The Supreme Court returned the apartment that the scammers had taken from her to the ex-soloist of the Strelka group. The lead singer of the group “Strelki” defends her husband, who was convicted of beating his mistress. The lead singer of Strelki got married in prison.

In February of this year, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky beat Ksenia Timoshchinko, with whom he lived for 5.5 years. However, in April, in a pre-trial detention center, he married singer Ekaterina Kravtsova.

The final point is set at complicated story soloist of the Strelki group Ekaterina Kravtsova, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky and model Ksenia Timoschenko. The man was found guilty of attempted murder of Timoschenko - he brutally beat her and attacked her with a knife. The court sentenced Lyubomsky to seven years of strict regime.

Lyubomsky and Kravtsova met in school age. Their relationship could not be called stable: they came together, then diverged, until one day they decided to live together. “We started everything from scratch. I went with him from the beginning, I know how he got what he got. A fighting friend,” recalls Katya. The couple lived in actual marriage for 15 years, they had two sons. However, Lyubomsky was in no hurry to take Kravtsova to the registry office.

At the end of the 2000s, the idyll ended: Lyubomsky left Catherine and began to live in a new civil marriage with model Ksenia Timoschenko, who gave birth to his son. True, and in new family things didn't go too smoothly.

“Sergei has always had an excessive addiction to alcohol,” Timoschenko told StarHit in April 2015. - On this basis, two years ago I left him, but he returned me. I swore that this problem would never affect our family again. But... As it turned out, at the moment of our breakup, he also began using narcotic substances. Very long time I tried to help him cope with this trouble. During this period, I lost my business and my health suffered greatly, as I did not rest for days, and my whole life was devoted to only one question - how to get a person out of the drug abyss.”

As a result, after 5.5 years of marriage, Ksenia realized that her relationship with Sergei had come to an end. Tymoshchenko claims that she herself left her common-law spouse. According to another version, it was he who left his second family. Be that as it may, Lyubomsky returned to Kravtsova, and Ksenia met Pavel Pyatnitsky, with whom she began an affair.

The tragedy occurred on February 2. Lyubomsky brutally beat Timoschenko. “From the first blow, he broke my nose, and I immediately began to choke on blood... Lyubomsky didn’t just come to hit me out of jealousy, but came to kill me... The neighbors began to open the doors because they heard the noise. He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me down to the street. I fell on the asphalt, he pressed me with his foot, and stabbed me in the neck with a knife. The knife was pressing into my throat, and I was holding it with all my strength right by the blade,” recalls Ksenia.

“This is what I was going for. Even if it was in such a strange way, I got there,” the newlywed said then.

What was the reason for such aggressive behavior businessman, unclear. According to one version, Tymoshchenko did not allow him to see his son, according to another, Lyubomsky was jealous of Ksenia’s new boyfriend. People from the millionaire’s inner circle are sure that his inappropriate behavior is due to the stalling of his business. Lyubomsky for a long time traded land near Moscow, and when the new governor decided to deal with these illegal transactions, for many, including Sergei, the hour of reckoning came.

Lyubomsky did not admit his guilt and stated that all this was the machinations of competitors. However, the court sentenced him to seven years in prison.

“The prosecutor asked for 11 years and 3 months, so Lyubomsky got off easy,” Ksenia Timoshenko’s lawyer Oksana Mikhalkina told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - But we will not appeal the court's decision. Nevertheless, we will insist that he serve his sentence in full and not be released on parole.”

Not long ago, the name of Ekaterina Kravtsova, a former member of the Strelki group, nicknamed Radio Operator Kat, again became on everyone’s lips. The girl found herself involved in loud scandal in the case of her husband Sergei Lyubomsky, who was sentenced to 7 years for beating his mistress, Ukrainian model Ksenia Timoschenko.

