What is day and night like in the world around us? Thematic week of the surrounding world in primary school

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Change of day and night

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Message about Nicolaus Copernicus Display on a “live” model. Image of the change of day and night on the model. Acquaintance with the types of artificial Earth satellites. Modeling. Test questions.

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Show on a “live” model.

Teacher - the Sun. Child - Earth with an observer doll (the rotation of the Earth around its axis and the change of day and night are shown).

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The results obtained are recorded in a notebook.

Day Evening Night Morning

Slide 5

Image of the change of day and night on the model.

Connect two circles with a length of bar. What will this bar mean in space? Mutual attraction of the Sun and Earth. Stick a point (observer) at the edge of the circle - the Earth. Show how the Earth rotates on its axis. Option 1: “day” position; Option 2: “night” position.

Slide 6

Acquaintance with the types of artificial Earth satellites.

People have learned to put satellites into orbit. To do this, the satellite must overcome the Earth's gravity and develop such a speed that it can move in an elliptical or circular orbit around the Earth without falling onto it (this is the first escape velocity of 7.9 km/s, the second escape velocity is 11.2 km/s) . People create satellites for different needs. Communications satellites. They are “suspended” above a certain point earth's surface. “How can it “hang” above a certain point if the Earth rotates?” (Rotate in the same direction and at the same speed.) “The satellites are “hung” so that they are in direct line of sight from each other, so the signal received from the Earth is transmitted from one satellite to another, and then back to Earth.”

Slide 7

Observation satellites. They move in circular orbits, “looking” at the surface of the Earth. The speed of movement does not coincide with the earth's. Satellites fly over the earth's surface. They monitor the condition of forests, fields, and fires.

Research satellites. They study the Earth's atmosphere, its layers, measure temperature, pressure, and study the composition of the air. What should the orbit of such a satellite be so that it flies through different layers of the atmosphere? (Elliptical).

Slide 8


Does the Earth have natural satellite? (Moon) What is the Moon - a star or a planet? If the Moon itself emitted light like the Sun, how would we always see it? (Round, glowing) How do we see the Moon? Let's use the model to figure out why we see the Moon like this. Attach the Moon to your model on the short bar. The moon rotates counterclockwise. It makes a full revolution around the Earth in 28 days. Set the move on the model sun rays and an approximate view of the Moon in the sky.

What is the difference between day and night? What pictures show the day? The day is light because the sun is in the sky. It illuminates the Earth even through the clouds. It is dark at night because there is no sun in the sky. The day is light because the sun is in the sky. It illuminates the Earth even through the clouds. It is dark at night because there is no sun in the sky.

The earth rotates around its axis. When it makes a half turn, day gives way to night. At this time, daylight is coming on the other side. The Earth makes a full revolution in 24 hours, that is, in a day. The earth rotates around its axis. When it makes a half turn, day gives way to night. At this time, daylight is coming on the other side. The Earth makes a full revolution in 24 hours, that is, in about a duck's time.

The reason for the change of day and night is the rotation of the Earth around its axis. The earth rotates As long as we are on the illuminated side, it is light for us. As long as we are on the illuminated side, it is light for us. While we are on the shadow side, it is dark for us. While we are on the shadow side, it is dark for us. day night

Please tell me where the windows of your house face?

Does the sun wake you up in the morning, breaking through the window?

Or does the sun see off the evening with gentle rays, softly reflecting in the windows of your home?

Of course, the picture of sunrise and sunset that we know depends on which side the windows of our house face. If you do not take into account cloudy weather when the sun is simply not visible, then meeting the sun at dawn and seeing it off at sunset occurs regularly twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Example: Move your mouse across the image from left to right.

A little complicated?
Then here: Time of day for children +3 to >7

What is the time of day?

A day is a cycle of time during which the sun, rising from the east, passes across the sky and sets in the west, then, when night falls on our half of the earth, the sun makes a revolution from the other part of the planet and rises again from the east.

