Summary of the outdoor game “Gifts. Summary of the game activity "magic cube"

in II younger group

"Sparrows and the car"

Tasks: improve running in all directions without bumping into each other; learn to perform figurative movements as shown by the teacher; learn to respond to a signal by changing movements.

Equipment: big truck.


1. Gathering children for PI

Sound signal

I ring the bell: “Children, come to me.”

2. Create interest in IP

Questions about past observation

When the children approached, I sat down on the bench and asked: “What are the names of the birds that we watched today? .... That's right, sparrows. And what color are they?... Show how they jump, flap their wings, peck grains.....And what did the sparrows do when we wanted to approach them?...That’s right, they got scared and flew away.”

3. Explanation of the game as it plays out

Play with children

“The sparrows have flown to us again. And they began to live in a house here (I draw a line on the ground),” I point beyond the line. “Let the sparrows fly into the house.”

“And here in the garage there was a car (I take the toy car and put it aside).” “The car is in the garage - sparrows run out of the house (I beckon the children with a gesture towards me). Let's wave our wings (show), peck some grains (show), drink some water (show). Let’s tweet for joy (“I tweet”).” I go up to the car, take the toy and say: “The car has left the garage - beep, beep - fly away little sparrows into the house so that the car doesn’t run over you.” I walk around the playground with a toy in my hands, imitating a car driving. When the children all ran over the line, I said: “Well done, sparrows, they flew away quickly, the car didn’t run over anyone.” I take the car “to the garage”: “The car has left - sparrows fly out.” The game is repeated 3-4 times.

4. End of the game

Sedentary game "Let's ride in a car"

And now all the sparrows got into the back of the car (they stood in pairs) and went for a ride. I walk ahead and carry the car in my hands, and the children follow me. You can honk your horn like a car.

Sample of writing a summary of a new outdoor game (AP)

Summary of a new outdoor game V senior group "Wolf in the Moat"

Tasks: improve your running jump; learn to act according to the rules, develop self-control.

Equipment: 2 medallions depicting a wolf and a shepherd, sticks for drawing lots.

Pedagogical module element


Organizational and methodological instructions (teacher’s speech “in the first person”)

1. Gathering children for PI

- "barker"

“Hey, buddy, don’t be shy! Come to me quickly!

You won't be bored here! You will have fun playing!

2. Create interest in IP


When 5-6 children came up, I sat down on the bench and said: “I’ll tell you a riddle, and you tell me what animal it is about? Gray is hungry, clicks his teeth, lives in the forest. Who is this? That's right, wolf. And who does the wolf bully and eat? (goats and sheep). Right".

3. Explanation before the game starts




Questions about the rules

"Today I will introduce you to new game, which is called "Wolf in the Moat". We will draw two lines (I draw them at a distance of 40-50 cm from one another) - this will be a “ditch”. Who knows what a ditch is? (long deep hole). On one side (I show) there is a house where goats live, on the other (I show) there is a meadow, lush grass grows there. The shepherd calls the goats to the meadow: “Goats, to the meadow.” The goats have to jump over the ditch to get to the meadow. And in the ditch “a wolf sits” and guards the goats. As soon as they start jumping over the ditch, he catches them and touches them with his hand. And after the goats have eaten the grass, the shepherd calls them home: “Goats, come home,” and the goats again need to jump over the ditch and not fall into the clutches of the wolf.

In this game the following rules: 1. Goats only jump over the ditch. 2. The wolf can only catch goats “in the ditch” without going beyond the line. 3. Goats jump over the ditch only after the shepherd says: Goats, to the meadow or Goats, home.

1. How do goats get across the ditch?

2. Where can a wolf catch goats?

3. After what words do the goats jump over the ditch?

4. Role selection

Draw of lots between those who guessed the riddle first

“For the game we need to choose a “wolf” and a “shepherd”. Today, Kolya, Sasha, Anya and Sveta were the first to guess the riddle about the wolf. I will take four sticks: 3 will be the same length, and 1 will be shorter. Whoever pulls it out will be the “wolf”. And I will be the “shepherd” for the first time, look where he stands and calls the goats.” We put on a medallion with a painted “wolf” on the selected wolf. I put the “shepherd” medallion on myself.

