Lyudmila Savelyeva - biography, personal life, children. Lyudmila Savelyeva: creative path and family Lyudmila Savelyeva personal life daughter

She does not like to give interviews, does not appear at social events and tries in every possible way to avoid close attention to herself. Lyudmila Savelyeva prefers to be judged not by articles in the press, but by the roles she plays. In the early 1960s, she had to make a difficult decision that would change her life forever. How did the fate of the best Natasha Rostova turn out, does she regret her choice today?

Difficult choice

In 1942, in besieged Leningrad, a girl was born who was nursed by her mother and grandmother. They miraculously managed to save the baby’s life, and then looked after her for a long time to strengthen her health, undermined by cold and hungry infancy.

Little Lyudmila grew up, gained strength, listened to the radio classical music and danced in front of the mirror, inventing the very first ballet steps in my life. The grandmother watched her granddaughter for a long time, and then took her hand and took her to the ballet school.

At the age of 20, Lyudmila Savelyeva graduated from the Vaganova Choreographic School and was enrolled in the troupe of the Kirov Theater, in the group of soloists. She was young and talented and could have made a brilliant ballet career if Sergei Bondarchuk’s assistant had not noticed her one day. Tatyana Sergeevna Likhacheva, despite the director’s categorical ban on looking for candidates for the role among the ballerinas, still brought young Lyudmila Savelyeva to audition.

Bondarchuk thought she was too young for such a complex role, but when Lyudmila appeared on the set already in the guise of the heroine, he realized that he couldn’t find a better Natasha. And Lyudmila Savelyeva did not disappoint. She devoted herself completely to the role, torn between filming and the theater. Then she faced a choice: ballet or cinema. She once dreamed of becoming a ballet star and now she was forced to give up her dream.

As a result of much deliberation, the young actress chose “War and Peace”. Time has shown what she did then right choice. But life was ready to present her with surprises more than once, forcing her to doubt again and again the correctness of the decision she had once made.

Love on the set

It was simply impossible not to fall in love with Lucy, as everyone affectionately called the actress during filming: a charmingly spontaneous, fragile, sublime girl won the hearts of everyone around her without exception. And she met her fate right there, at Mosfilm.

Alexander Zbruev starred in the neighboring pavilion in Alexei Sakharov’s film “ Chistye Prudy" They met in the corridor, and Alexander Zbruev immediately forgot about all his experiences related to his recent divorce from Valentina Malyavina. Fragile beauty with wide open blue eyes instantly won the heart of the young actor.

Lyudmila and Alexander soon became husband and wife, and a year later their daughter was born, named after the heroine of Leo Tolstoy's novel Natasha. The girl grew up talented and showed great promise; she managed to star in Mikhail Kazakov’s film “If Lopotukhin is to be believed.” But later she experienced a personal tragedy, which had the most negative impact on her health.

Lyudmila Savelyeva and Alexander Zbruev diligently protect their daughter’s fragile health, so they do not allow journalists and photographers to enter the house. Especially after the incident when photographs of Natalya, who, after an accidental injury, ended up in the hospital, spread throughout all the yellow publications.

After the ball

After filming War and Peace, Lyudmila Savelyeva became a popular favorite and a world star. She was the one who received the Oscar when the film won the award. She took part in international film festivals and starred with Vittorio De Sica in the Soviet-Italian film “Sunflowers”. Such cinema masters as Marcello Mastroianni and Sophia Loren worked alongside her.

Offers rained down on her like from a cornucopia, and Lyudmila Savelyeva refused. No, she did not decide to leave cinema, but she wanted to play a role that would be radically different from Natasha Rostova. She did not want to remain an actress of one role and play naive girls over and over again.

She decided to act only in the film that she liked, or not to act at all. It was then that doubts began to creep in about whether she had done the right thing by giving up her dreams of ballet. But in 1970, the film “Running” by Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov was released. Lyudmila Mikhailovna played the role of Serafima Korzukhina and proved to herself and the whole world that her role is not limited to Natasha Rostova. After filming, she was invited to dinner by the widow of Mikhail Bulgakov, based on whose works the film was based. Many years have passed, and Lyudmila Savelyeva carefully preserves the scarf given to her by Elena Shilovskaya, last love famous writer.

