The process of selecting personnel for a vacant position. Principles and methods of selecting candidates for a vacant position

employee vacant position selection

The selection of candidates for a vacant position is carried out from among applicants for the vacant position of a manager or management specialist by assessing the business qualities of the candidates. In this case, special techniques are used that take into account the system of business and personal characteristics, covering the following groups of qualities Kokhanov E.F. Personnel selection and induction: Proc. allowance./ E.F. Kokhanov. - M.: GAU, 2004. - P.67.:

1) social and civic maturity;

2) attitude towards work;

3) level of knowledge and work experience;

4) organizational skills;

5) ability to work with people;

6) ability to work with documents and information;

7) the ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner;

8) the ability to see and support the cutting edge;

9) moral and ethical character traits.

The first group includes the following qualities: the ability to subordinate personal interests to public ones; the ability to listen to criticism and be self-critical; actively participate in social activities; have a high level of political literacy.

The second group covers the following qualities: a sense of personal responsibility for the assigned task; sensitive and attentive attitude towards people; hard work; personal discipline and insistence on the observance of discipline by others; the level of aesthetics of the work.

The third group includes the following qualities: having qualifications corresponding to the position held; knowledge of the objective principles of production management; knowledge of advanced leadership methods; work experience.

The fourth group includes the following qualities: the ability to organize a management system; ability to organize your work; knowledge of advanced management methods; ability to conduct business meetings; the ability to self-assess one's capabilities.

The fifth group includes the following qualities: the ability to work with subordinates; ability to work with managers of different organizations; ability to create a cohesive team; ability to select, arrange and secure shots.

The sixth group includes the following qualities: the ability to briefly and clearly formulate goals; ability to compose business letters, orders, instructions; the ability to clearly formulate instructions and issue tasks; knowledge of the capabilities of modern technology, etc.

The seventh group is represented by the following qualities: the ability to make timely decisions; ability to ensure control over the implementation of decisions; ability to quickly navigate in complex environments; ability to resolve conflict situations; self-control; self-confidence, etc.

The eighth group combines qualities; the ability to see new things; ability to recognize and support innovators, enthusiasts and innovators; the ability to recognize and neutralize skeptics, conservatives, retrogrades and adventurers; initiative; courage and determination in maintaining and implementing innovations. The ninth group includes the following qualities: honesty, integrity, decency, integrity; poise, restraint, politeness; persistence; sociability, charm; modesty, simplicity; neatness and neatness of appearance; good health.

In each specific case, those positions that are most important for a particular position and organization are selected from this list (with the help of experts), and specific qualities that an applicant for this particular position must have are added to them. When selecting the most important qualities to determine the requirements for candidates for a particular position, one should distinguish between the qualities that are necessary when applying for a job and the qualities that can be acquired fairly quickly.

After this, experts work to determine the presence of qualities in candidates for a vacant position and the degree to which each candidate possesses them (for each quality).

Goals and stages of personnel selection.

Selection is a method that allows, in any conditions, to carry out the most democratic and largely free from subjectivity competitive procedure Kokhanov E.F. Decree. essay.-S. 45..

The advantages of the selection method are a comprehensive, thorough and objective study of the individual characteristics of each candidate and the possible prediction of its effectiveness; the disadvantages are the duration and high cost of the procedures used.

The purpose of this method is to select the most suitable candidates for hiring. Education, qualifications, level of professional skills, previous work experience, personal qualities, psychological and professional suitability are taken into account.

Before the organization makes a decision to hire a candidate, he must go through the following selection stages (Fig. 1.1.):

Rice. 1.1. Stages of candidate selection

Preliminary selection conversation. The conversation can be conducted in various ways. For some activities, it is preferable for candidates to come to their future place of work, in which case it can be carried out by a line manager, in other cases it is carried out by an HR specialist.

The main purpose of the conversation is to assess the applicant’s level of education, his appearance and defining personal qualities.

Filling out the application form. Applicants who have successfully completed the preliminary interview must fill out a special application form and questionnaire.

The number of questionnaire items should be kept to a minimum, and they should ask for information most relevant to the applicant's future job performance. The information may relate to past work, mindset, situations encountered, but in such a way that on their basis it would be possible to conduct a standardized assessment of the applicant. Questionnaire questions should be neutral and allow for any possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer.

Conversation for hire (interview). There are several main types of conversation for hiring Dugin O. Assessment Center Method. The place of personnel assessment in personnel work / O. Dugina // Personnel Bulletin, 2004. - No. 2 (14).-P. 24.:

1) according to the scheme - the conversation is somewhat limited in nature, the information received does not give a broad idea about the applicant, the course of the conversation cannot be adapted to the characteristics of the candidate, it constrains him, narrows the possibilities of obtaining information;

poorly formalized - only the main questions are prepared in advance, the conductor has the opportunity to include other, unplanned questions, flexibly changing the course of the conversation. The interviewer must be better prepared to be able to see and record the reactions of candidates, to select from a range of possible questions exactly those questions that currently deserve more attention;

not according to a plan - only a list of topics that should be covered is prepared in advance. For an experienced interviewer, such a conversation is a huge source of information.

Testing. A source of information that can provide information about the candidate’s professional abilities and skills, describe both potential attitudes, orientations of a person, and those specific methods of activity that he already actually masters. Testing can make it possible to form an opinion about the candidate’s ability for professional and job growth, the specifics of motivation, and the characteristics of an individual style of activity.

