A group of Penza tourists made a spring rafting trip along the Ai River. What things should you take for rafting in the spring? River rafting in spring

He passed in the second May holidays 2013. Assuming that the route of almost 60 km for 3 days from Elkino to the Serov highway bridge would be somewhat stressful, we decided to go from the village. Malomalsky. The swim there is only about 45 km. Driving through the Is River, it became obvious that it would not be difficult to get there from both Elkino and the IS village - the river flooded everything it could and the current was very strong. The water made its way through bushes, trees, fields and it was difficult to clearly determine the main channel.

The start from Malomalsky was brisk and after just 1.5 hours we began wandering through the forest in the literal sense of the word. It seemed that they were guided by a strong current, choosing the widest and strongest stream of water, but they lost the channel. Soon the current brought us to impenetrable bushes and a piece of land, through which we had to drag all the equipment. True, very close, literally a few meters. Fortunately, this never happened again.

Everywhere, on wide stretches and near rocky peaks, our boats and catamarans were carried along despite the sometimes headwind. The full flood came.

There are traces of cars leading to almost every parking lot. We also saw few fishermen along almost the entire length of the river. They fish for burbot on donks in the few creeks and bays with relatively calm water.

While we were wandering through the forest, we landed at the first stop only in the evening. This was a parking lot in front of the Wolf's Mouth rapids. Unlike previous years, the stones here are completely filled with water and the threshold turned out to be relatively safe. There were about 10 kilometers left to the next important threshold, Lyalinsky.

It’s not hard to swim on one side; the current carries you where you need to go. But you have to constantly maneuver from the branches of trees overhanging the banks and protruding bushes, where the boat is pressed by multidirectional currents, constantly turning around and trying to spin in one of the many funnels. In general, the rowing was weak, but there was a constant strain on steering.

I also noticed interesting thing like the water stands like a step. Over the entire width of the site, at a distance of only about half a meter, the river makes a clear step down, visible to the naked eye. At the same time, no stones or other obstacles are visible under water, the oar can be submerged almost completely. It's probably a set of undercurrents doing this. The power of water at its finest. Sometimes it was creepy.

Although, there were also beautiful places.

The Lyalinsky rapids, which from a distance seemed like a children's stream, upon closer inspection turned out to be God knows what. I've never seen anything like this in my life. Experienced watermen who arrived at the inspection site firmly stated that the threshold can be classified as category 3, rare for the Sverdlovsk region, and quite passable for catamarans. True, they didn’t say anything about the boat, wishing me good luck and, if possible, passing the threshold along the right, safest part. I walked down the center and turned over in the first barrel. It's good that you tied things down.

If the video does not open, you can download it.

At the next parking lot they even found a place for a volleyball net. We played enough. It was minus at night, but apart from the liquid in the plates left, no one froze.

On the third day we reached the bridge. We came across one unpleasant turn with a whirlpool, from which we didn’t have enough strength to paddle out and had to wade through the bushes and about 5 kilometers from the parking lot another pleasant roll at two. But there was a bonus in the form of a beautiful and stormy waterfall.

I did not expect such a stormy temperament from the Ural river. There is nothing to do here in the spring without life jackets.

And this is a photo of our friendly rafting team. Well done everyone!

Spring rafting of Perm residents on the Nugush River in 2013

Time: May 1-6, 2013
Participants: Torokhova Lyudmila (Izhevsk), Karpov Mikhail, Kosvintsev Konstantin, Lebedev Maxim, Luzyanin Artyom, Mironov Victor, Novokshonov Alexey, Popova Daria, Terekhin Sergey, Frolov Alexander, Frolov Egor, Khairutdinov Fanil, Shakirov Rashid.

Route: Perm-Kueda-Ufa-Sermenevo-Verkhniy Avzyan (822 km, bus)-Bretyak (25 km, UAZ)-Nugush river (153 km, from the village of Bretyak to the village of Sergeevka)-Sergeevka-Ufa-Kueda-Perm (8 00 km, bus). During the rafting, access to a stream gushing out of a rock, Kuperlya waterfall, Karst Bridge.

