Julia Vysotskaya speaks openly about her husband’s illegitimate daughter. Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to her third child latest news photos and videos Children of Yulia Vysotskaya today

Yulia Alexandrovna Vysotskaya – Russian actress, wife of director Andrei Konchalovsky, host of popular culinary TV shows and author of several dozen books about delicious and healthy food.

The childhood of Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia was born in the city of Novocherkassk, the capital of the Don Cossacks. There are Don Cossacks in Vysotskaya’s family - her grandfather had the surname Melikhov. Family life things didn’t work out for Yulia’s parents; her father left the family when she was very young. Mom married a military man of low rank, and soon Yulia had younger sister Inna. Their age difference was 8 years.

Because of his stepfather's profession, the family often moved from place to place. For school years Yulia managed to live in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and changed her place of study seven times. In Tbilisi, the girl attended a music school for two years. In 1990, she received a certificate of secondary education from one of the schools in Baku.

Julia Vysotskaya about childhood

Since childhood, Julia dreamed of the theater stage. After school, not daring to try her hand at Moscow schools, she tried her luck in Minsk and on the first try became a student at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. Maly Theater actor Boris Andreev, who was present at the exams, said: “If you don’t take her, I’ll take her to Moscow, right away for the third year,” and after his words the girl was accepted.

The beginning of an acting career

Julia received her first film role, namely in the psychological drama “To Go and Never Return,” while still a student. The actress speaks about this experience as follows: “It seemed to me that the director hated me... I understood that my time was unlikely to ever come.”

From 1992 to 1995, Yulia was a presenter on Belarusian television - she hosted the “Bezdelnik” program.

In 1994, Julia starred in the almanac “Bewitched,” and a year later she played in the comedy film “A Game of Imagination.” After graduating from university in 1995, Yulia got a job at the Yanka Kupala Theater, where she worked for the next two years, appearing on stage in productions of “The Bald Singer,” “Look Back in Anger,” and “Nameless Star.”

At the same time, she diligently studied English language, until I was able to read Shakespeare in the original. All this was necessary to enter the London Academy of Musical and Dramatic Art. Vysotskaya received her diploma in 1998.

Meet Andrei Konchalovsky

Yulia met Andrei Konchalovsky at the Kinotavr film festival in 1996. The first meeting took place in a hotel elevator. The director spoke to the aspiring actress and invited her to dinner. Two days later they were flying together on vacation to Istanbul. Subsequently, Julia recalled that at that moment she perceived their romance as an exciting adventure, but very soon her feelings, which were not hindered even by the age difference, grew from youthful love into true love.

At that time, Yulia was single, but the director was married (his fourth marriage) to TV presenter Irina Martynova. But soon Vysotskaya heard a marriage proposal. Well, in 1999 their first one was born common child- daughter Masha. The continuation of their romance, children and the family tragedy of Yulia Vysotskaya will be discussed in more detail further, in the “Personal Life” section.

Further career

In 2002, Yulia starred in the leading role in the film “House of Fools,” directed by Andrei Konchalovsky. Her heroine, a patient psychiatric hospital named Zhanna, was sincerely in love with the singer Bryan Adams and believed that he would come for her sooner or later. The image was not easy. To get into the role and play authentically, for a month Vysotskaya spent days on end in psychiatric clinic, where I observed real mentally ill people. All this was not in vain. The “Woman in Cinema” festival awarded the actress the “Silver Horseshoe” for “the most desperate role.”

Julia Vysotskaya: about working with her director husband

In 2003, Julia reappeared in Konchalovsky’s new film entitled “The Lion in Winter” in the role of the king’s mistress. Patrick Stewart, Glenn Close and other famous foreign actors starred with Julia on the set of this historical drama. Although Julia’s role was small, in the actress’s opinion, it turned out to be very functional.

In 2005, Vysotskaya played the role of Vera in “A Soldier’s Decameron,” and a year later appeared in the film “The Queen’s First Rule” (an adaptation of Tatyana Ustinova’s novel), where she played Inna Seliverstova.

Yulia Vysotskaya in “Evening Urgant” (2016)

The actress did not leave the theater stage. With her participation there were performances at the Mossovet Theater - three Chekhov productions. She was also involved in “Miss Julie” staged by the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Culinary shows Vysotskaya

In 2003, the NTV channel launched cooking show“Eating at Home,” hosted by Yulia. She taught viewers how to cook delicious and healthy food at home.