5. Conducting the game

“Goats go home beyond the line, the wolf stands in the “ditch” and guards the goats, and I will go to the other side of the ditch - to the meadow. Let's start the game."

As the game progresses, I monitor the children’s compliance with the rules.

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time counting the number of goats caught by the wolf. When repeating, we change the wolf and the shepherd (from those who were not caught).

6. End of the game

Sedentary game “Collect flowers in the meadow”

I scatter painted flowers all over the playground (one per child) and say: “Now let’s all go to the meadow and collect large bouquet flowers, but everyone takes only one flower. We walk calmly, don’t run, so as not to get tangled in the grass and fall.”

Sample of writing a summary of a familiar outdoor game (AP)

Summary of a familiar outdoor game V middle group

"By the Bear in the Forest"

Tasks: consolidate the skill of performing movements in accordance with the text (walking and running), develop determination, dexterity, and the ability to obey the rules.

Equipment: one pin, two rims with images of bears.

Pedagogical module element


Organizational and methodological instructions (teacher’s speech “in the first person”)

1. Gathering children for PI

Instructions for active children

“Yura, Vika, Masha, please invite the children to me.”

2. Create interest in IP

Reading some words from the game

When 5-6 children came up, I sat down on the bench and said: “I’ll tell you the words from a game you know (“But the bear doesn’t sleep and growls at us”), and do you remember what it’s called? That's right, the game is called “A Bear in the Forest.”

3. Explanation before the game starts

Questions about the rules

There are rules in this game, let's remember them:

1. After what words does the “bear” catch the children?

2. Where can a “bear” catch children?

3. How far should children reach?

4. Role selection

Unwind the pin

“We need to choose a “bear” for the game. The game has been familiar to us for a long time and today we will choose not one, but two “bears”. You will now need to be agile and run away from them faster. I will spin the pin on the ground and when it stops, whoever the “head” of the pin points at will be the “bear”. I put headbands on children's heads.

5. Conducting the game

Signaling the start of the game

“Children, go home beyond the line (I draw), “bears” go to the “den” (I mark the place). Let's start the game."

As the game progresses, I monitor the children’s compliance with the rules. I remind the “bears” that they should not grab children, but only touch them, then they will have more time to catch them

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the number of children caught by the “bears” is counted. When repeating, we change “bears”.

6. End of the game

Sedentary game “Find the basket”

While the children are playing, I hide a drawn basket on the windowsill: “Children, when we went into the forest, running away from the “bears,” I lost my basket, help me find it, please. Just don’t run, but walk quietly so as not to wake up the bears.”

Anna Sukhovodova
Summary of the outdoor game “Gifts”

Summary of the outdoor game« Present»

Target: Teach children to follow rules games. Practice the ability to act on a signal, walk in a circle, observing the shape of the circle, imitate the movements of an animal (horse). Develop a sense of rhythm. Strengthen the words of the quatrains. Cultivate friendships.

Progress of the game:

Hello dear guests, today we, together with the children of the combined speech therapy group, want to show you a few games. One of them is speech. But it is very interesting to them as a speech therapy group.

Educator: Children, they give it to you for the holiday present. You will also give gifts for moms, dads, brothers and sisters. Do you like to receive present?

-Children: Yes!

Guys, in order for us to play, we need to stand in a magic circle.

Oh guys, how do we choose a presenter?

Children: Counting table

Educator: Right

Educator: Who will help me?

A pigeon, a goose and a jackdaw, that's all the counting is.

And as you noticed, our rhyme was not an ordinary one, we reinforced the sound "l"

The game is called « Present»

Educator: Violetta, you will be the first to choose present.