About the river: Nugush is considered the fastest river in Bashkiria (from 10 km/h in the upper reaches to 6 km/h at the reservoir backwater). It flows through a sparsely populated area. Almost along its entire length, the river is located in a deep canyon with very picturesque rocky banks, decorated with numerous rapidly flowing streams. The red rocks in front of Galiakberovo (the only residential settlement on the route) and the Pyatilistnik canyon are especially good. The river runs along national park"Bashkiria" (for which it is better to buy tickets for 150 rubles/person directly on their website). Along the left bank you can often see signs with warnings “Reserve...”. The Shulgan-Tash Nature Reserve was created in 1958 to preserve the population of the Burzyan bee, but many other species of animals also enjoy safe life in these places, which will be discussed below. Of the river's obstacles, the Galiakberovsky rapids (2k) are known, which are not dangerous at all and a number of rifts are also quite safe. At the end of the route, the river enters the Nugush reservoir and here it is better to take care in advance of a boat or motor that will pull your vessels, otherwise a strong headwind can turn the passage of this 15 km long piece of blue road into hell.

General impressions
As usual, we went to Bashkiria from our northern latitudes look for summer and, as usual, our expectations did not deceive us. On May 1, it rained as usual in the morning, but it was already quite warm and not chilly. And then the sun came out and did not leave us until the end of the journey. The river is very beautiful with its rocks. Kuperlya waterfall is one of those in which you can beautifully swim under the scalding streams of water. There are many animals celebrating their animal weddings in front of amazed waterfowl tourists. We saw a borten with reserved bees, which were still sleeping, fortunately for us. The locals are friendly and kind. We tried and appreciated their mead made from the reserved Burzyan on-board honey. There are ticks, but in tolerable quantities, just like tourists. There are many good parking lots, there were even 5* ones. As a result, our tightly knit team skillfully overcame everything and returned home to in full force and good health, charged with the energy of this fertile land.

Departure from Perm. We discuss plans on the bus. It’s not visible here, but before Kueda there was a wild laugh.

Snack in Sermenyovo while waiting for Egor to arrive from Beloretsk. Dasha has eaten and is happy! What a happy man!

A very successful transfer from the bus to the UAZ in Upper Avzyan

The asphalt ends in Avzyan...

The road to Bretyak (25 km is worse than dirt)

But we are with the flag and in the UAZ, we don’t care!

The slipway in Bretyak interested many local residents. Passed through medium-frequency rain.

Bashkir fillies accustomed to Turyu

3 cartridges remind Bretyakovites of the war

Assembly of the catamaran "Nameless". The team spirit is visible!

First water day.

Marcy, under the flag, left the stocks in green waters Nugusha

Huppert in the narrow banks

Shulgan-Tash Nature Reserve icon with a honeycomb design

And here is the board with reserved bees. We decided to stop right under them

Only a couple of hours passed and we were already ashore. Everyone is cheerful and cheerful! That evening the males measured their strength, but as time showed, it was in vain))

First stop - fire and guitar

Second water day.

Morning = Rashid, demon and sober

We don't stop for lunch, so we need to take more tea))

This is how Nugush became on the second day and remained until the very end. Summer has begun.

The correct seating of the teams on the catamarans will allow us this time (remembering Sakmara) to get to the end of the route!

Team "Nameless". International. Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Udmurt. The topic is beyond nationalities.

Team Marcy. Alkashnya, Daria their savior and Maxim a kind soul

Team Huppert. Adequate and sensible people. Leaders of the local nobility.

We walked on the water for a little while. We saw a 5* place and decided to get up without waiting for the evening.

Who to sing to, who to cook. Life!

Third water day.

The night passed and morning came. We swam for the first time.

The boys are on duty in the morning. If it weren't for the photo I would never have believed it!

Victor, a well-known trendsetter in alloy fashion, shows the trend of this season. Open flies and wide red scarves are in fashion these days!

