Scenario for an extracurricular event “heroes of the Russian land.” Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of National Unity “Strong are the heroes of glorious Rus'”

Theatrical game program designed for children of primary school age.

May be useful for educators, librarians, teachers primary classes, methodologists of additional education.

Inspired by Russians folk tales. There's a lot included in the script. interesting games, tasks.



Game - journey "How the heroes went for wisdom."

Municipal budget educational institution additional education for children "Center for Children's Creativity" of the urban district of the city of Uryupinsk, Volgograd region.

The game program is intended to help educators and teachers spend their leisure time outside of school hours. The program is designed for children of primary school age.

Goal: awakening in children the origins of personal spirituality, responsibility for each other in difficult times; mutual assistance. Develop a love for Russian folk tales.

Participants: 2 teams of junior schoolchildren of 5-6 people each.

Characters:Presenter in the form of a sorceress, king, retinue.

Props: 2 perches, 2 circles, 2 medium balls, a ball on a string, a crown, a chair, a replica of the Miracle Yuda, 6 souvenir eggs, a box.

Musical accompaniment: songs “Blue Car”, “Smile”, any fast cheerful melody.

Presenter: Hello guys! My name is ______________________. Today you will visit the Far Away Kingdom. So, far, far away, beyond the mountains, beyond the seas, beyond the dense forests, in the Far Far Away Kingdom there lived a king. I think you wanted to look at him. You can’t get there by car or by train, you can’t sail there by boat, you can’t fly there by plane, even in a rocket, and even then you can’t. But you can go there. If we close our eyes now and say it all together magic word: “Abrakaras!”, then we will find ourselves in a wonderful, fairy-tale country. (Fragment with the Tsar from the cartoon “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”) The Tsar and his retinue come out.

Tsar: I, great king, greetings! Why isn't anyone happy with me?

Presenter: Guys, smile and applaud the king. (Addresses the king) Are you satisfied, Your Majesty? What else do you want?

Tsar: I want to do it happy holiday to relieve my sadness and boredom. Hey, my faithful servants, amuse me! (Children's amateur performance number.)

Presenter: Are you satisfied, Your Majesty?

Tsar: Yes, but, however, it will not be enough. This eye is cheerful, but this one wants to cry. I heard that in the neighboring kingdom there are magic eggs, whoever takes possession of them will be the wisest in the world. I want the bravest, most courageous knights to go in search of this overseas miracle. If you get it, I will generously reward you for it. Squads, line up!

Presenter: Before we set off, I want to check if you are ready for the trip? I will ask questions, and you will all answer together: “yes” or “no.”

Will we always help out a friend? (Yes)

Will we never lie? (Yes).

Copy the answer in class? (No).

Throw a stone after the cat? (No).

Don't be timid when there's trouble? (Yes).

Do not spare labor for business? (Yes).

Eat 2 cakes without leaving a trace? (No).

Should you wash your hands after lunch? (Yes).

We say hello to the sloths? (No).

For those who always work? (Yes).

Aren't you tired in response? (No). D

Presenter: Well done! Now I see that you are ready for the test. Our journey begins. Knights, imagine that you and I are walking through dense forests and marshy swamps. Repeat after me both words and movements.

Attention, let's start! Top-top, slap-slap. (2 times)

We are brave guys. We don't care about roads.

We have an accurate compass. (Show with your hands the movement of the arrows)

And a keen eye to boot! (Palm over the eyes with a “visor”).

(Reach your hand forward and pull it back, as if pricking yourself).

Oh, what is this? This is a Christmas tree, a green needle.

(Looks at the sky and makes a movement with her palms, as if she had caught a bird)

Oh, who is this? Who flaps its wings and flies? Birdie.

The quail bird sings loudly.

What did we find along the way?

A Christmas tree, and with it a quail. And a song with a quail.

Which? “It’s fun to walk together” (Children perform a song.)

(Fragment of the cartoon “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”, episode in the dungeon).

Presenter: Oh, my tireless travelers! When you and I were walking and singing a song, we didn’t notice how we ended up in a dungeon. But don't be discouraged. I'll teach you how to get out of here. You see, I have hoops in my hands. This is the exit from the cave. Whoever manages to run through the rolling hoop gets out of the dungeon.

(The game “Get Out of the Cave” is playing)

Presenter : Guys, our misadventures are not over. Ahead on our path lies a fiery river, and a thin perch is thrown across it. Our task is to cross the fiery river on this bridge. I think you are brave and courageous knights, you will not be afraid. Boldly, let's go!

(The game “Cross the River of Fire” is playing.)

Game with the audience:

Presenter: Raise your hands, how many of you love fairy tales? I will ask you questions, and you will answer me. If you know the answer, raise your hand.

