Coil spelling is a combination of consonants or the end of a word. Topic: Identification features of spelling patterns as a means of developing spelling vigilance

Writings not according to pronunciation are called spellings, i.e. correct spellings (in words tr A wow, but and highlighted letters are spellings). Instead of a spelling, another letter may be written in a word - incorrect spelling, i.e. an error: lo and ka - highlighted letter - spelling (correct spelling); "lo w ka" - the highlighted letter is a spelling error (i.e. incorrect spelling). A writing student has a constant competition in his mind, a choice between spelling and an error. There are many reasons for the appearance of errors (instead of spellings) (see them below).

Each type of spelling has its own easily remembered signs, or identifying features:

For orthograms - vowel letters: unstressed vowels ( To A current,st e on, position of vowels after sibilants and ts (and e people,ts And rk);

For spellings - consonant letters: a confluence of consonants ( I sn th,boom residential complex A), end of word ( holo d ,But and );

For spellings - letters b And ъ : a) for separating ъ And b the presence of the sound [th’] after a consonant ( With[y'e] m, seven[y'a]); b) in non-separating b the presence of soft consonants in a consonant cluster (But chn oh, sir[l’] duh, ko[n’] ki, ba[n’] teak), the presence of sibilants at the end of a word ( ro and b,grief h ,spinning h b,e w b,completely w b,whether w b), the presence in the pronunciation of verbs [ca] ( Koopa ts I,bathe ts I);

For spellings - capital letters: beginning of a sentence, presence of proper names ( B aikal) and proper names ( IN great ABOUT political war);

For non-letter spellings: presence Not And neither , prepositions and conjunctions, prefixes V- , some , By- , suffixes -or , someday , -yes , -s(s) , -oh , -to him , compound words, end of line.

Identification features are acquired gradually as one becomes familiar with new types of spelling patterns. They perform a huge teaching role if the teacher does the appropriate work.

45. Methodology for working on a spelling rule.

Psychological science has raised the extremely important question of the need to teach schoolchildren methods of mental work. This is stated in the article by D.N. Bogoyavlensky: “... the methods of mental work on the application of theoretical knowledge in practice should be given no less attention in teaching than the mastery of content scientific concepts or rules." Algazina N.N. Formation of spelling skills. - M. “Enlightenment”. 1987

That's why it's important to find ways to teach spelling that help students develop thinking skills. To do this, it is necessary to explain not only the essence of spelling rules, but also how to use them practically, i.e. determine when to apply a rule; determine which rule should be applied; in what sequence the word must be parsed in order to apply the corresponding rule to this particular case.

To this end, when studying each spelling rule, the teacher introduces students to the schemes of written and oral spelling analysis and its sample, and also uses explanatory writing.

The spelling parsing scheme is determined by:


It is important to note that sometimes individual points of analysis, indicating what operation, what action the student must perform, provide for a step that is far from elementary. This operation itself may consist of a number of steps.

Let's say the parsing scheme says: “Determine the declension of a noun.” Can this operation be considered elementary? Obviously not.

The student must:

Put the noun he is interested in in nominative singular;

Pay attention to the ending;

Determine the gender of the noun.

Complex operation determining the declension of a noun is worked out before it is included in the spelling analysis scheme (during the study of grammatical material).

So, a parsing scheme is a prescription that determines what essential features spelling patterns and in what sequence the writer needs to identify them in order to correctly apply the corresponding spelling rule; in other words, the spelling analysis scheme is a prescription that determines the content and sequence of mental actions for applying spelling rules in writing practice.

First of all, let us dwell on the content of the analysis, i.e. on what essential features the student must establish in order to correctly apply the rules. These essential features are indicated in the formulation of spelling rules. For example:

After hissing and C in the suffixes of adjectives, O is written under stress, without stress -E: penny, hedgehog, but: plush, calico.

According to the wording of this rule, the student must determine:

a) in which morpheme there is a vowel that follows the sibilant;

b) part of speech;

c) place of stress.

As for the parsing sequence, it is advisable to take into account the following: firstly, the identifying feature is called; secondly, such an essential feature or such essential features with the help of which the student must bring the spelling under the rule; thirdly, such an essential feature or such essential features, the definition of which will make it possible to resolve the issue of writing a given spelling.

The question arises in what order these essential features should be considered. When deciding it, you must be guided by the following: first, those essential features of the spelling are considered, the clarification of which, under certain circumstances, may eliminate the need to determine other essential features.

So, when determining the sequence of spelling analysis, the following must be taken into account: first, the identifying feature of the spelling is indicated, then the “selective” feature (or “selective” features), then the “final” feature (or “final” features).

There can be only one identifying feature of an orthogram, for example an unstressed vowel, the sound [n] in a suffix. Therefore, at the identification stage, the sequence of spelling analysis does not need to be established. As for the “selective” and “final” features of an orthogram, there may be two or more of them. In this case, at the “selective” and “final” stages it is necessary to find out the sequence of spelling analysis. In this case, one must be guided by the following: first, such a sign is determined, the establishment of which can eliminate the need to clarify another sign or other signs.

Explanatory letter.

Explanatory writing helps teach schoolchildren to apply spelling rules.