We brought you present,

Whoever wants it will take it.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, "top" and a plane.

The child chooses "horse".

Our horse gallops chok, chok, chok

The clatter of fast feet is heard

Children jump in circles and click their tongues.

Educator: Pr-r-r-r-r. Violetta, who did you like best?

Child's answer: Varvara.

Educator: Varvara becomes the next driver

Children, together with the teacher, move in a circle and say words:

We brought you present,

Whoever wants it will take it.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, "top" and a plane.

Calls the child: Airplane

The plane is flying, flying

A brave pilot sits in it

Educator: We start the engines - drrrrrr. Let's fly

Children fly in a circle and say UUUUU

Educator: to board.

Educator: Varvara, who did you like the most?

Child's answer: Ira.

Children, together with the teacher, move in a circle and say words:

We brought you present,

Whoever wants it will take it.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, "top" and a plane.

The child chooses "Doll"

Doll, dance doll

Wave a bright ribbon.

Children sing:

Kalinka raspberry, my kalinka,

There is a kalinka berry in the garden, my raspberry. (Dance and wave a handkerchief)

Educator: Ira, who did you like the most?

Child's answer: Sasha

Children, together with the teacher, move in a circle and say words:

We brought you present,

Whoever wants it will take it.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, "top" and a plane.

Sasha chooses "Top"

This is how a top spins

He buzzed on his side. (Children spin, buzz and sit on one knee)

Publications on the topic:

Notes on conducting an outdoor game in the senior group “Hunters and Hares” The name of the game is Hunters and Hares.” Time and place: first half of the day’s walk, on the group’s site. Preparing for the game: together.

Summary of an open demonstration of the outdoor game “Polar Bears” in the preparatory group Objectives: To develop the ability to navigate in space. Develop speed, endurance, agility. Cultivate courage, honesty,.

Summary of the outdoor game “Homeless Hare” for 6-year-old children with mental retardation. Purpose of the game: to develop distribution and switching of attention. Objectives of the game: 1. Develop concentration, agility, and speed. 2. Develop.

Summary of an outdoor game for children of senior preschool age “Sly Fox” Educational area: Physical development Subject: " Sly Fox" (first stage - introduction to a new game) Goal: To introduce children to a new one.

Summary of an outdoor game for the first and second junior groups “Mice and Norushki” Goal: Continue to teach children to perform actions in accordance with the words of the poem. Move at different paces, change directions.

Summary of the outdoor game “Two Camps”, senior preschool age Summary of the outdoor game “Two Camps” Author: Gonchar S.N. – teacher Purpose: Formation of patriotic feelings through outdoor games.

Plan – summary of the outdoor game “Sparrows and the Car”

