Aquarius horoscope for the last ten days of March.

In general, the life of Aquarius in March 2017 will be devoid of major unrest and shocks. Two powerful planets (Saturn and Mercury) will volunteer to protect you at once. True, not everything is as smooth as you would like, because among the celestial leaders you will have dangerous ill-wishers (including Mars and Venus).

Why will you provoke Martian anger, and how will representatives of your sign anger Venus so much? It's simple! These planets will want to play a little prank, confuse your life path, deprive you of confidence in the correctness of your actions, and so on and so forth (we are talking about everything that deprives a person of the ability to think logically). Only the most reasonable, calm representatives of your sign will be able to resist the tricks of Mars and Venus. They will definitely be able to choose the right path in life and with both hands collect the gifts generously sent by the patronizing planets.

The main gift for you, dear Aquarius, is being prepared by Mercury. This planet will decide that you have waited too long for material success to come to you, but Mercury is not so simple as to hand this long-awaited material success right into your hands! First, he will ask you to solve some difficult puzzle (remember about choosing the path you have to take in March 2017?). So here it is. If you correctly determine the route, Mercury will reward you with financial prosperity and other benefits.

Saturn is not capable of such antics, but he will not rush to hand you a “super prize” directly into your hands. To begin with, Saturn will decide to check whether you have the traits characteristic of a winner. If you fully demonstrate your calmness, wisdom and prudence in March, you have every chance of receiving a gift from Saturn.

Aquarius women may have problems with documents in 2019. The horoscope recommends preparing in advance, collecting all the papers and being extremely careful to avoid mistakes. Also, many representatives of this sign will have health problems. If possible, you need to buy a ticket to the sea and go on vacation.

Sign of happiness
love horoscope

Be attentive with your parents, otherwise a tense situation will arise in the Aquarius family in 2019. The horoscope recommends spending more time with your parents so that they feel supported by you. You will have to spend a lot of time on household problems and chores. Midsummer is a good time to make a long-planned purchase.

The horoscope for Aquarius women for the entire 2019 promises good luck in all endeavors. This applies not only to the work sphere, but also to the personal sphere of life. With your other half, harmony and love will reign. December is a good time for a romantic trip. Vacation will help fill your relationship with warmth and passion.

Aquarius men will have the opportunity to earn a lot of money in the summer of 2019. The horoscope says that this will require a lot of effort. Be more careful at work, think ahead about all your steps. The slightest mistake can deprive you of receiving additional income.

Throughout 2019, Aquarius men will have to combine work issues with family matters. It is recommended to spend as much time as possible with your family. Children will absorb everything you tell them. Talk heart to heart with them more often, communicate about family values.

The horoscope for 2019 for all available zodiac signs says that many Aquarians will want to receive recognition of their talents from others. He will put a lot of effort into this.

Career and finance

At the beginning of 2019, Aquarians will have a chance to turn their hobby into work. The horoscope recommends being more careful when communicating with colleagues and supervisors. A harsh word can become a reason for a serious conflict. There will be big expenses in the spring and summer. You will have to spend especially a lot on your family.

Additional income will be received by those Aquarians who:

  • works with finances;
  • is engaged in teaching activities.

Be careful with gambling in July. Some Aquarians will be lucky and will improve their financial condition. However, judging by the horoscope for 2019, many will be left with nothing. Also see and.

The year is not suitable for concluding important contracts. If possible, it is better to postpone them for a while. If it doesn’t work out, then you need to check all the papers more carefully and keep the situation under control.

The horoscope for Aquarius says that at the end of 2019 there may be problems with documents, which will affect your finances, nerves, and time. Be as careful and prudent as possible.

Love sphere of life

The love horoscope for the entire 2019 foretells the danger of quarrels and scandals for Aquarius. You will not be able to avoid a showdown, since your partner will be very determined. Best:

  • maintain a calm attitude in all situations,
  • extinguish signs of conflict;
  • do not provoke scandals.

All year you need to approach life philosophically and control your emotions when communicating with your loved one. He may not understand you, but there is no need to be upset. Just choose your moments more carefully to talk about your feelings or desires.

Family Aquarius will have to pay a lot of attention to household chores from the very beginning of the year. You shouldn’t put them off because you will still have to solve problems. It is better to do this of your own free will than after conflicts with your significant other.

