The actress who adopted and abandoned a boy. Actress Evdokia Germanova sent her adopted son to a psychiatric clinic for treatment

Three years ago, the adopted son of Evdokia Germanova first shared his memories of how the actress adopted him, and seven years later returned him to Orphanage. The artist refused him, accusing the boy of schizophrenia. She sent her son to school when he was five and was unhappy with his performance. The child spent a year in a psychiatric hospital.

Now Nikolai Erokhin is 18 years old. Now he is studying in college and plans to become a chef-technologist. The young man came to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program to talk about his life. As it turned out, throughout the entire treatment, only his uncle, the celebrity’s brother Alexei Germanov, visited him. The man took custody of the child in order to take him away on weekends or vacations.

“He stayed mainly with a nanny, then in a nursery, a fashionable garden, where he was kept and raised. He had good manners. Suddenly, at some point, he ended up in child psychiatry, I rush there, because if a person finds himself in such a situation, we need to help him. The psychiatrist said that the boy was diagnosed behavioral characteristics- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I went all the time, then I was forbidden to visit him, but they allowed me to bring parcels so that he would know - in open world he is remembered and his fate is not indifferent. The head doctor said that Kolya’s father was Evdokia, I can now visit him,” the man said.

Nikolai also reported an important detail - after his adoption, the actress received housing. The state provided the artist and her child with a two-room apartment. However, after Evdokia returned the boy, representatives orphanage abandoned the property on behalf of Kolya.

“We got this two-room apartment as different sexes, because I am a boy and she is a woman,” Erokhin said.

The lawyer who was in the studio said that according to the law, after leaving the orphanage, Nikolai is obliged to get his own housing. Moreover, Themis’ servant was surprised why he did not receive alimony from his former adoptive parent.

Nikolai’s beloved Victoria appeared in the studio. As it turned out, the girl will soon become a mother. Nikolai's chosen one hopes that she will marry him.

“We have been together for about two years, we met in an orphanage. Now we live together, there will be a child, a wedding at the end of the year, I hope,” Victoria said.

Ex appeared in the studio common law husband Evdokia Sergey. He was surprised by the pregnancy of Nikolai’s chosen one. He thought Victoria had an abortion. Erokhin admitted that the man convinced him to get rid of his unborn child.

“They just left the orphanage, work is not going well, he is now unemployed. I have a small salary, I help as much as I can, I always give some money. I can't take it for maintenance. Why am I against the birth of a child - they didn’t get back on their feet,” admitted Evdokia’s former chosen one.

Nikolai did not hide the fact that he had to borrow money. According to him, he does not receive a scholarship because he has not yet been expelled from the orphanage. Now he lives in the apartment of his chosen one. Evdokia’s former common-law husband said that he decided to help the boy when the actress abandoned him.

Evdokia herself said in early interviews that she gave the child a lot of love. She does not justify herself and is not ashamed of her actions.

“I have to answer for what I did. My conscience allows me to be happy and inspire others to heroic deeds, so that people are not afraid of anything in this life,” said Evdokia. - This is the part of life for which I am not ashamed. Kolka knows how much love there was, he knows and will not forget.”

Erokhin does not deny that his adoptive mother loved him, although only in his preschool years. After he entered first grade at age five, she did not like his behavior.

Evdokia’s friend Nikolai Sakharov appeared in the studio. He could not understand why the young man came to the program and brought a girl. He said that the boy stole things and money from the theater, although the guy denies this. Dmitry Borisov admitted that he did not expect such accusations from a teenager from an adult man.

Nikolai decided to meet with his former adoptive mother ten years later. He came to the apartment where he once lived.

- Do you recognize him?

- No. And who are you? Oh, you're from the show. You guys are completely crazy. Sorry, I don’t know,” the actress answered and closed the door.

However, the young man did not stop there and called Evdokia to awaken at least some feelings in her.

“You understand, you’re not doing it very right. You stirred this up and are poking around in this, which I don’t want to have anything to do with,” - this is how Germanova ended the conversation.

However, experts in the studio accused Nikolai of not thanking fate for his help. wonderful people– brother of Evdokia and his former common-law spouse. Nevertheless, Nikolai wants to get answers to his questions from his mother.

“At least just an explanation why she did this to me. I don't demand anything. They are not interested in an apartment or money,” Erokhin concluded.