Check references and track record. Information from letters of recommendation or conversations with people whom the candidate named as recommenders can make it possible to clarify what exactly and with what success the candidate did in previous places of work, study, or residence.

Methods for assessing personnel when hiring. Personnel assessment centers. They use complex technology built on the principles of criteria-based assessment. The use of a large number of different methods and mandatory assessment of the same criteria in different situations and in different ways significantly increases the predictiveness and accuracy of the assessment. They are especially effective in assessing candidates for a new position (promotion) and in assessing management personnel.

Aptitude tests. Their goal is to assess a person’s psychophysiological qualities and abilities to perform certain activities. In most cases, tests are used that are in some way similar to the job the candidate will be performing.

General ability tests - assessment of the general level of development and individual characteristics of thinking, attention, memory and other higher mental functions. Particularly informative when assessing the level of learning ability.

Biographical tests and biographical studies. Main aspects of the analysis: family relationships, nature of education, physical development, main needs and interests, characteristics of intelligence, sociability.

Personal file data is also used - a kind of dossier in which personal data and information obtained on the basis of annual assessments are entered. Based on the personal file data, the progress of the employee’s development is traced, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about his prospects.

Personality tests. Psychodiagnostic tests to assess the level of development of individual personal qualities or whether a person belongs to a certain type. Rather, they assess a person’s predisposition to a certain type of behavior and potential capabilities.

An interview is a conversation aimed at collecting information about experience, level of knowledge and assessing the professionally important qualities of the applicant. A job interview can provide in-depth information about a candidate, which, when compared with other assessment methods, can provide accurate and predictive information.

Recommendations. It is important to pay attention to where the recommendations are coming from and how they are presented. To receive a recommendation, information is required from the immediate supervisor of the person to whom the recommendation is being submitted. Recommendations are documented with all the details of the organization and contact details for feedback. When receiving a recommendation from a private person, you must pay attention to the status of this person. If a recommendation to a professional is made by a person who is very well known in specialist circles, then this recommendation will be more justified.

Unconventional methods. In some cases, a polygraph (lie detector), a psychological stress indicator, tests for honesty or attitude towards something established by the company are used. Gainullova T. Using a polygraph (lie detector) when working with personnel / T. Gainullova // Personnel Management, 2001. -No. 3.-P.6.. Sometimes alcohol and drug tests are used for candidates. Typically, these tests are based on urine and blood tests as part of a routine pre-employment physical examination. Some specialists use various types of psychoanalysis in order to identify the skills of candidates for possible work in their organizations Berezin F.B. Methodology for multilateral personality research. / F.B. Berezin, M.P. Miroshnikov, E.D. Sokolova. - M.: Folium, 2004. - P. 79..

It has been established that the most effective methods for assessing candidates are personnel assessment centers, professional aptitude tests, general ability tests, followed by biographical and personality tests. The least effective are interviews, recommendations, and astrology.

The capabilities and disadvantages of the most common personnel assessment methods are presented in Table 2. Appendix 1.

A preliminary assessment of the selection results and the costs incurred for it allows you to correctly select the assessment method that the enterprise should use.

The organization of recruitment must: meet its goals, not infringe upon the interests of the individual, ensure strict compliance with labor legislation, take into account, on the one hand, the timing of selection associated with its implementation, costs, and on the other hand, the responsibility of the position for which the employee is being selected. In small companies, the recruitment of new employees is carried out directly by the manager himself, in medium-sized ones - by the personnel department, and in a large enterprise - by the personnel service, which, as a rule, includes a specialized structural unit. Within an enterprise, personnel selection can be carried out by the head of a structural unit. Such work will be more effectively carried out by specialists from human resources departments at the request of the heads of the structural unit.

If the enterprise does not have experienced specialists in professional personnel selection, consultants from specialized firms can be involved in this work.

Recruitment must be carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

knowledge of the customer’s needs, the specifics of the company’s activities, its structure, development strategy, organizational culture;

knowledge of the nature of the vacant position, its role, the scope of responsibility of the employee occupying it and other requirements for him;

availability of necessary information regarding vacant jobs. Such information should characterize the content of work (functions and work performed), requirements for the employee’s competence (knowledge, experience), necessary abilities and individual characteristics (physical, intellectual, etc.), contraindications; 4) strong interaction of functional structural divisions Magura M.I. Modern personnel technologies./ M.I. Magura, M.B. Kurbatova.-- M.: JSC "Business School" Intel-Sintez", 2001. - P. 189..

The organization of hiring should begin with a description of the work and its specification in relation to the workplace. The purpose of this procedure is to clarify the specific list of work, determine the feasibility of hiring a new employee, because there may be the potential to reallocate these jobs to other workers. When forming a set of jobs, tariff and qualification reference books are used, which contain standard decisions regarding the set of functions (jobs) in relation to the position of employees and the category for workers Spivak V. A. Organizational behavior and personnel management: A textbook. / V. A. Spivak .-- St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - P. 261.. Of great importance is the determination of the volume of work that determines the form of employment (full-time or part-time), the possible expansion of functions (job responsibilities), if the volume of work does not ensure the full workload of the employee for assigned functions throughout the working day.