1. In “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin, Prince Guidon flew to Saltan’s kingdom three times. Who did he turn into? (in a mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

2. What is the name of the dog from the fairy tale “Turnip”? (Bug)

3. What is the name of Gena's crocodile friend? (Cheburashka)

4. List fairy tales that contain flowers. (" Scarlet flower", "The Seven-Colored Flower", "Thumbelina", "The Snow Queen"...)

Presenter: Remember how the glorious heroes fought with the Miracle Yud? The daring hero cuts off one head of the monster, and in its place 10 immediately grow. Now you also have to fight with Miracle Yud. But he doesn’t need to cut his head. Your task is to hit him with the ball. First, I will give the captains a magic ball. You need to rewind the threads. Find a hiding place in each ball. When you have it in your hands, you will see a number, this is the queue number.

(A cheerful melody sounds.)

(Game “Battle with the Miracle Yud”).

Presenter: Bogatyrs, you and I have reached our goal. I give you the caskets. They contain magic eggs. But there are a lot of eggs. I'll open it for you little secret. Each testicle contains a piece of paper with a word. Your task is to create a proverb from these words.

(“The city takes courage”, “Alone in the field is not a warrior”)

Guys, remember these proverbs, they will help you more than once in life.

Presenter: It's time for us to say goodbye. But I would like you to remember everything that you heard and saw in the Far Away Kingdom. Study well. Be kind and brave. Until next time. And as a farewell we will sing the song “Smile”.

Literature used:

  1. Russian folk tales.

Target: strengthening the health of students, increasing interest in systematic physical education and sports, military-patriotic education.

1. Improving the skills and abilities acquired in physical education lessons in difficult conditions.

2. Development of dexterity and speed of movements, orientation in space, speed and strength abilities.

3. Formation of a sense of pride for one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality, development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, education of correct behavior during sporting events.

Interdisciplinary connections: literature and history, fine arts.

Participants: boys of 4th grade (2 teams of 8 people).

Venue: gym.

Jury: physical education teachers, students (5 people).

Decoration: team emblems (prepared by children), posters with the name of the holiday, encouraging texts, images of the Robber Nightingale, a two-headed serpent on sheets of whatman paper, presentation “Bogatyrs of Great Rus'”:

“Three heroes.” Artist V.M. Vasnetsov,

Illustration for “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” Artist V. Favorsky,

“Heroic Leap.” Artist V.M. Vasnetsov 1914,

“Svyatogor the hero.” Artist S.P. Panasenko (Mikhalkin) 1990,

“Voskhv-Vseslavovich.” Artist B. Olshansky,

“Volga and Mikula.” Artist K. Vasiliev,

“Svyatogor”. Artist K. Chelushkin,

“Magician Vseslavich.” Artist V. Korolkov,

“There is only one warrior in the field.” Artist V.M. Vasnetsov 1914,

“Mikula Selyaninovich.” Artist N.K. Rarich,

“Fight with the snake.” Artist K. Vasiliev,

“Peresvet on the Kulikovo Field.” Artist B. Olshansky,

“Dobrynya Nikitich and the Tatar hero.” Artist G. Yudin,

“Ilya of Murom and Nightingale the Robber.” Artist I.Ya. Bilibin,

“Ilya Muromets and the filthy Idol.” Artist G. Yudin.

Musical arrangement: Russian folk music in modern arrangement, the song of the group “Na-na” “Nightingale the Robber”, the song of the group “Flowers” ​​“Our Heroic Strength”.

Literature: Epics / Compiled by: Selivanov F.B. - M: Soviet Russia, 1988 - (Library of Russian folklore; T. 1.)


1. Organization. A tale of Russian heroes. Appendix 1 ( Presentation “Bogatyrs of Great Rus'”)<Слайд 1>

<Слайд 2>To the song of the group “Flowers” ​​“Our heroic strength” (Appendix 2) and applause from the audience, participants enter the gym.

<Слайд 3>

1 presenter.

“Hey, you are our good guests!” - this is an epic wish for health, from the word “goit” - to heal, to live. Bylinas are Russian song legends.

<Слайд 4>

The people especially composed a lot of legends about the heroes who defended Kievan Rus.

<Слайд 5>

2 presenter.

The first among them is the peasant son Ilya Muromets, the protector of widows, orphans, and poor people. He lay on the stove for thirty years, and then became the chieftain of the heroic outpost. He is brave, honest, loyal, selflessly loves his homeland. The epics tell about the great strength of Ilya Muromets, about his struggle with the Nightingale the Robber, with the filthy Idol...

“He began to trample the Tatar strongwoman with his horse,
He began to trample with a horse, stab with a spear,
He began to beat that great strong woman,
And he hits with force, as if he were mowing grass.”

