Certificate for child benefits. Monthly child benefits

A child at any age should develop harmoniously. Modern pediatrics focuses on the mental development of the baby - this concept is adhered to by foreign scientists, while domestic pediatricians have always considered the child’s physical indicators more important. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Each baby grows in its own way, slightly behind or ahead of the norm. However, there are indicators that characterize the “golden mean”.

The skills and abilities of children depend primarily on their individual rates of development. However, it is still worth comparing the existing indicators with the norm

Social skills

A 10-month-old child crawls well and is able to overcome obstacles. Some babies bypass the crawling stage and immediately stand on their feet - in this case, teaching him to crawl is no longer worth it, because all this fits into existing developmental norms. The baby acquires social skills:

  1. Listens to the speech of others, repeats sounds and simple words. The child knows the meaning of many words and relates them to objects. The word “mama” associates him with his mother, he knows his own name.
  2. Boys become more independent and enterprising. They try to explore everything, not paying attention to the discontent of their elders. Girls, on the other hand, strive to earn praise by doing what they are taught.
  3. The child actively copies adults, repeats their gestures and movements. During this period you need to be very careful, otherwise the child may develop a habit that will be difficult to wean him from. But he can be taught new games - for example, he will willingly roll a car or cradle a doll if he sees his parents doing it. But he won’t learn to play like that on his own, new game must be shown.
  4. A 10-month-old child is more interested in small toys and objects than large ones. At the same time, hand motor skills develop, which has a positive effect on mental development. The child must be closely monitored, as he may put the toy in his nose or mouth and swallow it.
  5. The baby begins to become interested in other children and enjoys playing with them on the playground, although for kindergarten he's still too young.

Touches, smiles and gestures - additional ways communication of a 10-month-old toddler with other kids and adults

Physical parameters

The age of 10 months is the time to consolidate previously acquired knowledge, as well as move forward on the path of development. For successful studies With a baby, parents should take into account some features of the period.

At the 10th month, the baby develops physically a little more slowly. He still sleeps 12–14 hours and gains about 400 grams per month. Everyone gets better at what they learned before, but acquires fewer new skills.

By the beginning of the 11th month, the baby should confidently sit down without outside help, get up and stand, walk, holding hands on furniture and walls. He can easily roll over from his back to his tummy and crawl. Those children who do not like to crawl can still get to the toy they are interested in in this way. If your child doesn’t like to crawl, you shouldn’t insist—the baby may like to move on all fours, while he already lifts his knees off the floor.

At 10 months, it’s time to start teaching your baby to walk, but it’s best to support him under the arms while doing so. The baby's legs are strong enough and he can take his first steps. This is the time to think about buying comfortable boots. Shoes should be slightly larger than the actual size of the foot - so that the big toe does not rest against the wall. You should not buy shoes without backs; they cannot support an unstable foot. The right choice will help the baby develop a healthy gait, which determines the future condition of the spine.

A baby’s first pair of shoes should not only be adorable, but also practical, comfortable, and soft.

Mental and speech development

A 10-month-old baby not only copies adults, imitating their gestures and facial expressions, he shows his own taste, especially in food, and insists on his own. Often parents see this only as the child’s whim, but he learns to defend his own independence.

  • The baby knows the names of most objects in the house and can point to them in response to a spoken word. He recognizes toys, cars, animals in pictures, and looks at books with pleasure.
  • Children at this age often respond to music. They like to “dance” to the beat of the melody, holding onto a support and standing on their legs - some sway, others try to squat or simply nod their heads. It is useful to develop this tendency, and you can also choose a melody that the child likes and let him listen to it.
  • By the 11th month, the child begins to pronounce meaningful sounds, for example, “ma”, “dai”, “am”. You can already talk “for real” with your baby, get answers to simple questions. The child can show which bucket or shovel he wants to take for a walk, which blouse he wants to wear. It is very important to give the child the opportunity to make a choice, to make a decision.

