Center for the homeless. Center for social adaptation for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation named after E.P.

Rating: 0 Natalya 2018-10-23 Looking for Ageev's brother Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich, born 86, my number is 89647034991 Rating: 0 Natalya 2018-10-23 Looking for: brother Ageev Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich, born May 1986. His last place of stay was a shelter in Marino-Lublino! If you have even the slightest information, please contact us at 89647034991. Natalya Vyacheslavovna. Rating: 0 Natalya Mashchenko 2018-10-19 Please help me find Uncle Hare Sergei Alexandrovich, born 03/22/1966. he lost his documents, citizen of Ukraine latest information that he was in a homeless shelter. According to information, his toes were amputated. Please find it. Rating: 0 Nikolay 2018-09-17 Good afternoon! I'm looking for a person, preferably a man. For accommodation on the territory of SNT near Pereslavl Zalessky. Warm cabin with heating, warm kitchen (extension), gas, electricity, allocated plot of land for potatoes and beds. There is a kind dog in an enclosure. Salary 15 thousand per month. We need an adequate, non-drinking person. Responsibilities will include opening the barrier for members of the SNT (pass system), monitoring the territory adjacent to the checkpoint and maintaining trash container clean (magpies scatter). Call 89099700101 Nikolay. Rating: 0 Semyon 2018-09-08 we ask you to help us, for God’s sake, find Mamliev’s relative Ravil Rifatovich, born in 1958. He was admitted after surgery, both feet were amputated, she gave us a phone number 8 499 357 10 66 Elena Vishnevaya from the Salvation Army, this number does not answer, supposedly he comes to you in a wheelchair, please help me find him, he has no place of residence or occupation, a native of Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Rating: 0 Karina 2018-07-31 I am looking for Alexander Zasheiko, born in 1983 on October 11, if anyone has any information about his whereabouts, please respond. Rating: 0 novel 2018-01-08 LOOKING FOR SHIBANOV's brother SERGEY SERGEEVICH, NAME (SS. AND MOUFLON) IF YOU HAVE THIS, HERE IS MY NUMBER +79850500273, ROMAN SERGEEVICH SHIBANOV Rating: 0 Victor 2017-12-22 My name is Victor , 52 years old, disabled 2 gr. for general diseases. For registration and accommodation, I can provide all possible assistance in the household, I can cook, a driver’s license category B (20 years of experience), a diploma from a school of private security guards. Phone: 89295503901 Rating: 0 Olga 2017-12-13 Hello, I am looking for my uncle Chizh Grigory, born in 1970 from the Republic of Belarus Rating: 5 Vladimir 2017-09-18 We are looking for a missing grandfather! Brykin Vladimir Sergeevich, born on January 3, 1937. He left home on September 11, 2017 in Moscow and still has not returned. We ask anyone who knows something about his whereabouts to contact us by email. Signs: gray hair, average height, gray hair, wide ring on his left hand. Rating: 5 Maxim Sh 2017-06-14 Hello. I'm looking for a person" Ismail Zade Valery. Must be from PB No. 5 (village of Troikoye Antropovo). We were there together. Stateless. Could have gone to relatives, but could have returned because he was doing paperwork. Rating: 0 Yuri 2017-01-06 Looking son Smirnov Sergey Yurievich, born in 1983. He left home on October 7, 2016 and since then his whereabouts are unknown. He drinks. Lives in the Yuzhnoye Butovo area. Had head injuries, could have lost his memory 89636641038 Rating: 5 Tatyana 2016-12. -28 For help with housework, I will take a 30-50 year old man into my house. I will feed and clothe him. Rating: 0 Anna 2016-07-28 I am looking for Kosenkov Alexander Sergeevich, 34 years old, disabled, group 1 (by heart). my number is 89039751179.. I know. that he visited the Lyublino shelter, please help! He lost his documents and phone. Rating: 0 Daria 2016-05-19 Looking for Vladimir Zhuravlev, born 10/22/1974, left home on May 11, 2016 and disappeared. 24. Drunk. Without documents and phone number. Rating: 0 Natalia 2016-03-24 Please tell me how I can help the person or where I can go. A man without specific place residence. from orphanage. age over 20 years. I lost my documents. Rating: 5 Alena 2015-12-15 Hello, I’m looking for my father, Evgeniy Yurievich Ovchinnikov, born 09/12/1960, disabled, left home and did not return, please help, maybe he’s in the adaptation center? Rating: 0 Maria 2015-12-12 Looking for a sister. Kuznetsova Marina Valerievna. 04/20/1980 She was last seen in the area of ​​Sovkhoznaya Street. At bp gas station. Can turn to a shelter for help. Rating: 0 Maryana 2015-12-02 I am looking for my mother Gilmiyarova Nasima Maratovna, born in 1965. June 1 last time was at the shelter on Lyublino. Tel.: 89642481333. Rating: 0 Tatyana 2015-10-04 I am looking for Eduard Germanovich Illarionov. I was told that he is in a rehabilitation center in Lyublino. I need information urgently. Tomorrow I will be in Moscow Rating: 0 Gulnara 2015-04-18 I am looking for the son of Nazimanov Ruslan Rinatovich, born in 1990. Since December 19 last year he has not been at home, he was with his sister on April 10, his sister did not let him into the house. He said that he was in a shelter in Lyublino is located. My phone number is 8-903-126-16-43. If anyone has seen or heard about him, help me find him. We have nowhere to live. Rating: 0 Konstantin 2014-12-05 There is such a person. 8 915 230 1550 Rating: 0 Igor 2014-02-02 we need a good, kind person who is not an alcoholic, a big house, warmth, comfort good people The dogs are terribly affectionate and we are looking for a HUMAN!!! Rating: 5 Bauer Victoria 2012-07-03 thank you for your help.

