

Polar bears are one of the most majestic animals in the world. Close relatives brown bears, they, however, have been studied much less and are therefore more interesting.

What do polar bears look like?

The polar bear is the second largest land animal in terms of size and mass. More than him - only sea ​​Elephant. The largest bears reach three meters in length and weigh one ton.

The standard body length of an adult male is from two to two and a half meters, weight is 400-450 kilograms.

Females are smaller and weigh up to 300 kg.

Compared to its brown relative, the polar bear has a flatter head and long neck. Its fur is not always white - in summer it gives off a yellowish tint.

Due to the special structure of the hairs (they are hollow inside), polar bear good thermal insulation.

Bears have good grip on ice thanks to their fur-lined paws. And in the water they are helped by swimming membranes between their toes.

In nature, polar grizzlies are sometimes found - half-breeds resulting from the union of polar and brown bears. But this phenomenon is rare: representatives different types do not like and avoid each other. To date, there are three recorded cases of crossing.

Hybrids have a mixed color, closer to brown, but lighter than usual.

These animals can live from 25 to 30 years. In captivity, this period increases; today the maximum life expectancy of a polar bear is 45 years.

Where do polar bears live?

Polar bears are not called polar bears for nothing. Their habitat is North hemisphere, subpolar regions. They also live on the mainland, in the tundra zone.

Bears inhabit the north up to the southern border of their habitat - the island of Newfoundland.

In Russia they can be found from Franz Josef Land to Chukotka. Synod, bears go deep into the continent or on floating ice end up in Kamchatka.

What do polar bears eat?

Polar bears are predators. Moreover, they hunt in water: these animals swim well and can spend a lot of time in the sea or ocean. Thick skin and subcutaneous fat(its thickness can reach 10 centimeters) - an excellent insurance against the cold.

In water, bears are much more agile and agile, and therefore pose a serious danger to sea animals. These majestic animals can move over vast distances. A record of 685 kilometers was recorded: the bear that set it was looking for a hunting spot.

Natural coloring and excellent hearing also help bears in hunting.

Along with fish, they also feed on water inhabitants: walruses, sea ​​hares, seals.

The polar bear is a cunning hunter. It attacks most often from an ambush, often setting it up near a hole and stunning the prey that sticks out.

Sometimes bears turn over ice floes on which seals make rookeries.

Walruses are hunted only on land: in water it is more difficult for bears to cope with these animals.

How polar bears raise babies

During her life, one mother bear gives birth to no more than 15 cubs. Females rarely give birth, once every two to three years.

Mating season occurs in the months from March to June, and in October, expectant mothers begin preparing the den. And for this they have favorite places. The largest number of bear dens made by females were recorded on Franz Josef Land and on Wrangel Island.

Bears are loners by nature, so the mother gives birth and raises the babies alone. They are born in the middle of winter or towards the end, but the mother remains in hibernation all this time.

Mother bears and their cubs are born in April.

For up to one and a half years, the cubs remain in the care of their mother and are fed with her milk all this time. Together with her cubs, the mother bear leads a nomadic lifestyle.

The message about the polar bear can be used in preparation for the lesson. A story about a polar bear for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report on the topic “Polar bear” 4th grade

The polar bear is one of the largest predators on Earth. These are the inhabitants of harsh and snowy expanses arctic belt, their southern border of habitat is the tundra zone.

Description of a polar bear

The polar bear has a heavy, massive body and large, powerful paws.

Its weight ranges from 300 to 800 kg, and its length can reach up to three meters. The color of the fur coat can range from white to yellowish. In summer, the fur may turn yellow due to constant exposure sunlight. Wool stores subcutaneous fat and protects well from the cold, so animals do not freeze either on land or under water. The tail of a polar bear is very short, ranging from 7 to 13 cm in length and is almost invisible under its dense fur.

Interestingly, the bear's skin under its fur is black, as is its nose.

Their feet have an unusual elongated shape, which allows them not to fall under the snow and cover distances of 30 kilometers. Thanks to the partitions between the toes, animals swim well and hunt underwater.

What do bears eat?

They feed on fish, seals, and sometimes baby walruses. Bears can go without food for a long time, but when they catch prey, they eat up to 10 kg of meat at a time. In summer they can eat plants. Predators are very agile, despite their enormous weight and thick skin. They have a well-developed sense of smell and vision. They can see and smell their prey from kilometers away. And having tracked down the prey, they stun it with a blow of their paw.

Polar bear lifestyle

Basically, these animals are solitary, but in the spring they pair up to create offspring. In small families they explore new territory, but do not stay there for long. Female polar bears almost never leave their shelter while bearing cubs and lose 2 times their weight. After giving birth to babies (usually one or two), the mother bear spends several more months with them in a specially dug den, because they are not yet adapted to the cold. Newborn cubs are taught by their mother to hunt and survive in difficult conditions.