Love in spite of

Life tested her once again, this time for her strength. When Lyudmila Savelyeva found out that for many years her husband had a second family where her daughter was growing up, of course, the actress was worried. But she never made it clear in a single word how bitter she was.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna and Alexander Viktorovich managed to overcome all difficulties and save their family. For our daughter's sake, for our own sake. They meet their decline with dignity, not cultivating old grievances, but maintaining mutual respect.

The only thing the actress regrets is that not a single director used her talent as a ballerina. But Lyudmila Savelyeva could brilliantly cope with this role.

The film “War and Peace,” directed by Sergei Bondarchuk, made Lyudmila Savelyeva a star and became one of the most expensive in Soviet cinema. Its filming took 6 years, and the epoch-making scene of the Battle of Borodino is considered the largest in the history of world cinema. War and Peace was critically acclaimed and the film won an Academy Award, among other awards.

Colleagues and acquaintances of Alexander Zbruev argued that in “Big Change” he did not have to play his hero Grigory Ganzha.

He was simply himself in this role: charming, cocky, self-confident. Over the years, wisdom came, he achieved success in his profession. But the personal happiness of Alexander Zbruev turned out to be ambiguous. He experienced disappointment in his first feelings, faced a difficult choice and, even having made it, never ceased to doubt the correctness of the decision made.

First love

Alexander Zbruev in his youth.

According to the actor himself, he grew up as an outright punk. The father, Deputy People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR, was shot several months before the birth of his son. Mother and baby, as members of the family of an enemy of the people, were sent to Rybinsk, where they lived for several years. After returning to Moscow, my mother got a job at an electric lamp plant, Alexander went to a regular school, was friends with the same boys from the yard, and was always athletic and fit. He studied poorly, for which he twice stayed in the second year. His life changed its course only after entering the Shchukin School on the course of Vladimir Etush.

Alexander Zbruev.

Alexander Zbruev and his friends spent a lot of time on Arbat, where he once met his first love. Valentina Malyavina, 17-year-old beauty with a mop of hair dark hair and huge black eyes, won his heart at first sight. And she herself did not remain indifferent to the charming young man.

Valentina Malyavina.

Alexander's relatives did not like Valentina; they tried in every possible way to oppose the relationship of the young people. They signed secretly and presented everyone with a fact: now they are one family. Following her husband, Valentina decided to become an actress and entered the Shchukin School.

Alexander Zbruev and Valentina Malyavina.
The profession, in fact, destroyed their marriage. They began to see each other less and less, spending a long time filming different cities. And one day Valentina admitted to her husband that she was having an affair with director Pavel Arsenov. Alexander could not forgive the betrayal. The couple separated after 4 years of marriage.

Natasha Rostova

Lyudmila Savelyeva as Natasha Rostova.

Alexander Zbruev's loneliness did not last long. One day, in the corridors of Mosfilm, he met Lyudmila Savelyeva, a ballerina of the Kirov Opera and Ballet Theater, known for her role as Natasha Rostova in Sergei Bondarchuk’s film War and Peace.

Alexander Zbruev and Lyudmila Savelyeva.

All emotional wounds and torment simply dissolved in her bright, wide-open eyes. He was in love again and very happy. They got married in 1967, and a year later a daughter was born into the family, named after Natasha Rostova.

Natalya Zbrueva, still from the film “If you believe Lopotukhin.”

Natalya grew up as a creative child and already at the age of 15 she played in Mikhail Kazakov’s film “If you believe Lopotukhin.” The director noted the girl’s artistic talent. She could very well become famous actress, but in adolescence suffered a personal tragedy that seriously affected her health. Parents refuse to talk about this topic, protecting their daughter’s fragile peace.

Love affair at work

Alexander Zbruev.