"Everything we have with mine adopted son The ruts turned out just great. We felt absolutely happy... And even in nightmare I couldn’t imagine what happened next,” sighs Evdokia Germanova, the leading actress of “Tabakerka”, who has played more than three dozen roles in films and on television and has recently crossed the half-century mark.

I don’t remember exactly what it was like when I arrived at the orphanage, when I was already allowed to take Kolya for a walk.

I think it's the fifth one. Or sixth? No, I don’t remember exactly. Yes, but what difference does it make... In general, 2000, summer. She arrived, as usual, before the appointed time. I'm sitting, waiting. Finally they bring out “mine” - he’s a little guy in sandals, looking around, probably looking for me. When I saw it, I think I was even happy. But he doesn’t run up. Still, as before, he approaches carefully, as if with caution. I take your hand, I feel - again wary. Well, at least he doesn’t mind. I ask: “Shall we go for a walk?” Nods silently. It seems he even smiled... He summer day was especially good: the sun was gentle, not scorching, there was a light breeze, the greenery was washed after the rain and this made it somehow especially bright...

Let's go to the nearest public garden. I say something incessantly - I make up all sorts of unimaginable stories about birds, about a dragonfly, about a sad tree, about a cheerful beetle. And I’m surprised at myself where it just came from! And Kolya listens attentively, occasionally asking questions. That means he got involved in communication. They began to play hide and seek, catch up, blind man's buff. Finally, I see that the boy is exhausted, tired, and no longer reacts to anything. He’s really tiny - only a year and a half old. I take him in my arms, and suddenly... He smiled and pressed his whole body against me. He really pressed me hard. And then I fell asleep. In my arms! I look at this flushed cheek on my shoulder, at this sweet saliva and think: “After all, this trusting embrace contains the main thing - the little man unconditionally surrendered himself to me.”

And for the thousandth time I replayed the whole story of our acquaintance in my head...


I'm talking about children for a long time I didn’t think much about it. Firstly, I didn’t want to leave my profession even temporarily, and secondly, the very fact of entering this world of childhood with all its problems frightened me. Obviously, everything could fall into place if I gave birth. But... I didn’t meet the man from whom I was destined to give birth... My first and, perhaps, only love I met in my life on the set of the film “The Hoax.” That period was generally very important in my life, because on those sets there were a lot of things for the first time for me. I smoked for the first time, tried wine for the first time and...

Photo: Mark Steinbock

fell in love for the first time. And very seriously. This love filled me completely and became literally limitless. And its object was a very worthy, but very mature man, and the situation for me was hopeless, because he had a family. But, despite this, I dare to hope that he reciprocated my feelings. Our story lasted for several years, and then I stopped it - I simply forbade myself from prolonging it... Then I had different relationships with men - both light hobbies and serious romances, lived and civil marriage. All these men were worthy people, and I am grateful to Fate for these meetings. But what can I do - in my subconscious I always had that first, all-consuming love, and all other feelings could not be compared with it. Therefore, no matter how wonderful everything turned out, I still always left my lovers - the first.

In order not to give up any hope...

As a result, by the age of forty I was left alone. A terrible depression came over me - I was simply torn apart by the feeling that everything in my life was bad, I was living meaninglessly, there was no future, no one needed me - neither in life nor in my profession. In general, my entire internal territory was engulfed in complete despair and hopelessness... And so in 2000, I and a group of friends went to Turkey for the Millennium. On January 3, I decided to go to the famous ancient temple St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - just for an excursion, with tourists. I remember going inside, and it was as if something was turning over in my soul. Some amazing, confessional state envelops me - I am filled with previously unknown feelings, thoughts, emotions.

In the footage from the last program Let Them Talk About, you can see how the actress happily shared to the whole country that at the age of 41 she decided to become a mother and took little Kolya Erokhin from the baby’s home. At that time the child was 1.5 years old. However, after 7 years, Germanova returned her adopted son to the orphanage. Evdokia called him a thief and a mentally unstable child and added that she feared for her life, as the boy was behaving inappropriately. Years later, Nikolai Erokhin, who has matured, will come to the program to meet her - the one who once adopted him and abandoned him. Watch the episode Let Them Talk - The abandoned son of the famous actress Evdokia Germanova knocks on his mother’s door 09/25/2017

What will Kolya say to his former adoptive mother Evdokia Germanova? Will he be able to forgive her? When the actress took him from the orphanage as a small child, she took care of everything to make the boy feel happy. But the years passed and the actress realized that she could no longer live with him. Kolya Erokhin ended up in the hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. His mother, having received a two-room apartment, declared him a psychopath. Long years Kolya, being in the orphanage, could not understand in any way what his fault was...