Spend as much time as possible with your children. Help them do their homework, take them out to have fun. This will help improve relationships and create a warm, peaceful environment in the family.

January 2019 will be marked by interesting events. Throughout the month, the horoscope advises Aquarius to be more lenient and to do bold things. The period will bring many pleasant events that will warm you all year. Don't take your enemies' criticism to heart. It's best to simply ignore them.

February 2019 will be rich in meeting interesting people and traveling. The horoscope says that Aquarius needs to decide on their priorities so as not to make an unpleasant, useless choice.

In March 2019, all Aquarians will have to pull themselves together. The monthly horoscope advises you to follow a clearly outlined plan and not be distracted by trifles. Many will need to learn to keep their mouths shut and not tell their secrets. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting into an unpleasant situation.


Aquarians need to reconsider their attitude towards loved ones. The horoscope for April 2019 recommends going to the sea and starting self-development. In this case, positive aspects will appear that will attract sincere and noble people to you. Many will be lucky in social activities, which will bring support and recognition from others.

In May 2019, many Aquarians will begin to accept gifts from fate. The horoscope for this month foretells good luck that will not leave you throughout the entire period. Learn to be grateful for life's surprises. A tendency to fantasize and creative thinking will lead to excellent prospects. Enjoy life, raise your self-esteem.

June will teach you to appreciate your life and all that it gives you. Most Aquarians will experience a dark streak. But soon it will be replaced by a lot of luck and happiness. Try to rest as much as possible and do not take to heart everything that doctors say. You will have a lot of free time. Spend it with pleasure.

July is good for self-development and personal growth. Spend as much time as possible on this. Don't pay attention to the doubts that appear in your head. Courageously go towards your goal, despite the obstacles. It is best not to participate in other people's conflicts.

In August you will have to ask strangers for help. Possible problems in relationships with loved ones, depressive moods. Try to show your best qualities: love for animals, friendliness, sociability.


In September, many Aquarians will discover some new qualities in themselves. They will be useful in the future. Beware of making hasty decisions. Now it’s best to slowly move towards the goals you need to achieve.

There are two main points in March. Firstly, under the influence of Mercury, Aquarians will be able to get rid of all conflicts and negative aspects in personal relationships. Secondly, luck will be on your side, so you can always find a way out no matter the situation.

In March, motivation and initiative take on a special meaning, both in the sphere of personal relationships and career. In general, throughout the month, you will have many opportunities in all areas of life. From time to time, such a wide choice can become a problem.

In March, you need to calculate every step you take, and not act if you are not sure of success.

Career horoscope for March 2017 for Aquarius

The sphere of work and business promises to be successful no matter where and who you work for. On the other hand, success will largely depend on how persistent and professional you are in your work. Attentiveness and motivation will play a big role.

If you work for yourself, in March you should not listen to the opinions of others. Only your own thoughts, experiences and plans. The first half of the month is better suited for thinking and making plans, and the second half for active action. Success in business can give you a boost of vigor and strength for new achievements.

If you are employed, do what is asked of you without any unnecessary discussions. In March, it is especially important to keep your mouth shut, otherwise you risk speaking too much and incurring the wrath of management.

Lucky days are 20, 23, if you don’t have a job, use these days to send out your resume and do interviews.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius

In the sphere of personal relationships, on the contrary, you can be direct and say what you think. Within the bounds of decency, of course.

If you are alone, the horoscope predicts a meeting that can change your status in this area for a long time. This love can last the rest of your life.

If you have a loved one, there is a possibility of some fundamental changes. This may be the birth of a child or marriage. In general, the first month of spring will be especially romantic and full of unexpected surprises and wonderful gifts.

In relationships with friends, there is a possibility of quarrels and disagreements; fortunately, everything will end quickly and you will be able to continue communicating as before.

Lucky days - 5, 8, 10, 17, 23, 27, 29 if you are single, use these days for romantic meetings and acquaintances.

Health horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius

March 2017 does not predict any health problems. The horoscope recommends finding time for exercise, even after a short period, you will notice how the features of your figure change for the better.

The best days to play sports are 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 26, 28, 29

Favorable days for Aquarius women in March 2017: March 2, 7, 13, 16, 21, 25, 27.
Difficult days for Aquarius women in March 2017: March 2, 9, 14, 28.


You just need an army of fans who will enthusiastically support your ideas. An army is not an army, but a small regiment you will have.

