Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” in the middle group. Role-playing games


Number of participants: more than 5-10 people.

Additionally: A children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler the better, ... "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok" ... and so on are perfect; any simplified stories adapted for children ...)

Moment structure:

=> 1. A presenter is selected (he will be the reader).

=> 2. ALL (!) heroes of the fairy tale are written out from the book onto separate pieces of paper, including, if the number of people allows, even trees, stumps, rivers, buckets... and so on...

=> 3. In a way of serious scientific poking, everyone is playing their roles...


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

The game is for children of older preschool age, but it goes really well at parties. Each participant chooses an animal for themselves and indicates to others characteristic movement this animal. This is how “acquaintance” happens.

After which the host from the side selects the player who starts the game. He must show “himself” and another “animal”, this “animal” indicates himself and someone else, and so on. until someone makes a mistake, that is, shows another “animal” incorrectly or shows an eliminated one. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated.

The game ends when two remain.

Understand me

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

Playing with expressions and phrases. Two joyful, uncomplicated teams are selected.

The 1st team thinks of an expression (preferably a well-known one, such as “sex without a girl is a sign of a fool”) and says it to the messenger from the 2nd team. And he, without the help of words, must explain this expression to friends from his own team. Then the 2nd team guesses the expression and so on.

Time flies unnoticed and funny.

Adams family

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

The whole company gathers in one room. The presenters - two, preferably a young man and a woman - go into another room. Inviting one participant at a time, they bring him to them, place him directly in front of them and pronounce a phrase accompanied by gestures:

Hello (bow of head), we are the Adams family (pointing to ourselves), you, our guest (pointing to the subject), to this moment you will amuse us (point with your hands at yourself) until we (point with your hands at yourself) for you (point with your hands at the player) applaud (clap your hands).

After the phrase given to us, the presenters become silent and wait for the player’s actions. The essence of the game is that, no matter what the player does, the hosts (the Adams family) repeat everything right after him (complete similarity is not necessary). The game with this player ends after the family applauds the player. Then the player joins the family, becoming the leader, and a new victim is introduced.

Experiments have shown that what more people, the more fun. Some take guitars, start singing, dancing, talking funny stories etc.


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

Guests sit on the floor in a circle, a volunteer squats up to one person, rubs against him like a cat, purrs and tries not to laugh. The person to whom the “cat” has crawled should slowly announce: “My poor cat is sick now,” stroking her on the head.

If the person to whom the cat crawled did not laugh and did all the above, then the “cat” crawls away to another participant and repeats the actions, if the person laughed, then the “cat” sits in his place, and he becomes the “cat”.


Number of players: several pairs.

Additionally: Nothing.

Several couples are invited to play the role. Ladies are invited to take on the role of Madonna, while men act as the baby. Couples need to create an artistic composition “Madonna and Child” based on a painting by a great painter.

The most artistic couple wins.


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

Sketch game. The participants are the presenter, seven player characters and spectators. The presenter distributes roles:

The 1st player will be the turnip. When the presenter says the word “turnip” (turnip, ...), the player is forced to announce “both-na”

The 2nd player will be the grandfather. When the presenter says the word “grandfather,” the player is forced to say “would kill.”

The 3rd player will be grandma. When the presenter says the word “grandmother,” the player is forced to say “oh-oh.”

The 4th player will be the granddaughter. When the presenter says the word “granddaughter” (granddaughter, ...), the player is forced to announce “I’m not ready yet.”

The 5th player will be the Bug (dog). When the presenter says the word “Bug,” the player is forced to say “woof-woof.”

The 6th player will be the cat. When the presenter says the word “cat”, the player is forced to say “meow-meow”.

The 7th player will be the mouse. When the presenter says the word “mouse,” the player is forced to say “pee-pee.”

The game begins. The presenter tells the fairy tale “Turnip”, the participants voice:

Grandfather planted (2nd player - would kill) a turnip (1st player - both). The turnip grew (player 1 - both) and became very large. The grandfather came (2nd player - would have killed) to pull the turnip (1st player - both), pulls and pulls, but cannot pull it out. The grandfather (2nd player - would have killed) called the grandmother (3rd player - oh-oh). Grandma (3rd player - oh-oh) for grandfather (2nd player - would kill), grandfather (2nd player - would kill) for turnip (1st player - both-on), pull-pull, They can’t pull it out. And so on…


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Card deck.

Another version of the game "Mafia". It's better to play in a big company. Everyone is dealt cards, some get the ace of spades (this is the mafia), some get the ace of hearts (sheriff), and the rest get drawings (civilians).

Everyone sits in a circle with their eyes open. The Mafia tries to surreptitiously blink one eye at someone. The task of the mafia is to do this unnoticed and “destroy” as many people as possible. The task of a peaceful inhabitant is that if someone blinks at him, wait a little and throw the card into the circle without saying anything. The sheriff’s task is to see who is blinking, and when he sees it, show the “mafia” his card.

It's especially funny when the mafia starts blinking at the sheriff.


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: bell.

The players choose a “trainer” and an “animal” (from now on we will write these definitions without quotes). The animal is removed from others for a short time so that it does not understand what the others will agree on, who during this time invent a task for the animal and report it to the trainer. If there are more than two players, the trainer traditionally does not participate in the idea, but this is not so important.

The task is to perform some most or least accurately described action or chain of actions in a given sequence. For example, if the case occurs indoors, you can demand from the animal:

A) crawl under the table;

b) to turn on the light;

V) pour water into a glass;

G) place three chairs in a row;

d) find a postcard and put it in the album on a suitable page;

e) in a stack of books, move the top one to the very bottom;

and) pick up a scarf from one of the players and bring it to the trainer, etc.

After the animal returns, the actual training begins: without uttering a word and without participating in any way in the animal’s actions, the trainer must achieve the task. His only inventory is a bell (a little imagination will allow you to replace it with something else; traditionally, a bunch of keys is at hand). The ringing of a bell (or other signal) tells the animal that it is “on the right path”; the absence of a signal indicates something unpleasant.

Note to trainers: any, even the most insignificant, correct actions of the animal, for example, a step in the appropriate direction, should be rewarded with a signal, stopping the reward at the first deviation from the intended plan. The animal must figure out that, having reached a dead end, it must return to the beginning of those actions from which the reward began (for this, people and objects traditionally have to be brought to their initial state).

Giants and gnomes

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

This game is good if you are relaxing with several families or groups for more than one day. All vacationers are participants.

All names of participants are written on separate notes, which are folded inwards. Each player “blindly” draws one note with the name of the Giant. It turns out this: the player who pulled out the note is the Dwarf for the Giant from the note, but the Giant must not know his own Dwarf.

Problem: The Dwarf must secretly do all sorts of nice things for his own Giant. The Giant must find out who his Dwarf is.

For example, if the Giant is female, it is always nice to receive a bouquet of wild flowers under the door during the day with a note “With love (respect), Dwarf.” For a man, a bottle of beer during the day won't hurt at all. For a child - a craft made from forest plants or a sweet. At dinner, under the plate, look for the wish “Bon appetit!” also good! And the Giant himself needs to get up early or be on the alert all day if he wants to track down the Dwarf.