An explanatory letter is understood as a letter from students with an oral or written explanation of spelling patterns (V.A. Dobromyslov). In the experience of Lipetsk teachers, the oral explanation of spelling immediately before writing a word and during its writing received the name of commented writing. More acceptable, from our point of view, is the term “explanatory letter”.

When performing exercises such as cheating and writing dictations, students explain spellings orally or in writing, i.e. indicate in a certain sequence all the essential features, the totality of which determines the correct spelling (perform a spelling analysis).

When giving a written explanation, use conditional abbreviations and underlining, which is communicated to students when a sample of written analysis is given.

Conventional abbreviations and graphic notations allow students to explain in writing all the spellings considered in school, i.e. record mental actions in the process of applying rules according to schemes proposed by the teacher.

As for the oral explanation of the spelling, it usually represents a coherent statement of the reasoning type. In this case, students’ thinking and speech develop and spelling rules are deeply comprehended.

An oral explanation of the spelling, which is a detailed reasoning in accordance with the spelling analysis scheme, is especially appropriate to carry out immediately after the explanation of the corresponding spelling rule (when students master the detailed reasoning leading to the determination of the desired spelling), during repetition and during work on errors.

The same must be said regarding the written explanation of spelling. However written explanation also occurs when the need for detailed reasoning disappears. Students, when determining the spelling, only establish essential phonetic and grammatical features, using conventional abbreviations (see Appendix No.) and underlining. At the same time, a written explanation obliges all schoolchildren to analyze spelling patterns, i.e. learn to apply the rules, and helps the teacher identify errors in the analysis that give rise to incorrect spelling. In the latter case, it is possible, when working on errors and further consolidating spelling rules, to pay attention to what the students have not yet learned and what is the cause of errors.

It is important to emphasize the following: in order for schoolchildren to learn to apply spelling rules, they must, during exercises, explain spellings before writing words that contain the corresponding spellings.

And one more circumstance needs to be paid attention to. It is necessary to train students in explaining spellings during auditory perception of text.

“For spelling purposes,” writes D.N. Bogoyavlensky, - it is absolutely necessary to develop the ability to quickly, as work progresses (for example, when dictating), recognize morphemes and grammatical categories. It should be noted that both with dictations and with all kinds of creative written work, the student has to determine all this either by auditory perception of the text or by internal pronunciation of it. Therefore, it seems natural to teach students to perform grammatical analysis by ear during grammar classes.” Algazina N.N. Formation of spelling skills. - M. “Enlightenment”. 1987.

The main orthographic units are spellings. More specific units than orthograms are identification features of orthograms. Larger spelling units are spelling rules.

A spelling is called “this or that spelling in a word or between words, which can be represented by different graphic signs, but of which only one is accepted as correct, or, in other words, this is a spelling in a word that corresponds to a certain spelling rule.”

Table 17

Identification features of spellings

Spelling type Identification marks
vowels letters consonants - lack of stress;

Sibilants and C before vowels;

End of the word;

Consonant cluster;

N before vowels at the end of a word

not denoting sounds b non-separating - soft consonants;

Hissing words at the end;

- [ca] at the end of verbs

b and b separating - sound [a] after consonants and before vowels e, e, yu, i, and
capital letters - beginning of a sentence, text;

Availability of proper names and proper titles

hyphen - complex words;

Prefixes some~, in-, by,

Suffixes -any, -or, -what;

Particles -something.

continuous and dividing spellings (space) - not, nor, would, same; prepositions, compound words
dash (when transferred) end of line

The spelling is not contained in every word, not on any word boundary, for example, in the words house, tar, lac and between words beautiful flower, a person reads no spelling.

To find spellings in a word, you need to know their identifying features. Examples of identifying features of spellings can be found in the table compiled by M.T. Baranov.

Once the identifying feature by which the spelling can be found has been determined, the condition for selecting the correct spellings in words should be specified, i.e. determine what needs to be written in a particular case.

Selection conditions are phonetic, word-formation, morphological, syntactic and semantic features of words that help determine which letters should be written.

A spelling rule usually combines 2-3 selection conditions. For example, in the rule about the spelling of vowels O and £ in the suffix of adjectives -OV (-EB), their choice depends on the stress (phonetic condition), on the position of the vowel after the sibilant (phonetic condition), on its location in the suffix (word-formation condition). There are three of them in total. The rule is formulated as follows: “In adjective suffixes, after sibilants, the letter O is written under stress, and without stress - the letter E.” For example: hedgehog, penny, guard, shoulder.

Phonetic features of words are the position and nature of the phoneme (stress, unstress, softness, voicing and deafening), for example: distant (far), friend, trees, big, low.

Word-formation features are in which part of the word the spelling is located or the word has the same root, for example: beautiful, bug, garden - garden.

Morphological conditions indicate the part of speech and its characteristics: duty (noun, II class, imp.), uses (verb, I sp., 3 literal units).

Syntactic conditions indicate the connection of words, for example:

Semantic conditions determine the meaning of a word or the meaning of a part of a word, for example: sit on a bench, turn gray early, coastal (proximity).