A day lasts exactly 24 hours. Each hour consists of 60 minutes. Every minute of 60 seconds. Accordingly, a day = 24 hours = 1440 minutes = 86,400 seconds. For convenience of notation of time, two formats are used:

  • 12 hour time format- time until noon from 0 hours 00 minutes to 11 hours 59 minutes (a.m.) and afternoon from 12 hours 00 minutes to 11 hours 59 minutes (p.m.). This time format is established in England, Ireland, France, Greece, Turkey, and is also used in Australia, Canada, the USA and the Philippines.
  • 24 hour time format- from 0 hours 00 minutes to 23 hours 59 minutes. The most common time format used in Russia and many other countries of the world.

How does the change of day and night occur on earth?

In addition to the rotation of the earth around the sun (calendar year), the globe rotates on its axis. A complete revolution around its axis occurs in 24 hours, which are called days.

At the same time, being on the surface of the Earth, we do not feel movement. globe, but we can only observe it based on the apparent movement of the sun and stars relative to the Earth.

Conventionally, the time of day is divided into several parts:

  • Morning- begins with the dawn of the sky in its eastern part and the sun rising over the horizon.
  • Day- the movement of the sun across the sky from east to west.
  • Evening- sunset in the western sky and the gradually fading colors of the sunset.
  • Night- dark time of day. At this time, the sun passes on the other side of the globe relative to us.

Since the Earth consists of continents located on both sides of the globe, the time of day in each part of the Earth is different. So, if the night is still lasting in New York, then in London it is already morning, in Moscow it is midday, and in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky it is already evening.

Interestingly, until recently it was believed that the movement of the globe around its axis was uniform, however, later scientists calculated the inaccuracies and it turned out that unevenness in rotation was still present. These irregularities are associated with a slight oscillation of the globe during rotation (conventionally, the rocking of the Earth, in terminology - nutation), but these changes are so small (less than 0.001 s) that they are not taken into account in compiling the calendar.

Changing the time of day

Many photographers tried to capture the change of day and night. By taking many pictures in a row from one position, it was possible to trace the smooth movement of the sun across the sky, see the movement of the stars, and get beautiful videos of sunrise and sunset. Features of time-lapse photography are when a camera mounted on a tripod in a stationary position takes a series of photographs at certain intervals over a long period.

If the length of the day is constant, then the duration components The time of day changes depending on the time of year. This is due to the tilt of the earth and the movement around the sun along an elliptical path. So in summer, daylight lasts longer than night, and in winter, on the contrary, the night is longer than the day.

At the same time, in different parts Around the globe, the length of day and night is different. For example, in Crimea it gets dark quickly in the summer, the night is dark, and in St. Petersburg June is famous for its “white nights”, the sun sets not far below the horizon and therefore the nights seem bright.

Different times of day look and feel different. This is connected with the biological (internal) clock by which a person is accustomed to living (day - wakefulness, night - sleep) and with the variety of color contrast, as well as with mood. By the morning, strength increases, the day is spent in study, business, work, and in the evening there is fatigue, a gradual withdrawal from work, rest and sleep.

The change in time of day was painted by the artist Nikolai Petrovich Krymov in an educational landscape called “Change in the landscape in tone and color in different times days."

For the landscape, a simple motif was chosen - a house near the forest, a diagonally leading path that gives volume to the picture, a field and the sky, sometimes people walking along the path came into view, which gave the picture life. The landscape was captured 9 times at different times of the day, where the artist clearly showed how the landscape, colors and colors change at dawn in the morning, when the shadow from the sun moves during the day, at sunset in the evening and at night.

The entire plant and living world of nature adapts to the rhythm of the changing time of day. In the morning the plants bloom, in the evening the buds close. The human world also adapts to the changing time of day. Most common work schedule, lesson schedule, work educational institutions and entertainment centers and even the radio and television program is compiled depending on the time of day.

Plan for the “Week of the Environment”

Days of the week



Opening of the week. Handing over route sheets to classes.

Competition "Rebus Experts"(for personal championship in class).

Riddles about nature

Extracurricular activities And cool watch within a week.

Watch a video

"Take care of the planet!"

Propaganda brigade

"Take care of the birds"

Exhibition of drawings “How can we not love this land”

Nature Poetry Competition(qualifying round by class)

Mind game"Birds are our friends"

School tour of the Olympiad around the world"Nature Experts"

Summing up.