It is important to do all this secretly, so that it is difficult for the Giant to track down who is pleasing him.

Maternity hospital

Number of players: two.

Additionally: Nothing.

Two people play. One is the wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The husband’s task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the wife’s task is to explain all this to the spouse with signs, since the thick double glass of the hospital room does not let sounds out.

See what gestures your spouse will make! The main thing is unexpected and different questions.

Animal game

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

Each participant becomes an animal - an elephant, crayfish, mosquito, deer, fish, snake, hare, lion or others of his own choice or imagination. The main thing is to come up with an appropriate gesture with which he will demonstrate his own animal.

The point of the game is to show your own animal, and later the animal of another participant. Another participant again indicates his own animal, and then the animal of a third participant. Everything needs to be done quickly, but without mistakes; whoever makes a mistake puts a forfeit.

At the end of the game, when two participants remain, forfeits are played out: one favorite turns away and invents funny tasks for those whose forfeits are chosen by another favorite.


Elephant - right hand touch your nose. Insert your left hand into the circle formed by your hand.

Cancer- fold the figs with both hands, bring them to your eyes, wiggle your thumbs.

Mosquito- make a fist, extend it forefinger, bring the back of your hand to your nose, wave the resulting proboscis.

Deer- with your arms folded crosswise with your fingers spread, quickly wave them above your head (this is how the Chukchi dance)

Fish- fold your palms, as if for prayer, lower them parallel to the floor, make a wave-like movement (similar to a fish jumping and going into the depths of the water)

Snake- shaking your right hand with your palm slightly bent, depict spectacled cobra preparing for an attack.

Hare- trivial: folding your arms at chest level. This is how rabbits are portrayed in all kindergartens - remember your golden childhood!

a lion- almost like a hare, but with claws outward and (of course!) making a brutal face. Basics: All gestures must be precise, error-free and extremely swift. The slightest incorrectness or delay is punishable by phantom.

In the end, the gestures get mixed up, the crayfish begins to move its mosquito proboscis, and the hare develops a ferocious expression on its face.

Try it, the game works extremely well in a mixed group of adults, children or students.


Number of players: several pairs.

Additionally: Nothing.

Several pairs of volunteers are called up - an equal number of men and girls.

The presenter names the situation in which the couples seem to be. Their task is to start doing something in accordance with the situation. Situations can be very different, for example: “Imagine that you are on an uninhabited peninsula...”, or “in a train toilet”, “alone in a carriage cabin...”

What the couples will do depends on their imagination; traditionally on the “uninhabited peninsula” couples start kissing and so on...


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: devices, pieces of fabric, parts of suits, ties, hats, feathers and so on.

Those wishing to participate in the “For the Best Taste” competition are invited to another room. There, from the attributes of fashion (devices, pieces of fabric, details of suits, ties, hats, feathers, etc., etc.), they must construct something unlike anything else, but at the same time colorful and elegant. Each “stylist” selects a “model” from among the guests, who presents a professional work to the tribunal of guests.

To the applause of the audience, the best designer is determined and awarded a prize.

Ruslan and the “head”

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

The leader is chosen - Ruslan, other participants play the role of “head”. To do this, you need to split up in the following way: one plays the role of the left eye, the other - the right, the 3rd - the nose, the 4th - the ear, and so on. Then you need to arrange the mise-en-scène so that a figure is formed that resembles the head of a giant. If there are many participants, then it is excellent to give someone the role of left and right hands.

Ruslan stands in front of the “head” and makes the most ordinary manipulations. For example, he may wink, later yawn, sneeze, scratch his ear, and so on. "The Giant's Head" must accurately reproduce all these simple acts. You can do the task at a slightly slower pace.

Maternity hospital-2

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: cards with “child” parameters (for each pair of players)

Several pairs are selected from among the participants. In each pair, it is determined which of the players will be “dad” and who will be “mom”. All “mothers” pull out cards on which the baby’s gender, weight, hair color, eye color, or some other signs are written. “Moms” stand in a line at a distance of 4-6 meters from “dads”. Other players take a place between the parents and try to make as much noise as possible. At the command of the presenter, “mothers” try to convey information about the child to “fathers” with clicks and gestures. After a set period of time (1-3 minutes), the game ends and the correctness of the transmitted information is checked. The winner is the pair in which the “dad” more accurately understood all the transmitted information.

The game becomes more fun if the information that needs to be conveyed is quite extraordinary, for example:

A black baby was born, weight - 4 kg, huge ears.

Height 40 cm, grin from ear to ear, blue eyes.

Weight - 3 kg, screams loudly, brown eyes.

A Chinese baby was born, all yellow, with cunning eyes.

Triplets were born, all the children weighed 3 kg, girls.

If there are few players and it is impossible to make enough noise, you can turn on music. Another option is to allow information to be transmitted only by gestures.


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

Everything and everyone is transformed into something else, but not with the help of words, but with the help of determining the need for action. The room transforms into a forest. Then the participants become trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, and so on.

And if to the station, it means to the suitcase, the train, the passengers. And if in the studio - as announcers, TV cameramen, “pop stars” and so on. With all this, someone can make noise, depict props, and so on.

Dating scene

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

Every person meets someone all the time. There are even various tips on how to get acquainted correctly in order to create a good memory for yourself. But these rules apply only in ordinary, everyday criteria. What if an indescribable acquaintance awaits? How then should a person behave? Imagine and stage a situation in which they meet...

=> astronauts with aliens;

=> hunters with Bigfoot;

=> the newest owner of a castle with ghosts living in it;

=> a sailor, thrown ashore after a wreck, with a tribe of cannibals;

=> traveler in a time machine with his great-great-great grandfather

Christmas story

Number of players: 14.

Additionally: papers with roles.

Preparation: Roles are written on pieces of paper:

=> Curtain

=> Raven

=> Boar

=> Boar

=> Boar

=> Bullfinch

=> Bullfinch

=> Bullfinch

=> Santa Claus

=> Snow Maiden

=> Nightingale - the robber

=> Stallion

=> Ivan Tsarevich

The presenter comes out with a hat containing pieces of paper with roles and gives the participants to sort out the roles. Then the presenter tells the tale offered below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role. (All impromptu.)

Scene #1

The curtain went up.

There was an oak tree in the clearing.

A herd of wild boars ran by.

A flock of ducks flew by.

The curtain went up.

(Participants leave the stage.)

Scene #2

The curtain went up.

There was an oak tree in the clearing.

A raven flew in, cawing, and sat down on an oak tree.

A herd of wild boars ran by.

A flock of ducks flew by.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden were walking in the clearing.

Santa Claus is calling for help.

The curtain went up.

(Participants leave the stage.)

Scene #3

The curtain went up.

There was an oak tree in the clearing.

A raven flew in, cawing, and sat down on an oak tree.

A herd of wild boars ran by.

A flock of ducks flew by.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden were walking in the clearing.

Here the Nightingale the Robber jumps out and carries away the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus is calling for help.

Ivan Tsarevich rides in on a stallion.

Santa Claus shares his grief with him.

Ivan Tsarevich fights with the Nightingale the Robber and fights off the Snow Maiden.

