Psychological support. Social and psychological support of the educational process

Accompaniment is a certain ideology of work; it is the very first and most important answer to the question of why a psychologist is needed.

There are many approaches to interpreting the concept of “psychological support”. All authors agree that psychological support is a certain system of activity of a psychologist aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development of the child in the educational situation

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“Psychological support of the educational process”

Psychological support educational process

Dzhumadilova A.K.

Skabekova K.I.

Kasymova L.E.

Zhambyl Humanitarian College named after. Abaya

Taraz, Republic of Kazakhstan

Accompaniment is a certain ideology of work; it is the very first and most important answer to the question of why a psychologist is needed.

At the present stage, the methodological foundations of the system of psychological and pedagogical support are: a person-oriented (person-centered) approach (K. Rogers, I.S. Yakimanskaya, N.Yu. Sinyagina), an anthropological paradigm in psychology and pedagogy (V.I. Slobodchikov, E.I. Isaev, B.S. Bratus), the concept of mental and psychological health of children (I.V. Dubrovina), the paradigm of developmental education (D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov), the theory of pedagogical support ( O.S. Gazman, N.N. Mikhailova), project approach in organizing psychological, medical and social support (E.V. Burmistrova, M.R. Bityanova, A.I. Krasilo).

There are many approaches to interpreting the concept of “psychological support”. All authors agree that psychological support is a specific system of activity of a psychologist aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development of a child in an educational situation. At the same time, Kazakova E. focuses on maintaining maximum freedom and responsibility of the development subject for choosing a solution actual problem. Pakhalyan V.E. pays attention to the positive development of relations between children and adults in an educational situation, the psychological and mental development of the child with a focus on the zone of proximal development. Bityanova M.R. believes that support is the value basis of a psychologist’s work with a child, an adequate method of psychological work and, finally, an organizational model of a psychologist’s activity.

Dubrovina I.V. and Yanicheva T. see the main result of support as the creation of optimal conditions for the development of children, and Dubrovina I.V. The main emphasis is placed on the psychological health of children. Ovcharova R.V. pays attention to the mental health and full development of the child’s personality. Semago M.M. and Semago M.Ya. highlight the concept of mutual adaptation of the educational environment and the child as a single process. Shipitsyna L.M. highlights the factor of creating conditions for acceptance by the subject optimal solutions for personal development and successful learning. Kalyagin V.A., Matasov Yu.T., Ovchinnikova T.S. consider it especially important to timely identify difficulties and ensure positive changes in the child’s mental development.

An analysis of the scientific literature has shown that psychological and pedagogical support has a wide variety of types and forms, which differ in focus, subject and object: parenting support; accompanying a child (gifted, generative, with learning difficulties, in a critical situation, etc.); accompaniment of the teacher in the process of teaching and educational activities; support of child-parent relationships, etc. In addition, the problem of support in education is considered both as a strategy for personal development and as a tactic for realizing its individual potential.

In our opinion, psychological support is a system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, covering all subjects of the educational process in a preschool institution, to create socio-psychological conditions for the full enjoyment of preschool childhood, successful learning and development of children.

The basic principles of accompanying a child in life conditions in a kindergarten are: the advisory nature of the advice of the accompanying person; priority of the interests of the person being accompanied, “on the child’s side”, continuity of support, integrated approach, desire for autonomy.

Object psychological support is the learning and psychological development of the child in a situation of interaction, the subject being the socio-psychological conditions for the successful learning and development of the child.

The activities of a psychologist within the framework of support include: systematic monitoring of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and the dynamics of his mental development in the learning process, the creation of socio-psychological conditions for the development of the personality of children for their successful learning and development, the creation of special socio-psychological conditions for providing assistance to children with problems in psychological development and learning.

Combining in your work different kinds activity, the psychologist actually sets different goals and takes different positions in relation to what is happening. Various models of psychologist activity have emerged. The model is determined not so much by the qualifications of the psychologist, but by his professional position, on the one hand, and the request and position of the administration, on the other.

Bityanova M.R. identifies three main ideas underlying various models of psychological activity.

Idea one: the essence of psychological activity is in the scientific and methodological guidance of the pedagogical process. Its purpose can be set in different words, for example, as scientific psychological and pedagogical support pedagogical process.

Idea two: The purpose of a psychologist’s activity is to provide assistance to children experiencing various difficulties of a psychological or socio-psychological nature, to identify and prevent these difficulties.

Idea three: the essence of psychological activity is to accompany the child in the process of all learning and upbringing. It becomes possible to combine the goals of psychological and teaching practice and their focus on the main thing - the child’s personality. We are closer to this idea of ​​a model of psychological support, which we present in the form of this diagram.

Model of psychological support of the pedagogical process

Study of the pedagogical process


Analysis of the subject-development environment

Analysis and evaluation of program material, methods and subjects of working with children

Studying models of pedagogical interaction between teachers and children

Studying children's social-emotional and cognitive development

Intermediate and final analysis of the results of studying the pedagogical process

Co-organization of activities with the senior teacher, PMC, current and long-term planning of work on psychological support of the pedagogical process

Areas of work with participants in the pedagogical process

Working with teachers: psychological education and training in practical skills

Working with children: psychological prevention, development and correction

Working with parents: psychological education and training in practical skills

Adjusting actions depending on the progress of work with participants in the pedagogical process

With this option of organizing the work of a teacher-psychologist, the goal is comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for all participants in the pedagogical process.

The tasks of a psychologist are: creating conditions for the realization of psychological age-related and individual-personal capabilities of children, providing comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance to children experiencing difficulties in learning and development, increasing the psychological competence of all participants in the pedagogical process, participation in the development and design of a developmental educational environment.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical support today is not just the sum of various methods of correctional and developmental work with children, but acts as a complex technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving problems of development, learning, and socialization.


    Jean Piaget: theory. Experiments, discussion / ed. L.F. Obukhova, G.V. Burmenskaya.-M., 2001

    Zakharova A.V. Psychological formation self-esteem / A.V.Zakharova. -Minsk, 1993

    Orlov S.B. Methods of modern developmental and educational psychology. M., 1982.

Modernization Concept adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation Russian education for the period up to 2010, it defines priority goals and objectives, the solution of which requires the construction of an adequate system of psychological and pedagogical support. A feature of the development of the support system at the present stage is the need to solve the problems of supporting a child in the context of modernization of education, changes in its structure and content. The priority goal of modernizing education is to ensure High Quality Russian education, which is not limited only to the training of students, a set of knowledge and skills, but is associated with upbringing, the concept of “quality of life”, revealed through categories such as “health”, “social well-being”, “self-realization”, “security”. Accordingly, the scope of responsibility of the psychological and pedagogical support system cannot be limited to the tasks of overcoming difficulties in learning, but include the tasks of ensuring successful socialization, preservation and promotion of health, protection of the rights of children and adolescents.