Assignments for 1st grade

1. Draw pictures on the topic “How can we not love this land.”

3. Find riddles about nature (no more than 5 pieces).

Assignments for 2nd grade

1. Competition “Rebus Experts” (for individual competition in the class).

2. Competition for reciters of poems about nature (qualifying round by class).

3. Draw pictures on the topic “How can we not love this land.”

4. Participation in the school Olympiad “Nature Experts”.

Assignments for class 3-A

    Competition “Rebus Experts” (for personal championship in the class).

    Competition of reciters of poems about nature (qualifying round by class).

    Participation in the school Olympiad “Nature Experts”.

    Draw pictures on the topic “How can we not love this land.”

Assignments for grade 3B

2. Competition of reciters of poems about nature (qualifying round by class).

Assignments for 4th grade

1. Competition “Rebus Experts” (for individual competition in the class).

2. Competition of reciters of poems about nature (qualifying round by class).

3. Participation in the school Olympiad “Nature Experts”.

4. Draw pictures on the topic “How can we not love this land.”



Puzzle answers: 1. Chalk; 2. Ruler; 3. Board; 4. Tambourine; 5. Fang; 6. Longboat; 7. Crow; 8. Cow; 9. Fist; 10. Bump; 11. Fish; 12. Watermelon; 13. Zoo; 14. Smell; 15. Family; 16. Tram;


Find all the hidden mushrooms.

Answers: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, fly agaric, volushka, honey mushrooms, boletus, saffron milk cap.

Crossword "Orientation"


1. Which side of the horizon is to the right of the midday shadow?

2. What is the name of the line that limits the visible part of the earth's surface?

3. How can small objects on the map be reduced or enlarged?

4. Which side of the horizon is to the left of the midday shadow?

5. What device can you use to navigate in any weather?


6. Ability to find north, south, west, east.

7. Which side of the world can be found using the shadow at noon?


Vertical: 1. East. 2. Horizon. 3. Scale. 4. North. 5. Compass.

Horizontal: 6. Orientation. 7. West.

Crossword quiz “Birds”

The one who writes in wins more titles birds.

Answers: siskin, owl, bittern, stork, goose, duck, eagle, hoopoe, heron, falcon, pheasant, rooster.

Answers: sandpiper, lapwing, gull, eagle owl, raven, woodpecker, swift, goldfinch, hawk

Crossword "Plants of the forest"

What berries did the bear pick in the basket?

Answers: raspberries, viburnum, rowan, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, blueberries, strawberries, stoneberries.

Crossword puzzle “Fishes of rivers and lakes”

Fill in the crossword puzzle with the names of fish that are found in rivers and lakes.

Answers: Pike perch, pike, catfish, gudgeon, crucian carp.

Fill in the crossword puzzle with the names of fish that are found in rivers.

Answer: Goby, ruffe, crucian carp, carp, squid, flounder, pike.

Crossword "Trees"

1. Mighty, spreading. (Oak)

2. Tall, resinous. (Pine)

3. Belostvolnaya, Russian. (Birch)

4. Slender, pointed. (Cypress)

5. Flaming, red. (Rowan)

6. Trembling. (Aspen)

7. Crying. (Willow)

Fill in all the cells horizontally by entering the names of the vegetables...

Answer options: onion, turnip, pumpkin, cucumber, carrot

Crossword puzzle "Body parts".


1. We stand on them and dance.

Well, what if we order them,

They are carrying us at a run.

Tell me, what are their names? (Legs)

2. Two Egorkas live near the hill,

They live in harmony

But they don't look at each other. (Eyes)

3. There is it at the teapot, at the ship,

You have it and I have it. (Nose)

4. Even a child knows

That they are hanging noodles on them. (Ears)

5. The five brothers are inseparable,

They are never bored together.

They work with a pen

Saw, spoon, axe. (Fingers)


6. Everyone has one,

It is given to us for reflection. (Head)

7. Day and night it knocks,

It's like it's a routine.

