What's bad when the leader is a woman? Let's talk about a good man Essay about a wonderful woman leader.

Life. Vocation. Joy

Nina Aleksandrovna Mayorova... This name is associated with a wonderful school - MBOU "Elanskaya Secondary School No. 1". Once upon a time, many years ago, she decided to become a teacher. Her dream came true after graduating from the Balashov State Pedagogical Institute. And she became not just a teacher, but a teacher who is constantly improving her skills, her teaching talent!

15 years ago Nina Aleksandrovna crossed the threshold of our school as a director. Since then the school has changed, become more beautiful and better!

Behind 38 years pedagogical work... Is this a lot or a little? Probably, for any person this is not just a period in life, but a huge journey, full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, victories and failures... But what do these years mean for a school leader? This is constant and purposeful work on raising children, self-improvement and the formation of a unified educational space. Without undue exaggeration, we can say that school for our director is her life, calling and joy. Since the beginning of her leadership, Nina Alexandrovna has shown her skills and best qualities administrator, which allowed the teaching staff to grow into a friendly and cohesive team capable of solving any issues of training and education of the younger generation.

Working under the guidance of Nina Alexandrovna, teachers become professionals in their field! Communication with such a director teaches a lot: she generously shares her ideas, pedagogical plans, helps teachers become real teachers, wise and patient in their profession. Nina Aleksandrovna skillfully organizes educational process, wisely manages the teaching staff, effectively applies various methods employee motivation.

Every morning Nina Alexandrovna begins at the school threshold. She always meets all the kids going to school. He will praise someone, scold someone, and give advice to someone. And then he plunges headlong into a heap of various management matters, many of which require immediate solutions. And so it has been for many years. Life moves in the same circle, but it has its own meaning. Excellent organizational skills and knowledge of human psychology help her to captivate the teaching staff common cause. She is not afraid to introduce new things into the educational process, therefore educational institution successfully masters new educational technologies. At the same time, he tries to ensure that the best traditions of the school are preserved.

The charm of naturalness, liveliness, simplicity - her distinctive features. Her sociability, ability to communicate, and friendliness evoke sincere respect from those with whom she worked. She has some kind of unquenchable moral impulse, an amazing sense of the new, knows how to see this new in many different situations and is always ready to help the young. She has her own socio-political views, which are realized in this work, thanks to her enthusiasm and tireless ability to work.

A talented person is talented in everything! These words are directly related to the director of our school. We can talk about this man endlessly. Yes, she can be tough, but only to the point, and no leader can do without this. Yes, there are no people without shortcomings, but if we are to judge a person, then it would be correct to put both virtues and shortcomings on the scales. Only then can you get a real picture, a real portrait of a person. Isn't it true? It is important not to be indifferent to your work. To root for everything in the world with your soul, to delve into everything. Then your attitude as a leader is felt by children and teachers.

Over the years pedagogical activity From a simple teacher, Nina Aleksandrovna grew into a competent and skillful leader. She was awarded a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation badge “Honorary Worker of Education”.

At Nina Alexandrovna's wonderful family, caring children and granddaughter.

He said very accurately and aptly about the teacher famous writer Simon Soloveitchik: “He is an artist, but his listeners and spectators do not applaud him. He is a sculptor, but no one sees his work. He is a doctor, but patients rarely thank him for his treatment and do not always want to be treated. Where can he get the strength for everyday inspiration? Only in yourself, only in the consciousness of the greatness of your work.” These words perfectly characterize Nina Alexandrovna.

In October, Nina Alexandrovna celebrated her anniversary. There is so much beauty, stature, strength and even prowess in this woman that I want to say:

You are light, but with the burden of the entire Universe.
You are fragile, but there is no stronger axis.
You are eternal, like a wonderful moment
From Pushkin-Natalyevskaya Rus'!
Health to you, Nina Alexandrovna, and success!

The team of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Elanskaya Secondary School No. 1".

Sketches for portraits of contemporaries

The myth that women can talk about their own kind exclusively in a dismissive and condescending tone was dispelled by the recently published collection “Women about Women.”

The idea to create such a book arose in the bowels of the public organization, the Association of Journalists "Aksinya", which just this year celebrates its 15th anniversary and decided to present itself, its beloved, with such original gift. A few months ago, the head of Aksinya, Irina Mardar, invited members of her organization to write essays about their contemporaries - about those whom they have known for a hundred years or whom they met quite recently, about young or old people who occupy high positions or who have found something modest, but very important for them. their place in life. The main thing is that the person is interesting to the author - no matter what, his biography or its individual episodes, his non-standard views on the world or commitment to conceptual principles that he himself developed, his attitude towards the profession or people. The main thing is that the heroine of the future essay should somehow surprise, amaze, or delight the author, which makes him want to write about her.