Everyone is happy.

The curtain went up.

The presenter speeds up the pace of the tale with each new scene.

New Year's Tale-2

Number of players: any.

Additionally: papers with roles.

The presenter comes out with a hat containing pieces of paper with the roles and invites the participants to sort out the roles. Next, the presenter tells the tale suggested below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role.

Fairy tale text:

Here is a house that was built in the forest.

But Santa Claus is a cool old man,

And in any weather

From a house that was built in the forest.

But the Snow Maiden is a grumpy girl,

But he loves Santa Claus - that old man,

Who will wear a red caftan,

And in any weather

Let's go congratulate you on the New Year!

Here are some funny kids

They love beautiful books

But life has such surprises in store for them,

I said this for the sake of reprise.

Which languishes in girls for a long time

Who will wear a red caftan,

And in any weather

Let's go congratulate you on the New Year!

From a house that was built in the forest!

But mom, beautiful aunt,

She gets tired at work in the Third Transport Ring.

Mom will decorate a fluffy Christmas tree

If dad would help, it would be more helpful.

But those kids need a Christmas tree

The stupid reprise sounded again.

The Snow Maiden will congratulate them,

Which languishes in girls for a long time

And Santa Claus is a cool old man,

A red caftan that has been worn for a long time,

And in any weather

Let's go congratulate you on the New Year!

From a house that was built in the forest!

But dad is angry and strict.

He stood on the road for a very long time.

Their dad serves in the traffic police,

After all, mom is a very beautiful aunt,

She gets tired at work in the Third Transport Ring.

Mom will decorate a fluffy Christmas tree

And dad is needed for more benefit

And those kids need a Christmas tree,

Who love funny books,

And life prepares such surprises for them,

I got a little tired of the stupid reprise.

The Snow Maiden will congratulate them,

Which languishes in girls for a long time

And Santa Claus is a cool old man,

Who will wear a red caftan,

And in any weather

Let's go congratulate you on the New Year!

From a house that was built in the forest!

And here New Year! And everyone is very happy.

2011 is a big reward.

And dad becomes not strict at all,

Although he stood on the road for a long time.

Their dad serves in the traffic police,

He is also my mother's husband.

And mom is a very beautiful aunt,

She was tired at work in the Third Transport Ring.

Let's decorate a fluffy Christmas tree together

After all, dad is needed for greater benefit.

And the Christmas tree makes those kids happy,

Who love funny books,

And life prepares such surprises for them,

We're all fed up with the stupid reprise.

The Snow Maiden will congratulate them all,

Which languishes in girls for a long time

And Santa Claus is a cool old man,

Who will wear a red caftan,

And in any weather

Let's go congratulate you on the New Year!

From a house that was built in the forest!

Line up!

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

In this game you are invited to practice formations and try to predict all possible life situations. It is best to split into two teams at first. The formation must be done in teams according to the given task. Whoever is faster wins. The winners can be promised some kind of prize, but in general, it will work just fine without a prize.

1st situation. The kindest man, a charming lieutenant colonel, takes roll call of recruits on the parade ground. Assignment: stand one after another so that the names of the players go in alphabetical order(for especially gifted ones, it is suggested to line up in reverse alphabetical order). Count on “first or second” on command!

2nd situation. All the players' shoes immediately became leaky, and they gave them to the same shoemaker. The time has come to return the order, and he, poor fellow, is confused about who he owes what to. Task: stand in a row according to your foot size.

3rd situation. Not long ago, a fitness center formed in your town announced recruitment for vacant position massage therapist in the women's (if desired, men's) room. Task: immediately line up according to the size of your palm.

4th situation. The Beer Lovers Party calls for voting for beer, drinking beer and living a cool life. Large containers for carrying and storing beer (your precious tummies) are welcome. Task: distribute the players by waist size.

5th situation. The maniac strangler is on the warpath. The town hall asks residents not to appear on the streets of the town even during the day. All the kids are sitting at home, the ladies are locked in the kitchens, the men... whoever has time to go where. The inhabitants are doomed, there is no escape from the killer. Assignment: courageously line up in a row according to the size of your neck, so that it would be more convenient for the maniac to carry out his dark deed.

Sixth situation. On space station A series of the latest state-of-the-art spacesuits has arrived. But the creators overdid it with the equipment integrated inside the spacesuits, and the size of the helmets turned out to be very significant. Nowadays, only particularly “brainy” astronauts will be able to carry out research flights. Assignment: line up according to head size and identify a potential astronaut among the guests.

Seventh situation. Announcement: “At a gala masquerade ball held at the Palace of Congresses, a gold mask with diamond jewelry was found. Please contact the owner of the mask." Assignment: applicants for a mask should line up according to the size of their eyes and the degree of their impudence.


The rules are the same as in the turnip game, only guests get roles and words:

Turnip - “Both-on!”

Grandfather - “I would kill him!”

Grandma - “Who’s there?”

Granddaughter - “I’m not ready yet!”

Bug - “Fuck you!”

Cat - “Pour it!”

Mouse - “Well, finally!”

When the next person says “pull-pull,” he says a drawn-out “Ah-ah!”

Believe me, bursts of laughter are guaranteed!!!


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

This ancient Russian game. It was played after Fomina's week, before Peter's Day.

The players go out into the meadow, sit on each other’s knees, interlocking one with the other in the form of a long ridge. The first one gets the title of grandmother, and all the rest are listed as radishes. The merchant appears to take the radish.

Merchant. Grandmother! Sell ​​the radishes! Grandmother. Buy it, father.

The merchant examines the radish, tries it in every way, feels it and tries to pull it out.

Merchant. Grandmother! Are there any puny radishes?

Grandmother. That you, father, are all young, bitter, one to one; pull one out for yourself to try.

The merchant begins to pull out as much as he can.

Merchant. Grandmother! Your radish cannot be pulled out by good will: it has grown. Let me dig up the mower by the roots.

Grandmother. That you, my light, disgrace my ridge. Shake it: it will float out as if out of water.

The merchant begins to shake the players, some by the head, some by the hair, some by the hand. Having pulled out one of the players, he begins to shake him off on the ground, shaking him out as if he were dirty. At this time, all the players get up and beat the merchant away.

Well, you give it!

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Nothing.

This is a game based on the game "Turnip".

Phrases of the participating heroes:

=> New Year - Come on!

=> Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?

=> Snow Maiden - Both-on!

=> Old ladies - Well, not a damn thing for yourself!

=> Goblin - Well, here's to your fortune!

=> Waitress - Where are the empty plates?

=> Guests - Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve

The people have a tradition of celebrating

The people care about the crisis and adversity

The happy ones shout loudly: Happy New Year!

But the New Year is sitting before us

It's as if he was just born

Looks at people: at uncles and aunts

And he wonders out loud: ... Well, you give it!

And uncles and aunts dressed stylishly

To celebrate, they shout loudly: ... Happy New Year!

He rushed to congratulate (he sticks his nose everywhere)

Who's sluggish from matinees? Father Frost!

He speaks barely coherently: ... Why don’t you drink?

And what’s outside the window, there are the vagaries of nature,

But everyone still shouts: ... Happy New Year!