1) Methodological recommendations on the organization and content of the activities of psychological services in preschool educational institutions (letter of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region N 1551/01-10 dated June 22, 2007). Purpose of the psychological service of a municipal preschool educational institution (MDOU)

In the Russian education system, a system of support and assistance to the child in the educational process is being developed - psychological support. The starting point for the formation of the theory and practice of integrated support is a system-oriented approach, according to which development is understood as the choice and development of certain innovations by the subject of development. Support is understood as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the development subject to make optimal decisions in different situations life choice. To exercise the right to freely choose various development alternatives, it is necessary to teach a person to choose, to help him understand the essence problematic situation, develop a solution plan and take the first steps.

A preschool teacher-psychologist carries out activities within the limits of his professional competence, working with children who have a level of mental development corresponding to the age norm.

The goal of psychological support for a child in the educational process is ensuring normal child development.

This goal is specified in the following tasks:

Prevention of child development problems;

Help (assist) the child in solving current problems of development, learning and socialization;

Development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of children, parents, teachers;

Psychological support of educational programs.

The main areas of psychological support are: psychodiagnostics, correction and development; psychoprophylaxis; psychological counseling; psychological education and training.

Psychological support is aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for the successful development and learning of each child.

The tasks of psychological support are specified depending on the level (stage) of education. Preschool education in this system is given a primary role, because early diagnosis makes it possible to assess the compliance of the child’s development level with age norms, to prevent and correct possible deviations. In view of the fact that the foundations for further well-being in a child’s development are laid in preschool childhood, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the child preschool age acquires special significance and relevance.

Main functions:

Creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the psychophysical health and emotional well-being of children.

Maximum assistance to the full mental and personal development of the child.

Preparing children for a new social development situation.

Studying the individual characteristics of children in the unity of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of their manifestation.

Providing assistance to children in need of special educational programs and special forms organization of activities.

Preventive and propaedeutic work with teachers and parents on the development of personal developments in preschool children.

Training preschool employees and parents in full developmental communication with children.

Promoting the formation of psychological competence of preschool employees and parents in the patterns of child development, in matters of education and upbringing.

2) The current state of the study of ideology and technologies of psychological support E.S. Zaitseva

Formation of the professional culture of the future specialist. Materials of the X student scientific conference and V international pedagogical readings. Arkhangelsk, 2003

Yu. Slyusarev used the concept of “accompaniment” to designate a non-directive form of providing healthy people psychological assistance, aimed “not just at strengthening or completing, but at the development and self-development of an individual’s self-awareness,” assistance that triggers self-development mechanisms and activates a person’s own resources (5). A number of authors understand accompaniment as support for mentally healthy people who, at a certain stage of development, experience personal difficulties.

Many researchers note that support “involves supporting naturally developing reactions, processes and states of the individual.” Moreover, successfully organized socio-psychological support opens up prospects personal growth, helps a person enter that “development zone” that is not yet available to him.

Unlike correction, it does not involve “correcting shortcomings and redoing”, but searching for hidden resources for the development of a person or family, relying on his (her) own capabilities and creating on this basis psychological conditions for restoring connections with the human world.

The main principles of psychological support are a humane attitude towards the individual and faith in his strength; qualified assistance and support for natural development.

The result of psychological support of the individual in the process of adaptation to life becomes a new quality of life - adaptability, i.e. the ability to independently achieve relative balance in relationships with oneself and others in both favorable and extreme life situations.


Accompaniment is a certain ideology of work; it is the very first and most important answer to the question of why a psychologist is needed. However, before we dwell in detail on the content of this concept, let us consider the overall situation in domestic psychological practice from the point of view of the goals and ideology that are embedded in various existing approaches.

We can talk, in our opinion, about three main ideas underlying various models of psychological activity.

The first idea: the essence of psychological activity is in the scientific and methodological guidance of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. This is a “foreign” practice for a psychologist. Its goal can be stated in different words, for example, as scientific psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process, but in any case these are the goals of “alien” practice, a different professional perception of the world (primarily the child), which is often poorly compatible with a psychological worldview.

Idea two: the meaning of a psychologist’s activity in a preschool educational institution is to help children experiencing various difficulties of a psychological or socio-psychological nature, to identify and prevent these difficulties. Within the framework of such models, the functions of a teacher and a psychologist are quite clearly separated. Moreover, their activities often turn out to be independent of each other. Those who are successful fall outside the scope of assistance psychologically pupils who receive their share of the psychologist’s attention only if they begin to demonstrate some undesirable manifestations in behavior, learning or, say, well-being. In addition, psychologists working in line with such models often have a specific view of children: their psychological world becomes interesting to a specialist primarily only from the point of view of the presence of violations that need to be corrected and corrected.

Idea three: the essence of psychological activity is to accompany the child throughout the entire learning process. The attractiveness of the idea is clear: it really makes it possible to organize psychological activity as “your own” practice, with your own internal goals and values, but at the same time it allows you to organically weave this practice into the fabric of the educational pedagogical system. Allows you to make it an independent, but not alien part of this system. It becomes possible to combine the goals of psychological and pedagogical practice and their focus on the main thing - the child’s personality.

First of all, what does it mean to “accompany”? In the Russian language dictionary we read: to accompany means to go, to travel with someone as a companion or guide. That is, accompanying a child along his life path means moving with him, next to him, sometimes a little ahead, if possible paths need to be explained. The adult carefully looks and listens to his young companion, his desires, needs, records achievements and difficulties that arise, helps with advice and his own example to navigate the world around the Road, understand and accept himself. But at the same time he does not try to control or impose his own paths and guidelines. And only when the child gets lost or asks for help does she help him get back on his path. Neither the child himself nor his experienced companion can significantly influence what happens around the Road. An adult is also unable to show the child the path that must be taken. Choosing a Road is the right and responsibility of every individual, but if at crossroads and forks with a child there turns out to be someone who is able to facilitate the choice process and make it more conscious - this is a great success. It is precisely this accompaniment of the child at all stages of his education that is seen as the main goal of psychological practice.