Well-prepared job descriptions make it possible not only to ensure the selection of personnel for a given position, but also to plan their training, evaluate work efficiency, the employee’s suitability for the position held, make decisions on promotion, and resolve labor conflicts in the organization. In addition to the list of works that constitute job responsibilities, requirements are also formulated for the performer of these works - for the personality of the employee himself. Here it is important to focus, if possible, on objective criteria, because Each manager has his own idea of ​​an effective employee.

Hiring an employee can be represented as a set of procedures arranged in a certain sequence. The most important component of recruitment is professional selection, which is structured as follows: first, several applicants are searched, from which, as a result, several people are selected, who are presented to the management of the enterprise for the final decision. Selection is multi-stage, including a preliminary interview, assessment of personal data, interviews, testing, health assessment, probationary period, and the final hiring decision.

Among the reasons forcing the unemployed to refuse the offered vacancies, the main one is low wages with a newly increased likelihood of delays and the instability of enterprises.

The most common reasons for employers refusing to hire the unemployed are: for men - their focus on higher earnings than the employer offers (21.0%) and advanced age (20.0%); for women - labor discrimination (gender, age, presence of a child, age, health status) - 6 refusals out of every 10; among young people - lack of profession, work experience, professional skills (8 refusals out of every ten) and young age (17.7%) Starobinsky E. E. Some touches to personnel policy / E. E. Starobinsky // Personnel Management. -- 2004. -- No. 7.-S. 12..

Regarding the requirements of employers for a future employee of their company, the following qualities were identified (in order of importance):

· level of professionalism;

· social maturity;

· work experience;

· desire to improve qualifications;

· high level of culture;

· knowledge of modern computer programs;

· additional qualifications;

· theoretical training.

After recruitment activities, the next step is personnel selection.

Personnel selection is a crucial period in personnel management activities. There are a number of sequential steps in personnel selection;

1. Preparation of personal and biographical data.

3. Interview.

4. Diagnosis of professional suitability, including business and personal qualities.

5. Medical control.

6. Analysis of test results and rendering a conclusion on professional suitability.

7. Making a hiring decision.

During the selection process, some candidates are eliminated due to not meeting certain requirements, or they themselves refuse the procedure, making other decisions. Using the entire sequence ensures a minimum of errors in personnel selection. The higher the candidate's expected job level, the greater the need to use all selection steps.

Let's consider the content of the highlighted steps of personnel selection

1. Preparation of personal and autobiographical data

Applicants who have passed the preliminary selection (and, preferably, submitted a resume) draw up a personal personnel record sheet, an autobiography, and fill out a questionnaire in the prescribed manner. The number of questions in the questionnaire should be optimal, and they should elicit information most relevant to the performance and quality of the applicant's future work. It is advisable to formulate the questionnaire questions in an open form, suggesting a detailed answer, or the questionnaire should offer possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer the question. It is advisable that the questionnaire be adapted for each workplace and position.

The track record of each applicant is carefully studied and analyzed and questions for the interview are prepared. This work is carried out both by the human resources department, a personnel management specialist, and by the manager, management of the department, production, or site where the applicants are planned to work. In this case, a situation may arise, especially for high-ranking positions, when feedback about the applicant from a previous place of work is required. In general, regardless of the position, it is advisable to have a reference from the candidate’s previous place of work. Feedback as agreed may be requested and received either orally or in writing.

3. Interview

Work at this stage can be organized in various ways. For some types of activities, it is preferable that candidates come to the HR department, for others - to the line manager, the head of the future work. A specialist from the HR department or a line manager conducts a preliminary selection conversation with them, after which candidates who successfully pass the interview can proceed to the next stage of selection. Based on the results of the interview, persons who meet certain qualification requirements are selected.

There are several approaches to organizing an interview. This could be an interview:

a) according to a pre-prepared scheme;

b) poorly formalized;

c) performed without special training

The purpose of any type of conversation is the same - to collect the necessary information about the personal and business qualities of the candidate, to check documentary information in direct contact. The exchange of information usually takes place in the form of questions and answers. The main differences between conversation types are:

The approach of the company representative conducting the conversation; - the type of information that the company representative wants to receive; - the essence of a specific situation.

4. Diagnosis of professional suitability, including business and personal qualities

Diagnostics (examination) of professional suitability is carried out during the selection of personnel during the hiring process, and can also be carried out periodically for working employees during their certification and selection into the reserve for promotion by two methods. The first method is limited to determining the candidate’s professional abilities; the second method establishes the compliance of the employee’s business, personal and professional qualities with the requirements of the proposed position or workplace.

Professional suitability is the compliance of an employee’s professional qualities with the requirements of a specific workplace and job responsibilities. Reasonable professional selection should be preceded by:

Vocational studies;

Determining a list of professionally important qualities necessary to perform the relevant professional activity and subject to measurement and evaluation (psychogram);

Development of methods and organizational procedures for determining the professional suitability of applicants during selection during the hiring process;

Organization of a special office and training of specialists for professional selection.

Vocational research consists of studying and analyzing the conditions, content and dangers of a certain type of work or a certain profession. A professionogram, as the final result of a professionographic study, contains a list of professionally important qualities and requirements that an employee must have to successfully (productively and safely) perform a given type of work (a given profession or position) and the degree of their expression. For each type of requirement and quality, specialists and psychologists develop special tests aimed at assessing the level of their development, as well as the abilities and mindset necessary for the employee to effectively complete tasks on site.

