Pie recipe made from homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. Cottage cheese and sour cream pie: recipe with description and photo, cooking features

Curd pastries are loved by both children and adults. It helps to instill the love of capricious gourmets for this healthy dairy product. Cottage cheese pie is prepared quickly, simply and does not require the use of any rare expensive ingredients.

This recipe can be endlessly improved with the help of various berries and nuts. But in the classic version it includes: a pack of creamy margarine, 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, 2.5 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 2 small spoons of unflavored oil, 480 g of medium-fat cottage cheese, a small spoon of soda, 4 raw eggs, 3 tbsp. flour.

  1. Sift flour with sugar (3/4 cup) onto the table. Softened margarine is rubbed on top.
  2. The soda is extinguished in any convenient way and poured over all components.
  3. Next, the products are kneaded into crumbs by hand.
  4. Eggs are driven into the cottage cheese, and the remaining granulated sugar is poured out. The mass is thoroughly mixed.
  5. Most of the dough is laid out in the oiled form. It should form a base with sides. The cottage cheese filling is poured inside and covered with the remaining dough.

This type of cake is difficult to remove from a fixed pan, so you should first cut it into four parts.

With the addition of apples

During apple season, you should definitely make this pie with a slightly moist and tender dough. The treat will include: a pack of cottage cheese, 3 tbsp. sour cream, 190 g granulated sugar, apple, a large pinch each of baking powder and vanilla sugar, 130 g white flour, 70 g butter, 3 medium eggs.

  1. If the cottage cheese particles are very large, they are rubbed through a sieve and then mixed with sour cream and soft butter.
  2. Eggs beaten until foamy are added to the curd mixture.
  3. Next, add all the dry ingredients to the dough: flour, vanilla sugar and baking powder. The mass is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Thin slices of apples, cut directly with the skin, are laid out in an oiled pan. The fruit is filled with dough on top.
  5. Bake on the middle level of the oven for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.

The cooled dish is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Grated curd pie

This recipe will especially appeal to mothers who just can’t feed their capricious baby cottage cheese. The grated dough will hide a layer of dairy product and allow you to create a golden brown crust. From the products taken: 90 g butter, 2/3 cup granulated sugar, raw egg, a pack of medium-fat cottage cheese, 3 tbsp. thick sour cream, ¼ small spoon of salt, 1.5-1.7 tbsp. wheat flour, half a small spoon of soda.

  1. The butter is cut into miniature cubes and placed in a deep bowl.
  2. Sugar is poured on top. Mash the ingredients with a fork until smooth.
  3. A chicken egg is added to the resulting mixture.
  4. After mixing, flour is added to the mixture. It is better to sift it first, raising the container with it at a distance to saturate it with oxygen.
  5. After adding the remaining bulk ingredients, a soft dough is kneaded.
  6. The curd mass is mixed with sugar and sour cream.
  7. Half of the dough is laid out in an oiled form, and all the filling is placed on top.
  8. The remaining soft mass is rubbed over the cottage cheese. To make this easier, you can first put it in the freezer.
  9. Cook for 35 minutes in a hot oven.

While still hot, the baked goods are cut into pieces, since it will be problematic to do this beautifully with a cooled pie.

Kefir recipe

If you have slightly sour kefir left at home, it can be used as a base for cottage cheese baking. In addition to the dairy product (390 ml), use: 4.5 tbsp. wheat flour, a pinch of orange zest, a small spoon of baking powder, a pack of cottage cheese, 2 country eggs, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar.

  1. Eggs are broken into a bowl and mixed with granulated sugar (2/3 cup). Next, cold kefir is poured into the ingredients, flour sifted with baking powder is added. After adding the zest, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the rest of the granulated sugar and cottage cheese. There should be no lumps left in the mixture. The resulting mass is rolled into balls, which are sprinkled with a little flour.
  3. The dough is poured into the oiled mold, then the curd balls are pressed over the entire surface.
  4. In a very hot oven (about 220 degrees) the dish is baked for 45 minutes.

If desired, in addition to cottage cheese balls, you can place any berries on the surface of the treat.