The task of a psychologist is to create conditions for the child’s productive movement along the paths that he himself has chosen in accordance with the requirements of the Teacher and Family (and sometimes in opposition to them), to help him make conscious personal choices in this complex world, to constructively resolve inevitable conflicts, to master the most individually significant and valuable methods of knowledge, communication, understanding oneself and others. That is, the activity of a psychologist is largely determined by the social, family and pedagogical system in which the child actually finds himself and which is significantly limited by the framework of the school Environment. However, within this framework, he can define his own goals and objectives.

So, support is a system of professional activity of a psychologist aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for the successful learning and psychological development of a child in interaction situations.

The object of psychological practice is the learning and psychological development of a child in a situation of interaction, the subject is the socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and development.

2. The main directions of psychological support for the activities of teachers in the conditions of systemic changes.

2.1. Psychodiagnostics

Diagnostic work is historically the first form of psychological practice.

We can highlight the following principles for constructing and organizing the psychodiagnostic activity of a psychologist.

The first is the compliance of the chosen diagnostic approach and specific methodology with the goals of psychological activity (the goals and objectives of effective support).

Secondly, the survey results must either be immediately formulated in a “pedagogical” language, or be easily translatable into such a language.

Third, the predictive nature of the methods used, that is, the ability to predict on their basis certain features of the child’s development at further stages of education, and to prevent potential violations and difficulties.

Fourth, the high developmental potential of the method, that is, the possibility of obtaining a developmental effect in the process of the survey itself and building various developmental programs on its basis.

Fifth, the cost-effectiveness of the procedure.

2.2. Psychocorrectional and developmental work.

The developmental activities of a psychologist are focused on creating socio-psychological conditions for the holistic psychological development of a child, and psychocorrectional activities are aimed at solving specific problems of learning, behavior or mental well-being in the process of such development. The choice of a specific form is determined by the results of psychodiagnostics.

2.3. Counseling and education

Consulting and education for teachers

Psychological and pedagogical counseling is a universal form of organizing cooperation between teachers in solving various problems and professional tasks of the teacher himself.

Psychological education is aimed at creating conditions within which teachers could obtain knowledge that is professionally and personally significant to them. First of all, we are talking about psychological knowledge and skills that allow teachers to:

Organize an effective educational process from both content and methodological points of view;

Build relationships with students and colleagues on a mutually beneficial basis;

Realize and comprehend yourself in the profession and communication with other participants in interactions.

Parent counseling and education.

The general goal of various forms of activity of a psychologist in relation to parents - both education and counseling - is seen to be the creation of socio-psychological conditions for involving the family in accompanying the child in the development process.

In general, work with parents is built in two directions: psychological education and socio-psychological counseling on learning problems and personal development children.

Psychological and pedagogical counseling of parents, carried out at the request of parents or on the initiative of a psychologist, can perform various functions. First of all, informing parents about child development problems. Parents do not always have a sufficiently complete and objective understanding of them. Further, this is advisory and methodological assistance in organizing effective child-parent communication, if the parents themselves made such a request or the psychologist believes that the causes of the child’s school problems lie in this area. The reason for consultation may also be the need to obtain additional diagnostic information from parents. For example, at the stage of in-depth diagnostics, a psychologist may ask parents to help him identify the impact of the family situation on the child’s psychological well-being at school. Finally, the purpose of counseling may be psychological support for parents in case of detection of serious psychological problems in their child or in connection with serious emotional experiences and events in his family.

2.4. Social dispatch activities

The social and supervisory activities of a preschool educational institution psychologist are aimed at ensuring that children, their parents and teachers receive social and psychological assistance that goes beyond functional responsibilities and professional competence of a psychologist. It is obvious that the effective implementation of this function is possible only in the case when psychological activity in a preschool educational institution is a link in an extensive system of socio-psychological support (or help service) of public education. In this case, the psychologist has an idea of ​​where, how and with what accompanying documentation the request can be “redirected”. In all other situations, he is not confident that the client will be provided with the necessary assistance, offered effective forms cooperation. To implement dispatch functions in this case, the psychologist must have at least a bank of reliable data at his disposal on various socio-psychological services that provide professional services.

When does a psychologist turn to social control activities? Firstly, when the intended form of work with a child, his parents or teachers goes beyond the scope of his functional responsibilities. Secondly, when a psychologist does not have sufficient knowledge and experience to provide the necessary assistance himself. Thirdly, when a solution to a problem is possible only if it is taken beyond the scope of school interaction and the people participating in it. The psychologist is one of its participants.

However, the activity of a psychologist in the cases described above is not limited to “redirecting the problem.” It involves sequential solution of the following tasks:

Determining the nature of the problem at hand and the possibilities for solving it

Finding a specialist who can help

Assistance in establishing contact with the client

Preparation of the necessary accompanying documentation

Tracking the results of client interaction with a specialist

Providing psychological support to the client in the process of working with a specialist.

The responsibilities of a preschool educational institution psychologist still include supporting the child’s development; only the forms and content of this process change.


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5. Ganicheva, I.V. Body-oriented approaches to psychocorrectional and developmental work with children (5 – 7 years old) / I.V. Ganicheva. – M.: Knigolyub, 2008. – 136 p.

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7. Davydova, O.I. Adaptation groups in preschool educational institutions: Methodological manual / O.I. Davydova. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006. – 128 p. (Appendix to the journal “Preschool Education Management”.

8. Zakrepina, A.V. Problem child: Paths to cooperation: a methodological manual / A.V. Fastening. – M.: Bustard, 2007. – 141 p.

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10. Kiryukhina, N.V. Organization and content of work on the adaptation of children in preschool educational institutions: a practical guide / N.V. Kiryukhina. – 2nd ed. – M.: Iris-Press, 2006. – 112 p.

11. Konovalenko, S.V. Development of thinking and memory in children from three years old / S.V. Konovalenko. – M.: EKSMO Publishing House, 2005. – 240 p.

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14. Pavlova, T.L. Diagnosis of a child’s readiness at school / T.L. Pavlova. – M.: TC Sfera, 2007. – 128 p.

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16. Saraskaya, O.N. Psychological training for preschoolers “Let's be friends!” / O.N.Saranskaya. – M.: Knigolyub, 2008. – 64 p.

17. Sevostyanova, E.O. Program for adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions / E.O. Sevostyanova - M.: TC Sfera, 2007. - 128 p.

18. Smirnova, E.O. Child psychology: Textbook. for students higher education in pedagogy institutions / E.O. Smirnova. – M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2003. – 368 p.

19. Sokolova, O.A. World of communication. Etiquette for children of preschool and primary school age / O.A. Sokolova. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003. – 288 p.

