Training meaning of life exercises. Training with teenagers “the meaning of life”

Target: to promote high school students’ understanding of various philosophical approaches to the meaning and purpose of human existence, awareness of the meaning of their own lives and their calling in life.

Approximate lesson content

    Reflection on the emotional state at the beginning of the lesson.

    Individual work of participants with the task “Alternative choice”:

Different people see life differently, but each of us must find meaning in our own lives.

So what do people think about the meaning of life?

Life is the path to victory. « Veni, vidi, vici“I came, I saw, I conquered” Yu Caesar.

Life is a mission . “The search for meaning is the search for a goal, a task, a common cause.” N.F. Fedorov.

Life is a game. “The whole world is a stage, and the people in it are actors”. V. Shakespeare.

Life is a search for God. “You created us, and our hearts know no peace until they come to Your abode.” Augustine.

Life is service to others. “If there is meaning and purpose in life, then this meaning and purpose is not at all in our happiness, but in something more reasonable and greater. Do good!” A.P. Chekhov.

Life love . “Not loving anyone means not living" Francois Fenelon.

Life is happiness. “Life is a gift, life is happiness, every minute of which could be a century of happiness.” F. Dostoevsky.

Life is creativity. " Creativity is the natural meaning of life.” N. Roerich.

Life is a labyrinth. “Life is an uneven, irregular and varied movement.” M. Montaigne.

Life is an eternal renewal. “Human life should always be like this river flowing in front of me: always the same bed and in it fresh water every moment.” G. Thoreau.

Life is constant change. “Know delight - know suffering. Since I change, I live... It is decent for a statue to freeze, not for a living creature.” I. Severyanin.

Life is work. “Work is the only thing available to man on earth and the only happiness worthy of him.” K. Ushinsky.

Life is a struggle. “Struggle is the condition of life: life dies when the struggle ends.” V. Belinsky.

Life is about following a sense of duty. “The highest pleasure in life is the feeling of accomplishment.” W. Gaslitt.

Life is suffering. “I was born, I lived in tears, I die in tears.” A.P. Sumarokov.

Life is the path to death. “The first step of a baby is a step towards his death.” K. Prutkov.

Choose 3 statements with which you primarily agree, and put the numbers 1,2,3 next to them according to the degree of their importance for you and a plus sign. Place the same numbers with a minus sign next to those statements with which you disagree.

3. Each participant voices his list and comments on the choice made, and answers the questions asked.

4. Discussion of different points of view.

5. Performance by creative groups with messages prepared in advance: presentation of various philosophical concepts of the meaning of life, answers to questions.

6. Discussion .

Issues for discussion:

    Why does the question of the meaning of life arise again and again before humanity? Is this a problem that concerns only philosophers or is it equally important for every person?

    Which system of philosophical views is closer to you, and why?

    Does every person find the meaning of his existence?

    What motivates a person to search for meaning?

    What can become the meaning of life for a modern person, your meaning?

    The hero of the novel by M. Lermontov, Pechorin, suffered from a feeling of the meaninglessness of his life: “I run through my entire past in my memory and involuntarily ask myself: why did I live? For what purpose was I born? And it’s true that it existed, and it’s true that I had a high purpose, because I feel immense powers in my soul... But I didn’t guess this purpose...” What do you see as your purpose, your life task? Is it related to your future professional activity? How ready are you to implement it?

7. Summing up. Collective analysis.

Lesson – training “The meaning of life”

Target: help a teenager look into himself, realize himself as a Personality, realize his goals and meaning in life.

Tasks: develop in adolescents the ability to self-reflect and promote awareness of their life goals; help teenagers form an active life position; develop goal setting and desire to realize personal potential.

Lesson summary.

Welcome Ritual

Participants stand in a circle and place their hands on each other's shoulders. They look at each other friendly and say: “Hello!”

Now let's greet each other in another entertaining way.

Greeting exercise “Come on, everyone together” »

One participant becomes the driver. The rest choose a few lines from a well-known poem or song and distribute the words among themselves. Each participant should get one word. To simplify the game, words can be distributed in a circle- everyone says one word from the song in order( poems); if someone ran out of words, the line is repeated again.

After this, the driver enters the room. At the coach’s command, everyone pronounces the words they have been given in unison., and the water participant must guess, what kind of song or poem did they wish for?. If he fails to do it the first time, the coach invites everyone to repeat the words again and gives the command again.

An example of a line from the song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today”

“Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown. Go my friend

always follow the path of goodness"

Psychologist. During the classes we will perform various interesting tasks and exercises. But in order for the classes to be successful, we need to discuss the rules that must be followed throughout all meetings.(Students propose, the teacher writes on whatman paper, which will be a mandatory attribute in each lesson).

Introduction to group rules

Psychologist: The next step of our meeting, according to the rules of good manners, will be acquaintance.

Exercise "Snowball"

Each person in turn says his name and his positive quality with the first letter of his name, the next participant repeats the name and quality of the previous participant and calls his name and quality, etc., until the whole group introduces itself.

Game “Piggy Bank of Good News” (ritual)

Each participant talks about what good happened in his life during the week.