Members of the Aksinya organization (and the overwhelming majority are women) responded with enthusiasm to the proposal, especially since journalism is very close to many of them, and it seemed like becoming the authors of the collection, returning to such an almost forgotten genre today as the essay, or just trying it out very tempting. And, speaking in journalistic language, each had plenty of material for this, because there are no uninteresting people, there is a reluctance or inability to “stir up” one’s character, explore his fate, press hidden “springs”.

The presentation of the collection “Women on Women” took place last Friday in the fireplace room of the central city library, and, as often happens with “Aksinya” events, there was a twist. Along with the authors of essays about women, the heroines of the essays were also invited to the meeting. This added general atmosphere holiday... reality. Here they are, our contemporaries, real, not fictitious, not born of creative imagination. Each woman in these sincere stories is truly “ the whole world worthy of everyone's attention", each of them "lives in full height and creates his own personal history in the context of the history of a large country."

“Women about Women” is an anti-glamor publication. A woman here is attracted not by “a minimum of clothing or a maximum of bright feathers on her”, not by involvement in intrigues, scandals, investigations. She is ordinary, and at the same time, when you hold your gaze on her and focus your attention, she turns out to be not so ordinary, but on the contrary, she has invaluable experience and unique personality traits. This idea was emphasized by Irina Mardar, who is also the editor and compiler of the collection, when welcoming the presentation participants. And then each author was given the floor - about the “searches and finds” of his heroine. And the heroines, in turn, expressed their attitude towards the idea of ​​“Aksinya” brought to life.

By the way, the publication of the book became possible thanks to funds from the Global Fund for Women, and also from the publishing house “Old Russians” (Rostov-on-Don), headed by Natalya Startseva, a writer, author of the novels “In the Light of Love”, “To Me” It doesn’t hurt”, a collection of fairy tales “Tales from the Christmas Tree”. She attended the presentation and declared her love for all the heroines of the collection’s essays, who became close to her during the preparation of the book for publication. And a great gift for everyone gathered in the fireplace room, and there were not only the authors and heroines of the collection, but also members of other public organizations the cities that came to congratulate “Aksinya” on her birthday were books by Natalya Startseva with a personal signature.

All presentation participants received the book “Women about Women” as a gift. And on Monday, several such books were presented to the local history department of the library named after. Pushkin and each branch. Any reader can get acquainted with the collection of sketches about contemporary women.

The heroes of today's publications can be divided into two main groups. One of them is various kinds of symbolic faces. Sex symbols, show symbols, symbols of wealth, power, etc. The press is interested in them as people who personify success. There are few such public people, they have become familiar, and many have become fairly boring to the reader. Their job is to maintain interest general public all sorts of vulgarities.

The second group is more numerous, and its heroes are unknown to anyone. These are different kinds of bosses who wanted something written about them by a certain date, or just like that. This is done for money. It is clear that only relatives and friends can read such essays, and only one line at a time...

Here the author wonders if there are people who do not belong to the first two categories and who sincerely believe that they have not done something in this life that deserves everyone’s attention, but at the same time it would be interesting to read about them.
There may be many such people, but they are not easy to find. They don't expose themselves. Therefore, when the opportunity arises, you should definitely talk about them.

Zinaida Aleksandrovna Kutuzova

Pediatrician. She's already dead. In old age. The drama of a man who is almost 90 is that there are no longer people in this world who loved or hated him. Therefore, funerals of very old people are always not crowded.

Many people came to say goodbye to Kutuzova (there were no warning measures, except for a small obituary in Magnitogorsk Metal). And these were not grateful patients: for the last quarter of a century she has not worked. These were doctors and nurses, mostly elderly... The fact that the heroine of my essay is not just a doctor, but an Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, the former chief pediatrician of the city and chief physician Children's City Hospital No. 3, this is not the main thing. All this was a very long time ago. A catchphrase“No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” is never confirmed by life... But Kutuzov was remembered by numerous colleagues, despite the fact that most of them had long been in the other world. The author tried to figure out why, and having figured it out, he decided to write this essay.