Delicious quick cottage cheese pie

To quickly please your family with a delicious pie, you can use any shortbread as a crust. 140 grams will be enough. In addition, take: 380 g of cottage cheese, a handful of washed raisins, 110 g of full-fat sour cream, a pinch of lemon zest, 35 g of starch, a country egg, 85 g of granulated sugar, half a stick of butter.

  1. The egg is beaten thoroughly, and then mixed into the cottage cheese with sour cream. Dried fruit scalded with boiling water, citrus zest, potato starch, and sugar are added to the same mixture.
  2. The cookies turn into fine crumbs, after which they are mixed with softened butter. This mass is laid out in the selected form. It is necessary to form sides in it.
  3. The curd mass is distributed on top.
  4. Prepare for half an hour in a preheated oven.

The dessert is delicious to eat both hot and cold.

From puff pastry

The easiest way is to use a store-bought frozen product. In addition to it (480 g), you need to prepare: 2 standard packs of medium liquid cottage cheese, 5 tbsp. granulated sugar, 45 g fatty butter, 3 tbsp. flour, a pinch of vanillin, a large egg.

  1. The egg is shaken well and divided into two unequal parts. Most of it is sent with sugar (3 tbsp) and vanilla to the cottage cheese. The amount of sweetness can be adjusted to your taste.
  2. For sprinkling, rub the butter, remaining granulated sugar and flour into crumbs using your fingertips.
  3. The pre-thawed dough is thinly rolled out into a rectangle. The narrow side of the workpiece should be at the top. Next, the layer is cut into parallel strips on both sides. The middle should remain intact. The filling is distributed in the center, and the edges are folded inward. A beautiful even braid is woven from them.
  4. The pie is brushed with the remaining beaten egg.
  5. Sprinkles are distributed on top of it.
  6. The delicacy is prepared until browned for about 20-25 minutes.

Instead of sprinkles, you can use regular powdered sugar.

Chocolate cheesecake

The crumbly dough with chocolate and the delicate curd filling harmonize perfectly. The recipe includes: 380 g of flour, 590 g of medium-fat cottage cheese, 260 g of granulated sugar, a small spoon of vanillin, a pack of fatty butter, 4.5 tbsp. cocoa, 4-5 chicken eggs, 2 large spoons of starch, 210 ml sour cream.

  1. The base is prepared from ground sugar (190 g) and butter. Cocoa powder and oxygen-enriched flour are added to these ingredients. Use your fingers to grind the food into crumbs.
  2. Place half of the base into a mold lined with oiled parchment.
  3. A filling of beaten eggs, starch, vanillin, sour cream, cottage cheese, sugar (70 g) is poured on top.
  4. Next, the curd pie is covered with the remaining flour crumbs.
  5. The dish is baked for 55 minutes in a preheated oven.

You can decorate the pie with grated chocolate or cocoa.

Recipe with berries

You can take any berries you like for your treat. An assortment of strawberries, red currants and raspberries (270 g) is perfect. Also take: 220 g of flour, half a stick of butter, 3 selected eggs, a spoon of vanillin, 90 g of granulated sugar, 370 g of soft cottage cheese, 35 g of starch, 260 g of powdered sugar.

  1. For the filling, the berries are combined with half of the granulated sugar and starch, and the cottage cheese with eggs, powder and a pinch of vanillin is blended with a blender until smooth.
  2. The flour is sifted with the rest of the sugar and vanillin, after which it is ground into fine crumbs with softened butter.
  3. More than half of the resulting mass is compacted into a mold, filled with the curd part of the filling, and then with berries. All that remains is to sprinkle the treat with crumbs again and put it in the oven for 55 minutes.

Shortbread pie with cottage cheese and berries is prepared at 180 degrees.

With cottage cheese and cherries

It is allowed to use both frozen berries and whole ones from jam. In addition to cherries (180 g), will be used: 7 tbsp. granulated sugar, 2 choice eggs, 60 g butter, a standard pack of medium-fat cottage cheese, a large spoon of powdered sugar, 140 g flour.

  1. Eggs are divided into components. The whites are sent to cool, and the yolks are mixed with half the granulated sugar and melted butter.
  2. Flour is gradually poured into the mixture, the dough is kneaded with a spoon, which is then laid out in the mold. It is necessary to form high sides (at least 2 cm). The container with the dough is placed in the cold for 25 minutes.
  3. The cottage cheese is ground with the rest of the sugar, after which the whites, whipped to a strong foam, are carefully added to it.
  4. Place the berries on the chilled dough and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Protein-curd cream is sent on top.
  5. The treat is baked for 55 minutes.