It will be bad if suddenly

This knocking will stop. (Heart)

8. The one who is used to mischief,

Feel free to show... (Language)

Here is a crossword puzzle in which you need to enter as many names as you know. edible mushrooms(V singular).

Answers. 1. Oiler. 2. Russula. 3. Breast. 4. Boletus. 5. Boletus. 6. Volnushka (pig). 7. Ryzhik. 8. Raincoat.

Crossword on the topic “Animals”


1. An animal whose home is called a “hut”.

3. Large northern animal with large fangs.

6. Waterfowl.

9. Snow leopard.

12. Small predatory animal.

13. Wild pig.

14. The name of the wolf - the leader of the pack from “The Jungle Book” by R. Kipling.


1. Pet.

2. Forest fur-bearing animal.

4. An animal that residents of the North ride.

5. The longest necked animal.

6. Gray forest predator.

7. The cat’s nickname from S. Mikhalkov’s story “A Cat’s Tale.”

8. A striped relative of the horse.

11. A group of animals living and hunting together.

Horizontally: 1. Beaver. 3. Walrus. 6. Otter. 9. Irbis. 12. Weasel. 13. Boar. 14. Akela.

Vertical: 1. Ram. 2. Squirrel. 4. Deer. 5. Giraffe. 6. Wolf. 7. Dusya. 8. Zebra. 10. Brem. 11. Flock.

Crossword "Insects"


3. Who kills him,

He sheds his blood.

5. Red, but not a horse,

Horn, but not a ram,

They don't like it at home

And they won’t buy it at the market.

6. Behind the stove and under the floor

Small insects sing loudly.

7. Not a beast, not a bird,

And the nose is like a knitting needle.

9. Not a bird, but a flyer

With a trunk, not an elephant,

Nobody teaches

And he lands on us.

10. Which one has stings at the end of its tail?


1. A fashionista in a bright dress,

Huntress for a walk.

It flutters from flower to flower,

If he gets tired, he rests.

2. Not a fisherman, but a net-setter.

4. The little worker flew to get the medicine.

8. Flies - roars, scares everyone,

It bites a horse and a cow.

Horizontal: 3. Bedbug. 5. Cockroach. 6. Cricket. 7. Mosquito. 9. Fly. 10. Scorpio.

Vertical: 1. Butterfly. 2. Spider. 4. Bee. 8. Gadfly.

Crossword "Teremok"

Guess who lives in the little house.


2. The fur is soft,

Yes, the claw is sharp.

5. Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards

Collects crumbs.

8. Not a bird, but flies,

With a trunk, not an elephant,

Nobody tame

And it sits on the nose.

9. From the meadow to the fence

A chain of mountains approached.

Someone walked into the garden slyly:

Spent meth underground

12. During the day he sits like a blind man,

And only in the evening - for robbery.

13. What kind of spring birds like to follow the plow and feed?

16. Not an animal, not a bird, afraid of everything, catches flies and splashes into the water.


1. Spinning, chirping, fussing all day.

3. Because of you I beat myself, because of myself I beat you, my blood will be shed.

4. Small, reddish, beautiful and shaggy tail,

Lives on a tree and gnaws nuts.

6. She cries in the swamp, but does not come out of the swamp.

7. They carry branches. They dig clay.

A dam is being built on the river.

At the dam here and there

They live in round houses.

10. This beast is kind of strange:

The neck is like the arrow of a crane.

11. Blacklings live in a dark hut,

Lace is knitted without knots or loops.

14. What kind of forest animal:

Stood up like a post, sucking

And stands among the grass -

Are your ears bigger than your head?

15. All day on the water, but you can’t get enough water.

Horizontal: 2. Cat. 5. Sparrow. 8. Fly. 9. Mole. Owl. 13. Rooks. 16. Frog.

Vertical: 1. Magpie. 3. Mosquito. 4. Squirrel. 6. Kulik. 7. Beavers. 10. Giraffe. 11. Bees. 14. Hare. 15. Duck.

Crossword on the topic " Natural phenomena»


1. There will be a knock in the sky -

You can hear it on the ground.

5. Over the river, over the valley

A white canvas hung.

6. No arms, no legs,

And he climbs into the hut.

