Handbook of Ornithology: Bird Migrations. Residential, migratory and nomadic birds in autumn

Birds that stick to a certain small territory and do not move outside of it are called sedentary. The vast majority of species of such birds live in conditions where seasonal changes do not affect the availability of food - tropical and subtropical climates.

There are few such birds in the temperate and northern zones; These in particular include synanthropes - birds that live near humans and depend on them: the rock pigeon, house sparrow, hoodie, jackdaw and some others. Some sedentary birds, which are also called semi-sedentary, move short distances from their nesting grounds outside the breeding season - on the territory of the Russian Federation, such birds include wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, some magpies and the common bunting.

Some widespread bird species are migratory in some places and sedentary in others. The gray crow from the northern regions of Russia flies to wintering in southern regions, and in the south this bird is sedentary. Our blackbird is a migratory bird, but in cities Western Europe- sedentary. House sparrow lives in the European part of Russia all year round, and from Central Asia flies to India for the winter.

Strictly sedentary, monogamous birds (Owl family): Eagle owl (Bubo bubo L.), Snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca L.), Long-eared owl (Asio otus L.), Gray owl (Strix aluco L.), Great owl (Strix uralensis L.), Gray owl (Strix nebulosa L.), Great owl (Glaucidium passerinum L.), Great owl (Aegolius funereus L.), Little owl (Athene noctua Scop).

The transitional group between sedentary and migratory birds are nomadic birds. In winter, they can sometimes move away from the nest to a distance of hundreds or more kilometers. These include all granivorous songbirds - the goldfinch, the common greenfinch, and the linnet.

Sedentary birds live in the same area all year round. At the end of summer, some of them make small reserves for the winter. Jays hide nuts and acorns in holes and moss on the surface of the ground or in hollows. Tits and nuthatches store seeds and insects by tucking them into bark cracks and among lichens on tree branches. They feed on reserves in winter and spring, when food is scarce.

End of winter - beginning of spring

Resident birds begin to prepare for breeding. They spend a lot of time on mating games, formation of pairs, etc. (which causes increased energy expenditure). Less time is left for food.
At this time, they noticeably lose weight. Wintering birds, on the contrary, are preparing at this time for migration to nesting sites, and therefore feed heavily. This causes the accumulation of energy resources (fat) in their body and, as a result, their weight increases.

Spring - early summer

Birds spend the bulk of their time building nests, protecting the nesting site, incubating eggs and feeding chicks, which requires significant expenditure of energy. Naturally, all the attention of the parent birds is absorbed by these concerns and they devote little time to their own nutrition, which is why they lose a lot of weight (in general, they do not need energy reserves in the form of subcutaneous fat, which are minimal at this time).

Midsummer - autumn

The increased need of birds for food, associated with the need to restore energy resources expended during the breeding season (and for migrating ones to accumulate energy reserves for the flight), coincides with the abundance of food at this time. Birds feed intensely, and their weight increases rapidly (as a result of the accumulation of fat reserves in the body).

The existing exception confirms the rule. In crossbills, the minimum mass occurs precisely at the end of summer, which is associated with almost complete absence During this period, their main food was spruce and pine seeds.

Little owl Photo: Peter Trimming

Autumn winter

During this period, the birds’ bodies experience an increased expenditure of energy spent on maintaining a certain body temperature (carried out in winter cold conditions), which causes increased nutrition. Therefore, birds spend almost the entire daylight hours searching for food (they have no other more important concerns at this time).
The body weight of birds during this period increases sharply, which is a necessary condition for withstanding low temperatures - the thicker the layer of fat under the skin, the warmer the bird is. But the main thing is that energy reserves are necessary to guarantee the maintenance of a constant and high (about 42°C) body temperature on a long winter night.

