Nature in early spring. Essay spring

Mart-Protalnik. Spring is coming, the sun is increasing. Snow piles begin to melt from the first rays of warmth. The first flowers appear in thawed areas - snowdrops. And the month received a name - Protalnik. It's time to dance in circles and welcome the red spring.

March: first rays

Description of the nature of early spring (I - II week).
The long frosts are giving way to the long-awaited warmth of spring. The snow will remain for a long time cold ground, and the icy winds will remind you more than once that although winter has weakened, it has not given up. Soon the bright March sun will gradually begin to warm the earth, warming the air that has cooled during the long winter with its rays. The air temperature will remain negative for a long time at night and in the morning, but during the day, under the influence of rays warming the icy ground, it will gradually begin to warm up to 0° and above.

In early spring, nature is still sleeping. First sun rays still weak average temperature It's almost winter -5° for months. The snow is covered with a wet mud crust, and thawed patches of land grow on flat areas. Nature is hiding in the spring, waiting for the break of winter; in March, in sunny weather, the first cumulus clouds, and in bad weather sleet and rain are possible. Soon the birds will fly in and spread notes of spring throughout the forest.

Beginning of March in the folk calendar

“February is strong with a snowstorm, and March with a drop”

Spring in nature shines through at every step, the cheerful chirping of sparrows becomes audible, and the sky becomes clear and clean, where gradually, falling from the heights of the cold sky, clouds begin to pile up. By folk calendar, a notable date in the description of the nature of spring is March 6, when Timofey-Vesnovey breathes it into the ground. Starting from the 12th, Prokop joins him to help; the rutted roads made of snow, destroyed by the heat, already on March 13th, in friendly company with Vasily-Kapelnik, bring the winter quarters to a turning point. March 14 is celebrated as the day of welcoming the red spring. Evdokia by Julian calendar from this day spring begins. March is gaining strength, now actively resisting frost and north winds, although they will keep nature in icy shackles for a long, long time.

Spring in Russian poetry

Poets have long seen something more in ordinary seasons. They have developed stable images that are associated with each time: sadness, sadness, fun, joy, awakening, etc. Spring occupies a special place among the seasons in the work of Russian poets. After all, she even ordinary people associated with awakening, purity, the birth of something new and innocent.

We see descriptions of spring in many Russian poets. One of bright examples is the work of F.I. Tyutchev. His most famous “spring” work is the poem “Spring Waters”. It is a gentle and thoughtful work, just like early spring with melting snow and flowing streams.

The snow is still white in the fields,
And in the spring the waters are noisy -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run and shine and shout...

They say all over:
"Spring is coming, spring is coming,
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming,
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
The crowd is cheerfully following her!..”

The poems of A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov are also capable of causing spring images in our opinion. The poet devoted a considerable share of his work to nature, in particular spring. The brightest of them are “Spring”, “Rooks”. They carry images of festivity, youth, joy and tenderness. In addition, it is interesting to consider the images of birds that bring news of the upcoming rays of the sun and a spring mood on their wings. The image of early spring with birds returning from warm regions immediately appears in the imagination.

The forest was dozing. No one's arrival
He hasn't been bothered yet.
But I came, and a host of rooks
He took off, screaming, and he all came to life.

They arrived at noon
From morning walks through the fields,
Swung on the treetops
In a drowsy mood.

I got in the way; I scared them away.
Above the grove for a long time in a noisy dump
There was a bass rumble of rooks,
And the jackdaws echoed them loudly.

Nature takes over in spring special place in the works of Russian poets. And this is not in vain. After all, it is the most beautiful time, inspiring people to do wonderful things, to create something new and tender. Spring only causes positive emotions and lightness of soul.

March: resistance to winter

Description spring nature March (III - IV) week.
The spring equinox is considered to be March 14th. It is on this day that spring comes to every home. In Old Russian times, the year began on this day according to the calendar, and New Years were celebrated in Rus'. It was only later that they began to count the year from September. The snow still lies in drifts along the roads and in some places it still shines dazzlingly in the sun, but the wet crust is increasingly taking over the snow covers, and those covered in the mornings are becoming more and more fragile thin ice puddles that thaw by midday under the influence of sunlight. The clouds in the sky become cumulus, and the cheerful rays of the March sun penetrate through them with bright clear light.

Birch and maple begin to flow sap, becoming covered with many long icicles. By the end of March, the melting snow turns into a real flood. The ringing of spring can be heard everywhere, the smell of the spring nature of the forest spreads. The larks arrive, the starlings arrive. The forest comes alive with the first truly loud birdsong. The air is still cold, and snowstorms occur from time to time. But no matter how strong the snowstorm with unpleasant wet snow is, the bad weather quickly passes and the bright, tickling rays of the sun cut through the sky again.

The second half of the month in the folk calendar

“If you saw a starling, you know: spring is on the porch”

Many poets, artists, and prose writers often describe spring in nature with the arrival of rooks. doing long haul, rooks arrive in the second half of March. The approximate speed of movement of a flock of rooks is 50 km/day. Rooks arrive only with the arrival of spring warmth; in our native lands, March 17 was considered the day of meeting of rooks. Next comes the day of Konon the Gardener; on this day one could predict what kind of summer awaits us.