The child will enter his 11th month already knowing how to eat and drink from dishes, clap his hands, wave his hand to mom or dad, assemble a pyramid and stack cubes on top of each other (see also:). He is able to fulfill the simplest request of an adult: give a toy, raise an arm or leg when getting dressed.

This is not the only thing the kid can do. He can already deal with two objects at once: he scoops porridge into a plate with a spoon, moves a cube with a stick, collects small objects from the table with his fingers. Parents should help their baby learn the world around us, coming up with interesting games and training.

Little explorer

Children at this age become less clumsy and have better control over their bodies. A 10-month-old child easily grabs a toy suspended above the crib. The baby likes to explore everything available seats, find different objects and play with them - he likes finds much more than his own toys.

For the normal mental development of a child, it is important to make such discoveries from time to time. Therefore, it is better to prepare future finds for the baby by placing bright books, elegant towels or simply beautiful boxes in convenient places. Let the child will find what mom will prepare, and dangerous items It is worth putting it higher to protect the baby from injury. It is advisable not to forget about electrical sockets - you should put plugs on them so that the baby cannot play with them.

If a baby gets his hands on a complex toy, he will try to open it to see what’s inside. The same applies to items not intended for play.

Don't forget that a 10-month-old baby puts everything he finds into his mouth. Therefore, if your baby plays with small objects, you should not leave him unattended, but you can give him an apple or carrot, which he will happily gnaw on.

So what should a child be able to do?

The baby can:

  • sit down and sit without assistance, play with toys;
  • can sit on the potty and knows what it is for;
  • crawl, creep in the chosen direction;
  • holding on to something, stand on your feet;
  • walk when held;
  • imitate gestures and facial expressions, pronounce meaningful sounds;
  • play with toys, performing simple actions: rock a doll, put rings on a pyramid, stack cubes;
  • climb on and off a low bed;
  • fulfill simple requests from adults: show mom, do “okay”;
  • drink from a cup, scoop porridge from a plate into a spoon;
  • know the names of household items, recognize toys and animals in pictures;
  • pick up toys with both hands and throw them, throw them out of the crib;
  • understand what is said to him, including the words “no” and “impossible”, if adults used them in conversations with him;
  • laugh with adults;
  • respond to your name by making sounds or turning your head;
  • take small objects with your fingers, put small things into large ones;
  • play with other children;
  • make a simple choice - which shovel to take for a walk.

If parents are concerned about whether their child is developing correctly, it makes sense to watch the video from Dr. Komarovsky’s school. This most popular specialist these days will answer many questions that concern moms and dads.

For ten whole months now, a little sun has been living in your house, which with its mere presence gives everyone in the household a feeling of happiness. At this age, the child develops mentally, reaches new heights in physical education, grows up and acquires new skills in games, communication with parents and peers. In short, it is becoming more and more interesting. Let's find out in detail about the character, physical and mental development baby at ten months.

Sleep and daily routine: how much should a 10 month old baby sleep?

Daily routines may vary as each baby is different. Therefore, parents should adapt to the feeding time, falling asleep and duration of sleep of their baby, and be sure to adhere to a constant schedule. Feed and put your child to bed at the same time, since a violation of the usual routine or a staggered schedule will only cause the baby to be tired, whimsical, and in a bad mood.

Typically, at the age of ten months, babies sleep between 10 and 12 hours at night. During the day, sleep duration is about two hours. Calm children can rest more without being active for a long time after waking up. But with nimble kids the situation is different: they spend more energy, sleep less and more restlessly, get tired very quickly and are often capricious. Pediatricians recommend that parents in such cases put the child to bed an hour or two earlier than expected.

To prevent your child from waking up at night, you can bathe him before bed. Be sure to ventilate the room, turn on a lullaby, stay next to the baby while he falls asleep - mother's presence, voice and fresh air have a calming effect on children.

