Timchenko family. Gennady Timchenko: biography

He began his career as a shift foreman at the Izhora plant in the city of Kolpino.

From 1982 to 1988 - senior engineer of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade.

In 1988 - vice-president of the state foreign trade company Kirishineftekhimexport (Kinex), Kirishi Oil Refinery.

In 1991, he went to work for the Urals-Finland company, which specialized in trading oil and petroleum products.

From 1994 to 2001 - Managing Director of IPP OY Finland and IPP AB Sweden.

In 1997, together with his partner Törnbjörn Törnqvist, he founded the company Gunvor international B.V.

In 2007 - founded a private investment fund Volga Resources. The fund invests in projects in the oil and gas industry, infrastructure, development and financial services sectors in Russia, the CIS countries, Central and Eastern Europe, Turkey.

Since 2011 - Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of the SKA hockey club (St. Petersburg).

Since 2012 - member of the Board of Directors of PJSC SIBUR Holding, Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC Continental Hockey League, member of the Board of Trustees of the All-Russian public organization"Russian Geographical Society".

Since 2014 - Chairman of the Russian part of the Council of the NP "Russian-Chinese Business Council", Chairman of the ROC Assistance Council, Vice-President of the Olympic Committee of the Russian Federation.

He took 1st place in the "DP Billionaires Rating - 2015". The fortune was estimated at 660 billion rubles. Main assets: NOVATEK, Stroytransgaz Group, SIBUR Holding, Rossiya Bank.

He took 1st place in the "DP Billionaires Rating - 2016". The fortune was estimated at 721 billion rubles. Main assets: NOVATEK, Stroytransgaz, SIBUR Holding, Transoil, Rossiya Bank.

He took 1st place in the "DP Billionaires Rating - 2017". The fortune was estimated at 801.5 billion rubles. Main assets: NOVATEK, Stroytransgaz, SIBUR Holding, Transoil, Rossiya Bank.

He took 1st place in the "DP Billionaires Rating - 2018". The fortune was estimated at 840 billion rubles. Main assets: NOVATEK, Stroytransgaz, SIBUR Holding, Transoil, Stroytransneftegaz.

Wives of most of the rating participants richest businessmen Russia across Forbes version avoid publicity. Their names appear in the press either due to high-profile divorces, as in the case of Elena Rybolovleva and Natalia Potanina, or - much less often - in connection with personal successes, as in the case of Irina Viner and Stella Kesaeva .

Irina Viner, wife of Alisher Usmanov

Husband: Alisher Usmanov, founder and main shareholder of USM Holdings (No. 3 in the ranking.
What it does: head coach of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, trained several Olympic champions, including Alina Kabaeva.

How we met: Irina Viner-Usmanova and Alisher Usmanov met in a gym in Tashkent, where she trained from the age of 11 rhythmic gymnastics, and he - fencing. They later met in Moscow, when Wiener was already working as a gymnastics coach, and Usmanov was a student at MGIMO. Soon they began to live together. Marriage proposal Usmanov did it while in prison, after he was sentenced to 8 years in prison in the so-called “cotton case” (In 1989, the court cleared Usmanov’s criminal record, and in 2000 Supreme Court Uzbekistan admitted that the 1980 conviction was unfair. Thus, the billionaire was found innocent of the crimes charged against him and has no criminal record). From the conclusion, Usmanov sent Wiener a handkerchief, which, according to Uzbek custom, means a marriage proposal. They got married in 1992.
Children: Irina has a son, Anton Viner, but no children together.

Quotes:“I think that a loved one, a favorite activity is happiness given from above. Therefore, you need, no matter what, not to give up or betray this happiness” (in an interview with Forbes Woman)

“The wife makes the husband. At the request of a woman, a man becomes the same person she imagined him to be. I always told Alisher: “You are a genius! You are great! And he became like this, although he went through many trials” (in an interview with Hello! magazine).

