Summary of a lesson on drawing using non-traditional techniques Topic: “Rainy late autumn.” (Senior group)

Synopsis of direct educational activities(GCD) for drawing in the second younger group

Topic: "It's Raining"

Tasks: teach children to convey impressions of surrounding life, see in the drawing an image of the phenomenon. Strengthen the ability to draw short strokes and lines, hold a pencil correctly. Develop a desire to draw.

Materials: Pencil blue, paper the size of ½ landscape sheet for each child.

GCD move:

  1. Start:

Guys, let's remember what time of year it is now? (we listen to the children’s answers) What signs of autumn do you know? (listen to the children's answers)

We bring an umbrella into the group and ask – what is it for? (listen to the children's answers)

I invite children to guess riddles about rain.

Who beats on the roof all night
Yes he knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?


He walks and we run
He'll catch up anyway!
We rush to the house to hide,
He will knock on our window,
And on the roof, knock and knock!
No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!


That's right, guys - it's rain. And today we will draw it with you!

  1. Main part:

Remind children how to hold a pencil correctly. Show several techniques for drawing rain (short, long lines, dots). Invite the children to draw the rain themselves.

Finger gymnastics:

Independent work of children. As you work, make sure to use the correct drawing techniques.

  1. Conclusion:

At the end of the lesson, review all the drawings with the children. Offer to choose those works that depict heavy rain and drawings that depict quiet rain. Praise the guys for drawing different types of rain.


  1. Komarova T. S. “Art activities in kindergarten: Junior group” Pp. 46
  2. “From autumn to summer” (for children about nature, seasons in poems, riddles, proverbs, stories about Orthodox holidays, folk customs and beliefs): for kindergarten teachers and music directors/composers. L.A. Vladimirskaya. – Ed. 3rd. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2015. – 159 p.
  3. “Hello finger! How are you living?”: card index of thematic finger games/comp. L.N. Kalmykova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2015. – 247 p.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of educational activities on drawing in the second junior group “It’s raining”

Summary of educational activities on drawing in the second junior group " It's raining»Teacher MBDOU kindergarten“Teremok” Malakhova O.A. Program content: Educational field “Art...

Summary of GCD on Fine Arts “It’s Raining”

Goal: To develop children’s ability to figuratively reflect impressions of the life around them in drawings. Objectives: To consolidate the ability to build a composition of a drawing. Develop the ability to use acquired techniques for...

Summary of educational activities in drawing for the middle group of kindergarten on the topic: “Rain, rain, drop”

Program content:

Teach children to create an image of rain using an unconventional drawing method (using pipettes).


Educational: evoke an emotional response, cultivate sensitive and careful attitude to nature and the beauty of the surrounding world.

Educational: learn to draw rain with a pipette, evenly distributing drops of water over the surface of a landscape sheet. Continue to teach how to convey simple phenomena of reality in drawing. Learn to combine actions with the words of a poem.

Developmental: develop imagination, fine motor skills, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world.


White landscape paper, wax crayons, plastic glasses with water. Palette with paints, brushes, wet wipes. Brush holders, easel, umbrella.

Methodical techniques:

Verbal, practical, visual.

Preliminary work:

Drawing with plasticine and fingers. Reading nursery rhymes and poems about rain.

Lesson plan:

The organizational point is the actualization of existing knowledge - the development of hearing on non-speech material (determine by ear what sound is heard).
Creative and exploratory work of children.
Result of the lesson: exhibition and analysis of children's works.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment


Hello guys!
(An audio recording of the sound of rain is heard.)

Children, listen, what do you think this sound is like? (To the sound of rain).
What is this rain? (Drops of water).

Setting the goal of the lesson:

Guys, let's draw raindrops with water. Please come to my table. (Children approach the demonstration table).

II. Creative and exploratory work of children


Guys, please guess the riddle:

Riddle about the cloud

Across the skies in a horde
Sacks with holes are running,
And it happens - sometimes
Water is leaking from the bags.
Let's hide better
From the holey...

That's right, it's a cloud. Watch how I draw a cloud with wax crayons.

(The teacher demonstrates the technique of drawing clouds with wax crayons. While drawing, the teacher talks with the children about clouds and clouds).

What color are clouds? (Black, blue, and the clouds are white).
What falls from the cloud to the ground? (Rain, hail, snow).
Where can it rain? (On the street).


It's going to rain from my cloud now. I'll paint it with water.
Look what's in the glass? (Water).
What color is the water? (Transparent).
Do you think it's possible to draw raindrops? clear water? (No).
Why? (The droplet will not be visible).
So, what do we need to do with the water to make it visible? (Paint the water with paint).
Well done, you guessed it.

(The teacher invites one of the children to paint over the water in a glass with a brush with gouache).


