Pine coniferous or deciduous. Deciduous and coniferous plants for the garden

Among the plants that decorate our gardens, coniferous trees occupy special place. They give the garden a noble look and decorate it all year round. They are loved because they are very decorative and set the tone in many compositions. But, coniferous plants are especially popular in winter - on the eve of the New Year. They look spectacular in New Year's decorations in our apartments, under caps of snow in large parks and squares, and in very small areas.

As for the landed coniferous plants , then we can say that the sympathies of gardeners are almost evenly distributed among various types firs, pines, thujas, junipers and larches. All of them can be called long-livers; many of them live for hundreds of years.

Almost everything conifers are evergreen. Only some of them, for example, larch, shed their needles for the winter. Still, the rest renew their needles gradually. Every few years the old needles fall off and new young green needles appear in their place.

The variety of coniferous plants allows gardeners to choose the most suitable tree or shrub for their garden.

The following advantages of conifers make them very popular in landscape gardening:

  • Tolerates lack of light and moisture well
  • Many varieties naturally have the correct shape and therefore do not require pruning
  • Thanks to its medicinal pine aroma, it is widely used in folk and official medicine.
  • Due to the variety of types and shapes, they are actively used in landscape compositions in areas of any size.

If you decide to plant a coniferous plant on your site, you need to approach the choice very carefully.

Key questions to ask yourself:

  • What do you want to plant - a tree or a shrub?
  • Is the composition ready for the conifer?
  • Have you taken into account your climatic conditions and the composition of the soil on the site?

Coniferous plants go well, in particular with cereals, roses, etc. If the answers are ready, you can start selecting the variety, type and shape of the coniferous plant.

Types of conifers


An evergreen monoecious and wind-pollinated plant. Its Latin name (lat. Picea) spruce is due to the high resin content in the wood. Wide Application in industry due to the softness of the wood and the absence of a core.

Spruce- perhaps the most beloved and widespread coniferous tree in our country. These beautiful slender trees with a pyramidal crown occupy one of the first places in the coniferous kingdom and number almost 50 species of plants in their genus.

The largest number of spruce species grows in Western and Central China and in the northern hemisphere. In Russia, 8 species of spruce are well known.

Spruce is considered a fairly shade-tolerant plant, however, it still prefers good lighting. Its root system is superficial, i.e. close to the ground. Therefore, they do not dig up the soil at the roots. Spruce is demanding on soil fertility and loves light loamy and sandy loam soils.

Types of fir trees successfully used in landscaping:

Sometimes it reaches 40 meters. Fast growing tree. Thanks to the special color of the needles - the top is shiny dark green, and the bottom has noticeable white stripes - it gives the impression that the tree is bluish-green. Brown-purple cones give the plant a special charm and elegance.

Serbian spruce looks great both in single and group plantings. An excellent example is the magnificent alleys in parks.

There are dwarf varieties no more than 2 meters high.

(Picea obovata). On the territory of our country it grows in Western and Eastern Siberia, on Far East and in the Urals.

Coniferous tree up to 30 m high. The crown is dense, wide-conical, with a pointed apex. The bark is fissured, gray. The cones are ovoid-cylindrical, brown. It has several subtypes, differing in the color of the needles - from pure green to silver and even golden.

Norway spruce or common spruce (Picea abies). Maximum height coniferous tree - 50 m. Can live up to 300 years. This is a slender tree with a dense pyramidal crown. Norway spruce is considered the most common tree in Europe. The width of the trunk of an old tree can reach 1 m. Mature cones of the common spruce are oblong-cylindrical in shape. They ripen in the fall in October, and their seeds begin to fall from January to April. European spruce considered the fastest growing. So, in a year she can grow 50 cm.

Thanks to breeding work, several very decorative varieties of this type. Among them there are weeping, compact, and pin-shaped spruces. All of them are very popular in landscape gardening and are widely used in park compositions and as hedges.

Spruce, like any other coniferous plant, becomes especially beautiful with the arrival of winter. Any shade of pine effectively emphasizes the snow cover, and the garden looks elegant and noble.

In addition to the types of spruce described above, prickly spruce, oriental spruce, black spruce, Canadian spruce, and ayan spruce are also popular among gardeners.

The pine genus consists of more than 100 names. These coniferous plants are distributed almost everywhere Northern Hemisphere. Also, pine grows well in forests in Asia and North America. Artificially planted pine plantations do well in Southern Hemisphere of our planet. It is much more difficult for this coniferous tree to take root in urban conditions.