In occupational psychology, personal properties are grouped on different grounds, isolated and assessed according to the criterion of importance

(necessity) for a certain professional activity. For each type of activity, a list of professional qualities that are classified as important (mandatory) is justified.

py professional qualities that correlate with the success of the action


a) Professional knowledge:

General professional knowledge;

Knowledge, skills, and abilities to safely perform operations (works, functions) included in job responsibilities;

Knowledge and skills to diagnose, prevent

reduce and eliminate dangerous, complex, extreme


B) Business qualities (character traits);

Discipline, responsibility

Honesty, integrity;



Determination, perseverance;

Independence, determination.

c) Individual psychological and personal qualities:

Motivation (human motivation system);

Intelligence level;

Emotional and neuropsychic stability;

Attention (volume, stability, distribution, switching);

Memory (long-term, operational);

Thinking (features of mental activity);

Learning ability

Flexibility in communication, style of interpersonal behavior;

Tendency to abuse alcohol (drugs)

The above list of professionally important qualities is indicative. When conducting professional studies on specific types of activities and specific jobs, appropriate adjustments are made to the list or, if necessary, a new list of qualities is specially formed.

To assess professionally important qualities, the following methods are recommended: examination, expert assessments, psychological testing, instrumental measurements.

An exam is a method based on testing the level of professional knowledge, skills, and abilities through an oral or written test using test questions (test tasks) drawn up in a standard form. The examination methodology includes a description of the procedures for conducting it and evaluating the results.

Expert assessments are a method based on a generalization of the characteristics of the qualities of the subject, obtained by interviewing a certain circle of people who know the person being assessed well: immediate supervisor, colleagues, subordinates, etc. It includes a survey (interview, filling out questionnaires), processing and evaluation of the survey results.

Psychological testing is a method of psychological diagnostics that uses standardized questions and tasks (tests) that have a certain scale of values. It includes a set of standardized tests, adapted questionnaires, a testing procedure and evaluation of results.

Instrumental measurements are a method based on direct measurement of qualities (for example, reaction speed) or physiological parameters using hardware, description of measurements and interpretation of data,

Assessment of professional knowledge (skills) is carried out in the form of an exam using special test questions and test tasks. It can be carried out either orally or in writing, or in an automated version, depending on what test materials the enterprise has.

Business qualities of candidates (discipline, responsibility, initiative, perseverance, independence, etc.) are assessed by experts (on a five-point scale) using special questionnaires. The experts are persons who know the candidate well from working together, preferably three experts at each of the three levels: senior managers, colleagues, subordinates. Business qualities can only be assessed in candidates working at a given enterprise.

Individual psychological, personal and psychophysiological qualities of candidates are assessed by the method of psychological testing using, if necessary, instrumental measurements,

Psychological testing can be carried out both in a form and in an automated version. The battery of tests for psychological examination is determined based on the requirements for the level of development of professionally important psychological qualities required by the specific workplace (position) for which the candidate is accepted. It is advisable that the list of psychological tests required for examination be determined by a psychologist.

The main advantages of automated testing (compared to blank testing) are the unification and standardization of the examination procedure, fully automated assessment and interpretation of results, which is especially important in cases where testing is carried out by a personnel service employee who does not have a psychological education.

Based on the results of psychological testing, a conclusion is made, which is briefly recorded in writing. In cases where testing is carried out by a psychologist, it is recommended that the conclusion be made more detailed, reflecting the main individual psychological characteristics of the person being tested, his strengths and weaknesses, possible difficulties of the adaptation period, etc.

Based on the results of the analysis of the scores received by candidates for the entire list of professionally important qualities, a conclusion is made on professional suitability, which is advisory in nature. The issues of professionography and psychological suitability for the profession are discussed in more detail in the second chapter of this textbook. Candidates who receive a positive conclusion are admitted to the medical control stage.

5. Medical control

Many industries require special medical monitoring of their workers. Therefore, all applicants for employment undergo medical control according to the parameters established for workers of certain professions and positions. In addition, medical control during the selection process of candidates is carried out to eliminate possible misunderstandings, for example, cases of employees filing complaints regarding compensation for loss of health at work, as well as to prevent the admission of carriers of infectious diseases. Medical and psychological control is carried out on the basis of approved methods using special devices and equipment.

6. Analysis of test results and conclusion

about professional suitability

At this stage, a special commission for professional selection, which is created at the enterprise from personnel service workers, experienced production workers and psychologists, carefully analyzes the results of previous assessments and prepares conclusions on the professional suitability of candidates for all qualities, including personal ones.

7. Making a hiring decision

At this stage of selection, HR specialists, together with managers, management of the unit and department where the employee is to be accepted, analyze and compare the results of the professional selection of all applicants for this position who have passed the required selection stages. Based on the analysis, the most suitable candidate for the vacant position (workplace) is selected, the final decision is made to hire him and all the necessary documents (contract, order, etc.) are drawn up.

The procedures for the professional selection of candidates hired from outside for the first time and candidates working at a given enterprise have significant differences due to the fact that the business qualities of newly hired employees cannot be assessed, determined by the method of expert assessments.

Related information.

Personnel selection- this is a procedure for selecting the most suitable persons from the entire population of candidates for vacant positions. In fact, this is an assessment procedure. This assessment is based on a number of principles that determine both the specificity of the various methods used in this process and the general ideology of selection.