The larks come after the rooks - March 22. Again, the date is conditional and does not at all mean the exact time of arrival of the larks according to the schedule, but approximately on these days in spring forest You can already hear the joyful ringing of the returning birds. This day of spring was called by the strange name of Magpies. The penultimate day of March - Alexei - streams of water from the mountains. A little more and it will rain.

Spring in Russian painting

Painting is an extraordinary art form that clearly and colorfully conveys the author’s vision of a particular landscape. The ability to convey the beauty seen with paint and put into it one’s feelings, experiences and vision of the world certainly distinguishes talented masters of the brush. The image of spring and the description of spring nature in the works of Russian painters symbolizes the awakening of all living things. The landscapes of spring paintings are filled with joy and expectation of something new, pure, sincere and real.

(Painting by I. Levitan “March”)

Isaac Ilyich Levitan made a special contribution to the treasury of Russian painting. His landscapes are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty and realism. He so accurately conveyed the description of nature in spring in his paintings that you can look at the canvas for a long time, admiring every detail depicted.

Essay Spring rain 4th, 5th, 6th grade

Any phenomenon associated with the spring period causes a holiday in the soul. After all, it is at this time that all living things around awaken, the world is transformed in all its manifestations.

Essay Forest in spring

Spring! With the arrival of spring, a new life is born, because at this time everything wakes up wildlife. And the forest awakens from hibernation in the spring, comes to life. You look and marvel at how he draws strength to transform himself, change his clothes.

April is the most beautiful month of the year. At this time, real spring comes. She has already come into her own. The snow has already melted in some places, the sun is shining brightly, the days are getting longer. Light cirrus clouds are flying in the sky.

Essay Snowdrop 4th grade

Snowdrop - beautiful flower spring. Everything around is waking up after a long winter sleep. There are no leaves on the trees yet. There is still snow in the clearings in the forests, but the flower is already making its way to the sun.

Essay First Day of Spring

Spring is a wonderful time of year, when nature wakes up, everything blooms around, delights with its renewal. There may still be snow on the street and quite cold at night, but you can already feel the approaching warmth in the air

I woke up from some knocking. Opening my eyes, I realized that the sun had not risen yet, and decided to try to fall asleep again. But all my attempts were in vain. In addition, the knocking did not give rest.

We need to describe the pictures of spring. In fact, I personally would find it easier to draw with paints than with words! But I’ll try, because spring is mine favorite time year. First you wait for this spring, you wait.

Spring is the most extraordinary time of the year. In spring nature comes to life. In spring, the snow melts and the first green grass appears. In spring you can hear the birds singing. In spring, the sun shines and your mood immediately improves.

During spring break, my dad and I decided to make feeders and birdhouses so as not to miss the moment when migratory birds return again. To do this, we hung structures right in our yard.

Every long winter will come to an end. Spring is coming. In spring, all nature wakes up after hibernation. Early spring time is deceptive. At this time it may snow or return to frost.

Everyone has long known that after winter, spring always comes. Some people associate it with new life, with the approach of summer, and for some with slush and dirt

According to the calendar, spring comes in March. But she is sometimes late. And then it snows again. The days are getting longer than in winter. The snow is melting. Puddles form

After a long and painful cold winter Finally, the long-awaited spring has come, which brought warmth and bright sunshine

With each onset of spring, the snow melts, the first flowers bloom, birds return from warmer climes and delight with their chirping. From the first appearance of the sun, the roads flow spring water and makes all the kids happy. Streams of dirty water flow non-stop

I like to go to the forest in April. I love listening to how nature awakens in the spring. When the snow begins to melt, the babbling of streams can be heard everywhere.

Spring time for many people is the most favorite time of the year, because with its onset nature awakens to life after hibernation.

Spring is a wonderful time of year. It has its own bright colors and its own beautiful music.

Spring does not come alone, it brings with it something that has been sleeping soundly all winter. No, I'm not talking about bears! And not about green leaves on tree branches. I'm talking about the strength and energy that spring brings with it.

It would seem that the winter frosts have only just ended and the snow has recently melted, but the city has already been transformed. Small fires of last year's leaves are smoldering, the first greenery is rapidly reaching towards the sun in the park and flower beds, children's voices are being heard more and more often

Birds are easily recognizable animals. They came from a group small dinosaurs, whose body over time became covered with feathers, and wings were formed from the forelimbs. There are more than 8,700 bird species on earth, and more are being discovered

Spring comes and drives away winter. With the arrival of March, the rays of the sun begin to break through the clouds more and more often. In some places you can still notice ice, which is insidiously hidden under the snow. The cool air reminds us that winter stubbornly refuses to go away.

Year after year, tired of the cold, we wait for the first rays of sun and spring drops. We look forward to living through the winter, with its long evenings, frosts, and sometimes slush.

Essay Spring has come

Outside the window, the snow is melting, buds are already visible on the trees, happy schoolchildren are running through the puddles to school, nature is being renewed, birds are returning from warm countries, there is some special smell in the air. This is how spring comes. Nature wakes up and comes out of its winter sleep, all around happy faces people who are waiting for warm spring days.

But just recently, embittered and frozen people were rushing to work, there was no pleasant ringing of birds outside the window and there was no such spring-like warming sun. It was terribly difficult to get up in the morning, only the annoying alarm clock forced me to gain strength and go about my business.