Age group: 1st junior group
Target: develop hearing skills, motor activity, ability to follow the rules of the game.
- Educational:
teach children to run different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, find your place, learn to perform figurative movements as shown by the teacher.
- Developmental:
develop attention, reaction speed, dexterity, the ability to imitate, and the ability to navigate in space.
- Educational:
cultivate friendly relations between children, the ability to play together, together.
Preliminary work:
- Observation while walking. (During the walk, the teacher draws the children’s attention to how sparrows fly, how they jump, how they scatter into different sides when cars pass).
- Modeling “Grains for a Sparrow”
- Drawing “Wheels for cars”
-Reading fiction(K. Chukovsky “Cockroach”, S.Ya. Marshak “Where the sparrow dined”, A. Barto “Sparrow”, the call “Sparrow, sparrow! Don’t chase the pigeons”, nursery rhyme “The sparrows flew into the garden”, riddles about the sparrow, about car (car).
- Finger gymnastics: “You’re a little sparrow, don’t be timid in the cold.”
- Examination of an illustration (image) of a sparrow, a car.
- Conversation on a painting depicting a sparrow ( appearance, habits).
- Game on onomatopoeia “Tweet like sparrows”, “How does the machine hum?”
- Listen to the audio recording “How a car drives.”
- View the presentation “Sparrow - Sparrow”.
Game material: The steering wheel is a toy, the caps are sparrows (according to the number of children), the cap is a car, an audio recording (the chirping of a sparrow), a song for the game “Sparrows and a car,” the song: “Little Engine,” “The Car is Riding.”
Intended roles and expected game actions
Role Game actions
“Car” (first the teacher, then one of the children) The car drives and catches up with the sparrow.
“Sparrows” (children) Children fly, chirp, jump, and peck grains. They run away from the car. They take their place in the nest.
“Train” Teacher (the locomotive is the main carriage), the children are the rest of the carriages (depict how the train hums, how it travels).
Rules of the game:
Sparrows sit on chairs - these are nests. At the teacher’s signal, they fly out, jump, and peck the grains. And as soon as the car, I will be the car, starts buzzing “beep-beep-beep”, all the sparrows fly to their nests.
1) Fly out of the nest only on a signal from the teacher
2) Return to the nests when a car appears
Options for starting and ending the game
Option 1:
Kids, look who came to visit us today? (sparrow toy or illustration of a sparrow).
Option 2: Children, let us solve the riddle:
(Little gray lump. Chip - chirp!
He's very cold! The sun comes out quickly, our (sparrow...) is waiting for you
Option 3:
An audio recording of singing (sparrow chirping) sounds. The children are listening.
Children, who sings like that among us, what kind of bird is this?
Educator: Children, where do sparrows like to fly? (in the park).
Let's go to the park. What will we go on? (I show a picture of a steam locomotive)
Children: On a train.
The audio recording “Fun Train” plays (children cling to each other - pretend to be carriages).
Educator: We arrived at the park.
- (heard) The singing (chirping) of a sparrow in the recording.
Educator:“Children, who is singing this?”
Children: sparrow
Creating interest in outdoor play:
- A story about sparrows: “Once upon a time there were little gray sparrows. On a clear sunny day they flew around the garden and looked for grains and insects. They flew up to the puddle, drank some water and flew away again. One day a large car suddenly appeared and started blaring “beep, beep, beep.” The sparrows got scared and flew away to their nests.
Educator: Let's play this game too.
You will wake up the little sparrows. The chairs will be your nests, and I will be the car. Let's remember how sparrows fly and jump.
I fly along the street, I live under a roof (flapping their wings).
Sparrows look for crumbs around the yard (bend over or squat).
The bird is small, has marigolds, and cannot walk (jumps on two legs).
Play with children.
“The sparrows flew to us. And they began to live in nests here on chairs. “Let the sparrows fly into the house.” “And here in the garage there was a car (I will be the car). The car is in the garage - sparrows run out of the house. Let's wave our wings (show) and peck some grains (show). Let's tweet about joy (“tweet”).
I take the steering wheel in my hands and say: “The car has left the garage - beep, beep - fly away little sparrows into the house so that the car doesn’t run you over.” When the children all sat down on the chairs, I said: “Well done, sparrows, they flew away quickly, the car didn’t run over anyone.” I go to the side (“to the garage”). “The car has left - sparrows fly out.”
The game is repeated 3-4 times.
And now another driver will drive the car. And we will continue the game (choosing the child who will be the car). The game is repeated 2-3 more times.
End of game:
Option 1:
And now all the sparrows will get into a big car and go to kindergarten. I place chairs in pairs in one direction, assign a driver, and give the child a steering wheel - a toy. (we select the driver according to the rhyme:
A nimble sparrow jumps among the white doves
Sparrow - bird, gray shirt.
Respond, sparrow, respond, don’t be timid).
Go. The audio recording “The car is moving” plays.
Well done, the sparrows have returned to the kindergarten. Turn around yourself and turn into children. Well done boys. What game did we play today?
Encouraging children (sparrow coloring book - picture and sticker machine).
Option 2: And now the sparrows will fly for a walk.
Role of an adult:
At first, the “car” is depicted by the teacher, and then he chooses one of the children instead and makes sure that the children correctly depict “how sparrows jump, how they chirp, flap their wings, and fly into their nests.”
Proposed game setting
An adult, playing with children, suggests the course of the game and shows the movements. In the game “Sparrows and the Car,” the teacher first shows the actions of the sparrows, runs with the kids with their arms out to the sides, “Sparrows fly,” pecks at grains, and then tells the children that the sparrows should run away when a car is driving and pretends to drive a car .
Before starting the game, the adult expressively explains the rules, specifically drawing the children’s attention to signals (visual - the color of the flag, ribbon; auditory - a word, clapping, hitting a tambourine, audio recording, etc., according to which they should change or stop their actions .)

