The LDPR program for the elections is brief. Election programs


Establish a two-year tax holiday for all start-up entrepreneurs, eliminate all bureaucratic permitting procedures, replacing them with an application registration procedure, establish preferential rent and privatization of premises on the balance sheet of the municipality, to provide cheap loans, free connection to communications.

Take foreign exchange transactions under state control. Ban the sale of gold abroad, precious stones and other valuable minerals.

Guarantee 70% of retail space in chain stores to domestic manufacturers.

Stimulate the development of Siberia and Far East: cancel all taxes there for five years, give an interest-free loan for 20 years for housing and free five hectares of land.

Support the development of single-industry towns. There is a large production potential concentrated there, which needs competent management.

For three years, reduce the value added tax (VAT) to 10% for mechanical engineering, light and food industry.


Set a minimum wage of 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, salaries must be calculated by the hour, not by month, based on the minimum rate of 100 rubles per hour.

Introduce criminal liability for employers for black salaries in envelopes.

Limit the difference in wages at one enterprise to no more than 10 times.


Create a “Youth Practice” program. To help graduates make a career, it is necessary to revive the system of public distribution after university.

All jobs will be offered as a priority to Russian citizens, and only then to migrants.

Create a nationwide job exchange.


To legislate state guarantees for the maximum range of free and high-quality services to the population.

Adopt a law on state examination of controversial diagnoses. Establish a state service of medical experts that will systematically investigate all medical errors.

Adopt a state program for the development of modern medical technologies and genetics.

Ensure the country's drug safety. Now every year more than a trillion rubles are spent on the purchase of imported medicines, but they should all be our own.


Stop price increases by limiting markups to no more than 20% by reducing the number of intermediaries.


In regions where the demographic situation is difficult, “family capital” can be increased to 500 thousand rubles for the first child, and up to 700 thousand rubles for the second child.

Increase monthly allowance for the maintenance of an adopted child and stimulate adoption with the help of state propaganda.

Offer young families not only places in kindergartens, but also an alternative - 20 thousand rubles per month to pay for nanny services.

Pay women 200 thousand rubles for refusing an abortion. Transfer money only after signing an agreement to transfer the child into the care of the state, which will look for him new family.

Provide comprehensive support for “children of war,” including full compensation.

Legislatively equalize citizens who worked in the rear and on construction sites national economy, to participants in combat operations on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War with all the benefits provided to front-line veterans.


Abandon the One state exam and define clear criteria for the work of universities and a system for assessing the quality of graduate training.

Promote social status teachers. Equate all teachers of schools, technical schools and universities to civil servants.

Increase scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students, secure for students the right to free visits to state and municipal museums.

Organize a system of separate education in schools - humanities and "technical" ones.


Do not raise the retirement age and place all pension funds under the control of the opposition.

Reduce the age for receiving a supplement to the basic part of the pension from 80 to 70 years, since currently only a small percentage of Russian pensioners survive to 80 years of age.

Raise pensions and benefits through a 30 percent tax on salaries over 200 thousand rubles.


All southeastern regions of Ukraine should be invited to Russia and eventually join it following a referendum.

Deliver an ultimatum: either Russia receives guarantees of Ukraine’s non-entry into NATO, or it itself begins preparations for the restoration of its foreign military bases.

Help Balkan countries(Greece and Bulgaria), which have unresolved conflicts with Turkey since the liberation from its yoke in late XIX century.

To support Armenia, which has been seeking recognition of the Armenian genocide by the Turks for 100 years, and also dreams of returning its historical lands annexed by the Turks during the First World War.

Integration of the former republics of the USSR into a single unitary state following the example of the Russian Empire.

The BRICS and SCO countries should become priority partners. They should be expanded to include Iran, India, Pakistan, Belarus and Venezuela.

Expand Eurasian economic union, having accepted Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Transnistria, Abkhazia into it, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh, DPR, LPR, and in the future Serbia and other countries of Eastern Europe.


Develop transport infrastructure at an accelerated pace. Create a system of modern broadband transcontinental highways connecting intraregional road systems.

Adopt a national program for the priority development of transport routes in the east-west direction, and build high-speed transport routes.