Here the Snow Maiden stood, highly moral,

And her appearance is very sexy.

Apparently she won’t go home alone,

Having warmed up from the road, he says: ... Both-on!

And the grandfather is already sniffling: ... Why don’t you drink?

In response, New Year: ... Well, you give!

And people again, without hesitation and immediately

They shout louder and louder: ... Happy New Year!

And again the Snow Maiden, full of forebodings,

He savors it, admiring himself: ... Both-on!

Frost keeps groaning: ... Why don’t you drink?

New Year follows: ... Well, you give!

Two playful grannies, two Baba Yagas,

It's like getting off on the right foot

They coo over a drink without harming themselves,

And they are indignant out loud: ... Well, not a damn thing for yourself!

The Snow Maiden is full of passion, full of desire,

With temptation and languidly he says: ... Both-on!

Frost screams: ... Why don’t you drink?

And then the New Year: ... Well, you give it!

Everything goes by method, goes on its own,

And the guests again all shout: ... Happy New Year!

A separate fragment

but the Waitress made her contribution brightly and briefly.

She threw arrows over the food,

Yaguski, having forgotten about everything back home,

They sit and are indignant: ... Well, not a damn thing for yourself!

The Snow Maiden gets up, slightly intoxicated,

Laughs, whispering with delight: ... Both-on!

And the grandfather is already yelling: ... Why don’t you drink?

New Year follows: ... Well, you give it!

And the guests felt freedom of thought

They chant together again: ... Happy New Year!

Here Leshy, almost crying with joy,

He gets up with the words: ... Well, here's to fortune!

The waitress, taking a sip of the burners,

She asked: ...Where are the empty plates?

Grandmothers, having one more sausage

The couple shouts: ... Well, not a damn thing for yourself!

The Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine

And again she cried out loud: ... Both-on!

And Santa Claus drinks,

Screaming at the top of his lungs: ... Why don’t you drink?

And he drinks the New Year: ... Well, you give it!

And the glasses seem to be filled with honey

And they all drink to the bottom and shout: ... Happy New Year!

And Leshy, he’s been jumping around with a glass for a long time

He called with inspiration: ... Well, for fortune!

Conversation of the deaf and dumb

Number of players: even

Additionally: Nothing.

All participants in the game are divided into pairs; partners will portray two deaf and dumb people. The presenter, in private, explains to one of the players of the pair what he must tell his interlocutor. Then everyone sits in a semicircle, leaving the center free.

The first couple, going to the middle, depicts an unexpected meeting of two deaf and dumb people, then one of them (who received the task) begins to tell their partner their story. His friend must also use gestures to ask his companion questions, and he, therefore, must answer them. The players are given less than 5 minutes to talk, and then the player who was listening needs to be told what he figured out from what he saw? The presenter compares his answer with what the player was essentially talking about and introduces others to him.

You can choose any topic of conversation: a story about how a dog’s paw was crushed and the player healed it, about a fishing trip, about a visit to a museum, and so on. The more versatile and extensive the chosen topic, the more exciting the game will be.

In the scenario of any holiday, there comes a moment when all the main ceremonial toasts have already been made, but the guests are not yet ready for active competitions or dance entertainment. It is then that the presenters come to the aid of fun activities that can be done right at the table.

The proposed selection is Catholic role-playing tales and games for any holiday, written by talented Internet authors (thanks to them). Each of them can safely be classified as “icebreaker” games that “split the room,” liberate guests, put them in the mood for festive fun, and therefore serve as a wonderful transition to an active entertainment program.

A fairy tale - a noisemaker at the "Drums" table

To conduct this, the presenter divides those present into several teams, each of which will represent one of the members of the “drums” family: Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother or Son, then the participants, at each mention of “their” character, make “their” noise: rustle, rattle etc. When the text mentions a family, everyone makes noise at the same time.

Characters and noise actions:

Grandfather Drum- rustling newspapers,

Granny Drum- rattling dishes

Drum Father- stomp their feet three times and make a creaking sound as the door opens

Mother Drum- make a scratching sound on a wooden surface

Son-drummer- clap their hands three times

Family of drummers - everyone present makes sounds at the same time.

Leading(reads the text):

At number thirteen on Mira Street
In a very shabby old apartment,
What our people call a communal apartment.
Family of drummers has been living for a long time.
They settled in a huge closet,
Where no man has gone before.
This closet, cluttered for a very long time,
Family of drummers here it endures for two centuries.
Other residents communal apartment
They gradually forgot about this family:
We got used to their usual noises and sighs -
They lived well under one roof.
Grandfather Drum loved at leisure
To make fun of my dear wife a little:
rustling Grandfather an old newspaper in the corner,
Driving Grandma rustling in sadness.
Granny in retaliation she rattled the dishes,
How Son-drummer I was scared more than once.
Drum Father when I was out of sorts,
He created a mess in his house:
He stomped his feet, creaked doors
And everyone is tired of these sounds.
A Mother Drum loved him so much:
I didn’t scold her at all for these pranks.
And as a sign of your tender and fiery feelings
Mommy I bought him a watermelon.
Drum Father I wasn’t known for being a miser -
The watermelon was certainly shared among everyone.
Residents of a communal apartment then
We heard the family chomping together.
Drummer son tried harder than everyone:
He gorged himself with watermelon gusto.
So friendly Family of drummers lived,
Until big trouble happened:
One day they suddenly decided to resettle the residents.
And this house is in urgently demolished.
People left the communal apartment,
Family of drummers, of course, they forgot.
Now they are looking for another place to live
Where they will be nourished, comfortable, warm,
Where Grandfather Drum without any interference
He will continue to rustle with his pile of newspapers,
Where sometimes Drum granny
He can rattle his old pan,
Where Son-drummer will clap your hands,
Drum Father suddenly stamps his foot,
A Mother Drum sometimes without fear
Scratch at the door of your dear spouse.
Please respond, people who are not really against it
Hear all this late at night?

Table role-playing tale "Nebremen non-musicians"

The four guests who received cards with remarks can easily “reincarnate” into their heroes; to do this, it is enough for them to expressively pronounce their phrase after each line where they are spoken about. It is important for the leader to remember to do this right moment short pauses and, if necessary, make signs to participants.

Characters and lines:

Donkey: “I’m a horse in perspective!”
Dog: " Woof! I want to wet my throat first.”
Cat: " Mur-meow, suddenly I’ll become fat and important!”
Rooster: " Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!”

In a neighboring village the year before last
Some peasant suddenly went crazy:
He drove out all the living creatures in the house
She had been living side by side for fifteen years.
And we lived with him all these years in peace:
Donkey is crazy... (I'm a horse in perspective!)
A DOG that no longer growled...
There lived an old robber, a CAT, who loved sour cream...
In this company, the ROOSTER was not out of place...