Tolerates frost and drought well. But pine doesn’t really like the lack of light. This coniferous plant gives good annual growth. The dense crown of pine is very decorative, and therefore pine is successfully used in landscaping parks and gardens, both in single and group plantings. This conifer prefers sandy, calcareous and rocky soils. Although there are several types of pine that prefer fertile soils - these are Weymouth, Wallich, cedar and resin pine.

Some properties of pine are simply amazing. For example, the peculiarity of its bark is fascinating: the bark below is much thicker than the one above. This makes us think once again about the wisdom of nature. After all, it is this property that protects the tree from summer overheating and possible ground fire.

Another feature is how the tree prepares for the winter in advance. After all, the evaporation of moisture in frost can destroy the plant. Therefore, as soon as cold weather approaches, pine needles are covered with a thin layer of wax, and the stomata close. Those. The pine tree stops breathing!

Scots pine. It is rightfully considered a symbol of the Russian forest. The tree reaches a height of 35-40 meters, and therefore is deservedly called a tree of the first magnitude. The trunk circumference sometimes reaches 1 meter. Pine needles are dense, bluish-green. They come in different shapes - protruding, curved, and even collected in bunches of 2 needles.

The lifespan of needles is 3 years. With the onset of autumn, the needles turn yellow and fall off.

Pine cones, as a rule, are located 1-3 pieces on the legs. Ripe cones are brown or brown in color and reach a length of 6 cm.

IN Not favorable conditions Scots pine may stop growing and remain a “dwarf”. Surprisingly, different specimens can have different root systems. For example, in dry soils, a pine tree can develop a tap root that extracts water deep underground. And in conditions of high occurrence groundwater lateral roots develop.

The lifespan of Scots pine can reach 200 years. History knows of cases when pine lived for 400 years.

Scots pine is considered a fast-growing tree. Over the course of a year, its growth can be 50-70 cm. This coniferous tree begins to bear fruit from 15 - summer age. In forest and dense planting conditions - only after 40 years.

Latin name Pinus mugo. This is a multi-stemmed coniferous tree reaching a height of 10-20 meters. Dwarf varieties - 40-50 cm. Trunks - semi-lodging and ascending. In adulthood it can reach a diameter of 3 m. A very decorative coniferous plant.

The needles are dark, long, often curved. The bark is brownish-gray, scaly. The cones ripen in the 3rd year.

To date, more than 100 varieties of mountain pine have been registered. And every year this number increases. In landscape gardening, dwarf varieties are especially used, which form beautiful compositions along the banks of reservoirs and in rocky gardens.

Magnificent species with a narrow pyramidal crown. Homeland - North America. In our country it grows well in the southern and middle lane. Grows up to 10 meters. It does not tolerate urban conditions very well. Especially in at a young age often freezes. Prefers places protected from winds. Therefore, it is better to plant yellow pine in groups.

The needles are dark and long. The bark is thick, reddish-brown, cracking into large plates. The cones are ovoid, almost sessile. There are about 10 varieties of yellow pine.

A very impressive variety of pine. Homeland - North America. The needles have a blue-green tint. The cones are large and somewhat curved. A mature tree can reach a height of more than 30 meters. It is considered a long-liver, as it can live up to 400 years. As it grows, it changes its crown from narrow-pyramidal to wide-pyramidal. It acquired its name thanks to the English Lord Weymouth, who brought it to his homeland from North America in the 18th century.

Does not tolerate salty soils well. It is relatively resistant to frost, but does not like winds. Weymouth pine is characterized by red pubescence on young shoots.

A relatively low coniferous plant - up to 20 m high. It is a slow-growing tree. The bark is light gray, lamellar. The needles are bright green, hard, curved. The cones are yellowish, shiny, long. The crown diameter can reach 5-6 meters.

Some experts consider it Geldreich's pine. Indeed, the similarities are great. However, since there are varieties under both names, we will still focus on whitebark pine. To date, about 10 varieties of this species are known. Geldreich's pine has about the same amount. Often varieties can be mixed.

In the conditions of our country, this type of pine takes root best in the southern regions, as it does not tolerate frost well. Whitebark pine is light-loving and undemanding to the nutritional composition of the soil, but grows better on moderately moist, drained and moderately alkaline soils.

Looks good in Japanese, rocky and heather gardens. Excellent for both solitary planting and mixed groups.


Tall (up to 60 m) coniferous tree with a conical crown. A bit like spruce. The diameter can reach 2 meters. This is a real long-lived plant. Some specimens live 400-700 years. The fir trunk is straight and columnar. The crown is dense. At a young age, the fir crown has a cone-shaped or pyramidal shape. As it matures, the shape of the crown becomes cylindrical.