Yulia Vysotskaya – host of two culinary programs

In 2009, the program “Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya” was added to “Eating at Home with Yulia Vysotskaya.” The topic was dedicated cooking easy breakfast food that energizes and sets you up for work. In the same year, Vysotskaya was invited to the position of editor-in-chief of the culinary magazine “Bread-Salt”.

In parallel with culinary programs, Vysotskaya published several books about products and healthy eating. Their number grew into dozens - in 2013, her 39th book, “Cooking for Children,” was published. In addition, Julia is the owner of the Moscow restaurant “Yornik” and the culinary studio “Julia Vysotskaya”.

Personal life of Yulia Vysotskaya

Yulia Vysotskaya's first marriage took place in student years. It was fictitious - Yulia was not a citizen of Belarus, and without citizenship she might not finish her studies and lose her job. Her husband was a senior student, a native Minsk resident Anatoly Kot. He helped her out difficult situation, And ex-spouses more for a long time maintained friendly relations.

After the wedding with Konchalovsky, Julia entered the “Mikhalkov clan”. She was received warmly by her family; the woman still remembers family evenings in the house of Sergei Mikhalkov, who, according to her, was their holding rod. Good relationship things worked out for her and Yulia Vysotskaya with her children

In 2013, Andrei Konchalovsky was involved in a serious accident in the south of France. Masha, sitting in the passenger seat, was injured - she forgot to buckle up. After the accident, the girl, who received a traumatic brain injury, fell into a coma. The parents placed their daughter in a clinic in Marseille, where her condition was supported by a life support machine around the clock. In October 2015, the media reported that Maria Konchalovskaya had emerged from a coma, but apparently, the reports turned out to be false. However, at the end of 2016, Julia spoke about improvements in her daughter’s condition.

Julia Vysotskaya now

In 2016, Andrei Konchalovsky's new film was released - the black-and-white historical drama "Paradise", where Yulia appeared before the audience as the Russian emigrant Olga, saving Jewish children from the Nazis during World War II. A tragic fate brings her to a concentration camp, where two men are fighting for her favor - a French collaborator and an SS officer. The film was highly appreciated by the jury of the Venice Film Festival (received the Silver Lion and was included in the shortlist for the Oscar).

Recently, information appeared on the Internet that film and theater actress, TV presenter and excellent cook Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to another baby. They call her the child's father legal spouse Andrei Konchalovsky, for whom this baby will be the eighth.

At the same time, Yulia will become a mother for the third time, by the way, having received the status of having many children. However, all this will become real only if Vysotskaya was really pregnant and gave birth to a baby.

The fact is that no one has yet been able to show photographs or videos of little Konchalovsky, although Vysotskaya too rarely posts such materials for millions of fans to see.

So, photographs of the children of Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky are found on the Internet quite rarely, since the spouses believe that their personal lives and the development of their children should not be widely available.

We hasten to remind you that the screenwriter, director, public figure and political sphere Andrei Konchalovsky was married five times, to completely different women.

From these marriages he had seven children, and daughter Dasha was born in 1980 from Irina Brazgovka, she was illegitimate child. But in two years of marriage with his first wife, Irina Kandat, there were no children.

At the same time, Konchalovsky became the father of Yegor, who was born from the ballerina Natalya Arinbasarova, Alexandra - from the orientalist from France Vivian Godet, Natasha and Lena - from the Russian television announcer Irina Martynova.

TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya was much younger than her husband; she managed to give her Andrey two children. Yulia’s first-born daughter Maria, who was born in 1999, and four years later the family was replenished with a son, Petya. Photographs of the children of Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky, although not too often, ended up on the Internet and magazines.

It will be possible to see both children in episodes of the home cooking program “Eating at Home!”, where the children grow with each new episode. Even then it was clear that the son was incredibly similar to his mother, and the daughter resembled her father both in appearance and in character.

Latest news

Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to her third child latest news photos and videos - this news spread all over the Internet, but it was considered an ordinary myth. The fact is that in 2013 her daughter Masha ended up in car accident, she fell into a coma, from which she still cannot get out.

At the same moment, fans and colleagues of the couple began to notice that the TV presenter began to see a rounded tummy, which even spacious clothes could not save. This was proven by photographs taken by journalists and photographers when presenting the Nika Prize.