20. Shirokova, G.A. Handbook of a preschool psychologist / G.A. Shirokova. – Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 2004. – 384 p.

Material prepared by L.Yu. Koltyreva

Assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology IPKiPPRO OGPU

Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the system continuing education

Continuing education is understood as the connection, consistency and prospects of all components of the system (goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of organization of education and training) at each level of education to ensure continuity in the development of the child.

The general goals of lifelong education for school-age children can be formulated as:

    education of a moral person;

    protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

    preserving and supporting the child’s individuality,

    physical and mental development children

Knowledge, abilities and skills are considered in the system of continuous education as the most important means child development.

Implementation common goal and the tasks of educating children of these ages requires compliance with a number of psychological and pedagogical conditions:

    personality-oriented interaction between adults and children;

    providing each child with conditions for a possible choice of activity, partner, means, etc.;

    focusing pedagogical assessment on relative indicators of children's success (comparing a child's today's achievements with his own yesterday's achievements);

    creating an educational environment that promotes emotional-value, social-personal, cognitive, aesthetic development the child and the preservation of his individuality;

    formation of leading activities as the most important factor child development; reliance on play in the formation of educational activities;

    balance of reproductive (reproducing a finished sample) and research, creative activity, joint and independent, mobile and static forms of activity.

At milestones age development, which correspond to the stages of education in the system of continuous education and upbringing, a growing person reaches his peak, his general maturity as readiness to move to a new, higher level of education and development.

In the last decade, a special culture of support and assistance to students in the educational process has developed in the education system - psychological and pedagogical support. Psychological and pedagogical support is the real embodiment of humane pedagogy, personality-oriented education, a manifestation of innovative processes that ensure the introduction of new trends in the activities of educational institutions. Psychological and pedagogical support involves providing assistance to the child, his family, and teachers, which is based on maintaining maximum freedom and responsibility of the subject of the educational process for choosing a solution to an urgent problem. This corresponds to the new paradigm of education - the development of the child’s subjectivity and individuality. The process of psychological and pedagogical support unites the main institutions of socialization of the child: family, school, institutions of additional education for children. The need to organize psychological and pedagogical support for student activities in an institution of additional education for children is due to the implementation of the ideas of pre-profile training aimed at professional self-determination of the student’s personality based on her interests, abilities, inclinations and needs.

Psychological and pedagogical support is considered as special kind assistance (or support) to the child, ensuring his development in the educational process.

Psychological and pedagogical support is professional activity adults interacting with a child in a school environment. A child, coming to school and immersing himself in the school environment, solves his specific problems, realizes his individual goals of mental and personal development, socialization, education, etc.

The full development of a student at all stages of school life consists of two components:

    implementation of the opportunities that this stage of age development opens up for the child;

    realization of the opportunities that this socio-pedagogical environment offers him.

The main goal of psychological and pedagogical support is to provide the teacher with the opportunity to help each student be successful. The teacher must own the situation in the classroom, determine the prospects for his own development and tactics of interaction with each student.

Objectives of psychological and pedagogical support:

    Providing psychological and pedagogical assistance in the successful adaptation of each child to new social conditions;

    Creating an atmosphere of safety and trust in the teacher-child-parent system;

    To promote the formation of the child’s skills and abilities that lie in his zone of proximal development.

The most important levels at which support must be provided:

    Individual psychological, determining the development of basic psychological systems:

    intellectual development of the child (level of learning, intellectual development, creativity of thinking;

    mental development (level of training, educational success of the child).

    Personal, expressing the specific characteristics of the subject himself as an integral system, his difference from his peers:

      features of interaction with others (sociometric status, level of anxiety);


    Individual personality characteristics that make up the internal physiological and psychological basis:

      type of temperament;

      leading modality.

From a psychological point of view, the psychological and pedagogical support system should, first of all, be considered as continuity primary education and average. It is important that the individual development of the child is monitored comprehensively and that all participants are involved in the educational process: the teacher primary classes, class teacher, subject teachers, parents of the child, since support is a holistic, systemically organized activity, during which socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions are created for the successful learning and development of each child.

In the system-oriented activities of psychological and pedagogical support proposed by M.R. Bityanova, the educational psychologist solves three main tasks:

1.Tracking the characteristics of the child’s psychological development at various stages of education (diagnostic minimum). Indicators of child development are compared with the content of psychological and pedagogical status. If there is compliance, a conclusion can be drawn about successful development, and further development can be directed towards creating conditions for the transition to the next stage of age development. In case of non-compliance, the cause is studied and a decision is made on ways of correction: either the requirements for of this child, or its capabilities are developing.

2.Creation in this pedagogical environment of psychological conditions for the full development of each child within the limits of his age and individual capabilities. This problem is solved through such means as education, active psychological training of parents, teachers and children themselves, methodological assistance, and developmental psychological work.

3.Creation of special psychological conditions to provide assistance to children experiencing difficulties in psychological development. Many children, within the age norm, do not realize their potential, “do not take” from the pedagogical environment given to them what they are, in principle, able to take. The special work of the school psychologist is also focused on them. This problem is solved by means of correctional and developmental, consulting, methodological and social dispatch work.

The method and ideology of the work of a school psychologist is accompaniment. This means building the educational process along the following lines:

Accompanying a child is based on the personal achievements that the child actually has. It is in the logic of its development, and does not artificially set goals and objectives for it from the outside. This provision is very important when determining the content of the work of a school psychologist. He deals with what a particular child or group needs. Thus, as the most important axiological principle, the proposed model of school psychological practice includes the unconditional value of the inner world of each schoolchild, the priority of the needs, goals and values ​​of his development.

Creating conditions for children to independently creatively master the system of relationships with the world and themselves, as well as for each child to make personally significant life choices. The child's inner world is autonomous and independent. An adult can play an important role in the formation and development of this unique world. However, an adult (in this case, a psychologist) should not turn into an external psychological “crutch” of his pupil, on which he can rely every time in a situation of choice and thereby avoid responsibility for decision. In the process of accompanying the adult, creating situations of choices (intellectual, ethical, aesthetic), encourages the child to find independent decisions, helps him take responsibility for his own life.

The idea of ​​support has a goal: to create, within the social and pedagogical environment objectively given to the child, conditions for his maximum personal development and learning. In the process of solving these three tasks by a schoolchild - education, socialization and psychological development - small and serious contradictions and conflicts constantly arise. Thus, the demands of the educational environment may conflict with the child’s capabilities. What to do in this situation? Who to adapt to whom? “Correct” the child, adjusting him to the given requirements or change something in the learning conditions? Definitely, priority should be given to the child and his current and potential capabilities. And the task of psychological and pedagogical support will be to create conditions for the most successful learning of this particular student.