After the drama experienced, the balance in the family was disrupted. Alexander Zbruev understood with bitterness that passionate feelings were replaced by an awareness of his duty to his family.
In one of his interviews, the actor admitted that fate confronted him with a difficult choice. On the one hand, he had a wife and daughter, whom he always treasured, and on the other, the feelings of a young actress who fell in love with him.

Elena Shanina.

He met Elena Shanina at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. She was 14 years younger than him, at first she simply admired famous actor, but then completely different feelings came. In 1992, Elena gave birth to a daughter, Tatyana Zbrueva.

Alexander Zbruev and Elena Shanina.

But Zbruev still decided to stay with his family. He helped Elena with her daughter, took part in raising Tatiana, but the sense of duty to the family turned out to be stronger. It is possible that the romance with the young actress, which whirled him at one time, simply outlived its usefulness. Or maybe. He simply did not dare to change anything in his life. The actor prefers not to share his personal experiences with anyone.

Public loneliness

Alexander Zbruev.

Alexander’s older brother, actor Evgeny Fedorov, believes that Zbruev was simply disappointed in love. He stopped believing in its strength and infinity. In the first case, feelings were destroyed by betrayal, in the second - by everyday life, in the third - by duty. However, none of his women spoke ill of him. Each of them had something to thank their beloved man for.
Valentina Malyavina, who has been married several times and experienced several whirlwind romances, is today in a boarding home for the visually impaired. And she really regrets the inability to see Alexander. He is not going to visit her, so that in his memory his first love will remain as young and beautiful as on the day of their first meeting.

Alexander Zbruev with his daughter Tatyana.

Lyudmila Savelyeva is still Zbruev’s wife today. She knows about his ended romance and that the actor already has adult daughter Tatiana. But she passed this test with dignity.
Elena Shanina continues to work in the same theater with Zbruev. Their daughter became an actress at Lenkom, and is now continuing her studies, having decided to also become a journalist. The actor always speaks with pride about his daughter’s successes. He also admits that all his women are simply wonderful.

Alexander Viktorovich Zbruev is a famous and talented actor theater and cinema. He shone on the screen in Soviet films and did not lose his acting appeal during perestroika and the birth of new Russia.

The great actor often criticizes films of Russian and Western cinema for the fact that they lack the kindness and humanity that were inherent in Soviet period. Zbruev's contribution to the development of cinema and theatrical art was appreciated by awarding him the title of People's Artist Russian Federation.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Zbruev

Without exception, all women who lived in the USSR sought to find out what their favorite actor’s height, weight, and age were. How old is Alexander Zbruev - a question that worries the fair sex in modern Russia.

Alexander Viktorovich was born in the distant and difficult year of 1938, so we can say with confidence that at the end of March he turned seventy-nine years old. According to the zodiac sign, the great actor is Aries, who tends to choose a profession not according to the dictates of the heart, but for more mercantile reasons. This sign gives its owner inflexibility, honesty and the ability to achieve what they want.

Eastern horoscope presented to Zbruev, quality inherent in the sign Tiger, namely arrogance, inability to lose. Alexander believes that risk is a noble cause in any situation.

The famous actor's height is one meter and seventy-five centimeters, which allowed him to play heroes of almost all types. Zbruev’s weight constantly changed, depending on the directors’ requirements, and currently stopped at seventy-two kilograms.

Biography of Alexander Zbruev

The biography of Alexander Zbruev never ceases to interest his army of admirers and admirers. It is quite peculiar and amazing, since it fell during the periods of the Great Patriotic War and the coup d'etat in 1991.

Little Sasha was born in 1938, when the country was just recovering from the consequences of famine and repression. His family survived tragic events: the baby lost his father, and his mother was sent with him to distant Rybinsk. At that time, Sasha was just over two months old.

Mother and son returned to the apartment on Arbat only back in 1943. At that time, the family nest turned into communal apartment, in which the family received one room.