Before serving, the pie can be additionally sprinkled with powdered sugar.

With added strawberries

The delicacy is considered a summer treat, but even in winter it can be prepared from frozen berries. Products used: 340 g of cottage cheese, 3 selected eggs, half a vanilla pod, 55 g of bee honey, 40 ml of fat milk, 45 g of sugar, 160 g of strawberries, 35 g of wheat flour.

  1. The yolks beat well with liquid honey. Half a vanilla pod, flour, milk and cottage cheese are added to the same mass. All ingredients are whipped again.
  2. Separately, beat the whites until foamy. Granulated sugar is gradually added to them.
  3. Both mixtures are carefully combined, and pieces of berries are added to them.
  4. Bake for 65 minutes at 180 degrees.

Can be served with ice cream.

Royal cheesecake

This recipe is as simple as possible, and as a result you can prepare an amazing, delicate dessert. From the products you need to take: 460 g of flour, 25 g of vanilla sugar, 5 selected eggs, a pack of butter, 510 g of granular cottage cheese, 210 g of sugar.

  1. Use your fingers to rub the flour and soft butter into crumbs. This will be the base for the pie.
  2. In a separate container, the cottage cheese is beaten with eggs and two types of sugar.
  3. The base is laid out in an oiled form, small sides are formed. The egg-curd mixture is laid out on top.
  4. All that remains is to bake the pie for 55 minutes in the oven.

How to cook in a slow cooker

Not every device is suitable for making pies. The miracle pan should have a “Baking” mode. Products you need to use: 1 tbsp. kefir, 1 tsp. baking powder, 460 g of cottage cheese, half a glass of semolina, the same amount of sugar and flour, 2 choice eggs, a pinch of vanilla.

  1. Semolina is poured with kefir for half an hour.
  2. Beat sugar and eggs until smooth.
  3. The swollen cereal, cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve, sweet egg mixture and flour are combined. All that remains is to add vanilla and baking powder.
  4. The dough is transferred to the oiled bowl of the device.
  5. Prepare the pie in a multicooker using the “Baking” program for 55 minutes.

If you have time, you should leave the baked goods on the heat for another quarter of an hour.

Open pie with cottage cheese

This dish looks especially appetizing and beautiful. It is well suited for the holiday table. You can speed up the cooking process by taking ready-made puff pastry (450 g). Also used: 180 g low-fat sour cream, 250 g medium-fat cottage cheese, a bunch of fresh herbs, an egg, 4 tomatoes.

  1. The tomatoes are cut into small pieces, sprinkled with oil and dried in the oven at 90 degrees for 80 minutes.
  2. Cooled vegetables are cut into small pieces.
  3. The egg is ground with cottage cheese. Salt and finely chopped herbs are added to the mixture.
  4. Sour cream and chopped tomatoes are added to the filling.
  5. The mass is laid out on a previously defrosted and rolled out base. Small sides are formed.
  6. The treat takes 45 minutes to bake.

The pie is served hot with garlic sauce

Many lovers of home baking know that it is not necessary to use numerous complex ingredients to prepare a delicious dessert. Often, using ordinary products stored in everyone’s refrigerator, you can bake an amazingly delicious pie.

For example, using regular dairy products, you can prepare several versions of homemade pie from cottage cheese and sour cream, each with its own unique taste.

Features of cottage cheese filling

There is a little trick to prevent the filling from getting too wet: you can add a spoonful of pudding powder. Well, or regular potato starch, the effect will be no worse.

In order for the texture of the pie made from cottage cheese and sour cream to be tender and airy, you need to forget a little about the calorie content and choose fresh cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 15%.

To prevent baked goods with curd filling from falling off, you should not take the cake out of the oven immediately, but keep it there until it cools completely.

Country cottage cheese pie

This is one of the easiest homemade cottage cheese recipes. However, despite its lightness, the pie turns out appetizing and nutritious.