1. What is the basic spelling unit?

2. What is called a spelling?

3. Is the spelling contained in each word?

4. Using table 18, characterize the identifying features of spelling patterns.

5. What is the condition for selecting spellings?

6. What are the conditions of choice, what do they include and what do they indicate?

O Exercise 75

Rewrite the text, underline the words with spellings. Name the type of spelling, identifying feature and selection condition.

Forest stream

I'm walking along the bank of my favorite stream myself early spring. In a shallow place, flowing water encounters a barrier in the roots of spruce trees, and that is why it gurgles against the roots and releases bubbles. Once born, these bubbles quickly rush further at a new obstacle into a far-visible snow-white lump.

The water encounters new and new obstacles, and this does nothing for it, it only gathers into streams, as if it were squeezing its muscles in an inevitable struggle.

The trembling of water from the sun casts a shadow on the trunk of the tree, on the grass, and the shadows run along the trunks, on the grass, and in this trembling a sound is born and hums, as if the grass is growing to music.

And then there’s a big blockage, and the water seems to be murmuring, and this murmur and splashing can be heard far away.

And to the sound of the stream, resinous buds open, and grass rises from under the water and on the banks.

O Give examples of spellings, the explanation of which provides for 2-3 or more selection conditions.

Ш A special problem in regulating the norms of written language is the distinction between spelling and non-spelling errors. Some spellings that look like spelling errors are actually speech errors. These include: 1) incorrect formation of forms: “future”, “thirsty” (by analogy with the form “next”), “rides” (by analogy with “thinks”), “drive” (by analogy with sneeze);

2) the use of a word with a different meaning, although it is similar in sound to the required meaning: “backed by a haze” instead of “covered by a haze”, “ignorant” instead of “ignorant”; 3) a reflection of colloquial pronunciation: “serious”, “televiser”, “congratulations”.

The examples given are the incorrectness of not only written, but above all oral speech.

In contrast, genuine spelling errors are not accompanied by incorrect pronunciation, because both with the accepted spelling (sitting on the grass, life, touch) and with the incorrect spelling (sitting on the grass, zhyzn, kosas) the words given in brackets are read (pronounced) correctly.

Spelling errors are heterogeneous in nature. They can be divided into: 1) actual spelling (“admire”, “peers”, “with you”, “beautiful”, “says”); 2) graphic and orthographic (“zhyzn”, “tsipochki”, “chischa”);

3) grammatical and spelling (“hold on”, “to Maria”, “with Repin”). In the latter cases, to choose the correct spelling, it is not enough to know only the spelling rule: when applying the rule you need to rely on grammar.

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§ 18. Spelling patterns and their features

relevant scientific sources:

  • Finger dermatoglyphics and physical abilities

    Abramova Tamara Fedorovna | Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences. Moscow - 2003 | Dissertation | 2003 | Russia | docx/pdf | 9.06 MB

    03.00.14 - Anthropology by biological sciences. Relevance of the problem. The possibility of early recognition and prognostic assessment of phenotypic manifestations of a genotype is one of the leading components

  • Incentive as a method of legal regulation

    Kiseleva Olga Mikhailovna | Dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences. SARATOV - 2000 | Dissertation | 2000 | Russia | docx/pdf | 4.06 MB

    Specialty 12.00.01 - Theory of law and state; history of law and state; history of political and legal doctrines. Relevance of the research topic. Specifics of the development of modern public

  • Cheat sheet on the Theory of State and Law of Russia

    | Cheat sheet | 2016 | Russia | doc | 0.11 MB

    1. Concept, characteristics and functions of the state. 2. Theories of the origin of the state - theories that explain the meaning and nature of changes, the conditions and reasons for the emergence of the state. Included in the subject

  • Answers to exam questions for the course “Agricultural Law”

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  • Human anatomy, physiology, pathology. Answers to exam questions

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    1. The subject of studying human anatomy, physiology and pathology. Their connection with pedagogy, psychology, neuropathology and other disciplines. The role of knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and pathology for

“Suddenly a friend became sad, soon he will meet an enemy again...” But why did the reader of these lines also become sad? Empathy for the lyrical hero? Undoubtedly. But there is also something invisible at first glance. What if you try to read the sentence out loud? Get ready for the tongue to shake and explode. Let's figure out what a consonant cluster is. This will be interesting.

Cluster of consonants: how many?

“Vdr”, “vzgr”, “stn”, even the strange “sdr” at the junction of words... Such a number of consonants per square centimeter is clearly too much for the language of the average person. And this phenomenon is called simply and figuratively: a confluence of consonants. What is this?

To clearly explain what a consonant sequence is, let’s look at what is called the norm and deviation from it in any language. From the point of view of phonetics, the most convenient scheme for pronunciation is the alternation of a vowel and It is no coincidence that words like “mama”, “baba”, “bibi” are most quickly and easily picked up by children from adults. Such words are convenient for learning in any foreign language.

What about them?

It is not for nothing that the Italian language is considered one of the most melodic. The abundance of vowels and their frequent alternation with consonants makes the speech ringing and iridescent, which is only worth the well-known “amore” or “cinema”.