Marina Dobrynina, wife of Viktor Vekselberg

Husband: Viktor Vekselberg, chairman of the board of the Renova group of companies (No. 7 in the ranking of the richest Russians according to Forbes).

What it does: heads the Good Century charity support foundation (founded in 2002), which helps children and adults with mental disorders. The main work of the foundation is to support state and public organizations; the foundation oversees more than 100 projects for the rehabilitation of mental patients and helps create rehabilitation centers. The foundation holds a festival of creativity for people with mental disorders “Ariadne’s Thread”. Since 2008, together with the Nikita Mikhalkov Foundation, “Urga-Territory of Love” has been helping film veterans. Vekselberg also has his own charitable foundation, “Link of Times.”

Dasha Zhukova, wife of Roman Abramovich

Husband: Roman Abramovich, private investor (No. 13 in the ranking of the richest Russians according to Forbes)

What it does: founder of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, was editor-in-chief fashion magazine Pop, heads Garage Magazine, one of the creators of the Kova & T clothing brand.

Quote:“I can’t say if I’m a good cook. I don't cook at all. When I was in college, we made a lot of Mexican food: omelettes and simple appetizers. But I love to bake, I love making cookies, cupcakes and cakes.”

“For me, work is not just work, it is always pleasure” (in an interview with The Guardian).

David Yakobashvili, founder and member of the board of directors of Wimm-Bill-Dann, with his wife Hellas (right) and Regina von Flemming, former CEO of Axel Springer Russia

“My wife is in France. Whenever possible, I fly to her on weekends. I love being on the road. Besides, I have my own real estate business in Europe... I don’t feel lonely. We communicate. Now there are many electronic devices for this. Over these twenty years I have already gotten used to it. My whole life is in the office. I come home literally for a few hours - to sleep. I get up and go back to work. Work is the most important thing in my life” (David Yakobashvili in an interview with Itogi magazine).

Stella Kesaeva, wife of Igor Kesaev

Husband: Igor Kesaev, owner of the Mercury group of companies (No. 35 in the ranking of the richest Russians according to Forbes)

What it does: Collector of contemporary art, philanthropist, publisher. Founder of the Stella Art Foundation, commissioner of the Russian pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale. Owns the largest collection of Western and Russian artists in Russia, which includes 1,500 works. Stella’s husband helps finance the gallery. In 2004, Kesaeva organized the first exhibition of Ilya and Emilia Kabakov in Russia - “An Incident in a Museum and Other Installations” in the Hermitage.

Children: three children

Quote:“I grew up in the North, where my father worked as a geologist, there was no art there, only stones and the northern lights. During the holidays I went to Moscow and Leningrad, stood in lines at film festivals. And after getting married and moving to Moscow, there was absolutely nothing to do: children, housekeeping, no money, and it was unclear how to live further. In the early 1990s, we moved abroad, and I began visiting museums in New York and Geneva. Contemporary artists have become a real discovery for me. In general, what is more interesting to me is what cannot be explained, then the brain begins to work” (in an interview with “Dog” magazine).

“I am constantly adding to my collection, I love it, and I know that my children will be very happy to inherit these works. In 30 years they will probably go down in history” (in an interview with Forbes).

Elena Likhach, wife of Andrey Skoch

Husband: Andrey Skoch, deputy State Duma(No. 18 in the ranking of the richest Russians according to Forbes)

What it does: They met their husband Andrei Skoch more than 15 years ago, but only in 2011 did the lovers get married - in the closed Sporting Club establishment on the outskirts of Minsk (Elena is from Belarus). Philip Kirkorov congratulated the newlyweds.

Now Elena is pregnant - the child will be the fifth for her and the tenth for her husband (Skoch has 9 children in total, three of whom Elena gave birth to, and she, in turn, has a daughter from her first marriage). She tried herself as a denim designer, but in the end, the hobby brought only losses, and she quit it. She is famous for throwing parties at her house in Sardinia and, during the Cannes Film Festival, parking her yacht in front of the Eden-Roc, where the stars live.