The needles, depending on the variety, have different lengths and live 8-10 years. Fir begins to bear fruit at the age of approximately 30 years. The cones are erect and long (up to 25 cm).

This coniferous plant does not tolerate frost, drought and extreme heat. The advantage is that this is the most shade-tolerant tree. Sometimes seedlings may appear under the mother tree in complete shade. With good lighting, firs naturally grow better.

This coniferous plant is a real find in landscape gardening. Fir is used both in single plantings and for decorating alleys. Dwarf forms look great in a rocky garden and on an alpine hill.

The botanical name is Abies balsamea "Nana". This coniferous plant is a dwarf cushion-shaped tree. It grows naturally in North America.

Unpretentious in care. Loves good lighting, but also tolerates shadow well. For balsam fir, it is not so much frost that is dangerous as strong gusty winds, which can simply damage a small tree. Prefers light, moist, fertile, slightly acidic soil. It reaches a height of 1 m, which makes it a favorite decorative object in landscape gardening. It is equally good for decorating the garden, landscaping terraces, slopes and roofs.

Propagated by seeds and annual cuttings with an apical bud.

The needles are dark green with a special sheen. Exudes a characteristic resinous aroma. The cones are red-brown, elongated, reaching a length of 5-10 cm.

This is a very slow growing coniferous plant. In 10 years it grows no more than 30 cm. It lives up to 300 years.

Nordmann fir (or Caucasian). An evergreen coniferous tree that came to us from the mountains of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Sometimes it grows up to 60-80 meters in height. The crown shape is neat cone-shaped. It is for this neat appearance that gardeners love Nordmann fir.

It is she who is decorated instead of a Christmas tree on new year holidays in many European countries. This is largely due to the structure of the branches - the branches are often located and raised upward. This distinctive feature Nordmann fir.

The needles are dark green with some shine. Young shoots have a light green, even yellowish tint. The needles are from 15 to 40 mm and look very fluffy. If you lightly rub the needles between your fingers, you can feel a specific citrus aroma.

The trunk of an adult plant can reach two meters in diameter. When young, the bark of Caucasian fir is grayish-brown and smooth. As it matures, it cracks into segments and becomes dull.

Nordmann fir grows quite quickly. Under favorable conditions, this coniferous tree can live up to 600-700 years. Moreover, the increase in height and width continues until last day life!

Depending on the type of soil, the root system can be either superficial or deep with a central core. The cones of this fir are large, up to 20 cm, located vertically on a short stem.

Possesses unique property– needles remain on the branches even after they dry out, even to the point of mechanical damage.

A coniferous evergreen plant belonging to the Cypress family. It could be either a tree or a shrub. Common juniper (Juniperus communis) grows mainly in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet. However, in Africa you can also find your own juniper - the East African one. In the Mediterranean and Central Asia This plant forms juniper forests. Quite common are low-growing species that spread along the ground and rocky slopes.

Today, more than fifty species of juniper are known.

As a rule, this is a light-loving and drought-resistant crop. Completely undemanding to soils and temperatures. However, like any plant, it has its own preferences - for example, it develops better in light and nutritious soil.

Like all coniferous plants, it is a long-lived plant. Average duration his life is about 500 years.

The needles of juniper are bluish-green, triangular, pointed at the ends. The cones are spherical, gray or blue. Tap root.

Magical properties were also attributed to this coniferous plant. For example, a juniper wreath was believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. Perhaps this is why in Europe there is a fashion for hanging wreaths on the eve of the New Year.

Both juniper trees and shrubs are widely used in landscape design. Group plantings are good for creating hedges. Single plants also cope well with leading role in composition. Low-growing creeping varieties are often used as ground cover plants. They strengthen slopes well and prevent soil erosion. In addition, juniper lends itself well to pruning.

Scaly juniper (Juniperus squamata)- creeping shrub. Dense branches with equally dense needles look very decorative.

Evergreen coniferous plant. Looks like trees or shrubs. Depending on the genus and species, it differs in color, quality of needles, crown shape, height and life expectancy. Representatives of some species live up to 150 years. At the same time, there are specimens - true centenarians that reach almost 1000 years!

In landscape gardening, thuja is considered one of the basic plants, and like any conifer, it is good both in group planting and as a solo plant. It is used to decorate alleys, hedges and borders.

The most common types of thuja are western, oriental, giant, Korean, Japanese, etc.

Thuja needles are soft, needle-like. The needles of a young plant are light green. With age, the needles acquire a darker shade. The fruits are oval or oblong cones. The seeds ripen in the first year.