Also within normal limits is a cluster of two consonants. Many Russian words, for example, “friend”, “enemy”, “zvon”, “cry”, are included in this group. Known for its varied combinations of consonants German. “Schmetterling”, “Duft”, “Schritt” - these words are expressive in their own way, beautiful in their clarity and also easy to remember.

But Serbian and Czech languages less fortunate. “Chrli vrkh,” which simply means “black peak,” sounds infernal. And behind the ominous “trdlo” lies a delicious bun. And these are not exceptions at all.

Breaks records for unpronounceable words Georgian. Just look at the value of “gvprtskvnis” - nine consecutive and separately pronounced consonants.
IN English there is a word latchstring (rope from a latch) - 6 consonants in a row. It is worth noting that there are 5 sounds in this combination [le tchstr ing]. We hasten to reassure all English learners that consonants are a rarity. The maximum here is 4 consonants in the forms plural: attempts, bursts, and also in sixth, twelfth.

Words with three consonants are also common in the Russian language. “Sigh”, “cry”, “adult”, “strive”, “revenge”... You can easily notice that such noisy trios occur (and here is another example!) at the beginning of a word. This option is still more or less acceptable. But short forms Some adjectives can make you smile. Round, kind, dull, callous - is it possible to say about a person “He is callous” and not smile? Even if this characterization is true. Why does this happen?

Where consonants merge

The whole point is where the consonant combination occurs: at the end of the word, in its middle or at the beginning. As a rule, the beginning of any word is pronounced with greater strength voices and speed. This makes it easier to articulate several consonants in a row, as if they are flying through the air. Hence the hidden energy of the word “explosion” - the combination of consonants here describes this phenomenon perfectly. The words “takeoff” and “shot” are similar in effect. Very often such words denote a sharp, impetuous and short-term action. Agree that such a combination of consonants is very justified. And beautiful.

Words with a cluster of consonants at the end, on the contrary, sound ponderous. Cedar, beaver, fact... However, as soon as you stand at the end of the word, the combination of consonants is almost lost: “tundra”. The same thing happens with plural forms: “cedars”, “facts”. And here are the forms genitive case The plural of some nouns may well slow down the pace of speech: “feelings”, “actions”, “sets”.

The meeting place can be changed

Speaking about the “meeting place”, one cannot fail to mention the random combination of consonants at the junction of words or morphemes . A classic example from a bad poem for children: “The baby doll is furious.” With such a pandemonium of voiceless consonants, not only the baby doll will go crazy! Whistling [s] and [z] completely dissolve the innocent [v] between them, erase the boundaries of words and, when pronounced quickly, make the phrase difficult to understand.

Counterstrategy, filterpress, burgomastership, denationalization... These monsters in letter form are just words that are not very lucky with prefixes and suffixes. Often guilty foreign origin either a prefix (counter-), or a root (burgomaster), or both roots (filter and press). It is worth rejoicing that, as a rule, they have a narrow specialization.

Falling out of the clip

Hello! It's so easy to say this word. But writing is not very good. Three consonants at the beginning and four in the middle make one of the friendliest words seem forbidding. But how did you do it? human language? Very simple. I removed the indistinct sound [v] from the pronunciation. Some go even further, shortening it to “hello”, “drast” or “darova”. The point is one thing - if a word is used very often in everyday speech, its pronunciation should not make conversation difficult. “Sun”, “late”, “heart”, “godfather” in oral speech have happily lost inconvenient consonants that unnecessarily strain the tongue. But look at the cognates “sunny”, “to be late”, “cordial”, “baptism”. Very similar, but different words. The consonant sequence in them is divided into two parts by vowels, and each consonant sound receives its own portion of power.

Is there such a thing as too much publicity?

We have already figured out that many consonants in a row are bad and inconvenient for smooth human speech. But what about long vowel sequences?

Audio equipment, hydroaeroionization, radioactivity... It is easy to notice that vowel combinations occur at the junction of the stems in compound words. Typically these are complex scientific terms, which we rarely use in everyday life. If you try to read such words out loud, you will hear that they are involuntarily divided into two or three shorter ones (according to the number of stems). However, vowels are easier to handle due to the greater participation of the voice in their pronunciation.

Tongue twisters

It would seem that a confluence of consonants is an ideal phenomenon for tongue twisters. This is where everyone's tongues are smashed to smithereens! Let's analyze the most popular tongue twisters in the Russian language.

  • Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
  • There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
  • In the shallows we lazily caught burbot and exchanged the burbot for tench. Was it not you who sweetly begged me for love, who beckoned me into the mists of the Liman.

It turned out to be a very motley picture. Well-known tongue twisters, it turns out, do not contain a single mind-blowing combination of consonants! The maximum here is two consonants in a row [dr], [tr], [shk]. But these combinations are widespread and do not cause difficulties.

Basically, tongue twisters are aimed at honing simple consonant-vowel syllables that are similar to each other. Thus, tongue twister improves the pace and fluency of speech at the same time.

There are several tongue twisters with consonant clusters. However, they are not so well known.

  • Wipe the portrait. Wipe the portrait carefully.
  • Contain vehicle more expensive than spending money on transport.
  • The route was routed, but was not routed.

Such verbal exercises will not make speech more elegant, and therefore it is better to still use the old, tried and tested fruits of folk art.