7. A white swarm hovered and hovered,

Sat on the ground - became a mountain

8. In the evening it flies to the ground,

Night remains on earth,

In the morning it flies away again.


1. Peas fell apart

On seventy roads.

No one will pick him up:

Neither king nor queen

Nor is the girl beautiful.

2. Through the blue sky

The white goose is swimming.

3. Through the fields, through the meadows

There is a high arc.

4. Between heaven and earth

The fire arrow flies.

5. The eagle flew

Across the blue sky.

Wings spread out

The sun was covered up.

Horizontal: 1. Thunder. 5. Fog. 6. Cold. 7. Snow. 8. Dew.

Vertical: 1. Deg. 2. Cloud. 3. Rainbow. 4. Lightning. 5. Cloud.

Crossword "Animals of the forest"

Write the names of forest animals in the crossword puzzle.

Squirrel, bear, elk, wild boar, lynx, raccoon, hare, wolf, hedgehog, badger, fox.

Crossword puzzle for the topic “Pets”

Write the names of pets in the crossword puzzle.

Horse, goat, dog, cat, rabbit, sheep, cow, pig

Crossword puzzle on the topic “Fishes, birds, animals”


8. Pet.

9. Furry animal.

10. Humpbacked hare.


1. Bird of prey.

2. Siberian deer with big horns.

3. Large predatory fish.

4. An animal used for riding.

5. Bamboo bear.

6. Type of ostrich.

7. Aquarium fish.


Horizontal : 8. Cat. 9. Squirrel. 10. Agouti.

Vertical. 1. Hawk. 2. Maral. 3. Shark. 4. Horse. 5. Panda. 6. Nandu. 7. Gourami.

"Nature Experts"

2nd grade

Class: 2

a) meat, fruit, juice

b) fish, vegetables, jelly

c) sun, air, water

crow, spruce, house, hedgehog, chamomile

a) birds b) fish c) insects

4. How many legs does a spider have?

a) 4 b) 6 c) 8

a) save from pests b) eat fruits c) build nests

6. Tree is a symbol of Russia___________________________

8. The fastest land animal is ___________________________



Part B.

11. What allows seals to to the polar bear, can walruses endure severe winter frosts? _________________________________

12. Which star can be seen during the day? __________________________

13. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? ___________________

14.Grass that even the blind can recognize by touch?___________________

15. What kind of rhinoceroses are found in our forests? _________________________

Number of points: ______________

Subject Olympiad on the world around us

"Nature Experts"

3rd grade

Last name, first name_____________________________________________

Class: 3

Part A. Questions for which correct answers are worth 1 point.

a) 1 b) 5 c) 9

2. Emphasize a natural phenomenon:

a) sun b) rainbow c) mushrooms

a) herd b) company c) flock

a) insects b) animals c) birds

a) soap b) air c) water

Part B. Questions for which correct answers are worth 2 points.


7. What is the largest fish in the world? ______________________

8. What animal can be called a builder? _______________

9. What height African mammal reaches five and a half meters in height? ___________________________

11. Who has a tongue longer than body? ___________________


13. Which star can be seen during the day? __________________

14. What kind of rhinoceroses are found in our forests? _________________________

15. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year?____________________

Number of points: _____________

Subject Olympiad on the world around us

“Nature experts” 4th grade

Last name, first name_____________________________________________

Class: 4

Part A. Questions for which correct answers are worth 1 point.

1.How many planets move around the Sun?

a) 9 b) 1 c) 5

2. How many continents are there on earth?

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6

Poplar, maple, cedar, birch, linden.

4. Migratory birds(swallows, storks) fly south to:

a) breed offspring there b) find food c) find a mate

5. The time it takes for the Earth to complete a revolution around the Sun.

a) year b) day c) month

Part B. Questions for which correct answers are worth 2 points.

6. What do frogs eat? ______________________________

7. What insects have been domesticated by humans? _________________

8. How do mammals differ from other animals?


9.Which forest is darker: spruce or pine? ________________

10. What bird is called a feathered cat? ________________

Part B. Questions for which correct answers are worth 3 points.