But, on the other hand, the flexibility and adaptability of the educational environment cannot be endless. In order to preserve her original goals and guidelines, she is forced to make certain demands on the child both in terms of his skills, the presence of certain intellectual prerequisites, and in terms of educational motivation, focus on acquiring knowledge, etc. If these requirements are reasonable and justified by the logic of the educational process itself, the psychologist’s task will be to adapt the child to them.

The same can be said with regard to the socializing environment. It should also be able to adapt to each individual child, but not indefinitely. There are a number of requirements, norms, and strict rules that a child must learn, accept, and implement in his behavior and communication.

It is impossible to propose one general algorithm for resolving such conflicts. In each individual case, it must be decided taking into account the priority of the child’s inner world and the importance of some necessary and sufficient system, the requirements imposed on him by the educational and regulatory environment. The guarantee of a fair and productive solution is psychological and pedagogical support, during which teachers, psychologists, parents and other adults surrounding the child find the best combination of adapting the school environment to him and him to the school environment.

Psychological support for a child in an educational institution is mainly carried out pedagogical means, through the teacher and traditional school forms of educational and educational interaction. At the very least, the advantage of such hidden forms of influence is postulated in comparison with the direct intervention of a psychologist in the life of a child, his intra-school and intra-family relationships. This defines the role of the teacher in psychological practice in a special way. He turns out to be the psychologist’s ally in developing a strategy for accompanying each child and its main implementer. The psychologist helps the teacher “tune” the learning and communication process to specific students.

Support is considered as a process, as an integral activity of the psychological service of the gymnasium, as the most important component of the educational process.

The approval of the idea of ​​support as the basis of school psychological practice, the postulation of its object and subject in the form described above, has a number of important consequences, on which the entire model of school psychological work is based. These consequences relate to the goals, objectives and directions of this activity, the principles of its organization, the content of the work, the professional position of the psychologist in relations with various participants in the educational process, as well as approaches to assessing the effectiveness of his activities. In this regard, it is important to highlight the following conceptual consequences of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of the gymnasium:

Systematic monitoring of the child’s psychological and pedagogical status and the dynamics of his mental development during schooling. From the first minutes of a child’s stay at school, information about various aspects of his mental life and the dynamics of development begins to be carefully and confidentially collected and accumulated, which is necessary to create conditions for successful learning and personal growth of each student. To obtain and analyze information of this kind, methods of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics are used. At the same time, the psychologist has clear ideas about what exactly he should know about the child, at what stages of education diagnostic intervention is really necessary and by what minimal means it can be carried out. He also takes into account that in the process of collecting and using such psychological and pedagogical information, many serious ethical and even legal issues arise.

Creating socio-psychological conditions for the development of students’ personality and their successful learning. Based on psychodiagnostic data, individual and group programs for the child’s psychological development are developed, and the conditions for his successful education are determined. The implementation of this point assumes that the educational process in an educational institution, built according to flexible schemes, can change and transform depending on the psychological characteristics of those children who came to study at this institution. In addition, a certain flexibility is required from each teacher, since his approaches and requirements for children should also not be frozen, should not proceed from some abstract idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal, but focus on specific children, with their real capabilities and needs.

Creation of special socio-psychological conditions to provide assistance to children with problems in psychological development and learning. This area of ​​activity is aimed at those schoolchildren who have identified certain problems with mastering educational material, socially accepted forms of behavior, communicating with adults and peers, mental well-being, etc. To provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to such children, a system of actions and specific activities must be thought out that allow them to overcome or compensate for the problems that have arisen.

The basis of mental health is the full mental development of the child at all stages of ontogenesis. Creating socio-psychological conditions in the macroenvironment of each child for successful development and learning, taking into account his personal and individual characteristics that ensure such development, is the main goal of psychological continuous education.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical support for the activities of a continuing education teacher is a systematically organized joint movement of support subjects aimed at creating optimal conditions for improving the quality and efficiency of the activities of a continuing education teacher.

Pedagogical support the activities of a continuing education teacher, which contributes to improving the quality and effectiveness of the activities of a continuing education teacher, is accompanied by the consistency of interaction between the subjects of support (additional education teachers, administrators, methodologists, psychologists, senior continuing education teachers - mentors, students and their parents); the value-motivational attitude of the teacher to activities in the institution of additional education for children, which contributes to the development of an independent professional position; taking into account the level of basic and additional education of teachers; taking into account the psycho-age characteristics of the subjects of interaction; professional and personal reflection, timely and adequate response to changes in social order.

The model of psychological and pedagogical support for the activities of a continuing education teacher and implementation can be used in organizing the educational process in children's educational institutions.

A modular algorithm for creating a form of psychological support system includes:

(1) forecasting the demand for psychological and pedagogical support of the individual in the educational process of continuing education;

(2) formation of a data bank based on the results of medical-compensatory, corrective diagnostics, taking into account the development of inclusive education;

(3) participation of specialists in working with teaching staff on social adaptation for the purpose of practical implementation of the idea of ​​inclusive education;

(4) introduction of a system of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, including psychological and pedagogical education, diagnostics, training, adaptation;

(5) organization of a monitoring system for individual mental health;

(6) introduction into the educational process of coordination and methodological developments on the issues of methodological support for the process of mastering basic, additional educational programs, and self-education programs;

(7) the use of psychological and psychophysiological methods of accompanying the individual in the educational process of continuing education. Its function is aimed at: psychological and pedagogical support in educational institutions that have the ability to provide an expanded range of psychological and medical services for students, including those with poor health.