Thuja is famous for its unpretentiousness. It tolerates frost well and is easy to care for. Unlike other coniferous plants, it tolerates gas pollution well major cities. Therefore, it is indispensable in urban landscaping.


Coniferous plants with needles that fall off in the winter. This partly explains its name. These are large, light-loving and winter-hardy plants that grow quickly, are undemanding to soil and tolerate air pollution well.

Larches are especially beautiful early spring And late autumn. In the spring, larch needles acquire a soft green hue, and in the fall - bright yellow. Since the needles grow every year, their needles are very soft.

Larch bears fruit from the age of 15. The cones have an ovoid-conical shape, somewhat reminiscent of a rose flower. They reach a length of 6 cm. Young cones are purple in color. As they ripen, they acquire a brown tint.

Larch- a long-lived tree. Some of them live up to 800 years. The plant develops most intensively in the first 100 years. These are tall and slender trees, reaching 25-80 meters in height, depending on the type and conditions.

In addition, larch is very useful tree. It has very hard and durable wood. In industry, its red kernel is in greatest demand. Also, larch is valued in folk medicine. Folk healers harvest its young shoots, buds and larch resin, from which they obtain “Venetian” turpentine (turpentine), which is used for many diseases. The bark is harvested throughout the summer and used as a vitamin supplement.

Photos of coniferous plants

Admire the beauty of nature with us

Spruce and pine

All gymnosperms are trees or shrubs. This group includes coniferous trees, which are very widespread. Examples gymnosperms are ordinary trees, often found in mid-latitudes, are pine and spruce.

Pine is practically not demanding on soil and moisture. Its powerful roots go deep into the ground. Therefore, pine can receive water and nutrients from deep layers of soil. It often grows on dry, almost barren, sandy soil. Pines often inhabit sands where the top fertile layer of soil has been removed, for example, in excavations along railway. Pine plantings are used to consolidate and afforest sand in steppe areas.

Pine is a light-loving plant. She cannot tolerate even slight shading. In places with dense grass cover, pine seedlings are drowned out by grasses; It cannot grow even in the shade of a forest.

The pine reaches a considerable size.

You can often find a pine tree 40 m high. Pines live up to 400 years of age, and sometimes more, and form continuous forests - pine forests.

In the forest, the pine tree grows straight and slender. Its lower branches are shaded by the upper ones; due to lack of light, they soon lose their green needles, dry out and fall off. This way the trunk is cleared of side branches. Branches are maintained only at the very top of the tree. The wood of pine trees grown in the forest is valued much higher than the wood of spreading pines grown in the open.

The young ends of pine branches are covered with bluish-green needles, or needles. They are located two in a bunch. The name “coniferous” trees comes from the word conifer. The needles are pine leaves. They are very narrow and therefore have a small evaporating surface; in addition, they are covered with a skin of thick-walled cells with a small number of stomata. Therefore, pine evaporates water very slowly. Pine is a typical drought-resistant plant.

Pine needles are found only at the very ends of the branches, that is, in the youngest areas (one-year-old, two-year-old and sometimes three-year-old). On areas of branches older than three years, the needles fall off. Thus, the needles stay on the branches for only two to three years.

In the spring, at the end of May, the pine is dusty. Then, with gusts of wind, whole clouds of yellow pollen rise from the pines. Pine pollen sometimes completely covers the ground, puddles, ponds, and lakes. People who do not know the cause of this phenomenon call it “sulfur rain.”

At this time, light green and reddish cones are easy to find on pine trees. Light green cones sit on young shoots. Each cone consists of scales. Two anthers develop on each scale. After ripening they burst. Pollen spills out and is carried by the wind. Pine pollen has two air bubbles. Thanks to this, it can stay in the air for a long time and be transported far by air currents. Pine, like other gymnosperms, is a wind-pollinated plant.

Reddish cones are found on the tops of other young shoots of the same tree. Each cone consists of scales. On the upper side of the scales there are two ovules. Gymnosperms do not have a pistil. Their ovules are not located in the ovary of the pistil, but openly (barely), and pollen directly falls on them. After pollination of the scales, the cones close tightly and are glued together with resin.

Pine seeds ripen one and a half years after pollination. They emerge in early spring. IN sunny days the cones open, their scales move apart, and seeds fall out of the cones. Since the seeds are equipped with wings, they are carried by the wind over a long distance.

Pine is used on the farm. Pine wood gives valuable material for buildings and carpentry. It is used for fuel. Tar, resin, and turpentine are extracted from it.