What color is the water in the glass? (Children name the color of the water in the glass. The color can be different, at the child’s discretion, since the palette contains gouache of different colors).


Look what I have in my hands? (Shows a pipette).
That's right, a pipette. We will draw raindrops with an eyedropper.

Clarification of safety rules:

Look, the pipette is made of glass. Can you put glass in your mouth? (No).
Throw the pipette on the floor? (No).
Why? (It may break and you can cut yourself with glass shards).


Watch how I draw rain with an eyedropper.

(The teacher demonstrates how to draw rain with water from a pipette. During the show, she tells and shows how to draw water into a pipette and distribute droplets of water over the entire surface of the album sheet).


Now, guys, let's prepare our fingers for drawing.

Finger gymnastics “Rain”

Rain, rain, drop,
Water Saber,
I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,
Cut, cut, didn't cut,
And he got tired and stopped.
(I. Tokmakova)

(Children rhythmically index finger tap on the palm of the other hand, gradually slowing down the pace, according to the text of the poem).


Guys, close your eyes, listen to the sound of the rain and think what color your rain will be. (An audio recording of the sound of rain is heard.)

Have you thought about it? Now sit down at your desks and get to work.

(Children work independently. Individual help from a teacher as needed. While children work, an audio recording of the sound of rain is played).

Smart girls. Now the rain has stopped. In the meantime, while the raindrops are drying from your clouds, come out to me and let’s play a game.

Dynamic game "Rain"

Rain, rain, rain and rain.
(Children show raindrops on their palms with their fingers)

Don't be sorry for the wet drops.
We clap our hands

We stomp our feet.
The sun came out again and
the children all go for a walk.
(Perform movements according to the text of the poem)

(An audio recording of the sounds of rain is played, children run away under the teacher’s umbrella).

III. Lesson summary

The game is over and your raindrops have dried up. Please take your works and bring them to my table.

What a fabulous, unusual rain you made!
(The teacher and the children look at the drawings and discuss the color of the rain).
Guys, what did you draw?
What did you use to draw raindrops?
Did you like the lesson?

As a keepsake of our lesson, I give you balloons. They are blue and look like raindrops.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group.

GCD plan for introducing the non-traditional drawing technique “Drawing with a fork.”

Description: Lesson notes are aimed at middle and high school students preschool age. The lesson complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. The material may be useful for preschool teachers, young professionals and students.

Target: Introduce children to new technology creative activity- drawing with a fork.


- educational. Teaching children methods and techniques of non-standard drawing techniques.

- developing. Development creative thinking and imagination when creating a drawing using an unconventional method.

- educational. Cultivating accuracy, independence, and attentiveness when working with gouache and a fork.

Priority educational area. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas. Artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Types of activities. Cognitive - research activities, visual activities, communication activities, motor activity.

Material and equipment.

- sheets of A4 paper

- sheets of paper ½ A4

- gouache

- felt-tip pens

- disposable plastic forks

- napkins

- sippy cups

GCD move.

Educator. Guys, today we have a creative activity. We will draw on free topic. What do you mean on a free topic?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, we will draw the picture that we come up with ourselves, showing our imagination and invention. Take a look at your desks. Is everything ready for creativity?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, there is gouache, but no brushes. Not in order. We'll fix it now. Where are our brushes here?

The teacher looks into the office cabinet and discovers that the brushes are missing.

Educator. Guys, the brushes are gone!!! What are we going to draw with? Let's look for them together!

The teacher and children look for brushes in the group. In the play kitchen cabinet they find a glass made from brushes, but it contains forks.

Educator. Yes, yes, yes. Someone decided to play a trick on us and exchanged our brushes for forks. What should we do?

Children's answers.

Educator. What if we try to draw with forks?

Children's answers.

Educator. Fine. We just need to prepare our fingers for unusual drawing.

Finger warm-up.

To draw beautifully

I need to play with my fingers

This one is big, this one is medium,

Nameless and last

Our little little finger.

Uh-oh, they forgot their index finger.

We'll show you the goat's horns

And even deer antlers,

Let's not forget the bunny ears,

We will lead with our finger.

To draw beautifully,

You have to play with your fingers.

Educator. Then let's start our experiment. Take large leaf paper. Dip a fork into the paint pot, just like you would dip a paintbrush. Now let's draw a straight line on the sheet.

Educator. It turns out?

Children's answers.

Educator. Rinse the forks in cups of water and wipe with a napkin. Now let's take another paint and draw a wavy line. If there is not enough paint for the entire line, dip the fork in the paint again.

Educator. Well done. Rinse the forks again in water and wipe with a napkin. For the third time, pick up the paint and draw small straight lines.

The teacher does this stage of work on the board, then the children do it on the sheets.