Develop modern transport technologies, in particular pneumatic tubes and vacuum trains. The LDPR has long been talking about the need to introduce the inventions of Russian scientists.


The tenure of any managerial position is no more than five years.

Introduce video surveillance of the workplace and wiretapping of officials' work phones.

Prohibit businessmen from holding leadership positions in government agencies, and also allow only those who are not associated with business to enter the civil service.

Create a special position in the prosecutor's office - an anti-corruption prosecutor - or completely transfer the fight against corruption to the FSB or a new body.

Oblige citizens to inform law enforcement agencies about cases of corruption. Pay for information from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.

Release from criminal liability corrupt officials who reported bribes.


Guarantee the maintenance of Russian sanctions against importers for five years. This real help agriculture. It's time not only to provide ourselves with products, but also to start exporting them.

Freeze the debts of farmers and agricultural enterprises for two years, write off 50% of their debts to the state.

Direct accumulated reserves not to banks, but directly to agriculture and industry, construction and infrastructure.

Transfer management of housing and communal services to government agencies and introduce a five-year moratorium on collecting fees for major renovation.

Make payments for major repairs to a separate account controlled by the housing cooperative. All expenses from it are only at the discretion of the residents. In addition, it is necessary to consider benefits for low-income and elderly citizens.

Refuse administration social norm electricity consumption and declare the experiment a failure.

Create independent free centers of expertise in housing and communal services.


Adopt a state program to support youth housing construction. To achieve this, revive the system of cooperative construction, as well as issue free land plots for the construction of private houses and farming.

At the request of war veterans, who by law are entitled to improved housing conditions at the expense of the state, provide monetary compensation for new housing in the amount of real market value such housing.


Conduct elections only proportional system: the party is responsible for its candidate, and single-mandate candidates are not accountable to anyone, in addition, most often they join the party in power, breaking their promises to voters.

Assign deputies to specific constituencies in order to increase their personal responsibility to voters, who will know their representatives in elected bodies by sight.

Ensure the broadest possible rights for observers, allow parties, as a measure to combat bribery of observers, to freely replace their representatives in election commissions at their discretion.

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky and his colleagues in the Duma faction have announced a program with which the Liberal Democrats will go to the Duma elections. The party has seriously updated the list of transformations. There are also exotic proposals in a nostalgic spirit - for example, replacing the current anthem with “God Save the Tsar” and returning to administrative division pre-revolutionary Russia.

Based on the results of the September elections, the LDPR is going to update the faction in the State Duma by 90 percent, Zhirinovsky said. This is much more serious than in previous years. At the same time, the party will “cover” all 225 candidates single-member constituencies, and among the candidates there will be “no figure skaters, directors, playwrights, but only ordinary citizens of Russia.” Only those who have been members of the party for at least five years will be able to run.

Zhirinovsky, in addition, told reporters that most of the federal list was sitting in front of them - along with the leader of the LDPR, State Duma deputies Vadim Dengin, Yaroslav Nilov, Alexey Didenko, Mikhail Degtyarev, Sergei Karginov took part in the press conference. “Each deputy is assigned to a district. But there may be an option when a person will be in the federal part and in the district. Apart from me, I will not go anywhere, my district is all of Russia,” the politician emphasized.

For the elections, the Liberal Democrats updated their program for reforms in the country. Among other things, the LDPR promises to achieve “in the coming years” an increase in the minimum wage to 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, the maximum that Russians can earn is 200 thousand rubles. The party also considers it necessary to write off debts owed to the state by pensioners and the poor, and exempt entrepreneurs from taxes for two years.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky described in detail where the money for the budget would come from. In his opinion, state corporations have inefficiently used funds in the accounts of all territories of the country. It is also proposed to replenish the state treasury by introducing a state monopoly on the production and trade of sugar, alcohol and tobacco. “This will add 30-40 percent to the budget. If we put things in order at customs, this will add about 50-60 percent to the budget,” the politician added. Another step is to nationalize heavy industry.