Children: four children

Veronica Vardanyan, wife of Ruben Vardanyan

Husband: Ruben Vardanyan, partner at Vardanyan, Broitman and Partners (No. 81 in the ranking of the richest Russians according to Forbes)

What it does: Ruben Vardanyan’s wife agreed to become his wife three weeks after they met. Veronica, together with her husband, is the founder of the RWZ Foundation, which implements charitable projects in Russia and Armenia. Previously, she worked on projects in the hospitality industry, film production and distribution, and in 2009 she acted as a co-producer feature film“Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky”, which closed the Cannes Film Festival.

Children: four children

Quote:“We believe that children should be taught to take risks and have the strength and courage to go out of their way. comfort zone. You can only truly learn if you are constantly doing something new and constantly putting yourself in new circumstances. Otherwise there will be stagnation and lack of development. And in an ever-accelerating post-industrial society these skills will become even more important” (in an interview with Prime traveler magazine).

Anna Kasyan

Gennady Timchenko is a well-known entrepreneur and businessman, co-owner of the Volga Group, shareholder of NOVATEK (23.5%) and SIBUR (17%). A billionaire, as of April 18, 2019, his fortune is estimated at $20.1 billion.


Gennady Nikolaevich was born on November 9, 1952 in the Armenian city of Leninakan (now Gyumri) into a military family. In 1959, his father was transferred to serve in the GDR - there the boy went to first grade. They lived in Germany until 1965, then moved to Ukraine - they lived in Bolgrad near Odessa, where the future billionaire graduated from high school.


In 1970 he entered the Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute to become an electrical engineer.

Labor activity

The famous businessman began his career path at the Izhora plant in Leningrad region, there he worked as a shift foreman in the production of electric generators for nuclear power plants.

In 1982, he became a senior engineer at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade, a position he held for six years.

In 1988, he was appointed deputy director of the state foreign trade association Kirishineftekhimexport, created in 1987 (based on the Kirishi oil refinery).

Three years later, he moved to Finland and got a job at Urals Finland Oy, which in 1995 was renamed International Petroleum Products Oy (IPP). Then he took the post of deputy, and then general director.

Two years later, he and his partner Torbjorn Tornqvist founded the oil trading company Gunvor. Its services were used by state corporations - Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, and private ones - TNK-BP and Surgutneftegaz. After 17 years, he sold his share in the company to his partner.

In 2007, he opened the private investment fund Volga Resources, now Volga Group. It brings together the entrepreneur’s domestic assets in the energy, transport, infrastructure construction, finance and consumer sectors.

As of 2017, he owns a share of 23.55% of NOVATEK and 17% of SIBUR.

Latest news

On April 10, 2018, the RIA Novosti agency reported that due to new US sanctions, losses Russian billionaires the day after their introduction exceeded $15 billion (based on data from the Bloomberg Billionaires Index (BBI)).

So, Gennady Nikolaevich lost 1.15 billion dollars.

Social activities

In 1998, he co-founded the Yawara-Neva judo club.

In 2011, he was elected chairman of the economic council of French and Russian enterprises of the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFR). In the same year, Gennady Nikolaevich was appointed head of the board of directors and president of the SKA hockey club (St. Petersburg), and in 2012 - the Continental Hockey League (to date).


In 2013, he became a member of the trustees of the Russian Geographical Society.

In 2014, he was appointed chairman of the Russian part of the Russian-Chinese business council instead of Boris Titov.

In May 2014, he was elected vice-president of the Russian Olympic Committee.


Construction ended in 1999 Orthodox Church Resurrection of the Lord in Suida, near the city of Gatchina in the Leningrad Region, almost half of the amount for the construction of which was donated by the billionaire.

In 2007, together with the Surgutex company, he founded the Klyuch charitable foundation, which provides assistance to families who took in children from orphanages in the Leningrad, Tambov and Ryazan regions.

In 2008, together with his wife, he founded the non-profit Neva Foundation in Geneva, which finances projects cultural exchange in Russia and Switzerland, medical and scientific research and humanitarian assistance.