Ekaterina and Sergei have been dating since school. The couple lived together for 15 years, the singer gave birth to two children. I found out by chance that he had another family. “It was June 2013. The text message arrived in the night. I had never read my husband’s phone number, but here I took it and... There was something about money. I don’t remember exactly: when it hurts a lot, it rubs off the memory well... In horror, I began to flip through the pages and suddenly saw a photograph of a two-year-old child. On stiff legs she approached her husband and asked: “Who is this?” He replied: “This is my son,” she told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Despite her state of shock, Katya managed to forgive her husband: “He is smart, he is kind. He took care of me, since I didn’t know for a long time. Now, instead of Sergei, I manage business affairs and understand how everything is structured for him. The heights he reached were only thanks to his mentality.”

On February 2, 2015, Sergei returned home and said that he hit his mistress Ksenia in the nose. "Why?!" - Katya asked. “She opened her mouth,” answered the husband. On February 13, he was detained for attempted murder. Two months later, Katya and Sergei registered their marriage in the office of the head of the pre-trial detention center. “The wedding was terrible,” says Ekaterina Kravtsova, “they searched me: “Sit this way, stand like this,” they undressed me... You walk around the territory in a veil, the prisoners shout at you through the bars... Then I sat in the bathroom for three days, I couldn’t wash myself. Yes, this is not how I imagined it. After all, I’m a girl, I’ve been moving towards this moment all my life...”

Six years ago, Sergei Lyubomsky, while doing business with his father, acquired a land plot of 62 hectares worth 329 million rubles in the Chekhovsky district. On this land it was planned to organize cottage village. According to Ekaterina, the incident with the beating of her mistress was set up due to a lawsuit over land. The reason for everything is a financial conflict between Sergei Lyubomsky and Leonid Venzhik, who have known each other since they were 13 years old. According to Venzhik, he was going to buy a holiday village, but Lyubomsky began to evade registering the transaction after he received Venzhik’s money.

Everyone has different versions, and it is extremely difficult to understand the situation. There is an opinion that Radio Operator Kat is using this situation as PR. After several appearances on TV shows, her career took off again, and the producer decided to reassemble the Strelki group, which had been disbanded 10 years ago.

The Strelki group is a product of Russian show business in the nineties, when similar groups appeared almost every year. The girls claimed the title of “Russian Spice Girls” along with their colleagues from the group. But the “shooter” was distinguished by the diversity of voices and the personal image of each of the participants.


The history of the creation of "Strelok" is vague. According to one version, the participants are representatives of the “golden youth”, whose rich parents helped them realize their personal ambitions. According to the second, the girls had to go through a frantic competition. And the third one is basically a fairy tale about Cinderella. Allegedly, the girls sang karaoke at a Turkish resort, and there they were heard by producers Igor Seliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky. This happened in 1997.

The first composition of the group "Strelki"

The authorship of the name, which initially, again according to the version, looked like “Strelki”, belongs to the choreographer of the group. The first lineup included 7 people: Svetlana (Gera) Bobkina, Maria (Margot) Korneeva, Ekaterina (Radio Operator Kat) Kravtsova, Maria (Mouse) Solovyova, Anastasia (Stasya) Rodina and Liya Bykova.

In the same 1997, the singers recorded their first songs and presented them to the Soyuz studio. But the studio refused further cooperation. Then the company GALA RECORDS became interested in the group and offered a contract for three albums.

In 1998, the first changes occurred in the composition. Liya Bykova left the group, intending to continue her studies. For some time, a girl named Tatyana, a member of the ballet group, performed instead of her. In September 1998, Larisa (Fox) Batulina appeared.

Subsequently, an incredible leapfrog followed with the Strelka line-up, since at the same time there was a so-called second line-up of Strelka International. Although the participants of the “core” in interviews call the understudies an independent project.

Girls from both lineups periodically came and left from the first to the second. Only true fans can figure out how to change first and last names. By the way, it is unclear exactly which “Strelki” starred in the video for the song “Sexual Revolution”.

In October 1999, Anastasia Rodina left the group. The girl got married and moved to the Netherlands. At the beginning of 2000, Maria Solovyova went on maternity leave. Then, for two years, Salome (Tori) Kitia (Rosiver) and Svetlana Bobkina could be heard in the group’s videos and albums.

In 2002, Yulia Glebova left the Strelka group. Taking the pseudonym Beretta, the singer began solo career. Soon the producers of the group fired Ekaterina Kravtsova.

