What is Vera Brezhnev's real name? First husband - about Vera Brezhneva: “When I saw her for the first time, it seemed to me that the sun had risen”

Vera Brezhneva– a talented singer, successful woman, beloved wife and mother of 2 daughters. For her fans she is always 18, and for envious people she is 25. You will be surprised to find out how old Vera Brezhneva really is.

Sometimes it seems that for some women the concept of age does not exist at all. They are always well-groomed, sexy, young, beautiful and desirable. Crowds of fans admire not only their appearance, but also their talents. And the date on the passport does not matter. A striking example of this is the singer and actress Brezhnev. Her radiant smile, bright appearance, well-groomed skin and luxurious hair, mislead even the most attentive fans. But, looking at the path she has traveled and achievements achieved, both in creativity and in personal happiness, you understand that a lot of time and effort was spent on this.

In 2017, Brezhneva turned 35 years old.

Biography of Vera Brezhneva: how old was she?

Vera was born on February 3, 1982 in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk (Ukraine). In a large family of workers, there were four daughters. Working at a chemical plant, my parents did not have enough money not only for clothing, but sometimes even for food. WITH early years Vera had to work. She received her first salary at the age of 11 for cleaning a park in Dneprodzerzhinsk. Not afraid of ridicule from her peers and hard work, she took on any part-time job: washing dishes, cleaning, working as a nanny.

Thanks to her determination and incredible hard work, Vera was lucky. At the concert, the producers of the VIA GRA group noticed her and invited her to their team. From that moment on, her singing career began, and dramatic changes took place in her life. She left her hometown and took Galushko, Brezhnev’s pseudonym, instead of her last name. Its origin is associated with General Secretary Brezhnev, who was her fellow countryman. But, apart from the place of birth, nothing else connects these two “namesakes”. Fans are often interested in the question: “How old is Vera Brezhneva?”

Personal life of Vera Brezhneva

In 2001, she gave birth to her first daughter, Sonya, from Vitaly Voichenko. This civil relationship did not last long; the singer does not like to talk about them.

Later, Vera Brezhneva married again. In 2006, relations with Mikhail Kiperman were formalized. This is a famous and successful businessman from Ukraine. In 2009, a daughter was born, named Sarah. This is Brezhneva’s second child. The marriage lasted 6 years, after which the couple quietly divorced without a loud showdown.

Later, the media attributed Brezhneva's affairs with various famous men. The singer did not have an official relationship during this period, and she stubbornly denies these rumors.

After 2 years of the status of a “divorced woman” whose heart is free, Brezhneva formalized her official marriage with Konstantin Meladze. They had known him since collaboration in the VIA GRA group. There have long been rumors about their romance, but the couple officially denied it. The wedding ceremony took place in a narrow circle of friends and relatives, in a picturesque corner of Italy. The newlyweds also spent their honeymoon there.

Beauty secrets from Vera Brezhneva

It was this sexy beauty that in 2007, according to Maxim magazine, received the title of the most sexy woman Russia, and in 2010, an award from Viva magazine “The Most beautiful woman Ukraine". Finding out how old Brezhneva is, not only fans, but also her colleagues in the shop often ask how she manages to keep herself in such great shape. Here are the main secrets she shared with the press:

  1. Exercise. Vera devotes quite a lot of time to them. Every morning he does exercises and enjoys yoga. Despite how old Brezhneva is, she devotes at least an hour to sports every day. He considers this the main guarantee of his fit figure and attractive shape.
  2. Proper nutrition. The singer often eats in small portions. Prefers healthy and low-calorie foods. With a height of 172 cm, her weight remains at around 52 kilograms. Another tip from the star is not to eat 4 hours before bedtime.
  3. Self-care. Going to a cosmetologist and massage therapist is her way of life. Brezhneva also devotes a lot of time to home treatments that help take care of her skin and hair. And, you see, they look gorgeous on the star. Stage makeup and frequent hair styling have a negative impact on the star's appearance. But all this can be corrected and restored, the main thing is not to be lazy.
  4. Good mood. A positive attitude towards life, incredible hard work, hope for the best are always present in her life, no matter how old Brezhneva is, she always radiates vital energy and charges all the people around her with it.
  5. Full sleep. This is another pledge beautiful appearance. Knowing how old Brezhneva is, her colleagues claim that she will look beautiful without makeup if she rests well and gets enough sleep. Frequent tours, flights, performances, filming do not always provide the opportunity to fully rest, but if the opportunity arises, Vera sleeps at least 8 hours a day.