After some time, Vysotskaya returned to her previous shape, she again began to wear tight-fitting outfits, and not a trace remained of her fullness. The fact is that fans connected this with the fact that she gave birth to a child secretly, but carefully hides her third offspring from journalists. Yes, so skillfully that no one could find out the weight, age, gender and name of the desired son or daughter.

Evidence that the baby was born between 2013 and 2015 was never presented, although Vysotskaya said that when the health of her daughter Mashenka improves, the couple may think about a third child, but it’s not time yet.

Although many notorious cynics managed to start a rumor that Yulia Vysotskaya decided to get pregnant only because her daughter was in critical condition and still did not have long to live. This message caused a storm of indignation from her true fans.

Yulia Aleksandrovna Vysotskaya is a Russian theater and film actress, famous TV presenter, writer and talented chef. She tries to do everything with a smile, because she understands that this is important not only for her. She is watched by millions of television viewers, and she simply has no right to let anyone down. Everything should be on top level. Her cooking programs about healthy eating are especially popular.

Yulia Vysotskaya has incredible charisma and a trusting appearance. She has a lot of fans. Her smile is attractive. Many TV viewers are charged with energy and positivity when watching her programs.

The famous TV presenter is quite a versatile personality. Her biography and creative path interesting and full of vivid facts.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Vysotskaya

Yulia Vysotskaya is quite a beautiful woman and has a good figure. Many women try to follow her rules healthy eating. She has a huge army of fans who want to know literally everything about their idol, including physical parameters popular TV presenter, namely height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Vysotskaya is not a difficult question. It is enough to know her date of birth. So, through easy calculations, we find out that Yulia Vysotskaya was born 44 years ago. Photos from his youth are still very popular on the Internet.

At 44 years old, Yulia Vysotskaya looks simply gorgeous. She has a slender figure and looks younger than her age. At one time, the popular TV presenter tried many diets and has now decided to give them up completely. Now he treats himself to all his favorite dishes, just being careful in proportions. Yulia Vysotskaya weighs 56 kilograms and is 176 centimeters tall.

According to her zodiac sign, the artist belongs to the charismatic and positive Leo, according to eastern calendar– hardworking and persistent Ox.

Biography of Yulia Vysotskaya

The biography of Yulia Vysotskaya began in the small town of Novocherkassk. The artist was born on August 16, 1973. The family life of her parents did not work out. Her father left the family very early, so Yulia Vysotskaya practically doesn’t remember him. Mother - Svetlana Vysotskaya, later married a serviceman. Eight years later, Yulia Vysotskaya had a younger sister, Inna.

Because of his stepfather's profession, the family moved often. Yulia Vysotskaya changed seven schools. As a result, in 1990 she received a certificate of secondary education from one of the schools in Baku. She also attended a music school for two years in Tbilisi.

Since childhood, Yulia Vysotskaya dreamed of the theater stage. But after graduating from school, I was afraid to enter universities in the capital. First I decided to try my hand at Minsk. So, in 1995 she graduated from the acting department of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts.

Soon Yulia Vysotskaya began playing in the Belarusian National academic theater named after Yanka Kupala. Her career in the theater was quite successful, she won the respect of many colleagues.

Filmography: films starring Yulia Vysotskaya

The filmography of Yulia Vysotskaya began in her student years. So, for the first time she starred in a psychological drama called “Pass and Never Return.” It should be noted that the first films did not bring her much popularity. Fame came to her in 2002, when the actress starred in Andrei Konchalovsky’s film “House of Fools.” Yulia Vysotskaya then prepared carefully for her role at the festival “Vivat, Cinema of Russia!” she received an award in the category “Best Actress”.

The actress also starred in such films as “Three Sisters”, “The Seagull”, “Max”, “A Soldier’s Decameron”, “Paradise” and others.

Yulia Vysotskaya tried herself as a TV presenter for the first time in 1992. Until 1995, she hosted the program on Belarusian television “Bezdelnik”.

In 2003, the culinary television show “Eating at Home” was launched on the NTV channel. The presenter was Yulia Vysotskaya. She taught TV viewers how to cook proper and healthy food. In 2009, a program called “Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya” was added.

In parallel with her acting work and cooking shows, Yulia Vysotskaya published several books about food and healthy eating, one of them “Cooking for Children.” The popular TV presenter also has her own Moscow restaurant “Ernik” and a culinary studio called “Julia Vysotskaya”.