The company walked quietly along the road,
Both the paws and legs of the poor are tired.
Suddenly a light appeared in the forest hut -
The terrible robbers have a home there.
And friends began to discuss right here,
What better way to scare the robbers?
The DOG was suddenly the first to quietly say... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
DONKEY, however, decided that he was not passive either. Still would! ... (I'm a horse in perspective!)
The CAT was very afraid of a night ram... (Moor-meow, what if I suddenly become fat and important?!)
He suggested to his friends to scare the gang -
Disperse the robbers with a shout.
ROOSTER, already flying up to the roof...( Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)

The animals quietly went to the hut
And all together: DONKEY, DOG, CAT, COCK - they shouted (Everyone screams).
The robbers immediately ran away from the house.
Who lived in it? They are familiar to us.
And they lived for many more years in a house in peace
Brave DONKEY... (I'm a horse in perspective!)
A DOG that growled menacingly... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
And a subtle connoisseur homemade sour cream, CAT... (Moor-meow, suddenly I’ll become fat and important!)
And, of course, the ROOSTER, he’s not superfluous at all... (Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)

(Source: forum.in-ku)

Table role-playing tale "Happiness is close."

KLAVA has been waiting for happiness for a long time,

Everyone is wondering where it is

Then her FRIEND came to her

And she hugged the hostess.
Together we decided it was time
Invite PETER to visit.
Like, even though he is a fool,
But he’s a master at singing ditties.
Parrot, having heard about this,
Sat on a higher perch,
The poor thing began to lament:
“Where can we wait out the HOLIDAY?”
At the first call
PETER came - ready for anything.
KLAVA made a salad
And washed the grapes.
Her FRIEND is helping her
And he approves of the recipes.
There's a knock on the door! KLAVA rushed:
What if there is some kind of setup?
The door opened - THE PRINCE appeared.
PETER almost shot himself!
Let's say it straight, without offense:
He had his sights set on KLAVA!
Here they remembered about the HOLIDAY,
The song was sung together.
PETER hiccupped and choked,
And he swung at the PRINCE.
The parrot was flying around the cage,
He called his ancestors for help.
And my FRIEND is only happy:
There will be a fight, that's what we need!
Only KLAVA doesn’t yawn,
Raises a toast to happiness.
We took a sip of a glass,
But a glass is not enough for PETER!
But kindly, he goes to the drinking trough
A PARROT pours vodka.
PRINCE, having eaten a herring,
Everyone babbles about their motive.
KLAVA speaks quietly:
“We have great grooms!”
And her FRIEND whispers to her:
“You pour them a third…”
The PRINCE made his decision,
Having proposed to KLAVA.
PETER, blushing from exertion,
Makes a cookie for a FRIEND.
And from the cage is a parrot
Suddenly a dog barked.
PETER eventually passed out.
PRINCE hid his face in the salad
(It was very tasty, by the way).
KLAVA sings a song,
How it all ends is waiting.
And the envious one, FRIEND,
Even though I was left without a spouse,
Sings along to her too
About “sorrows from the fields.”
Having seen enough of these things,
Our parrot has turned grey.
On weekdays he is silent,
And like a HOLIDAY, it screams so much.
This is where the fairy tale ends,
And whoever listened - well done!

Game moment "Merry table orchestra"

Who's sitting, who's sitting to the right of the bottle

Beat the glass rhythmically with a fork.
Who's sitting, who's sitting from the bottle to the left
Tap the plate firmly with a fork.
Who's sitting, who's sitting to the right of the herring
Hit the plate with a fork and spoon.
Who's sitting, who's sitting to the right of the potatoes
Hit your knees with both palms.
Who's at the table today? drank quite a bit
Slowly hit the spoon with a fork
Who's in this room today? arrived late
Gently knock the glass on the table.
Who today arrived on time and arrived
Hit the heel on the floor as best you can.
Who's happy everyone left - clap your hands!
Who's a little was angry- don’t be shy either.
And now together everything possible - at once!
Have fun and joy at our holiday!

The selection is posted for your reference.

The fairy tales “Turnip” and “Kolobok” are familiar to us from childhood. Now we will try to remember them, but we will do it “in an adult way.” Interesting scenes with all the familiar characters they will decorate any holiday and amuse all the guests.

Try these fairy tale remakes for drunk company by role!

A funny fairy tale “Turnip” for adult holidays

First you need to select seven people who will participate in the skit. One leader is needed.

Participants must learn their roles, but don't be discouraged - the words are very simple and easy to remember. Guests of almost any age category can participate in the skit.

The presenter must say the name of the hero, and he, in turn, must say his words. In this competition, participants can sit at a table. The exception is the turnip, which must be located on a chair and constantly do something.

During the skit, the presenter should not remain silent, but, if possible, comment on what is happening.

The scene requires musical accompaniment. It is advisable to choose Russian folk music. If you wish, you can give prizes to the best actors.

Turnip - Hey, man, put your hands away, I'm still underage!
Grandfather - Oh, my health has already become bad.
Now there's going to be booze!
Baba - Somehow my grandfather stopped satisfying me.

Granddaughter - I’m almost ready!
Hey, grandpa, grandma, I'm late, my friends are waiting for me!
Zhuchka - Are you calling me a bug again? I'm actually a bug!
This is not my job!

Cat - what is the dog doing on the playground? I’m going to feel bad now – I’m allergic!
Mouse - How about we have a drink?


Modern fairy tale “Kolobok” for a fun company

What other fairy tales have roles for drunken company? This tale should also involve about seven participants. Accordingly, you need to choose actors who will play the roles of grandmother, grandfather, hare, fox, bun, wolf, and also bear.

Grandfather and grandmother had no children. They were completely disappointed, but the bun changed their whole lives. He became their salvation and hope - they doted on him.

For example:

Grandfather and grandmother were already tired of waiting for the kolobok and constantly looked into the distance, hoping for his return, but he never came.
The moral of this fable is this: You shouldn’t hope for the love of a bun, but it’s better to have your own children.

A funny fairy tale for active guests of the celebration

We select five actors who will play the role of a chicken, a king, a bunny, a fox and a butterfly. The text should be read by the presenter:

“The fairy-tale kingdom was ruled by an optimist king. He decided to take a walk around beautiful park and jumped up and down all the way, waving his arms.

The king was very joyful and saw beautiful butterfly. He decided to catch her, but the butterfly only mocked him - she screamed obscene words, made faces, and stuck out her tongue.

Well, then the butterfly got tired of mocking the king and flew away into the forest. The king was not really offended, but only became more amused and began to laugh.

The cheerful king did not expect that a bunny would appear in front of him and got scared, standing in the ostrich pose. The bunny did not understand why the king was standing in such an inappropriate position - and he himself was scared. The bunny stands, his paws are trembling, and he screams in an inhuman voice, asking for help.

At this time, the proud fox returned to work. A beauty worked at a poultry farm and brought home a chicken. As soon as she saw the bunny and the king, she was scared. The chicken did not waste a moment and jumped out, hitting the fox on the back of the head.

The hen turned out to be very lively and the first thing she did was peck the king. The king straightened up in surprise and took a normal position. The bunny became even more scared, and she jumped into the fox’s arms, taking her by the ears. The fox realized that she needed to move her feet and ran.

The king looked around, laughed and decided to continue on his way with the chicken. They took hold of the handles and walked towards the castle. No one knows what will happen to the chicken next, but the king will definitely treat her to delicious champagne, like all the other guests of the celebration.”

The host invites the listeners to pour glasses and drink to the king and the chicken.