For preparation you will need:

  • flour - approximately 150 g;
  • butter - 125 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup (half for the dough, the rest for the filling).
  • baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • cottage cheese (fat content not less than 15%) - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

You can also add raisins or finely chopped dried fruits to the filling. Although this one is good without additional ingredients.

For the dough, slightly softened butter needs to be ground with half the sugar. Sift the flour, mix with baking powder and add to the butter-sugar mixture. Gently rub everything together with your hands, the resulting crumbs will become the basis for the dessert.

Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly with a fork (or beat in a blender) until it turns into a homogeneous mass. Add sour cream, egg yolks and mix everything.

Beat the remaining whites together with sugar into a strong foam. They need to be cooled first, and it is better to add sugar little by little, otherwise the foam may not work out. Very carefully fold the whipped egg foam into the filling, being careful not to destroy any air bubbles.

Place most of the dough into the prepared pan, place the curd-protein mixture on top and sprinkle with the remaining dough.

In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, the cottage cheese and sour cream pie will be baked for 25-30 minutes. It is better to cool it a little before serving.

For chocolate lovers

Based on the previous recipe, you can bake a chocolate-curd pie, the taste of which will not disappoint those with a sweet tooth at home.

To the main ingredients for the dough you need to add cocoa, about 4 tablespoons. You need to add it along with the flour and make sure that the cocoa is mixed evenly.

To highlight the taste of chocolate, you can add a little more vanilla sugar. If you want to enjoy a new taste of pie with sour cream and cottage cheese every time, try adding a little pitted cherries, banana slices or coconut flakes to the filling. Such experiments will not only give the pie a unique flavor, but will also make you feel like an experienced cook.

Berry abundance

In the summer, when the variety of seasonal berries makes your head spin, it’s time to make a delicious pie with cottage cheese, sour cream and berries. You can choose any berries - currants, blueberries, cherries, blackberries; only delicate strawberries and raspberries will not work.

For the test you will need:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • egg;
  • baking powder

For the filling:

  • fat cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • seasonal berries to taste - 300 g.

For the dough, it is better to sift the flour to get rid of lumps and mix it with baking powder. Cut the butter, pre-chilled in the freezer, into small pieces and grind with flour. Add sugar, beat in the egg, knead the dough and leave it to cool for about half an hour.

While the dough is cooling, you can start filling: grind the cottage cheese until smooth with a fork or using a blender. The more homogeneous the curd mass is, the more tender the pie will be. Add the remaining products, except berries, to the cottage cheese and mix until smooth.

For a pie made from cottage cheese, sour cream and eggs, you will need a mold with high sides. Place the dough in the mold and smooth it along the edges. Carefully pour the filling and place the berries on top. Some chefs advise adding berries directly to the filling, but then the separate delicate taste of cottage cheese and the contrasting sourness of the berries disappear.

Bake the dessert at 180 degrees for about 35-40 minutes. Often the time depends on the individual characteristics of the oven. Before you remove the cake from the pan, you need to cool it.

Curd and berry pleasure is guaranteed!

Curd dessert in a slow cooker

This cake turns out very airy, literally melts in your mouth. The secret is that baked goods in a multicooker turn out more juicy due to the fact that the bowl retains moisture inside the product. A longer baking time, about two hours, also contributes to this, so the dough is baked evenly.

To prepare a pie with cottage cheese and sour cream filling from 150 grams of melted butter, 100 grams of sugar, 250 grams of flour and one egg, you need to knead an elastic dough. Don't forget to add a little baking powder to the flour. Place the dough on the bottom of the multicooker and form sides.

For sour cream filling, beat 300 grams of cottage cheese and sour cream in a blender. Add 3 eggs, 100 grams of sugar and vanilla sugar and beat everything thoroughly again. Pour the filling onto the dough and cook in the “Baking” mode for about 2 hours.

If desired, you can add berries or pieces of fruit to the filling.

Summer pie without baking

On hot days, when you don’t really want to turn on the oven, a simple recipe for a pie with cottage cheese and sour cream without baking will help out. Just a couple of hours in the refrigerator - and an amazing dessert is ready! And for it you can use any berries that are on hand.

For the filling you will need:

  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • not very thick sour cream - 200 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • white chocolate - 100 g;
  • gelatin - approximately 10 g;
  • any berries to taste - approximately 200 g.