Realizing how old Vera Brezhneva is, and how beautiful she looks for her age, I want to not only admire her, but also take her as an example to follow. We wish Vera further creative success and female happiness. Let her continue to delight her fans with new musical hits and talented roles played to the cinema.

Vera was born on February 3, 1982 in Dneprodzerzhinsk. Father - Viktor Mikhailovich Galushka, worked at the Dnieper chemical plant, and mother - Tamara Vitalievna Galushka (nee Permyakova) - at a metallurgical plant. Vera has three sisters: Galina and younger twins - Nastya and Vika (Victoria Galushka is married to Alexander Tsekalo, they have two children).

As a child, the future singer played handball, basketball, karate and rhythmic gymnastics, as well as dancing. She attended courses for drivers and assistant secretaries, and studied English with a tutor. Vera dreamed of enrolling in the law department, but became a correspondence student at the Faculty of Economics of the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Engineers railway transport.

At the end of 2002, the future star moved to Kyiv, where she successfully passed the casting for the female trio “ VIA Gra"in place of the departing Alena Vinnitskaya, and began working in the group under the pseudonym Vera Brezhneva.

Vera Brezhneva: “It was an accident that led

Famous singer and TV presenter Ukrainian origin Vera Brezhneva (real name Vera Galushka) was born on February 3, 1982 in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. She became known to listeners thanks to her participation in the notorious musical ensemble “VIA-GRA”. Since that time, fans began to closely monitor any changes in the personal life of their favorite.

Biography of Vera Brezhneva: family, children, photos

Now the name of this pretty girl is already on everyone’s lips. They talk about her not only as a talented singer, but also as a standard of femininity. Vera grew up in a middle-income family, where in addition to her, two more twin sisters were raised: Victoria and Anastasia. Their parents worked at a local chemical plant. They tried to ensure that the children did not need anything, but the girls went to school in the same clothes and did not have expensive toys. This did not affect relationships with peers in the best possible way. Faith, among other things, in school years did not have an attractive appearance. But the future star had plenty of artistry.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva with children

She began playing Brezhnev's first roles back in kindergarten at matinees. The girl did not attend any specialized clubs, but on stage she felt like a fish in water, which attracted the attention of others. During her school years, she continued to improve her skills.
From a young age, Vera dreamed of becoming an artist and did everything to make her dream come true. Her parents could not provide their daughter with financial support, so she had to combine her studies with part-time jobs. During the day she weeded the flowerbeds of Zelenstroy, and in the evenings she looked after the children. During this period, Brezhneva completed computer science courses, received a driver’s license, studied courses for secretarial assistants and English language. After graduating from school, the girl wanted to become a lawyer, but the education turned out to be beyond her means. She had to enter the Institute of Railway Transport, where she chose the profession of economist.

A sharp turn in Vera’s fate occurred in 2002. It was then that the VIA-GRA team came on tour to her hometown. Everyone was invited to sing with the girls. Brezhneva demonstrated not only an excellent figure, but also a good ear for music and the ability to move rhythmically. These talents were noted by producer Dmitry Kostyuk. It was he who invited her to audition for a famous group.

Vera's personal life is closely intertwined with her career. The girl is in full view all the time, so she feels the increased interest of the public. Perhaps this is why she was unable to build a strong and friendly family the first time.