A humorous fairy tale for a group of adults

First of all, you need to select heroes. Both animate and inanimate objects will take part in this tale.

You need to select characters to play the role of a kitten and a magpie. You need to choose guests who will play the role of the sun, wind, paper and porch.

Participants must depict what their hero needs to do.

“The little kitten went for a walk. It was warm and the sun was shining, showering everyone with its rays. The cute kitten lay down on the porch and began to look at the sun, constantly squinting.

Suddenly, talkative magpies sat down on the fence in front of him. They were arguing about something and had a very loud dialogue. The kitten became interested, so he began to carefully crawl towards the fence. The magpies did not pay any attention to the baby and continued to chatter.

The kitten had almost reached its target and jumped, and the birds flew away. Nothing worked out for the kid, and he began to look around, hoping to find another hobby.

A light breeze began to blow outside - and the kitten noticed a piece of paper that was rustling. The kitten decided not to waste the moment and attacked its target. After scratching and biting it a little, he realized that he was not interested in a simple piece of paper - and let it go. The piece of paper flew further, and out of nowhere a rooster suddenly appeared.

The rooster was very proud and raised his head high. The bird stopped and crowed. Then the chickens came running to the rooster and surrounded him on all sides. The kitten realized that he had finally found something to entertain himself with.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the chickens and took one of them by the tail. The bird did not allow itself to be offended and pecked painfully. The animal was very scared and began to run away. However, everything was not so simple - the neighbor’s puppy was already waiting for him.

A small dog began to jump on the kitten and wanted to bite. The kitten realized that he needed to return home and hit the dog painfully with his nails. The puppy got scared and let the kitten pass. It was then that the kitten realized that he was a winner, albeit wounded.

Returning to the porch, the kitten began to lick the wound left by the chicken, and then fell asleep stretched out. The kitten had strange dreams - and he kept twitching his paws in his sleep. This is how the kitten met the street for the first time.”

The scene ends with thunderous applause from the guests. If you wish, you can reward the most artistic actor with a prize.

An interesting scene for birthdays and other adult holidays

I knew that Kudryavtsev had not forgotten my shot and did not trust me. Even though we spent the night in secret, he treats me with caution. He could not trust an intelligent youth who knew nothing about war.

Until I met Kudryavtsev, I did not know that I was such a bad soldier. After all, I couldn’t even wrap my footcloths properly and sometimes, when given the command “left,” I turned around. reverse side. Besides, I was not at all friendly with a shovel.

Kudryavtsev did not understand me when, reading any news, I commented on it and made spatial comments. At that time, I was not yet a member of the party - and for some reason Kudryavtsev was already expecting some kind of trick from me.

Very often I caught his gaze on me. What did I see in his gaze? It’s probably because I’m untrained and inexperienced, but he forgives me for now, but one more mistake and he’ll kill me! I wanted to become a better person and promised myself that I would definitely be a disciplined soldier and learn everything that was necessary. I had the opportunity to show all my abilities in practice.

We were sent to guard the bridge, which was often shelled. A lot of reinforcements, as well as literature, were constantly sent to the place of work...

My job was to check the passes of people who crossed the bridge. The Whites often opened fire on the post where I was. The shells hit the water and splashed me. Shells fell close to me, and the bridge ceiling was already destroyed. Any minute could have been my last, but I gave myself the condition that I still wouldn’t leave the bridge.

How did I feel? I did not feel a sense of fear - I was already ready for death. I saw beautiful landscapes in the distance, but they did not make me happy. I felt that I would never leave this post. However, one thought forced me to stand further - Kudryavtsev sees me and approves of my actions.

It seemed to me that I had been standing at this post for several hours, but in fact it was only a few minutes - as long as it took Kudryavtsev to run to me. I didn’t understand what Kudryavtsev needed from me. Then he pulled my belt forcefully, and I came to my senses.

- Get out of here quickly! - said the man.

As soon as we left the bridge, a strong shell hit him.

- Do you see what's happening? Why were you standing there? You could have killed me too!

I sighed, but Kudryavtsev did not finish.

“However, you are still doing well, because you showed that you know the charter and were inviolable.” You deserve praise. But even if this is a thing of the past, I would like you to use your brains. The bridge was destroyed a long time ago, why were you standing there? What was the point of this? Was everyone ready to check your passes? If you had been smarter and had not gone to office yourself, I would not have punished you!

After this incident, Kudryavtsev’s attitude towards me changed. He talked about himself and sometimes asked about me. Despite the fact that he was not a member of the party, he considered himself a Bolshevik. This man helped me believe in myself, so his approval was very important to me.

I still remember one incident. We talked about what we would do after we defeated the whites. I said that I dreamed of becoming a writer who would depict the peaceful brotherhood of all peoples. Kudryavtsev listened to me and looked at the fire.

“You have an excellent goal,” he said. The Big Way you have, Lebedinsky!

Funny tales based on roles for drunken company

5 (100%) 12 votes

Anna Krikunova
Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” in middle group



Story-based role-playing game fairy tale« turnip»

(focus - social and pedagogical)

second year of study - preparatory level


Teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 23

Krikunova A. O.


Teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 23 Krikunova A. O.

Subject: Story-based role-playing game fairy tale« turnip» .

Location: MBDOU d/s No. 23

Time spending: 10.00

Lesson duration: 20 minutes.


IN preschool age play is essential in life small child. It is the leading activity. The game manages to attract children's attention to such objects that in normal non-game conditions they are not interested in and on which it is very difficult pay attention.

The didactic game makes it possible to solve various pedagogical problems in game form, the most accessible and attractive for children. A child is formed physically, intellectually, emotionally only until the age of 3, and then until the age of 5, previously acquired skills and abilities are corrected.

Classes on educational games develop the child’s creative abilities, launch a self-development mechanism for further implementation in various types activities, lay the foundations for successful activity in any field, help the child understand how to think, how to remember, how to solve non-standard problems, how to communicate with people around him, and much more.

Role-playing game - leading activity

V middle preschool age.

The fifth year of life is a period of intensive formation of independence of preschool children in all forms of their development. The guys are very actively mastering means emotional expressiveness, namely, they change intonation when conveying the content of the read work, reproduce dialogues of adults from life, and characters from story or tale, very emotionally convey the character of the characters.

Children receive all knowledge and skills in different types activities, and, of course, will be reflected in games. Exactly at average In preschool age, joint role-playing play, which becomes the leading form, acquires great importance play activity. It is the plot-based role-playing game that is a prerequisite for significant changes in the child’s psyche, since its main content is modeling - a creative reproduction of the relationships of children and their interactions.

By learning to solve game problems collectively, preschoolers coordinate their plans, which means that the rules of the game will be followed arbitrarily.

The source that fuels the game is real experience - a variety of knowledge about the environment. Children at this age begin to come into contact with peers and adults. In the process of communication, they learn certain norms of behavior and interaction: they try to take into account the character and mood of the interlocutor, try to be more attentive.

Observing children at this age, it can be noted that children pay attention to the behavior of adults, their interaction with each other, evaluate useful things, draw conclusions, and most importantly, try to take an example and repeat after them.