Now Yulia Vysotskaya continues her active public life. The actress, TV presenter and book author loves her work. She tries to bring a charge of positive energy to all her fans.

Personal life of Yulia Vysotskaya

The personal life of Yulia Vysokaya is quite successful. She was married twice.

Note that the first marriage of the famous TV presenter was fictitious. During her student years, in order to complete her studies, she married a native Minsk resident, Anatoly Kot (Yulia Vysotskaya did not have citizenship of the Republic of Belarus). After the divorce, Yulia Vysotskaya and Anatoly Kot remained in friendly relations. The TV presenter still remembers her first, albeit fictitious, husband with gratitude and warmth.

Later she married Andrei Konchalovsky and joined the “Mikhalkov clan”. The couple created a strong and friendly family.

Family of Yulia Vysotskaya

The family of Yulia Vysotskaya is main part her life. She will always come first.

Today, the family of the famous and popular TV presenter consists of herself, her husband Andrei Konchalovsky and two children. Despite her busy schedule, Yulia Vysotskaya tries to devote as much time as possible to her family. They often have family gatherings around the table, talking about the past day. As she herself states, success in a career is very important, but sharing this success with your family is more important.

Children of Yulia Vysotskaya

The children of Yulia Vysotskaya are her asset. She has two children - eldest daughter Mary and son Peter. Both were born in the marriage of the TV presenter with Andrei Konchalovsky.

Yulia Vysotskaya considers herself a happy mother. After work she rushes home. All yours free time The TV presenter tries to devote time to her family. They will pay a lot of attention to raising their daughter Mary and son Peter so that they grow up good people, were purposeful and hardworking. Yulia Vysotskaya considers these qualities most suitable for modern adult life.

Son of Yulia Vysotskaya - Peter

The son of Yulia Vysotskaya - Peter, youngest child in the family of a famous TV presenter. The boy was born in 2003. By this time, the family had already returned to Moscow from Los Angeles, where they lived for some time. Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky realized that they could no longer be in a foreign country and returned to their homeland.

Now Peter is already a fifteen-year-old teenager. He does quite well at school. It is too early to talk about the boy's future. And Peter himself doesn’t think about it yet. Perhaps he will follow in the footsteps of his star parents.

Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya - Maria

The daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya is Maria, the first child in the TV presenter’s family. The girl was born in 1999. Now she is already an adult and, most importantly, a healthy girl.

In October 2013, an accident occurred on a French highway involving Andrei Konchalovsky. In this accident, Julia Vysotskaya’s daughter Maria was seriously injured. The girl forgot to buckle up.

Maria was in an artificial coma for a long time, into which doctors put her after brain surgery. Maria's parents always believed and hoped for the best. And in 2016, a long-awaited improvement occurred.

Former husband of Yulia Vysotskaya - Anatoly Kot

The ex-husband of Yulia Vysotskaya, Anatoly Kot, an honored theater and film actor, became the first husband of the famous TV presenter. The marriage was fictitious and the young people did not hide it.

They met back in their student years. It was then that Yulia Vysotskaya studied in Minsk, but since she did not have Belarusian citizenship, she could lose her job and not complete her studies. Anatoly Kot decided to help her. The young people did not pretend to anything. Everyone had their own path in the future. After the divorce, Yulia Vysotskaya and Anatoly Kot maintained friendly relations.

Yulia Vysotskaya's husband - Andrei Konchalovsky

Yulia Vysotskaya's husband is Andrei Konchalovsky, famous director, became the second husband of the TV presenter. The young people met in 1996 in Sochi at the Kinotavr festival. They began a whirlwind romance. A little later, Andrei Konchalovsky invited the TV presenter to London, where he was busy filming a film, and Yulia Vysotskaya studied at the London School of Music and Art. Upon returning home in 1998, they got married.

The family of Andrei Konchalovsky received Yulia Vysotskaya with warmth. The age difference of 36 years did not bother anyone. The couple loves each other dearly. The family had two children - daughter Maria and son Peter.

Andrei Konchalovsky also makes films with the participation of Yulia Vysotskaya, helping her to reveal her creative potential.

Some media reports that TV presenter and actress Yulia Vysotskaya secretly gave birth to a third child for her husband, director Andrei Konchalovsky.

