In traveling. The Name gives you its “colorful” performance “In different colors.” Only curls curl

The corporate event on March 8 traditionally includes a banquet with toasts, competitions and fun performances. There may be a guest presenter at the celebration, but it is not difficult to organize the celebration on your own.

We have selected several scenarios for a corporate party on March 8 to make the evening fun and memorable.

The corporate event begins with congratulations at the festive table.


“We all know that the most fickle and changeable thing on Earth is not the weather, but the mood of women. I wish you that your mood changes from elated to good, from good to joyful, from joyful to cheerful, and from cheerful to happy. And no more other changes! Happy March 8!”

After the banquet, it is proposed to act out a fairy tale. Participants receive cards with phrases.

Fairy tale

The text of the fairy tale is read impromptu by the presenter, the rest play out what they heard and pronounce their phrase every time their character is mentioned in the text.

Characters and lines:

  • Mirror: “We’ve seen better!”
  • Mary: “I want to get married!”
  • Joe: “They won’t catch us!”
  • Horse: “Give me something to drink!”
  • Murka the cat: “I’m on my own!”
  • Dog Barbos: “Well, woof, so what!”

Morning. A lonely housewife, Mary, sits in a small cozy saloon and constantly looks into the Mirror out of boredom. The cat Murka gently rubs against her legs, then sits on Mary’s lap and also looks into the Mirror. At the entrance to the saloon, the Dog is basking in the sun.

And somewhere on the prairie the elusive Cowboy Joe is galloping on his faithful Horse. And suddenly Joe abruptly stops his faithful Horse, because he remembers that today is a men's holiday, and it would be nice to stop by the beautiful Mary for a couple of glasses. The Cowboy turns his Horse sharply and gallops towards Mary. Mary continues to look in the Mirror and sigh.

Joe drives up, gets off the Horse, gives him a drink, and then Dog Barbos notices him, Joe scratches him behind the ear, the Dog pretends to be happy. Joe approaches Mary, looks in the Mirror, strokes Murka the Cat and hints to Mary that it would be nice to have a glass. Then the Horse kicked his hoof and neighed, apparently he also wanted a drink, which made the Dog slightly wiggle his ears, and the Cat wagged its tail. And Mary looked into the Mirror again, sighed, stroked the Cat, threatened the Dog, waved her hand to the Horse and, finally, poured Joe.

Joe drank, flushed, looked in the Mirror, then at Mary, who was nervously stroking the Cat, looking back at the Dog and the Horse. Then she began to preen herself in front of the Mirror, Joe drank more, then another and ... disagreed with the Mirror about Mary. And Joe decided, a holiday is a holiday, and it’s better to spend it in fun company Mary, faithful Horse, Cat and Dog, than to gallop like a fool across the prairies.

Carrying out March 8 in a women's group

When planning the scenario for March 8 in a women's group, you will need to build a program that would include fun competitions, which will make the celebration interesting. In this case, no one will be bored.

For the event, you can choose a cafe suitable for the number of participants. The holiday is hosted by the host. The peculiarity of the celebration in the women's group is that only ladies are present, which should be taken into account when planning the festive program.

Presenter: Dear women, I invite you to celebrate our holiday! Today we will have a bachelorette party, dedicated to the holiday spring and beauty. At the very beginning, the floor is given to the head of our company.

Presenter: It is very important for us women to always be beautiful. Let's check which of us is the best at doing makeup.

For the next competition, it is necessary to prepare posters on which a woman’s face will be drawn. You also need to prepare cosmetics - mascara, blush, lipstick, and so on. The task is to put makeup on your face. The competition is held to cheerful music. The winner is determined by the volume of applause. She is awarded a prize - a set of cosmetics.

Presenter: There are many friends in our team. To prove your friendship, you must sing a song about faithful female friendship.

After this, the scenario on March 8 in the women's group involves singing a song about female friendship. To do this, you need to prepare in advance musical composition. The song is performed by all employees.

Presenter: Despite the fact that our team is female, on this day we cannot remember about men. For this we offer a fun competition.

After this, the scenario for March 8 in the women's group includes a competition in the holiday program, for which one of the women is invited. The task is to show one of the male professions. This must be done without words, that is, only with gestures. The presenter says the name of the profession to the participant who will show the words. The woman who guesses the word will show next.

As an example of the professions that will be shown, we can offer such options as mechanic, driver, tractor driver, plumber and many other options.

Presenter: Now let's remember about activities that are purely female. An excellent option for this is an interesting game.

Then the game is played. One of the women names a word, for example, “Washing,” then the person sitting next to her must name another female activity. In this case, the condition is to name a word that must begin with the letter with which the previous one ended, that is, in this case it is the letter “A”. You can name funny options.

Presenter: I propose to drink to such a festive day and congratulate the ladies on their holiday.