The non-economic part of the program provides for the return of royal symbols. The LDPR proposes the imperial flag - a black-yellow-white tricolor - as the state flag. And the anthem “God Save the Tsar,” which, according to the party, better “expresses the desire of the Russian people for great achievements, faith in leadership and national idea". “And the position of “President” taken over from abroad should be renamed “Supreme Ruler,” the LDPR insists. Continuing to feel nostalgic for the old days, party members proposed returning to the administrative division of pre-revolutionary Russia: the country should have 30-40 provinces instead of 85 subjects of the Russian Federation, and each province should have three million inhabitants. The annexation of a small region to a large one will improve the situation of the population, Zhirinovsky assured.

Vadim Dengin voiced another proposal - to create a Ministry of Propaganda to control the broadcasting of TV channels. “Every day our citizens receive negative information, their mood deteriorates, and we constantly live in this negativity,” the deputy said.

As of September 1, 2.09 trillion rubles remained in the Reserve Fund. ($32.2 billion). At the beginning of the year, the fund contained 3.641 trillion rubles. ($49.95 billion). The reserves are used to pay off the federal budget deficit, which amounted to about one and a half trillion rubles in January-July. For the year as a whole, the deficit is expected to be over 3% of GDP. In 2016, it is expected that expenses will decrease from the planned 16.1 to 15.78 trillion rubles. In the 2017-2019 budget, he wants to freeze spending at this level, and also proposes increasing some taxes to raise additional money.

The Ministry of Finance believes that the Reserve Fund will be exhausted next year, and funds from the National Welfare Fund may begin to be spent to cover the deficit (as of September 1, it contained 4.719 trillion rubles, or $72.71 billion).

Some experts, for example the Development Center, believe that the Reserve Fund will end this year.

The budget, with its deficit and frozen spending, is the number one economic topic today. Due to the lack of money in the treasury, public sector salaries and pensions are not indexed as expected (to the level of inflation of the previous year), investments are reduced, and real expenses on key items are reduced.

But after studying the election programs of the parties entering parliament, it turns out that no one is even thinking about how to solve the problem of the budget deficit.

In the Yabloko program (it’s called “Respect for People”) the phrase “budget deficit” does not appear even once, although the text contains more than 37 thousand words and there is a place in it for cosmonautics, rural problems, and organization international conference across Crimea.

There is no mention of the budget deficit in the election programs " United Russia"("Everyone's success is Russia's success!"), Communist Party of the Russian Federation ("Ten steps to a decent life"), ("25 fair laws"), "Growth Party", ("Reboot the system"), "Civil Platform" ("We - honest right"), etc.

“We categorically object to the implementation of budget policy through ill-conceived total cuts in spending,” says the United Russia program. — It is necessary to strictly adhere to the president’s instructions: cost reductions should be carried out exclusively through cost reduction and ineffective spending. It is very important to save budget funds».

One hundred rubles per hour

But all political forces consider it necessary to increase all kinds of social benefits, salaries for public sector employees, pensions, raise the minimum wage, and increase spending on health care, education, science and culture.

“A Just Russia” wants to increase wages “by establishing a minimum hourly wage of 100 rubles per hour” with increasing coefficients “depending on the conditions and nature of the work.”

Various social benefits such as child benefits also need to be increased. There are non-trivial ideas. The LDPR proposes to “pay women for agreeing to bear and give birth to a child” 100 thousand rubles. for every birth. “A mother who agrees to keep the child will be able to spend it on basic needs, and the one who does not want a child will simply spend it on the very fact of giving birth to a new person. And the state will take care of the child and find him a new family,” says the Liberal Democrats’ program document.

United Russia's promises are stingy: to restore the indexation of social payments to the level of inflation from 2017, to improve targeted social support programs, to continue the program after January 1, 2018 maternity capital, improve the social status of teachers, provide needy families with children with places in kindergartens.

Housing for everyone

It is necessary to “stop the extinction of the country, restore benefits for large families, recreate a network of public kindergartens, provide housing for young families,” mints the words of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Other parties also believe that it is necessary to build many new schools, housing, and also that it is necessary to distribute land to people for individual construction and cancel the Unified State Exam and the hated fee for major repairs. In the budget, it is necessary to reduce spending on the army and officials and give money to teachers and doctors.