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According to various estimates, today there are from 1.5 to 4.2 million homeless people in Russia, which is about three percent of Russians. Their greatest concentration is observed in large cities. In Moscow today there are from 10 to 30 thousand homeless people, while a number of experts raise the upper limit to 70,100 thousand people.

Of these: 8% - former residents of the capital who lost their housing;
71% - people from the regions who came to Moscow to earn money;
21% - residents of neighboring republics (mainly Ukraine and Belarus).

According to experts, all these figures are approximate; in fact, it is simply impossible to count all the tramps located in the capital.


Disinfection department No. 6
Address: Yaroslavskoe highway, 9 (open from 9 to 15, Saturday is women's day.)

Sanitary inspection room No. 2
Address: st. Izhorskaya, 21

Sanitation checkpoints of the Central Administrative District
Address: Nizhny Susalny lane, 3; st. Gilyarovsky, 65 building 3

Clinic No. 7
Address: Nizhny Susalny lane, 4

Sanitary graduate of the South-East Administrative District
Address: Kuryanovsky b r, 2/24

In sanitary checkpoints you can undergo sanitary procedures (washing, disinfection, disinsection of body and clothing)


For homeless Muscovites with documents (passport, extract from the house register, certificate of loss of documents (Form 9), direction) there are night stay homes (NNP)
The DNP requires a certificate of sanitation and a medical certificate from the clinic or from Doctors Without Borders (on cold days they accept everyone with the permission of the Department)

“Kosino Ukhtomsky” (for adults), st. Mikhelsona, 6, for minors: Muromskaya st. 1, building 1

“Vostryakovo” (for adults), st. Matrosova, 4

Southern Administrative District
“Kanatchikovo” (for adults), Kanatchikovsky proezd, 7,
for minors: Borisovsky pr., 15, building 3

“Marfino” (for adults), Gostinichny Proezd, 8a
for minors: st. Dekabristov, 22a

for adults: 3rd Silikatny pr., 4, building 1, for minors: st. Novoposelkovaya, 36

for minors: st. Novomoroshskaya, 3

South-Western Administrative District
for adults: Golubinskaya st., 32, building 2
At the shelters and sanitary inspection centers, after undergoing sanitary treatment, the homeless person receives a certificate giving the right to a full hot lunch: first, second and third (in disposable dishes).

Centers social adaptation(CSA)

CSA "Filimonki" (accepts only with a permit from the Department social protection population and if there is medical certificate indicating the diagnosis of the main and concomitant tests and the results of tests: chest x-ray, HIV, RV, hepatitis B and C, diphtheria and intestinal group. No contact with infectious patients.)

Address: Moscow region, Leninsky district, pos. Philimoniki

CSA "Lublino"

Address: st. Ilovaiskaya, 2
In case of a threat to life and health, all those in need are accepted, the number of places is 450, meals are provided once a day, fingerprinting is carried out at the Lyublino police station.

Feeding the homeless at churches

Church of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian (Annunciation in Shubin) (Wednesday, Friday from 14.00 to 16.00)
Address: Stoleshnikov lane, 2

Temple of the Assumption Holy Mother of God on Uspensky Vrazhek (Tuesday, Thursday from 15.00)
Address: Gazetny lane, 15

Temple Vladimir icon Mother of God(daily from 13.00 to 15.00)
Address: Moscow region, Mytishchi, Yaroslavskoe highway, 93

Catholic charitable foundation"Caritas"
Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 13

Church of the Ascension of the Lord on the Pea Field (daily at 13:00)
Address: st., Radio, 2

Today we will talk about what kind assistance to homeless people (homeless people) turns out to be in Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region, let’s introduce the organizations and volunteer teams that do this.