Accompanying a child along his life path - this is a movement together

with him, next to him sometimes - a little ahead if possible ways need to be explained. An adult carefully looks and listens to his young companion, his desires, needs, records achievements and difficulties that arise, helps with advice and his own example to navigate the world around him, understand and accept himself. But when

it does not try to control, impose its own paths and guidelines. And only when the child gets lost or asks for help does he help him again

Analysis psychological literature, practical experience and conclusions drawn on its basis allowed us to develop a system of psychological support for the continuity of children's development during the transition of children from kindergarten to school. Its necessity is dictated by the fact that the question of how kindergartens and schools need to cooperate in order to help children quickly and effectively engage in the educational process based on developmental technologies, and maintain physical and psychological health, ensure their further personal development.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, ways to ensure continuity of connections in the work of kindergarten and school are defined as the maximum convergence of conditions and methods of teaching and upbringing. Z.B. Lopsonova considers continuity in the educational work of kindergarten and school as a holistic process that ensures the full personal development of a preschooler, his physical and psychological well-being in the transition period from preschool age to education and training in primary school and aimed at the long-term formation of the child’s personality based on his previous experience and accumulated knowledge. Finding the most effective ways of continuity between kindergarten and school involves identifying and eliminating the reasons that give rise to difficulties in children during the transition from one educational level to another. Our observations show that there are significant shortcomings in the implementation of continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school, which complicate the process of adaptation to school life. Firstly, the school does not sufficiently take into account the child’s level of readiness to master school material; much of the knowledge and positive personal qualities acquired by the child in kindergarten are not acquired here further development. Secondly, the level of educational work with children in preschool institutions does not always meet the increased demands of school education. Teachers are not sufficiently oriented in kindergarten programs, and preschool teachers do not know the content of the curriculum in primary school. Teachers of preschool institutions and schools do not pay due attention to ensuring the unity of organizational, methodological and educational work of kindergarten and school. The system of work on psychological support has been operating in Kushmurunskaya for several years. high school Auliekol district, Kostanay region. In our study, by psychological support for the continuity of development of children during the transition from kindergarten to primary school, we understand a system of organizational, methodological, research and developmental activities for children, teachers, educators, administration and parents, aimed at the optimal mental and personal development of children. The proposed system promotes the continuity of the child’s development process at the stage of preschool and primary education.

The purpose of the support work system is to create optimal conditions during the transition of children from kindergarten to primary school for successful learning and individual development of the child’s personality in the educational space. A system of work on psychological support is being implemented through solving the main tasks of supporting the continuity of development of children, has directions and conditions for implementation. The scheme of psychological support for children during the transition from kindergarten (preschool) to primary school (PS) is presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1.

Such construction of a system of psychological support, in our opinion, is a necessary condition for organizing the optimal process of succession and its psychological support, especially in initial period training. Practical learning This problem clearly indicates that only in the case of coordinated activities of all participants in the educational space is it possible to achieve the goal.

The main objectives of the work on psychological support for the continuity of development of children are:

1) creation of a unified educational space that unites children, teachers, educators and parents;

2) building a health-preserving educational environment;

3) coordination and joint development of the content of training and education;

4) creation favorable conditions for the intellectual and personal development of schoolchildren.

The system of work on psychological support is holistic in nature, its implementation is carried out in three stages:

The first stage involves psychological support in developing the readiness of children in a preschool educational institution to study in primary school. Support at this stage is carried out by a psychologist through studying the level of functional readiness of children for studying in a gymnasium, through coordinating the pedagogical requirements of kindergarten teachers and teachers of the primary stage of education in a gymnasium. In addition, the psychologist compiles individual programs on the development of children, in order to prevent maladaptive reactions, fatigue, etc. Preventive and advisory work with parents of kindergarten graduates provides the psychologist with assistance, effective cooperation and partnerships already at the initial stages of school education. The results of the diagnostic, developmental, correctional and advisory activities of the psychologist are documented in individual diaries or child development cards, which will subsequently be transferred to the school. The coordinating role of the psychologist in the implementation professional interaction Primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers at this stage are to conduct joint activities in order to inform them about the individual and age characteristics of children. The psychologist participates in the selection of successive forms, methods and technologies for teaching and raising children in a preschool institution. Psychological counseling educators about the age characteristics of first-graders, familiarizing them with the specifics of an innovative approach to teaching, as well as informing educators about the characteristics of each child’s family relationships makes it possible to most effectively build an individual plan for preparing children for studying in a gymnasium.

At the second stage, psychological support is provided for children’s adaptation to learning conditions in primary school. The specifics of gymnasium education suggest that already in the first grade, instruction is taught not by one teacher, but by several teachers. The educational process is not carried out in one classroom; children attend the classroom visual arts, gym, swimming pool, library, etc. Training according to the developmental system of L.V. Zankova demands maximum effort from first-graders. All this, undoubtedly, places increased demands on the personal and intellectual development of children, on the volitional organization of their personality and sufficient high level organization of their educational activities.

Explanatory and advisory activities of a psychologist, primarily with parents of first-graders, provide solutions to many problems that arise at the initial stage of education. This, in turn, ensures a quick and painless adaptation of children to school and the school community. Carrying out work with primary school teachers on the principle of a psychological and pedagogical consultation, where issues of the age and individual characteristics of each child, the level of his school maturity and preparedness for studying in a gymnasium, the functional state of his body are discussed, the psychologist organizes cooperation between teachers and parents.

Often there is a need to develop an individual development trajectory for a student. In this case, the psychologist makes plans correctional classes for every child. The effectiveness of such work by a psychologist is ensured by the initial psychological information reflected in the development diary of each child.

The third stage involves supporting the development of students in primary school. Psychological support is to provide conditions for the maximum development of the personality of each gymnasium student. Employees of the psychological service of the gymnasium conduct systematic psychodiagnostics, the results of which are analyzed and accumulated in a data bank. This psychological information forms the basis for the development of recommendations for teachers and parents of gymnasium students; on its basis, proposals are drawn up to optimize interaction with schoolchildren in the process of their education and upbringing. This stage of support is also preparation for the transition of younger schoolchildren to the second level of the gymnasium, and, therefore, the work of psychologists and teachers with students is carried out with a focus on the model of a middle-level gymnasium student. The psychologist’s activities are focused on organizing a form of cooperation between teachers and parents that will most effectively shape children’s personal and intellectual characteristics and the prerequisites for further successful education. Constructive interaction between parents and teachers ensures, in our opinion, the integrity of the educational process, allowing for a coordinated approach to all forms of interaction between an adult and a child.

Consequently, work on psychological support for continuity is a system of activities for children, teachers, educators, administration and parents aimed at creating optimal conditions for the transition of preschool children to the gymnasium.

Psychological activities to create optimal conditions conducive to the development of children, as already noted, should be comprehensive and include all participants in the educational space: children, parents, teachers (educators) and the administration of educational institutions. Psychological support at the Kushmurun secondary school in the Auliekol district of the Kostanay region is carried out continuously and includes work with children starting from the age of six and continues at the elementary level.

The approval of the idea of ​​support as a necessary condition for the successful functioning of a modern school within the framework of lifelong education has a number of principles. It is extremely important to implement the principle of an individual approach in the process of teaching and raising preschool children and primary schoolchildren. An individual approach is necessary, in particular, to create optimal conditions for each child in school and kindergarten, for educators, teachers and parents, and for the most productive interaction of all participants in the educational space. An individual approach is implemented, including in drawing up an individual development map for each child, where, in addition to information about the real level of development various fields the child’s personality, contains information about his potential capabilities, i.e. about its zone of proximal development.