11. What kind of rhinoceroses are found in our forests?______________________

12. Which mammal is called a striper? __________________

13. Are there any animals in our region that are depicted in I.I. Shishkin’s painting “Morning in pine forest"? ____________________

14. Which of the students will be closer to the center of the Earth: standing on the equator or on South Pole? (underline)

15. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year?_________________

Number of points:______________


Subject Olympiad on the world around us

"Nature Experts"

2nd grade

Part A. Questions for which correct answers are worth 1 point.

1. For the life of plants and animals, the following are necessary:

a) meat, fruit, juice

b) fish, vegetables, jelly

c) sun, air, water

2. In a group of words, cross out the “extra”:

crow, spruce, house , hedgehog, chamomile

3. What are the names of animals whose bodies are covered with scales?

a) birds b) fish c) insects

4. How many legs does a spider have?

a) 4 b) 6 c) 8

5. How do birds help trees? Underline what you need.

a) save from pests b) eat fruits c) build nests

Part B. Questions for which correct answers are worth 2 points.

6. The tree is a symbol of Russia - birch

8. The fastest land animal - cheetah

9. Guess who we are talking about. These birds come to us in the fall and fly away in the spring. Their breast is red. They feed on rowan seeds and ash fruits.


10. Guess who it is? He lives underground. It very rarely comes to the surface. His coat is black, short, thick, and velvety. It feeds on earthworms.


Part B. Questions for which correct answers are worth 3 points.

11. What allows seals, polar bears, and walruses to endure severe winter frosts? fat

12. Which star can be seen during the day? Sun

13. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? photo hunt

14.A herb that even the blind can recognize by touch? nettle

15. What kind of rhinoceroses are found in our forests? Rhinoceros beetles


Subject Olympiad on the world around us

"Nature Experts"

3rd grade

Part A. Questions for which correct answers are worth 1 point.

1. How many planets move around the Sun?

a) 1 b) 5 c) 9

2. Emphasize a natural phenomenon:

a) the sun b) rainbow c) mushrooms

3. What are they called? large groups, formed by birds before flying to warm regions?

a) herd b) company c) flock

4. What kind of animals are they that have 6 limbs, several eyes, and ears that can be anywhere?

a) insects b) animals c) birds

5. What is in a soap bubble?

a) soap b) air c) water

Part B. Questions for which correct answers are worth 2 points.

6. Whose menu is this? Grass, berries, nuts, acorns, larvae, ants, fish, honey.


7. What is the largest fish in the world? Whale shark

8. What animal can be called a builder? beaver

9. Which African mammal reaches five and a half meters in height? giraffe

10. Which forest is darker: spruce or pine? In Spruce

Part B. Questions for which correct answers are worth 3 points.

11. Whose tongue is longer than the body? chameleon

12. Which beetles are named after the month in which they were born?


13. Which star can be seen during the day? Sun

14. What kind of rhinoceroses are found in our forests? Rhinoceros beetles

15. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? Photo hunt

Number of points (maximum): 30


Subject Olympiad on the world around us

"Nature Experts"

4th grade

Part A. Questions for which correct answers are worth 1 point.

How many planets move around the Sun?

a) 9 b) 1 c) 5

How many continents are there on earth?

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6

3. Find and cross out the “extra” word.

Poplar, maple, cedar , birch, linden.

Migratory birds (swallows, storks) fly south to:

a) breed offspring there b) find food c) find a mate

The time it takes the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun.

a) year b) day c) month

Part B. Questions for which correct answers are worth 2 points.

What do frogs eat? insects

What insects have been domesticated by humans? bees

How are mammals different from other animals?

Feeding babies with milk

Which forest is darker: spruce or pine? in spruce

10. What bird is called a feathered cat? Owl, eagle owl

Part B. Questions for which correct answers are worth 3 points.

What rhinoceroses are found in our forests?_ rhinoceros beetles_

Which mammal is called a striper? raccoon

Are there any animals in our region that are depicted in I.I. Shishkin’s painting “Morning in a Pine Forest”? yes, bears

Which student will be closer to the center of the Earth? standing on the equator or at the South Pole? (underline)

What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? photo hunt

Number of points (maximum): 30