Vera Brezhneva's common-law husband Vitaly Voichenko

First serious relationship Vera got along with businessman from Energodar Vitaly Voichenko. The girl was 17 years old at the time; at that time she was still a student. The guy fell in love with her at first sight, found her and took her to his place. It should be noted that he earned quite well, and for Brezhneva, who grew up in a large, low-income family, this played an important role. Thanks to her common-law husband, the future star radically changed her image: from a “tomboy” with glasses, she became a feminine blue-eyed beauty.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva and Vitaly Voichenko

Vera Brezhneva's first husband (civilian) is the father of her first-born daughter Sonya. The singer gave birth to her at the age of 18. The couple's marriage did not last long: after a couple of years, the future star packed her things, her daughter, and left the marital home. She left a farewell note to her husband. Vitaly was very worried about this breakup and even went to the tundra for a while in order to more easily survive the pain of parting. Native daughter does not currently maintain a relationship with his biological father and bears the surname Kiperman.

Vera Brezhneva's ex-husband Mikhail Kiperman

After leaving VIA-GRA, Vera needed support strong man. This is exactly what, in her opinion, millionaire from Ukraine Mikhail Kiperman was. At that time he was married and had two children, but even this did not stop the star. The demands of the groom's Jewish relatives also did not become an obstacle for the lovers. Not only Vera began to bear the name of her new husband, but also her daughter Sonya. The girl called herself daddy's daughter.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva and Mikhail Kiperman

The husband of singer Vera Brezhneva turned out to be very jealous. This is what darkened their happy family life. The man paid for all of his wife’s projects, but he did not like the explicit scenes in which she took part according to the script. The marriage was gradually cracking. The appearance of their daughter Sarah together did not save the crumbling relationship. The husband organized surveillance of his wife and finally caught her cheating. He immediately filed for divorce. Ex-husband Vera Vitaly, who already knew her well, commented that the girl simply stopped loving Mikhail and did not leave him because of money.

Vera Brezhneva's husband Konstantin Meladze (wedding)

After the divorce, the singer was not sad for long and plunged headlong into a new relationship. More precisely, they began when the star was still married to Kiperman. Fans are haunted by the question: who is Vera Brezhneva’s husband now? After all, a wide variety of rumors on this topic were circulating in the press, but many of them did not have official confirmation.

Since 2017, Vera has been the legal wife of the famous producer and songwriter Konstantin Meladze. According to the artists, their relationship lasted 10 years before they officially formalized it in the registry office. The wedding took place in Italy. The master says that it was this woman who opened the door for him new world, became a muse for creativity.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze

IN lately Vera began to hint at disappointments in loved ones. But what exactly she means is unclear. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the couple has long dreamed of an heir, but cannot make this dream come true.

Now Vera is raising two daughters from previous marriages. She really wants a boy, and together with her husband they are working on this issue. So far, these efforts have not been crowned with success. As one Kazakh fortuneteller predicts for this couple, they will live together for 11 years. But to do this, you will need to overcome certain difficulties that will be in store for you in the 3rd and 7th years of marriage.

Brezhneva's eldest daughter, Sonya, is now building her own career. The girl has already achieved considerable success in modeling business. Studying abroad was not in vain. She managed to meet and become friends with a rather rich American guy. All Sonya's dreams are now aimed at moving to permanent place residence in America.

The youngest daughter, Sarah, is now studying at the gymnasium, attending classes in foreign languages, ballroom dancing, music. The ideal for a girl is her mother, so she tries to be like her in everything.

Vera Brezhneva is a singer, actress, and TV program host. Born on 02/03/1982 in the industrial Ukrainian city of Dneprodzerzhinsk.


Vera's parents worked at a large chemical plant to provide for their four daughters. As a child, Vera changed many hobbies, among which music was far from the first place. She was actively involved in sports, danced a lot, and studied well.

However, the girl was not too interested in school life. Most of all she loved the summer holidays, which she spent in a pioneer camp. There she could be herself and open up emotionally. Therefore, parting with classmates did not particularly sadden the future star.

The girl’s dream was to escape from the unpromising town in which she could only find work at one of the factories, like her parents. But she wanted something more, and she went to seek her fortune in neighboring Dnepropetrovsk. Since the family could not afford to support the student, Vera entered the correspondence faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk Transport Institute.

After graduating from school, Vera turned from an ugly teenage duckling into a real beauty. And she even had enough self-confidence to become one of the participants in the Dnepropetrovsk beauty contest. Vera easily passed the preliminary selection, but the young beauty did not have the chance to participate in the finals. Life gave her an unexpected surprise.