Presenter: What's a holiday without dancing? Everyone is invited to the dance floor.

Fun and danceable music sounds and all the guests go dancing.

Presenter: Each of us wishes to be in childhood again, at least for a moment. Today we will have such an opportunity - this is a competition that will provide an opportunity to feel again sweet taste childhood.

In order to hold the next competition, it is necessary to prepare children's kits in the form of construction sets.

The task is to assemble the construction set within the allotted time while the music is playing. The one who completes the task becomes the winner.

Presenter: Now it’s time to test your culinary and tasting abilities, which is so important for every woman.

Several women are participating in this competition. It is necessary to prepare dishes that should not be on festive table previously. Participants are blindfolded. Their task is to guess which ingredients are included in the dish that will be tasted. The one who gives the most accurate answer will be the winner.

The celebration is concluded with a sweet table. For this, it would be good to prepare a birthday cake that can be decorated accordingly.

Scenario with competitions

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts and congratulations to women. It is advisable that the congratulations are not too drawn out and formal. It is better to perform it in poetic or song form. Be sure to mention each woman in your congratulations, give her a compliment and say a few special words. Also, this holiday cannot be done without presenting flowers.


Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration is taking place, the nature of the banquet may change. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their seats immediately upon arrival at the holiday or after official congratulations.

After congratulations and presentation of gifts, all participants sit down at the table. It is advisable that on this day the participants are spared both the preparation of food and the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

Competition test “Real Women”

As a festive entertainment, you can offer a competition for real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men dressed up as women take part in it. In this case, the outfit can be quite conventional (a hat, an apron or a paper fan covering the beard), the main thing is that the participants in this performance try to copy female behavior.

After the appearance of men (2-3 people are enough) claiming that they are women, several participants are selected and various competitions are held between them. Despite the hackneyed plot of dressing a man as a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

Who is bigger

The presenter asks any feminine topic (for example, “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “clothing items”, “jewelry”). The participants’ task is to name words related to this topic in random order. The participant who names the last word, gets a bonus point.

Non-standard situations

The presenter offers each participant difficult situation, from which she must find an original way out. Participants who give the most interesting answers receive a prize point.

Example situations:

You spent a long time preparing for the party, bought a specially elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the lady of the house’s outfit turned out to be exactly like yours. What to do?

You are waiting for your husband's parents to arrive. To make an impression, you decide to cook something special. However, nothing works out for you - you over-salt the soup, the roast burns, and the pie looks like a sole. You don’t have time to fix anything because guests are already ringing the doorbell. What to do?

Before an important date, you went to the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed in green color. There is one hour left until goodbye. What to do?

You came to a business buffet in a knitted dress. You are talking with a very important partner and suddenly you notice that one of the guests has caught a jacket button on a thread of your dress and the further he moves away, the more your dress is unraveling. The important conversation is not over yet. What to do?

The participant with the most points receives a prize. In this case, it is advisable to expose the men in disguise and force them to perform a penalty task (sing a song, dance, etc.).

Competition of unusual sculptures

This competition is offered to men. From balloons different sizes and shapes, they must be sculpted using tape female figure. It is advisable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.

Women can also be asked to make a sculpture of a man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated; in addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. Interesting to use Balloons various sizes and shapes.

It doesn’t matter what size the team is, whether there are men in it or it consists only of the fair half of humanity - they will help to organize a cheerful corporate event on March 8 good mood and involving all employees in the holiday.

Video with ideas on how to congratulate women in a team on March 8


There are no men in your team, but you need to somehow congratulate yourself and your loved ones on March 8th? We will give you many ideas on how to spend a fun holiday in a women's team on your own, and without the participation of the male half of humanity. A holiday in an all-female team can also be very interesting if you prepare not only congratulations on March 8, but also funny scenes, funny games and competitions, ditties, riddles, funny questions with answers, quizzes, humorous performances and songs-remakes. Our full script corporate party on March 8 in a women's team without men can be supplemented with other competitions to women's day at your discretion.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8 in a women's team without men

By the way, a themed party could be a good idea to spend March 8th in a group. For example, in retro style, or 80s style, in the form of a masquerade, ball, rock party, with an appropriate dress code.

What you will need for this fun scenario:

  • Potato;
  • Dolls and clothes;
  • Items of women's clothing;
  • Briefcase for men and school;
  • Robes and buttons, threads, needles, scissors;
  • Fruits vegetables;
  • Comic giant underpants;
  • Chocolate coins;
  • Boxes with papers;
  • Prizes for the beauty contest: tights, nail polish, mascara, beads, pillow, belt;
  • Competitions for women's teams on March 8 without the participation of men

    1 competition. Whose subject?