Spring comes somehow completely suddenly, it doesn’t even always depend on the date and day of the week on the calendar, you can only feel it. This cannot be confused with anything - a small pleasant shiver runs through the body, a feeling of some inexplicable joy, expectation of something new, the emergence of some sweet feelings.

Together with nature, all human sensations and feelings awaken. It is not without reason that it is believed that the most wonderful time for love is spring. At this time, people, as a rule, find a soul mate, someone finds the strength to start something new and change something in their life. Routine work no longer seems so exhausting and unpleasant.

Any natural changes affect a person. You walk down the street, inhale this smell of approaching spring, and a smile involuntarily forms on your face. You look back, and there are also a thousand people like you, happy people, who also watch with trepidation and joy the sudden changes that have occurred.

This is also a special time for schoolchildren. For example, those completing their studies may have to make lifelong choices. It is necessary to decide on a profession and prepare for exams and admission. Some people think with regret that they will have to leave school, others, on the contrary, look forward with confidence and anticipation to new acquaintances and fateful encounters in adulthood.

Spring is a time of change, new meetings and pleasant acquaintances. From observing how nature comes to life, every cell of the body is renewed, you feel in your soul some inexplicable unity with nature and a feeling of endless happiness.

For 4th grade

We have four seasons. Winter, spring, summer and autumn. I like them all, but most of all spring. When it comes, it becomes so fresh outside.

In spring, animals wake up, birds fly from warm countries. And when they sing in the morning, it’s simply breathtaking. The first snowdrop flowers appear. They are very beautiful, and there is also green grass on it, so pleasant to run on bare feet. The first buds appear on the trees and it’s so good to watch them. One day I picked a twig from a tree, brought it home and put it in a jar and watched it every day. It was so wonderful, her buds grew bigger every day, and one fine day I woke up and saw a delicate green leaf coming out of the bud. It smelled like spring, it was just wonderful.

I only had this one branch, but nature had thousands of them on the street, and when they all bloom at once it is simply amazing beauty. That's why I love spring.

Spring essay

Spring is the most beautiful time year. Nature begins to wake up after cold weather winter days. The snow begins to melt and streams run along the roads. When there is no trace left of the snowdrifts, fluffy green grass begins to emerge, covering everything around. A huge number of colorful flowers appear that delight the eye.

Birds that have flown south return home and begin to sing their bubbly songs, which you can listen to for hours. Animals that hibernated in winter wake up.

The sun begins to shine even brighter and warms everything around with its rays. In the evening, it is no longer dark outside, as the days become longer in spring. The buds on the trees begin to swell, which means that very soon everything around will become beautiful and blooming. Walking past the trees, you can enjoy the pleasant floral aroma. In spring, even the smell of the air changes, becoming clean and light. After the spring rain it smells especially fresh. The spring sky is different from any other time of the year. It becomes light and clean, and the curly clouds resemble various animals.

All people awaken in the spring along with nature. They no longer want to sit at home, and they begin to spend more time outside. A unique holiday atmosphere is created. Trips outside the city, picnics, cycling and just regular walks in the park are becoming more frequent.

The mood changes after winter better side. Everyone becomes more joyful and active. Spring weather pleases everyone without exception, both old people and children, who begin to spend whole days outside without noticing the onset of evening. The variety of natural colors brings positive emotions and love into the life of every person, and memories of a wonderful time remain in memory for a lifetime.

Spring is knocking on the window, there is a breath of spring

Spring is my favorite time of the year. Its onset is considered to be the appearance of snowdrops. The animals in the forest are waking up. At this time, the snow melts and the sun begins to warm, which knocks on the windows every morning with its rays. It's getting warm outside.

The grass begins to turn green, and green leaves bloom on the trees. In spring, birds fly home from warm countries. Houses need to be built for them so that they have a place to live. During the day you can constantly hear their chirping, which is similar to the melody of a song. In spring, everyone spends a lot of time outside. Children are constantly playing in the yard. It seems to me that spring is the most beautiful nature, because everything is blooming and the sun is constantly shining.

Essay about Spring for 7th grade

Just yesterday I spent half an hour in the morning wrapping myself in warm clothes. Then I reluctantly went outside, where it was cold and the wind was blowing by the collar, despite the fact that I was wrapped in a scarf. I hurried to and from classes, not paying attention to what was happening on the street. But spring changed everything. Now when I wake up I don’t shake from the cold, I happily go out into the street in the morning, enjoying the fresh spring air, and the road to school and back is a wonderful opportunity to take a walk and re-see the streets of my hometown, which I had not noticed yesterday. Now the time I spent watching TV or computer, I can happily spend walking outside. It's not even a matter of what I will do. After all, now it’s added to everything good mood from the weather. And also from the lightness when you take off your heavy boots and put on light spring shoes. And from the fact that you no longer need to be in such a hurry to get somewhere. That yesterday at this time it was already dark outside, but now it’s still warm and the sun is shining.

If I could choose which season of the existing year should remain on Earth permanently, I would choose spring. It is not as hot as summer and not as rainy as autumn. This is the time when everything blooms and comes to life, and there is no cold weather or rain ahead. There is only sun and a light breeze in the evenings. There is a good and light mood. There is strength to do something new and plan for the future. There are only positive attitude and it seems that everything in this world is possible, if only you really want it and try hard. And in the spring there is a lot of energy for efforts! I associate it with smiles and laughter, with the smell of blossoming apple trees and evening bonfires. With the first picnics in nature, walks in the forest and school excursions. And also with flowers, which by their appearance indicate the arrival of spring. That's why spring is a wonderful time.