Educator. Good guys, so we learned how to draw with a fork. Tired?

Children's answers.

Educator. Let's warm up a little.

Physical exercise.

Once - rise, stretch,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit down quietly.

Educator. Now it’s time to return to the topic of our lesson. Who remembers what the topic is?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, today you and I draw whatever we want, i.e. drawing on a free topic. So let's not waste a minute and start drawing.

Children start drawing. The teacher approaches each child and asks about the topic of the drawing; if difficulties arise, he prompts and guides. Suggests how to use felt-tip pens to complement a drawing.

Educator. What wonderful drawings you made! You are all great fellows! Who wants to tell all the kids about their drawing?

Children take turns coming out and talking about their drawing. The teacher helps the narrator with leading questions.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, analyzes the work done and sums up the lesson.

Educator. Guys, did you like our new brushes? What did you like? What didn't you like? What was difficult to do? What new have you learned about the fork? Would you like to draw with forks again?

Children's answers.

Educator. Today we got acquainted with such an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with a fork. Now we know that a fork is not only a cutlery used to eat cutlets, but also an unusual painting brush that can be used to create such wonderful paintings!

Several examples of drawings.

Demina Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Summary of GCD on drawing for the senior group
"In a world of goodness"

To deepen children’s understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person, to encourage the child’s desire to commit good deeds. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to friends, express your opinion, show kindness to the opinions of other children). Teach children productivity skills.

Tasks: Continue to develop interest in visual arts;
Strengthen technical skills (strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly);
Arouse a positive response to the results of your creativity;
Develop creativity, the ability to work independently, and cultivate accuracy in work.

Integration of educational areas:
Social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard).

Methodical techniques:
1. Artistic word.
2. Musical accompaniment.
3. Teacher’s explanation.
4. Observing children's work.
5. Analysis of work by the teacher and children.
6. Psychological game with a psychologist.

Material and equipment:
Artificial flowers, ball, computer, one big one, balloon, an envelope with a letter, multi-colored pieces of a picture (puzzles), decorations for a multi-colored country of kindness (flowers, autumn leaves), ½ album sheets for each child, gouache, brushes, cups of water, stands for brushes, a large, soft toy sun, geometric shapes made of multi-colored cardboard, toy - ladybug, cards pink and purple for each child, paper hearts, helium balloons for each child.

Preliminary work:
Reading the story by V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”
Examination of illustrations, organization of children by the teacher for didactic and speech games, discussion of the actions of the heroes.

- Progress of the lesson:
(The children and the teacher enter the bedroom and stand in a semicircle.)

Educator: Guys, I want to introduce you to our guests. Teachers from the Zvezdochka kindergarten came to see us today. Greet them.
(children say hello).
Now, guys, please tell us about yourself.

We are all friendly guys
We are preschool children,
We don't offend anyone
We know how much he cares
We won’t leave anyone in trouble
We won’t offend you, but we’ll ask
May everyone have a good time
It will be joyful and light!

Educator: Guys, please look out the window. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, green grass. When does this happen? (in summer)
Notice how many flowers are on the windowsill.
Do you like flowers? (yes) (hands out one flower at a time, saying)
What can you do with flowers? (admire, smell, give...)
Such wonderful flowers, they smell nice, I invite you to inhale their scent. (music No. 1. Breathing exercises: children with closed mouth inhale, then exhale through the mouth. 3-4 times.)