The 2003 video “Yugorskaya Valley” starred Maria Korneeva, Svetlana Bobkina and Larisa Batulina. They were joined by Lana (Lulu) Timakova, Elena (Malaya) Mishina, Natalya Deeva and. In March of the same year, Mishina left and was replaced by Galina (Gala) Trapezova. After some time, Svetlana (Gera) Bobkina and Maria (Margot) Korneeva left the group at the same time. The girls created their own project called “Bridge”.

In October 2003, in a new video, Strelki appeared again with a new lineup: Larisa Batulina, Natalya Deeva, Oksana Ustinova, Lana Timakova and Galina Trapezova. Later, Nastya Bondareva and Nika Knight joined the “base”. Larisa Batulina left the team due to her age.

New composition of the group "Strelki"

The American tour in 2004 took place in the composition of Kovalev - Deeva - Deborah - Knight. Timakova, Osipova, Ustinova, Dmitricheva, Trapezova went to France. The latter left the group in 2005, moving to the Wild Berries group.

By 2006, which is considered the year of the group’s collapse, “Strelki” came together as Timakov - Kovalev - Ustinov - Knight - Deev - Osipov. It is again impossible to speak with complete confidence about the date of the group’s demise. And all because until 2012, different “second” lineups and short-term associations of former members of the group performed at different venues.

According to the girls themselves, the main work stopped back in 2002. The tastes and preferences of viewers have changed. Fundamental changes were required in the group's style and music, but the producers did not want to invest in an upgrade.

The unofficial “Strelok” period begins in 2006. Over the next six years, Osipova, Bondareva, Simakova, Ovchinnikova, Rubtsova, Evsyukova left the group. Aida Valiakhmedova, Olesya Levites, Ellina Tokareva and Deborah Natasha Chloe took part in both the main and second casts.


The first performance under the wing of GALA RECORDS took place at the Metelitsa club. The debut video for “Strelok”, entitled “Mom”, was released in November 1997. A year later, the first album followed - “Arrows are moving forward” with the hit “At the Party”. The song took leading positions in the charts and received 2 awards, including the Golden Gramophone.

In 1998, videos were released for the songs “First Teacher”, “Resort Romance”, “Happy New Year!” and "Moscow". The group received the Ovation Award as the best pop group.

In 1999, Strelki presented a video for the song “You Left Me” featuring famous actor and models Olga Maltseva. The hit became business card groups. A year later, the actor was invited to shoot the “Boomerang” video. The song of the same name was included in the album “Strelki 2000”.

In the same year, the album “Everything According to ...” was released, there were tours in America and Germany, a concert at the Olimpiysky, in honor of which Strelki opened an official website. At the same time, the clips “Thorns and Roses”, “I’m Good”, “No Love” were released. Working together“Strelok” became the video for the song “I’ll be back.” A sticker album with information about the group and photos of the members has been released for fans.

In 2000, the second Ovation Award followed, along with the biographical film Strelki Go Forward, the video for The Sun Behind the Mountain, and the scandalous Lovelessness. The latest video was awarded the Golden Gramophone, and the single was released in four versions.

In 2001, the album “Megamix” was released - a collection of previously released songs, several new songs and videos. In June 2002, the premiere of the album “Love Me More” took place with the hits “Vetochka” and “Forgive me.” Some of the songs were written by Svetlana Bobkina and. The album includes solo works by Maria Korneeva and Svetlana Bobkina.

In 2003, viewers saw the clips “Veterok” and “ best friend" A year later, a tour took place in the USA, new songs were recorded (“Valentine”, “Rain is dripping”, “Bonfire of Letters”). Work began on the album "Odyssey", but it was never released. In subsequent years, “Strelki” shot several videos - for the songs “Heat”, “Don’t Go”, “Mama”.

From 2009 to 2012, Svetlana Bobkina and Yulia Beretta worked in the duet “NeStrelki”, but did not achieve fame.

In 2015, “Strelki” (Tori, Margot, Gera and Kat) were revived to take part in “Disco 90s”. Nostalgia for past success resulted a little later in the songs “A Man in Love” and “I Want to Be Thin,” which were also played on leading radio stations.