Spring! It's a great time! Short mini essay.

It's time, it's time, what's time? It's time to take off the warm jackets and hats that our parents so stubbornly force us to wear. It's time to make plans for the summer and dream about how soon you will swim on the river. It's time to clean out your closet, your briefcase, your head. Yes, yes, in my head, this is a very important part of cleaning! You need to understand what you want and what you need, remove all unnecessary negative thoughts and laziness and start acting. If someone wants to get good grades at the end of the year, then spring is the time to put effort into studying. In the spring it's time to try yourself in some new business. And in the spring it’s time to just enjoy life!

Spring, like the rest of the year, includes three calendar months of March, April and May, the description and characteristics of spring are popularly given as follows - this is the most fertile and anticipated time of the year, it is usually called the revitalizing one. Spring is shorter in duration than summer, but slightly longer than autumn and winter.

Agree that spring is the most long-awaited time of the year, we look forward to it after long winter with special trepidation and hopes. Spring is three spring months, starting from the first rays of March, and after the abundant melting of snow in April, with the joyful awakening of nature in the month of May.

During these three months of spring, nature manages to cleanse itself of the winter snow shackles, and the earth is saturated with moisture and washed with spring rain, and all plant and fauna prepares for the period of growth, flowering and breeding. site/node/2817

The wonderful time of spring is one of the four seasons, learn about spring and springtime, sayings, signs of spring, poetry, spring weather...

Spring begins March 1 and lasts 92 days and 21 hours, includes sub-seasons:

In our country spring weather often changeable, as they are, both short and protracted, and early and late.

If he talks about folk signs spring, then they say that “Early spring is worth nothing,” but “Late spring will not deceive.” site/node/2817

The first day of spring according to the astronomical calendar is the day spring equinox March 21 or 22.

According to the phenological calendar, spring begins with thawed patches among white snow and the blooming of gray alder, but spring ends at the time when the fruit trees fade.

Spring- This is also the time of mass arrival of birds to their native nesting grounds.

The first birds to fly are those that fly away last, and the last are those that fly away first.

Spring, like autumn, is a transitional season, during the spring period of the year, when after winter the daylight hours noticeably increase and the sun begins to warm up, the air temperature gradually rises and natural activity noticeably intensifies, all living creatures on earth and plants.

Spring months

Spring is off to a fun start

March is on the threshold.

The drops are ringing merrily

April is already rushing towards us

May is quickly catching up with them

He greets everyone with flowers

Full of light and joy

All three months of spring

People say about Spring:

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

In the spring you miss an hour, you won’t be able to make it up during the day.

Spring is like a girl: you don’t know when she will cry or when she will laugh.

It's spring time - I ate from the yard.

Spring day is such a kind word.

Rain in May raises bread.

Spring is red and hungry.

Spring has come, so there’s no time for sleep.

The bird cherry blossomed - the cold called.

Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.

Folk signs of Spring

Water in the meadow is like hay in a stack.

If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.

If it melts early, it won’t melt for a long time.

Early spring is a sign that there will be many bad weather days in the summer.

When the spring water flows, but the ice remains, it is a bad year.

If in the spring the snow melts quickly and the water runs smoothly, it means a wet summer.

In the spring it will give both dirt and bread.

A migratory bird flows in flocks - to a friendly spring.

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

When many mice appear in the spring, this portends a hungry year.

If you meet me in the spring white hare, then more snow will definitely fall.

In the spring, if you tighten the smell, you will stretch your legs.

On Maundy Thursday there is a full moon - there is a lot of water in the spring.

When the spring ice on the backwaters and lakes does not move, but sinks, then the year will be difficult for people.

The river opened up on a fast day - the cows will not be milked.

If we speak in the words of the great poet, then we can say: “Spring time is the charm of the eyes...” Spring is a fertile time of the year, because in spring everything is renewed around, all nature “wakes up”, like man himself. After a long winter - a spring day, with its clean air, a full-flowing river, cheerful bird chirping, the first leaves on the trees and yellow flowers on the hills - it's like a gift from nature.

Spring is a wonderful time of the year, because in the three spring months we observe - from the first, long-awaited rays of March, through the continuation of abundant snowmelt in April, to the joyful awakening of nature in May. In this short period of time, nature manages to clear itself of the snow shackles, and our earth is saturated with moisture and has time to wash itself with fresh rain, and the entire flora and fauna is preparing for a period of flowering and growth.

About Spring, springtime - sayings, folk signs of spring, weather...

Poems about Spring

Spring(Apollo Maikov)

Blue, clean
Snowdrop flower!
And next to it is draughty,
The last snowball...

Last tears
About the grief of the past
And the first dreams
About other happiness.

Spring(Fedor Tyutchev)

No wonder winter is angry,
Her time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.
And everything started to fuss,
Everything forces Winter to get out -
And larks in the sky
The ringing bell has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And he grumbles about Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise...
The evil witch went crazy
And, capturing the snow,
She let me in, running away,
To a beautiful child.
Spring and grief are not enough:
Washed my face in the snow
And she only became blusher,
Against the enemy.