Show off Stone

Famous Red Rocks in front of Galiakberovo

Bridge in front of Galiakberovo (rear view)

This local resident is a sauna rafter, but he also has excellent wild honey and mead.

Hill at the end of Galiakberovo. For some reason people went there. They couldn’t explain why they went.

We did not sail far from Galiakberovo. We passed an almost imperceptible threshold and stood up. The evening was fun. Guys from Sterlitamak came to visit. They drank mead with us. I didn't see them again (

And then came the saddest and most solemn fourth water day!

It turns out that the only thing worse than honeydew post-syndrome can be walkie-talkies with obscene language coming out of them!

The second variety on this postfix day was brought by "Nameless", which began to sink after a light blow to the wall (the nanoholes were sealed the very next day, and on that day Tyoma was "rocking")

We took Lyudmila off the sinking ship on Huppert and she certainly enriched our leisure time!

As a trained group, together with the rescued Lyudmila, we entered the Pyatilistnik canyon. The new spiritual state allowed us to enjoy its beauties.

We stopped at a parking lot immediately after the Cinquefoil in a clearing with a stream on the right side of the river. In the morning, as the sun warmed up, ticks attacked us from all the surrounding bushes. The ticks were as thick and healthy as wild boars. They failed to bite anyone unnoticed - they were too big. But we still retreated from there quite hastily. A couple of ticks from there still got hooked and even traveled to Perm in things, where they were detected.

Fifth water day - waterfalls and bridges

The first hours of rafting were diversified by various living creatures that arranged mating games around us.

First, the men from Galiakberovo passed on a raft made of logs for a bathhouse.

Flocks of ducks flew in the sky and sometimes landed on the water.

And bunnies were jumping along the banks.

Then, on the right bank, we saw a stream gushing out of a rock and ran to inspect it. Some were swimming. We even saw one neoprene mermaid there.

The path to the Kuperlya waterfall is marked on the right bank of the river with these two signs - you can’t pass by.

The road up to the waterfalls and karst bridge

First you can see the third and second stages of the waterfall.

Then the first step and the karst bridge become visible.

They climbed higher and began to pose.

Traditional fingers.

Less traditional pyramid.

And now the fingers and the pyramid together.

Well, a view of the Karst Bridge from the back.

After that, we climbed into the waterfalls and began to get burned under their streams. For censorship reasons, these images were cut from the story.

And Cox climbed the highest. And he took a beautiful shot.

Already before the backwater of the reservoir, on the right high bank there is the last equipped parking lot with tables and benches. Hanging in the parking lot big poster about the national park. Here we stood up to wait for our boat. We celebrated Easter, and what would Easter be without pancakes!

The men were preparing a bathhouse. Vitka and the girls were preparing pancakes. And after hard work they sat down to Easter dinner. It was very tasty - thanks to all the chefs! And the bathhouse was a success!

And at night there was the first May thunderstorm!

Sixth water day - reservoir and home

The catamarans don’t yet know that this is the last day. Dozing in the morning fog.

At 8 am the boat arrived. He will drag us from the parking lot to Sergeevka. The distance is about 15 km. Spent about 2 hours. Of these, 10 minutes are needed to make a motor trimaran.

We docked and flew under the flag in the thick morning fog.

Like this morning sun couldn't get through the fog. It was solemnly beautiful!

Then it became clearer, warmer and the expanses of the Nugush reservoir became visible.

Sergeevka is ahead


Here we are again on our fast bus

In Kueda everyone said goodbye to Lyudmila, but Lyoshka is the best!

Team photo as a souvenir (only photographer Max is missing)

And a few more hours later, having covered 800 km from the slipway point, we were all at home. We searched for the organisms of random Bashkir protected ticks. And they remembered how quickly this week flew by.

Spring has finally arrived! This means that active recreation in the native expanses of the Urals is approaching! One of the most exciting and interesting species active recreation- This is river rafting. Regardless of how you plan your vacation - on your own or with an organized tourist group, you need to know what to take with you. In order not to interrupt the pleasure of relaxing on wildlife worries, prepare a list of individual things in advance.