Strelki group now

Part of the gold composition in social networks calls itself “Ex-STRELKI Hera&Margo&Katt”, started a page on Instagram. Girls perform on radio and television, at presentations, and in clubs. Before they could return, the team suffered losses again. This time Tori left. A young mother of three children refused to appear in a candid video for the song “It’s too late to love me.”

Composition of the group "Strelki" 2017: Svetlana Bobkina, Ekaterina Kravtsova, Maria Bibilova

In the fall of 2017, Strelki presented a video for the new song “Adrenaline.” The trio of Ekaterina Kravtsova, Svetlana Bobkina and Maria Bibilova (Kat, Gera and Margot) performed at the Moscow karaoke bar “Cinematograph”. Maria, in addition, created her own jewelry brand B.B.Love.

Svetlana, under the name Bobi, is simultaneously working on solo project. He posts singles and videos on his personal channel on YouTube. Other girls have developed lives outside of Strelok.

Sali Rossiver graduated music school them. Gnessin and acting course at the theater. Stanislavsky. He runs his own vocal school.

Yulia Beretta is a member of the Russian Film Actors Guild, graduated from GITIS. Her filmography includes 30 films and performances. Sometimes she performs solo as a singer and has recorded two albums.

Larisa Batulina (Lisa) lives in London and is a designer.

Nastya Rodina is also a foreigner, lives in Holland, and has three sons. Works as a yoga instructor.

Liya graduated from the Moscow Linguistic Institute with a degree in English and Chinese languages and moved to Australia. There she received a master's degree in finance from the University of New South Wales.

Maria Solovyova, Dirgen, graduated from GITIS, by education she is a director of the variety department, a teacher and choreographer. Lives in Turkey with her husband and 3 children.


  • 1998 - “Arrows go forward”
  • 1999 - “Everything according to...”
  • 2000 - “Strelki 2000”
  • 2001 - “MegaMix”
  • 2002 - “Love me more”


  • 1997 - “Mommy”
  • 1998 - “At the Party”
  • 1999 - “You left me”
  • 2000 - “Boomerang”
  • 2001 - “Forgive and Farewell”
  • 2002 - “Twig Girl”
  • 2003 - “Ugra Valley”
  • 2004 - “Don’t Let Me Go”
  • 2016 - “It’s too late to love me”
  • 2017 - “Adrenaline”

The Dorogomilovsky District Court of Moscow sentenced businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, who is the husband of a singer from the pop group Strelki. A man tried to kill his model lover, preferring an artist nicknamed Radio Operator Kat.

According to the court's decision, Sergei Lyubomsky will spend seven years behind bars. He will serve his sentence in a high-security penal colony, RAPSI reports, citing the victim’s lawyer Oksana Mikhalkina.

It has been established that Sergei Lyubomsky, even before his marriage, was a member of love relationships with two women at once - artist Ekaterina Kravtsova (Radio Operator Kat) and model Ksenia Timoschenko. Moreover, the businessman lived with Kravtsova in a civil marriage, raising two children together, as reported by the NTV channel.

In the winter of 2015, Lyubomsky planned to kill Tymoshchenko.

On February 2, the convict was waiting for Timoschenko at the entrance of her house. “When she approached the apartment, he hit her in the face, breaking her nose, and then inflicted multiple stab wounds. Before that, he threatened to kill her mother,” said lawyer Oksana Mikhalkina.

On February 13, Lyubomsky was arrested. The crime committed and the investigative actions caused a great resonance. In early March, this story became the subject of Andrei Malakhov’s talk show “Let Them Talk” on Channel One.

Once in the pre-trial detention center, Lyubomsky married the lead singer of “Strelok” Ekaterina Kravtsova.

According to Mikhalkina, the defendant did not repent of his actions during the hearing and did not admit guilt to threatening to kill and attempted murder.

The prosecutor asked for 11 years and three months in prison for Lyubomsky.

After the verdict was read out, the injured party expressed satisfaction. “We will not appeal this decision, but we will insist that he serve his sentence in full, without parole,” Mikhalkina said.