Let them say - The abandoned son of the famous actress Evdokia Germanova is knocking on his mother’s door

“I remember the day when Evdokia came to me in the hospital, brought gifts and said that she would not come to me again and that soon I would go to an orphanage,” recalls Kolya Erokhin, the former adopted son of Evdokia Germanova. The guy recently turned 18, he left the orphanage and is now taking his first steps into adulthood. Today he came to Let Them Talk (the episode “The abandoned son of the famous actress Evdokia Germanova knocks on his mother’s door”) to see the one whom he still, in spite of everything, calls mom.

Nikolay Erokhin talks about his past life to the orphanage:

“When I lived with her, I almost never saw her.” She came after filming late at night and threw me out of bed, started beating me because I behaved badly at school, and got bad marks. She even hit me on the head. (crying)

- IN Lately I tried to meet her one on one. I wrote to her on the Internet, called her. And she answered me that all this makes no sense and there is no need for us to see each other.

In this episode of Let Them Talk, experts try to listen to all points of view. You will also see footage of Kolya Erokhin’s meeting with Evdokia Germanova. How this meeting will end, watch the free broadcast online Let them talk - The abandoned son of the famous actress Evdokia Germanova knocks on his mother’s door, broadcast on September 25, 2017 (09/25/2017).

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The theme of one of the latest episodes of the show “Let Them Talk” on Channel One was the story of the actress Evdokia Germanova and her adopted son Kolya, whom she took from an orphanage at the age of one and a half years and returned the boy back when he started going to school. The artist justified her action by saying that her adopted son began to show aggression, became uncontrollable and was caught stealing several times, but she could not cope with him and therefore sent him to an orphanage.

The guest of the program was Maria Arbatova, who later published a long post on Facebook on this topic. In it, she said that Germanova drank and beat the boy. “We must judge those who gave a lonely, mentally unbalanced, drinking actress (and that’s exactly how I saw her at festivals, etc. for many years) a one and a half year old child. The fact that Dunya brutally beat him is evidenced not only by the scars on his head, but also by a bunch of people who crossed paths with them at that time adults», - Maria wrote.

In addition, Arbatova said that Kolya tried to meet with his “former” mother, but nothing good came of this idea. She reported that Evdokia greeted the young man with “an obvious badun face” and “dirty language.” According to Maria, Germanova received an apartment for her adopted child and was obliged to pay Kolya alimony after she handed him back to the orphanage. However, she didn't do this. This post caused widespread public outcry. Larisa Guzeeva, who left her comment on Arbatova’s publication, did not remain aloof from the discussion of this topic.

“Usually I want to argue with you, Masha, but there are too many strangers and idle people, but here I will sign your every letter! Yes, I also believe that Germanova’s act was a crime and there can be no other opinion! And what? What changed in her life after she ruined the boy’s life?”— Larisa asked a rhetorical question (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. — Ed.)

The other day, the former adopted son of Evdokia Germanova, Nikolai, visited the studio of the “Actually” program.

An 18-year-old boy decided to take a lie detector test after no one believed his sensational confession - famous actress brutally beat him, and then put him in a “psychiatric hospital” and abandoned the boy, accusing the child of all mortal sins.

The polygraph showed that Nikolai was not lying, and Germanova really abused her adopted son. She beat him on the head with an iron belt buckle, locked him in the toilet for the whole day, and once stabbed the boy several times. Kolya was six years old when he got naughty and pierced a beautiful decorative pillow with a toy sword. Having learned about this, Evdokia was furious. She sat the child on the table and with the words: “I’ll show you how the pillow hurt!”, she poked him in the legs with a knife a couple of times. Nikolai says he still has the scars.

Moreover, Evdokia tried in every possible way to hide the fact from outsiders ill-treatment with son. But the truth still came out. During a medical examination at school, bruises were found on the boy’s body. They started questioning him, and he talked about how he was being treated foster mother. The police were called. But Germanova claimed that Kolya injured himself and, out of harm’s way, put him in mental asylum, where he spent a year, and then went to an orphanage, since the actress canceled the adoption through the court..

The editors of the site would like to add that Evdokia Germanova adopted Kolya when the boy was not even a year old. After 8 years, she gave him up to the care of the state, unable to cope with the role of a mother.
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