    The essence of the competition: one participant comes out, she is taken aside, and without her, the presenter collects a subject from the women from the team. It could be watches, rings, beads, belts, phones or phone cases, any jewelry, jewelry, maybe even a shoe! Our participant must guess where whose object is and conclude whether she knows her colleagues well.

    2 competition. Mistresses.

    At least 2 participants take part in this competition. But more is possible. They will need to complete comic tasks to test their speed and ability to be a good housewife. For example, there may be such tasks:

  • Peel 5 potatoes at speed;
  • Dress the doll in clothes;
  • Dress up for work - in comic items of clothing: a hat, beads, shoes, a skirt - on top of your clothes.
  • Sew 5 buttons on speed to the robe.
  • Sort out the things of the husband and child: some into the husband’s briefcase, others into the child’s briefcase.
  • Etc. The most agile female participant and hostess wins.

    3 competition. Dance.

    They call two participants who know how to dance the waltz and invite them to dance to the music. But the music begins to change in style, then rap, then jazz,

    4 competition. Fruit temptation.

    You need to buy fresh strawberries, bananas, apples, oranges, kiwi, lemon and other fruits. Also cucumber or potato. Cut everything into large slices and mix in two bowls.

    5 competition. Characteristic.

    The head of the organization characterizes each colleague briefly on a piece of paper. Next, the leaves are mixed.

    6 competition. Try laughing.

    They call one of those who want to take part in the competition. She goes backstage, and the presenter gives her giant leggings, which she must put on over her clothes. …………………………………………………….

    7 beauty contest.

    All women in your team can participate in the beauty contest.

    Comic nominations:

    1.) Longest legs
    2.) Longest nails
    3.) Longest eyelashes
    4.) Biggest breasts
    5.) Biggest butt
    6.) The thinnest waist

    The meaning of the competition is simple: girls are given cardboard numbers of participants on a ribbon, or have round numbers glued to their backs. You need to walk beautifully along the catwalk, demonstrating all the nominations. The winners receive small prizes.

    The owner of long legs: tights, long nails - varnish, long eyelashes - mascara, large breasts - beads, large butts - a pillow under the ass with buckwheat, thin waist - a belt.

    Game: If...

    The presenter prepares two boxes, in one box there are pieces of paper with the beginning of phrases, in the other box - the end of phrases. The presenter gives each woman to draw 1 piece of paper from each box. And then read them in order. Fun questions with answers that fit together.

    Examples (beginnings of phrases):

    1. If I were our boss, then...
    2. If I knew the President personally, then...

    Examples: (ending phrases):

    1. Then I would be the happiest person in the world.
    2. Then I wouldn’t work here anymore.

    A scene for March 8th for a women's corporate party based on the theme: Three girls under the window

    Three women - three girls - take part in the sketch. Who sit under the window on a bench and gossip about this and that.

    Presenter: Three girls under the window chatted in the evening, talking about this and that.

    1 girl: If only I could get drunk now

    Presenter: One girl says,

    A sketch for March 8th for a women’s corporate party based on the theme: I’m writing to you, what more?

    Text of the letter:
    We write to you, what else?
    What more can we say?
    Today at a corporate party,
    Of course we'll have a drink.

    A comic scene with dressing up: a declaration of love to women

    A woman dressed as a man comes out. The costume is designed to make it funny; the man is supposed to be macho.

    Macho: Good evening, dear ladies!
    I am a macho man, a conqueror of women's hearts.
    It will be fun with me, just kick-ass!
    I won’t let you get bored and sad,
    Don't believe me? I'm worth a lot.
    All the socialites were after me,

    Ditties for corporate parties on March 8

    1.) We are sporty babes
    We love to sing and dance.
    And we'll put on sneakers,
    You definitely won't catch up with us!

    2.) I have three boyfriends,
    I'm fed up with attention.
    I can't choose someone
    I'd rather be alone.

    Riddles for a corporate party on March 8 (for adults, with a trick)

    1.) Above the knee, below the navel, there is a hole - a hand can easily fit through. (guess: pocket)
    2.) It can be long, it can be short, it can be thick, it can be thin. He sticks around everywhere, he has three names. (guess: nose)

    Song-adaptation to the tune: “Let them run clumsily...” for March 8

    Verse 1:

    Let all men run
    In the morning to the shops
    Buy bouquets of flowers.
    On this day we are goddesses,
    Queens, princesses,
    Be ready for whims, man!


    End of introductory fragment. For purchase full version scenes go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and via a link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

    Price: 199 R ub.

    SCENARIO FOR MARCH 8 1 presenter: March 8th is a solemn day, a day of joy and beauty, all over the earth he gives women his smiles and flowers!!! 2 presenter: Our planet celebrates March 8 as Women's Day.

    We are accustomed to it as a good and cheerful holiday.