At one of the concerts of the VIA GRA group in Dnepropetrovsk, to which Vera came along with her friends, the artist invited the audience to get on stage and sing the song “Attempt No. 5” with them. Vera fearlessly came out and gladly joined the group. After some time, she received an invitation to a casting.

So, instead of the Dnepropetrovsk beauty contest, Vera ended up in the successful and already promoted Kyiv group VIA GRA, replacing Alena Vinnitskaya, who was leaving the lineup. Vera fit into the group so organically that many still call this trio Sedokov-Brezhnev-Granovskaya the golden composition of VIA GRA.

Lasted from 2003 to 2007 star trek Vera Brezhneva as part of VIA GRA. A huge number of hits were recorded and many awards were received. But in 2007, due to disagreements with the producer, Vera left the group. However, the stage has already become Vera’s way of life, and she begins a solo career.

Solo career

In 2007, Maxim magazine named Vera the sexiest Russian woman and this helped her in promotion. A year later, Vera’s solo video, “I Don’t Play,” was released, and a little later, the second one, “Nirvana.”

In the same year, Vera tried her hand at television as the host of the TV show “ South Butovo" Which she was soon forced to leave due to going on maternity leave.

However, she very quickly returned to television screens as part of the jury of the “Superzirka” competition.

Vera not only actively participates in various television projects, but also records songs for a new solo album, “Love Will Save the World,” which was successfully released in 2010 and again brings Vera to the top of the charts. In the same year she received the Golden Gramophone.

In 2010, Vera Brezhneva recorded two songs in a duet. The first duet was with Potap and the single “Pronto”. And the second is with Dan Balan and the song “Petals of Tears”. This composition took first place in many charts in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

In 2011, Brezhneva’s song “ Real life”, and in 2012 - “Love at a distance”, recorded in a duet with DJ Smash.

In 2013, Vera performed the song “Good Day,” which also became very popular. She also recorded a duet composition with the group “Druha Rika” - “Tell”.

2014 was more fruitful, and the singer recorded three new songs - “ Good morning", "My Girl" and "Luna" in a duet with Arthur Pirozhkov.

In 2015, Brezhnev released the album “Ververa”. In support of the new album, the song “Mommy” was released, which later became very popular. Back in 2015, the singer recorded a duet with T-killah “Floors”.

In 2016, the singer presented a new song “Number 1”, which became popular in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. She also recorded the song “Feel” and released a video for both works.

Also in 2016, Vera held two solo concerts, one in Kyiv, and the second in Moscow, which were called “Number 1”.

In 2017, Vera and Alan Badoev released the video “Close People”.

Personal life and husbands of Vera Brezhneva

Growing up in big family, Vera always dreamed of her own. She gave birth to her first daughter Sonya quite early from common-law husband Vitaly Voichenko, with whom she soon broke up.

In 2006, she became the official wife of businessman Mikhail Kiperman, to whom she gave her second daughter Sarah. However, this marriage also broke up.

Recently, Vera married again - to producer Konstantin Meladze.

The blond and long-legged singer and actress, who we know under the stage name Vera Brezhneva, gets younger every year, considers herself happy man and this is exactly how she tries to raise her girls.

Galushka at birth, after the first official marriage with businessman Mikhail Kiperman, Vera took her husband’s surname. Moreover, her then 10-year-old daughter Sonechka also changed her last name.

Little Vera

Faith grew big and happy family, where love and mutual support always reigned. Although it was not easy for my parents - the 90s, widespread impoverishment in the country, my father and mother worked at the Prindeprovsky chemical plant, two salaries were, in fact, only enough for food. But three girls were growing up at home - the eldest Galya, then Vera and the younger twin sisters Anastasia and Victoria. The girls have always been best friends - the older ones looked after the younger ones, shared secrets that they honestly kept. Such relations between them have been preserved to this day, despite the fact that everyone lives in different cities and even countries, each with a family and children.