Despite the fact that at this age children are interested in spending time at home, they should not forget about daily walks. The baby will explore the world around him with great pleasure, so when you go shopping in a store, on a visit or to an entertainment center, be sure to take him with you. In summer, a child can spend time in the sandbox and communicate with peers. The duration of the walks is at least two hours twice a day. In winter, the number and duration of walking outside can be reduced to 30 minutes.

In general, the daily routine of ten one month old baby still includes sleep, meals, time for walks, waking time for games and communication, as well as gymnastics, massage and hygiene procedures. By this age, certain biorhythms have developed in the child’s body, affecting the timing of each event. Children usually wake up between 6 and 7 am. In the morning after sleep and feeding, you can do gymnastics and massage, between which there should be a time interval of at least 45 minutes. It is recommended to put babies to bed no later than 22.00.

Height and weight: how much should a baby weigh at 10 months?

At ten months of age, the baby continues to grow and develop. By this time, the baby’s body becomes proportional, but the rate of weight gain and growth slows down slightly. So, average weight boys aged ten months range from 8.3 to 10.9 kg, girls weigh 7.9-10.1 kg. Therefore, the average height of boys will be in the range of 69.1-76.9 cm, girls - 69.0-75.3 cm.

However, if your child’s indicators do not meet the specified standards, there is no need to worry. The fact is that the difference in numbers is influenced by hereditary factors, height and weight parameters at birth, as well as feeding regimen.

Nutrition: what to feed a baby at 10 months

At this age, breastfeeding is still the main thing for the child, but by the end last decade in the first year it does not provide adequate nutrition. Mother’s milk no longer contains the amount of protein, potassium, copper and zinc that is necessary for the baby’s growing body. Therefore, to fill the deficit necessary elements necessary with other products. At the same time, there is practically no innovative food in the diet, since the mother simply expands the menu with new options for dishes already from the existing set.

Pediatricians recommend feeding a ten-month-old baby at least four times a day. The baby's diet should be varied. Children's menu, as a rule, consists of a variety of vegetable soups, porridges, cottage cheeses and fruits, to which the child is not allergic.

The daily food intake is approximately one liter, excluding breast milk. At one time, the baby can eat a little more than 200 grams of the mixture. And if the child does not want to eat more, then you should not force him. Let your baby independently develop a sense of proportion in his gastronomic needs.

If you decide to wean your baby, then ten months of age is ideal for these purposes. At this time, babies do not need to suck, become more independent in everything, less stubborn and are quite calm about life without “mother’s breast.” However, do not forget that this event is always important for both mother and child, not only physically, but also emotionally, so take this step seriously.

How many times a day should a 10 month old baby pee?

At this age, the child urinates on average 15-16 times a day, 25-45 ml at a time. Significant deviations from accepted norms should be cause for concern. Even the smallest children can experience such painful conditions as oliguria (a decrease in the daily volume of urine by 20-30%), polyuria (an increase in the daily volume of urine by 50% or more), enuresis (bedwetting) and others. Urinary retention in children is usually caused by big losses body fluids, kidney or heart problems.

If the baby pees too often, this may indicate hypothermia, stress, or the use of diuretic products. This symptom is also characteristic of diseases such as worms, diabetes, and kidney dysfunction. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the disorder.

Another important point in this matter: at ten months the child can begin to potty train. It is best to do this when the baby is already sitting quite confidently. Remember the time when your baby pees most often and put him on the potty at this moment. The atmosphere should be calm. You can turn on some water in the tap, repeat the sounds “pee-pee”, etc. Under no circumstances force your baby onto the potty when he doesn’t want to. The process of toilet training a baby is quite difficult, but sooner or later he will be able to learn it. If the child succeeds, be sure to praise him.

Games: what a boy and girl should be able to do at 10 months

At the age of ten months, the child has developed many skills and abilities. Girls and boys can sit without support, crawl after a toy, get up on their own, and walk hand in hand with their mother.

The child knows his name, responds to it, shows his body parts, understands and fulfills simple requests: “give”, “go”, etc. Repeats syllables and combinations of sounds, uses several words in communication. Sings songs and laughs.