Leading addresses the group: “We do a lot in our lives automatically: we get up in the morning, eat, study or work, watch TV, go to bed. Life becomes familiar and monotonous. Today I invite you to go on a journey called “life”, to realize your life goals, what the meaning of life is for each of you, to gain new experiences, new views on life in general, to see something unexpected and very valuable in the surrounding reality .

Take with you on the road those qualities that help you in life.”

Exercise "Suitcase"

Group members name the necessaryqualities that will be useful to them along the way, the presenter writes them down on a picture of a suitcase.

Exercise “Continue the phrase “Life is...” or “I live in order to...”

Goal: to help a teenager understand the meaning of life.

Summing up - the commandment of an optimist:

“A person never realizes that in any trouble he has the main benefit - life itself”

Exercise “Past, Present, Future”

Draw three large circles on a piece of paper, marking each of them with any symbol or sign convenient for you: this circle is the past, this is the present, this is the future. Remember and write or draw in each circle 5-7 events that were, are or may be most important to you. Influence in life. Reflect on what changes these events have brought and will bring into your life.

Exercise “Level of Happiness”

Group members are asked to rate the level of happiness in their lives in general on a 100-point scale. This must be said out loud for the whole group and noted on the sheet of the previous exercise, on the circle of the present.

Exercise “Magic Mirror”

The presenter invites participants to imagine that for a moment they can look into their future with the help of a “magic mirror” in which they can see themselves in some social role. The “mirror” is passed around, and everyone says out loud what he “saw” there.

At the end, the guys share their impressions of how difficult it was to imagine themselves as adults in any social role.

Business game “What to spend your life on”

Target: awareness of the need to make a choice of life goals.

Instructions: I'm giving you 10 tokens. Each token represents a piece of yourself - one tenth of your time, energy, physical and mental strength, interests, etc. For the duration of this game, these 10 tokens will be equivalent to the sum of those qualities and capabilities that make up your personality and, accordingly, your life.

When we start the game, you will be faced with a choice: “spend” the token or “save”. Two items will be put up for sale at a time. You have the right to choose any of them or none at all, but not both at once. You can purchase each item only at the moment when it is put up for sale. Moving on to the next pair means that the previous one is finally removed from trading. If you run out of tokens, you will no longer be able to purchase anything. Ready? So, let's start the bidding.


Value pairs

A. Nice spacious apartment or house (1 token)

B. New sports car (1 token)

A. A fully paid vacation for a month anywhere in the world for you and your best friend (2 tokens)

B. A complete guarantee that the girl (boy) you dream of marrying will actually become your wife (husband) in the near future (2 tokens)

A. Greatest popularity among friends for two years (1 token)

B. One true friend (2 tokens)

A. Good education (2 tokens)

B. An enterprise that brings big profits (2 tokens)

A. Healthy family (3 tokens)

B. Worldwide Fame (3 tokens)

After all participants have decided to buy one of these items or not to buy any of these items, announce that those who chose the healthy family will receive two tokens back as a reward.

A. Change any feature of your appearance (1 token)

B. Be satisfied with yourself all your life (2 tokens)

A. Five years of undisturbed physical pleasure (1 token)

B. Respect and love for you from those you value most (2 tokens)

Those who chose five years of enjoyment must pay another token (if they have any remaining tokens). Explain that there are things for which we sometimes have to pay more than we thought.

A. Clear conscience (2 tokens)

B. The ability to achieve success in whatever you want (2 tokens)

A. A miracle performed for the sake of a loved one (2 tokens)

B. The ability to relive (repeat) any event of the past

(2 tokens)

A. Seven extra years of life (3 tokens)

B. Painless death when the time comes (3 tokens)

The auction is over and no more purchases can be made. If you haven't used up all the tokens, they disappear.

Game discussion: answer the following questions:

Which purchase are you most pleased with?

Have you ever regretted not purchasing something?

Would you like to change anything in the rules of the game?

Possible suggestions: “Before you buy something, you need to find out what else will be on sale”; “I would like to be able to exchange a previously purchased item for any other item announced later”; “We need more tokens before the game starts.”

Do you think this will make the game more interesting?

Psychologist: Most of your suggestions are really reasonable and correct. But the problem is that this doesn’t happen in life. It is impossible to make the same choice twice, just as it is not possible to “undo” the consequences of a previously made decision. You cannot achieve everything at once or take advantage of all opportunities at once. We do not know in advance what we will have to choose from in the future. Time and energy will always be limited. Money, interest. Whatever you choose for yourself, you will have to pay some price, and in many cases the price will be higher. Than you expected. The choice of solution in each situation depends on us. And it is we who bear responsibility for the decisions that we make.

It was just a game. But the way we spend our time, energy, and opportunities in real life allows us to fairly accurately judge our true values.

You may see a connection between your purchasing choices and certain personality traits. For example, if you gave away a token for changing your appearance, it means that you attach great importance to what others think of you. If you choose to be satisfied with yourself, it means you value your opinion of yourself more.

Remember what valuable things you chose today from those offered during the game. Some of you, probably. He can congratulate himself and say: “I gave my life for a reason; I made the right choice and purchased it. Which is really valuable." Another, perhaps with regret, realized that he had spent his life on something completely wrong. Some will regret that they rushed to spend everything, while others, on the contrary, will regret that they waited too long and missed something. And many probably thought: “If only we could repeat the game!” Then I would have behaved much more carefully, smarter.”