Let's sum it up

Consonant clustering is a phenomenon that exists in many languages ​​of the world. For some languages ​​it is the norm, but for others it is unacceptable. Very often, an abundance of consonants makes oral speech difficult and impairs understanding (especially at the junction of words). Nevertheless, this phenomenon gives expressiveness to some words, especially if used at the beginning of the lexeme. Shaking and exploding the tongue is sometimes very useful.

, teacher-speech therapist, BOU "Gymnasium No. 76"

Subject: Identification features of spelling patterns as a means of developing spelling vigilance

Among the areas of work to prevent and eliminate dysorthography in younger children, the development of spelling vigilance occupies an important place. As he writes, “the lack of spelling vigilance or its poor formation is one of the main reasons for mistakes made. This reason negates good knowledge of the rules and the ability to apply them: the student does not see spelling patterns in the writing process.”

Thus, the concept " spelling vigilance" implies the ability to quickly detect spelling patterns in text and determine their types. Spelling vigilance is inseparably linked with the ability to evaluate each sound in a word and distinguish in what position it is located. To have spelling vigilance means to be able to evaluate a sounding word from the point of view of the presence of “ problem areas"in a word - weak positions. The ability to detect and check spelling before writing it is a basic spelling skill.

It is impossible to develop stable spelling skills without developing the ability to detect identifying features of spelling patterns. Identification features of spellings are a kind of signals, signs of spellings. They force the student to listen carefully to the spoken speech and activate speech-auditory attention to search for spelling. Unfortunately, the reserves contained in knowledge of theoretical information about the identifying features of spellings and the ability of students to recognize spellings by ear based on these features are not sufficiently used in school practice.

The concept of “identifying features of spellings”

The concept of “identifying feature of a spelling pattern” was introduced into the methodology of teaching the Russian language in the mid-60s of the 20th century “to indicate the conditions for choosing a specific spelling pattern” in connection with the problem of spelling vigilance.

In 1970, he clarified the content of the concept, defining the identifying feature of a spelling pattern as a special signal of the presence of a spelling pattern in a word or between words and, at the same time, one of the conditions for choosing a specific spelling pattern. A general list of identification features was proposed different types spelling

1. Mismatch between letter and sound.

2. Sounds giving greatest number mismatches (dangerous sounds). It is necessary to teach children as early as possible to notice such “dangerous” sounds (letters) in words, such positions in words, such pairs of sounds:

Vowels - a, o, i, e;

Pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants;

Combinations: zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu;

Combinations: stn-sn, zdn-zn, in which unpronounceable consonants may occur;

Consonants p, k, f, t, s, sh at the end of a word, which may turn out to be weak positions of the phonemes b, g, v, d, z, zh;

Letters i, e, e, yu;

Soft consonants;

The ending, the junction of the prefix and the root, and much more.

3. Morphemes: root, prefix, suffix, ending; connecting vowels in difficult words; recurrent particle xia(s). Combination of morphemes - two prefixes, 2-3 suffixes.

General identifying features of spellings are:

1) discrepancy between sound and letter, between pronunciation and writing;

2) “dangerous” sounds and sound combinations (letters and letter combinations), memorizing them and constant attention to them;

3) morphemes, their isolation, prediction of spelling patterns in them and verification.

As for the discrepancy between letters and sounds, spelling and pronunciation - the main feature of a spelling pattern, this feature “works” only in cases where students hear a word and at the same time see its letter image. However, in the process of writing from dictation, a primary school student often cannot detect discrepancies between sounds and letters.

“Dangerous” sounds and sound combinations (letters and letter combinations) are the sounds themselves (sound combinations, the place of sounds in words, letters, letter combinations) that give the greatest number of mismatches. During the learning process, children memorize a set of those sounds and sound combinations (letters and letter combinations) that can represent spelling patterns and lead to errors. Students become familiar with most of these combinations already during the period of learning to read and write.

In order to learn to find the third identifying feature of spellings - morphemes in words, combinations of morphemes, the student must master the topic “Word Formation”. Being able to identify a morpheme in a word, the student purposefully searches for a spelling, since he knows which spellings can be found in the prefix, which in the root, which in the ending or at the junction of morphemes. The table “Scheme” can help with this minefield”, offered in the guide for parents “How to teach your child to write without errors.” The diagram clearly shows which spellings can be found in each part of the word. Armed with such a “mine detector” - an index of identifying features of spellings in various morphemes, a student can gradually master the skill of finding a spelling in any part of a word.

These groups of identification features can be classified as common to most spellings. In addition to general identifying features, each type of spelling also has private signs, inherent only in one type, sometimes in a group of similar spellings.

ClassificationAndidentifying features of spellings.

There are several classifications of identifying features of spellings, which not only do not contradict, but also complement each other.

Classification of identifying features of letter-type spellings according to weak and strong positions;

Classification of identifying features of orthograms according to their general and specific features;

Classification of identifying features of spellings (taking into account the principles of spelling);

1. Classification of identifying features of letter-type spellings according to weak and strong positions.

Letter type


Identification features of spellings

Weak positions

Strong positions

Unstressed vowel

Presence of hissing and c

before vowels


End of the word

Consonant cluster

H before the suffix,

N before ending

ь non-separating

Soft consonants

-[tsa] at the end of verbs,

Hissing words at the end

ь and ъ separating

Sound [th] after consonants

and before vowels.