In 2010, the couple opened another charity fund, Ladoga, which helps older people, projects in the field of culture and modern medical technologies, and also restores monuments of spiritual and cultural heritage.


On May 23, 2014, with the support of an entrepreneur, a chess school of grandmaster Mark Taimanov was opened in St. Petersburg.


On July 4, 2013, he was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor for creating a permanent exhibition of Russian art in the Louvre, supporting the Russian Museum and organizing and holding the Alekhine Memorial tournament.

In August 2004, according to Kommersant-Dengi magazine, he was listed fifteenth among the hundred largest financiers in Russia.

In February 2005, he was mentioned for the first time in the ranking of the weekly “Finance.”: among 450 Russians, he was in the last ranks with a mark of $35 million. He appeared on a similar list in 2006, then in 2009 - 398th place and $70 million, in 2010 - 23rd line and $4.15 billion. In December 2009, he was included in the “300 richest residents of Switzerland” according to Bilan magazine.

In March 2008, he took 462nd place with a fortune of $2.5 billion in the ranking of the richest people on the planet by Forbes magazine. In May of the same year, with a similar condition, he took the 44th level in Russia. In 2009, it was 98th with $400 million. Then it remained in the top ten for three years: in 2014 it was sixth ($15.3 billion), in 2015 it was ninth ($10.7 billion), and at the end of 2016 became fifth with a fortune of more than 11 billion dollars.

03/20/2017 the next one was released Forbes list- with a mark of $16 billion, the billionaire took 59th place in the global ranking, while becoming fourth among Russians.

In March 2018, he took fifth place among the richest Russians and 82nd place among all billionaires in the world with a fortune of $16 billion (according to Forbes magazine). A month later, in April 2018, due to new US sanctions, the company lost $1.1 billion in a day.

On April 18, 2019, Forbes released another ranking, in which the businessman was ranked fifth among the richest businessmen in Russia with a fortune of $20.1 billion.

He was included in the top five richest businessmen of 2019 according to Forbes, taking fourth place (his wealth increased by $4.1 billion).


AND sports games He loves tennis most of all - he met many colleagues and business partners thanks to this sport.

In addition, he is interested in yachting, hockey, golf and skiing. He even sponsored a team of yachtsmen.

Marital status

She has been officially married for many years. Wife - Elena Petrovna - originally from Stavropol Territory, serves as president of Fondation Neva. Both of his daughters studied in the UK. There is also a son.

This is now the wife of Gennady Timchenko Elena - the wife of one of the richest Russian businessmen, whose fortune is estimated at $16.9 billion, and when they met, both were ordinary students. Elena Petrovna Timchenko has Finnish citizenship and is a co-founder of a charitable foundation with her husband.

Several years ago she was president of the Swiss Foundation Neva. For many years The billionaire's family lived in Europe, and after Gennady Nikolaevich and his business came under sanctions, they moved to Russia.

My family life The Timchenko couple started out with ordinary communal apartments. After graduating from university, Gennady Nikolaevich received a degree in electrical engineering, came to Izhevsk and got a job at one of the local factories that produced equipment for nuclear power plants. An important step in his career ladder was the transition to work in the factory sales department, from where he further stepped into the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the USSR.

After six years of work in the civil service, Timchenko received the position of deputy director of one of the largest oil refineries.

After the collapse Soviet Union Gennady Nikolaevich moved to Finland and became the head of the company Urals Finland Oy.

IN free time the oligarch's family loves to travel, and if previously they preferred European routes, now they visit interesting and beautiful places Russia.

Gennady Timchenko allocates a lot of money for the construction and restoration of churches throughout the country, and his and Elena Petrovna’s charitable foundation helps needy families, children, older people, and creates centers to support families with adopted children.

Timchenko created his own holding Volga Group in 2007 and since then has specialized in investments in the development of the insurance and banking sectors, culture and sports, energy and transport enterprises.