And if you really regret something now, I can make you happy: you have a great opportunity to make the right choice - and not in our game, but in real life! When you are faced with a choice again, think about what to spend your life on without wasting it. It most likely costs a lot more than you think!

Game "Kingdom"

Participants are asked to imagine themselves as residents of the kingdom. As in any kingdom, there is a king, a queen, their courtiers and subjects.

Then the roles are distributed: the one who wants to be the king is chosen to play the role of king. The king chooses his queen. After this, the king and queen each choose two courtiers or subjects, naming their functions at court.

They, in turn, also choose their assistants, one at a time, and so on until all members of the group receive their roles in the kingdom. As roles are distributed, spatial movements of the participants are also made. A throne is built for the king and queen, and the rest of the court is placed near the throne next to those who have chosen them.

At the next stage, the game itself begins, where all its participants take turns, starting with the king and further in order of subordination, making one change in the kingdom so that life in it is better. (Option: the king and queen after 2-3 moves of other participants have the right to make additional changes.)

The game can be played in one or several circles. During the pauses, the question is discussed - what is happening in our kingdom?

Discussion (sample topics): “I realized that today / now...”; “I was surprised...”; "I felt..."; "I guess, that..."; “Today I was annoyed...”; “I really liked/didn’t like...”

Warm-up “Hee! - Ha! “Ho!”

Teenagers stand in a circle holding hands. At the leader's command, they jump high three times. In the first jump they shout loudly: “Hee!”, in the second jump: “Ha!”, in the third “Ho!”. It turns out to be a funny greeting to each other: “Hee!” - Ha! - Ho! After which everyone claps their hands.

Game "Find a Pair"

The name of the animal is attached to the participants’ backs (the participant himself does not know what kind of animal he is). Participants use facial expressions and gestures to find a couple.

Game exercise “My dream”

Children write what they dream about on cards, then put them in a box. When everyone has completed the task, they take turns taking out the first card they get. From now on, everyone should talk about the dream written on the card as their own. This gives you the opportunity to look at your dream from the outside, evaluate the possibilities and ways of implementation.

Exercise "Hero's Dream"

Goal: to develop among training participants the ability to create a positive image of the future in order to cope with daily problems and fears. The game is designed for directional visualization.

Instructions: The facilitator says to the group members: “You have been traveling for a long time and are probably tired. Sit as comfortably as possible and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths.

Imagine that each of you fell asleep, settling down to rest under a large spreading tree. You are having a wonderful dream. Everyone sees themselves in 5 years. (You have 15 seconds to complete this task.)

Pay attention to what you look like in 5 years, where you live, what you do. (You have 15 seconds to complete this task.) Imagine that you are very happy with your life. What do you do? What are you responsible for? What is your occupation? Who is next to you? (You have 15 seconds to complete this task.)

Now take three deep breaths. Stretch, tense and then relax your muscles, open your eyes. Try to remember everything you saw.

Now everyone will take a piece of paper and write down what they will be like in 5 years: where they will live and work, who will be around. Also think about how you achieved this. (You have 10 minutes to complete this task.)"

After completing the task, the participants again take their places in the circle. Discussion is underway. The facilitator asks the training participants the following questions:

Are you satisfied with the image of the future you see?

What did you like most?

Was there anything you didn't like?

What would you like to change in your image of the future?

What steps need to be taken for this?

Creative game “Creation of the World”

Target : creative self-disclosure of participants and increasing their competence in the field of social adaptation in the job search process.

Required material : a sheet of whatman paper, scissors, glue, colored markers.

After the “world has been created,” the trainer cuts a piece of whatman paper into a number of pieces equal to the number of working subgroups. Next, he shuffles and confuses the cut parts, after which he distributes to each subgroup one part of the “created world” with the following task:

    describe the inherited part of the created world;

    give everything the necessary names;

    emphasize the characteristic features;

    political system;

    areas of activity;

    import and export items;

    approximate population;

    what the population does, the most popular professions;

    is there unemployment, prospects for the development of the labor market;

    cultural traditions (anthem, flag, slang, myths, legends, norms, rules, standards of life and behavior, what a foreigner needs to know and be able to do to get into the state, etc.).

    The 10 commandments are certain universal laws that must be observed by every person.

Ritual of farewell

Reflection “Live Questionnaire”

All participants in a circle answer the following questions:

· Was there anything unexpected for you during this lesson?

· What did you like?

· What didn’t you like?

· What color is your mood now?

The optimist's commandment:

“Almost everyone notices how money is wasted, but few people notice how life is wasted on worries and fears.”

How easy it was in childhood, when we came up with dreams for ourselves, sometimes transcendental in the literal sense of the word: “I’ll grow up and become an astronaut!” But over the years, my enthusiasm somehow diminished, life disappointed me, and I lost interest in my old dreams. Many adults have no idea what they want to become or what they want to do. And it’s a shame to admit it even to ourselves. Today we will try to find goals in life and understand our purpose.