The lively and cheerful Vera was not particularly beautiful during her school years, which may be why she was so flattered by the attention of a man 9 years older than her. The result of the 17-year-old schoolgirl's stormy romance with Vitaly Voichenko was a teenage pregnancy, and in 2001, when Vera Galushka was only 18, her daughter Sonechka was born. The singer does not like to talk about this relationship in interviews, but it ended soon after the birth of the girl - she put her hands up. It was thanks to the support of her family that Vera entered the correspondence department Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers and received a diploma in economics.

But the creative girl, who saw herself as an actress and even attended an acting studio at the local Youth Theater, wanted more than working in a factory or office. Then Vera could not even imagine how radically her life would change and how soon it would happen.

Golden composition of "VIA Gra"

Vera got into the girl group created by producer Konstanin Meladze, which was gaining popularity at an incredible pace, one might say, by accident. During the group's tour in her native Dneprodzerzhinsk, a 20-year-old girl volunteered to sing with the performers when those from the audience were invited to the stage. Six months later, when a casting was announced for the place of Alena Vinnitskaya, who was leaving the group, they remembered her and sent an invitation. Vera's casting was successful and she went to Kyiv, leaving one-and-a-half-year-old Sonechka with her grandmother.

It was then that Vera Galushka became Vera Brezhneva, this stage name remained with her later, when she decided to leave the group, after four years of performances and tours. The Brezhnev-Granovskaya-Sedokova trio is considered the most successful “golden” line-up of VIA Gra.

It so happened initially that my mother raised Sonechka when I was just starting my career. And now in to a greater extent she spends time with me, or rather with my children, who need care, love, and control while I’m away. While I'm on tour or filming, my mother goes to school for parent-teacher meetings.

instagram @sonya_kooper

Mother of two daughters

When Sonechka was 5 years old, Vera got married again - businessman Mikhail Kiperman became her chosen one. The man treated the girl with great tenderness and she reciprocated. According to Vera, she never forbade Sonya to see her biological father, but she herself did not express any desire to meet him. Even now, many years later, Sonya congratulates Mikhail Kiperman on Father’s Day and, by the way, bears his last name.

In December 2009, Vera Brezhneva (according to Kiperman’s passport) and her husband had a daughter - the girl was named Sarah. What happened in the family is unknown, but already in October 2012, Vera and Mikhail separated and officially filed for divorce.

instagram @sonya_kooper

Now she is 16 years old, she is quite an adult and a very independent girl who fully supports her mother’s reverent attitude towards family values. The girl enjoys communicating with her grandmother; Vera Vitalievna still supports her granddaughter in everything. In an interview, she said that no matter what choice Sonya makes in life, the main thing is that she is happy. Next year Sonya graduates from school, and despite such young age, she herself is already actually a public figure: she took part in advertising photo shoots, her photo appeared on the pages of glossy magazines, the girl appeared on the catwalk several times and even visited Fashion Week in New York. Although lately Sonya has become seriously interested in cinema. For several years in a row, she went to an American film camp, where she studied the intricacies of the profession: from working as a firecracker to how to write scripts and arrange shots. All this, of course, in English

I'm glad my daughter makes her own choices. The last thing I would like is for my children to make some of my own unrealized dreams and fantasies come true,” says Vera

instagram @sonya_kooper

Sarah graduated from first grade this year, she is growing up tender and creative child loves to dance, draws, weaves macrame, but oh future profession doesn't think about it yet.

instagram @ingameladze

Happy marriage

In October 2015, Vera Brezhneva married producer Konstantin Meladze, rumors of an affair with whom had been in the air for several years, but were not confirmed. A beautiful wedding took place in Italy, and only the closest ones were present.

Happy Vera

The 35-year-old is quite satisfied with her fulfillment in life – her music career on the rise, her popularity is growing, she even decided to become an actress as a child - Vera has already played roles in 14 films, if you count the very first, in 2004 she took part in the musical “Sorochinskaya Fair” as part of “VIA Gra”.

Vera realizes her popularity and its material equivalent in a unique way - she bought her parents an apartment in Boryspil:

I have always wanted to earn a decent income precisely in order to be able to help my loved ones and delight them with care, surprises, gifts and travel.

And recently she has become actively involved in charity work - Vera Brezhneva is the UN Goodwill Ambassador on HIV/AIDS issues.