The organization may select candidates for the position or, as they say, "to the company." Selection for a position involves, first of all, strict testing procedures for precisely those knowledge and skills of a person that he will need to successfully perform clearly defined job responsibilities. This is the most rational selection principle, however, it does not take into account the possibility of further growth of the employee, in which other skills and abilities will be in demand. The application of this principle alone leads to an increase in staff turnover and the inability to fully implement the mechanisms of career planning and management. The selection of candidates not for a specific position, but for an organization involves, first of all, an assessment of a person’s potential and his motivational characteristics. Being the basis for personnel selection in Japanese management, this principle makes it possible to create a stable structure of personnel, ensure their interest in the global goals of the organization, and freely manage the career growth of specific employees.

Another group of principles is related to the role of the immediate supervisor of future employees in the selection process. Traditionally, it was the head of the relevant department who had the decisive vote in the candidate selection process. This situation emphasized trust in managers - their opinions and intuition. At the same time, in a number of cases, the manager is inclined to select his subordinates, as they say, “for himself.” The main goal of such selection is not to create competitors in the organization, to avoid situations in which personal incompetence may appear. Therefore, in modern organizations, in the process of selecting candidates, the opinion of personnel managers is increasingly taken into account, and the immediate manager no longer has the power to select subordinates for himself that he had several decades ago.

Candidates for vacant positions can be assessed using various methods. Actually, the function of personnel selection in personnel management practice comes down to the development and use of these methods. These basic methods are: evaluation of written sources, testing and interviews.The basis for choosing a method and assessing its significance in the personnel selection process are: expenses; reliability; specificity of the profession.

Many methods of personnel selection are associated with the implementation of very expensive activities and the distraction of managers from their direct work. Therefore, the costs of selection procedures become an important factor. The reliability criterion shows how suitable the application of a particular method is to the selection of candidates for a certain position. The use of this criterion is primarily due to the fact that the HR manager evaluates his experience and tracks how successful and promising employees were selected using a certain test, type of interview, business game, etc. (how many people quit, what their performance indicators are, relationships with the team).

Such work must be carried out, since only with its help can the efficiency of personnel selection be significantly increased, because general logic and common sense cannot always serve as the basis for the right choice. In some cases, tests, for example, can show everything that an employee needs to know (typing, computer knowledge, ability to drive a car, etc.); in other situations, more complex procedures are needed. The general trend here is: the lower the required qualifications, the easier it is to standardize the selection procedure.

The first simplest method of personnel selection is evaluation of written sources - application forms, biographical data, reviews and recommendations. Evaluating written sources of information has the main advantage that it does not require a large investment of time and money. At the same time, it represents a relatively objective method: the selector evaluates and verifies real facts, and not his impressions. The main disadvantage of this method is the limited information obtained with its help. From such documents you can only learn reliable information about a person’s experience and education. Sometimes, however, filling out documents is to some extent also a test of literacy, accuracy, patience, etc. The most important thing is that personal data largely describes a person’s past, for example, the education that he once received. They say very little about the real capabilities of the future employee, his ability for professional development.

The information contained in the application is, as a rule, completely insufficient. However, it can also turn out to be extremely useful in some cases. Let’s say in a case where the candidate’s place of residence is of paramount importance due to the need for after-hours work, when a person will need to quickly be at the workplace at any time.

As for biographical information, it can be much more meaningful. They give a certain picture of the experience that the candidate has. In addition, they can be checked by asking how the person has proven himself in his previous job. However, the data obtained as a result of such inquiries must be treated with some caution, and the possible subjectivity of the assessments of the candidate’s former colleagues and managers should be taken into account. Currently, biographical information about a candidate is presented in the form of a resume. A resume is the first selection tool. A resume not only allows for the initial selection of candidates, but is also used as a starting point in the process of implementing subsequent stages of candidate selection.

A traditional resume consists of the following points:

1. Name, address, telephone number(with city code).

2. Required position(not required, but recommended).

3. experience(in reverse chronological order - most recently held position is described first) This is the first of two main blocks of a resume. It is here that the candidate must remember all the important achievements that he had previously, based on the specifics of the position being sought. In fact, most people have such achievements and advantages, and the art of writing a resume is to remember, organize and describe them correctly.

4. Education(traditionally also described in reverse chronological order). For graduates, this item may come before work experience. In this case, the candidate also needs to remember all the educational programs in which he took part, as well as highlight those disciplines and research conducted that correspond to the position sought.

5. Additional Information: knowledge of foreign languages, a computer (including programs), a driver’s license, membership in professional associations, etc.

6. Indication of the possibility of providing recommendations.(not required, but recommended)

The second method of personnel selection is testing . The candidate is tested in such a way as to determine the extent to which he possesses the qualities necessary for the job. A variety of tests are used: professional, psychological, intellectual capabilities, physical development. Professional tests are directly related to the performance of specific tasks necessary for the effective performance of the upcoming work (typewriting, shorthand, computer skills, knowledge of the intricacies of accounting, etc.). In some cases, such tests are simply necessary. However, if a person is well motivated, he can often learn the necessary skills on the job. By rejecting a candidate who has less certain skills, the organization may lose a good employee in the future and hire a person who is formally more suitable, but does not want to improve himself.