Are you unsure if there is a purpose in your life and that you are moving towards your destiny? Then pay attention to the mood in which you wake up in the morning. There was a period when I was stuck in a job I hated for several years. I didn't even realize that I hated her. Money diligently trickled into the account, clients arrived, and management promoted me. But every morning I got up broken, tired, angry... I always attributed my bad mood to an irregular schedule. But here’s the thing: in another job with less money and even more hassle, I was... happy! Yes, yes, I jumped out of bed in the morning, sometimes waking up before the alarm clock rang. The energy was in full swing. So what's the difference? Yes, the fact is that I did the first work through “I don’t want”, wasting energy. But the second one brought true pleasure, filling me with energy.

If you wake up in a bad mood in the morning, consider the following methods. They will help you reconsider your priorities and find your purpose.

1. Logical connections

Make a detailed list of all the activities that lift your spirits. These can be the most outlandish options, like “I like to inhale the smell of coffee in the morning” or “I like to find fault with spelling errors, driving those around me to white heat.” What if you are a natural taster or an excellent editor? Once your list is ready, divide the activities into logical groups. To save time, use Euler circles by entering point numbers into them. Have you forgotten what it is? These are the circles that are drawn in economics classes at school or in logic courses at the university. By grouping your passions together, you will be able to identify a pattern and understand what you are most drawn to. By the way, sometimes circles can intersect. And if this happens to you, so much the better! Doing things in multiple circles at once is the most reliable area that will guarantee the most success because you will have multiple motivations. You will be able to master new knowledge with a minimum of cost and effort. Let's consider an example: 1st circle - raising children, 2nd circle - drawing, 3rd circle - literature. Alternatively, you should consider creating illustrations for children's books.

2. Immortal Highlander

Remember the series about the immortal highlander who changed his lifestyle every century? He was either a philanthropist or a great warrior. Imagine that you have an unlimited supply of time and can live not one life, but several. Dozens of rebirths, hundreds, thousands... Moreover, the knowledge accumulated in past lives will be preserved, as will the accumulated wealth. Your hands are free, you can be anyone. So, who are you in your first life? And in the next ones? Find a common thread in your rebirths.

3. Stop, just a moment. You are wonderful!

Now let’s imagine that we don’t have thousands of lives, but only one day, but it is the best, ideal, and every second of it fills us with joy. Imagine your perfect day in every detail. Consider the surrounding landscapes. Most people imagine themselves on vacation when they don’t have to go to work and that’s normal. Such thoughts may indicate that your current job does not allow you to rest and you need to find one that will give you the freedom to LIVE, and not exist as a working ant. Every evening before going to bed, imagine a piece of this day. Think about where you wake up: in a luxurious mansion, on a desert island, on a yacht, or even on Mars! By the way, such fantasies for the coming sleep are a great way to relieve stress. Relaxation melodies helped me get into the right frame of mind and let my imagination run wild.

Introduced? Great. Now we divide all the details of the day into two groups: a) urgent need; b) just a whim. The trick is to distinguish whim from urgent need. Let's say, for some, living by the sea is an optional condition, while for others, it is physically bad to be away from the rustle of the waves and their play. Perhaps such people should connect their goal with the sea: take up oceanology or become sailors. You can live an ideal day several times, modifying it. After all, each of us has many talents, we have more than one hobby. But if some features of an ideal day are repeated again and again, then you have found something without which life is not sweet for you!

4. In my image and likeness

Remember the saying “tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are”? It is impossible to become a successful person and move towards your goal if there are only bores around you who have lost faith in life. Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain. Right now, close your eyes and imagine the inhabitants of a world in which you would be absolutely happy. Who are they: philosophers, athletes, architects? These fictional residents reflect your interests. Take a closer look at the characters of your brave, new world. You will see yourself and your aspirations in them. They are puzzle pieces that form a unified picture of your self.

5. We all come from childhood

It’s sad when you can’t complete the first four tasks, and you give the same answer to all the questions: “I... don’t know. I don't know what fascinates me. I don't know what kind of world I want to live in. I don’t know what would be an ideal day for me and how I would live an immortal life.” If this happens to you, do not rush to become discouraged. I assure you that you have all this knowledge, it’s just littered with a bunch of rubbish accumulated over your life, pushed to the farthest shelf of memory. So how do you fish them out? We need to remember ourselves as a child!

Rewind the time to those bright years when you were restless, enthusiastic children. What fascinated you then? Then you knew about your destiny, but you forgot about it or abandoned your dream, succumbing to the beliefs of adults. And remember not just one dream, but all those activities that aroused your keen interest. Don't limit yourself to just one thing, so you don't miss other hobbies that are not so obvious. I assure you, it is never too late to turn from the wrong route to the right one. Take a look at JK Rowling's meteoric success. She languished on a pittance salary, and then became a multimillionaire, returning to her childhood passion - writing books. All these fees are a pleasant addition, and true pleasure comes from recognition of your talent, whatever it may be.

Here's another example for you. Once upon a time there was a boy named Theodor Seuss Geisel. The boy loved to draw, but the school art teacher firmly stated: “No, he will never learn to draw NORMALLY.” Normal - what a pale and boring word. Ted grew up and became known throughout the world under the pseudonym Dr. Seuss. Children to this day read his books with great pleasure and admire his outlandish illustrations. It was Seuss who gave us the Cat in the Hat, Horton, the Grinch, and the Lorax. Please, don’t break your connection with childhood!