The boy was a hooligan and the ringleader in all the yard outrages, and bore the nickname “Intellectual”. At school he did very poorly and repeated the second year twice. In the difficult post-war times, there was a shortage of textbooks, so five or six boys had to study from one copy.

However, he managed to achieve a lot in sports field, and especially in boxing and gymnastics.

In 1958, after graduating from school, he applied to the Shchukin Theater School on the advice of Nadezhda Vakhtangova. The talented guy was immediately accepted into it, and after graduation he was assigned to the troupe of the Lenkom Theater. During his studies, the guy changed: from a hooligan he turned into a serious and thoughtful person. By the way, Alexander himself did not aspire to be an actor, he wanted to become a driver and bring money into the house, helping his mother.

Alexander made his film debut in 1962, when he played the role of Dimka. This image brought popularity to the guy; they began to recognize him on the streets.

Filmography: films starring Alexander Zbruev

Zbruev has a fairly impressive track record. Alexander Viktorovich’s filmography includes 82 works, which either brought him popularity or became failures and were not released.

These works include “Journey to April”, “An Inch of Earth”, “Create a Fight”, “Circle”, “Big Change”, “Battalions Ask for Fire”, “I Have You Alone”, “Northern Lights”, “Cinema About Alekseeva".

He is engaged in the restaurant business; his restaurant TRAM operated in the basement of the Lenkom Theater for ten years. Zbruev is a songwriter, he recorded his music CD together with other theater and film artists.

2000-2004, the famous actor recruited a workshop at the RATI, except for this there were no more sets. In 2004, Alexander Viktorovich realized that he could not act in low-quality films and went on sabbatical. He occasionally appeared in cameo roles, but betrayed himself by playing the role of a famous bard in 2014.

Zbruev’s filmography proves that a professional actor can play any role without effort.

Alexander Viktorovich is on a well-deserved rest and is active in human rights activities.

Personal life of Alexander Zbruev

The personal life of Alexander Zbruev has always been bright and eventful. Handsome guy with traits of intelligence, he was constantly in the center of attention and was a welcome guest at student parties. It’s not worth even mentioning the nationwide love that his many fans brought to Zbruev.

There were two official marriages in Zbruev’s life. However, about love affairs The actor is legendary. What's it worth? love story with actress Elena Shanina, from whom the man had an illegitimate daughter.

Family of Alexander Zbruev

The family of Alexander Zbruev experienced tragic and bright moments in life.

The boy never saw his father, Viktor Alekseevich, the reason for this was the punitive system that flourished in the USSR in the 30s of the last century. Zbruev Sr. worked in a very responsible and important government post. He was the deputy people's commissar communications of the USSR, and later received the post of chairman of the construction department in this department. Following a denunciation, the father was arrested and shot.

The future actor’s mother, Tatyana Alexandrovna, came from a wealthy noble family. She gave her son not only care and attention, but also a bright appearance. She experienced the difficult fate of being the wife of a repressed man, but she survived and received an acting education. For a long time worked at the Tchaikovsky film factory.

Alexander Viktorovich has a senior step-brother Evgeny Fedorov, who was born in 1924. He graduated from the Shchukin School, and served for a long time at the Vakhtangov Theater.

Many people know Adeksandr Zbruev’s great-nephew and are unaware of their relationship. He is the actor Pyotr Fedorov, who appeared on the screens in the films “Stalingrad” and “Inhabited Island”.

Children of Alexander Zbruev

The children of Alexander Zbruev are his gift and his curse at the same time. The fact is that the birth of babies did not only occur in marriage. The illegitimate daughter was able to destroy the marriage of her famous father, but did not help create a family with her mother.

Quite often in the yellow press there was persistent information that Alexander Zbruev was giving birth to illegitimate children with incredible speed. However this information not confirmed.

The famous actor of Soviet and Russian cinema has only two daughters.

Daughter of Alexander Zbruev - Natalya Zbrueva (Rostov)

The daughter of Alexander Zbruev, Natalya Zbrueva, was born in 1968. The girl grew up talented, but reserved. She graduated from school and starred in the film “If you believe Lopotukhin.” The baby had mental health problems, but they were not advertised.