Comes cold autumn time. They gather in flocks and prepare to fly migratory birds . Resident birds grow fluff. A nomadic birds find out food supplies for the winter.
Feature nomadic birds is that during a favorable winter they remain in the nesting areas, and during an unfavorable winter they can roam far from the nesting homeland, but without leaving the climatic zone.
This depends on food reserves - fruits and berries left over for the winter, as well as grains and seeds on drying grass. Such birds include waxwings, tits, bullfinches, etc.
Nomadic birds depend on natural food sources. They can be fed using feeders.
Feeding tits and bullfinches is especially necessary this year 2014 due to spring return frosts , which occurred during the flowering period of fruit and berry plants and significantly reduced the yield. It is good to feed them with natural products - grain, seeds, ranetki, apples.
But wintering next to a person resident birds already accustomed to eating human food, you can feed them both crumbs and bread. These are the house sparrows and pigeons we are used to.
Crows and magpies on winter period They also become nomadic birds. They migrate either to more southern areas or to landfills. By the way, in connection with human activity, a new ecological niche has appeared - landfill. In addition to crows and magpies, seagulls feed there.
And the most representative group in our field is migratory birds. This group includes mainly insectivorous and carnivorous birds.
The migration season began back in August, when swifts flew south. The signal for them to fly away is a decrease in length daylight hours. At the beginning of September, the kites left us, flying to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh for the winter.
The rook previously belonged entirely to migratory birds, departing in October. Rooks flew to India, Afghanistan and Africa for the winter. But now they have partially become nomadic. So, they migrate further south and join their landfill brethren.
Seagulls will soon flock to the shores of the Black, Azov and Mediterranean seas.
October is ahead, a wonderful time when cranes, swans, ducks and geese will fly south. Those who are especially observant will witness an amazing phenomenon every autumn, when these birds stretch in slender wedges in a southerly direction. In this they set an example of constancy, for they fly the chosen route once and for all without stopping. They do not stop, day or night, until they reach India, Iran, Iraq or Africa.
With the last flock of cranes, all warmth ends.
"Migratory birds fly
In the autumn distance blue,
They fly to hot countries,
And I stay with you.
And I stay with you,
Forever native country.
I don't need the Turkish coast
And I don’t need Africa” (Words by M. Isakovsky)

Birds are warm-blooded creatures. average temperature their body temperature is 41°C. This means that they can remain active in the cold season, but need more food. Therefore, many birds leave their snowy native places and go to warm countries for the winter.

The main reasons why birds fly south in winter are lack of food and cold. Flights are more typical for species of tall and temperate latitudes: in the tundra almost all species of birds are migratory, in the taiga - three quarters of the species. The number of migratory species in certain habitats also depends on how sharply their feeding conditions differ in summer and winter. Thus, among the inhabitants of forests and settlements, about half of the species are migratory, and among the inhabitants of fields, swamps, and reservoirs - almost all species. migratory There are more birds among insectivores and carnivores, fewer among granivores. This is understandable: while grain can still be found in winter, there are no insects at all.


But there are birds that don’t mind the cold. They find suitable conditions for existence in their homeland all year round and do not fly. Such birds are called sedentary.

In the winter forest you can hear a woodpecker busily knocking, titmice, pikas, nuthatches and jays chirping. Doesn't leave winter forest and the capercaillie, because he always has food - tasty pine needles. But black grouse and hazel grouse eat alder catkins, buds and juniper berries.

The amazing crossbill bird even manages to build nests and hatch chicks in winter. The crossbill feeds on spruce seeds, which it extracts from cones using its beak.

Some birds, if the winter is favorable, remain in their homeland, and in harsh winters wander from place to place. This nomadic birds. These include some birds that nest high in the mountains; in the cold season they descend into the valleys.

Finally, there are also birds that, in favorable winter conditions, settle down, but in unfavorable years, for example, when the seed crop fails. coniferous plants, fly far beyond the boundaries of their nesting homeland. These are waxwings, titmice, walnuts, redpolls, bullfinches, jays and many others. Those nesting in the steppes and semi-deserts of the Middle and Middle regions behave in the same way. Central Asia saji.


Some widespread bird species are migratory in some places and sedentary in others. Among wild pigeons there are migratory, nomadic and sedentary birds. Hoodie from the northern regions Soviet Union flies to the southern regions for the winter, and in the south this bird is sedentary. In our country, the blackbird is a migratory bird, and in the cities of Western Europe it is a sedentary bird. Rooks in more northern latitudes- migratory birds, and in more southern ones, for example, in Ukraine, in the Black Earth Region - sedentary birds. The house sparrow lives in the European part of Russia all year round, and flies from Central Asia to India for the winter.

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There are 20 presentations in total

Goals: Educational: To introduce children to sedentary and nomadic birds Yaroslavl region with their way of life, with their dietary habits in winter. To acquaint children with sedentary and nomadic birds of the Yaroslavl region with their way of life, with their feeding habits in winter. Developmental: To develop curiosity, memory, speech, thinking, observation To develop curiosity, memory, speech, thinking, observation Educational: to promote love for nature, native land, birds. contribute to the cultivation of love for nature, native land, birds. instill in children a desire to help birds in winter time years and protect them. instill in children a desire to help birds in the winter season and protect them.

Wintering birds Sedentary birds are birds that live in one place all year round, without making long migrations. Sedentary birds are birds that live in one place all year round, without making long migrations. Nomadic birds are birds that move from one area to another, usually in search of food. Nomadic birds are birds that move from one area to another, usually in search of food.

Sparrow A sedentary species, they live everywhere in the Yaroslavl region. They lead a gregarious lifestyle. They have adapted very well to living close to human habitation and outbuildings. In winter it needs feeding. Birds are granivores, but can feed on food waste. They are very cunning, careful and know how to warn each other about danger. A sedentary species, they live everywhere in the Yaroslavl region. They lead a gregarious lifestyle. They have adapted very well to living close to human habitation and outbuildings. In winter it needs feeding. Birds are granivores, but can feed on food waste. They are very cunning, careful and know how to warn each other about danger.