    We love him for the pleasant chores, for the smiles of our mothers, and that means all women. Mom is the closest, dearest and most affectionate person on earth. On this day it is customary to give flowers. On this holiday, accept from us an unusual spring bouquet, which consists of songs, games, and words of congratulations!

    1 presenter:



    Day of joy and beauty,

    2 presenter:

    All over the earth he gives to women

    Your smiles and flowers!!!

    We are accustomed to it as a good and cheerful holiday.

    We love him for pleasant chores, for the smiles of our mothers,

    And that means all women. Mom is the closest, the most

    dear and the most affectionate person on earth. On this day

    It is customary to give flowers. Receive from us on this holiday

    1 presenter:

    an unusual spring bouquet that consists of songs,

    games, and words of congratulations!

    The song of the stream has not yet been heard

    The lark's trill does not flow,

    But the sun is brighter and drops

    Tells us: Spring is coming!!!

    Spring is coming

    And don't let it be hot.

    But with her, like a summer shadow,

    International Women's Day

    1 presenter:

    It is a holiday of affection and beauty

    Love, hopes and dreams.

    2 presenter:

    And now, dear ladies, Lyubov Vladimirovna and Vlad have prepared a musical number for you.

    The song plays ________ “BELIEVE IT OR NOT”__________________________

    Maybe there is a better date?

    And probably not alone

    Spring opens

    Denial of aging

    The heat of creativity in the blood

    Time is turning

    To peace, friendship and love

    And therefore we exalt

    Affirming being

    The golden number 8 as its own dignity.

    The guys from group number two and our Yanochka congratulate you on the holiday with the song “MOM’S HEART”


    As soon as I wake up, I smile,

    The sun kisses me tenderly.

    I look at the sun - I see my mother,
    The sun is my dear mother!
    Girls', mother's and grandmother's holiday
    Everyone in the family is welcomed together.

    1 presenter:

    Every woman is like a princess
    Everyone congratulates on this day.
    There are many holidays in the country,
    But Women's Day is given to Spring,
    After all, only women can
    Create a spring holiday with affection.
    So be kind, simple,
    Always with a smile on your face!

    Well, in a word, be like that,

    2 presenter:

    How it should be Spring!

    The song is performed by Daria Levchenko “SEEDS”_________________

    What a wonderful thing there is in the year.

    such a day when you can hear

    so many declarations of love, to feel

    joy and see great happiness

    and love in the eyes of women. I wish

    so that you have such days a year

    as much and as often as possible. Accept confessions from our children.

    The golden number 8 as its own dignity.

    Today, on the Eighth of March,
    Let the sun shine brightly
    May it bring joy and happiness,
    And let success not pass you by.
    I wish you good health,
    Congratulations on the coming spring!

    Dear women, kind, faithful!
    Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
    Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
    Cherished, purest happiness!
    A lot of affection, warmth, kindness for you, -
    Let your dreams come true!

    Let the first snowdrop
    Will give you tenderness!
    The spring sun will bring warmth!
    And the March wind will give hope,
    And happiness, and joy, and only goodness!

    1 presenter:

    Our festive spring bouquet is already fragrant

    with your congratulations, now let's have a little

    Let's smile and play.In your name, dear women and girls, congratulatory telegrams have been received from famous people, fairy-tale heroes, of course, are also men. But they were all in such a hurry that they forgot to sign. Your task is to determine the sender. For example,

    (Those who guess correctly are given lollipops or candies. One reads, the other hands)











    Song performed by Nikolai Lagutin “THE SONG OF A CAL MAMMOTH”

    2 presenter:

    Happy holiday,

    Happy holiday,

    Happy holiday,

    Wonderful, wonderful,

    Happy holiday of affection,

    Love and attention

    Happy holiday of feminine charm!

    1 presenter:

    Let femininity and beauty

    They will be with you as much as possible

    After all, what is for the woman of the year

    When everyone appreciates and loves her

    We wish you joy

    And great bright happiness

    Success in life and work

    Be sensitive, kind and healthy.

    Song from Roma and Ruslan ________________________________________________

    2 presenter:

    The blizzards have not yet shallowed,

    They didn’t stop making noise until the end,

    And our souls became warmer

    And hearts were happy.

    Let winter be full of excitement,

    Spring has come to us today!

    And we wish you happiness!

    1 presenter:

    We wish you good luck in your business,
    Love is beautiful and big!
    You smile, which means
    Everything in life will be fine!
    Congratulations from the first group of poems. Song from Karina_"DIAMONDS"__________________

    The golden number 8 as its own dignity.

    Zhuvagin Lesha

    With the first drop
    With the last snowstorm,
    Happy Young Spring!
    Congratulations to you
    We sincerely wish:
    Happiness, health,
    Good luck, beauty!

    Linkov Sasha.

    Happy March 8th!
    Happy spring holiday!
    Let it pour everywhere
    Loud fun!
    Let the sun shine!
    Let the frost go away!
    Let the winter go away
    Mimosa sprig!