Belongs to coniferous trees common spruce. It also has needle-like, but shorter needles. The needles on spruce branches last 6-7 years. Spruce roots do not go deep, but are located in the surface layers of the soil. Therefore, spruce needs fertile and wet soil. The difference between spruce and pine is that spruce is shade-tolerant, and pine is light-loving. Cross-pollination occurs with the help of wind, as in pine. The ovules are located openly on the seed scales of the cone. The seeds are carried far by the wind. Spruce wood is used to make paper.

Thus, gymnosperms do not have pistils. Their ovules are located openly (barely) on the scales of the cones. Pollination occurs with the help of wind. In this case, the pollen directly falls on the ovules. Since gymnosperms do not have pistils, they do not produce fruit. Their seeds are also located openly (barely) on the woody scales of the cone. This is where the name gymnosperms comes from.

More information on the topic:

The concept of lumber is a general term that refers to a whole group of different types of wood products. Moreover, they must differ in a certain quality and size. These products are cut longitudinally from a tree trunk and have a cross-section in the shape of a square or rectangle, in contrast to piles or pillars that have a round cross-section.

Lumber can be coniferous or deciduous. These varieties, naturally, have their own characteristics, which you will learn about below.

The basis for softwood lumber is fir, spruce, cedar, larch and pine. Among their advantages are:

  • straightness of the trunk;
  • high quality wood;
  • ease of processing.

A special place among such materials is pine, the wood of which is characterized by amazing strength combined with ease of processing. In addition, the advantage of this coniferous species is its lower ability to absorb moisture compared to deciduous trees. No less valuable is larch, which has a special property - under the influence of moisture it seems to turn to stone.

The materials for deciduous lumber are linden, poplar, birch, aspen, etc. On the building materials market there are unedged, sanded and edged boards, edged and unedged timber. Edged lumber is the most popular, which, however, also applies to products made from coniferous trees.
The main advantages of materials made from deciduous trees are:

  • increased wood density;
  • beautiful texture and design;
  • durability of products.

Disadvantages of deciduous and coniferous timber

Among the disadvantages of softwood lumber, the main disadvantage is the possibility of spontaneous combustion due to the resinous substances present in the species, which come to the surface of the bark when the air temperature rises.

To prevent this problem, wood is impregnated with fire retardants - compounds that prevent combustion.

Deciduous lumber is also characterized by certain disadvantages, namely, it is prone to rapid wood decay and fungal growth at high humidity. Therefore, wood needs to be thoroughly dried and further treated with antiseptic compounds.

Scope of application of coniferous and deciduous materials

Ceilings are sheathed with lumber from hardwood, internal architectural elements and doors are made from it, partitions, panels and walls are sheathed, and they are used as flooring. And true connoisseurs of beauty will not be able to pass by the magnificent and durable furniture made of oak and other valuable types of wood!

Coniferous wood is often used to make wall posts, floor beams, boards, rafter systems for roofing, flooring and cladding. For interior works they use lining made of coniferous wood, which has a more aesthetic appearance due to the grooves present on it.

Coniferous plants, pros and cons

15-01-2018, 15:47

If you decide to landscape your suburban area, and your choice fell on coniferous plants, but you doubt whether they are right for you, then read this article.

In it we will try to consider all the pros and cons of conifers.

Advantages of coniferous plants:

Year-round decorative properties of plants: 95% of conifers retain their decorative properties throughout the year, which deciduous trees cannot boast of.

Crown formation: Conifers tolerate crown-forming pruning without any damage, thanks to this, almost any plant can be used to create a decorative figure, unlike conifers, deciduous trees are less amenable to pruning, it takes much more time to form a certain shape, and some varieties do not tolerate her.

Diversity of appearance, most deciduous trees and shrubs have almost the same shape, which cannot be said about coniferous plants, their diversity is so great that you can find specimens reaching only 20 centimeters in height, but with a crown diameter of up to 5 meters, for example, they have this property some varieties of juniper. You can also find columnar plants that, with a crown diameter of no more than half a meter, reach a height of 8 meters or more; some varieties of yew have such properties.

Coloring of needles different times year: In most conifers, young growth is very different from the main color of the needles; for example, some varieties of spruce have dark green needles, and young shoots are golden in color. Also, most coniferous plants change their color throughout the year; most often, coniferous plants change their color only twice in a year, but some varieties do this three times a year. For example, some varieties of thuja are colored in spring and summer. green, and with the onset of autumn and throughout the winter, their needles have a pronounced golden color.