Packing things for spring rafting along the rivers of the Urals! Spring rafting, as a rule, begins in early May. The weather in the Urals can be unpredictable at this time of year. What things to take for rafting? First of all, rafting clothes should be comfortable and practical; for rafting in the spring, you need a supply of warm clothes. The amount of clothing is calculated based on the number of days on the rafting trip, but at least two sets, in case one gets wet.

Clothes for spring rafting:

  1. Waterproof jacket. In spring it may rain or snow. If the jacket can get wet, then you need to take a raincoat.
  2. Warm jacket. At night the temperature can drop to minus, a down jacket will come in handy for sleeping.
  3. Headgear (both protection from cold and sunstroke).
  4. Warm pants will come in handy for an overnight stay. Replace with sweatpants or jeans.
  5. Thin sweaters made of cotton material (2-3 pcs.) Warm sweater made of wool fabric, and even better, made from fleece, it does not absorb moisture, which means it retains dry heat longer. You can take thermal underwear. Girls' cotton tights.
  6. Two pairs of wool socks. Several pairs of cotton socks (count on a pair for each day).
  7. Cotton T-shirts, cotton underwear, depending on the number of days.
  8. Footwear on a catamaran should be comfortable, preferably waterproof (sneakers, boots). On the shore in spring, rubber boots will come in handy.

Additionally, it is necessary to have a spare set of clothes, packed in a sealed package (dry socks, underwear, T-shirt, pants and a jacket) in case the clothes get completely wet, for example, if you turn over in water.

  1. Personal hygiene products: toilet paper, wet wipes, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo in disposable bags (in case of a camp bath), towel.
  2. A first aid kit (first aid + your medications) is necessary when you are far from civilization.
  3. Acaricidal agents, i.e. from ticks and mosquitoes that infest the Ural forests.
  4. Camping utensils (bowl, spoon, mug, knife) are better made of stainless steel.
  5. Tent, sleeping bag, polyurethane foam mat or “foam”, flashlight.
  6. Backpack! Where do you neatly put your things?
  7. A tourist sealed bag or herma, in which you put documents, a phone, a camera, money and a supply of dry clothes. Germa will protect your things from getting wet, even if your backpack falls into the water. If you don’t have a waterproof bag, you can put a large garbage bag in your backpack and all the sets of things in plastic bags.
  8. Life jacket and rope. A life jacket is provided by the company organizing the rafting; if you are rafting on your own, rent or purchase a life vest. A rope can be useful for securing things or other equipment to the catamaran.

Optimal list of individual items for rafting on the rivers of the Urals in spring ready! He will help you get ready competently, providing for all the intricacies of this type of vacation.

Packing your things before your first sail requires good preparation.

Rafting on the Serga River

When all things are collected, you can enjoy nature

Serga River

Spring rafting on the Serga River

If the unexpected does happen, a supply of dry clothes will help out.

A spare pair of dry shoes will help.

Nature in spring in the Urals is beautiful!


Tie things down with rope.

It's cold on the river in spring.

Good preparation will always be rewarded with a relaxing holiday!

Wonderful memories of rafting on the Serga River,

Rafting on the Ai River does not present any great difficulties, but the magnificent, beautiful rocks and many caves remain in the memory for a long time. Rafting on the Ai River is a wonderful holiday.

Spring rafting on the Ai River

A group of Penza tourists consisting of 7 people under the leadership of Vladimir Petrovich Medvedev went rafting on catamarans along the Ural River Ai during the May holidays.

A huge number of attractions await tourists on the Ai River, and therefore it is in great demand among tourists not only local, but also from other cities. This is not the first time that Penza tourists have decided to raft along this beautiful river.

The length of the Ai River is more than five hundred kilometers. Of course, tourists are most attracted to the mountainous part - from the source to the village of Lakly. Because this is where it flows, among beautiful rocks with many caves. Further, the river flows along the plain, and this Penza region enough.