    Nugmanov Ravil

    Beautiful day March 8th,
    When everything around is sparkling,
    And let me congratulate you
    Happy International Women's Day!
    I wish you health and happiness,
    So that you never grow old,
    May you always prosper
    In the name of happiness and goodness.


    2 presenter:

    Happy Women's Day, the beginning of spring!

    With the first thawed patch of spring

    Be healthy and happy you

    I wish you success, big and small.

    1 presenter:

    You are a woman - a flower, a source of light

    Mysterious, tender, beautiful and proud

    You are the flame of the hearth, the warmth of family and home

    You are the light that never goes out on earth.

    Song from "WHITE BIRDS"

    2 presenter:

    On this day March 8
    We wish you well,
    And an armful of flowers,
    And spring warmth.
    Lots of joy, health,
    Always be beautiful
    So that a happy smile
    I wouldn't leave my face!

    Any final song_______"MOTHER'S HANDS"

    1 presenter:

    You won’t put our spring, holiday bouquet in vases and then

    discard dried flowers. Our bouquet will remain in your soul and memory and you will save it until the next holiday, and you will have quite a few of them in your life and we are ready to give them to you again and again as a sign of gratitude and love for you. Feel its fragrance from the musical notes, kind words and cheerful laughter. Save it, and your soul will always be light and warm from our love for you.


    1 presenter:

    — Our dear guests!

    “Today we have gathered to celebrate two wonderful holidays: men and women dear and close to our hearts.

    - All the best words that will be heard today are in your honor, our dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, sisters and brothers, friends and girlfriends!

    2 presenter:

    May your every day be bright,

    May your heart be generous

    With all our hearts we wish you happiness,

    In the work of joyful victories,

    May all misfortunes pass you by,

    It’s as if they don’t exist in nature!

    1 presenter:

    — Accept this concert as a gift from us.

    The concert opens with the song “Today is Mother’s Day.”

    Competition No. 1 (for mothers) “Mom’s Heart”

    Children stand in a circle with their arms extended forward. Mom is in the center of the circle. She is blindfolded. The children stand with their arms outstretched, the mother must find her child.

    2 presenter:

    Throughout the centuries, many wonderful, amazing words have been said about this feeling, and we, the children, are very happy that it was love and faith in each other that united our fathers and mothers.

    1 presenter:

    Love each other,

    Warm with kindness,

    Take care of each other,

    Don't let us offend you.

    Respect each other

    Forget the fuss

    And in moments of leisure

    Stay close to your children!

    Sketch - song.

    Participants: a tall girl, a shorter boy, “old grandmothers” on a bench (a group of girls).

    A girl and a boy stand opposite each other at some distance, between them are “grandmothers” on a bench.

    D. (sings to the tune of Russian folk songs, addressing the boy):

    - My dear, my good one, why are you silent? (2 times)

    - What are you, what are you, why are you silent? (2 times)

    M. (sings to the tune of Russian folk songs, addressing the girl):

    - I’m not silent, I admire you. (2 times)

    B. (singing to the tune of Russian folk songs, addressing the boy):

    - What are you, what are you, why are you silent?

    D.: - You promised, well, but you don’t come... (2 times)

    M.: - I came, but you weren’t at home. (2 times)

    B.: - What are you, why are you not coming? (2 times)

    D.: - You promised, but you don’t kiss yourself... (2 times)

    B.: - What are you, what are you, why don’t you kiss? (2 times)

    M.: - If I kissed you, I wouldn’t get it... (2 times)

    B.: - What are you, what are you, torturing the girl? (2 times)

    D.: - Come to me, I’ll kiss you myself. (2 times(He goes to the boy, he runs away, the grandmothers on the bench shake their heads).

    Competition No. 2 (for moms and dads) “Pretty Woman”

    Mom They blindfold us and give us bright lipstick. They should put lipstick on moms lips. Moms stand opposite dads. Moms and dads can be from different families.

    1 presenter:

    — Today we congratulate not only our loved ones, but also our friends, girlfriends with whom we study and grow, and we want to wish them:

    In learning - wisdom,

    In friends there is loyalty,

    And in the heart - courage!

    — Our girls dedicate their dance to the boys.

    Competition No. 3 (for girls and boys) “Cinderella’s Shoe”

    Each girl takes off her shoe and sits down. The shoes are put into a box. At this time, the boys are waiting outside the door. They are blindfolded before entering the classroom. One by one, the boys are led to a box with shoes, where they choose any one. Now they can remove the bandage. The boys look for "Cinderella", return her shoe and invite her to a slow dance.

    2 presenter:

    Who will always help you,

    With a kind word he will support,

    What I don’t understand, he’ll explain,

    Will you be praised for your success?