Gennady Timchenko’s wife has always been not only the keeper of the home, but also her husband’s business partner. Elena Petrovna is the mother of three children - two daughters and a son.

The eldest daughter Natalya specialized in English literature in Oxford, younger Ksenia Graduated with honors from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in French and philosophy. Son Sergei studied in Switzerland. The children of Gennady Timchenko are doing business in Russia.

Gennady Timchenko (born 1952) is a Russian businessman and billionaire. He owns the Volga Group investment group, which he founded, which specializes in investments in energy, transport and infrastructure assets. Previously, he was a co-owner of the international energy trader Gunvor Group. In 2014, Timchenko took 62nd place in the ranking of billionaires according to Forbes magazine. His equity as of April of this year, this magazine estimates it at $11.3 billion.

The Pre-Board of Directors of the KHL and the President of the SKA club (St. Petersburg) is still the same Gennady Timchenko. The photo below was taken last year and shows him as an open and friendly person.

Early life and family

Gennady Timchenko was born in 1952 in Armenian Leninakan (now Gyumri). His family was quite typical for that time. His father served in Soviet Army, and several years of his service were spent in the group Soviet troops in Germany (GSVG). Therefore, Gena Timchenko spent 6 years of his childhood (in the period 1959-1965) in the GDR, where he learned German, and also in Ukraine, in the city of Bolgrad in the Odessa region, where his father was subsequently transferred.

Where did Gennady Timchenko go after graduating from school? His biography continued in Leningrad, where he studied at the elite Soviet university - the Leningrad Military Mech, which trains personnel for enterprises of the military-industrial complex. After graduating in 1976, he became an electrical engineer.

Who is Gennady Timchenko married to? His wife Elena, who is a citizen of Finland, actively helps her husband in his affairs, especially those related to charity. They have three adult children - two daughters and a son.

As of August last year, Timchenko and his wife lived in Moscow in a rented house, which was previously the residence of Nikita Khrushchev. He also owns a house in Switzerland, by the way, next door to the famous Ukrainian oligarch

As Gennady Timchenko himself reported to ITAR-TASS last year, his son continues to remain a citizen of Finland and studies at the University of Geneva.

The path to the top of business

In 1977, Timchenko began working as an engineer at the Izhora plant in the city of Kolpino near Leningrad. The company then specialized in the production of large electric generators for power plants, including nuclear ones. Since the young specialist spoke German, he was transferred to the sales department of the plant. Here Timchenko began to make a career, and already in 1982 he moved to Moscow to the Ministry of Foreign Trade to the position of senior engineer in one of the departments of the ministry.

In 1988, when Russia began to liberalize its economy, he was appointed deputy director of the state oil company Kirishineftekhimexport (Kinex), which was created in 1987 from a refinery into one of the three largest refineries in the RSFSR. Timchenko’s team built the first export routes for some petroleum products from the USSR to Western countries, and Gennady Timchenko himself became one of the leading figures in the Russian (then Soviet) oil trade. Timchenko was essentially a pioneer in the sale of liquid petroleum products to the West, which allowed him to build routes for the movement of commodity and cash flows in conditions of practically complete absence competition, establish promising connections with an eye to the market future.

And it didn’t take long to arrive. As soon as the USSR collapsed in 1991, Timchenko left Russia and was hired by Urals Finland Oy, a Finnish-based company that specialized in importing Russian oil to Europe. He settled in Finland and became a citizen of this country.

This is where the developments of the perestroika period came in handy. Over four years of work, Timchenko rose to the position of first deputy, and then general director company, which became known as International Petroleum Products Oy (IPP). And Gennady Timchenko did not forget about his family. His children, born in Finland, a daughter and a son, became its citizens.

This period of activity also includes acquaintance with V.V. Putin, who at that time worked in the mayor’s office of St. Petersburg. However, it is naive to believe that Timchenko’s fortune arose thanks to the patronage of the then modest St. Petersburg official. The conditions for his accumulation of initial capital were created much earlier, back in the late eighties. While in Finland, Timchenko continued to use the Kirishi Oil Refinery as a source for importing petroleum products to the West, especially since until 1994 he was listed as the head of Kinex.