<Слайд 6>

3 presenter.

Next to Ilya at the Bogatyrskaya outpost stand the fair and intelligent Dobrynya Nikitich and the impudent and mocking Alyosha Popovich.

<Слайд 7>

1 presenter.

Dobrynya Nikitich, a boyar family. He is stately and tall, and learned to read and write, and is brave in battle, and cheerful at the feast. He will compose a song, play the harp, and say a clever word. And Dobrynya’s disposition is calm, affectionate, and they nicknamed him “quiet Dobrynyushka.”

<Слайд 8>

2 presenter.

Alyosha Popovich is the priest's son. He is brave and smart, but has a grumpy disposition. He is not as strong as he pretended to be.

<Слайд 9>

3 presenter.

There were also older heroes: Svyatogor, Volkh Vseslavyevich, Mikula Selyaninovich.

<Слайд 10>

1 presenter.

“The old Svyatogor is riding through the holy mountains. Here the mother of cheese is shaking.”

<Слайд 11>

“When the mighty hero was born in Kyiv,
Like young Volkh Vseslavyevich:
The damp earth began to tremble.
The kingdom of the Indians was shaken gloriously,
And the blue sea swayed.
He learned various tricks: to fly in the sky like a falcon, gray wolf turn around, gallop through the mountains like a deer.”

<Слайд 12>

2 presenter.

Mikula Selyaninovich is a plowman, his mother, the damp earth, loves him, he carries a handbag on his shoulder, and in it all the earthly cravings. He operates a huge plow, which “cannot be moved by 30 young men without a single one.”

<Слайд 13>

3 presenter.

The heroes of epics are many times stronger than an ordinary person. Even the heroic horse gallops “higher than a standing tree, slightly lower than a walking cloud.”

1 presenter.

The mighty heroes have terrible opponents: Nightingale the Robber, Zmey Gorynych, Tugarin Zmeevich, the filthy Idol.

“But heroes are always stronger than them.
High is the height of heaven,
Deep is the depth of the ocean-sea.
There is wide expanse throughout the entire earth.
And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Rus'!”

2. Presentation of commands. Presentation of the jury members. Exchange of greetings. The judging form is communicated before each event.

2 presenter.

Now, let's try to compete, measure strength, like real heroes!

<Слайд 14>

3. Alone in the field is a warrior! (Horses)

One team (runners) takes place inside an 8x10 m square, the other (horses) stands behind the line that borders the square.

The captain of the racing team sends the first player of his team into the “field”. Jumping on one leg. The player tries to kill the players of the other team, who are fleeing from pursuit by running on two legs. The greasy ones leave the site. At the command “Home!” (after 15-20 s) the player returns to his place in the line. And the captain sends the next one. The game continues until all the horses are in the “field”. After this, the teams change places. The winner is determined by the number of defeated players. (1 point)

  1. The player touched by the horse leaves the “field”.
  2. A horse that stumbles on both feet goes out of bounds.
  3. Two horses cannot be in the field at the same time.
  4. Any player who runs out of bounds of the field loses the right to participate in the game.

<Слайд 15>

4. Defeat the two-headed serpent.

“There is no wind, but a cloud has blown over.
There are no clouds, but it looks like it’s going to rain.
But there is no rain, but only thunder roars,
Thunder rumbles and lightning whistles.
How the Serpent Gorynishche flies
About you two heads.”

Throwing a tennis ball at a target. In advance, an image of a two-headed serpent drawn on a piece of Whatman paper is attached to the wall of the gym. Each participant has 1 attempt. The team with the most hits wins.

<Слайд 16>

5. Counter relay race of riders.

“And now my glorious heroes of the Holy Russians,
You quickly saddle the good horses,
May you mount good horses,
Go to the expanse of open fields.”

At the teacher’s command “Attention!” the second numbers sit astride the backs of the partners standing in front. At the command “March!” the first couples begin to move forward to the opposite columns. When they reach the starting line, the next couples start moving. The team whose members run to the opposite side the fastest wins. They will switch roles and return to their place. (1 point)

<Слайд 17>

6. Quiz. Questions are asked to fans. For the correct answer - 1 point.

Questions for fans of the 1st team.

  1. What kind of tribute was collected from the people in ancient times? (Furs, canvases, money, honey, fish)
  2. Who is Zabava Putyatichna, what happened to her once? (Niece of Prince Vladimir, the Serpent took her to the cave)
  3. How many years did Ilya Muromets sit on the stove, and how did he recover? (30, he was cured by the old men to whom he gave alms)
  4. What games did the heroes enjoy? (Chess, checkers)
  5. Do you know how ancient warriors dressed, what weapons they fought with?
  6. What is the name of the hero’s iron clothing made of metal rings that interfere in battle and reliably protect against enemy blows? (Chain mail)

Questions for fans of Team 2.