Educator: How much do you have Vetch flowers, and you Egor? (one…)
And if we all connect flowers together, how many will there be? (many…)
What does it mean when there are a lot of flowers? (bouquet)
That's right, well done, a bouquet of course. I suggest giving our bouquet to our guests. (given by one child)
Dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world: Seryozhechka - buddy,
Nikita- light, Milanochka-girlfriend and Nellya the laugher...
Guys, I suggest you play the game “Tender Word”. (takes the ball, the children stand in a semicircle...teacher: I like Nikita because you are brave...., and Alina beautiful smile etc.)
What do you think, children, is it nice to say kind words? (Yes) What about the evil ones? (No)
I invite such good, handsome people on a journey. Do you want it? (Yes)
Think and tell me what you can travel on? (by car, boat, plane, hot air balloon...) (a hot air balloon flies in)
Educator: Miracles, guys balloon he came to us! Yes, there is also a letter!!! (opens it, takes it out)
What kind of letter is this? I'll read it! (read: Dear guys! I invite you to take a fascinating journey through the extraordinary “Colorful Country of Kindness!”)
Who is the letter from? Who is inviting us? There are some colorful pieces in the envelope...what should I do with them?
Children: (collect)
(collected, recognized the Fairy of Kindness)
Educator: Who sent the letter is now clear! This is the mistress of the country of "Kindness"
Well, now you can hit the road.
In this hot air balloon we will fly to the “Colorful Country of Kindness”. (music number 2 sounds)
(Children, together with the teacher, holding a large balloon to the music, move to the decorated group)
Educator: Guys, we are greeted by the Fairy of Kindness herself!
Fairy: Greets children.
Educator: Your kindest Majesty, why are you sad and why is it so dark in your country?
Fairy: Recently, an evil wizard came to our Multi-Colored Country, he really doesn’t like paints, and so he took them and hid them behind seven locks.
Guys, help us light the sun!
Educator: Our preschool children are very kind children, children, you agree to help the Fairy of Kindness! (Yes)
Educator: Children, sit down, let's help the Fairy light the sun. (Music No. 3 sounds. Children paint the image of the sun with paints on ½ album sheet.)
Fairy: Well done, guys! Thank you guys. So the sun has come out (shows a large soft toy sun) It has become light and sunny again in our country!
Educator: It's light and sunny, so you can play!
Guys, stand in a circle. (physical exercise to music No. 4)
Educator: Look, I found unusual leaves, they have different geometric shapes! What is the shape of this leaf? (circle) What color is the circle? ( yellow) What kind of figure is this? (triangle) What color is the triangle? (green)
Look guys, here's a bug! But we didn’t notice him right away. Help the bug choose a leaf on which it would be noticeable. (music No. 5 sounds. Children put a bug on the leaves different colors and compare on which color the bug will be most noticeable. (yellow)
Fairy: Well done, my mood has even improved. Do you guys know that every color has its own mood? (we know...yes)
Educator: I suggest you play the game “match the color to your mood!” (I distribute cards of purple and pink color every child)
I will read the poems of Vladimir Karkin, and you will pick up a card suitable color and lift it up. (music number 6 sounds)
There is fog and slush outside the window
The stars hide in the darkness
I really want to cry
Unknown why
Guys, what color card will you choose? (purple) Right….

(music number 7 sounds)
In the morning the branches turn golden
In blue smoke like a dream
I really want to laugh
Unknown why
Now what color card will you choose? (pink)
Of course, everyone is in a great mood!
Fairy: The mood is great, because friendship and kindness work real miracles! Let's hold hands and feel the warmth and strength of our friends' hands.
(reads poetry. psychological game)
The breeze is friends with the sun, and the dew is with the grass.
A flower and a butterfly are friends, you and I are friends.
We are happy to share everything in half with friends!
Just never quarrel with friends!

Educator: I’m looking at you now, you’re all smiling...What’s your mood after our trip? (Good)
So paint your mood in color! (Color the hearts different colors to music No. 8)
Educator: And now, dear Fairy of Kindness, accept from us a rainbow of our good feelings as a souvenir! (children give colorful hearts).
Fairy: Thank you, good guys. And so that you return safely, I will give you magic balloons on which you will fly to your favorite kindergarten. (music No. 9 sounds. The fairy hands out balloons and the children fly into the bedroom).

Abstract of GCD “Artistic Creativity” (drawing)

Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed. Let's help the driver."

Program content:

Educational field "Artistic creativity": continue to learn how to draw round objects, figuratively reflect simple objects when drawing with pencils, hold a pencil correctly with three fingers, paint over a drawing without going beyond the boundaries.

Educational area "Cognition": expand children’s understanding of basic professions.

Educational field "Communication": learn to express your thoughts in speech, give a complete answer to the teacher’s questions, learn to change a noun by case.

Educational field "Socialization": to form emotional responsiveness, the desire to help those in need.

Educational field "Health": form the correct posture when drawing: sit freely, do not lean low over the table.

Educational field "Physical education": develop the desire to play outdoor games with simple content.

Educational field "Music": to develop the skill of performing productive actions to music.

Material: pictures depicting people of different professions and attributes of professions, a ball, a toy doctor, a letter from Dunno, a toy car without wheels, colored pencils, for each child an A4 sheet with a picture of a bus without wheels, a radio tape recorder, classical music, cards with the image Dunno.

Progress of the lesson.

1 Organizational moment.

Ball game. Standing in a circle, children name professions, passing the ball to each other.
2. Introduction to the topic.

A stranger (Dr. Aibolit) came to visit. Guess which one
What is this man's profession? (doctor). How did you guess?
Children describe the doctor's clothes and name the objects in his hands.

3. Didactic game “Who does what.” Doctor Aibolit plays educational games with children.

The cook is cooking....
Teacher - teaches....
The seller is selling...
Educator - educates....
(hairdresser, driver, dressmaker, policeman).
4. Didactic exercise “Complete the sentence.”
The cook is cooking (what?) - soup.
The doctor treats (who?) - ....
The driver drives (what?) - ....
The dressmaker sews (what?) - ....
The teacher teaches (who?) - ....
The seller sells (what?) - ....
5. Didactic game “Who needs what.”