Having accumulated money from trading Russian oil abroad, in 1996, during privatization, Timchenko and his partners bought out Kinex. On its basis in 1997, the trading company Gunvor, specializing in oil trading, was founded. In addition to Timchenko, its second major shareholder was the Swedish businessman Torbjörn Törnqvist. who in an incomprehensibly successful way bought out his stake in the company from Timchenko in March 2014, the day before the start of US sanctions against the latter and his assets.

In 2007, Timchenko founded the private investment fund Volga Resources. Gradually, it developed into the Volga Group investment group, which consolidated its Russian and international assets in the fields of energy, transport, infrastructure, financial services and the consumer sector.

In July 2013, he became a Knight of the French Legion of Honor for organizing a permanent exhibition of Russian art in the Louvre, supporting the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, and helping chess players hold the Alekhine Memorial tournament.

Last March, after the Crimean referendum, the US Treasury placed Timchenko on a list of individuals designated as “members of the inner circle of the Russian leadership.” The sanctions froze all assets he held in the United States and banned him from entering the country.


In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Timchenko said that in 1999 he ceased to be a Russian citizen and received Finnish citizenship. In 2004, Helsingin Sanomat wrote that he acquired Finnish citizenship while living in Geneva at the time. In October 2012, in an interview with the Russian edition of Forbes, Timchenko said that he is both a Russian and a Finnish citizen. Last August, he told ITAR-TASS that he needed Finnish citizenship to travel abroad in the 1990s, when it was difficult to travel on a Russian passport, and that he never hid the fact that he had two passports. In the USA, the Department of the Treasury when transferring individuals sanctioned in connection with Crimean events 2014, lists him as a citizen of Russia, Finland and Armenia.

Gennady Timchenko: net worth

It has interests in various gas, transportation and construction organizations. Among his holdings: the gas company Novatek, the petrochemical concern SIBUR Holding, the railway operator for the transportation of petroleum products Transoil, the construction corporation STG Group and the insurance corporation SOGAZ. He is considered one of the most influential Russian oligarchs, having close ties with V.V. Putin, for which he was subjected to sanctions by the United States as punishment for the annexation of Crimea to Russia. In response to this, Timchenko said: “You must be responsible for everything, even for friendship with the president.” Until March last year, he was one of the founders of Gunvor Group, one of the largest international energy traders.

According to the Russian publication RBC, in 2012 Timchenko’s assets were estimated at $24.61 billion.

In addition to business assets, according to media reports, he also owns real estate in Geneva with an area of ​​341 m², which is located on a plot of just over 1 hectare of land. According to Geneva land registry data, the purchase price of the property was SFR 8.4 million (at the time of purchase in 2001 - about $11 million).

His income, according to Finnish data tax authorities, increased tenfold from 1999 to 2001. In 2001, he reported an income of EUR 4.9 million. Due to high taxes, Gennady Timchenko moved to Switzerland in 2002, but has lived in Russia for the last few years.


Gennady Timchenko was a co-founder of the Gunvor Group corporation, registered in Cyprus and operating in trade and logistics on the international energy market. On March 19, 2014, he sold his stake in Gunvor to another co-founder. The sale was made the day before Timchenko was placed on the US sanctions list. The transaction amount is not disclosed.

In November 2014, the Wall Street Journal reported that the US Department of Justice for the Eastern District of New York was considering charges of illegal transactions in which Gunvor Group bought oil from Russia from Rosneft OJSC and sold it to third parties through the US financial system. Gunvor released a statement in response on November 6, denying any wrongdoing.

"Volga Group"

In 2007, Gennady Timchenko founded the Luxembourg-based fund Volga Resources. The fund, which combines Timchenko’s assets, was renamed in June 2013 into the Volga Group investment group, presented at the international economic forum in St. Petersburg. He noted that over the next few years his group will focus on developing infrastructure projects in Russia.