Doctors or few friends could not help little Natasha. The girl suffered psychological trauma when she learned about her famous father’s betrayal and the birth of her sister from another woman. What brought her even more pain was that her mother forgave the man who continued to live with two families. The girl had a seizure, during which she tried to set the house on fire.

Natalya refused to receive training as a translator, as her father wanted. She worked as a saleswoman, lost her husband, who was crime boss. Her condition rapidly deteriorated in 2005, and she now lives with her parents, periodically ending up in mental hospitals.

Illegitimate daughter of Alexander Zbruev - Tatyana Shanina

The illegitimate daughter of Alexander Zbruev, Tatyana Shanina, was born in 1993 as a result of a whirlwind romance between the famous actor and theater star Elena Shanina.

The girl did not receive the surname of her famous father, who recognized her. Her mother registered the baby under her last name, putting a dash in the column where the father is indicated. Tatyana did not forbid her daughter from meeting with her own father, but she never lied about the fact that her father lived with another woman.

Tanya followed in the footsteps famous parents. She graduated from drama school and entered the service in the famous Lenkom.

Ex-wife of Alexander Zbruev - Valentina Malyavina

Alexander Zbruev’s first wife, Valentina Malyavina, appeared in his life in 1959. The guys met on Arbat when they were barely seventeen. Alexander proposed to his beloved, and they secretly got married, which came as a shock to the parents.

At first, the young people lived very friendly, acted in films and shone on the stage of the theater. After four years of marriage, their marriage cracked. No one can say for sure why beautiful couple fell apart. Malyavina claims that it was a matter of her miscarriage, and Zbruev hints at the affair of his beloved girl with Pavel Arsenov.

Alexander Zbruev's wife - Lyudmila Savelyeva

Alexander Zbruev’s wife, Lyudmila Savelyeva, is the subtle and gentle Natasha Rostova from the famous film adaptation. The girl did not give in to Sasha’s persuasion and advances for a long time, but then she gave in.

The young people got married in 1967, so family celebration Only immediate family and a few friends were invited.

The couple lived in peace and understanding until the loving Alexander succumbed to the charms of Elena Shanina. However, wise Lyudmila found the strength to forgive her husband and not dissolve the marriage, recognizing his right to see his illegitimate daughter Tanya.

Photos of Alexander Zbruev before and after plastic surgery rarely appear on the Internet. The fact is that Zbruev looks his age and is not trying to fix anything about his appearance.

A man prefers an active lifestyle to a plastic surgeon’s knife, proper nutrition. He tries not to get upset or nervous over trifles.

Alexander Zbruev denies that he had a facelift or Botox injections, eyelid surgery or rhinoplasty, as dishonest journalists trumpet. Famous actor claims that cosmetic procedures will not save him from old age.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Zbruev

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Zbruev do not officially exist. However, fans create pages under the hashtag #Zbruev, which post reliable information about his creative and personal life. On these pages quite often there appear photographs and videos of past years that capture the young and bright Alexander.

On Instagram you can check the filmography of the great actor and find out about the location of his creative evenings. However, no one can guarantee whether Zbruev will read the lines dedicated to him on Instagram or not.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Savelyeva, one of the national cinematographers, was born in a tragic time.

Natalya was born in January 1942 at the height of the famine. And the fact that the girl survived is a real miracle. It’s no wonder that the early childhood years of the future screen star were difficult.

But the war ended, and Lyudmila Savelyeva, together with the Leningraders, began to return to peaceful life. The girl attended a city school. Already in early years family noticed that Lyudmila was drawn to art. Savelyeva loved to read and showed great interest in ballet. Mom took her 11-year-old daughter to ballet school and was right. Soon Lyudmila began to demonstrate rapidly increasing skill. Teachers highly appreciated the abilities of the young ballerina, calling her one of the most promising students.