Where are you going?

Who are you coming? This is the classic question you need to ask yourself. Take an hour out of your busy schedule and ask yourself, “Where am I going?” Finding purpose can be difficult, but only it fills our existence with meaning, when we can say to ourselves with a smile: “I don’t live in vain.” This feeling is worth a lot!

It may be difficult for someone to quickly perform the listed techniques. The older we get, the more difficult it is to answer from the bottom of our hearts the question of who you want to become and what is the meaning of life for you. Ignore the advice of your parents, the instructions of your teachers, and the flashy advertising that guarantees a piece of happiness when you buy a product for only 999.99. Throw aside everything superficial, take a deep breath and listen to your inner voice. Listen to the quiet whisper coming from the depths of your heart... What is it telling you?

Target: help a teenager look into himself, realize himself as a Personality, realize his goals and meaning in life.

Tasks: develop in adolescents the ability to self-reflect and promote awareness of their life goals; help teenagers form an active life position; develop goal setting and desire to realize personal potential.

Conditions for conducting classes

The cycle is designed for 4 lessons, the duration of each lesson is from 60 to 90 minutes, held once a week. Number of participants from 8 to 12 people. Each lesson necessarily includes: a greeting ritual, main content, reflection after each exercise, and a farewell ritual.
In the classes, methodological tools are used such as: conversation, discussions, self-testing, various versions of psychotechnical games and exercises, self-expression in drawings.
The cycle of training sessions is designed to work with teenagers aged 14-16 years.



Lesson – training “The meaning of life”

Target: help a teenager look into himself, realize himself as a Personality, realize his goals and meaning in life.

Tasks: develop in adolescents the ability to self-reflect and promote awareness of their life goals; help teenagers form an active life position; develop goal setting and desire to realize personal potential.

Lesson summary.

Welcome Ritual

Participants stand in a circle and place their hands on each other's shoulders. They look at each other friendly and say: “Hello!”

Now let's greet each other in another entertaining way.

Greeting exercise “Come on, everyone together”

One participant becomes the driver. The rest choose a few lines from a well-known poem or song and distribute the words among themselves. Each participant should get one word. To simplify the game, words can be distributed in a circle - each person pronounces one word from the song (poem) in order; if someone runs out of words, the line is repeated again.

After this, the driver enters the room. At the coach’s command, everyone pronounces the words given to them in chorus, and the water participant must guess what kind of song or poem they wished for. If he fails to do this the first time, the coach invites everyone to repeat the words again and gives the command again.

An example of a line from the song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today”

“Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown. Go my friend

Always follow the path of goodness"

Psychologist. During the classes we will perform various interesting tasks and exercises. But in order for the classes to be successful, we need to discuss the rules that must be followed throughout all meetings. (Students propose, the teacher writes on whatman paper, which will be a mandatory attribute in each lesson).

Introduction to group rules

Psychologist: Next step our meeting, according to the rules of good manners, will be an acquaintance.

Exercise "Snowball"

Each person in turn says his name and his positive quality with the first letter of his name, the next participant repeats the name and quality of the previous participant and calls his name and quality, etc., until the whole group introduces itself.

Game “Piggy Bank of Good News” (ritual)

Each participant talks about what good happened in his life during the week.

Leading addresses the group: “We do a lot in our lives automatically: we get up in the morning, eat, study or work, watch TV, go to bed. Life becomes familiar and monotonous. Today I invite you to go on a journey called “life”, to realize your life goals, what the meaning of life is for each of you, to gain new experiences, new views on life in general, to see something unexpected and very valuable in the surrounding reality .

Take with you on the road those qualities that help you in life.”

Exercise "Suitcase"

Group members name the necessaryqualities that will be useful to them along the way,the presenter writes them down on a picture of a suitcase.

Exercise “Continue the phrase “Life is...” or “I live in order to...”

Goal: to help a teenager understand the meaning of life.

Summing up - the commandment of an optimist:

“A person never realizes that in any trouble he has the main benefit - life itself”

Exercise “Past, Present, Future”

Draw three large circles on a piece of paper, marking each of them with any symbol or sign convenient for you: this circle is the past, this is the present, this is the future. Remember and write or draw in each circle 5-7 events that were, are or may be most important to you. Influence in life. Reflect on what changes these events have brought and will bring into your life.

Exercise “Level of Happiness”

Group members are asked to rate the level of happiness in their lives in general on a 100-point scale. This must be said out loud for the whole group and noted on the sheet of the previous exercise, on the circle of the present.

Exercise “Magic Mirror”

The presenter invites participants to imagine that for a moment they can look into their future with the help of a “magic mirror” in which they can see themselves in some social role. The “mirror” is passed around, and everyone says out loud what he “saw” there.

At the end, the guys share their impressions of how difficult it was to imagine themselves as adults in any social role.

Business game “What to spend your life on”

Target: awareness of the need to make a choice of life goals.

Instructions: I'm giving you 10 tokens. Each token represents a piece of yourself - one tenth of your time, energy, physical and mental strength, interests, etc. For the duration of this game, these 10 tokens will be equivalent to the sum of those qualities and capabilities that make up your personality and, accordingly, your life.