PARNAS wants to redirect budget funds “to the formation of a modern network of cultural institutions, a network of schools, universities, clinics and hospitals, to the development of housing and communal infrastructure and urban planning in the interests of residents.” And the “Civic Platform” talks about “restoring a network of hospitals, schools and technical colleges within walking distance.”

Of course, in this huge array of party creativity there is a lot useful ideas, and not just pre-election populism.

The first LDPR program was prepared back in 1989. Despite the fact that at that time we lived in a completely different country, most of the ideas of the party remain relevant today. The concept of party ideology is expressed in the words on the LDPR coat of arms: freedom, patriotism, law. We stand for a multi-party system, the opportunity to freely express opinions, for fair elections and, at the same time, for a strong state and stable power. For a strong army and a patriotic society without kowtowing to other countries, against the irremovability of power and the imposition of state ideology. We are for strict adherence to the law and equality of everyone before it.

We set ourselves ambitious, but real goals! In the coming years, we are ready to ensure that the minimum wage in Russia is at least 20 thousand rubles. We must start using our main wealth - land. The LDPR demands that we begin to confiscate land from unscrupulous owners who profit from renting it, and transfer it to those who will actually work on it. “Return the land to the peasants!” - again a relevant slogan.
We must also nationalize all heavy industry. Private owners cannot cope with such enterprises and, most often, their activities lead to the sale of factories in parts, leasing of land and premises for non-core activities. Only the state is capable of reviving the Russian industrial complex. “The entire treasury is for production!” - we demand today.

The return of Crimea to Russia is a great historical achievement, and we are convinced that Russia has the right to all its historical lands and should make efforts to peacefully expand its borders, at least to the borders of the former USSR.

The LDPR is the only party of a fundamentally new type in Russia. We are not based on the strict canonical postulates of any of the traditional ideological movements, but we take the best from each.

We are liberals because we offer a diverse economy, maximum freedom for entrepreneurship and self-employment, freedom of speech and choice for everyone, but we are against neglecting the values ​​of society and the state.

We are conservatives because we are convinced of the need to build a strong country. In conditions when most of the territory is located beyond the 60th parallel, it is necessary to strengthen the role of the state in the work of heavy and mining industries, a state monopoly on the production and trade of alcohol, tobacco and sugar. Without the efforts of the state, when these industries are in the hands of the private sector alone, Russia will not be competitive on the world stage and will ultimately lose. At the same time, we are for a modern dynamic political system and electoral competition.

We believe in a highly social society: the desire for the prosperity of everyone should not interfere with caring for the weakest, the poor. We are for targeted support and limiting the maximum income difference by 10 times. If the minimum salary is 20 thousand rubles, then the highest one cannot be higher than 200 thousand rubles. We are for everyone’s opportunity to save for old age and enjoy all the benefits of society. We are against gratuitous support from other states, the so-called. "brotherly peoples". In the Soviet Union, Russia fed 14 republics, which in 1991 did not remember this, but fled, cursing the Russians.

We support healthy nationalism. The slogan “I will defend the Russians!” was declared by Vladimir Zhirinovsky back in 1991 during the first presidential elections in Russia. Today it is updated in the call “Stop humiliating Russians!”, with which the LDPR is going to the 2016 elections. In addition, the LDPR stands for a unitary Russia, against the creation of national regions and the transfer of special rights to other peoples! At the same time, we are against discrimination against any ethnic groups and for the preservation of their cultural identity. Everyone in Russia should be equal before the law.

The leader of the LDPR and the party have not deviated from their principles for three decades. Our confidence in our words, spoken 10, 20, and 30 years ago, confirms that this is not a tribute to fashion or populism, but a realistic view of the world.

At the same time, the LDPR always keeps up with the times. The new challenges faced by Russia contributed to the emergence of new slogans:
“Don’t interfere with work!”, “Let’s hit the bureaucrats!”, “The entire treasury goes to the factories!”

With them, the party will go to the 2016 parliamentary elections and will strive to ensure that these words are not only the motto, but also strategic plan. Voters should know: if the Liberal Democratic Party receives a majority of votes, then we will realize all our promises.