For the base, take 100 grams of corn flakes and milk chocolate and 70 g of butter. Melt the butter with chocolate in a water bath and mix with the cereal. Cover the silicone mold with this mixture, forming high sides. Leave the base to cool.

Soak the gelatin in 50 ml of warm water and leave to swell. In a blender at low speed, mix cottage cheese with sugar. Dissolve gelatin in boiling milk. Very carefully introduce this mixture into the curd mass.

Add sour cream and melted white chocolate. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps left. Place a layer of berries on the base; large ones can be cut into pieces. Pour curd-chocolate mousse on top and place in the refrigerator for several hours. With a minimum amount of effort, you will get a delicious, delicate pie with the taste of berry ice cream.

Curd pie without eggs

For those who prefer a healthy diet, but are not ready to give up sweets, a recipe for a pie made from cottage cheese and sour cream without eggs is suitable.

For this pie you will need:

  • homemade cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • semolina - 5 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 8 tablespoons;
  • 2 very ripe bananas;
  • honey to taste.

Grind the cottage cheese until smooth. Separately chop the bananas. Mix all the ingredients of the pie, place in a mold and bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Tip: the pie will turn out more interesting if you add pieces of dried apricots or prunes to the dough.

Unsweetened herb pie

Surprisingly, a pourable pie made from cottage cheese and sour cream can be made completely unsweetened. The filling in this independent dish will be thick homemade cottage cheese (200 grams) and a large bunch of greens (onion, dill, spinach, whatever you want). You will also need a little butter in which to simmer the greens. While it cools, you need to divide the cottage cheese into small pieces.

It’s not for nothing that the pie is called a pourable pie; the dough for it needs to be liquid, like for pancakes. Interestingly, in addition to wheat flour, chefs recommend using rye flour and oatmeal.

For the test:

  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • kefir (it can be replaced with mayonnaise) - 200 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • rye flour and oatmeal - 2 tablespoons each;
  • caraway seeds - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt to taste

Beat the eggs well with a whisk. Add all other ingredients to them and mix thoroughly. You can sprinkle the greased pan with sesame seeds. Pour about half of the dough into the mold, place the greens on it, and carefully spread the cottage cheese on top. For fans of spicy foods, you can add ground pepper and salt to the filling.

Carefully pour the remaining dough on top, sprinkle with sesame seeds and place in the oven for about 45 minutes until golden brown. This delicious crust is clearly visible in the photo of the pie with cottage cheese and sour cream.

and sour cream

Based on these healthy products, you can prepare not only a variety of pies. For example, for a quick family breakfast, you can bake a casserole of whipped cottage cheese with pieces of fruit and berries.

A cupcake made from cottage cheese and raisins or dried apricots turns out very tasty. By the way, you can make small muffins from curd dough filled with sour cream, chocolate and berries.

Creating culinary masterpieces in your own kitchen is not at all difficult; you just need a little imagination and a desire to enjoy something tasty!

Not very complicated, but very tasty cottage cheese pie with sour cream and eggs. The dough with sour cream and butter complements the lush curd filling with its delicate taste. Decorating such a pie is a pleasure; the white background of the middle of the pie framed by crispy sides is quite easy to decorate; there is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild. This part of the recipe, meaning the decoration of the cottage cheese pie, is left to you, dear readers and possibly readers.

We start the cottage cheese pie by preparing the dough.

To do this, using a mixer, beat chicken eggs with granulated sugar; you should get foam that does not fall for quite a long time.

In a separate bowl, mix sour cream with twenty percent fat and melted butter into beaten chicken eggs with granulated sugar.

Sift the wheat flour through a fine sieve and mix with baking soda, it should be quenched by the lactic acid of the sour cream. If you have doubts about sour cream, then quench the baking soda with table vinegar and mix it into the main dough mass after adding the first portion of wheat flour.

Add wheat flour with baking soda in parts to the bowl with the future dough for the cottage cheese pie. Knead the dough thoroughly, add a little table salt.

Now let's move on to preparing the curd filling.

Rub cottage cheese, five percent fat, through a sieve and mix it in a separate container with chicken eggs, granulated sugar, and semolina for binding. If desired, you can add vanilla and cinnamon.

Grease a refractory mold with butter and place the dough in it, placing the curd filling in the middle.