1. Game "Mice dance in a circle"

Objective: to develop motor activity.

Material: house

Progress of the game:

Educator: “Today we will play the game “Mice dance in a circle.” What kind of mice are they? What do they like to do? (run, jump, have fun). Show! (children show). How do they squeak? What happens if the mice see a cat? (they will get scared and run away quickly.) We will all be mice. And Vaska will be a cat (we choose a cat child)."

Teacher (addressing the cat child): “Show how a cat meows. What kind of claws does it have? How does it catch up with a mouse?”

The teacher takes the child cat to the house.

The teacher addresses all the children: “We are mice, we will dance in a circle, run, play, have fun, but as soon as Vaska the cat wakes up, immediately run away so that the cat doesn’t catch you.”

Progress of the outdoor game:

The adult sings, and the children move quietly and sing along with the adult:

The mice dance in circles:

The cat is dozing on the stove.

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake up Vaska the cat!

Vaska the cat will wake up

Our round dance will be broken!

The mice don't listen, they run and squeak.

Vaska the cat woke up,

The round dance has started!

The cat runs after the mice: “Meow-meow-meow!”

The "mice" are running away. At the request of the children, the game is repeated 2-3 times.

Self-analysis of the game:

12 children took part in the game. They listened attentively and with curiosity to the rules of the game, and actively and cheerfully performed game actions. I especially liked running and hiding from the cat. The game caused positive emotions in children.

I believe that the task of developing motor activity was completely solved by me.

The game, initiated by the majority of children, was repeated 3 times. The child playing the role of a cat changed.

I played the game myself.

While playing the game, I felt like I was still a child myself.

2. Game "Don't hit the object"

Task: to develop motor activity, start the movement with music and end with its end.

Material: various toys according to the number of children.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Today we will play the game “Don’t touch the object.”

Educator: “I will lay out various objects on the floor: a bucket, a soft toy, an airplane, a car, a cube, a skittle, a doll, etc. There will be enough toys for everyone.”

Objects are randomly laid out around the room, while the children sit on chairs and carefully watch and listen to the teacher.

Teacher: “Now I will ask you to stand up (the children stand up). I will now turn on the music, and you listen to it” (turned it on). The children listened to some of the fun music. The music turned off. "Happy music (fun)? Shall we play to it? (we will). But on one condition: as long as the music is playing and your ears hear it, you children can move around the hall as you wish, trying not to touch or pick up objects on floor. As soon as the music stops and your ears stop hearing it, you need to quickly stop and pick up one of the objects."

Children take turns naming the object that is in their hands.

Self-analysis of the game:

15 children took part in the game. They listened carefully and with curiosity to the rules of the game and actively performed game actions. The game evoked a variety of emotions in the children.

I believe that the task of developing motor activity was completely solved by me, but starting and ending movements with music was not completely achieved, because the kids were very interested in the objects lying on the floor. They were focused on getting the toy they liked as quickly as possible. And if several children liked the toy, they began to share it, which led to tears and resentment.

The game, initiated by the teacher, was repeated 1 time.

The game was carried out by me with the help of a teacher

While playing the game, I felt emotionally exhausted.