As for psychological tests, their use should be the most careful. Many psychological tests are generally not acceptable for selecting candidates - their results are so ambiguous that they can only distort all information about a person. The most suitable tests are for memory, attention, speed and adequacy of reaction. First of all, with the help of such tests it is necessary to check people already working in the relevant places. Only if the correlation between performance indicators and test results becomes obvious, the test can be used in personnel selection practice. Although here the question remains: haven’t the observed psychological qualities been developed in a person already in the process of work? Therefore, even after the selection process, it is necessary to monitor how well the employee who showed high marks during the test copes with real work. If he is not very successful at his job, the test must be withdrawn. The fundamental inaccuracy of psychological tests makes them especially vulnerable, because even such sophisticated techniques as the use of a lie detector do not guarantee against errors.

Intelligence tests are quite common in the West. At the same time, there are also serious opponents of their use. As practice shows, human intellectual development cannot be assessed outside the cultural, national and social context. Only taking this into account can it be possible to compare candidates of different nationalities, people belonging to different subcultures, and people from different segments of the population. In its pure form, the best intellectual test would be a mathematics exam, because this science is devoid of any cultural associations. Therefore, in universities of all countries, the written exam in mathematics occupies a special place. But such an exam is most often not entirely appropriate for selecting candidates for vacant positions. A person’s intellectual capabilities are fully revealed, again, only in the process of work, and attempts to predict these capabilities may not be so effective.

The personnel departments of many Western companies do not even bother to train specialists in the field of testing. They resort to the services of special intermediaries or create so-called assessment centers. Here, specialists conduct various tests of both the personnel reserve and candidates for a position in the company. First of all, such centers are used when selecting managers. Testing lasts more than one day with the involvement of employees of the organization and interested structural units, as well as experienced instructors who are able to competently conduct tests and evaluate their results. Group tests or business games are often used here. The competence and suitability of candidates is assessed based on how they performed in a simulation environment. In-depth testing should precede the inclusion of an employee in the reserve for filling management positions and the attraction of candidates for management positions from other organizations.

The third method of selecting candidates is interview with employees of the organization. Interviews can be structured or unstructured. The choice of type depends, first of all, on the specifics of the vacant position and the number of candidates. A structured interview with a clear plan and a list of questions developed in advance is advisable to use where there is a large number of candidates (and the manager must evaluate them according to at least relatively the same criteria) and when the required qualifications are not too high. In the case where a major specialist or manager is hired for a vacant position in the management of an organization, the interview will somehow turn out to be less structured. To effectively conduct an interview, a representative of an organization needs to follow the candidate’s logic, basing his questions on the information that the latter has presented (especially with regard to previous experience) and not impose his own logic on him.

In the practice of personnel management, interviews as a selection method are used very often, one might say, always. This is explained by the fact that only this method of personnel selection allows you to get a comprehensive picture of a person and evaluate both his professional and personal qualities. Communication occurs not only at the verbal, but also at the non-verbal level, and, as we know, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, and facial expressions can often say more than words. In addition, during the interview, the candidate has the right to ask his own questions regarding future work, to express what, in his opinion, is unfairly overlooked by the interviewer. Such communication is very useful both from the point of view of adapting the candidate to the conditions of future work, and from the point of view of forming the most complete impression of the person.

HR experience shows that one interview, as a rule, is not enough. At a minimum, the candidate goes through two interviews: one with the HR manager, the other with his future immediate supervisor. Most often there are more of them. Modern Western companies also use interviews conducted by the candidate's secretary or future colleague. This is done in an attempt to determine what the candidate's relationships will be with people outside of management positions.

Despite the widespread use of interviews as a method of personnel selection, it has serious drawbacks. The main one is subjectivity. At the same time, we must immediately make a reservation that subjective assessment is not always bad. The intuition of a manager who has worked with people for a long time can mean much more than formalized, objectified assessments made according to strictly justified criteria. In particular, this concerns the candidate’s future career. At the same time, some subjective biases and characteristics of the human psyche can indeed distort the information received and lead to erroneous selection.

The main points include:

1) assessment based on first impression without taking into account what was said in the main part of the interview;

2) chain comparison, when the candidate is assessed relative to the impression made on the interviewer by the person with whom the interview was conducted immediately before;

3) search for similarities with oneself in the candidate.

In addition, the interview is to some extent reminiscent of an exam, during which the candidate may become confused or stumble, thereby thoroughly spoiling his impression of himself. The interviewer's awareness of these unpleasant moments and focusing attention on them will in themselves help to increase the objectivity of the assessment. In addition, where possible, using a more structured interview also reduces the risk of subjective assessment.

The rule states that during an interview, it is important for a manager to evaluate those qualities of the candidate that are directly related to the job offered to him. At the same time, as mentioned above, the advantages of interviews lie in the possibility of a comprehensive assessment. Personal contact with future employees, mutual communication, the opportunity to evaluate a person’s personal qualities, to form the most general impression about him - all this makes interviews an almost indispensable stage of personnel selection for vacant positions at any level. Each personnel selection method has its own advantages and disadvantages. That is why in the practice of personnel management of a particular organization, they should be used in combination, forming a single cycle for selecting candidates for vacant positions.

Reading time: 3 min

Evaluation of employees is the establishment of their parameters for the requirements of the position. Hiring must be preceded by the prospective employee. Pre-formulated criteria for evaluating personnel when hiring will simplify the process and contribute to making a more correct decision.