After graduating from school, Lyudmila Savelyeva easily entered the Leningrad Choreographic School, where she continued to improve in ballet. Immediately after receiving her diploma in 1962, the dancer was accepted into the Mariinsky Theater (then Kirov Theater). Everything was leading to the fact that Savelyeva could soon take the place of soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. On this stage, the girl made her debut in the production of “Giselle”, and then shone in the ballet “Sleeping Beauty”. The last performance was filmed and shown on TV.

And then, as often happens, an incident intervened that radically changed the fate of the young ballerina.


In the same 1970, the artist starred in another film – “The Seagull”. This is a film adaptation of the work of the same name directed by Yuli Karasik. Nina Zarechnaya, performed by Lyudmila Savelyeva, once again amazed viewers and film critics. This work was highly appreciated abroad, awarding the film the prestigious Silver Hugo prize at the Chicago Film Festival. In addition to Lyudmila Savelyeva, the leading roles included masters of the Soviet screen -,. Musical accompaniment created for the picture.

During the same period, Savelyeva starred in the French-Italian project “Sunflowers,” directed by Vittorio De Sica. The melodrama was greeted coolly by viewers and film critics, but the Russian actress had the opportunity to watch the work of world cinema stars - and. The film was about a young Italian family separated by war. Antonio's husband never returned home. Relatives mourned the soldier as dead, and only Giovanna believed that her husband was alive. An Italian woman went in search of her beloved to Russia.

In the 1970s and 80s, the St. Petersburg actress starred in several more films, in which she again shone with beauty and charm. In Vladimir Weinstock’s adventure film “The Headless Horseman,” where the actress was given the role of Louise Poindexter, it was about the war between the Americans and the Mexicans for Texas. In the film, Savelyeva’s partner became Soviet artist, who played the role of Maurice Gerald.

The Soviet-Bulgarian historical film “Yulia Vrevskaya” followed in 1977. Here Lyudmila Savelyeva played main character, Countess Vrevskaya, who invested her own fortune in a volunteer sanitary detachment that operated during Russian-Turkish war. The Countess herself, who had become a widow by this time, went to the front as a sister of mercy. The girl died in 1878 from a typhus epidemic.

In 1981, the actress’s filmography was replenished with work in the film “From Evening to Noon,” where the actress played the heroine Nina, the daughter of writer Andrei Zharkov (). Changes are brewing in the Zharkov house: family life the writer's son Kim () is collapsing before our eyes, his daughter Nina is going through a breakup with her lover, Zharkov himself cannot finish the novel he has been writing for several years. The intensity of passions reaches a peak, and the writer decides to completely destroy his own manuscript.

In 1983, the actress was cast in the role of radio operator Nadezhda Moroz, captain of a reconnaissance group, in the war film “It was the fourth year of the war.” In addition to Lyudmila, her husband played in the film. In the 80s, Lyudmila starred in the films “Success”, “Alien White and Pockmarked” and “Black Rose - the Emblem of Sadness, Red Rose - the Emblem of Love”.

But in the 1990s there was a long break in the artist’s work. Lyudmila appeared on the screens only in 1999, starring in the film “The Secret of Nardo, or the Dream of a White Dog.” After this breakthrough in the new century, Lyudmila Savelyeva starred in two films: the drama “Tender Age” and the film “Clocks Without Hands” by Vladimir Naumov.

Among latest works The actresses stand out for the films “Seventh Heaven” released in 2006 and, which appeared in 2009, where Savelyeva played Countess Shcherbatskaya.

Personal life

Lyudmila Savelyeva met her future husband Alexander Zbruev during the period when she starred in the first starring role of Natasha Rostova. Zbruev at that time had already made it into the cinema and was popular. Savelyev after watching the film “My younger brother"with the participation of Alexander, she, like millions of Soviet girls, was in absentia in love with the artist.

When the two stars met in one of the capital's restaurants, the feeling flared up instantly. Soon the actors became husband and wife. For Alexander Zbruev this was the second marriage.