At this age, children know how to drink from a mug, hold a spoon well in their hands, and hold chopped fruit with their fingers, putting them into their mouth.

As for games, girls and boys at the age of ten months love to push the ball, throw toys, and roll cars. They are also popular musical instruments, cubes. Therefore, such toys should be in the child's home. In addition, for boys and girls at ten months, you can buy sets of jars, bowls and boxes with lids that can be taken out and folded, opened and closed. By the way, ordinary household items, dishes, and clothes can sometimes act as toys: do not limit the child, just make sure that the object and manipulation with it are safe.

Useful games and activities with ten-month-old babies will be classes for the development of fine motor skills: finger painting and puppet theater, “Ladushki”, “Magpie-Crow”, building sand castles.

Child care at 10 months: Komarovsky

A ten-month-old child enjoys nibbling on hard vegetables and fruits, cookies, and crackers, so don’t deprive him of this joy. You should discard the bottle, as it negatively affects the teeth. Dr. Komarovsky believes that children under one year of age should have a mixture in their diet if breastfeeding is not possible.

In addition, Evgeniy Borisovich compiled sample list Products that should be included in the one-day menu for feeding a baby at ten months:

  • kefir (100 g);
  • cottage cheese (no more than 50 g);
  • baked apple (50 g);
  • vegetable puree and milk porridge (120 g);
  • juice (20-30 ml);
  • whole yolk;
  • meat puree (40-50 g);
  • fish puree (5-20 g);
  • cookies (10 g);
  • vegetable oil (3 g).

Dr. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the issue of cleanliness, especially when preparing food for their child. Hands should be washed well; vegetables and dishes are perfectly clean. You still need to cook for one meal and remember that the cooked product can stand for no more than two hours.

To summarize our conversation today, I would like to note that ten months is interesting period in child development. So enjoy your time with your little one and be happy!

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 12 minutes


Latest update articles: 07/02/2019

A ten-month-old child is actively exploring the world around him and gaining his first experience of communicating with new people. He is developing rapidly physically and psychologically. It gives relatives great pleasure to see the baby’s success, take part in his fun, and help him acquire new useful skills. Watching his development, parents unwittingly begin to compare their baby with other children. To avoid unfounded worries, you need to know what a child should be able to do at 10 months. This will help you choose educational games and educational methods, and see in time possible problems and avoid them. Let's find out what Komarovsky says about the development of a child at 10 months.

Physical development: height and weight chart

Despite the fact that all children are individual, doctors adhere to the basic indicators of child development according to age. Thanks to increased physical activity, the baby gains less weight than before: on average, ten-month-old babies gain 300-450 grams per month, while their height increases by about 1-1.5 cm.

Child's height and weight chart at 10 months:

The height and weight of boys and girls at 10 months, as well as the size of the head and fontanelle are presented in the table:

Baby skills at 10 months

The list of what a 10-month-old child should be able to do is quite diverse. The baby's motor skills improve new level, he is ready to learn to walk independently.

  • The child should sit well from a lying or standing position and sit confidently, while turning to the sides without losing balance. Crawling, overcome small obstacles without much effort. For example, climb onto a small hill and get off it correctly.
  • Holding onto the bed rails, playpen, furniture or other stable objects, stand on your feet and stand for quite a long time. And, if the support allows, then move a few steps along it.
  • Over time, the movements will become more and more confident and the child will learn to move, leaning on objects with one hand, and with the other he will be able to carry a toy. In this case, parents need to encourage the child. This brings the moment closer when the baby will take his first independent steps.

The speed and stages of transition from crawling to walking vary from person to person.

Some children crawl little, preferring to immediately stand on their feet. Others, even having mastered walking skills, prefer to crawl.