Place the pan with the pie in an oven preheated to 200 0 and bake until done.

If you decide to decorate a cottage cheese pie with sour cream, eggs, or something that you want to bake in the oven, then decorate the pie before placing it in the oven. In another case, decorate the curd pie after cooling, covered with a towel.

We cut the decorated pie into pieces according to the sizes previously stated by consumers and offer to eat!

For baking, we purchase:

For sour cream dough

- chicken eggs (a couple of pieces)

- wheat flour (glass)

- sour cream, 20% fat (glass)

- butter (fifty grams)

- baking soda (teaspoon)

For the curd filling

- cottage cheese, 5% fat (six hundred grams)

- semolina (tablespoon)

- granulated sugar (half a glass)

- chicken eggs (three pieces)

- vanilla, cinnamon (optional)


- cottage cheese


- butter


- cottage cheese (up to three packs)

- semolina (spoon so it doesn’t spread)

- egg (three)

- sugar (half a glass)

Pour the dough into a heat-resistant bowl (prepared), place the filling in the middle.

Have a delicious meal! Curd pie with sour cream and eggs!

The recipe for this pie is remarkable in that cottage cheese and sour cream are included in both the dough and the filling. A minimum of flour and a maximum of useful ingredients - you must agree, this is an excellent characteristic for baking. Everyone will like a pie made from cottage cheese and sour cream, but it will especially appeal to those who are constantly worried about extra calories. This pie will also help provide your children with the necessary amount of calcium. So, are we ready?

Product composition

We give the recipe for both the dough and the filling at once, since the main components are duplicated and we will need to divide them in half.

  • 250 g cottage cheese (preferably not grainy);
  • 200 g thick sour cream;
  • 200 g wheat flour;
  • 200 g of fresh raspberries (you can replace them with other fruits and berries);
  • 0.5 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 5 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 packet of baking powder;
  • 1 packet of vanilla.

Let's start with the test

Our sour cream with cottage cheese is quick and easy to prepare. The main thing is that the products are of high quality. Pay special attention to the choice of cottage cheese. It should be without water, paste-like, without lumps. If suddenly you were unable to find one, and your cottage cheese contains a lot of water, wrap it in gauze and let it drain overnight. In the morning you can take it to work.

If your cottage cheese has lumps, you will have to connect a blender to process it, or, if you don’t have such equipment in your kitchen, rub it through a fine sieve.

Why did we pay so much attention to the preparation of cottage cheese? This is because cottage cheese is the basis of curd and sour cream pie.

We continue to follow our recipe step by step.

1. Take half the curd mass and grind it with softened butter and half the amount of sugar. Add warm milk.

2. Separately sift the flour and baking powder for the dough. Combine flour with a mixture of cottage cheese, butter and sugar.

3. Knead the dough. Put it aside, turn on the oven, setting the temperature to 200 degrees. Now you can look at the filling recipe.

Preparing the filling

Our sour cream with cottage cheese will surprise anyone with its most delicate filling, which, after cooling, turns into a real soufflé.

1. Beat chilled eggs from the refrigerator with sugar until fluffy foam forms.

2. Add cottage cheese into them and continue beating at low speed, gradually increasing the pace. Add vanillin, let the filling have an appetizing aroma.

3. Add sour cream. And carefully stir this miracle with sour cream and cottage cheese. The filling is ready.

Putting the pie together

1. Grease a baking dish (22-23 cm) with butter and sprinkle with flour (this is necessary so that after baking our pie with cottage cheese and sour cream easily moves away from the bottom and comes out of the mold).

2. Place the curd dough into the mold and straighten it with your hands to form sides.

3. Pour the curd and sour cream into the resulting basket. Sprinkle raspberries (or any other berries you have on hand) on top.

4. Place in the oven and bake until golden brown. This is approximately 40 minutes.

  • If you don't have any berries at all, you can replace them with apples. In this case, the apples need to be peeled, cored and cut into small cubes. The apple can be sprinkled with cinnamon.
  • Our recipe can be simplified even more if you avoid using fruits and berries altogether. Then you will get just a cottage cheese pie.

To prepare the filling, you can use powdered sugar rather than sugar. It whips better.