Doctor Aibolit gives each child a picture depicting items needed by people of a particular profession. Children guess what profession Doctor Aibolit has chosen.
The cook needs pots, a ladle, a cap, etc.
The teacher needs...
The doctor needs...
The seller needs...
The dressmaker needs....
The hairdresser needs...
The teacher needs...

6. Physical education minute. "Pilot"
It’s good to be a driver (they run in circles, “steer”)
Better to be a pilot. (run in a circle, arms to the sides)
I would become a pilot
Let them teach me.
I pour gasoline into the tank, (they stop, “pour”)
I start the propeller: (circular movements with my right hand)
“Take the engine to heaven, (they run in a circle, arms to the sides).
So that the birds can sing."
7. Staging problematic situation. Letter from Dunno.
The teacher tells the children that he has just received a letter from Dunno. Reading the letter: “Hello guys, hello Doctor Aibolit. I am very sick, I really need your help. Come quickly good doctor Aibolit! . Children sympathize with Dunno. The doctor and the guys go to help Dunno and find out how they will get there. It won't work in a passenger car, there are a lot of guys and they won't all fit in the car, but everyone can get there by bus. We find out that the driver must drive the bus. We arrange the chairs like a train, the driver gets behind the wheel, but the bus does not move. Let's find out what the reason is. The teacher shows a toy bus that has no wheels. Here's the thing. The teacher offers to fix the bus; to do this, you need to add wheels to the bus.

8. Drawing wheels.

The teacher and the children find out what color the wheels will be (black), clarify the shape of the wheel (circle), the children describe a circle in the air with their index finger. The teacher shows drawing techniques. Pays attention to children's posture and how to hold a pencil correctly. The work takes place to the music.

9. Summary of the lesson.

The children repaired the bus, the driver and Aibolit thank the children for their help. Aibolit cured Dunno. Dunno gives the guys his portrait as a sign of gratitude.

Summary of GCD for drawing in non-traditional techniques
"Autumn Stars"
Group: preparatory
Technique: drawing with wax crayons and watercolors
Goal: To draw autumn flowers, conveying their texture and characteristic features.
educational. To consolidate children's knowledge about colors, to continue acquaintance of children
with a non-traditional type of visual activity - drawing with wax crayons and
developing.. Develop fine motor skills, creative imagination, fantasy,
the ability to navigate a plane, develop artistic skills and abilities,
artistic taste.
educational. Bring up positive attitude to nature.
Material and equipment: step-by-step drawing diagram of this drawing, A4 sheet of paper,
simple pencil, wax crayons, watercolor, brush No. 6, sippy cup,
Preparatory work: looking at autumn flowers.
GCD move.
Educator: Guys, listen carefully to the riddle. About what time of year it is
it says.
If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is cloudy,
If it rains.
Is this the time of year?
Children: Autumn.
Educator: Correct. It's autumn. Name the autumn months.
Children: September, October, November.
Educator: What holiday does the whole country celebrate in September?
Children. Knowledge Day or September 1st.
Educator. Why is it called that?
Children express their guesses.
Educator. September 1 is a difficult day, it is a holiday of a new beginning academic year. This
the most awaited day for those who cross the school threshold for the first time. Therefore this
The day is called “Knowledge Day”.
Educator. Look! Look! –
The people are surprised -
Along the path by itself,
The bouquet goes by itself.
Amazing bouquet
Dressed in school uniform,
A new satchel behind my back,
White bow over head...
Educator: On this day, all the children go to school dressed up with large bouquets of flowers.
What autumn flowers do you know?
Children: Asters, dahlias, gladioli, zinnias, chrysanthemums….
Educator: Let's look at this autumn bouquet(sample). What is he like?