The host of the popular culinary show on television “Cooking at Home,” Yulia Vysotskaya, gained noticeable weight back in 2013, and a little later her decently rounded belly could no longer be hidden, they write in the publication wordyou.ru. Secular journalists tirelessly followed Vysotskaya, and at the Nika Award ceremony they literally did not allow her to pass, photographing her from different angles. So her interesting situation no longer a secret to others.


Since then, conversations about personal life and secret child Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky do not stop talking. Julia, who always emphasized her slim figure, at that time she preferred voluminous and loose outfits, which made it possible to hide the features of her figure, and after some time she returned to her usual images. Fans and ubiquitous journalists have no doubt that the woman has become a mother for the third time, but the parents are still hiding their child, and in general, after the unfortunate accident, they are trying to talk less about their personal life.

The third child, born to Vysotskaya, became a real happiness. According to Yulia, the birth of a child had an impact on her; she began to feel more responsibility, because now there was another person in her family who needed to be constantly taken care of. At the previous births of Peter and Maria's children, Yulia's husband even cut the umbilical cord himself.

Yulia Vysotskaya is a Russian theater and film actress, popular TV presenter, writer and cook. Her famous film works were the films “House of Fools”, “Gloss”, “Paradise”.

Love general public won as a talented cook and cookbook author. Over time, the author’s project “Eating at Home!” has turned into a culinary brand, under which the artist produces television shows, books, and also founded a culinary network.

Childhood and youth

Yulia was born in Novocherkassk. Her parents divorced when the girl was still little. Then the mother married a second time - this is how Yulia got a younger sister, Inna.

Julia's stepfather was a military man and, due to his duty, often changed his place of residence. Childhood future actress passed in constant moving, she managed to live in Yerevan, Tbilisi and Baku. During her studies, Yulia changed 7 schools.

As the actress says, she had plans to enter either the theater department or the law school to become an investigator. Deciding not to take risks with Moscow universities, yesterday’s graduate entered the Belarusian Academy of Arts in Minsk. Successful passing entrance exams destined for the acting department creative biography Yulia Vysotskaya.

Films and theater

After graduating from university, Yulia was invited to play at the Belarusian National Academic Theater. Yanka Kupala. However, in order for the artist to be officially hired, she had to have Belarusian citizenship. To solve this bureaucratic problem, Vysotskaya entered into a fictitious marriage with a fellow student.

Vysotskaya’s career in the theater was successful. She played Mona in the play The Nameless Star and Madame Smith in the absurdist production of The Bald Singer. Her performance as Alison in the play Look Back in Anger was awarded.

The first films in which Vysotskaya starred in her youth did not bring her popularity. The takeoff of her career took place in 2002, when Julia starred in the film “House of Fools,” directed by the actress’s husband. She approached the preparation of the role of her character, the crazy girl Jeanne, with the utmost responsibility. Julia visited a psychiatric hospital to better understand her fears and values. unusual heroine. These efforts were not in vain: at the festival “Vivat, Cinema of Russia!” the artist received an award in the category “Best Actress”.

Julia Vysotskaya in the film “House of Fools”

The actress appears primarily in films by her husband Andrei Konchalovsky, but her filmography also includes the drama “Max” directed by Menno Meyes and the tragicomedy “A Soldier’s Decameron” by Andrei Proshkin.

Since 2004, Yulia Vysotskaya has been playing at the Mossovet Theater. She performs roles in 3 classic plays: “The Seagull”, “Uncle Vanya” and “Three Sisters”. Also played in 2005 and 2009 main role in the play “Miss Julie”, which was staged at the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

In 2007, the artist received the main role of the provincial Gali, who comes to Moscow to conquer the fashion world, in her husband’s drama “Gloss”. The film was presented at the Kinotavr film festival, where it received a warm reception. On the screen, in addition to Vysotskaya, they shone.

After the premiere of the film, Yulia published the book “Gloss,” written based on the script of the same name by Andrei Konchalovsky.

According to the actress, she wanted to write a work in the genre of pulp fiction, which women read on public transport or in line at the hairdresser.

At the beginning of 2016, Vysotskaya appeared in public with short hair. Even so, it was difficult to call it - the actress was literally shaved bald. As it turned out, she shaved for the sake of new role. Julia presented the main character in the film “Paradise,” directed by her husband.

The action of the film takes place during the Second World War, which explains this unusual look actresses. As Yulia admitted to reporters, such a radical change in image at her age was not easy; she did not expect to be shaved. Having learned about this, she still remained faithful to her husband’s ideas and agreed to play in his film.