Radio Operator Kat version

As Ekaterina Kravtsova explained earlier, her common-law husband allegedly framed because of a dispute over land.

Six years ago, Sergei Lyubomsky, while doing business with his father, acquired a land plot of 62 hectares worth 329 million rubles in the Chekhovsky district. It was planned to organize a cottage community on this land. But then Sergei’s longtime acquaintance, Leonid Venzhik, “tried to squeeze out” this area, Kravtsova told Express Gazeta.

Three times the Chekhov court ruled in favor of Lyubomsky, but the Moscow Regional Court overturned it. And when the judge of the Chekhov court saw signs of fraud in Venzhik’s actions, he decided to “set up a setup with Ksenia Timoschenko,” Kravtsova believes.

According to her, Sergei left the family in February 2014 and lived with his mistress until November. During this time, Ksenia took over the house purchased with Lyubomsky’s money and received three expensive cars from him. And after the separation, she allegedly blackmailed him that she would not allow him to see the child if he did not leave her all the property.

According to Kravtsova, after the arrest, the operatives began to offer Sergei a deal: “You give up the plot, and we will release you.”

“And some people of Caucasian nationality are breaking into my house and sending text messages to my phone with insults and threats. In general, everything is in the best traditions of the 90s,” the artist added.

Let us add that Leonid Venzhik admitted the fact of a financial conflict with Sergei Lyubomsky, whom he had known since he was 13 years old. But he argues that during the infrastructure partnership land plot lent Sergei 500 thousand dollars. Then Lyubomsky offered him to buy the land for 900 thousand rubles to pay off his debts. But after receiving the money, he began to avoid registering the transaction.

The lead singer of the Strelki group, Ekaterina Kravtsova, had her apartment worth 60 million rubles stolen. But how did the scammers manage to deceive Radio Operator Kat?

Sergey Vinogradov/TASS

Several years ago, the singer purchased real estate. Through a realtor, Ekaterina rented out the house to a certain Bella Moiseeva, who purchased a passport in the name of Elena Kravtsova in order to introduce herself as the owner’s sister. Afterwards, the fraudster turned to a notary and received the right to sell the apartment, which was allegedly signed by Radio Operator Kat herself. “I find out that my apartment, it turns out, is no longer mine. I found out about this on May 25, 2017. As it turned out later, the apartment was resold twice, and then also mortgaged to the bank. It’s a complicated scheme,” Kravtsova told


Kravtsova filed a lawsuit in civil court. The singer won the first hearing, but the accused filed an appeal, and the court overturned the initial decision. The case has now been transferred to the Supreme Court. So far, no date has been set for a new hearing, and the case has been reclassified as a criminal case.

However, according to the singer, the investigation has not yet brought results: “Everything there is sluggish. All this is very difficult for me. The most difficult thing is to prove the notary’s guilt. She claims that I myself signed the notary register for the transfer of the right to sell, after an examination was carried out, during which it was proven that the signature was not mine. But the notary continues to claim the opposite. The fact of negligence is obvious. But, alas, so far it seems only to me. But it’s okay, we’ll fight,” shared Ekaterina.

As you know, trouble does not come alone. Shortly before Kravtsova’s apartment was stolen, her husband was sent to prison. She lived with Sergei Lyubomsky in a de facto marriage for 15 years and gave birth to two children from him. In 2013, the singer found out that a man was cheating on her with model Ksenia Timoschenko. Moreover, Sergei has illegitimate son. Kravtsova forgave her husband.

In February 2015, Sergei returned home and said that he had hit his mistress. A few days later, Lyubomsky was detained for attempted murder. But this could not shake Kravtsova’s love for her husband: they got married right in the pre-trial detention center. “The wedding was terrible,” says Ekaterina Kravtsova. “They searched me: “Sit like this, stand like this,” they undressed me... You walk around the territory in a veil, the prisoners shout at you through the bars... Then I sat in the bathroom for three days, I couldn’t wash myself. Yes, this is not how I imagined it. After all, I’m a girl, I’ve been moving towards this moment all my life...”