The success of psychological support largely depends on how competently the cooperation of children, parents, educators and teachers is implemented, that is, the principle of partnership. He assumes that only in the presence of partnerships, when in relation to the child the educational institution represented by psychologists, teachers or educators, as well as parents take a position not “above”, but “next to”, is it possible to achieve the goal we have set. The same position remains in the interaction between the educational institution and parents.

The organizational principle implies that psychological support in the Kushmurun secondary school of the Auliekol district of the Kostanay region is implemented not only in direct psychological work, but also in the form of an agreement with the preschool educational institution “Child Development Center” No. 28 in Kostanay. When organizing first class at the base preschool the learning process of children is combined with the advantages of a preschool educational institution. In terms of psychological support for succession connections and facilitating the transition of children from preschool to primary school, the support system provides the following opportunities. In this case, the kindergarten regime is completely preserved. Classes are conducted by the gymnasium teacher in forms familiar to children. This form pedagogical technologies, in the first and subsequent grades of primary school, when properly implemented, allows for the implementation of all psychological and pedagogical tasks transition period. However, teachers teaching first grade must have the appropriate professional qualifications. In our opinion, to preserve the physical and mental health of six-year-old children and ensure their emotional well-being, such an organization of their education is most acceptable.

In addition, we highlight the principle of consistency, implying the systematic nature of the psychologist’s activities, organizational consolidation (in the long-term and current work plans of the entire gymnasium and kindergarten staff) of various forms of cooperation between the teacher, educator and psychologist in creating conditions for successful continuous education, upbringing and development children. Thus, the system of psychological support can be considered as a comprehensive and consistent implementation in practice of a pre-designed formative psychological impact taking into account the psychological conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, tools and methods in the educational space. In relation to psychological practice, this means that when developing a system of psychological support, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each child - his individual prerequisites that provide “resistance”, or, conversely, favor the influence of teaching and developmental influences.

So, the system of psychological support is aimed at achieving an organic unity of conditions that provide children with the most complete, age-appropriate development and, at the same time, emotional well-being. This requires a change in the principles and views on the organization of the educational process. In the psychological support of the educational process, two parts are distinguished: stable and variable. The goal, principles, and main directions of work are constant. Specific procedures and working methods vary depending on requests and the situation. Carrying out accompanying activities during the transition of children from a preschool educational institution to primary school allows optimizing the educational process. In this sense, the process of lifelong education in the system " kindergarten- “primary school” is a systematic structure of teaching, upbringing and teaching itself (as the activity of the child himself), ensuring the disclosure and development of the child’s personality.

The priority goal of modernizing education is to ensure its high quality, which is not limited only to students’ training, set of knowledge and skills, but is associated with education, the concept of “quality of life”, revealed through categories such as “health”, “social well-being”, “ self-realization”, “security”.

Therefore, in recent decades, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in the educational process has been developing in the Russian education system - social and psychological support. The term is widely used, although it has not yet been firmly defined. For some authors, accompaniment is a road, the joint movement of an adult and a child, the help necessary for orientation in the world surrounding this road, understanding and accepting oneself. “Choosing a road is the right and responsibility of every individual, but if at crossroads and forks with a child there is someone who is able to facilitate the choice process and make it more conscious - this is a great success” (M. Bityanova).

Today, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266 - 1 “On Education” under accompaniment refers to the system of professional activities of service specialists (psychologists, social educators, speech therapists, defectologists, etc.), aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for the successful learning and development of a child in situations of school interaction (N.V. Afanasyeva).

Thus, support is understood as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject to make optimal decisions in various situations. At the same time, there is a reliance on the internal development potential of the subject, therefore, on the right of the subject to independently make their choice and bear responsibility for it. The environment must contain a significant number of opportunities to provide variability in choice. Simply put, support is helping a person make a decision in difficult situations life choice.
The object of support is the educational process (ETP), the subject of activity is the situation of the child’s development as a system of his relationships with the world, with others (adults, peers), with himself.

Purpose of support– to create, within the framework of the social-pedagogical environment objectively given to the child, conditions for his maximum personal development and learning in a given situation (in accordance with the age norm of development).

Support tasks:

  1. Prevent the development of student development problems.
  2. Help (assist) the student in solving current problems of development, training, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing a professional and educational route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents.
  3. Psychological support of educational programs.
  4. Development of psychological and pedagogical competence and psychological culture of students, parents, teachers.

In accordance with the purpose and objectives of support, we have created a system of work on psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in an institution of secondary vocational education. It is impossible for one specialist to do this. Therefore on this moment There is a Service for Social and Psychological Support of the Educational Process, which includes an educational psychologist, a social pedagogue, a medical worker, class teachers (group supervisors) and industrial training masters.

Goals and objectives of the activity of the Service for Social and Psychological Support of the Educational Process (SSPS EP).

Goal: psychological support for personal and social adaptation of students during their college education.

Main goals:

  1. To combine all components of the pedagogical system into a single social-psychological-pedagogical complex.
  2. Create psychologically optimal conditions for students to acquire social and professional competence.
  3. To help each student in practice master the simplest methods of self-analysis, self-esteem, and self-regulation of their mental processes.
  4. Provide timely social and legal protection to socially needy categories of students.
  5. Create conditions for increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents.
  6. Prepare materials for psychological and pedagogical consultations and organize their work.
  7. Provide college management with comprehensive information necessary to make optimal management decisions.

SSPS solves the problem of promoting mental, psychophysiological and personal development, paying attention to the social adaptability of students.

The objectives of the JCSS are specified in the content of work in each training course:

1 course. The main task is a comprehensive study of admitted students, their professional suitability, monitoring the process of their adaptation, identifying students prone to maladjustment. Working with them. Organization of work to unite groups.

2nd course. The main task is the development of personal and professional skills, the formation of communication skills, and professionally important qualities. At this stage, students develop an idea of ​​themselves, their abilities, assimilation of their external assessment, and a transition occurs from the position of an object of activity to the implementation of an active subjective position. This process is under the supervision of teachers, which allows you to track the changes that are taking place.

3rd year. The main task is to expand career guidance work and work to prepare students for independent professional activities. Activities are organized to analyze the learning process with appropriate conclusions.

Types of activities of the Social and Psychological Support Service.