  1. Where is Ilya Muromets from? (From Murom, from the village of Karachaeva)
  2. Where did Nightingale the Robber live? (I was sitting on an oak tree, near the Smorodina River near the city of Chernigov)
  3. What was the name of Ilya Muromets's horse? (Burushka Kosmatushka)
  4. What did Russian heroes eat and drink according to epics? (Swan geese, baked gray ducks, fried larks, loaves of bread, drank kvass, mead, green wine)
  5. Name the old weapon that was used to make the “axe head”. (Ax)
  6. Why are the shield and the sword inseparable, but known enemies? (Sword - for attack, shield - for defense)

<Слайд 18>

7. Get the Nightingale the Robber.

In advance, an image of the Nightingale the Robber, drawn on a piece of Whatman paper, is attached to the wall of the gym at a distance of two meters from the floor. Arrows the size of a palm are cut out of self-adhesive paper.

“The Nightingale the Robber sits on a damp oak tree,
Nightingale the robber Odikhmantiev’s son is sitting.
And then the Nightingale whistles like a nightingale,
He screams, the villain is a robber, like an animal.
And is it from him or from the nightingale's whistle,
And is it from him or from the cry of an animal?
All those ant grasses are tangled up,
The dark forests all bow to the ground, -
And what people there are, they’re all lying dead.”

The participants’ task is to jump from a standing position to attach an arrow to the right eye of the Nightingale the Robber, because According to legend, Ilya Muromets “shot at that Nightingale the Robber, knocked out his right eye with a braid.” The song of the group “Na-na” “Nightingale the Robber” is playing. Appendix 3

<Слайд 19>

8. Chain fight. Players 4A line up on the center line of the hall, between players 4B, facing different sides. All players join hands.

At the teacher’s signal, the team, without unclenching their hands, strives to move the enemy in 3 - meter line of volleyball markings. The team that succeeds is considered the winner. (1 point)

<Слайд 20>

9. Summing up, rewarding. Restoration. Russian folk dance performed by girls of 4th grade.

Physical education teacher.

Dear guys! It is important to grow up not only physically strong and beautiful, but also kind, learn to respect your loved ones, and be able to protect them in difficult times. And this is not as easy as it seems. What will help us grow up healthy and strong, like heroes? That's right, cultivating your will, you need to do morning exercises every morning, attend sports clubs, strengthen your body and, of course, always attend physical education classes.

We talked about old things,
What about the old ones, about the experienced ones,
So that the blue sea calms down,
To good people listened
So that the fellows think about it,
That Russian glory never fades!

Organized departure of students from the hall to the song of the group “Flowers” ​​“Our Heroic Strength”.

BOGATYRSKAYA OUTPUT is a game for 5th grade students.

Music is playing.

Presenter 1: Strong and mighty Rus'. Russia has always been proud of its warriors - both soldiers and generals. Legendary commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov believed that there is no better Russian soldier: he himself will not be lost, and he will save his comrade, and where his strength wanes, he will reach there with his ingenuity. We believe the Generalissimo, who has not lost more than one battle, the Russian soldier is rich in truth.

Presenter 2: It was Russia, almost ten centuries ago, that stood in the way of the Mongol-Tatar hordes and overshadowed Europe. Napoleon fled Russia in disgrace, and by 1812 he had conquered almost half the world. It was our soldiers who liberated the world from the Nazi invaders in 1945, raised the red Banner of Victory over Europe, and today they perform feats and stand up for peaceful people.

Presenter 1: Where do Russian soldiers get their great power? They say they inherited it from their ancestors, about whom songs and legends were written - from the epic heroes. Since ancient times, the Russian people have glorified the exploits of brave strong men, fair defenders, and wise warriors.

Presenter 2: The Russian people love heroes, glorify and honor them, compose songs about their exploits - about how they cherish and protect their native Rus'. What are these song tales about heroes called? (Epics, antiquities). It is not by chance that I say “song tales”, because in the old days epics were sung to the accompaniment of the harp.

Presenter 1: Epic storytellers were people with a strong voice, an excellent ear for music and the gift of improvisation. Boyan rearranged the harp in a different way, and the result was a legend about new heroes. The epic writers kept a lot in their memory. For this reason they were known among the people as wise.

Presenter 2: Tales of heroes were performed during princely feasts, public meetings, and during military campaigns they were sung in chorus by princely warriors. And in our time, composers often use epic melodies when they want to convey to us the powerful beauty of ancient legends. So, for example, now the words of the ancient epic will sound for us...

A fragment of a choir from Sadko's opera is heard.