After cooking, the cake should be allowed to cool completely. You can even put it in the refrigerator for a while. Cooling will allow the filling to harden and turn into a real curd and sour cream soufflé.

After this, the baked goods can be removed from the mold, cut and served. This pie goes well not only with tea, but also with coffee, warm milk with honey or mulled wine.

Enjoy your tea!

Hello dear readers of my blog! In this article you will learn some amazing baking recipes. No tea party is complete without sweets. Baked goods made from sour cream and cottage cheese are a great option for breakfast.

Every housewife knows how to prepare several baking recipes. You can literally prepare them in a hurry, since they do not require special ingredients. I am sure that all these products will certainly be found in your refrigerator.

Baking can be prepared in the oven or in a slow cooker. Whatever option you choose, your baked goods will turn out very tasty thanks to my recipes.

With fruit

This amazing, simple recipe will be loved by both adults and children. It makes a great breakfast dish. To prepare it, you can take any fruit to your taste, depending on the season. We will add bananas to our pie. And here is the list of required ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese - 400 g.
  • Sour cream - 150 g.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Potato starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2/3 cup
  • A pinch of vanillin
  • Shortbread cookies - 400 g.
  • Butter - 180 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. While we are preparing the dough for the pie, you need to turn on the oven to 180-200 degrees so that it warms up. First, melt the butter in a saucepan over heat. Then crush the shortbread cookies in a deep bowl. When the butter is completely melted, pour it into the cookies and stir until smooth.
  2. The second step is preparing the filling for the pie. Before we begin, take a baking pan in the oven, place foil on the bottom so that a piece of foil peeks out and the finished pie can be easily pulled out. Now put the mixture from the first step into this mold and level it over the entire area of ​​the mold. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, vanillin and starch with a blender. Beat the whites separately and add to our filling. This must be done carefully so that air bubbles do not form.
  3. Pour the filling into the cookie pan and level it over the area. Cut the bananas into slices and arrange evenly on top. Put the pie in the oven.

It's very easy to tell when the pie is ready. If it turns pink and has risen, you can remove it from the oven. First you need to leave it to cool for 2 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours. And our pie is ready. If desired, kefir can be added to the dough.

Delicious muffins based on semolina

We will prepare the next baked goods without flour and eggs. Instead, we will use semolina. Also, in this recipe we will use honey instead of sugar. Before you begin, prepare all the necessary ingredients.

  • Honey - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Cottage cheese - 500 g.
  • Butter - 80 g.
  • Semolina - 40 g.
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Raisins - 4 tbsp. l.

When we have all the necessary ingredients at hand, let's start preparing delicious cupcakes. Step by step recipe.

  1. Rinse the raisins well under running water and place in a glass. Pour boiled water over the raisins and leave for half an hour.
  2. Take the cottage cheese and strain it through a sieve until it has a uniform consistency. Add semolina and mix. Now add the butter and mix until smooth. In order for the dough to turn out to be a homogeneous mass, it is advisable to first leave the butter at room temperature so that it melts. Adding butter is a must for this amazing muffin; without butter it won’t be very tasty. Pour out the raisins and add honey.
  3. The third step is to prepare the baking tins. First turn on the oven. Fill the molds with our curd mixture. Mix sour cream with butter and brush the cupcakes with this mixture.
  4. When the oven is warm enough, place the muffin tins to bake for half an hour.

We take our amazing cupcakes out of the oven and let them cool a little. And you're done. As you can see, this is a very simple recipe that anyone can prepare.

Curd pie

The following pie, prepared in a slow cooker, is also simple and easy to prepare. So, the required ingredients:

  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 350 g.
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • Sour cream - 120 g.
  • Sugar - 180 g.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Butter - 20 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix cottage cheese with sour cream, thoroughly rubbing the cottage cheese so that there are no lumps left.
  2. In another bowl, beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved. To spice up your pie, you can add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon. And add this mixture to the curd mass.
  3. Take the flour and sift through a sieve so that there are no lumps. Add baking powder and mix with our mixture.
  4. Grease a microwave-safe mold with butter and place our mixture there. Bake for an hour at the “baking” temperature setting.

To prepare these baked goods, you can use either homemade sour cream or cook from sour sour cream. Cottage cheese can be of any fat content, including sour cottage cheese.

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