2. Classification of identifying features of orthograms according to their general and specific features

Spelling name

Identification features (general and specific)

Unstressed vowels in the root (verifiable and unverifiable)

a) lack of emphasis; b) vowels a, o, i, e; c) place in a word

Voiced and voiceless consonants

a) paired consonants b-p, g-k, v-f, d-t, z-s, w-sh; b) place in a word (at the root, at the absolute end of the word or before a consonant)

Unpronounceable consonants

a) “dangerous” combinations of sounds or letters stn, zdn, sn, zn, etc.; b) place in a word

Separating b

the presence of the sound [j] after a soft consonant, the presence of vowels i, e, yu, e

Dividing ъ

a) the presence of a sound after a consonant, the presence of vowels e, i, yu, e (vowel sounds [e], [a], [y], [o] after [j]; b) place of the spelling: at the junction of the prefix ending to consonant and root

Separate writing of prepositions, continuous writing of prefixes

a) the presence of a sound combination that may turn out to be a preposition or prefix; b) part of speech: the verb cannot have a preposition, the preposition refers to a noun or pronoun

Capital letter in proper names

a) place in a word: first letter; b) the meaning of the word: title or name

Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence

a) place in a word: first letter; b) place in a sentence: first word

Combinations zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu

presence of combinations in a word

ь at the end of nouns after sibilants

a) the presence at the end of a word of always soft hissing ch and sh or always hard sh and zh; b) part of speech: noun; c) gender: male or female

Unstressed endings nouns

a) place of spelling: at the end; b) presence at the end unstressed e-i; c) part of speech: noun

Spelling of adjective endings - wow, - his

a) the presence of such a combination; b) their place: at the end of the word; c) part of speech: adjective

Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs

a) part of speech: verb; b) place: at the end of a word; c) the presence of familiar endings ut - yut, at-yat, lack of stress; d) verb tense: present or future

3. Classification of identifying features of orthograms

A feature of the classification of identifying features of spellings presented in the educational and methodological manual “Speech therapy work on the correction of dysorthography in primary schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment” is that in addition to the general and specific identifying features of spellings, the principles of spelling to which these spellings correspond are indicated. So, for example, the spelling “Unstressed vowels (checked) in the root of the word” corresponds to the morphological principle of writing. Among the general and private identifying features of spellings (what children recognize), the author includes such as

A. Unstressed (lack of stress on the root vowel sound).

B. Vowels [a], [o], [e], [i] as the most “dangerous”. B. The unstressed vowel is in the root. The vowels [a], [o], [e], [i] are called the most “dangerous”.

However, in fact, in the unstressed position the sounds [o], [e] in the roots of words are not pronounced. Instead, either [a] or [i] are heard, and that is why there is a “danger” of choosing the wrong letter. The very presence of these sounds in the root of a word in an unstressed position indicates the need for verification. Children should pay attention to this fact.

Very effective for learning to recognize spelling signs modeling technique . When modeling an orthogram, its general and specific identifying features are taken into account. Symbols generally accepted in school practice are used: the root of the word is an arc, a strong position of a vowel or consonant is a plus sign, a weak position is a minus sign. The use of models is based on theory formation of mental actionsand goes through the following stages:

Finding identifying features of spellings in terms of external speech using material supports ( symbols, schemes)

Finding identifying features of spellings only in speech terms;

Finding identifying features of spellings in terms of internal speech (in mental terms).

This sequence of work allows you to develop the skill of determining essential identifying features and the minimum orthographic field of an orthogram with a gradual transfer of the process of finding them in interior plan. This is due to the fact that visual-figurative thinking is typical for younger schoolchildren. The introduction of a schematic image of an orthogram allows you to transform the orthogram into a model or diagram, which creates conditions for the development of visual-schematic, logical thinking. Recognition skill distinctive features spelling patterns will be stable if the students themselves took part in their “discovery”.

The compiled spelling model will help you comprehend and easily reproduce the spelling rule. Based on the identifying features of spelling patterns, algorithms for spelling actions are compiled.

Thus, knowledge of the identifying features of spelling patterns and the ability to find them is an indispensable condition for the formation of spelling vigilance. It is especially important to develop the ability to detect spelling in the system of work to prevent and correct dysorthography in schoolchildren.


1. Azov’s work on the correction of dysorthography in primary schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment: Educational and methodological manual. - M., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 2007

2. Algazina spelling skills: A manual for teachers. – M., 1987

4. Epiphany mastery of spelling. / – M., 1966

5. Epiphany principles of mastering spelling, teaching spelling/// Primary school. –2003 - No. 4-S.39

6. and others. Problems of forming knowledge, knowledge and skills in schoolchildren // Questions of psychology, - 1983 - No. 5-P.64

7. Zhedek teaching spelling/ Theoretical foundations teaching the Russian language in primary school //Ed. . –M.: Enlightenment. With.

8. and others. Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school/ ,. Svetlovskaya – M.: Education, 19 p.