From 1 to 10 March. Relaxing in the company of your loved one - what could be better? Time will fly by, and you will remember this wonderful and adventurous period for a long time.
From 11 to 20 March. Use other people's experiences, learn from the mistakes of others, this will help you achieve harmony in your personal relationships.
From 21 to 31 March. You can be happy in your married life, or you can perceive it as a heavy burden. What does this depend on? Yes, first of all, from yourself - don’t forget about it.


Now we should pay special attention to the health of children or younger family members.

From 1 to 10 March. Do not get carried away with medications, the best way is old, time-tested folk remedies.
From 11 to 20 March. Take care of your health, your personal affairs directly depend on your well-being. It will be a shame if you are invited to visit and have to refuse because of some stupid runny nose.
From 21 to 31 March. Drink as much plain, clean water as possible. This way, everything harmful will come out of the body faster, and more strength will appear.


After listening to the news, you suddenly want to secure your future in an unusual way for you - by making some reserves for a rainy day. You'll have to save on everything and arrange a couple of fasting days.

From 1 to 10 March. This week you can earn an unexpectedly large amount of money if you are not afraid to take risks.
From 11 to 20 March. You may have to play a complex double game, but it will be worth it, you will get double the profit.
From 21 to 31 March. Your spouse or close relative may provide you with financial support. Don't forget to call your aunt or congratulate your uncle on the upcoming holidays.

Horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius man

Favorable days for Aquarius men in March 2017: March 3, 7, 13, 22, 26.
Difficult days for Aquarius men in March 2017: March 2, 8, 15.


During this period, you will be torn between your spouse and your parents - each of them will begin to claim their rights and demand complete obedience from you.

From 1 to 10 March. There may be some cooling in the relationship with your partner. She will suddenly decide that she doesn’t need you that much.
From 11 to 20 March. You will feel like you are sleeping and having a wonderful dream. Your beloved will fulfill all your cherished desires, in a dream or in reality - it will be difficult for you to distinguish one from the other.
From 21 to 31 March. Harsh reality interferes with your romantic dreams so often that it can ruin your mood. And mood is a fragile thing. Change a little and the precious balance is lost.


It’s better to spend time at home - plunge into memories, re-read old letters, look through a photo album.

From 1 to 10 March. Massage of acupuncture points of the body is indicated. This will energize you for the week ahead. It's better to have it done by a professional.
From 11 to 20 March. Playing sports will have a good effect on the body, especially if it is a team game or exercise equipment.
From 21 to 31 March. It is worth limiting communication with people who want something from you. They can weaken your energy tone.


Don’t make Napoleonic plans, your relatives still won’t let you bring them to life. It’s better to come to terms with the role of the average, especially since it won’t last long.

From 1 to 10 March. In the pursuit of profit and success in your career, you can easily forget about the most important thing. You should remember your loved ones even when you are decisively scaling career heights.
From 11 to 20 March. Get ready, things won't be easy at work - continuous intrigue, denunciations, showdowns, personalities. The main thing is to stay above the fray.
From 21 to 31 March. Silent mutual distrust between colleagues can result in open confrontation. And here your role as a peacemaker will come in handy. You can calm everyone down.

Horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius child

Daughter. The Aquarius girl will show leadership ambitions. It’s especially bright in the middle of the month, when your daughter will receive confirmation that her friends respect and value her. You may be upset by the girl's reluctance to carefully monitor her appearance or her ability to choose clothes that, in your opinion, do not suit her at all. However, her friends love it and that will be the main thing for your child.

Son. He has the ability to drive you crazy with his antics and ideas. In the life of an Aquarius boy during this period, everything will happen rapidly. New friends, old friends - he wants to communicate with everyone, he will introduce everyone and become the head of the company. Your child will be very lucky to have true friends. However, you will be amazed by his ability to give everything to his friends, to take off his last shirt.

Aquarius businessmen should not accept a single offer regarding their own business, especially when it comes to expanding their sphere of influence - the horoscope for March 2019 advises. Aquarius is now not ready for this, either morally or financially. A great strategy for March is to focus on specific daily tasks.


In March, Aquarius should not convince his opponents or business partners of the correctness of his own words and actions, or justify his own point of view; this looks unconvincing and sometimes even ridiculous. The stars will provide an opportunity for this at the end of spring. Then life itself will prove to those who did not trust you that your conclusions are correct.