After the flood(Ivan Bunin)

It's raining, April is getting warmer,
It's foggy all night, and in the morning
The spring air is definitely chilling
And turns blue with a soft haze
In distant clearings in the forest.
And the green forest quietly slumbers,
And in the silver of forest lakes
Even slimmer than his columns,
Even fresher than the pine crowns
And delicate larches pattern!

Spring(Elena Blaginina)

The stoves are still burning in the houses
And the sun rises late
Also along our river
They walk calmly across the ice;
More to the barn for firewood
You won't get through directly
And in the garden under the trees
A snowman is dozing with a broom;
We are all dressed warmly -
In sweatshirts, in cotton pants...
Still, signs of spring
In everything, in everything they are already visible.
And in the way the roofs became warmer
And like the sun in full view
The drops, falling, began to sing,
They fussed about as if in delirium.

And my felt boots are full of water...
And the wind is gentle and lingering
It blew from the south side.
And the sparrows scream to each other
About the sun, about its beauty.
And all the cheerful freckles
We sat on one nose...

The last snow in the field is melting...(A.K. Tolstoy)

The last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the earth,
And the blue jug blooms,
And the cranes call each other.
Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Warm thunderstorms are impatiently awaiting;
All springs are warmed by breath,
Everything around loves and sings;
In the morning the sky is clear and transparent,
At night the stars shine so brightly;
Why is it so dark in your soul
And why is my heart heavy?
It's sad for you to live, oh friend, I know
And I understand your sadness:
You should fly back to your native land
And you don’t feel sorry for the earthly spring...

Spring(A.N. Pleshcheev)

Again the smell of spring came through my window,
And you can breathe more comfortably and freely...
The oppressive melancholy has fallen asleep in my chest,
A swarm of bright thoughts is replacing her.

The snow has melted... Ice shackles
They are not burdened by the sparkling wave...
And the distant, dumb ones await the plow
The fields of my native side.

Oh, how could I get out of these stuffy rooms
I wanted to go there quickly - to the open space,
Where there are no crackling and soulless phrases,
Where the venal choir does not thunder.

To the fields! to the fields! familiar nature
It attracts you with its bashful beauty...
To the fields! there is the song of the resurrected people
Sounds free and powerful.

Spring(The snow is already melting...) (A.N. Pleshcheev)

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,
warmer and the sun is brighter it became
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's gone for a long time again.

And my heart is so strong in my chest
He knocks as if he's waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took away my worries!

All faces look cheerful.
“Spring!” - you read in every glance;
And he, like a holiday, is happy about her,
Whose life is only hard work and grief.

But the playful children have loud laughter
And carefree birds singing
They tell me who is the most
Nature loves renewal!
Call of Spring
Russian folk chant in processing
Spring is red!
Come, spring, with joy, joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With plenty of bread!

About Spring(A. Pushkin)

Driven by spring rays,
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped through muddy streams
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream the year greets the morning;
The skies are blue and shining.
Still transparent, forests
It's like they're turning green...

Spring waters (F. Tyutchev)

The snow is still white in the fields,
And in the spring the waters are noisy -
They run and wake up the sleepy breg.
They run and shine and shout...

"Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead!"

Spring is coming, spring is coming!
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
The crowd cheerfully follows her!


At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap,
We found a little blue flower,
Half frozen, barely alive.

It must have been hot
It's sunny this morning.
The flower under the snow felt stuffy,
And he thought it was time

And he got out... But everything was quiet all around,
There are no neighbors, he is the first here.
The hare saw him.
She smelled it and wanted to eat it.

Then she probably regretted it:
You're too thin, my friend!
And suddenly a fluffy, white
Cold March snow.

He fell and skidded...
It's winter again, not spring,
And from a flower on a long stem
Only the cap is visible.

And he, blue from the cold.
Bowing my weak head,
Said: “I will die, but I will not regret:
After all, spring began with me!”

sparrows(V. Berestov)

What are the sparrows singing about?
On the last day of winter?
- We survived!
- We made it!
-We are alive! We are alive!

Pancakes(Russian folk song)

Like during Shrovetide Week
We wanted pancakes!
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes.
You, my pancakes!

Our big sister
She's a master at baking pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

She puts it on the tray
And she brings it to the table herself.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!
"Guests, be healthy,
My pancakes are ready.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

Elena Blaginina

The stoves are still burning in the houses
And the sun rises late
Also along our river
They walk calmly across the ice;
More to the barn for firewood
You won't get through directly
And in the garden under the trees
A snowman is dozing with a broom;
We are all dressed warmly -
In sweatshirts, in cotton pants...
Still, signs of spring
In everything, in everything they are already visible.
And in the way the roofs became warmer
And like the sun in full view
The drops, falling, began to sing,
They fussed about as if in delirium.
And suddenly the road became wet,
And my felt boots are full of water...
And the wind is gentle and lingering
It blew from the south side.
And the sparrows scream to each other
About the sun, about its beauty.
And all the cheerful freckles
We sat on one nose...

Paper icebreaker
P. Sinyavsky Fat snowmen
Lost weight from boredom.
Right before your eyes
They lament:
- Oh! Oh!
And they are sad to tears,
That winter is ending.
And spring is no longer waiting,
And the boys are building a fleet, -
On a paper icebreaker
The sunny bunny is swimming!