When we start the game, you will be faced with a choice: “spend” the token or “save”. Two items will be put up for sale at a time. You have the right to choose any of them or none at all, but not both at once. You can purchase each item only at the moment when it is put up for sale. Moving on to the next pair means that the previous one is finally removed from trading. If you run out of tokens, you will no longer be able to purchase anything. Ready? So, let's start the bidding.


Value pairs

A. Nice spacious apartment or house (1 token)

B. New sports car (1 token)

A. A fully paid vacation for a month anywhere in the world for you and your best friend (2 tokens)

B. A complete guarantee that the girl (boy) you dream of marrying will actually become your wife (husband) in the near future (2 tokens)

A. Greatest popularity among friends for two years (1 token)

B. One true friend (2 tokens)

A. Good education (2 tokens)

B. An enterprise that brings big profits (2 tokens)

A. Healthy family (3 tokens)

B. Worldwide Fame (3 tokens)

After all participants have decided to buy one of these items or not to buy any of these items, announce that those who chose the healthy family will receive two tokens back as a reward.

A. Change any feature of your appearance (1 token)

B. Be satisfied with yourself all your life (2 tokens)

A. Five years of undisturbed physical pleasure (1 token)

B. Respect and love for you from those you value most (2 tokens)

Those who chose five years of enjoyment must pay another token (if they have any remaining tokens). Explain that there are things for which we sometimes have to pay more than we thought.

A. Clear conscience (2 tokens)

B. The ability to achieve success in whatever you want (2 tokens)

A. A miracle performed for the sake of a loved one (2 tokens)

B. The ability to relive (repeat) any event of the past

(2 tokens)

A. Seven extra years of life (3 tokens)

B. Painless death when the time comes (3 tokens)

The auction is over and no more purchases can be made. If you haven't used up all the tokens, they disappear.

Game discussion:answer the following questions:

Which purchase are you most pleased with?

Have you ever regretted not purchasing something?

Would you like to change anything in the rules of the game?

Possible suggestions:“Before you buy something, you need to find out what else will be on sale”; “I would like to be able to exchange a previously purchased item for any other item announced later”; “We need more tokens before the game starts.”

Do you think this will make the game more interesting?

Psychologist: Most of your suggestions are really reasonable and correct. But the problem is that this doesn’t happen in life. It is impossible to make the same choice twice, just as it is not possible to “undo” the consequences of a previously made decision. You cannot achieve everything at once or take advantage of all opportunities at once. We do not know in advance what we will have to choose from in the future. Time and energy will always be limited. Money, interest. Whatever you choose for yourself, you will have to pay some price, and in many cases the price will be higher. Than you expected. The choice of solution in each situation depends on us. And it is we who bear responsibility for the decisions that we make.

It was just a game. But the way we spend our time, energy, and opportunities in real life allows us to fairly accurately judge our true values.

You may see a connection between your purchasing choices and certain personality traits. For example, if you gave away a token for changing your appearance, it means that you attach great importance to what others think of you. If you choose to be satisfied with yourself, it means you value your opinion of yourself more.

Remember what valuable things you chose today from those offered during the game. Some of you, probably. He can congratulate himself and say: “I gave my life for a reason; I made the right choice and purchased it. Which is really valuable." Another, perhaps with regret, realized that he had spent his life on something completely wrong. Some will regret that they rushed to spend everything, while others, on the contrary, will regret that they waited too long and missed something. And many probably thought: “If only we could repeat the game!” Then I would have behaved much more carefully, smarter.”

And if you really regret something now, I can make you happy: you have a great opportunity to make the right choice - and not in our game, but in real life! When you are faced with a choice again, think about what to spend your life on without wasting it. It most likely costs a lot more than you think!

Game "Kingdom"

Participants are asked to imagine themselves as residents of the kingdom. As in any kingdom, there is a king, a queen, their courtiers and subjects.

Then the roles are distributed: the one who wants to be the king is chosen to play the role of king. The king chooses his queen. After this, the king and queen each choose two courtiers or subjects, naming their functions at court.

They, in turn, also choose their assistants, one at a time, and so on until all members of the group receive their roles in the kingdom. As roles are distributed, spatial movements of the participants are also made. A throne is built for the king and queen, and the rest of the court is placed near the throne next to those who have chosen them.

At the next stage, the game itself begins, where all its participants take turns, starting with the king and further in order of subordination, making one change in the kingdom so that life in it is better. (Option: the king and queen after 2-3 moves of other participants have the right to make additional changes.)

The game can be played in one or several circles. During the pauses, the question is discussed - what is happening in our kingdom?

Discussion (sample topics): “I realized that today / now...”; “I was surprised...”; "I felt..."; "I guess, that..."; “Today I was annoyed...”; “I really liked/didn’t like...”

Warm-up “Hee! - Ha! “Ho!”

Teenagers stand in a circle holding hands. At the leader's command, they jump high three times. In the first jump they shout loudly: “Hee!”, in the second jump: “Ha!”, in the third “Ho!”. It turns out to be a funny greeting to each other: “Hee!” - Ha! - Ho! After which everyone claps their hands.

Game "Find a Pair"

The name of the animal is attached to the participants’ backs (the participant himself does not know what kind of animal he is). Participants use facial expressions and gestures to find a couple.