She was a pronounced workaholic. For this reason, such people are a dime a dozen in our current corporations. Today's workaholic managers are very tough people. Without sparing themselves, they do not spare their subordinates. Kutuzova did not shift her stress onto her subordinates. There is evidence of this. The author communicated in different times with a considerable number of colleagues and former subordinates of Kutuzova, and that’s what’s surprising. Everyone talks about her only with reverence. The opinions of subordinates about other well-known leaders of this level differ diametrically. The author found one colleague of Kutuzova, who believed that he was punished excessively by the head physician, but he also emphasized: “For the cause.” And then he generally said: “A very reasonable woman, it was she who later secured a three-room apartment for me in the Leninsky district.”
Here another quality of the head physician Kutuzova surfaced. This is a complete, absolute incapacity for money-grubbing and even everyday hoarding. All that she left behind, materially, was a tiny Khrushchev apartment she received for a family of five, neglected garden plot Yes, the Order of the Badge of Honor... Although no, also a hockey stick with the autographs of the players of the USSR national team: Kharlamov, Mikhailov, Petrov. She loved hockey and was proud of her personal acquaintance with the national team coach Tarasov.

She always spoke politely to her subordinates and never raised her voice. She was petite in build and pleasant in appearance. Apparently therefore, despite her fierce determination and sacrifice for the interests of the cause, she gave the uninitiated the impression of a soft and compliant person. But the family received a full leadership impulse. She assigned her daughter, a medical student who came to her practice, as a nurse in the infectious diseases department. There was just an outbreak of dysentery and there wasn’t enough staff. The family carried out her orders strictly. Therefore, after graduating from university, my son did not go to graduate school, but to serve in the army. Or rather to the fleet. Border guards. At that time they served in the navy for three years. According to current concepts, such actions of a mother are some kind of parental ruthlessness. Maybe. Only later, she took a vacation several times and went across half the country to visit her son... There was something in her from the old Prince Bolkonsky from “War and Peace”... It is easier for such people to endure pain than shame.

And one last thing. When chief physician Kutuzova turned 55, the very next day she wrote a statement asking for release from leadership position. They didn’t let me go, but she insisted. She stayed in the hospital to work as a simple doctor and worked until she went blind.

And when she was dying and had already fallen into unconsciousness, she kept getting ready to go somewhere to save the child...

This, perhaps, is all the most interesting thing about pediatrician Kutuzova.
Although no, here’s another thing.

Our medicine today desperately needs such Zinaida Aleksandrovna Kutuzovs. So, perhaps, we should name her name for the largest children's hospital in the city, No. 3, which she led for a long time, and which she built and organized its work? I am sure there is no decent person who will say a word against it. And if so, then let this name become a symbol of the fact that a doctor should save people not while he is paid, but while he is breathing.

Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region.


This is a breath of conscience - in the shamelessness of the modern race into the void...

No, what I mean is that you are infinitely right, Victor, the press is full of it. What is it replete with? It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it brings money.

And in the Soviet Union, newspapers and magazines were simply filled with notes and articles about such unknown, but very important and very decent people. This one did such a thing, and this one achieved such achievements, and this one saved so many.


My memories of school are episodic. Just like on a film film damaged from long storage, missing fragments interfere with the full perception of the “film”, but do not harm the overall impression.

So, I remember a large bookcase in our 23rd room on the third floor of school No. 10, which we, newly minted fifth-graders, at the suggestion of our class teacher Siyana Magomedovna Mamaeva , they forced me to bring books and toys from home. I remember the endless “we write one - two in mind” - Siyana Magomedovna’s patient attempts to teach us, capable and incapable of exact sciences, at least the basics of mathematics. I remember how the whole class went to visit our school mother at home, and she was embarrassed by such loud manifestations of care and love. In all memories - Siyana Magomedovna, and with what tenderness and warmth her name warms the memory.

Our parents (my mother and the mothers of the other seventeen classmates) always believed that Siyana Magomedovna was too soft a leader for our noisy “A” class. In fact, it was impossible to catch this wonderful, bright woman in bad mood, irritated and angry, bringing to class a load of her household worries and problems. It was impossible to irritate her by hanging at the board for a long time, looking for the right way to solve a problem or equation when it was very close. And even periodic shirking from doing homework in high school did not become the very last point before a breakdown. Only a disappointed, quiet “Shameless!”, after which I wanted to hide under my desk, never to meet the reproachful, stern gaze of the teacher again.

All I wanted was not to disappoint her, not to let her down, and the best assessment and incentive to work on myself was praise class teacher at parent meetings. Sensitive at heart, sympathetic, empathetic, understanding and forgiving, she tried to keep our parents away from our school troubles as much as possible, to the extent that her gentleness and kindness allowed her to cope with them herself. How often now, when we have grown out of our 15-16 years, we miss this gentle voice of our beloved teacher, from which our souls warm and it becomes clear: everything will work out.