    Who will put with a smile

    The long-awaited "five"

    Who is always upset himself,

    What if you earn a bad grade?

    These are our strict teachers,

    These are our good teachers! (children in chorus)

    — We sincerely congratulate all teachers, we invite you to watch “Joke - Advertising” (dramatization).

    Advertising is a joke.

    Teacher (in a calm, soft voice):

    - Hello! I am Nina Kuzovatova, and these are my charges(points to children who are fighting and making noise).

    – On ordinary days I feel comfortable and comfortable with them. But today, you know, is such a critical day - Monday. After the weekend, I can’t calm them down, and classes can’t be canceled. Then a friend advised me one reliable remedy that helps me a lot.

    (Shouts loudly):

    - Sit!!!

    (Children fall from chairs).

    Comic quiz No. 4 (for parents) “School life”

    — What grade is your child in?

    – Last name, first name, patronymic of the class teacher.

    – What is the name of the foreign language teacher?

    – What color is the math textbook?

    – Who is the author of the textbook on the Russian language?

    — What is the lesson schedule for Wednesday?

    – What days are physical education scheduled?

    -Who is the class leader?

    – What desk does your child sit on?

    – Is there a girl in our class named...?

    – Is there a boy in our class with the last name...?

    — On what floor is the director’s office?

    1 presenter:

    People say this:

    “There is strength, but the mind is a fool.”

    - Well, our boys are both smart and strong.

    “It’s not for nothing that people say: “A neighbor will learn from his neighbor, and a son from his father.” Our boys took an oath to protect their moms the way their dads protect them.

    – The boys dedicate the song “Don’t be afraid, Mom!” to their mothers.

    Competition No. 5 (for boys and dads) “Dress me!”

    Dad thick winter mittens are provided. Their task is as quickly as possible

    button more buttons on your child’s shirt.

    2 presenter:

    — Our life is often compared to a movie. People say: “Life is like in TV series...” or “Everything is as simple for you as in the movies.” Is it really that simple in movies?

    We dedicate this issue to our brothers and sisters.

    — Look at the dramatized poem by A. Barto “Strong Cinema.”

    Competition No. 6 (for moms and dads) “Cinema Lovers”

    Moms and dads are divided into two teams. Each team, within a certain time (1-3 minutes), must remember and write down as many movies, cartoons, fairy tales as possible, the titles of which contain female names or mention words such as: woman, girl, girl, mother, etc. .

    1 presenter:

    Happy March 8th,

    Happy spring holiday,

    With the first flowers

    In this bright hour,

    Our dear women,


    – Always be young, happy and healthy.

    Our boys have prepared the “Apple” dance for you.

    Competition No. 7 (for girls and mothers) “Mysterious gait.”

    Mothers and girls are invited to demonstrate how a person walks. The gait options are written on pieces of paper that the participants take out of the bag. The options can be different: a fashion model, a tired person, a person with a heavy load on his back, scared, happy, etc. Guests must guess what the participant wanted to show.

    2 presenter:

    — And how many wonderful, truthful sayings we hear about dads: “Without good fathers, there is no good upbringing”; “Becoming a father is very easy - being a father, on the contrary, is difficult”, “A father is a friend and mentor for his children.” And now our children will try themselves as parents. Maybe you will recognize yourself in them.

    Watch “Minute Jokes” about parents and children, the sketch “Father and Son”.

    “Jokes - minutes about parents and children” (dramatization of jokes).

    1) The father is reading the newspaper, but does not hear his son.

    - Dad, I want to eat!

    - When I was your age, I wanted to be an astronaut!

    2) The child was read the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish.”

    - What a stupid old man! I asked the fish for a new house, then a new trough, I would immediately ask for a new old woman!

    3) The granddaughter asks the grandmother:

    Grandma, what kind of “paradise” is this?

    — Paradise is where there are apples, pears, and plums.

    - Oh, of course, that means “paradise” is compote.

    4) - Mom, is it true that people descended from monkeys?

    - True, son.

    “I see that there are so few monkeys now.”

    5) Grandmother caresses her grandson:

    Oh, you are my little darling, oh, you are my little darling

    - Grandma, don’t twist the Russian language!

    6) Dad reads the newspaper, mom does the laundry, daughter is indignant:

    - When will you play with me? Dad gets home from work and goes straight to the newspaper. And mom - what a lady - let’s do the laundry right away!

    7) - Mom, I won’t go to school!

    - Why, son?

    - They “cut” children during exams!

    8) - Grandma, what’s wrong with you?

    - Oh, honey, I’m sick...

    - For Spartak or Dynamo?

    9) - Dad, sign the diary.

    - Go to your mother, son, today it’s her turn to raise you.

    10) My son is going to the dance:

    - Dad, here’s a task for you, solve it, and I’m going to arrange my personal life!