While conducting classes, it becomes noticeable that in most cases the children’s attention is focused on the teacher’s facial expressions, gestures, intonation and style of conversation when story. All this is literally immediately used by children in their various activities, as well as in play. Great experience Children draw from the relationships of adults in the family.

It's worth trying to organize daily life their preschool children so that they have a need to turn to other people, peers for something, which develops communication skills, which is one of the main qualities in everyday life.


1. Continue to introduce children to Russian folk art - fairy tale.

2. Encourage children to use excerpts from fairy tales.

3. Continue to enrich children’s vocabulary with adjectives that characterize the qualities of objects (large, yellow, tasty, sweet).

4. Continue to enrich children’s vocabulary with action words (went, pulled, came running, called).

5. Continue to develop the pronunciation of vowel sounds through onomatopoeia ( "Meow meow", "Bow-wow", "pee-pee-pee").

6. Develop the ability to listen carefully, recognize familiar works, recognize characters fairy tales in illustration and toys.

7. Encourage children to express pleasure in meeting with literary work, the joy of emotional cooperation and empathy.

Material and equipment:

Book, tabletop theater toys, tabletop theater decorations.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk fairy tales« turnip» , looking at illustrations for fairy tale.


Enrich children's speech with adjectives, form intonation expressiveness of speech, develop fine muscles of the hands, evoke in children a positive, emotional response from meeting with fairy tale.

Training tasks:

1. Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about Russian folk fairy tales.

2. Learn to recognize fairy tale according to assignment.

3. Learn to convey structure fairy tales using simulation.

Developmental tasks:

1. Remember the order of appearance of heroes in fairy tales.

2. Develop the ability to act in concert.

3. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate an interest in reading, a love of oral folk art.

Lesson plan

1. Organizing time (5 minutes.)

2. Warm up (5 minutes.)

3. Main part (5 minutes.)

4. Final part (5 minutes.)

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Hello guys! My name is Anna Olegovna. Today we will play a game « turnip» . Everyone must choose their role and play it (show). But first, let's remember this fairy tale:

The teacher and the children sit on the carpet.

Guys, look what I have in my hands? (Children's answers)

Right. This is a book. But the book is not simple, but magical. Want to see who lives in this book?

The teacher opens the book and puts it on the table in front of the children.

Who lives in this book? (grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, Zhuchka, cat Murka, mouse, turnip) – the teacher turns over the pages of the book.

Guys, who planted turnip? (grandfather).

Grandfather pulled alone turnip? And who helped him? (children's answers)

Well done! Right. What did your grandfather call your grandmother? ( "Grandma, let's go pull a turnip)

What did the grandmother call her granddaughter? (Bug, cat, mouse) (children's answers)

Well done! Right. Guys, what do you think, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, cat, Bug and mouse were happy turnip? (children's answers)

-That's how happy they were:

2. Warm up

We're kicking, stomping,

We clap-clap our hands,

And then jump

And one more time.

And then squat down,

And then squat down,

And again - in order.

And let's clap our hands

One two Three!

And we'll shake our heads

One two Three!

Everyone dance with us

One two Three!

This is how the heroes had fun fairy tales. And we had fun.

Guys, do you want to play fairy tale? (Yes) Then come with me.

3. Main part.

The teacher and the children approach the table on which the decorations are located fairy tales« turnip» , distribute roles and act out fairy tale.


Grandfather lived in one village

Together with my grandmother for many years.

Somehow my grandfather wanted

Steamed turnips for dinner...

Grandma got angry tightly:


Eat porridge! Oh no turnips!

Want turnip - so go.

Plant it in the garden!

So, grandfather goes to the garden. Let's pave the way for him.


Grandfather planted a turnip,

He tried his best.

The turnip has grown amazingly!

So tasty and so beautiful.

Necessary already pick a turnip,

I should call grandma.

Come on, grandma, don't be lazy

And stand behind me.

Grandma will help if you complete her task.

We rub our hands, roll up our sleeves, "glasses".

There are many beds in the garden:

There are turnips and salad.

There are beets and peas here.

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us for a whole year.


They pull this way, they pull this way,

There’s no way they’ll pull it out...


I should call my granddaughter

So to us don't pick a turnip!

Has grown very big

And how heavy!


I turn you into little seeds turnips. Sit down. The warm sun warmed the seeds, and the rain poured down. The seeds grew and grew and became plants. Slowly raise your hands, the plants reach for the sun. Feel the tension. The sun was very hot and our plants withered. Relax, drop your head, arms, lower your shoulders and torso. Get down to the floor. It began to rain, the plants came to life, reaching for the sun!


They started calling their granddaughter together

And then pull again...

Here are all three that have strength

They'll pull it this way, they'll pull it like that -

But they won’t pull it out in any way.


No, we can't cope again

We need to call our bug.


The bug ran up to my granddaughter

And she began to pull on her skirt

Only turnip everything is in place,

No, they can’t pull it together!


Woof - woof - woof, what trouble?

You need to call Murka then!

Murka! Cat!

Give us a little help

Quickly, little kitty, run,

Help me pull the turnip!


Then Murka arrived in time,

And they got down to business!

They pull well, but it’s a problem.

Neither here nor there!


It wouldn't hurt to click the mouse,

I was just running here!

Mouse, mouse, don't be lazy,

Work hard with us!


I'd be happy to work hard

What is the reward?


Small piece of turnip

You will get it, my friend.

Any task can be dealt with if we act together, together.


Let's stand together, let's say "uh"

Pulled out suddenly turnip.

To your health, eat, grandfather,

Your long-awaited lunch!

Treat your grandmother and granddaughter too...

Feed the Bug a bone,

Give the cat a bowl of milk,

Give the mouse some grains

And we'll throw a whole feast

Cheerful to the whole world!

4. Final part

The teacher turns to guys:

Our the fairy tale is over. Well done!

And now, my dears, answer: What do you remember?

What didn't you like? (Children's answers).

The teacher fails result:

It's time for us to say goodbye.

I also felt joy that we completed our task together.

Educator: The lesson is over.

Children: Thank you bye!


for educators:

1. Akimenko V.V. Textbook. Benefit. 1989 “Games and exercises for development mental abilities in preschool children."

2. Vasilyeva M. A. 1987 "Education and Training Program".

3. Bure R. S. 1987 "Preparing children for school".

4. Vasilyeva N. N., Novotortseva N. V. Tutorial for teachers and parents 1996 "Educational games for preschoolers".

5. Brozauskas L. G. 2008 “Developing fingers (game book for developing fine motor skills)».

6. Teplyakova O. N. 2008 “Games for the development of speech in children”.

7. Kolesnikova E. V. 2004 “Games for correctional and developmental education of children”.

Role-playing games for children - these are games that have a proposed scenario or plot, which is determined by the players themselves. Roles are assigned to the participants.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

7 participants are selected. The roles are given out: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse. It’s great if you have headdresses and masks.
Texts (written in advance on thick paper and distributed to participants) for the characters:
The turnip says the phrase: Both-on! Grandfather: Oh, I'm tired! Grandma: I'm coming, I'm coming! Granddaughter: Come on! Bug: My life is a dog, woof-woof! Cat: I understand you, meow-meow! Mouse: Well, damn it, give it to me!
The presenter tells the fairy tale “Turnip”. The actors come out one by one from behind the scenes. As soon as the presenter mentions this or that character, he pronounces his text.
For example: the presenter begins: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather.” Grandfather says: “Oh, I’m tired!” Presenter: “He planted a turnip.” Turnip: “Both-on!” etc.
The presenter tells the entire fairy tale to the end, and the actors’ task is to react to the text of the fairy tale in a timely manner and say only one phrase - their text.