The frost resistance of conifers is much higher than that of deciduous plants; coniferous plants can easily withstand temperatures down to -40C°, while deciduous plants rarely exceed frost resistance of -30C°. This means that you do not have to worry about the safety of plants in winter period.

Now let's look at some of the disadvantages of coniferous plants:

Some requirements for planting: 95% of conifers do not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the roots, so when planting it is necessary to lay out a drainage layer, this creates some difficulties during planting, for example, the fact that you will have to dig a deeper planting hole.

Sunburn: Conifers at a young age up to 5 years, often get in the spring sunburn Therefore, in the spring it is recommended to create artificial partial shade next to young plants, as well as to sprinkle the crown in the evening.

  • Choosing coniferous plants for the garden - thuja smaragd
  • People's favorite - Chlorophytum crested
  • Thuja Brabant
  • Cuttings of coniferous plants in winter time
  • Buying seedlings without leaving home
  • Dendrologists share everything woody species plants into two large groups: deciduous and coniferous trees. And, as a rule, it is very simple to attribute one or another species to one of these groups. Exception from of this rule only larch appears. Is it deciduous or Let's try to understand this issue.

    Larch: coniferous or

    Lárix - this is the name of this miracle tree in Latin. Why do many people have the question: “Is larch a deciduous or coniferous tree?” And how to answer it correctly?

    The thing is that although this tree has needles, it sheds its needles in the winter, just as representatives of deciduous trees do. This is the moment that drives many people into a dead end. And not everyone can confidently answer the question “is larch a deciduous or coniferous tree.”

    In fact, botanists classify this beauty as a member of the pine family, and thus it is a conifer. Moreover, one of the most common on the planet.

    Larch: botanical description of the plant

    So, we found out that larch is a coniferous tree. We will consider the features of this plant, as well as its distribution throughout the Earth, below.

    The average height of this tree is no more than 50 meters (with a trunk diameter of no more than 1 meter). Larches live on average up to 300 years, although individual specimens have been recorded that have lived up to 800 years.

    The peculiarity of this plant is its conical (like many conifers), but very loose (translucent) crown. In those places where the wind rose is unidirectional, the crown may have a flag-shaped shape.

    The main feature of this coniferous species is its needles. It is annual and very soft, like for a coniferous tree. Touching larch needles is quite pleasant. Every autumn the tree sheds its needles, and in the spring new, fresh, green needles grow on its branches.

    The larches are quite developed and powerful, which allows them to settle on steep mountain slopes, where strong winds blow throughout the year. In some cases, for greater stability, even its lower branches are rooted in the ground.

    Larch is a very light-loving tree, so it chooses appropriate areas for itself: open and unshaded. If the growing conditions are favorable, then the plant is capable of reaching towards the sun at an amazing speed: up to one meter per year!

    Larch is very resistant to low air temperatures. It is not afraid of sharp frosts either. It is also undemanding to soils. Thus, larch can grow both on the dry soil of a mountain slope and on the waterlogged soil of a swampy lowland. However, if the soil conditions are too unfavorable, the tree will grow very stunted and short.

    Geographical distribution of the plant

    Larch is one of the most common tree species on the planet, numbering up to 15 different species. Very often these trees form vast and light forests. Vast areas are occupied by larch forests in Siberia, as well as in the Far East.

    European larch is often called a long-lived tree. She easily lives to be several hundred years old. In Russia, three types of larch are most often found: Russian, Siberian and Daurian. The latter can be easily distinguished by its shiny silvery buds. In Transbaikalia, entire forests grow from

    Western and American larch have become widespread in North America. In the USA, wood of these species is actively used in construction and industry.

    Use of larch by humans

    The wood of this tree has been used by humans for a long time. It is distinguished by strength, elasticity, and resin. Plus, it is very resistant to rotting. In terms of tissue hardness, larch is second only to oak.

    The wood of this plant is actively used in construction, industry, and in the construction of surface or underwater structures. Turpentine is also produced from it.

    The plant is also used in folk medicine. So, larch needles are a huge source ascorbic acid. Therefore, fresh needles (or an infusion of them) are an excellent preventative against scurvy. In addition, baths made from the needles of this tree are recommended for people suffering from joint diseases. Turpentine is also made from larch resin - very effective remedy for rheumatism and gout.

    In conclusion...

    Is larch a deciduous or coniferous tree? After reading our article, you will forever remember the answer to this question.

    Larch is not only a beautiful tree, but also very useful. The wood of this unique plant It is highly durable and resistant to rotting, which is why it is widely used in the construction industry. And several centuries earlier, the strongest and most reliable ships were made from it.