The actress embodied on the screen the image of a Russian emigrant, a participant in the French Resistance. According to the plot of the film, the fate of a former Russian subject is closely intertwined with the fates of two men. One of them is the French gendarme Jules (Philippe Duquesne), the other is an SS officer, concentration camp inspector Helmut (Christian Clauss).

Julia Vysotskaya in the drama “Paradise”

By the way, this role brought Vysotskaya the Golden Eagle and Nika. After the premiere of the film at the 73rd Venice Film Festival, Andrei Konchalovsky was awarded the Silver Lion award. The film was also nominated for an Oscar.


In 2003, the Sunday culinary show “Eating at Home!” started on the NTV channel, where Yulia Vysotskaya shared recipes for her favorite dishes with viewers. She calls the TV show “a culinary series from the life of a young housewife.” She also at one time hosted the morning program “Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya,” and in 2011 she acted as a culinary expert in the Ukrainian television project “Hell’s Kitchen.”

Yulia Vysotskaya in the show “Eating at Home!”

Vysotskaya began to combine acting and gastronomic careers. The woman is the author of several dozen cookbooks published under the brand “Eating at Home. Recipes by Yulia Vysotskaya”, the total circulation of which is more than 1.5 million copies. In these publications, the TV presenter shared recipes, tricks and various culinary instructions for preparing exotic soups, salads, as well as dough for homemade pies, cakes and cookies.

The formula “recipe from Vysotskaya” gained its own popularity and spread on the Internet, often appearing on sites unrelated to Yulia.

Yulia Vysotskaya at the TEFI ceremony

In the same year, the TV show “Eating at Home!” received the TEFI award, and 2 years later the sign “Approved by Russian environmentalists” for promoting healthy eating and lifestyle in general.

The woman’s gastronomic activities were not limited to television and writing. She acted as a guest specialist for the Moscow restaurant Family Floor, in 2008 she became the gastronomic curator of the Russian evening at the World Economic Forum in London, and in 2009 she began working as editor of the culinary and gastronomic magazine KhlebSol.

Also, as part of the popularization of healthy eating, Yulia Vysotskaya initiated the first culinary social network Edimdoma.ru, as well as the culinary Internet television channel Edimdoma.tv. Later stated social network became rather the official website of Yulia and her television program.

The “Eat at Home” company includes its culinary studio, online store, and 2 restaurants. Culinary studio Juliya Vysotskaya organizes and conducts tourist culinary and tasting tours in different countries Western Europe, known for their signature dishes and unusual cuisines.

In 2014, “Eating at Home!” received another “TEFI”, and Yulia was recognized as the best TV presenter of a morning program as part of the same award.

In March 2018 at the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after. Tovstonogov, the premiere of the play “Oedipus at Colonus” directed by Andrei Konchalovsky took place. Yulia Vysotskaya played a role in the tragedy. Her stage partners were Nikolai Gorshkov, Sergei Losev, Sergei Stukalov.

Hosts of the “Wait for Me” program Yulia Vysotskaya and Sergei Shakurov

In 2018, the actress’s conscientious work and talent were awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

In the fall of 2018, Vysotskaya gave an hour-long interview to the actor and blogger, which then ended up on his YouTube channel “Empathy Manucci.” In the process of communicating with her interlocutor, Yulia explained that she comes from a Cossack family, so for her, resolving issues with one “swing of a saber” is the norm. But a woman never does this in relation to her husband, and Andrei Sergeevich knows how to tactfully smooth out sharp corners.

Yulia Vysotskaya at the Manuchi Empathy program in 2018

The celebrity also shared her creative plans with the public. Andrei Konchalovsky begins work on a new film “ Dear comrades"about the defeat of the popular demonstration in 1962, which took place in the city of Novocherkassk. In the film, the main female role will again be played by Yulia Vysotskaya. The premiere of the film will be timed to coincide with the next Venice Festival, which will take place in 2019. The budget of the film is already known - 150 million rubles.


  • 1992 – “Go and never come back”
  • 1994 – “The Game of Imagination”
  • 2002 – “House of Fools”
  • 2003 – “Max”
  • 2003 – “Lion in Winter”
  • 2005 – “Soldier’s Decameron”
  • 2006 – “The Queen’s First Rule”
  • 2007 – “Gloss”
  • 2010 – “The Nutcracker and the Rat King 3D”
  • 2016 – “Paradise”