Presenter 1: And this epic is about a Russian hero named Volga. It was built in his honor. Presenter 2: Do you know a hero named Volga? What about other Russian heroes? We'll check this now. Attention questions:

1. When was Volga born?

2. What wisdom did Volga learn?

3. How many “well done” guys did Volga have in his squad?

4. Which of the heroes not only fought, but also plowed the land, and said about himself: “The mother of cheese, the earth, loves me?”

5. How Volga and his squad met Mikula Selyanovich

6. How does the epic speak about the strength of Mikula Selyanovich?

7. Which other hero was surprised by Mikula Selyanovich?

8. Why couldn’t Svyatogor pick up Mikula’s bag from the ground?

9. What does the epic tell us about the strength of Svyatogor the hero?

10. To whom did Svyatogor give his treasure sword?

Presenter 1: Here are the heroes, whose names have been known to everyone since childhood. They were depicted on the famous canvas by the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

A reproduction of Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs” is on display.

The first part of the heroic symphony by A. Borodin sounds.

11. Presenter 2: This picture has long been known to each of you. It’s called “Bogatyrs” Let’s talk about these heroes.

1. Name the names of the heroes depicted in the picture.

2. Why does Ilya have such a nickname - Muromets?

3. Where were Dobrynya and Alyosha born?

4. We remember the patronymic Dobrynya-Nikitich, but how did you respectfully call other heroes?

5. What families do our heroes come from?

6. Which prince did the heroes serve and in which city did he rule?

Presenter 1: On high mountains stands Kyiv-grad. In the old days, it was surrounded by an earthen rampart and surrounded by deep ditches. Plowmen worked near Kiev, shipbuilders built canoes on the river banks, herds grazed in the meadows...

Presenter 2: Behind the Kyiv suburbs and villages there were dense forests. Hunters wandered in the thickets, hunting animals visibly and invisibly.

Presenter 1: And behind the forests stretched the steppes endlessly and without edge. Bitter grief came from these steppes: nomads attacked the Russian land, burned, robbed, took the peasants captive...;

Presenter 2: And so, in order to save the Russian land from enemies, they began to erect heroic outposts, small fortresses, in the steppe. They guarded the way to Kyiv, protected from evil people, from uninvited guests.

Presenter 1: The heroes rode around on mighty horses, vigilantly peered into the steppe distance: could they see enemy fires, listened carefully - could they hear enemy horses?

Presenter 2: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya, Alyosha - they all performed military service in an open field. Occasionally, the heroes came to Prince Vladimir's courtyard to relax, feast, listen to the guslars, and talk with friends.

1. What other heroes do you know?

2. And one of the heroes had a daughter. She grew up brave and smart. Once she saved her husband from the prince's wrath. What was her name and how was she able to outwit the prince?

3. Which of the heroes is called the old Cossack?

4. What other skills, besides military ones, did Dobrynya have?

5. Which of the heroes bore the nickname “quiet”?

6. Which hero is described like this: “The hero rides higher than a standing forest, his head rests under a walking cloud.”

7. What usually served as a road sign for the hero?

8. Which one new inscription did Ilya make on this sign?

9. What mother’s orders did Dobrynya violate?

10. Which of the heroes forged their own weapons?

11. What mother’s gift helped Dobrynya defeat the Snake and free Zabava Putyatichna?

12. Alyosha Popovich was not only strong, but also cunning. How did he defeat Tugarin Zmeevich?

Presenter 1: But most of all they loved and respected, and still do, the hero Ilya Muromets. He was even canonized as a Russian saint. On the day when we all celebrate the New Year (January 1), remember also that this is the birthday of Ilya Ivanovich, the great defender of the Russian land.

1. What was Ilya Muromets’s life like until he was 30?

2. Who and how helped Ilya gain heroic strength?

3. What parting words did the strangers give to Elijah?

4. What advice did Ilya’s parents give?

5. What was the name of Ilya Muromets’s horse?

6. What test did Ilya face first?

7. Who else did Ilya fight with?

Presenter 1: Many epics have been written about the glorious hero Ilya Muromets, and poets do not forget the Russian hero. Listen to excerpts from the poem by A.K. Tolstoy Reader: Under armor with a simple set, Chewing a piece of bread,

Grandfather Ilya rides along on a hot afternoon,

It drives like a forest, you can only hear the armor rattling,

A magnificent heroic horse tramples the fern.

And Ilya grumbles angrily: “Well, Vladimir, what then?

I’ll see how you live without Ilya?

Your courtyard is no wonder to me, prince!

I don’t hold on to feasts!

I’m not a whimsical guy, I’d love to eat a bite of bread!

To tell the truth, I’m not fit for a prince’s court.

It's time to walk around the world again!

I will experience again, old man,

My will -

Come on, come on, go ahead, little guy,

Take Ilya away!”