Educator: There is such a flower in the garden,
And he looks like a star.
Can be any color.
For an autumn bouquet
Let's pick a beautiful flower,
It's called -
Children: Astra!
Educator: That's right, it's an aster. What does an aster flower look like?/children's answers/
Educator: There is one legend that an aster grew from a speck of dust that fell from
stars. Astra translated from Greek means star. Needle aster especially
looks like a star that has fallen from the sky: the middle is large, warmly yellow, and from it there are
rays petals. That's why on a quiet starry night you can hear
a faint whisper: these are asters talking with their native stars.
Asters seem to admire themselves: “Look at us, how beautiful, colorful we are,
bright. Admire us!
Educator: It turns out what a magical aster flower is.
It is impossible to imagine our life without flowers. They decorate parks, streets, fields.
Wildflowers and garden flowers give people beauty. Not at all necessary
pick flowers. You can admire them in flower beds, in flower pots, at the dacha, in the forest. A
you can draw flowers and admire them.
Plucked flowers will wither, but painted ones will delight us for a long time.
Physical education.
Our scarlet flowers
The petals are blooming. (smoothly raise our hands up)
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying. (swinging hands left to right)
Our scarlet flowers
The petals close, (crouched, hid)
Shake the head (moves the head left to right)
They fall asleep quietly.
Children repeat the movements in accordance with the text.
Educator: Guys, I suggest you draw an aster today. But we will draw
in an unusual way, with wax crayons and watercolors.
Step-by-step demonstration of drawing a picture.
First, draw ovals on a sheet of paper with a pencil and outline the size and location of the flowers.
astr. We draw without pressing hard on the pencil so that the lines are barely visible. Asters
should be approximately the same size. For the composition to be harmonious, do not
two flowers should be placed on the same line. Draw small ones inside the large ovals
ovals are the centers of flowers.
Then use yellow wax chalk to paint over the centers of the asters. To do this, we draw in
small oval spiral. There is no need to completely paint over the oval, it is necessary
leave room for watercolors.
Next, use wax crayons to draw the petals of the asters. To do this, draw lines from the middle
flower to the edge, like the rays of the sun. We draw with chalk with pressure so that the line is bright and
fat. Asters can be painted in any color you like. For this drawing
It's better to choose 23 colors. Using green wax crayon we will draw the stems and leaves.
To make the composition complete, we add small flowers to our bouquet. On
In the free space of the sheet, draw small snowflakes with yellow wax chalk. Let's draw
them, combining them into inflorescences of several pieces. We work with chalk in the same way, with pressure.

Now let's start working with watercolors. We paint the background of the picture with ocher. Apply paint
onto the sheet completely, excluding only the places where asters are drawn. Between the asters
add green spots. Where the design elements are drawn with chalk on the sheet, paint
It won’t stick because the chalk is waxy and greasy, so paint over the line with watercolors
It's simply impossible.
After the background has dried, draw the asters. Take paint of the same color as painted
asters, but in a more saturated shade so that the paint does not merge with the wax crayon, and
apply strokes from the middle to the edge on top of the petals drawn in chalk. Yellow
Use paint to paint the middle of the flower. We paint the leaves with green paint.
We paint small flowers with orange paint. Layer on top of yellow snowflakes
watercolor strokes in the same direction as the snowflake was painted in chalk. Also
apply an orange stroke from below to the middle to give it volume. Our drawing
Educator: Guys, place the sheet vertically and get to work.
Then the children work independently, if necessary.
The teacher advises children or uses demonstration.
Educator: Look at the beautiful work we have done.
The poet V. Rozhdestvensky wrote a poem about the beauty of a flower:
Autumn over the shady park...
The gold of the maples lies on the waters of the pond.
The leaves are spinning... The birds have fallen silent...
Looking into the cold sky
Aster, radiant aster - star.
Aster with its straight petals
Since ancient times it has been called a “star”.
That's what you would call it yourself.
The petals in it scattered like rays
From the core it's completely golden.
Dusk is approaching. Thin and sharp
The light sways in the sky of the constellations.
Astra, in a fragrant and colorful flowerbed,
Watches how distant sisters shine,
And sends greetings to them from the earth.
Educator: Look at the heavenly beauty of the aster flower.
Now let's arrange an exhibition of our paintings and delight everyone with bright, unusual

Alevtina Vyrosova
Summary of GCD for drawing in senior group"Autumn sky. Introduction to watercolor paints"

Abstract of educational activities in visual arts: drawing in the old group “Autumn Sky. Introduction to watercolor paints"

Program content:

Artistic and aesthetic development: teach children to work with watercolors using the “wet” technique; show techniques for working with a sponge and brush.

improving the ability to convey images of nature in drawings - the image of autumn. Cognitive development : introduce watercolor painting material, continue acquaintance with the landscape genre;

Speech development: enrich children's vocabulary with words: watercolor, palette, shade, easel; encourage children to express their personal opinions about what they see;

Social and communicative development: nurturing an emotional response to the image in the picture, independence, creative activity; to cultivate interest in the activities of artists, to teach imaginative assessment of their works and the works of other children, to cultivate responsiveness and kindness.

Preliminary work: examining autumn landscapes in reproductions of paintings by artists, reading poems by E. Blaginina “Flying away, flying away”, A. S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn.”

Materials and equipment: reproduction of F. Vasiliev’s painting “Before the Rain”, easel, paper, brushes, sponges, watercolors, cups of water, napkins.

Music series. Recording of cranes crowing. P. I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song”.