Fairy tale "Kolobok"

7 participants are selected. The principle of the game is the same as in the previous version.
Grandfather: I want to eat something!
Grandma: But there’s no flour!
Kolobok: Here I am!
Hare: How round you are!
Wolf: Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!
Bear: Move away, little fry!
Lisa: I can't hear so well!
Fairy tale text: Once upon a time there lived a grandfather (I want to eat something!) and a grandmother (but there is no flour!).
Once I was sitting on the stove, and then my grandfather said (I want to eat something!). And the grandmother answers him (but there is no flour). No, says the grandfather (I want to eat something). The grandmother went (and there was no flour) and scraped the bottom of the tree, swept the barn with a broom and scraped up a little. The grandmother kneaded the dough (but there was no flour), heated the stove and baked a bun (and here I am). The grandmother took (and there was no flour) the bun (here I am) and put it on the windowsill to cool. And the bun (and here I am) jumped out the window and rolled along the path, and beyond the outskirts. The bun is rolling (and here I am), rolling, and towards it is a hare (how round you are). The bun looked (here I am) at the hare (how round you are). And he looked at such a miracle and said the hare (how round you are) turned around and took off. And the bun (and here I am) rolled on. And towards him Gray wolf(Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you). The bun got scared (here I am) and rolled in the other direction. And towards him is a clubfooted bear (go away, small fry). But the bun is not inferior (here I am). The bear saw the round monster and got scared (go away, small fry) and ran away. Only the bun shouted after him (and here I am). And out of nowhere, she appeared from the forest sly Fox(I can't hear so well). And then our main character I realized that the fox (I can’t hear so well) couldn’t hear well and then the bun said loudly (here I am). And the sly fox (I can’t hear so well) got even closer to the kolobok (and here I am). But then, out of nowhere, a grandfather appeared (I want something) and a grandmother (but there is no flour) and were delighted with their newly-baked granddaughter (and here I am). This is the end of the tale, and well done to those who listened.

Role-playing game Birds

From 5 to 15 people can take part in the game. Before the game starts, we determine who wants to be which bird. We make nests from cardboard and scatter them on the floor, or chairs can serve as nests. There should be one less nest than there are participants. To make the game more spectacular, you can make wings for your hands. As soon as the music starts playing, the “birds” scatter throughout the “forest”. The music suddenly stops, and the birds take their place in the empty nests. Those who did not manage to take a place in the nest are eliminated from the game. You can also introduce a “marten” into the game, which will steal nests and move them from one place to another, thereby complicating the game - the emotional effect of this is enhanced.

Role-playing gameJourney

The whole class or group can take part in the game. The “driver” of the train and the route are chosen - where we are going: to Crimea, Turkey, India, etc. Children become a train - they take the person in front by the shoulders, music sounds - “lambada” and the train sets off. At each station, the train must be re-coupled (the presenter-dispatcher announces which parts of the body we grab the person in front: waist, nose, ears, knees) - we change the position of our hands and move on. On the way there is an obstacle - a tunnel (a large elastic band stretched and twisted crosswise in front of the train). Children enjoy crawling through the gum web.

A gameBubble

Children they join hands in a round dance.
At the leader's command:
Blow up the bubble
Blow up big
Stay like this
Don't burst!
They move apart, holding hands. After the presenter said: “the bubble has burst,” the children squat down and wait for the leader’s words to be repeated, then they join hands again and repeat everything. As an option: children do not throw their hands and say: Shhhhhh! - converge to the center of the circle.

Role play Paints

At the very beginning, you need to decide what colors (participants) the painter (presenter) will paint with. We choose colors and start playing: the painter stands in front of the palette (participants standing in one line). When the presenter says: “Pencil” - the participants raise one hand up, “Brush” - begin to wave their arms to the sides, “Paints” - cover their faces with their hands. At the word “palette” all the colors raise their hands up. When the “painter” names any paint, she must quickly run up to the leader and touch him with her hand. The presenter changes teams very quickly. The task is not to hesitate and to respond correctly and in a timely manner to the “painter’s” cues. Anyone who mixed up the teams or was too slow leaves the game.
For older children, you can come up with a story with words, as in the first and second games.

Story gameCinema

The game takes place between two teams. The task is given by the “director” - presenter: it is necessary to act out the plot of a famous feature film. Two teams are given time to prepare at the same time. After the “film is shot,” one team shows it to the other. She, in turn, guesses what movie they watched. Then the second “troupe” performs.

Guess the melody

The presenter, the “composer,” invites one participant, the “musician,” to join him. She whispers the name of a famous song in his ear. Or lets you listen to it on headphones. Then the “musician” must “clap” the melody of this song with his hands. Listeners must guess it.

Is the star weak?

This game is a parody of famous “star groups” and pop singers. Songs of your favorite stars are recorded. Elements of clothing, wigs and attributes of the artists you are going to parody are being prepared. You can use lollipops as microphones. The room in which the concert will take place is divided into an auditorium and a stage. The music sounds - and you are at a concert of pop stars.

Story-based role-playing gameMother hen and chicks

The whole group or class can take part in the game. The leader - the "mother hen" - leads the process. A rope is tied between two chairs at a height of 40-50 cm. On one side there are “chickens” who went out into the yard to peck some grains, on the other side - behind the fence a danger awaits them - a fox. The “mother hen,” while there is no danger, invites the chickens to nibble the grass behind the fence. At the same time, she says: “Ko-ko-ko” and all the “Chicks” rush under the rope to get out to the other side. The carefree walk is interrupted by the presenter’s signal: “Fox!” And all the “chickens” quickly run away under the rope.

Where do role-playing games begin?

It is adults who help the child understand the world, the objects and phenomena around him. Parents, grandparents, nannies and governesses teach children many skills: dressing, eating independently, washing, reading, counting and much more.

Play children's games also, especially in younger age, adults teach. First, the child learns the simplest children's games: with a rattle, with a doll, with soft animal toys. The baby learns to “communicate” with toys, showing imagination.

As children grow up, they receive and internalize more information about different professions and different types of activities. They begin to understand how a janitor sweeps the street, how a salesman counts customers in a store, how a doctor treats people. First of all, the child copies the actions of those people who surround him - his family.

When a child starts playing role-playing games, he imagines that his toys are adult objects. In addition to suitable toys, it is also necessary that the child wants to show his independence, and that excessive care does not interfere with this. Within reasonable limits, the child should express his individuality and his opinion.

If you notice that your child does not like role-playing games, or he plays them poorly, perhaps it’s time to think about whether you are suppressing his independence too much. It is this quality that allows for better development of a child’s creative inclinations. Because children's role-playing game is, first of all, an independent activity of the baby!