  • The child should be able to bite and chew solid food, eat with a spoon and drink from a cup with the help of his mother.
  • The baby consciously throws toys out of the crib and playpen. Opening closet doors and throwing things out is another of his favorite pastimes. A child at this age often breaks toys, don’t be angry. He is simply interested in finding out what the toy is made of, but he does not yet know how to calculate force.
  • The development of fine motor skills continues. The child learns to take small items two fingers: thumb and index. When folding a pyramid or trying to put one object into another, he shows enviable persistence.

The child still puts everything in his mouth. Make sure he doesn't do this with dirty, fragile, or hazardous items.

Aspects of understanding:

  • He understands what you require from him. For example, in response to your request, he gives you a toy, rolls a ball, and repeats the movements and sounds.
  • Imitates simple actions of adults: puts a toothbrush in his mouth, puts a phone to his ear, tries to eat on his own from a spoon.
  • When meeting familiar people, the baby waves “hello”, and when parting, “bye” or sends an “air kiss”, hugs.
  • He perfectly distinguishes when he is scolded and praised. May express dissatisfaction if they are forbidden to do or take something.
  • Thinking appears. To get to the right toy, all objects caught in the way scatter to the sides. Children under one year old generally really like to throw objects, experimenting with all the things that come to hand.
  • An interest in other children and a desire to play with them begins to appear.

Mental development

Communication with a baby at this age is a lot of fun! The baby is open and emotional, he is happy and upset very sincerely, and every day he surprises with new skills and abilities.

However, it is worth remembering that a 10-month-old child is a real manipulator. He already understands the words “yes” and “no,” but often, with the help of crying, he tries to “push” the boundaries of what is permitted. At this age, it’s time to start raising the baby - gently but persistently show him that he is loved, but some things cannot be done.

Do not overuse the word “No”. Forbid a child only when his actions could harm him or others. Explain to your child why not

At ten months the child should:

  • Respond to your name, understand some of the requests of adults and fulfill them.
  • Understand the words “cannot” and “no”. Dr. Komarovsky advises saying these words rarely, but firmly. You cannot cancel your ban, even if the child cries a lot. The rules must be agreed upon by all family members. It shouldn’t happen that dad forbids doing something, but mom allows it.
  • The child must repeat the actions of those around them. If you show him how to roll a car, lay out cubes, feed a doll, rock a bunny, he will repeat it. But the baby is not yet able to generalize and transfer its actions to other similar toys. Therefore, show the same action using different objects.
  • The child recognizes family members by voice, and understands the mood by tone. He takes music well, crouches, claps his hands, and stamps his feet to children's songs.
  • The baby begins to understand that objects do not disappear from his field of vision forever, they can return. Therefore, he begins to calmly perceive the situation when his mother leaves the room, leaving him alone for a while.
  • At the age of 10 months, children begin to develop the concept of constancy of quantities. That is, having seen a familiar object from afar, when it seems smaller than it actually is, the child is nevertheless able to correctly determine its size.
  • The baby imitates the sounds he hears around him, imitates the speech of adults, and varies the volume of his pronunciation. Can speak simple syllables and words, for example, mom, baba, give. However, some children limit themselves to babbling and do not say individual words long enough. There is nothing wrong with this if you see that the baby perceives much of what you tell him. If you want to speed up the process, talk to your baby more, tell him fairy tales, read children's books. Show your joy when you successfully try to pronounce a word. Repeat short, standard, easy-to-pronounce phrases often, encouraging your child to repeat them after you.

Emotional development

A ten-month-old child is no longer so focused on his mother and begins to show interest in others, although he is afraid strangers and new places. He can play for a long time on his own or with other children.

The lifestyle of a 10 month old child should be varied. Familiar home furnishings, toys, and constantly familiar faces quickly become commonplace. In addition to walking on fresh air, try to visit shops with your child, visit people, drive a car, visit public places. Of course, it is necessary to accustom oneself to society gradually, without causing psychological harm to the child.