Main requirements

The requirements that are important to the employer may be different. As a rule, among them:

There is no doubt that different employers may put different qualities in the first place, including specific ones that are not mandatory for everyone. It all depends on the content of the work.

The most important thing is an interest in working and earning money. Without this there can be no successful work. All personnel assessment methods must be based on certain principles and criteria:

  • objectivity,
  • reliability
  • reliability,
  • predictability,
  • complexity,
  • clarity of presentation,
  • opportunity for further development of the team.

Character qualities for a successful job search

There are certain personal qualities when applying for a job that help you get it faster. They are not related to professionalism and experience; they depend only on the personality of the applicant.

  • Activity. In this case, it means the ability not to succumb to panic or simply despondency and to mobilize by setting new goals for yourself.
  • Patience is the ability to not give up at the first setbacks.
  • Flexibility – for a successful result, it is worth taking fewer irreconcilable positions.
  • Self confidence. This quality presupposes the ability to present oneself and charm.
  • Communication skills. The more diverse connections and acquaintances a person has, the better it is for finding a job, because not everyone is looking for workers through recruitment agencies.

The list for each specific situation may be wider and also include such properties as the ability to work in a team, organizational skills, initiative, sense of humor, etc. Positive, enabling qualities become a strong competitive advantage.

If the conformity of the personal qualities declared during the hiring process with reality remains on the conscience of the applicant himself, then the professional qualities for employment may be subject to verification in accordance with the law. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a trial period of three months, during which the employer checks the employee, and in case of unsatisfactory professional qualities, he can be dismissed as having not passed the probationary period.

What is personnel assessment using the “360 degree” method: Video

Hiring stages

These principles must be taken into account at each of the following stages of pre-screening:

  1. Screening interview.
  2. Filling out a job application.
  3. Interview or conversation according to the established form.
  4. Professional test.
  5. Establishing the reliability of recommendations.
  6. Medical preventive examination.
  7. Announcement of the final decision.

Only after successfully completing all these stages, observing the criteria for evaluating and hiring employees, can you replenish the staff with reliable and professional employees who are ideally suited for this particular job.

Methods for assessing candidates

Candidates hired are assessed by considering their business qualities using different methods:

We must strive to ensure that it is not subjective. A lot depends on the mental and physical state of the examiner and the subject. Therefore, the final analysis should be done only by carrying out several assessment methods, based on the results of the entire complex of methods used.

Quite often, an HR manager cannot assess the level of training of a specialist. To save time and make the right decision, the interview is conducted with your immediate superior or specialist. An informative assessment of the work performed by the applicant can be obtained by using specialized tests and analytical tasks.


State educational institution of higher professional education



Department of Social Management


in the discipline "Modern methods of recruitment and selection of personnel"

On the topic “Principles and methods of selecting candidates for vacant positions”


Student gr. UPRz-06

Gulak L.S.


Bakieva O.L.

Tyumen 2010

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………...3 pages.

1. Stages of selecting candidates for a vacant position……………….…..4 p.

1.1.Assessment of staffing needs.………………………….……………4 pages.

1.2.Development of a set of requirements for a candidate for the position…….…5 pages.

1.3. Announcing a competition to fill a position, searching for candidates....5 p.

1.4. Selection of candidates…………………………….………………………....6 p.

1.5. Hiring ………………………………….………………..…...10 pages.

1.6. Adaptation of a new employee ………………….………………………..11 p.

Conclusion…………………………………………………………….12 p.

List of references………………………………………………………13 pages.


Professional selection and hiring are
necessary components of personnel management. Reception at
work involves a number of actions taken
organization to attract candidates for vacant jobs
places. When selecting and hiring employees, the main task is
staffing with applicants, business, moral
psychological and other qualities which could contribute
achieving the organization's goals.

Personnel selection is a single complex and must be supported by scientific and methodological, organizational, personnel, material, technical and software support. Scientific and methodological support justifies the general selection methodology, scientific principles, methods and criteria, as well as the mathematical apparatus used. Organizational support is a set of scientifically based measures carried out simultaneously or sequentially at different stages of work in order to reduce time and improve the quality of selection. Staffing consists of attracting all the necessary specialists at various stages of selection: senior managers and relevant departments, psychologists, lawyers, economists. Logistics support includes the necessary financing of ongoing activities and provision of the required office equipment. The software is used to automate some recruitment procedures.

Recruiting new employees for vacant positions is a task with minimal room for error, forcing all participants in this process to be extremely careful.

On the part of the company, it is important not only to put a barrier in the way of unprofessional, unscrupulous, lazy, uninitiated applicants, but also not to overlook promising personnel who may subsequently form the organization’s “golden fund”. It is not random luck, not someone’s protectionism, but a careful selection and comprehensive assessment of candidates that guarantee a successful solution to one of the most important problems of personnel management - replenishing the staff with worthy employees and forming the company’s personnel policy as a whole.

    Stages of selecting candidates for a vacant position.

The procedure for selecting new employees includes a number of relatively independent blocks arranged in a strict sequence, each of which has its own goal, objectives, action plan, methods and tools, and a specific performer. Reception is carried out through the interaction of the human resources department, security service, safety department, fire safety department, doctor, heads of company departments interested in filling a specific vacancy. Each person is responsible for a certain stage of the admission procedure within his competence. Overall control and responsibility for compliance with the established procedures for searching, selecting and hiring a new employee rests with the HR manager.