One of the participants in the campaign, Boris Kheifets, says:

“There were seven of us - that’s exactly how many fit into Rashid’s Dodge, in which at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, after 16 hours on the road, we drove up to the Porogi dam on the Bolshaya Satka River. This river originates from the highest and most famous lake Southern Urals Zyuratkul. The dam, built more than a century ago, still functions and generates electricity, and entirely on that archaic, original equipment.

At the ancient dam

The rain is drizzling. Dirty, damp. There was time, so we decided to pack up our catamarans and a littleswim in the hope of finding a suitable anchorage. We stood at the confluence of the Bolshaya Satka and Ai.

The whole campaign did not last long - three days and three nights. The sun sometimes came out for a couple of hours, the temperature was +10 degrees (thank God, Celsius, not Fahrenheit). I swam alone, although it was staged. The current is stormy and carries you away immediately.

I plunged in for a few seconds, jumped out, and Medvedev told me that he didn’t have time to take a photo, let’s do it one more time. I didn’t really want to, but I had to repeat it. But for some reason I came home with a temperature of 38 degrees.

There were no problems with the firewood, and we didn’t see any ticks. Maybe because it was cold.

On the route

I liked rafting on the Ai River - there are almost no difficulties, fast current, you swim, and your soul rests. There are practically no rapids, only rifts. The scenery is great. Large quantity picturesque cliffs along the banks, many caves, but we didn’t have time for excursions, unfortunately. We tried to look for caves a couple of times, but couldn’t find them. It didn't work out.

Island on the river

There were no special adventures, but at the end of the route, near the village of Lakly, we passed a good threshold - through the breakers themselves. It was possible to pass by, but we could not deny ourselves the pleasure. We got some pleasure, but not much.


At the end we encountered an interesting natural phenomenon - a geyser 5 meters from the shore shoots straight out of the ground. This is a fountain about three meters high. Moreover, there is no village, no cordon, no road nearby. There are tourist parking areas at the top.(According to the Internet, this geyser is not natural phenomenon, but “a mistake of geologists who were looking for minerals and ended up in underground lake" - approx. Editor).

Team at the geyser

We left the car at the beginning of the route at the camp site, and while we were assembling the catamarans, Rashid hitched a ride with her.

In general, the hike, although short, is interesting. The budget for the trip is approximately 5 thousand rubles per person.”

Spring rafting on the Ai River is training before a big summer trip.

Ignatiev Alexander

Photo by Viktor Teploukhov

To increase the endurance of athletes, including tourists, a unique natural drug LEVETON FORTE has been developed. These are real vitamins for athletes. This drug is recommended by leading sports specialists and is actively used by leading Russian athletes.

There is such a direction in tourism - rafting stormy rivers. People who are interested in this type of tourism gather in small groups, load equipment (watercraft and oars) into a car, drive to the river and raft.

Many rivers in our area (the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk) are suitable for such rafting for a short period of time: usually 2-3 weeks a year. Such rivers are Esaulovka, Kacha, Bazaikha. This happens at the end of April - beginning of May. The May holidays fall right around this time. IN warm weather There is intense melting of snow in the forest. At the end of April - beginning of May, the rivers become free of ice. Due to the huge amount of meltwater, the water level in the river rises. And at this time, rafting on the river on catamarans becomes possible.
Every year in April, lovers of water tourism carefully prepare for this and wait for the moment.

In the city of Zheleznogorsk I have tourist acquaintances whom I met in 2006 on Ergaki. They get carried away different types tourism. Including extreme rafting on wild rivers.

At the beginning of May 2010, Alexey Sokolovsky invited me to go rafting on the Esaulovka River.
Before this, I had already rafted several times on the Katun River in the Altai Republic. And I was going to go rafting on a catamaran for the first time.

In the morning we arrived in the village of Maly Kuskun in several cars.

We unloaded our equipment on the road near the bridge.

They began to assemble catamarans.