At this age, the child shows a sense of humor; he laughs at some of the actions of adults and repeats them. Some children show feelings of jealousy. Finding themselves not in the center of attention of their relatives, they become capricious. There is an attachment to certain activities and things such as toys or food. A baby may cry if he is not given his favorite toy; he categorically refuses to accept any other one instead.

It is very important for a child to understand how his parents feel about his actions. If he notices that adults like some of his actions, he will purposefully reproduce it, expecting encouragement.

The child should see other children playing and try to follow their activities. Parents are encouraged to visit playgrounds as often as possible. Games and fun cause positive emotions and increased activity.

If by the end of the tenth month the baby does not throw away toys, cannot nod his head in agreement and wave his hand goodbye, and does not try to repeat the movements of those around him, consult a doctor.

At this age, the difference between children on artificial and breastfeeding practically erased. Complementary feeding is becoming the main type of nutrition, portions and variety are growing. If you have not taught your child to eat with a spoon on his own, now is the time.

To keep your child healthy, you should adhere to the basic rules and recommendations of pediatricians:


  • Mushrooms, pickles, smoked meats
  • Spicy, fried, sour dishes
  • Spices
  • Large pieces
  • Overfeeding (do not try to feed the child against his wishes - “for mom, for dad, for all the neighbors by name”)
  • Pampering at the table (teach your child to food culture and careful attitude to food. This will make life easier for both him and you later). If you see that your child is bored and starts playing with food, moving it around or pouring it, it means he’s full. Don't force him to finish eating, just put a little less next time, it's better to give supplements. Over time, your baby will understand how to behave at the table.
  • Do not teach your child to ask from an adult table. Your food is too salty, spicy, tough for him - i.e. not suitable for the baby's delicate stomach. In addition, this way it will not “bite” in school age and won't ruin your stomach
  • Steamed vegetables and lean meats (do not fry!)
  • Small portions (appropriate to age)

Main nuances:

  • Vitamins must be present in the diet: juices and fruit purees are best given in the first half of the day.
  • All food should be boiled or steamed, not fatty, but nutritious.
  • The diet should contain: lean meat and fish 50 g each; egg yolk; fermented milk products (again, not fatty) 150 g; fruit puree 100 ml; vegetable puree 200 g; adapted milk formula 200 ml. Add 5 g of butter and sunflower oil to food (separately from each other).

Educational games

In his video lessons, Evgeniy Komarovsky always emphasizes that parents should devote enough time to the child, and not hope that he should explore the world and learn everything new on his own. The first year of a baby’s life is considered the foundation for further development. Cooperative games – best way for new information.

A ten-month-old child plays enthusiastically; during this period he needs toys of various shapes, colors, purposes and new activities. Games should build on what a child can do at 10 months and provide opportunities for further development.

Coordination games

  • Play “Ladushki”, reciting poems or counting rhymes, illustrate the words with movements and characteristic sounds, inviting the child to repeat everything after you.
  • Dance with your baby in a round dance, perform rhythmic movements, holding him by both hands. Dance to the music with your baby in your arms. You can rock or spin it.
  • Invite your child to throw toys of different shapes, weights and sizes into the box from a short distance.

Games for developing fine motor skills

  • Transferring fairly small objects, such as beans, pebbles or buttons, from one bucket to another. Supervise your child at this moment so that he does not put it in his mouth!
  • Opening and unscrewing caps different sizes from saucepans, jars, bottles.
  • Playing with solids. Invite your child to rake his palms up the hill or, conversely, scatter cereal on the surface of the table, pour semolina or tea with a spoon from one container to another.
  • Playing with snow. Show how to make a snowball; if it doesn’t work, make it yourself and let your child throw it.
  • Tearing sheets of paper or unleavened dough into small pieces.

It is advisable that the child use both hands when playing. This will promote the development of both hemispheres of the brain and the connections between them.