Funny pieces of ice
I. Demyanov

Under the very eaves,
Right above the window
Caught in icicles
Spring sun.
Sparkling, tears run down the icicles...
And the icicles melt - funny pieces of ice.
Spring clock
T. Dmitriev
Bales-bales, bales-so -
A cheerful ringing can be heard.
This is a spring watch
Started it under the roof.
Bales-bales, bales-so -
The count is kept by the drops.
To the nesting sites just in time
The geese have arrived.
And the streams make noise for me
On the spring stitch:
- Come out, baby, for a walk!
Put on your boots!

K. Kubilinskas

Spring has arrived in the snow,
On a damp carpet,
Scattered snowdrops
I sowed grass.
Badger families due
I picked it up from my holes,
Birch sap
I gave it to the guys.
I looked into the den:
- Well, get up, bear! –
She breathed on the branches -
It's time to go green!
Now spring is beautiful
Calling from all over
Geese, swifts and storks,
Cuckoos and starlings.

I. Muraveiko

Two starlings were flying
They sat on a birch tree,
They sat down and sang, -
How they flew, how they rushed
From the shores of overseas
To my native land, dear
To the little white birch tree!

V. Kudlachev

Another week will fly by
And March will ring in drops.
April will come with flowers for him,
And the sun will flood the earth.
Through the groves and parks nightingales
Concerts will begin again.

Spring has come
E. Stewart

Spring has come, with icicles
Decorating cornices.
The streams gurgle fervently,
Washing away the snowdrifts.
Forgetting the former frosts,
Unable to fall to the side
Tear-stained snowy
The melted woman.
Winter is completely unwell -
It's time for her to get ready...
And the sun in every puddle
Ready for a swim!
And between the wet snows
Having broken through my windows,
Brave snowdrops
They're already on their feet!

Each of the texts below can serve as an independent mini-essay about spring. The first and third description of spring consists of 5 sentences, and the second - of 6. They meet the requirements primary school. The fourth text is longer and is suitable for high school.

Description of spring

Spring is such an amazing time of the year. It is still quite cold, and the earth has not yet fully awakened from its winter sleep. The chilly winds are still blowing, the cold rains are still pouring. But you can already feel the unique aroma in the air, characteristic only of spring. The aroma of freshness, warmth and emerging life. When you observe how every year nature is reborn again and again, when every day is full of premonitions of the flourishing and triumph of life - it is then that you understand that this is the main miracle that exists in the world.

I love spring!

I can spend hours watching how the grass breaks through the sleepy soil. I can spend hours admiring how persistently and slowly the buds bloom on the trees. And of course, you can endlessly listen to how beautifully the birds sing, welcoming the rebirth of nature. The air, once cold and silent, is filled with life and freshness. This is only possible in spring!

Why am I waiting for spring to come

When it's cold and sad outside, spring immediately comes to mind. I really want the sun to shine longer and for the street to become warmer. Spring is always associated with the beginning of warmth and as if preparing for a bright and welcoming summer. The birds begin to sing, buds appear on the trees, and the spring rain is no longer as gloomy as in the fall. Every day gets longer and longer. It seems that your most cherished dreams are about to come true.

What is spring?

Spring is a clear blue sky and white fluffy clouds floating across it, driven by a cheerful breeze. Spring means early flowers: snowdrops, violets, daffodils, dandelions, young green grass. These are trees through whose trunks life-giving moisture flows with renewed vigor, giving strength to the swollen buds. This is the warmth in the air that you feel on your skin, these are the bright rays of the sun that awaken everything around you, these are the unique delicate aromas of nature.

After the silence of winter, spring brings with it many joyful sonorous sounds. Drops from melting icicles knock on the windowsill. Spring streams rustle, ice cracks and breaks on the river. The air is filled with the singing of birds returning from warmer climes and building their nests. The wind no longer hums among the bare branches of the trees, but softly rustles the young leaves. It happens that it rains - abundant, generous, filling the plants with strength. Sometimes you can hear loud thunderclaps accompanying lightning during a thunderstorm.

Spring bloom

The most beautiful spring phenomenon of living nature is the flowering of trees. They begin to bloom everywhere - in gardens, parks, forests, on city streets. The delicate flowers of trees and bushes are very beautiful and have a sweet, pleasant aroma. It is impossible to look at this spectacle without admiration. It seems like you are in a fairy tale! And then the flowers begin to dry out, their petals tear off and fall to the ground. And in their place, future fruits begin to be guessed - tiny cherries, pears, apples, peaches. There will be something to enjoy in the summer!

Spring is the time of flowers. The first, still through the snow, make their way to black earth snowdrops, raising their heads to the sun. They seem very fragile and weak, but at the same time they managed to break through the thickness of the snow. And in mid-April it’s time for daffodils and tulips. I especially like red tulips, although they are all good in their own way. Lilacs bloom magnificently in May different colors and peonies, and behind them - the queen of all flowers - the rose. At this time, trees and bushes are already dressed in bright green leaves. And spring gives us its bright and living beauty to the fullest.

With a plan and an epigraph! The snow has not yet melted from the ground, but spring is asking for the soul. The dazzling sun shines in the clear sky. The icicles on the houses began to whine and cry: they did not want to leave their cozy places. Cheerful streams began to gurgle. They turn silver from the sun's rays. There was a bustle on the streets. Little children are looking for an opportune moment when their mother’s back is turned - to get into a puddle.