Game exercise “My dream”

Children write what they dream about on cards, then put them in a box. When everyone has completed the task, they take turns taking out the first card they get. From now on, everyone should talk about the dream written on the card as their own. This gives you the opportunity to look at your dream from the outside, evaluate the possibilities and ways of implementation.

Exercise “Hero’s Dream”

Goal: to develop among training participants the ability to create a positive image of the future in order to cope with daily problems and fears. The game is designed for directional visualization.

Instructions: The facilitator says to the group members: “You have been traveling for a long time and are probably tired. Sit as comfortably as possible and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths.

Imagine that each of you fell asleep, settling down to rest under a large spreading tree. You are having a wonderful dream. Everyone sees themselves in 5 years. (You have 15 seconds to complete this task.)

Pay attention to what you look like in 5 years, where you live, what you do. (You have 15 seconds to complete this task.) Imagine that you are very happy with your life. What do you do? What are you responsible for? What is your occupation? Who is next to you? (You have 15 seconds to complete this task.)

Now take three deep breaths. Stretch, tense and then relax your muscles, open your eyes. Try to remember everything you saw.

Now everyone will take a piece of paper and write down what they will be like in 5 years: where they will live and work, who will be around. Also think about how you achieved this. (You have 10 minutes to complete this task.)"

After completing the task, the participants again take their places in the circle. Discussion is underway. The facilitator asks the training participants the following questions:

Are you satisfied with the image of the future you see?

What did you like most?

Was there anything you didn't like?

What would you like to change in your image of the future?

What steps need to be taken for this?

Creative game “Creation of the World”

Target : creative self-disclosure of participants and increasing their competence in the field of social adaptation in the job search process.

Required material: a sheet of whatman paper, scissors, glue, colored markers.

After the “world has been created,” the trainer cuts a piece of whatman paper into a number of pieces equal to the number of working subgroups. Next, he shuffles and confuses the cut parts, after which he distributes to each subgroup one part of the “created world” with the following task:

  • describe the inherited part of the created world;
  • give everything the necessary names;
  • emphasize the characteristic features;
  • political system;
  • areas of activity;
  • import and export items;
  • approximate population;
  • what the population does, the most popular professions;
  • is there unemployment, prospects for the development of the labor market;
  • cultural traditions (anthem, flag, slang, myths, legends, norms, rules, standards of life and behavior, what a foreigner needs to know and be able to do to get into the state, etc.).
  • The 10 commandments are certain universal laws that must be observed by every person.

Ritual of farewell

Reflection “Live Questionnaire”

All participants in a circle answer the following questions:

· Was there anything unexpected for you during this lesson?

· What did you like?

· What didn’t you like?

· What color is your mood now?

The optimist's commandment:

“Almost everyone notices how money is wasted, but few people notice how life is wasted on worries and fears.”

Many books by the famous psychotherapist V. Frankl are devoted to the concept of the meaning of life. We will not analyze his wonderful ideas now, but we will note that many people do not think about the meaning of life, however, they directly feel the meaningfulness of their existence. If a person experiences a feeling of meaninglessness, then only then he begins to talk about this topic, trying to logically substantiate his feeling of the meaninglessness of existence or find meaning in the same way. However, you can simply create an image of the meaning of life that would really suit you and then determine what it means to you and how you can actually achieve it. To acquire in the sense of directly feeling its presence in your life, moreover, in your body, since our experiences are always rooted in our body and nowhere else.

Instructions for the exercise. Sit in a comfortable position. Imagine that the missing meaning in life is so far away that you feel isolated from it, and so close that you can sense it quite clearly (that is, see it, or hear it, or simply feel its presence). What does he look like? The first thing that comes to your mind will be the correct answer. Study the image that has arisen, talk to it. It is clear that the missing meaning of life should be presented as something extremely beautiful and energetically strong. The meaning of life really gives our lives a lot of energy, peace and confidence. If you are sure that there is no meaning in life, then this means. That you actually know what you are missing, but you deny its existence. Therefore, this excuse is not suitable; you can still imagine something that you think does not exist, but in principle is desirable for you.

What barriers exist between you and your meaning in life? What do they look like, what do they tell you, how do they justify the lack of contact between you and the meaning of life? Find counterarguments and other ways to overcome obstacles. If this does not work, then allow the meaning itself to break down one barrier after another, come closer to you and enter your body. Feel how the meaning of life has entered you and connected with you. How has your condition changed? Do you feel calmer, more confident, more whole, stronger? Let this feeling take hold and spread throughout your body. Exercise time is 5-10 minutes.

Group discussion of the results is very important so that the therapist can conduct it quite competently; he needs to have a good knowledge of the theory of logotherapy by W. Frankl.

Example 1. After performing a similar exercise in a group, one of the students felt that she had connected with the meaning of life, which seemed to her to be a beautiful solar energy ball that fit in her body somewhere in the shoulder area. She felt very good, it was clear that she straightened up and somehow brightened her face. However, she said she felt a nagging need to do something right now. She felt some kind of responsibility and, despite the abundance of energy she received, it was unpleasant for her. She said she preferred the previous state, although it was less energetic and less meaningful.

Even though I tried to help her maintain her new achievements, I had to agree with her reluctance to accept the meaning of life. Once she let go of her meaning in life, her shoulders sagged again and her face lost its “glow,” but she said it made her feel better.