Educational games

  • Games with pyramids, cubes, nesting dolls or other objects that can first be taken apart and then put back together into one whole.
  • Role-playing games: playing on the phone, feeding dolls, driving cars - remain important for acquiring new knowledge.
  • Hide and seek games in various variations: from simply covering your eyes with your palms to searching for a toy hidden under a pillow, or for a grandmother in the next room.
  • All types of drawing are welcome - pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, paints with fingers and palms.

If a child is unable to manipulate certain objects, use the method of passive movements, when an adult controls the child’s hands to complete the task. A few repetitions - and the child will cope on his own.

Daily routine and sleep time

In children of the first year of life, the daily routine is constantly changing. So, at 10 months a child can switch from 3 to 2 naps. If previously sleep lasted 40 minutes in the morning and evening time, and the daytime is 1.5-2 hours, then now everything is different.

  • Waking up at 6-7 am, the duration of wakefulness will last until 10-10:30 pm. At this time there will be a second breakfast, and after that a first nap lasting 1.5-2 hours.
  • After waking up, the baby plays - you can go for a walk.
  • Closer to 14:00 it’s time for lunch, and then you can start exploring the world again.
  • At 15:00 – 15:30 it’s time for the second sleep, the duration of which can be up to 2 hours. After sleep, you can repeat the walk.
  • You should not put your child to bed later than 22:00.

Hygiene procedures

To the question “why should you bathe your child every day,” some mothers answer - so that he is clean. However, the goal of water procedures is not only a clean child, but also:

  • Active movement and release of accumulated energy;
  • Hardening the body;
  • Prevention of skin diseases;
  • Positive emotions for everyone.

Spending time together and communicating during water procedures helps strengthen emotional connection with the child not only for mothers, but also for fathers. It is very important that the baby’s dad also participates in bathing. The child needs to see that there is a strong father nearby who loves him.

Watch a video about what you can do to keep your baby busy while bathing:

Potty training

There is no clear opinion about the age of potty training, both among experts and among parents. Many people believe that by the end of the first year of life a child should be potty trained. This will take time and patience. If you share this point of view, then 9-10 months is the best age to introduce a child to the potty. Even if at 10 months he still doesn’t understand well what this item is for, but at 1.5 years you can confidently go the whole day without a diaper.

What can a 10 month old child do?

The most important thing for a 10 month old baby is to do everything “like a big one.” The child has already mastered enough the movements of the arms, hands and fingers, and facial expressions to repeat everything after adults. Be careful - your random gesture may please your child so much that you will then have to wean him off for months. Imitating mom, dad or older brother, the baby will beat the drum, press buttons, rock the teddy bear, poke a doll with a spoon, rub his hands under water...

However, although this may seem strange to you, the baby is not yet capable of transferring these actions to other objects. Those. while rocking the bear, he will not rock the dog until you show that this can be done. Consequently, the “repertoire” of children’s games directly depends on your imagination, desire to teach and show. Load the cubes into a dump truck and a box on a string, feed the animals in your house, put them to bed, take them for a walk...

The baby begins to be interested in connections between objects. If you let him talk on the phone with his grandmother, he will then carefully examine the receiver, as if trying to look inside and discover where the grandmother hid.

A similar interest provokes a child to “break” toys. In fact, the baby does not break them on purpose; he is interested in learning how they work and what they are made of. In addition, he often simply cannot calculate the force applied to a fragile thing.

A new skill appears - with the help of one object the child can get another: with a spatula, move the cube towards him, with a spoon, bring the cracker closer. Of course, the toddler must first be introduced to this possibility, although some children “reach” this on their own, through an unexpected and successful experiment.

The baby enthusiastically grabs the smallest crumbs found on the floor or anywhere else. In fact, it will be much better if the baby satisfies his interest in little things by playing with harmless cereals under your supervision.

If you are engaged in modeling and drawing with your child, he already confidently runs crayons, felt-tip pens or paints across the paper, and when working with dough, he learns to tear small ones from a large piece and can stick them on a board, pressing them with his finger.