And the old man’s stern face brightened again,

It’s in his gut to breathe healthy air,

Once again the wild will blows over him,

The dark forest smells of both resin and strawberries.

Presenter 2: And in conclusion, let's look at the equipment of the Russian hero (shows illustrations)

1. What was the name of the hero’s headdress?

2. When creating which military headdress in the 20th century, the shape of a hero’s helmet was taken as a basis?

3. What is the name of a heavy shell woven from metal rings?

4. What chopping bladed weapon did the hero have?

5. If warriors fought one-on-one, what weapon did the battle usually begin with?

6. How does the hero cover himself from an enemy’s blow?

7. What is the name of the weapon - a heavy ball with spikes on the handle?

8. What other weapons did the heroes have?

9. According to the epic, what instrument did Dobrynya play?

Presenter 1: These are the heroes, exceptional people, endowed with unprecedented strength, boundless courage, skills, talents and great love to the Motherland. Presenter 2: They passed on their great power to the warriors of future generations. Every warrior, soldier who stands up to defend his native land deserves to be remembered for centuries. Music is playing. The results are summed up. The best teams are awarded certificates.

Presenter (to the audience). Guys, help.

Nightingale the Robber: Two brothers look into the water, but never meet, (shores) Two friends live, looking in two circles (eyes and glasses) Twice born, and once dies, (bird)

Leading. Well, what are you doing? Nightingale the Robber. Guess our musicians. Nightingale the Robber. Well, okay, come out. Otherwise, there are heroes nearby, there will still be more to come.

Musicians come out with pipes and tambourines. They perform a Russian folk song.

Leading. Well, now the last task. You need to run a relay race with a ball.

Relay race between groups.

The jury determines the winning teams of heroes. Beautiful girls come out and start a round dance, the Russian folk song “Zainka”.

Awarding the winners.

Leading. Congratulations. Don’t be upset, grow up and become a man, you still have everything ahead of you.

The winning team of heroes is given gingerbread for the whole group, and they go to drink tea.

Tatiana Bovyrina
Scenario for the holiday “Heroes of the Russian Land”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten "Pinocchio" Ponds village.

Lesson notes on topic: « Bogatyrs of the Russian land» .

Performed by Bovyrina T. A.

Educator preparatory group

MADOU kindergarten "Pinocchio".

Prudy village 2015.

Lesson in a preparatory group

« Bogatyrs of the Russian land» .

Target: Continue to shape children’s understanding of the heroic past Russian people Ancient Rus' , great Russian heroes of the Russian land.

Tasks: Continue to introduce children to weapons heroes, revive ideas about epic heroes: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich. To form patriotic feelings for the Motherland and its history, to continue to develop in children attention, endurance, memory, imagination, to cultivate a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Rus', respect for Russian soldiers, the desire to imitate them.

Preliminary work: Drawings on the theme « Bogatyrs» , collective and individual conversations with children about heroes, plot organization - role playing game "My Family". Reading works about Russian heroes.

Means: Tape recorder, exhibition of drawings, armor, video projector

Participants: Children of the preparatory group

Number of children: 14 children

Venue: senior group

Methods: individual, group.

Progress of the lesson:

The jury is selected and introduced.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Today guests came to our lesson, let's say hello to our guests. (Children say hello).

Oh, you are kind fellows, and beautiful girls, we have gathered with you for a good and glorious conversation, so that we may have peace and harmony. We talk about epic deeds, about glorious heroes of our Russian land. Today we will tell a story about hoary antiquity, about experienced deeds, daring exploits. So that beautiful girls listen, so that good fellows think.

Let's spend heroic competitions. Divide you into two glorious squads, show off your strength heroic, yes, valiant prowess. And you, beautiful girls, help with a kind word, and if necessary, help out.

Children are divided into two teams. Good fellows and heroes(icons).

1 task: Greetings.

Good fellows:

Good fellows in united ranks

The friendliest and bravest of all

And we call for a fair fight heroes.


Everyone wants to win

And there are no weak people in the team

An arrow is given for the greeting.

Educator: Let's look at the screen. (On the screen is a slide depicting an ancient Russian city). The life of our ancestors was difficult; they had to fight enemies who attacked Rus'. And who guarded in those distant times Russian land?

Children: Bogatyrs(slide from heroes)

Who are they heroes?

Children: Strong men, warriors, fighters, people who defend their homeland from enemies.

Educator: What were they like?

Children: Strong, brave, courageous, fearless, determined, heroic, valiant, courageous, courageous, etc.

Educator: Right, heroes- these are people of immeasurable strength, perseverance and courage, performing military feats. They protected our Motherland from enemies.

We give you an arrow

Educator: Which ones you know the heroes? (Call 1 word each team).