This case confirms the opinion of V. Frankl that finding the meaning of life imposes on a person the responsibility for following this meaning. What can burden a person, although it gives her a lot of strength and brings happiness. Therefore, many people prefer to protect themselves from their own meaning in life and think that it should be somewhere far out of reach. It turns out that people who complain about the lack of meaning in life are actually avoiding it.

Example 2. I conducted therapy sessions with this student several times in a master class. Their results were successful, however, despite the successes, she kept repeating that she still did not see the meaning of life, and without this no success had any value. I didn’t know how to help her, there was no successful “clue.” However, in one of the last lessons, I invited her to imagine her meaning of life at some distance from herself. She said that he was not there anyway. Then I said that after all, she knows what the meaning is, she would like to have it, so she can imagine it. She agreed. After which I suggested that she tell the meaning that she would no longer drive him out of her life. My proposal was based on the conviction that had matured in me that she herself was abandoning the meaning of life, which in fact is always present in our lives, even if we are not aware of it. She was surprised by this proposal, but did it... And began to laugh! She was simply happy and said that she now felt her life was full of meaning. She really felt good, her eyes were shining. She asked reproachfully: “Why Nikolai Dmitrievich, you didn’t tell me such a simple, easy phrase before?!” “Sorry,” I replied, “I just realized it now...”

5.6.2 Exercise 2 “Ending the eternal struggle”

An Indian parable is told to the group members for clarification.

One man, like a thousand thousand others, dreamed of getting rich and satisfying all his desires. He understood that he would not be able to earn that much, but he heard that somewhere in the forest there lived a sage who knew a great mantra (spell). If you pronounce this mantra, a great genie will appear who will carry out any instructions.

He searched for this particular sage for a long time, finally found him, and, falling at his feet, begged him to reveal the great mantra to him. The sage persuaded him to abandon his crazy idea. “If you don’t find work for the genie, he will kill you,” the sage warned. But the man just laughed: “I have so many desires that I will simply overwhelm him with work, he will have no time to rest!” - he said. He asked so much that, in the end, the sage could not stand it and revealed the secret to him.

Not far away, the man uttered a mantra, and a genie, tall as tall as heaven, appeared. Everything that the man asked of him appeared immediately: palaces, gold and precious stones, parks and bridges, dancers and warriors, elephants loaded with various riches... Very soon the man could not think of anything else to ask for, and the genie roared: "Give me a job or I'll kill you!" In desperation, the man rushed to the sage, inventing something for the genie as he went, and the genie chased after him.

Again, falling at the feet of the sage, the man screamed: “Oooh, I realized what a fool I was! Save me, I repent so much!” “Okay, since you repent, I’ll help you,” he answered, “do you see that dog with a curled (there’s no other way to say it - N.L.) tail? Drag her here and tell the genie to rip out her tail.”

Gene was completely exhausted with this task, as soon as he squished the dog’s tail, it squirmed again, he squished again, and the tail squirmed again, he squished - the tail squirmed... He finally began to sweat and gave up. “I have never encountered anything like this. Let me go and I won’t touch you,” he said.

The genie was released in peace, and the man again fell to his knees before the sage. “Forgive me, I was a complete idiot, now I understand everything and want to become your student! Teach me your first lesson! - he screamed. “Okay,” said the sage, “this is my first lesson: this whole world is like a dog’s curled tail. All the people are trying to squiggle it, but it squiggles again, they squiggle it, and it squiggles again, they squiggle it, and it squiggles... Because its original property is to be squiggled..."

Even without performing any visible actions, we often psychologically struggle with some phenomena or people within ourselves. Or we endlessly fight with ourselves. Or we want to remake this world in accordance with our desires and ideas. For example, we always argue with our parents or husband (wife), we spend a lot of energy on this struggle, but this struggle does not bring any success, on the contrary, those phenomena with which we struggle intensely only grow and become stronger, as if they are feeding the energy we expended. But we, on the contrary, are becoming weaker and wither, and instead of living a productive life, we continue an endless and useless war within ourselves. We spent a lot of energy fighting in the past, we spend a lot fighting for a future that never comes. Our life is spent in depression, and our strength is fading.

This exercise asks you to regain the energy that was spent fighting this or that phenomenon. You can act in two ways: either try to regain everything at once, without going into detail about the problems that you spent your energy fighting, or you can act by gradually highlighting in turn one or the other phenomenon with which you struggled or are struggling , and returning to yourself the energy spent or being spent right now. It is much better for this energy to return to you than to be wasted. You will feel stronger than the phenomena you struggled with.

Instructions. So, focus on the thought of returning all the energy you expended on this or that struggle. Imagine something that you are struggling with so intensely or have struggled with without any success. If this is really something or someone dangerous to you, then do not stop fighting, but think about more effective self-defense.

If you understand that this struggle is fruitless and only leads to your exhaustion, then call on all the wasted energy back and accept it as your energy potential. You can invite all the energy from the past that was expended earlier, and from the future where it was directed by you. The main thing is to give up the futile and unproductive struggle to live well right now. Execution time 5-10 minutes.

Group discussion of the results reveals many unresolved problems and provokes philosophical discussion.