9. Lvov spelling in primary school///Elementary school. –1984. No. 12-S.67

10. Lviv in primary school/. –M.: Enlightenment, p.

11. Shklyarova teach your child to write without mistakes. Publishing house "Gramotey", 2003, p.4

Identification features of spellings

Spelling type

Identification marks

Letters: vowels

lack of stress,

sizzling and ts before vowels


end of the word

consonant cluster,

N before ending and suffix

ъ And b

soft consonants,

words hissing at the end

sound [th] after consonants and before vowels,

[tsa] at the end of verbs

the beginning of a sentence or test,

the presence of proper names and proper designations,

complex words,

consoles some -, V -, By -,

suffixes - someday , - That , - or ,

particles - That , - ka

Merged and separate spellings\space\

N e,neither , would , same ; prepositions;


End of line

Spellings come in different parts words, between parts of a word and between words.


How to learn to write correctly

1. You need to learn to feel the stress without feeling the stress; you cannot detect an unstressed vowel.

2. You need to learn how to identify morphemes, otherwise you won’t know which rule to apply.

3. You need to learn to determine the part of speech, without this it is impossible to apply the rule.

4. You need to learn to distinguish the semantic features of words, otherwise you can make a mistake in choosing a test word.

So many rules! So many rules!

It will make you shiver out of habit!

Just be careful!

You will remember everything, you will understand everything!

    Read it. What role does handwriting play in written communication?

One illiterate man came with a bow to a literate man:

Be a friend, write a letter. Otherwise I can’t...

“No, I can’t, my leg hurts,” he answered gloomily.

Come back in a week, maybe the illness will go away.

Do you really write with your feet? – the illiterate asked.

No, I don’t have the strength to go to the address with a letter.

My handwriting is like this, work for at least a whole year,

But without me, no one will understand my letter.

(V. Goncharov)

    Explain the proverb

IV.Attaching the ZUN


Objective: development of creative abilities, identification of the level of knowledge of students.

    Is it necessary to be literate?

    Why do you need to be vigilant?

    Why do you need to know punctuation and spelling?

    Read an excerpt from L. Uspensky’s book “A Word about Words” and write an essay-reasoning “ Why do you need to be literate?”

“...I remember a small town, almost destroyed by shells during the days of the Great Patriotic War, the road from our posts to its outskirts and a pillar near the road. On the pillar there is an arrow and a strange inscription: “Optics.” Me and several other officers stood in front of this pillar and strongly scolded the eccentric who made such an inscription. How could we now understand: what is there, around the corner, on the streets of the town, along which fascist bullets whistled? pharmacy" is one thing: we must immediately send soldiers there, regardless of the danger, take out all the medicines that could be left there, bandages, iodine. We really needed all this. If "optics" - then no glasses or cameras for us at that moment they were not interested. “And how can a literate person write such a thing?” the major grumbled.

V. Summing up the lesson

Objective: to analyze and evaluate the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospects for further work

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did the lesson make you think about?

What goals have you set for yourself?

VI. Homework

Objective: ensuring understanding of the purpose, content and methods of implementation homework. Checking relevant records

Finalize your essay.

VII. Reflection

Objective: mobilizing students to reflect on their behavior (motivation, methods of activity, communication). Mastering the principles of self-regulation and cooperation

Exercise “Plus-minus - interesting.”

P (liked)

M (didn't like it)

And (interesting)

Lesson No. 2

Lesson topic: Spelling prefixes

Prefixes give Russian speech so many rich shades! Wonderful expressive speech depends largely on them.

In the variety of prefixes lies a variety of meaning.

(K.I. Chukovsky)

Target: skill improvement correct spelling words with difficult prefixes.


Educational: generalize and deepen knowledge about the spelling of prefixes, repeat groups of prefixes, spelling words with difficult-to-determine meanings of prefixes pre- And at- .

Developmental: improve the ability to correctly write vowels and consonants in prefixes, distinguish prefixes in writing pre- And at, to form spelling vigilance, teach comparison, proof and refutation as methods of mental activity using examples of explaining spellings in prefixes.

Educational: work on students' attention span.

Methodical techniques: working in groups when compiling a table, talking about difficult cases of spelling prefixes, creative work(mini-story).

Lesson equipment: Presentation. Nefedova O.N. Interactive tables for the Russian language, part 4

I. Organizational moment

Task: organizing students’ attention, familiarizing themselves with the work plan

II. Checking homework

Task: establishing the correct completion of the task by all students


III. Updating.

Task: update basic knowledge

    Guess the phraseology. (Bite your tongue, cut it on your nose). What rules do you see examples of?

Independent formulation of the lesson topic.

Our goal is to summarize what is already known, deepen knowledge about the console, continue to consolidate this difficult topic and check how firmly it has been mastered.

– Name 5 ways to apply knowledge, skills and abilities on this topic in life.

- You see how important it is...

    Conversation about consoles

Each part of the word has its own meaning. For the Russian language, the greatest opportunities are represented by the formation of new words with the help of prefixes. For example: run - run up - run - run back, etc.

It is the prefixes that create a special expressiveness of verbs, indicate the degree of intensity of the action, the various shades of its manifestation, and sometimes give words a conversational coloring.