Children: Nikita Kozhemyaka, Volga Svyatoslavovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Mikula Selyaninovich, Ilya Muromets, Svyatogor.

Educator: Let's look at the picture, we looked at it. What is it called?

Children: Three hero. Vasnetsova.

Educator: Who is shown in the picture?

Children: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Educator: Who did the heroes fight with? heroes? (Answer one by one)

Children: With the Nightingale the Robber, the Serpent Gorynych, the Tugarin Serpent, Koshchei the Immortal, the Tatars, with the enemies who attacked Rus'.

Educator: Who is in the center of the picture? Well done, they answer.

Good fellows: Ilya Muromets. He is the oldest, most powerful, experienced hero. Ilya Muromets's horse's name was Burushka. He was born in the city of Murom. As a child, Ilya lost his legs and could not walk. He was healed by the Kaliki - wanderers, they asked for a drink and rewarded him with strength heroic.

Team Bogatyrs:

To the left of Ilya Muromets is Dobrynya Nikitich. He is from a noble family, he has armor richer than others heroes. He is of the boyar class. His horse's name was Belushka. Dobrynya Nikitich is originally from Ryazan.

Team 1 and 2 together:

Young hero Alyosha Popovich. He is the most cheerful and daring. He is the son of a priest, a priest. He is originally from Rostov.

We give you an arrow.

Educator: Let me tell you riddles, and you try to guess them.

1 team:

Such a shirt is not knitted or sewn, it is woven from iron rings.

(Chain mail)

2 Team:

An iron hat with a sharp end, and in front a beak hanging over the face.


1 team:

A weapon is not easy to pick up, not easy to pick up, to hold in your hand

It was easy to blow their heads off their shoulders, well, guess what? Of course


2nd team:

To protect the chest from the blows of the enemy, you already know this for sure,

Hanging on the hero’s left hand, it’s heavy, shiny and round.


Educator: What other weapons do you know?

Children: Spear, mace, club, club, bow, arrows.

We give you an arrow.

Enters the hall to the music hero:

Ilya Muromets: You guys are good fellows, heroes of our land. Hello to you, and a low bow from me to Ilya Muromets and comrades my: Dobryni Nikitich, and Alyosha Popovich. And low bow to you, beautiful maidens, and low bow to you, dear guests. I heard about the strong and mighty heroes and decided to test your power heroic, and your ingenuity. Let us stand opposite each other and warm up before the serious competition.

Music is playing Heroic strength.

Ilya Muromets: Stand up together one, two, three!

We are now heroes! (arms to the sides)

We'll put our palms to our eyes (palm to eyes)

Let's spread our strong legs

Turning to the right (turn right)

Let's look around majestically

And you need to go left too (turn left)

Look from under your palms

And now the step is in place

Legs up! Stop one, two! (walking in place)

We raise our shoulders higher

And then we lower them (raise and lower your shoulders)

Place your hands in front of your chest

And we perform jerks (hands in front of chest, jerking with arms)

You need to jump ten times

Let's jump higher, let's jump together (jumping in place)

We raise our knees

Perform a step on the spot (walking in place)

We reached out from the heart

And they returned to the place again.

The children take their seats.

1 competition: "Dress hero»

2 competition: "Assemble the puzzles"

3 competition: "Ride on a horse"

We give one arrow for each competition

Educator: And now the next test. It is necessary to name proverbs and sayings about military valor and glory. Children call each team in turn.

1. Alone in the field is not a warrior.

2. One for all and all for one.

3. Whoever walks ahead is not afraid.

4. Perish yourself, but help your comrade.

5. Where there is courage, there is victory.

6. Stand boldly for a just cause.

7. Ingenuity in war helps doubly.

8. The hero who fights hard for his homeland.

9. Not the hero who expects a reward, but the hero who goes for the people.

10. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

We give you an arrow.

Educator: And now for the quiz. 1 question for each team

1. Where is Ilya Muromets from? (from the city of Murom)

2. Who gave Ilya Muromets the treasure sword? (Svyatogor)

3. Where was Dobrynya Nikitich born? (in Ryazan)

4. What family is Alyosha Popovich from? (priest, priest)

5. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber? (whistling)

6. Heroic figure? (three)

7. Serpent according to the priest? (Gorynych)

8. Heroic food? (Porridge)

We give you an arrow.

Educator: Now we will relax and play a game "Not really".