The main activities of the JCSS are:

1. Diagnostic activity:

– creation of a bank of socio-psychological data for each student: general data, information about parents, his state of health, social status, personal, professional development, level of compliance with the chosen profession, training, education, interests, class attendance, future professional plans;
– study of the moral and psychological climate in student and teaching staff.

2. Organizational and pedagogical activities:

– determining the degree of readiness of applicants and first-year students for educational activities at its different stages;
– monitoring of personal and professional development in training courses;
– regular clarification of the social status of the students’ family;
– identification of students at “risk group”, “attention group”, “support group” through the organization of psychological and pedagogical consultations, maintaining individual registration cards for them;
– raids to check students’ attendance in classes;
– attending lessons to observe individual students or groups.

3. Advisory and preventive activities:

– the use of health-saving technologies in working with students;
– provision of individual pedagogical, psychological, social, medical and legal assistance to students;
– consultation on diagnostic results;
– career counseling with the selection of an educational institution;
– mass sports work: tourist rallies, fun starts, sports competitions, health days, health week, meetings with specialists for prevention purposes bad habits, crime prevention;
– training sessions to unite 1st year groups, “Life Line” classes to prevent bad habits;
– design of thematic stands.

4. Corrective and developmental work:

– for students – in self-development, the formation of professionally important qualities through diagnosis and subsequent adjustment;
– with parents – in the harmonization of parent-child relationships;
– creation of a favorable psychological climate in study groups and teaching staff;
– implementation of a plan for working with “at-risk” students through remedial classes;
– participation in meetings of the “Prevention Council”;
– development of professionally important qualities of students, communication skills, regulation of emotional state, skills of professional self-determination.

5. Educational work:

– assistance to teachers in improving the psychological, pedagogical and socio-psychological culture of relations with students;
– participation in seminars, teacher councils, round tables, “laboratory of unsolved problems” on the problems of psychological support of students’ educational activities;
– holding seminars on the study of health-saving technologies and the possibility of their implementation in UVP;
– speeches at parent meetings, teacher councils;
– training sessions for teachers;
– debates, conversations, round tables, business games for parents;
– conversations for students on issues of maintaining and promoting health, sex education, and career guidance.

6. Scientific and methodological work:

– improving professional level through attending lectures and advanced training courses;
– development of recommendations for first-year students on issues of adaptation to the peculiarities, conditions of study at the school, development of communication skills, and for teaching staff - on methods of providing assistance to first-year students during the adaptation period;
– development of memos, methodological recommendations for teachers to work taking into account the individual typological characteristics of students.

7. Cooperation with organizations on issues of training, education, health of students, their social adaptation (guardianship department, department of social protection of the population, PDN, KDN, UII, pension fund, KDM, Central District Hospital, center for socio-psychological assistance “Fortuna”, specialists from the Regional Educational Institution , MSOSH, employment center).

In general, the work is built in two directions:

  1. Relevant – focus on solving problems associated with certain difficulties in learning, mastering a specialty, education, behavior, communication.
  2. Prospective – aimed at the development, renewal of each person’s personality and individuality, the formation of his readiness for self-determination, for life in society.

The areas are inextricably linked: a social pedagogue, an educational psychologist, solving promising problems, daily provide concrete assistance to students, parents, teachers, masters, and class teachers who need it.

The graduate model (professiogram) being developed and implemented is a guideline in the long-term determination of the direction of activity.

In the personal and professional development of students, new technologies and methods of socio-psychological support, various trainings, and role-playing games are used, which contribute to the formation of self-actualization abilities, adaptation skills to changing conditions and the requirements of the time.

In the system of organizing the socio-psychological support service, the following can be distinguished:
– social support provided by a social teacher,
– psychological – by a teacher-psychologist,
– medical – by a medical worker,
– pedagogical – subject teachers, class teachers.

For each specialist, the type of support will reflect the specifics of his work, but the essence is the same (Annex 1).

Psychological support.

Let's take a closer look at the system of psychological support for students in the process of vocational training, because This is the main activity of a psychologist, aimed at creating conditions for maximum promotion of the personal and professional development of each student. At the same time, it creates conditions for the development of not only students, but also teachers and parents.

Areas of work.

Stage 1. Psychological support for career guidance and professional selection.

Initially, at this stage, the psychologist participates in career guidance conversations with students in schools in the district with the aim of pre-recruiting the contingent. A pre-professional training program is also being implemented with them. In classes, students become familiar with the rules for choosing a profession, with the diversity of the world of professions, with their individual characteristics, correlating them with the chosen profession. Based on the results of the work, a project work “Me and my profession” is prepared.

A psychological examination was organized with the admitted first-year students to determine suitability for the profession. During this period, personal files are analyzed and data is studied psychological examination. After that, an interview is organized with students and their parents (legal representatives), at which they are introduced to the diagnostic results and the features of studying at the college. Students are offered recommendations for successful adaptation to new learning conditions.

Forms of work: classes “Your Professional Career” for 9th grade students, a lesson with elements of the training “Self-Marketing - the Path to Successful Employment” (for participants in the “Profession Fair”), participation in career guidance classes for 9th grade students, testing, analysis of personal business, interview.

The importance of the work at this stage is that the process of self-determination of school students is taking place. They develop an active social position and develop the ability to make significant changes in their lives.

Stage 2. Psychological support for the process of adaptation of students to new learning conditions.

During this period, the study of students continues, identifying their interests, learning abilities, leadership abilities, psychological climate in student groups through testing, organizing observation of students during and outside lessons, conversations with teachers, class teachers and software masters. At the same time, teachers become familiar with the characteristics of students. In the first month of adaptation, it is very important for students to get to know other students in the group as closely as possible. For this purpose, groups spend hours familiarizing themselves with the elements of the training. There is an analysis of conflict situations that arise among students, between students and teachers, and the causes of difficulties during the adaptation period. All information obtained in the process of this work is used when holding a round table for students, teachers, and parents on the topic: “Difficulties in the transition of students from school to college.” This event makes it possible to identify the difficulties faced by all subjects of the educational process, as well as to find ways out of the current situation by listening to the opinions of the students themselves, their parents and teachers.

The psychological and pedagogical consultation on the adaptation of first-year students is a general event in this direction. At the consultation, teachers discuss the characteristics of students, both individually and the characteristics of the group, problems are identified and a plan is developed to eliminate these problems.

As a result, the adaptation period for students is shortened, and teachers can effectively organize the educational process.

Forms of work: testing, observation of students during and outside lessons, conversations with teachers, hours of familiarization with training elements, analysis of conflict situations, round table for students, parents and teachers