The main blocks (stages) of the procedure for selecting an employee for a vacant position are:

    assessing staffing needs;

    development of a set of requirements for a candidate for a position;

    announcing a competition to fill a position, searching for candidates;

    selection of candidates;


    adaptation of a new employee.

A necessary condition for continuing the selection process is the complete completion of the previous stage, subject to satisfactory results, while the company management or the candidate himself may refuse further actions at any stage (before issuing an order for admission).

      Assessment of staffing needs.

The purpose of this stage is to summarize data on existing vacancies. The main executors are the heads of departments, who provide the HR department with information about vacancies that exist in the departments subordinate to them (vacancies can be either planned at the beginning of the year or “last minute”). HR staff check the availability of the specified vacancies with the company’s staffing table.

When starting to resolve the issue of assessing the need for personnel, having clearly defined financial, often and time resources, it is necessary first of all to determine the optimal number of labor functions, taking into account their relationship, through which the goals of the enterprise are realized. The human factor at the initial stage recedes into the background. Analysis of the qualitative side of personnel is possible only after determining the functional characteristics of each department, specific positions, and calculating the required number of personnel.

      Development of a set of requirements for a candidate for a position.

This complex includes a full set of professional, psychological and medical requirements for future employees. Heads of departments in which there are vacancies fill out an application form to fill a specific vacancy, where they indicate the basic minimum requirements for the applicant for the position (gender, age, education, work experience, qualifications, additional knowledge and skills), as well as the main responsibilities, provided for in the job description. The company doctor (if necessary) indicates restrictions on filling this position for medical reasons.

The personnel service, based on an analysis of the job description and the nature of the work in this position, determines a list of desirable individual psychological, personal and business qualities of the applicant, checks and completes the application for the vacant position.

      Announcement of competition for filling a position, search


The HR manager determines the range of sources to search for candidates for the position and takes measures to ensure that the previously formulated requirements for applicants are available to all potential candidates.

Both internal and external sources are used.

Among the Internal sources they use:

    personnel reserve;

    inviting company employees to take part in the competition.

These paths are used, first of all, when searching for a candidate for the position of manager, high-level specialist, and provide an opportunity to promote capable employees up the career ladder and interest all company employees in such a prospect. The advantage is that the professional and personal qualities of the candidate in this case are well known, this allows one to correctly judge his suitability for the intended position. The disadvantage of this source is that conflict may arise in the organization, between employees, for example, due to simple envy.

Among the external methods of attracting candidates, the most commonly used are:

    recruitment announcement through the media - newspapers, radio and television;

    concluding agreements on the selection of candidates for vacant positions with recruitment agencies, including public employment services, private personnel bureaus and recruiting firms;

    participation in fairs and presentations of vacant positions;

    using a database of your own card index of candidates who applied for work earlier.

    searching for employees via the Internet

The advantage of external sources is that there is a larger number of candidates to choose from and there is less threat of conflicts within the company. The disadvantage is manifested in a long period of adaptation for the employee, a deterioration in the moral climate among long-term employees; The new employee's work acumen is unknown.

The search stage is considered completed when the resumes of applicants are received and the range of candidates among whom the selection will be made is outlined.

1.4. Selection of candidates

The selection procedure is the most labor-intensive and responsible stage, divided into several stages, each of which allows us to weed out some of the applicants due to non-compliance with certain requirements. Going through all stages ensures a minimum of errors, and therefore is a prerequisite when selecting candidates for key positions.

Stage 1: review of submitted resumes

The review procedure is carried out by the personnel service in the following sequence:

    receiving resumes (by fax, by e-mail, by mail, in person) and their registration;

    analysis of the form and content of the resume, first of all, attention is paid to the completeness of the information presented, the peculiarity of its design, clarity of presentation, stylistic structure, the applicant’s track record is carefully analyzed. It is taken into account: how often the candidate changed jobs, whether he has experience in management work (and what level), how professional and career growth took place (speed of promotion, demotion), additional knowledge and skills relevant to the performance of job responsibilities;

    sending a resume for consideration to the head of the unit on whose staff the declared vacancy is located, assessing the educational and professional level of the applicant, his compliance with the requirements of this position;

    developing a consensus opinion between the personnel service and the head of the unit to whom the resume was sent on the prospects for further work with the candidate;

    informing dropped candidates about the refusal and preparing for telephone interviews with applicants who have successfully passed the first stage.

Stage 2: telephone interview with the candidate

The HR service, together with the head of the customer department, develops a plan for a telephone conversation containing questions to determine professional competence (80% of the total) and personality traits of the candidate (speech culture, behavioral patterns, interest in getting a job). The interview is conducted by a staff member.

A candidate who provides satisfactory answers to 70–80% of the questions asked is considered to have passed this stage successfully: he is invited for an interview. Otherwise, the candidate will be notified of the refusal.

In the case of searching for candidates through recruitment agencies, Stage 2 may take the form of a questionnaire to determine the level of professional competence and psychological readiness of the candidate to work in the declared position. The questionnaire is attached to the application sent to the agency. The number of questionnaire items is minimal, and they should help to find out what will most influence the productivity and quality of the candidate's future work. The questionnaire items are formulated in a neutral style and suggest any possible answers, including refusal to answer. The questionnaire is attached to the resume and is considered simultaneously with it at Stage 1. In this case, the need for a telephone interview may not arise.