Essay on the theme “Spring”

The short, dark days of winter are behind us. The blizzard, blizzard and... sadness are over.

The golden rays of the sun become brighter and more cheerful. There are bright white clouds in the sky that look like puffs of smoke. The day has lengthened significantly. The snow begins to melt. Droplets falling from the roof ring noisily and sparkle in the dazzling sun. The ice on the rivers is cracking, breaking into separate blocks, gradually collapsing and plunging into the running spring waters.

Sparrows fuss and cackle in the city. And on the forest edges bird songs are already heard. Tits sing as they fly from branch to branch. The anthem is loudly and cheerfully tapped spring woodpecker. At the end of March, the arrival of winged guests begins - rooks, starlings, larks. They have no time to rest - the construction of nest-dwellings begins. Their loud joyful cry can be heard far away.

The buds of the trees are swelling. Snowdrops have appeared here and there, and the stepmother is blooming. The willow is fluffing up in all its glory. The first emerald grass appears in the clearings.

In the shallow puddles, frogs woke up, but were still silent. Ant colonies have come to life. Flies and beetles begin to swirl in the air. Butterflies will soon begin to swirl on the plants, dancing and spring.

Animals are waking up from hibernation. Sleepy bears emerge from their dens, leading clumsy cubs behind them. Hedgehogs crawl out from under a heap of leaves. in spring Squirrels, foxes, and hares molt, changing their wardrobe to a lighter coat.

Everything around is transformed. The air is filled with the intoxicating aroma of love and hope. Smiles appear more and more often on people's faces, and the mischievous laughter of children is heard more and more often.

I want to create, create, hope, believe, rejoice. Plunge into the youth of Mother Nature, capture in your memory the exciting rebirth of life every time! AND in the spring feels the most harmony - with himself, with others, with nature.

Essay about Spring | March 2015

Essay about “Spring”

More than other seasons I love spring. And it's not. Spring gives me a feeling of joy, impending changes, a special spring mood.

First rays of spring sun They say that a long and difficult year has passed, there will be no more bitter frosts, blizzards and snow drifts, a new amazing and joyful time has come. The breath of spring is felt in everything. She awakens the still sleeping nature to new life. The sun is warming, melting, drops are ringing, fast streams are running. Everything around rejoices and sings, rejoicing at the arrival of spring. I especially love listening to the spring drop choir. This is amazing and incomparable music, created by nature, tired of the long winter.

It's cold and frosty at night, winter doesn't go away and doesn't give up without a fight. But during the day spring is increasingly coming into its own. The snow is becoming less and less, the birds are singing and chirping loudly, welcoming spring. The trees are already waking up from their winter sleep. The buds have swelled on their branches and the first leaves are ready to appear. Even the spring wind is not like the winter one. Although it is still cold, it is gentle and smells like spring.

For all nature in the spring it's time for renewal. You only need to find yourself in a spring forest to see how nature awakens around you. Lightness and joy are felt in everything here. The first gentle rays of the sun illuminate the land freed from snow and ice. Sunny bunnies joyfully jump between the trees waking up from their winter sleep. And the first spring flowers are already appearing in the thawed patches. These are snowdrops. In some places the ground is covered with melted dark snow, and these small and delicate blue flowers are already making their way to the light and warmth, pleasing the eye bright colors. They stubbornly reach for the sun even through last year's snow.

Snowdrops appear in the clearings so unitedly that it seems as if there is a piece of blue spring sky lying on the ground. You don’t want to pick such flowers, you can only admire them. Truly, spring is the most awaited time. And it certainly comes after a rainy and cold, frosty, endless winter.

Essay about Spring | March 2015

Essay on the topic “Spring has come!”

Spring has come, and all nature instantly transformed, trying to throw off its gloomy winter cover and free itself from the annoying white captivity. Spring has come, and everything around has turned green and painted with delicate shades of youth and renewal, rustling with young leaves and the endless chirping of birds.

The arrival of spring- a phenomenon desired by all of nature, when, as if awakening from a long and lazy sleep, the whole earth, roused, brightens itself and decorates itself with colorful and uniquely beautiful flowers. These are cute and tremulous snowdrops, proud and independent tulips, fragrant and delicate lilacs, proud daffodils and shy daisies.

Beautiful the arrival of spring and in the city, when dirty snowdrifts disappear and streams of dark water carry away their pitiful remains, washing and refreshing the asphalt along which peppy cars rush by, as if rejoicing at speed and future travel.

The drops falling noisily from the roofs of houses have already ceased, and the washed shop windows promise another fashionable update. Soon parks and squares will be covered with tender and timid greenery and filled with hundreds of citizens walking and enjoying the first warmth.

The arrival of spring- these are the first picnics in nature, these are leisurely conversations in open cafes and the cheerful banging of a ball until late at night. Everything around is waking up, rushing somewhere, rushing and enjoying life.

Spring- an amazing, magnificent time, delighting everyone, young and old, and never ceasing to amaze.

Essay on the topic Spring has come | March 2015

Essay on the topic “Early Spring” or “The Coming of Spring”

Winter drags on for a long time. Everyone around us is already tired of the cold, ice, and ugly trampled snow. Everyone is looking forward to the coming of spring. And usually it does not come immediately, gradually, so that we do not notice its approach. At the end of February, strange weather sets in: it is neither frosty nor warm outside, fog swirls above the ground, the snow loosens and quietly slides down the hills...