Methodical techniques:

1. Game situation “Parcel from the artist.”

2. D./i. "Color Riddles"

3. Exercise “Name the shades.”

4. Examination of the sky, reproductions of landscapes.

5. Exercise “Mixing paints.”

6. Exhibition of works “Autumn Sky”.

7. Analysis, encouragement.

GCD move:

Guys, we received a package in the mail today. Message from the artist. He found out that we really love to draw, and gave us this “box” (shows Easel). All real artists have such a “box” and it is called an “easel”. His faithful friends and assistants live here, without whom not a single picture can be painted. What kind of friends do you think these are? He left a note with riddles to help you.

Multicolored sisters

Bored without water

Uncle is long and thin

Carrying water with his beard

And his sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke.

(Brush and paints)

Do you know that artists do not paint, but write?

Paintings painted different colors or other colored materials such as pastels, wax crayons are called "Painting". This word is easy to remember: it consists of two simple words- “live” and “write”.

Now, let's get acquainted with true friends artist. (Open a box of watercolor paints) Look at the multi-colored squares in this box, like houses. Guys, do you know all the colors? Guess those riddles.

It is in the egg and in the chicken,

In the oil that lies in the oil can,

In every ripe spikelet,

In the sun, in the cheese and in the sand. (Yellow)

It flows through us along with the blood,

It bakes the cheeks of all liars. (Red)

He lies on the roof with snow,

They draw and write on it,

It's in cow's milk

And in sour cream and flour. (White)

He's in the sky on a fine day,

And on forget-me-nots too,

And on the wings of a moth

Maybe he will fly from a flower. (Blue)

It is found in coffee, lentils,

In teddy bear and cinnamon,

In chocolate too -

You can't eat it without it. (Brown)

Seeing him under the eye,

The fighter is immediately pitied

And here is the eggplant and plum

They are satisfied and happy with him. (Violet)

He and the frog can croak,

Cry with the crocodile

Grow from the ground with grass,

But it cannot bloom. (Green)

Every orange is full

Even a clown has more fun with him,

He's everywhere on the fox

And on a squirrel in a wheel. (Orange)

Even though it's hiding in the chimney,

It is always in fashion among panthers,

And a black man of it is

He wears it every day. (Black)

It's in asphalt and concrete,

In warm fluff on a raven,

In the wolf and his tail

And cats in the dark. (Grey)

A third of the flag is occupied by them,

It's in the name of the whale,

And in a cornflower blue bouquet,

And on the mailbox. (Blue)

Every sighted boy will say

About him, that he is girly,

If we get the stork wet,

He will become like a flamingo in it. (Pink)

These paints are called watercolors. The word "watercolor" means "water". When you paint with them, you need to wet the brush very well. Watercolor paints are mixed with each other and you can get many interesting shades. What are "shades"? (For example: there is a main paint that is red, and all the others that are very similar to it, only lighter or darker, are called “Shades”)

Name the shades of red (pink, raspberry, scarlet, burgundy, cherry).

Paintings painted with watercolors turn out very delicate, transparent and very picturesque. They are called watercolor painting.

What else do you think an artist needs?

Your braid without fear

She dips in paint

Then with a dyed braid

In the album he leads along the page


Indeed, the artist's main tool is brushes. Brushes were made from the fur of various animals: badger, squirrel, and bristles.

We learned so many new and interesting things about paints and brushes today thanks to the artist. Let's remember what pictures are called painting? Remember what shades are? Name the shades of blue and green.

The teacher asks the children to look out the window, paying attention to the colors of the sky, the teacher conducts a dialogue with the students.

What unusual color of the sky did you see? What is the sky's mood? Is it possible to compare the mood of a person with the mood of the sky?

And then he suggests looking at reproductions of landscapes that depict the sky in different states.

After the children’s answers, the teacher shows techniques for mixing watercolor paints and drawing techniques using the “wet” technique.

The teacher moistens the landscape sheet with a wet sponge (the texture of the paper for painting with watercolors should be loose and rough).

Then he puts paint on the brush and begins to paint.

The brush seems to be dancing on the sheet, making circular movements - you get fluffy clouds, and if the brush slides, the clouds turn out elongated, weeping (the colors spread, reaching down).

The teacher pays special attention to the use of black paint, which is very dark and can so darken the color of other paint that it may disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to young artists that a little bit of black paint should be applied to the tip of the brush.

After showing techniques for working with watercolors, the teacher asks the children to paint their sky using the “wet” technique.

Music is played during practical activities. The teacher reminds the children, reminds them that the effect of rain streams can be achieved if the sheet is tilted vertically, the colors rolling down will flow into one another.

When the children have completed their work, a mini-exhibition can be arranged on the exhibition board. Children come up with names for each drawing.

Children, you are so great. You made me so happy today. I see that you liked to draw in a new way “raw”. Tell me, did you like painting the sky with watercolors? If you liked it, then raise up the yellow sun, and if it was not very interesting, then raise the dark cloud.