Descents and ascents

As for motor skills, the baby continues to train his ability to crawl. Now he moves around the apartment like a small meteor. Many children lift their knees off the floor and run on all fours, like monkeys. A 10-month-old child can already sit upright for a long time, without bending to the sides, stands confidently, and steps along the support.

It's time to master the ascent and descent. It is very convenient to do this on a low sofa or, if you have your own home, on a small staircase with two or three steps - the child cannot do more yet. Teach your baby to climb onto the sofa by pulling himself up on his arms and pushing off the floor with his legs. And you need to go down with your butt first - this way the baby will never break his nose!

By 10 months, babies usually develop and identify a “favorite” type of activity. Some draw with pleasure, others step over and rhythmically squat to the music, others can place cubes on cubes for an entire hour, fourths cannot be taken away from watching the cars through the window, fifths freeze with a book in their hands, sixths don’t need anything other than a couple of glasses and a basin with water, the seventh requires the constant company of other children... Pay close attention to your child's constant interests and try to satisfy them daily.

At 10 months of life, after constantly clinging to his mother, the time finally comes when the baby turns his attention to other people. That is why this age is good both for weaning (if you do not intend to breastfeed until two years old), and for starting to attend developmental groups or “mother + baby” clubs.

From the moment the child gets up, go for a walk - at least 15-20 minutes a day to the playground, where your child can wander around the sandbox, swing on a swing, and most importantly, see how other children play and take part in it as much as possible participation.

Little hands play

Fine motor skills games that a baby can master at 10-12 months:

  • sorting, pouring beads, buttons, cereals, nuts from one container to another;
  • laying out matches, toothpicks, beans, nuts, cotton swabs, curly pasta, pebbles;
  • unscrewing the lids – large ones (from plastic bottles) and small ones (from cream tubes);
  • finger painting on flour, sand, fine grains;
  • finger games with rhymes (such as “Thieving Magpies”);
  • games with laces, knots, ribbons;
  • using different sized spoons for eating;
  • digging or pouring sand or snow with a scoop, rake, spatula, stick. molds.

Try to have your child do everything with both hands. and not just the right one. After all, at this age the child develops much more actively right hemisphere brain, for which it is “responsible” left hand. And the action with both hands at the same time (especially when they perform different movements) leads to the development of interhemispheric connections.

Let's play with friends!

Playing round dance is very simple. First, the mother sings a song and performs a dance herself or with a doll, and the baby sits and watches. If the baby liked it, invite him to change places with the doll: “Let’s dance, and Lyalya will watch.” Take the baby by the hand or in your arms and slowly start the dance, performing all the movements with his arms, legs, and head.

It’s good if all this happens in front of a large mirror in which the child can see your and his reflection - this way he will quickly understand what is required of him. Of course, at first the baby will be able to perform only the simplest movements: clapping his hands, perhaps stomping his foot. Having mastered the movements together with his mother, your child will dance beautifully with other children.

Fuck the king
  • The king walked through the forest,
  • Through the forest, through the forest
  • Look for a princess
  • Princess, princess (we walk in a circle one after another).
  • Let's jump with you
  • And we kick our legs,
  • And let's clap our hands,
  • And we'll stomp our feet,
  • We nod our heads -
  • And we start again (And we don’t play anymore - to end the game).

A round dance exercise will help your baby learn to perform simple movements and develop coordination of the whole body and tiny fingers. No need to improve hand motor skills large quantity people - you and the crumbs are enough.

  • Mill, mill grinds flour (we perform circular movements with our hands).
  • The wind, the wind is blowing stronger - oo-oo-oo-oo (we blow like the wind).
  • The mill grinds flour even faster (we speed up the movements).
  • We ground flour
  • These are such big bags - (we show the volume by raising our hands above our heads).
  • Let's make pies.
  • From flour, from flour we will bake pies (we make pies with our palms).
  • Carcasses, carcasses, let's make cheesecakes (draw a circle on the other palm with your finger).
  • Okay, okay, let's bake pancakes (we make pops).
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