Many people do not like early spring, especially in cities. At the beginning of spring there is often light rain, dampness penetrates under clothes. The snow melts and leaves debris on the streets. Walking down the street suddenly becomes difficult: there are real rivers flowing around! I don't even want to go outside.

Then one morning I wake up and realize something has changed. The snow has completely disappeared, and steam rises from the black earth, the air has become soft. For the first time I notice that the sun now rises much earlier and even warms up! You can also breathe in a new way: fresh and easy. I want to jump up to the ceiling with joy, energetically redo a bunch of things, and then run off to have fun, walk, travel, have fun. This is the arrival of spring!

The best way to watch the onset of spring is in the city. That is, in nature: in the forest or in the field. The first signs of early spring are more visible here. In the silence you can immediately hear the birds singing, enjoying the warmth and sun. The buds on the trees and bushes are filled with new life, but in the bustle of the city we hardly pay attention to it.

The sound of water can be heard in the distance. Pieces of ice rush in turbulent, full-flowing streams spring rivers. The snow barely has time to melt when, ahead of the fresh green grass, small miracles bloom towards the sun: snowdrops, scillas, crocuses, violets...
(244 words)

Essay on the topic “Early Spring” or “The Coming of Spring” (using a colon) | April 2015

Essay describing Spring

In spring, nature awakens from winter sleep. The snow gradually melts, but the ground does not remain black and bare for long. As soon as it gets a little warmer, young bright green grass begins to emerge from everywhere, buds swell on the trees, which will soon turn into small leaves. Ice on reservoirs is melting quickly. The ice floes sway on the water until they disappear completely. The spring sky is usually clear, blue, and snow-white clouds that look like animals - a lion, a turtle, various objects, even people's faces - quickly float across it.

And then the real beauty begins. Flowers are blooming everywhere - snowdrops, violets, dandelions... The spring garden is a magical place! The trees are covered in small fragrant flowers, making it seem as if they are shrouded in a light fragrant fog. I especially like it when peaches and pears bloom - their flowers are pink and they stand out from among other trees. From everywhere you can hear the singing and chirping of birds that have returned from distant lands and are now telling a friend about their adventures. In spring, everything around me is filled with colors, sounds, smells, and my soul becomes joyful.

Spring in the city usually begins with cleaning the streets, planting young trees and creating flower beds in parks, squares, and in front of large stores. And the people on the streets change too. They are brightly dressed, walk more, even smile more often, apparently because the weather is warm and bright gentle sun, and most importantly, you don’t need to wear heavy clothes and shoes. Spring always inspires artists to create artistic masterpieces. It’s great that now everyone can take a camera and take pictures. spring beauty. But the most important thing is to keep the spring mood in your soul for the whole year!

Essay describing Spring | April 2015

Mini-essay on the topic “Spring” for grades 3, 4, 5

Option 1. Winter has passed. Spring has come. Nature is tired of snow and frost. She changed with the first rays of the sun. Everything around became cheerful and joyful, shining with bright colors. The sun is getting warmer and hotter. There is less snow, and thawed patches appear on the ground. The sky became bluer and brighter, and the air smelled of spring. Birds feel it too beginning of spring. They fuss and make noise, rejoicing in the long-awaited spring warmth. The trees have shed their snow coats and are basking in the first spring sun. But most of all spring children are happy. They poured out into the street, frolicking and playing, without fear of freezing. Soon the first leaves will appear on the trees, the grass will turn green and real spring will come.

Option 2. Spring- this is the time of year that everyone is waiting for, tired of winter. Spring is often called the long-awaited one. The first signs of spring sometimes appear in winter, in February: the sun shines a little stronger - and the icicles begin to melt, merry drops ring, reminding us of the approach of spring. After this, frosts may still strike, it may snow, but everyone understands: spring is about to come and will delight you with its warmth. Here we go spring has come. The sun begins to appear in the sky more and more often, the sky becomes brighter, deep blue, the snow is melting with all its might and streams are running. The ground is still cold, too damp and bare, and the very first flowers, which are called snowdrops, are breaking through the remnants of snow.

Option 3. 3rd grade Spring has come. The sun is warming. The snow has almost all melted. Birds chirp happily on the branches. They are happy about spring. Spring grass breaks through the wet ground. The buds on the trees have swelled. Soon they will turn into green leaves.

Option 4. 3rd grade Today everything around is happy. Birds sing, people smile. After all, spring has finally arrived! The sky is shining bright blue. A fresh and warm breeze is blowing. Streams gurgle in the streets. This is snow and ice melting. Tender white snowdrops bloom on the wet ground.

Option 5. 3rd grade In spring nature blooms. Bright green grass covers the ground like a silk carpet. Bright balls are scattered on this carpet. These are dandelions! They are yellow and fluffy like little chickens.

The leaves on the trees are still small and sticky. But every day the trees and bushes are increasingly dressed in a new green outfit.

Option 6. 3rd grade In spring it gets warm outside. The day is coming. It doesn't get dark so early in the evening. I want to walk in the fresh air as much as possible.

Nature wakes up after winter. Flowers bloom in gardens, flower beds, in the steppe, in the forest. Migratory birds returning from distant countries. You can hear them calling to each other until the evening.

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