Children (make their choice).

What did you like most?

Paint with watercolors, listen to music, play with paints.

I'm glad you found it interesting with me.

Olga Morozova
Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “It’s raining”

Morozova Olga Anatolyevna

« It's raining» . Lesson notes By artistic creativity (drawing) V senior group

Subject: « It's raining»

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Target: To develop children’s ability to figuratively reflect impressions of the life around them in drawings.

Tasks: Teach children to figuratively reflect impressions of the life around them in drawings. Strengthen the ability to build a composition of a drawing. Learn to use acquired techniques to convey phenomena in a drawing. Exercise in drawing simple graphite and colored pencils (colored wax crayons, charcoal pencil, sanguine).

Materials and equipment: Graphite pencil, colored pencils or wax crayons, sheet A-4 (per child).

Progress of the lesson.

Let's make riddles:

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly... (Autumn)

Dripping sadly from the sky -

Everywhere is wet, humid, damp.

It's easy to hide from him

Should the umbrella open (Rain)

Children's answers.

Well done guys! Now let's look at the pictures, what do they show?

Children's answers.

That's right guys rain, and what time of year?

Children's answers.

That's right guys, autumn!

Guys, do you like when it's raining? Why?

Game “What happens rain. Along the chain, everyone names the words, as it happens rain, but it cannot be repeated. (strong, cold, torrential, mushroom, shallow, drizzling, piercing, warm, etc.)

Game “What is the weather like in autumn?”

When it's raining, the weather is rainy when the wind blows - windy, cold - cold, cloudy - cloudy, damp - damp, gloomy - gloomy, clear - clear.

Did. ex. "Pick an action"

Move: What do leaves do in the fall? (turn yellow, fall off, fly, etc.) Rain in autumn(coming, drizzling, etc.) Birds in autumn (fly away, get ready, etc.) Trees in autumn (they drop leaves, fall asleep, etc.) Animals in autumn (preparing for winter, changing coats, etc.)

Finger gymnastics "Gifts of Autumn"

Sun, sun, more fun,

Light it up, warm it up some more!

Clench your fingers into a fist, unclench

Rain, rain, don't disturb

Gather for us the harvest:

Pears, apples in the orchards,

Tomatoes in the fields.

Beets, radishes and potatoes.

And, of course, carrots.

When listing, bend one finger on your left hand, and then on your right.

So that when winter will come,

The bins were full.

Clench your fingers into a fist

Guys, tell us how animals prepare for winter? Birds?

Animals build holes and stock up. Badgers collect roots, squirrels store in hollows. Hares begin to change their coats, moles and mice collect spikelets. Birds begin to fly to warmer climes.)

Do all the birds fly away? What do we call birds that remain?

They often go in the fall rains and people walk along the streets under umbrellas. Let's draw with you rainy autumn day in the village, in the field. First we draw terrain: forest, field, rain draw last. Let's remember different ways drawing rain, grass, trees.

At the end, consider all the drawings, marking the most expressive ones, including new images.

At the end classes We consider all the drawings, marking the most expressive ones, including new images.

Summary of the drawing lesson “It’s raining” (middle group).

Let's make riddles:

Every day, the dress is more colorful,

Somehow brighter, more beautiful, more fun...

What kind of beautiful girl is this?

Is he really in a hurry to please everyone?

Only now the weather is gloomy more often...

Time of year - what is it like outside? (Autumn)

It makes noise in the field and in the garden, but does not get into the house.

And I’m not going anywhere while he’s walking. (Rain ) Children's answers.

Well done guys! Now let's look at the pictures, what do they show? Children's answers.

That's right guys rain, and what time of year? Children's answers.

Game “What is the weather like in autumn?”

When it rains the weather is rainy, when the wind blows it is windy, cold is cold, cloudy is cloudy, damp is damp, gloomy is gloomy, clear is clear.

Did. ex. "Pick an action"

Move: What do leaves do in the fall? (turn yellow, fall off, fly, etc.)

Rain in autumn (coming, drizzling, etc.)

Birds in autumn (fly away, get ready, etc.)

Trees in autumn (they drop leaves, fall asleep, etc.)

Animals in autumn (preparing for winter, changing coats, etc.)

Dynamic game « Rain »

Rain, rain, rain and rain. (Children show drops on their palms with their fingersrain)

Don't be sorry for the wet drops.

We clap our hands poems)

We stomp our feet.

The sun came out again and

the children all go for a walk. (Perform movements according to the textpoems)

Well done guys, now that we’ve played, let’s draw a rainy autumn day in a village, field or city. First we draw terrain: forest, field, trees, rain are drawn last. Let's remember various ways drawing rain, grass, trees.