Is our Motherland strong? Yes

And we have only one? Yes

In Rus' there are heroes? Yes

Are they always praised and honored? Yes

Ilya Muromets a hero? Yes

Was he the youngest? No

Did he defeat the nightingale? Yes

Shot from a machine gun? No

Is Alyosha Popovich also a hero? Yes

Is he strong, brave, young? Yes

Was he a warrior in Kyiv? Yes

Did you defeat Karabas in battle? No

They fought on tanks heroes with the enemy? No

Did they fight with sword and spear? Yes

Was Dobrynya Nikitich weak and frail? No

Did he manage to defeat the snake with his strength? Yes

We are proud of our heroes? Yes

Do we want to be the same ourselves? Yes

Educator: Dear children! Our fun has come to an end. Be strong, brave, love your Motherland and try to be like the defenders of Holy Rus' that we talked about today. You are all great guys, you performed all the tasks well, you were attentive, dexterous, and quick-witted. And I want to give you each a gift - this is a drawing hero, which you can color.

Natalia Greber
Scenario for the holiday “Glorious Heroes in Rus'”

Holiday scenario« Glorious, heroes in Rus'» .

Target: to develop patriotic feelings in preschoolers through spiritual and moral education. To develop children's interest in the historical and spiritual heritage of Russia.

Tasks: to consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about the valor of the Russian army, about strength and the glory of heroic Rus'.

Scenery: city, gates, game modules, etc.

Preliminary work: reading fiction O heroes, warriors. Looking at illustrations depicting heroes, military weapons and armor. Listening to folklore and classical music on the topic, etc.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter. Dear guys! Do you want to travel? Today we will take you on an extraordinary journey into the past, visit a folk fair, see glorious heroes and we’ll even help build an ancient city.

We close our eyes

We find ourselves in the past.

(Folk music sounds, the action moves to a Russian fair).

Buffoon. Fair, fair!

Happy fair!

Sell, buy

Don't forget about the guys!

Buy for the soul:

Spoons, cups and ladles.

Scallops with fine thread

Cups, brothers, salt shakers.

Glasses, saucers, supplies -

They carried it to all ends.

"Pictures at an Exhibition" children, moving freely around the hall, are staging buyers at the fair).

Presenter. My dear can do anything Earth: to feed you with warm bread, to drink spring water, to surprise you with its beauty. It has been this way for a long time: as soon as an enemy came to our land, all people, young and old, rose up to fight. Russian warriors always were famous with your courage and bravery.

(Against the background of music by M. P. Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition" a choreographic composition is performed with the participation of adults "Snake").

Presenter. And the fierce Serpent attacked his native side,

This Serpent has chained the bright sun.

And the insidious Serpent destroyed the stone city,

Stone city, city illustrious!

The fierce Serpent wanted to destroy

Red girls and little children!

(Fairground people scatter in different directions).

Presenter. The old ones say epics:

No more heroes.

Eh, that's not true! Fairy tales are false!

And don’t believe the button accordions.

Still alive among the people

Heroic traits.

(A dance is performed « Heroic» to music A. Pakhmutova « Heroic strength» ).

Presenter. The fair continues

People are having fun.

(The game is being played "Carousel" and others folk games or round dances).

Presenter. Released heroes the sun is red,

Defeating a fierce enemy.

The people accepted illustrious

Build a city Orthodox.

(Against the background of music by M. Mussorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River" all participants holiday a city is built from modules).

Ilya Muromets. Honor and glory, and the pride of Russia

We are in business, we are great in work

Our names are very simple:

Mikhail, Ivan, Petra,

Evdokim, Egor, Kirill,

We went on the attack without regrets

No life, no strength!

Dobrynya Nikitich.

Glorious is the city of our grandfathers,

Having experienced a lot in life.

It stands year after year

Our pride and stronghold!

Alyosha Popovich.

And at any time

Behind these walls

Rus', saving from adversity,

Our great people lived!

(Against the background of the ringing of bells, all participants come out holiday, become a semicircle. A song is being performed "Our Russia", music etc. Root. Holiday ends with tea).

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the holiday “Heroes of the Russian Land” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten "Buratino" in Prudy village. Lesson summary on the topic: “Heroes of the earth.

Scenario of the holiday “New Year in Rus'. Preparing for the winter holidays" Topic: Preparing for the winter holidays. New Year in Rus'. Goal: Introducing children to Russian traditions. Talk about two weekly carols.

Poem “My Holy Rus'” (I. Repin) (performed by the teacher) Oh, my Motherland! My holy Rus'! I can’t confess my love for you.

From the hut you can hear the voices of girls... - Girls, let's go outside for a walk! The girls run out onto the lawn and sing the song “Mother Had 12 Daughters.”

Holiday scenario for older preschoolers “Winter Christmastide in Rus'” Holiday scenario for older preschoolers “Winter Christmastide in Rus'”

Scenario of the holiday for Defender of the Fatherland Day for the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution “Russian Heroes” Scenario of the holiday on Defender of the Fatherland Day for the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution “Russian Heroes” Compiled by: Khomyakova E. V., teacher.