Tit Sedentary birds. They inhabit various types of forests in the Yaroslavl region, a common inhabitant of populated areas. Most tits (up to 90%) die in winter. It is necessary to feed during winter. Sunflower seeds, hemp, and white bread crumbs are suitable for feeding. But the favorite food of titmouses is any unsalted lard. Sedentary birds. They inhabit various types of forests in the Yaroslavl region, a common inhabitant of populated areas. Most tits (up to 90%) die in winter. It is necessary to feed during winter. Sunflower seeds, hemp, and white bread crumbs are suitable for feeding. But the favorite food of titmouses is any unsalted lard.

Woodpecker Our forests are home to at least 8 species of woodpeckers. The most common spotted woodpecker in the Yaroslavl region. Found everywhere. Sedentary appearance. With amazing ease, woodpeckers move along the trunk, reaching for insects and their larvae. In winter it feeds on the seeds of coniferous plants. During the winter, the woodpecker processes more than one thousand cones. At least 8 species of woodpeckers live in our forests. The most common spotted woodpecker in the Yaroslavl region. Found everywhere. Sedentary appearance. With amazing ease, woodpeckers move along the trunk, reaching for insects and their larvae. In winter it feeds on the seeds of coniferous plants. During the winter, the woodpecker processes more than one thousand cones.

Nuthatch A common breeding species in the Yaroslavl region. Resident bird. Inhabits parks mixed forests, lives in populated areas. In the cold season it feeds on plant foods. Eating acorns, nuts cedar pine, hazels, linden seeds, coniferous trees, bird cherry berries. Since autumn it has been storing food for itself. A common breeding species in the Yaroslavl region. Resident bird. Inhabits parks, mixed forests, and lives in populated areas. In the cold season it feeds on plant foods. Eating acorns, pine nuts, hazel, linden seeds, coniferous trees, bird cherry berries. Since autumn it has been storing food for itself.

Jay Sedentary species. Inhabits mixed. Deciduous and coniferous forests, small forests, found in the suburbs. Omnivore. Makes reserves of acorns, hiding them in cracks and in the ground. In particularly harsh winters, it moves closer to human habitation, where it attracts attention with its bright colors, active and noisy behavior. Sedentary appearance. Inhabits mixed. Deciduous and coniferous forests, small forests, found in the suburbs. Omnivore. Makes reserves of acorns, hiding them in cracks and in the ground. In particularly harsh winters, it moves closer to human habitation, where it attracts attention with its bright colors, active and noisy behavior.

Magpie A sedentary, well-adapted species. Settles even in the center of Yaroslavl. Winter cold and hunger forces this cautious bird to huddle closer to human habitation. Visits landfills garbage containers and other places where you can find food waste. In winter they lead a solitary lifestyle. Sedentary, well-adapted species. Settles even in the center of Yaroslavl. Winter cold and hunger forces this cautious bird to huddle closer to human habitation. Visits landfills, garbage containers and other places where food waste can be found. In winter they lead a solitary lifestyle.

Jackdaw A very numerous and widespread species in the Yaroslavl region. Leads a gregarious lifestyle. In winter, it unites in large flocks and spends the night together with hooded crows, huddled close to each other. The bird is omnivorous. In the suburbs they act as orderlies, selecting food waste. A very numerous and widespread species in the Yaroslavl region. Leads a gregarious lifestyle. In winter, it unites in large flocks and spends the night together with hooded crows, huddled close to each other. The bird is omnivorous. In the suburbs they act as orderlies, picking up food waste.

Crow is a sedentary bird, but sometimes migrates to the south for the winter. But old birds remain in place throughout the year and lead the way sedentary image life. Inhabits the edges and outskirts of forests, groves, thickets river valleys, cities and towns. The bird is omnivorous. In winter, they feed on food scraps in garbage dumps and landfills. It is a sedentary bird, but sometimes migrates to the south for the winter. But old birds remain in place throughout the year and lead a semi-sedentary lifestyle. Inhabits the edges and outskirts of forests, groves, thickets of river valleys, cities and towns. The bird is omnivorous. In winter, they feed on food scraps in garbage dumps and landfills.

Capercaillie Residential, the largest bird of our forests. Inhabits forests various types, where pine grows at least occasionally and there are many berries. The capercaillie spends most of the year on the ground - wood image life. Based on the nature of its feeding, the capercaillie can be considered a herbivore. All long winter feeds on prickly and hard pine needles and buds. Sedentary, the largest bird of our forests. Inhabits forests of various types, where pine and many berry trees grow, at least occasionally. For most of the year, the capercaillie leads a terrestrial - arboreal lifestyle. Based on the nature of its feeding, the capercaillie can be considered a herbivore. Throughout the long winter it feeds on prickly and tough pine needles and buds.