To assemble a catamaran, two cigar-shaped chambers are taken from rubber or other air-tight elastic material. Placed in a durable fabric case. The fabric is needed here to protect the camera from cuts.
Air is pumped into the chambers using a pump.

Then the frame is assembled. Frames can be made from wooden sticks (cheaper, you can make them yourself from tree trunks, but heavy) and from aluminum pipes (more expensive, you need to specially order them somewhere, but light).
The frame parts are held together with strips of rubber from car inner tubes.

The assembled frame is tied with ropes to the inflatable chambers. And also all things are tied to it with ropes: backpacks, waterproof covers.

The assembled catamaran is launched into the water.

The rafters themselves put on clothes that should protect their legs from cold water and body from splashes.
In this case, Irina is wearing high trousers from a chemical protection suit (OZK).

Rafters also wear life jackets. In the event that the catamaran capsizes, a life jacket will help the person stay afloat.

The miners take the oars in their hands and take their places on the catamaran.

And I also put the helmet on my head. As I learned later, a helmet protects your head from “combs” during rafting. (“Comb” is a tree leaning low over the river and catching the water with its branches)
All other rafting participants were without helmets.

That day in our group there were two 4-size catamarans and one 2-size catamaran.

In addition to four rowers, sometimes additional passengers board a four-wheeled catamaran.

But they don’t seat passengers on a double. As a rule, only two rowers raft in a pair.
Here in the photo Alexey and Irina are swimming.

The water level in the river was high. Many trees on the shore were flooded.

At the beginning of the rafting we walked on calm water.

There were many pieces of ice lying on the shore.

And in some places the snow has not yet melted.

The relief there is flat, so we sail relatively calmly.

In the second half of the rafting the mountainous terrain begins. The shores become rocky.

Waves appear on the river. Growing emotional stress and the level of adrenaline in the blood.

In the middle of the rafting we went ashore and stopped for a snack.

After a snack we continued our rafting.

And here comes the climax. The waves are getting higher. Splashes of water overwhelm the rafting participants.

Catamaran commanders are increasingly giving all sorts of commands. Rowers need to work very quickly, intensely and smoothly in order to keep the catamaran on the waves, not crash into the rocky shore and not capsize.

The most extreme section on the Esaulovka River is a rapid called “Slab”.

Some rafters go through the Plate 2-3 times. They pass the threshold, pull the catamaran ashore and carry it back just above the slab.

But that time the water level in the river was high and once was enough for us.

There were some adventures.
The deuce catamaran on which Alexey and Irina were rafting made a “candle” right on the Plate (stood vertically) and capsized upside down. The catamaran and the people were carried further by the current.
Four rowers from the catamaran of four, who were watching Alexey and Irina from the shore, immediately rushed, ran to the catamaran, sat down, quickly cast off and rushed after the overturned pair.
All this happened in a few tens of seconds.
I didn’t have time to really understand what happened and react adequately. As a result, I was left standing alone on the shore. Without a catamaran.
I don’t know what I would do there alone. The comrades floated downstream. They were clearly busy rescuing Irina and Alexei. They would only remember about me much later.

But, by luck, another group of four sailed past on a catamaran. I waved my hands. They landed on the shore, picked me up and put me on a catamaran.
After some time I saw my comrades. They stood on the opposite bank. Irina and Alexey were alive and seemed to have no serious injuries. Of course, my clothes were all wet. But they could row the rest of the route on their own.

I was put ashore and rejoined my group.

After passing the Plate, 1/3 of the entire route remained.

After the incident on Plyta, Irina switched to a four-wheeler catamaran.

The rafting ended in the village of Barkhatovo.

The catamarans were pulled ashore.

And they began to take it apart.

The car drivers were already waiting for us there.
Parts of the catamarans, oars, backpacks were loaded into cars and drove home.

I suggest watching a short fragment of the video from the rafting.

I liked river rafting. It was an unforgettable experience. Extreme, raging elements. Adrenaline and emotions.

I liked it so much that the next week I asked for another company and went rafting along the Kacha River. But that's another story.