For a long time, Lyudmila Savelyeva’s personal life was happy. A daughter, Natalya, was born. But after several years of living together, it became known that Zbruev began an affair with a young actress. Was born illegitimate daughter Tatiana.

Zbruev didn’t want to vomit family bonds. Lyudmila Savelyeva didn’t want this either. The marriage survived. Since then, the actress has remained silent when asked by journalists about her personal life. Savelyev also doesn’t like questions about his daughter Natalya Zbrueva, who made her debut as a teenager in the film “If you believe Lopotukhin.” Later, the girl never realized herself in life. In 2012, Natalya suffered a stroke.

Lyudmila Savelyeva now

Now the actress is not acting in films. Lyudmila Savelyeva completely devoted herself to her family. At the beginning of 2017, “Russian” received congratulations on the anniversary.


  • 1967 - “War and Peace”
  • 1969 - “Sunflowers”
  • 1970 - “Running”
  • 1970 - “The Seagull”
  • 1973 - “The Headless Horseman”
  • 1977 - “Yulia Vrevskaya”
  • 1981 - “From Evening to Noon”
  • 1983 - “It was the fourth year of the war”
  • 1984 - “Success”
  • 1989 - “The black rose is the emblem of sadness, the red rose is the emblem of love”
  • 2000 - “Tender Age”
  • 2001 - “Clock without hands”
  • 2006 - “Seventh Heaven”
  • 2009 - “Anna Karenina”
28 July 2015, 17:30

They tried to hide it, but time brought them to light clean water. Famous men They often commit actions that they later try to disavow in order to “save face.” However, the secret always becomes clear. Sometimes you have to pay for the past with a lost reputation, and sometimes celebrities are even glad that they now have a child.

Alexander Zbruev

The actor has been legally and long-term married to Lyudmila Savelyeva since 1967. At the same time, Alexander had a long affair with famous actress Elena Shanina, with whom he worked in the theater. WITH last relationship They were more drawn to a second family than to an affair, and only the wife knew nothing.

Lyudmila Savelyeva ("War and Peace")

Lyudmila Savelyeva in her youth and now

Lyudmila SAVELIEVA and Alexander ZBRUEV

Natalya Zbrueva

In an official marriage, Zbruev has a daughter, Natalya, who suffered more than her mother from the betrayal of the head of the family. ABOUT parallel life The actor became known only when his second daughter, Tatyana Shanina, was born. The actor himself told his legal wife, Lyudmila Savelyeva, about this, but did not leave the family because of his eldest daughter, Natalya. Although she grew up long ago and lives separately from her parents, Alexander Viktorovich never left the family.

Elena Shanina

A serious scandal broke out, and questions were raised not only to Zbruev, but also to his second de facto wife. Shanina denied the calculation and insisted that she never pushed her lover to divorce - the form of relationship in which she and Zbruev had been for many years was enough for her.

Dad was visiting, but the child was deprived of neither love nor attention. When Tanya asked why dad wasn’t there, what did mom answer? “I have always been extremely sincere with her, I didn’t invent anything, I didn’t lie. Tanya understands more in this life than I do, she’s amazing a wise man. Thanks to the fact that they never fooled her, she loves both dad and me, she grew up in love,” said Elena Shanina

Elena and Tanya

Tatyana Shanina

Now Tatyana is 21 years old, she has an excellent relationship with Zbruev, and today she is a young actress, playing in her father’s “ Lenkom“- however, they do not intersect in the play, but the father regularly admits that he is very proud of his talented daughter.

Andrey Makarevich

For the cult singer of several generations of music lovers, everything was not at all easy in his personal life. Three legal wives and several affairs with his cohabitants gave the musician three offspring.

The most unusual, probably, can be considered the relationship with eldest daughter Dana Makarevich - their acquaintance occurred when the girl was already 21 years old (according to other sources - 19). She made herself known by calling her father from Philadelphia. Andrei Makarevich stopped doubting that his daughter was really his as soon as he saw her photograph. Dana is very similar to her father. After meeting his daughter, Andrei Vadimovich began to maintain a relationship with her and gave her his last name. They constantly call each other, and he is aware of all the events happening in her life.