If Aquarians work as hired workers, they will be forced to simply bend over backwards in order to stay in their place of work. In March, many factors do not play into the hands of the representatives of the sign, and circumstances are such that your achievements will go unnoticed, but the slightest flaws and shortcomings will be exposed to everyone.

Due to the machinations of spiteful critics, you can be considered a careerist and a person walking “over corpses.” Therefore, the horoscope recommends that Aquarius stay away from colleagues in whose intentions and purity of thoughts the representatives of the sign are not 100% sure, refraining from talking with them or in their presence.

It is better not to schedule business meetings, especially important ones, in March. If it is still not possible to postpone business negotiations, then be prepared to improvise and change the plan at lightning speed. The picture drawn in Aquarius’s imagination of how the meeting will end will not correspond to reality, so think through several options for the development of events in advance.


The Aquarius family boat will be stormy in March. The relationship between the spouses in March 2019 will be tested for strength; the representatives of the sign themselves will be to blame for this; the likelihood of their new hobbies and affairs on the side is very high. With all this, Aquarius themselves can annoy their partner with attacks of jealousy: his suspicion in March will escalate to the limit. In order not to torment himself and his spouse, the horoscope recommends that Aquarius weigh all the available facts and clearly set priorities. You should not make hasty decisions, they can become fateful, and it will be impossible to correct the situation. The crack that appeared in March could completely split your family.

Aquarius Woman

Since the soul of representatives of the fair half of humanity born under this sign is constantly seething with many desires, in March she will need to always have sensual sensations.

At the beginning of spring, Aquarius women will be feminine, flirtatious, seductive and extremely attractive to men of literally all horoscope signs. Representatives of the stronger sex, not without pleasure, become her true fans, although this is dangerous: an Aquarius woman in March can easily harm the reputation of a person who had the imprudence to fall in love with her. Most men are willing to make huge sacrifices for her. Family, career, dreams, good relationships with relatives and friends may be at stake. Even if he fails to conquer the obstinate Aquarius woman, she still remains with him forever, as a wound in his tormented heart.

Aquarius Man

At the beginning of the month, despite women's holidays, Aquarius will be forced to think about business and keep everything under control. And immediately after the festive corporate party, you urgently need to plunge headlong into work, otherwise unresolved tasks will accumulate. It is optimal to rely only on yourself and your strengths in March.

In March, you need to pay attention to the renovation of an office space or other place where Aquarius has to work. The month is good for preparing for moving to a new place, but not for the move itself. In March, brilliant negotiations will be held on any acquisitions, real estate transactions, both residential and commercial. But you shouldn’t take action right away; it’s better to wait until April. March will be an ideal time to complete projects started in the past.

Aquarius child

In March 2019, little Aquarius will most likely be haunted by the same failures and troubles as adult representatives of the sign. Detachment, emotional coldness, irritability with the transition to aggression will be difficult for both the children themselves and their parents. Representatives of the older generation will need all their wisdom and ability to conduct dialogue in order to survive this difficult period in the life of a child. Do not neglect the help of grandparents in the educational process, try to maintain peace of mind, the Moon appears on the horizon of influence, the Moon will soon soften the heart and calm your child.


The secret to good health in March 2019 for representatives of the zodiac house of Aquarius is simple - moderation in everything. However, despite the simplicity and correctness of this advice, it will be very difficult to follow it in March: the Yellow Pig will incline Aquarius to excess in all aspects of life - in food, love, alcohol and work. Even in treatment it will be very difficult to maintain a middle ground. March, and all the months following it, do not provide for halftones for representatives of the sign, and succumbing to the harsh pace of the month, many Aquarians will acquire many health problems. Overwork, nervous breakdowns, exacerbation of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue will overtake many Aquarius in March. Therefore, from the very beginning of the month, astrologers recommend taking a course towards a healthy lifestyle. Follow a diet, work and rest schedule, and finally go in for sports. Be careful when drinking alcohol. Temporary loss of performance is possible due to severe alcohol intoxication.


Horoscope for March 2019, Aquarius should postpone important business meetings until a more opportune time.
In relationships with colleagues, you should be careful: you don’t need to be too frank.
In amorous affairs, difficulties: attacks of jealousy, affairs on the side take place in March 2017.
Horoscope for April 2019, Aquarius.