    About turns around at the door:

    And remember, this is not your plant, I won’t accept “hack work”!

    11) - Son, what did you go through today?

    - Explosives.

    - And tomorrow, what will you do at school?

    - Which school, mom?

    12) - Daddy, give your kitten a couple of rubles for dancing.

    “You’re already an adult, but you lisp like a child.”

    - Oh okay, ancestor, unfasten the “chirk” on “disco” for me.

    Sketch "Father and Son".

    — Music “2” again! Have you forgotten how to sing?

    - This is not for singing.

    - Am I blind?

    - It’s still in parentheses...

    - Ah, behavior! Well, what have you done?

    - I took out a pencil.

    - And for this “2”?

    – The pencil fell under the chair.

    - And what?

    “I went after him, and Vovka pushed me.”

    - Your stupid Vovka.

    - Of course, I hit the chair, and the chair fell.

    - I see... Is that all?

    - No. The chair fell, hit Vovka on the leg, and Vovka grabbed the curtain to avoid falling.

    - Did you tear the curtain?

    - No. She fell along with the cornice, and he was hit on the head. And the curtain covered him, he got scared and rushed... And the teacher...

    - Enough, is Vovka alive?

    - Alive.

    - Is the school intact?

    - Intact.

    - Well, thank God…

    - Dad, when are you going to start scolding?

    - Why scold? Vovka is alive. The school is intact.

    Game for children and adults No. 8 “Stream”.

    The number of players should be odd: everyone is divided into pairs (parents, children) and stands one after another, joining hands in pairs with their hands raised high. The driver enters the formed corridor from behind, chooses a pair from among the players and stands at the beginning of the “stream”. The freed player becomes the driver, goes to the end of the “corridor”, passes through it and chooses a mate. Fast, cheerful music is playing.

    1 presenter : — And who takes care of us, worries about our mothers and fathers?

    Who bakes delicious pies and cutlets

    Who knows all the fairy tales in the world and gives a lot of affection?

    Of course, these are our grandparents.

    - We dedicate ditties to them - fun ones.

    Ditties (boys sing):

    1.At my friend's

    Curls curl up to the eyebrows.

    Beauty 100%,

    But there is also a lot of stupidity in it.

    2. Why are the bushes dense?

    Nobody cuts them.

    Why are girls angry?

    Nobody likes them.

    3. Well, what about our girls?

    They don't do anything.

    Only curls curl

    And they run to the canteen.

    4. In our class

    All the girls, well, they won’t disappear anywhere,

    They'll hit you with a jump rope

    And they hit me on the neck.

    5. I won't get married here,

    I'll go to the dining room.

    I'll find a girl there

    Fat, healthy.

    6. Who is who for whom,

    And I'm for the girls.

    I will fight, I will fight,

    Don't spare your little hands.

    7. (girl sings):

    The roosters sang and sang,

    Then the chickens started singing.

    Isn't it time to clean up?

    You guys from the street?

    Competition No. 9 (for grandmothers) “Taster”

    Grandmothers are blindfolded and given teaspoons in their hands. They must try different varieties of jam and determine from which fruit or berry the jam is made.

    2 presenter:

    — Our concert has come to an end.


    With bow and love

    We wish you many, many years...

    1 presenter:

    Great happiness,

    Good health,

    Good deeds and labor victories!

    Children and parents sing the song “Big Round Dance”.

    Additional material:

    Song "Today is Mother's Day"

    (words - Tatyana Volgina; music - Arkady Filippenko).

    Verse 1:

    Today is mother's holiday,

    Today is Women's Day.

    I know - mom loves carnations and lilacs.

    I know, I know - carnation and lilac (2 times).

    Verse 2:

    But in March there are no lilacs,

    Can't get the cloves

    Or you can draw flowers on a piece of paper.

    Or you can, or you can draw flowers (2 times).

    Verse 3:

    I'll nail this picture

    Above my mother's table.

    And I congratulate my dear mother on Women’s Day!

    I congratulate both mother and mother on Women's Day (2 times)

    The song “Don't be afraid, Mom!” (words - E. Shklovsky; music - M. Protasov)

    Verse 1:

    I have a sailor suit, I have a saber.

    My mother bought me a fast horse.

    You gallop, little horse, saber drawn!

    Don't be afraid, mom, no one! (2 times)

    Verse 2:

    The engine hummed behind my crib.

    An armored personnel carrier rolled across the field.

    Shells fall and a battle ensues.

    Verse 3:

    There is a rocket on the table - the enemy cannot get through.

    Our planes protect the sky.

    The sun will not go out, the garden will not perish.

    Don't be afraid, mom, I am a soldier! (2 times)

    Verse 4:

    I will grow up like dad, the years will fly by.

    And people will cancel wars forever.

    Let the good globe of the earth know no grief.