A lawyer and the wife of an American businessman, Dana is independent and independent of her parent’s Russian fame. This relationship developed successfully, without scandals, tears or complaints.

The rock singer has other children: a son, Ivan, who is 25 years old, and a daughter, Anna, who is 12 years old.

Mikhail Muromov

The singer and composer, whose peak of fame came in the 80s, did not particularly strive for marriage - he was married once, his marriage lasted only three years. But this is not a reason not to have offspring! Muromov has four offspring, whom he recognized, and each was born by a different woman.

Muromov loves to brag about his love victories, claiming that there were about 6 thousand (!) women in his life, half of whom he no longer remembers, but only four came forward with the news of paternity.

The famous singer treats the birth of each of his sons favorably - he helps, instructs, and cares in his own way. Mikhail admits that there are other illegitimate children somewhere, but he does not know about them.

However, there is other information on this matter:
Mikhail's relationship with his blood sons leaves much to be desired. – We rarely get together with them festive table“, admitted Mikhail. – My two sons are scouts. I don’t like the third, middle one - he didn’t serve in the army! I didn’t go there myself, that’s why we don’t communicate.

Andrey Konchalovsky

The director's daughter's name is Daria, she is now an adult, and Dasha's mother is actress Irina Brazgovki. Having reached adulthood, Irina’s daughter persuaded her mother to tell her who her father really was, and under youthful pressure, Irina Brazgovki told Dasha everything. Now Daria is 32 years old and at her age she is mother of many children. And Konchalovsky, besides Dasha, has other children, six of them and all of them were born from the director’s legal wives.

Irina Brazgovska with daughters Dasha and Sasha

Irina Brazgovka

Valery Zolotukhin

Almost ten years National artist Valery Zolotukhin lived in two families. Officially, he was signed with Tamara Zolotukhina, and was in civil marriage with Irina Lindt, who was younger than the actor for 33 years.

Irina Lindt

Valery and Irina

Zolotukhin did not hide his affair from the first day. And he is extremely proud that at the age of 63 his son Ivan was born. But I never even thought about divorce.

With son Ivan

From his second marriage, the actor had a son, Sergei, with Tamara Zolotukhina, but he passed away in 2007. The eldest of Zolotukhin’s sons, Denis, born from his first wife, actress Nina Shatskaya, became a priest after graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary.

Valery Zolotukhin with his wife Tamara

Mikhail Evdokimov

The popular comedian of the 90s, whom the public loved very much, has two illegitimate children, a girl and a boy. Son Danil - his mother is model Inna Belova. And the illegitimate daughter Anastasia was born from Nadezhda Zharkova. Evdokimov also has legitimate children; his daughter Anna was born from his wife Galina Nikolaevna Evdokimova.

Mikhail Evdokimov's daughter Anna with her mother

Galina Evdokimova

Nadezhda Zharkova with her daughter Nastya

Nadezhda Zharkova

Nadezhda had known Mikhail Evdokimov since school, but was seven years younger than him. For his sake, she left her husband and began to live with the artist. She bore him a daughter, despite the fact that Evdokimov had a family at that time and he had no intention of leaving it. Nevertheless, he recognized Nastya and treated Nadezhda and his daughter as his second family. After Evdokimov moved to Altai, he also moved his second family. But it turns out that Mikhail Sergeevich had another woman at that time - dark-skinned model Inna Belova.

Inna Belova with her son

Neither his legal wife nor Zharkova knew about the connection with her. Inna gave birth to Evdokimov's son Daniel. All women learned about each other after the death of their beloved man, when the question arose about the division of the property left after him. Of course, the children of Mikhail Evdokimov participated in this process only formally, but their mothers had to break a lot of spears and spend a lot of nerves. In the end, this issue, of course, was resolved, and Evdokimova’s widow Galina Nikolaevna even became friends with his last mistress Inna Belova, and began to call her son her grandson.

Inna and Galina