    To make the garden harmonious and comfortable, plantings and their relationships are planned in advance. Equilibrium and balance can be achieved by proportionally planting deciduous and conifers for the garden. However, in an attempt to make the garden decorative all year round, owners often make the mistake of planting a lot of conifers. Let's try to find a middle ground.

    Deciduous and coniferous plants for the garden: what is the difference

    It is difficult to imagine a garden or park without trees, because they are the main decoration of any area, and in addition they perform a number of other functions. Under the large canopy of trees you can hide from rain or scorching sun. Large trees planted along roads and alleys, greening large cities. Trees purify the air, remove noise and dust. Some species of deciduous trees look impressive during flowering, and some varieties are grown exclusively for landscaping.

    Fruit trees perform several functions at once : they decorate the garden, delight with delicious fruits, and impress with flowers in spring. You can review and choose.

    All trees on the planet can be divided into two huge types - deciduous and conifers. How are they different? coniferous plants for the garden from deciduous? The answer is obvious: leaves grow on deciduous trees, and coniferous needles or scales grow on coniferous plants. Roughly speaking, needles are the same leaves, only slightly modified. There is another huge difference between coniferous and deciduous trees. Needles It stays on the branches all year round, but the leaves fall off by winter. The exception is evergreen deciduous trees, but they grow in the south, such as magnolia grandiflora. Evergreen trees are usually found in the subtropics and tropics. Known species: false camphor laurel, Loureiro cinnamon, myrzinophyllum oak, eucalyptus, Ceylon cinnamon.

    So why do deciduous plants shed their leaves while conifers do not? In fact, not all conifers remain evergreen, just as not all deciduous trees shed their leaves. The main exception is the coniferous plant larch; it overwinters without needles. Deciduous trees shed their leaves as part of their life cycle, making it easier for them to survive the winter. Heavy snow remaining on the leaves could damage the branches. Also, the leaf area is much larger than the needles, the leaves evaporate moisture, and the tree feeds it from the ground. In winter, it is problematic to get the right amount of water to the tree; it is easier to simply throw off the leaves. The needles are smaller in size, so moisture evaporates into small quantity. Typically, needles are renewed every four years.

    What trees are best to plant on your own plot?

    The choice of plants depends on the preferences of the owner, as well as the functions and location of planting. Deciduous trees can be divided into ornamental and fruit trees. If you want to create a garden at your dacha, then it is better to plant fruit trees. They perform many functions at once. The fruit trees bloom very beautifully, the aroma of flowers is felt in the air, everything becomes incredibly beautiful. In summer, in the shade of a fruit tree you can hide from the sun and relax, and in the fall you can collect fruits.

    Fruit trees

    Decorative trees can look very impressive and have unusual shape leaves or unique color, but produce inedible fruit. For example, the red maple impresses with the color of its leaves autumn time, but it can only perform a decorative function. Here you need to decide what you want to get: decorative or practical benefits. It would be more correct to call fruit trees ornamental fruit trees, because they all bloom incredibly beautifully. Cherries, plums, sweet cherries, apple trees, apricots and other species effectively decorate the site in spring.

    Coniferous plants

    Coniferous trees They look great in every park; you can rarely see them in the country. Spruce can be used instead of a New Year tree, and others conifer breeds, an integral part of rocky gardens and rocky hills.

    Is it possible to plant coniferous trees next to deciduous trees? Coniferous trees can be planted next to decorative deciduous trees; they will effectively complement each other in compositions. Even in nature, coniferous trees often grow together with oak, birch and other deciduous trees. Problems can only arise when planting a coniferous tree next to a fruit tree. The roots of conifers grow quickly, and these trees can also acidify the soil. The productivity of fruit trees may fall over time due to such a neighbor. The optimal distance between a coniferous tree and a fruit tree is at least five meters.

    Popular hardwood trees

    Deciduous trees look ideal in every garden; it is impossible to do without them. The most popular species that will effectively decorate a garden are birch, especially weeping forms, willow, sakura, and horse chestnut. Catalpa has become a particularly popular tree in small gardens, because it has large and unusual leaves and also grows well on a trunk. Red leaf maples are also incredibly beautiful, and the sumac tree grows unusually.

    It is worth noting the beauty and aroma of linden during flowering, while robinia and acacia will fill the air with aroma and delight you with delicate flowers. You should also pay attention to the very unique and unusual tree called cercis or purpurea. When the tree blooms, the spectacle is incredible, because pink flowers literally bloom all over the tree.

    Magnolia, Japanese maple, paulownia will not be superfluous in the garden. The decorative nature of such plants will help create an unforgettable and fragrant garden.