Grouse Grouse are found in almost all areas of the Yaroslavl region. They live alone and in flocks. Males are often seen on the tops of small trees. Main food in winter - Birch buds and earrings. In winter, they live in large flocks and spend the night in the snow. During a blizzard or blizzard, they may not leave shelter for days. Black grouse are found in almost all areas of the Yaroslavl region. They live alone and in flocks. Males are often seen on the tops of small trees. The main food in winter is birch buds and catkins. In winter, they live in large flocks and spend the night in the snow. During a blizzard or blizzard, they may not leave shelter for days.

Siskin A common nomadic species in the Yaroslavl region. Sometimes he leads a sedentary lifestyle. Prefers spruce forests, can settle in parks, squares, groves. One of the cutest and funniest birds. It feeds on seeds of alder, birch, spruce, pine and weeds. In winter, it often flies to the feeder along with tits and sparrows. A common nomadic species in the Yaroslavl region. Sometimes he leads a sedentary lifestyle. Prefers spruce forests, can settle in parks, squares, and groves. One of the cutest and funniest birds. It feeds on seeds of alder, birch, spruce, pine and weeds. In winter, it often flies to the feeder along with tits and sparrows.

Bullfinch Bullfinches are guests from the north. Nomadic species. They nest in the north of the Yaroslavl region. In winter they migrate closer to the south. Flocks of bullfinches can appear in populated areas, where they feed on berries and ash tree seeds. lilacs and maples. Favorite food is rowan seeds. Occasionally they fly to the feeders. Bullfinches are guests from the north. Nomadic species. They nest in the north of the Yaroslavl region. In winter they migrate closer to the south. Flocks of bullfinches can appear in populated areas, where they feed on berries and ash tree seeds. lilacs and maples. Favorite food is rowan seeds. Occasionally they fly to the feeders.

The tap dance is listed in the Red Book of the Yaroslavl region as a rare species. More often found in flocks during winter migrations. Inhabits open forests, bushes, and is found in populated areas. It feeds on surviving seeds in alder cones, birch and alder buds, seeds of spruce, heather and sedge. It is listed in the Red Book of the Yaroslavl region as a rare species. More often found in flocks during winter migrations. Inhabits open forests, bushes, and is found in populated areas. It feeds on surviving seeds in alder cones, birch and alder buds, seeds of spruce, heather and sedge.

Waxwing A northern resident, it begins migrating in August and migrates further south. In winter, it pecks at the berries of rowan, viburnum, and hawthorn. Waxwings fly in flocks onto rowan trees. They peck the berries very quickly and very quickly fly to new trees and shrubs. After their feast, berry blots remain in the snow. Waxwings, unlike bullfinches, crush the berries and peck them whole. A northern resident, the migration begins in August, and migrates further south. In winter, it pecks at the berries of rowan, viburnum, and hawthorn. Waxwings fly in flocks onto rowan trees. They peck the berries very quickly and very quickly fly to new trees and shrubs. After their feast, berry blots remain in the snow. Waxwings, unlike bullfinches, crush the berries and peck them whole. Literature: - Anashkina E.A questions and answers about animals. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Anashkina E.A questions and answers about animals. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Anashkina E.N. What does the cuckoo sing about? Bird observations. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Anashkina E. N. What does the cuckoo sing about? Bird observations. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Anashkina E. N. Birds of the Yaroslavl region. Determinant for beginners. - Yaroslavl, Anashkina E. N. Birds of the Yaroslavl region. Determinant for beginners. - Yaroslavl, Bianki V. Lesnaya newspaper. – Leningrad: Children's literature by Bianki V. Lesnaya Gazeta. – Leningrad: Children's literature by Bianki V. Lesnaya Gazeta. – Leningrad: Children’s literature, Bianki V. Lesnaya Gazeta. – Leningrad: Children's literature, Balbyshev I. N. Seasons. Nature calendar. - Leningrad, Lenizdat, Balbyshev I. N. Seasons. Nature calendar. - Leningrad, Lenizdat, Kuznetsov N. V. Fauna of the Yaroslavl region, - Yaroslavl book publishing house, Kuznetsov N. V. Fauna of the Yaroslavl region, - Yaroslavl book publishing house, Paporkov M. A. School trips to nature. – Moscow, Education, Paporkov M. A. School trips to nature. – Moscow, Enlightenment, Pleshakov A. A. Green Pages

. – Moscow, Enlightenment, Pleshakov A. A. Green pages. – Moscow, Education, Sysoev N. D. Meetings with nature.- Moscow, Timber industry, Sysoev N. D. Meetings with nature.- Moscow, Forest industry, Internet resources - Internet resources