The group owns assets in the energy, transport and industrial infrastructure, and also provides financial services, trades in consumer goods and real estate. Its most famous investments are those in the gas company NOVATEK and the petrochemical company Sibur.

In April last year, Gennady Timchenko sold a 49% stake in the Finnish company IPP Oy, which owned 99% of the Finnish aviation company Airfix Aviation. This was a small part of the Volga Group portfolio.

Volga Group was included in the 2014 sanctions list of the US Department of the Treasury (OFAC - Office of Foreign Assets Control).

Sports and fitness business

In July 2013, together with his brothers Boris and Gennady Timchenko, he created the company Arena Events Oy, which bought 100% of the shares of the large Helsinki sports hall Hartwall Areena. It also contains a multi-storey parking lot with a capacity of 1,421 private vehicle. The partners also bought a stake in the Jokerit club, whose team became a six-time Finnish champion top level hockey league Liiga. Consequently, Jokerit were transferred to the Kontinental Hockey League for the 2014–15 season, where they played in the Western Conference in the Bobrov Division.

Social activities and charity

What else is Gennady Timchenko famous for? His biography would be incomplete without saying a few words about his philanthropy. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society.

In 1998, he became one of the co-founders of the Yavara-Neva judo club.

In 2007, Timchenko and the Surgutex company founded the Klyuch charitable foundation, which supports family orphanages in Leningrad, Tambov and Ryazan regions.

In 2008, the Timchenko couple founded the Neva Foundation in Geneva in order to support and finance cultural projects in Switzerland and Russia. The main focus of the work was the partnership with the Geneva Opera. The St. Petersburg Philharmonic was its trustee.

In 2010, they also created the Ladoga Foundation. His main activities were aimed at helping older people, as well as restoring historical monuments, for support cultural projects and the introduction of modern medicine technologies. Since September 2013, the Ladoga Foundation has been called " Charitable Foundation Elena and Gennady Timchenko." Reviews in the press indicate that its activities correspond to the stated focus, and the founders of the fund finance it on a regular basis.

Timchenkr is on the board of trustees of the Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center in Moscow.

Sports and hobbies

Timchenko is a fan of playing and watching tennis. Through his previously owned Finnish company IPP, he has sponsored the Finnish Open Tennis Tournament since 2000. According to some reports, he was a sponsor of the Finnish team in the Davis Cup and financed a number of Russian tennis players.

In April 2011, Timchenko became the pre-board of directors of HC SKA (St. Petersburg), replacing Alexander Medvedev. In May of the same year, as part of new structure management of the club, he was appointed its president.

In July 2012, he took over as Chairman of the KHL Board of Directors.


On October 12, 2013, Timchenko received the French Legion of Honor. This award was the reason for the opposition Russian publicist and writer Andrei Piontkovsky to write in his blog on Ekho Moskvy that “... awarding a criminal with the nickname Gangrene the highest honor of the country covers the French state with shame.” Only one thing is not clear: from which finger did Piontkovsky suck this “gangrene”. Timchenko, of course, is not an angel, but he clearly made his capital not in a criminal environment, but among the Soviet party nomenklatura, which took advantage of Gorbachev’s perestroika to accumulate its initial capital.

Is it possible to communicate with Timchenko on the Internet?

In an interview with ITAR-TASS on August 4, 2014, Timchenko said that he does not use a computer, unlike his wife Elena, who has her own email address. According to him, she receives up to one and a half hundred letters a day and tries to answer everything. Imagine how many letters Gennady Timchenko himself could receive! For this reason, contacts with him are not available to the general public.

It turns out that he is a very closed figure. Actually, this is a very convenient position, which Gennady Timchenko took advantageously. Contacts, mail - all this carries potential risks of information leakage about his business, which, in conditions of very intense competition, can harm him irreparable harm. That is why Timchenko is in no hurry to open up to the public. However, if someone is impatient to communicate with him, then you can try writing to email"Timchenko Foundation": [email protected].