“Your classmate is Siyana Magomedovna? You're lucky! – we have heard more than once from graduates different years, who forever remembered her mathematics lessons. Even to the most incurable humanists, like me, algebra and geometry did not seem like God's punishment. Partly due to the fact that Siyana Magomedovna always had stories and examples in stock, after which even the most complex topics were perceived easier and more interesting. And on classroom hours more than once she became for us a judge whose verdict determined who had conflicting rights and who should apologize. Everything was decided by this calm voice and wise look - the only examples of tolerance I have encountered in my life.

Each of us had our own Siyana Magomedovna. She invariably appeared when one of her school children was ill, or there was a misfortune in the family, or when it was necessary to resolve issues that the teacher's sensitivity did not allow to discuss in front of everyone. For me, my school mother has always been a model of femininity and gentleness, a symbol home comfort and warmth. This warmth washed over you from the very threshold when you happened to drop by to visit her, and you embraced her dearly in her arms so tightly that it seemed that you had come home, where they had been waiting for you for a long time.

Dear Siyana Magomedovna! Five years have passed since you released us, your last issue, on a long voyage. The best thing that school could give us was your lessons, the value of which you understand more and more the older you get. My deepest bow to you for this inhuman work - to light the light in children's hearts, to teach girls and boys to be adults, endlessly forgiving them for mistakes and blunders along the way. Let the warmth you radiate return to you a hundredfold every day. We love you very much - everyone who has ever been lucky enough to be your student! Happy Teacher's Day!


Sketches for portraits of contemporaries

The myth that women can talk about their own kind exclusively in a dismissive and condescending tone was dispelled by the recently published collection “Women about Women.”
The idea to create such a book arose in the bowels of the public organization, the Association of Journalists “Aksinya,” which is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year and decided to give itself, its beloved, such an original gift. A few months ago, the head of Aksinya, Irina Mardar, invited members of her organization to write essays about their contemporaries - about those whom they have known for a hundred years or whom they met quite recently, about young or old people who occupy high positions or who have found something modest, but very important for them. their place in life. The main thing is that the person is interesting to the author - no matter what, his biography or its individual episodes, his non-standard views on the world or commitment to conceptual principles that he himself developed, his attitude towards the profession or people. The main thing is that the heroine of the future essay should somehow surprise, amaze, or delight the author, which makes him want to write about her.
Members of the Aksinya organization (and the overwhelming majority are women) responded with enthusiasm to the proposal, especially since journalism is very close to many of them, and it seemed like becoming the authors of the collection, returning to such an almost forgotten genre today as the essay, or just trying it out very tempting. And, speaking in journalistic language, each had plenty of material for this, because there are no uninteresting people, there is a reluctance or inability to “stir up” one’s character, explore his fate, press hidden “springs”.
The presentation of the collection “Women on Women” took place last Friday in the fireplace room of the central city library, and, as often happens with “Aksinya” events, there was a twist. Along with the authors of essays about women, the heroines of the essays were also invited to the meeting. This added to the overall atmosphere of the holiday... reality. Here they are, our contemporaries, real, not fictitious, not born of creative imagination. Each woman in these sincere narratives is truly “a whole world worthy of everyone’s attention,” each of them “lives to the fullest and creates her own personal story in the context of the history of a large country.”
“Women about Women” is an anti-glamor publication. A woman here is attracted not by “a minimum of clothing or a maximum of bright feathers on her”, not by involvement in intrigues, scandals, investigations. She is ordinary, and at the same time, when you hold your gaze on her and focus your attention, she turns out to be not so ordinary, but on the contrary, she has invaluable experience and unique personality traits. This idea was emphasized by Irina Mardar, who is also the editor and compiler of the collection, when welcoming the presentation participants. And then each author was given the floor - about the “searches and finds” of his heroine. And the heroines, in turn, expressed their attitude towards the idea of ​​“Aksinya” brought to life.
By the way, the publication of the book became possible thanks to funds from the Global Fund for Women, as well as from the publishing house “Old Russians” (Rostov-on-Don), headed by Natalya Startseva, a writer, author of the novels “Into the Light of Love”, “To Me” It doesn’t hurt”, a collection of fairy tales “Tales from the Christmas Tree”. She attended the presentation and declared her love for all the heroines of the collection’s essays, who became close to her during the preparation of the book for publication. And a big gift for everyone gathered in the fireplace room, and there were not only the authors and heroines of the collection, but also members of other public organizations of the city who came to congratulate “Aksinya” on her birthday, were books by Natalya Startseva with a personal signature.
All presentation participants received the book “Women about Women” as a gift. And on Monday, several such books were presented to the local history department of the library named after. Pushkin and each branch. Any reader can get acquainted with the collection of sketches about contemporary women.