Let's start with statistics. According to estimates by the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection in the Russian capital in 2015, there were about 11 thousand homeless people. Officially. Let's add those who were not counted, and we get the number of a small provincial town. Many. But they say that the number of homeless people is decreasing. Let's trust the statistics from the Department.

How free assistance is organized for homeless people in Moscow:

City program "Social Patrol".

The Social Patrol program, which was launched several years ago, found a response in the hearts of many people who are not indifferent to those in need. Social security employees use 30 cars and 5 buses to deliver food, warm clothes, and provide medical care. 2 centers for social assistance and adaptation of homeless people have already been opened. A good start.

For those who need social protection assistance, we leave a link to the website page of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, where you can find information on the procedure for recognizing homeless citizens as needing to receive social services.

Help service for homeless people “Mercy”.

For more than ten years, she has been working with homeless people Orthodox service help "Mercy". This team has 3 main directions in which they move:

- preventive work at city stations.

In Moscow, there is a service for people who have lost their home or visitors who find themselves in difficult life circumstances: social hotels, where they will receive first aid, shelter from the cold, and even in some places help to rehabilitate themselves in life.

The capital's Department of Social Protection of the Population claims that Moscow shelters are ready to accept everyone who wants to stay warm in winter)) There will always be an extra bed or at least a mattress. Moreover, some establishments employ volunteers who help people restore documents or find work. Moscow night shelters today can accommodate, on average, up to 1,600 guests. One thing, of course, is not very pleasant for a casual visitor: in winter, drunken citizens are required to be admitted into shelter houses, while in the summer they were categorically not allowed. What can you do, it's cold.

Some addresses of social hotels:

Social hotel in Moscow:
CSA LUBLIN south-eastern adm okr 109651 st. Ilovayskaya, 2 from metro tekstilshchiki to Pererva station Sergey Velgelmovich director Ragilkhanova Valentina Borisovna deputy director 3573611 Deputy for ACh Kuzmina Tatyana Viktorovna 3564111

Social hotel in Moscow:
Filimonki on the basis of psycho-neurological dispensary No. 5 Director Lopatkina Natalya Vladimirovna 4366469 Deputy director Elena Leonidovna 4366201 Leninsky district p/o Valuevo village. Filimonki M south-west highway 611 to the Moskovsky state farm. Then take highway 420 to the village. Filimonki

Social hotel in Moscow:
Western Admin District 30 people St. Matrosova, 4 Director-Anufriev Boris Trofimovich 4391696 Deputy. According to ACh-Kondratiev Vyacheslav Sergeevich 4391684 Dezh administrator 4397869 Directions: metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya", then bus No. 66 to the stop. Platform "Vostryakovo" or bus No. 720 to the stop "DSK-3". From Kievsky railway station by e-train to the Vostryakovo platform.

Social hotel in Moscow:
DNP North West Adm District Department of Social Protection 30 people Director Maksimov Genad Genad. 8499 1917590 3rd Silikatny proezd, 4, building 1. Director-Maksimov Gennady Gennadievich, deputy. Directors Yuri Vasilievich. Directions from M. Polezhaevskaya station, bus no. 48,271,800 to the MZhK Atom stop, Silikatny proezd no. 4, building 1

Social hotel in Moscow:
Social shelter for the homeless in the southwest of the South-Western Administrative District st. Golubinskaya, 32, k.2 Director-Grachev Nikolay Nikolaevich 4234055 head. vr Tamara Ivanovna 427 9570 Directions from M. Yasenevo, bus no. 781.769 to the stop Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, building 1, building 3 117463

Social hotel in Moscow:
DNP "Kosino-Ukhtomsky" Eastern Administrative District st. Mikhelsona, 6 Director-Osyutin Dmitry Nikolaevich 7005235 Directions from the station. M. Vykhino, go to the Vykhino platform and then take bus 722 or 747 to the stop kindergarten St. Mikhelson 6

Social hotel in Moscow:
Yuzhnoye - Stanislav Aleksandrovich 89026859555 Elena Ivanovna Dorozhkina 9585451 Kanatchikovsky Proezd, building 7 Metro Leninsky Prospekt last car exit to Vavilova Street

Social hotel in Moscow:
TERESA'S HOUSE OF MERCY Parkovaya 3rd st. 44a, metro station Izmailovskaya