    Don't be afraid, mom, I'm with you! (2 times)

    A. Barto "Strong Cinema".

    In advance, in advance

    Everything was decided:

    Schoolchildren have a meeting

    Then they have a movie.

    will come home

    My elder brother,

    He'll tell me


    He will explain to me

    What is what.

    And I'm big!

    I'll understand.

    And so he began

    Your story:

    - They are crawling

    And he told them - once!

    And right here

    She crawled

    How will he give it to him?

    Out of spite!

    They give her one!

    She told them - once!

    But right here

    He saved her

    He was with her

    At the same time... -

    Wow, powerful movie!

    No, apparently I’m still small:

    I do not understand.

    Song "Big Round Dance"(words - E. Zhigalkina; music - A. Khait).

    Verse 1:

    We were born

    To live joyfully.

    To play together

    To be strong friends.

    To smile at each other

    Give flowers too

    To be fulfilled in life

    All our dreams.


    So let's arrange it

    Big round dance,

    May all people of the Earth

    They will stand in it with us.

    Let it sound everywhere

    Only joyful laughter

    Let there be a song without words

    Clear for everyone.

    Verse 2:

    We want to somersault

    In the green grass

    And watch them float

    Clouds in the blue

    And into the cool river

    Dive into the summer heat

    And catch it in your palms

    Warm mushroom rain.

    Chorus (repeated).

    Arrange a real fun party not that much of a problem. You just need to prepare well for it and then you will succeed one hundred percent. We need to think about games for the holiday, a competition and other details, for example, come up with funny scenes for March 8, which everyone will like. For women, you can act out many different scenes that are suitable for a corporate event. We have some ideas and we will share them with you. And so, let's watch.

    Scene - women's F-MOBILE!

    - how many different entrepreneurs tried to enter the automobile market! They all wanted to come up with the best car that would conquer everyone at once. But it's not that simple, and all of these entrepreneurs failed. And we have new businessmen who, in honor of March 8th, present their modern new F-MOBILE!!!

    The representatives and the girl with them come out. The representatives talk, and the girl demonstrates. A girl should dress vulgarly and beautifully at the same time.

    Businessman 1:
    - and so, we suggest you consider with different sides and see all the delights of this F-MOBILE.

    Businessman 2:
    - we look, we examine, but we don’t touch! Since the F-MOBILE is on the alarm system that comes with the kit.

    The F-MOBILE “alarm” goes out - a tall, strong man.

    Businessman 1:
    - You are probably interested in the characteristics of this model? They will amaze you.

    Businessman 2:
    - The F-MOBILE starts with one glass of wine! If there is no wine. Then you can add cheaper fuel, for example, beer.

    Businessman 1:
    - it is important to note that non-alcoholic fuel does not start this model! And if you use jet fuel - vodka - then know that the consequences can be very different. J-MOBILE has not yet been tested with such fuel.

    Businessman 2:
    - F-MOBILE does not have a permanent color. The top can be painted in absolutely any color. And yet it will still be beautiful.

    Businessman 1:
    - J-MOBILE is a chameleon. As soon as you change your handbag, your shoes immediately change too!

    Businessman 2:
    - to the disappointment of men, in the J-MOBILE you have to change the suspension annually, or even twice a year!

    Businessman 1:
    - also, along with the pendant, rings, earrings and other important details that are visible to everyone change.

    Businessman 2:
    - this model has a very good instincts- she herself knows where discounts and sales are and in a matter of minutes gets to the right place without a navigator.

    Businessman 1:
    - J-MOBILE never receives fines. The model looks so beautiful in the pictures of the traffic police cameras that the employees cannot send a fine, but only admire the photo.

    Businessman 2:
    - technical inspection must be done once a week. These are always different technical inspections: solarium, spa or massage room.

    Businessman 1:
    - J-MOBILE can only be washed with expensive shampoos and gels. Laundry soap will not work here.

    Businessman 2:
    - this model is equipped not only with rear-view mirrors, but also with mirrors to see yourself in full height.

    Businessman 1:
    - the car trunk is made according to the principle women's bag– it’s small, but absolutely everything fits there. Only then you will find absolutely nothing there!

    Businessman 2:
    - this concludes the presentation of the new F-MOBILE model, you can come up and take photos.

    The scene is a new sledgehammer.

    The next scene is small, but very instructive. It is no secret that on February 23, women give men socks and battles, and men give women various gifts on March 8. This is not fair, and we will show you how women feel if they are given the same thing every time on March 8th. Let's look:

    The scene is a monologue of a woman.

    Curvy women consider themselves curvy, not fat. In this monologue, such a chubby girl will talk interesting stories about your life, about your husband and everything else. If you want, the chubby can be a man in disguise, perhaps it will be funnier.
    Here is the text of the monologue.