There are many prefixes in the Russian language. Try to remember them and write them without looking anywhere. At the same time, check your memory. If you can think of more than forty prefixes, you can assume that you have excellent memory. If there are thirty prefixes, that’s also not bad, but if there are fewer, don’t be upset, because knowing and remembering are not the same thing. You know and understand words with prefixes very well, you speak freely with their help, but for some reason they didn’t really want to be “remembered” by you. You need to train your memory, learn more poems by heart.

IV.Generalization and systematization of ZUN

Objective: to deepen knowledge about the spelling of prefixes.

    Working with a summary table. Drawing up a support.

Let's continue talking about the console

What is the most difficult group of prefixes in the Russian language? ( at- , pre- )

Why? (there are a lot of words to remember, we will turn to them today).

Fixed prefixes are often not pronounced clearly, and this can also cause spelling difficulties. Many mistakes are made in words with the prefix With- . Prefixes on a consonant, under the influence of the subsequent consonant, are pronounced voiced or voiceless, which manifests itself in the phonetic law of the Russian language (for example, to give [addat’]).

But the consoles on h- , With- are written mainly according to pronunciation, although there are exceptions (tasteless).

From the point of view of spelling, all prefixes in the Russian language are divided into three main groups:
1) prefixes that are always written the same way;
2) prefixes, the spelling of which is determined by the peculiarities of the pronunciation of the word (the place of stress or the quality of the sound following the given prefix);
3) consoles pre- And at - , the spelling of which depends on their meaning.

Prefixes that do not change in writing

Vowels and consonants in prefixes V- (in- ), You- , to- , for- , over- (necessary- ), Not- , under- , O- , about- (about ), from- (from- ), pa- , re- , By- , under- (sub- ), great- , pre- (pre- ), pro- , With- (co- ), su- , y- are always written the same way, regardless of their pronunciation, for example: V become,from give,about think,before become,With quivering,about judgment.

Prefixes ending in -z (-With)

In consoles on -z (-With ) in accordance with pronunciation it is written before voiced consonants h , in front of the deaf - With :

from- (is- )

bend - expire

once- (dis- )

divide - write down

without- (demon- )

ruthless - heartless

WHO- (voc- )

object - exclaim

vz- (all- )

hillock - to feed

bottom- (down- )

to overthrow - to descend

through (through )

excessive - too much

    Vocabulary work

Remember: in consoles once- (dis- ) - rose- (grew- ) under the accent it is written O, without the accent - A: sledges - to destroy; painting - receipt; exception: wanted

Consoles pre-, at-

Prefix pre- has the following meanings:
1) the highest or maximum degree of quality, attribute: great, beautiful, wise;
2) synonymous with the prefix re-: block (block), interrupt (interrupt), break (break).
Prefix at- means:
1) accession, approximation, addition: stick, fly, add, attach;
2) incompleteness of action: sit down, open, pretend;
3) spatial proximity: seaside, homestead;
4) bringing the action to the final result: tame, shoot, sentence;
5) performing an action in someone’s interests: appropriate, save, acquire, pocket.
Vocabulary work

Remember: some words with prefixes pre- And at- vary in meaning. Compare:

betray(friend) - give out (cf. traitor)
give(value) - add
implement(to life) - to bring to life
pretend(door) - close
despise(enemy) - to hate
look after(orphan) - shelter
abide(in the city) - to be
arrive(to the city) - to come
transgress(law) - break
start(to the point) - start
In many cases, attachments pre- , at- closely merged with the root, it is difficult to isolate them and establish their meaning.
Vocabulary work

Remember:president, presidium, prerogative, contender, primitive, privilege, principled, priority.

V. Fastening the ZUN

Task: establishing the correctness and awareness of assimilation educational material on the topic, identifying gaps and misconceptions and correcting them.

    Set-Top Quests

(Prefixes on z - s. Options for assignments are given. Students choose the types of exercises themselves)

Exercise No. 1. Insert the missing letters, indicate the prefixes. (1b) sow rye, to...abandon the enemy, a house, to...glue a map, to...experience troubles, to...pass exams, a difficult confirm the decision, to...give instructions, carefully, to...submit documents, to...take notes on the article, keep the promise, from. ..send correspondence, select...picture illustrations, move...from...everywhere, new s...employee, my great...grandfather.

Exercise No. 2. Form and write words with the given prefixes. Select the prefix (1 b).

Without- or demon- (urgent, controversial, tasty, integral, verbal, useful, sleepy, responsible, valuable);
once- or dis- (form, spend, call, burn, ask, count, melt, draw);
WHO- or re- (click, hold, call, produce, create, reward);
from- or is- (draw, try, spend, follow, give, know).

Exercise No. 3. Make up phrases or sentences with these words. (1b)

Painting, dissolution, draw, search, pouring (special), pouring, receipt, schedule, dissolve, draw, find, pour.

Exercise #4. Brainstorming.

How many prefixes are there in these words? (2b)

Water supply, meat processing, retraining, predetermination, recalculation.

    Differentiated work. Work on rollers.

Topic: “Letters h- With at the end of the consoles"

Insert the letters and graphically explain their spelling.