    Danilovich Vera Alexandrovna
    Synopsis of the educational lesson “Deciduous and coniferous trees”

    Subject classes: Coniferous and deciduous trees.

    Senior group

    Target. creating a social situation for the development of children in the process of familiarization with coniferous and deciduous trees.

    Tasks: Consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn; Forming an idea about coniferous and deciduous trees, give the concept of evergreens trees;Expand vocabulary. Development of memory, attention, logical thinking. Nurture love and careful attitude To trees.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Today we will go on an excursion to unusual forest, it is full of mysteries.

    Educator: We walk along a narrow path into the forest and sing a song loudly (Music sounds "Polechka" music D. Kabalevsky)

    We are friendly guys

    Together in let's go to the forest(walking,

    We will step over a small puddle (they step over an imaginary puddle,

    We move the branches with our hands once (we spread our arms to the sides,

    We are walking along the path happily now

    Educator: What beauty in the forest! Look! Guys, here is the first autumn sheet,

    Children take and pay attention to reverse side leaf - a riddle:

    The house is open on all sides,

    It is covered with a carved roof.

    Come to the green house

    You will see miracles in it.


    So, what’s unusual in this forest? (answers children: different types trees, leaves different colors, etc.

    What time of year is it in the forest? (autumn)

    How did you determine this? (reinforcing the signs of autumn)

    Guys, look who is sitting under the Christmas tree? I suggest one of the children take a little gnome (old forest man) in your hands.

    Who is this? Old forest man! He has a note with a task. I read “look through binoculars at the picture on the right, and then on the left. What did you see?

    Finger gymnastics is carried out "Binoculars".

    What do you see in the picture on the right? (Trees)

    And what trees did you see in this picture? (answers children: oak, birch, maple, poplar, linden, rowan)

    These trees are called deciduous. Why (children's answers)

    Now look through your binoculars at the picture on the left.

    What interesting things did you see? (children's answers)

    Spruce, pine, fir in this picture.

    And spruce and pine are called fir coniferous trees.

    U deciduous trees have leaves. And coniferous needles. This too leaves. Only in the form of needles and they are the same color all year round, what guys? (green)

    Think about what else you can call coniferous trees? (Evergreen).

    The game is being played « Coniferous and deciduous trees» You need to split the object pictures into two kind: coniferous – deciduous.

    Girls – conifers are collected, boys - deciduous trees are collected.

    Well done guys, they did everything correctly, for this the old forester prepared a gift for us (I take the box in which they lie colored cardboard leaves: red, yellow, orange, green)

    Physical education minute:

    I offer you with leaves dance on the autumn carpet

    Falling, falling leaves. Words by M. Evensen. Music by M. Krasev.

    At the end of the physical session Leave the leaves on the carpet, admiring the beauty of autumn.

    Look how much leaves lying on the ground. The result is a beautiful autumn carpet.

    At the end "forests" task again

    I propose to please our old man, the forest boy, with my painting. Take those templates trees that you know, and make up your own picture.

    There are colored flowers on the table trees(cut out). Whatman sheet. The guys are sticking it on trees yourself.

    Well, it's time to go back to kindergarten.

    We sit on the chairs

    Let's repeat the names again trees.

    Why alone trees are called conifers, and others deciduous?

    Why coniferous trees called evergreen?

    What benefits do you think they bring? trees?

    Game: Name the forest shown in the pictures.

    The forest in which birches grow - (birch);

    a forest in which pine trees grow - (pine);

    a forest in which spruce trees grow - (spruce);

    a forest in which oaks grow - (oak).

    Conclusion. Take care trees! Take care of them!

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of the educational lesson “Rains” Summary of the educational lesson “Rains” Objectives: tell children about the reasons rainy weather, clouds, the water cycle in nature, o.

    Lesson summary “Trees in the forest” Goal: Continue to teach children to talk about changes in nature, describe nature in October, reflect their impressions in artistic activities.

    Summary of an open educational activity with children of the preparatory school group “Coniferous trees of our forest” Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 12 of compensatory type”, Sosnogorsk CONSPECT.

    Lesson on the topic: “Trees in autumn” Objectives: Cognitive development Development of horizons and cognitive-research activities.

    Lesson notes (modeling) “Autumn trees” Goal: continue to teach the technique of pinching, rolling, flattening (roll small multi-colored balls of plasticine and flatten.

    Topic: “Coniferous trees of our forests” Purpose: To introduce children to the types of coniferous trees growing in the forests of the Romodanovsky district. Tasks: Secure.