Teacher Universities. Role-playing game-travel "Fun little engine" Ecological train game

municipal budgetary educational institution

"School No. 52 named after F. F. Selin" of the Samara urban district

(MBOU School No. 52, Samara Island)

INN 6314011195 KPP 631401001

443085, Samara, st. Central, 11a; tel. 266-05-16, 975-02-00 (booking) fax. 302-08-67

Didactic game

« Ecological train»

for children middle up to school age


Teacher Gerkina Maria Vladimirovna.

Samara 2017


Forming a humane attitude towards nature is the main task environmental education, which is realized by developing in children compassion, empathy and empathy for all living beings on the planet. Man is part of nature, but often it is he who has a detrimental effect on the world around us. The formation of an active position as a “defender and friend” of the natural world is the basis for raising the ecological culture of preschool children. Children are especially impressionable and responsive, so they are actively involved in all activities to protect those who need it. It is important to show children that humans have a stronger position in relation to the natural world.

The acquired knowledge about the world around us must be supported by practical activities and clear examples so that children see the positive results of their activities and have a desire to improve their achievements.

This game can be used in working with children of middle preschool age.

Celb :

development of logical thinking;

hstrengthen and systematize children’s ideas about animals, birds, insects, and amphibians.


formation of knowledge about nature, natural phenomena, flora and fauna;

development of aesthetic feelings: love, respect, caring attitude towards the natural world;

inspiring in children the desire to care for nature and animals, to protect and preserve natural resources.

Game description:

Train with carriages,cut out of cardboard(seven trailers); someset of cards with images of animals, fruits, vegetables, etc.

Progress of the game.

On the table in front of the team liestrailersand cards with pictures of animals, fruits, vegetables, etc. Children choose their own trailers and what passengers they will carry.

Application of the game.

Children can play this game either under the guidance of an adult or independently. Also use as part of a lesson and leisure task.

Game change options:

Match the trailers by numbers;

Arrange the trailers by day of the week;

Seat passengers according to size;

Seat passengers by color.

The game program is aimed at:

Deepening environmental knowledge of students;

Development of students’ environmental ethics and cognitive interest in various manifestations of nature;

Fostering a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth, and love for one’s Motherland.



Game program “Ecological train” (for 2nd grade)

Compiled by:

R.V. Perminova,

teacher of MKOU "Elementary" secondary school village Leninskoye" Jewish Autonomous Okrug.

Email: [email protected]


Deepening environmental knowledge of students;

Development of students’ environmental ethics and cognitive interest in various manifestations of nature;

Fostering a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth, and love for one’s Motherland.

Decoration and props:


Book exhibition; posters;

Scenery of flowers, trees, sun, river, fish, fire

Preparatory work.

  1. Choosing a name (forest patrol, air patrol, sea patrol).
  2. Preparation of distinctive signs: shape, emblem, protection.

Progress of the holiday.

Screening of a film about nature. (Music sounds: sounds of the forest, sound of water).

Ved . Today we are going on a journey on an environmental train. On the road we learn a lot of new and interesting things about the nature around us. Let's learn to treat her with care. And let's just talk to each other.

So, everyone sat comfortably in their chairs. Our train is leaving. (train whistle, music)

Ved . Guys, to make it more fun for us on the road, we’ll sing a song: (author’s)

The eco-train has set off, be nature's friend - everyone knows that.

We will clean everything around, collect garbage, branches - everything in a paper bag.

And then, for sure, the leaves around will ring, birds, butterflies, and grasshoppers will wake up.

Flowers will bloom around us - we are on friendly terms with nature, so let us all smile at each other.

1 station “Green Pharmacy”.


I am a beauty daisy.

The kids are guessing for me.

But I’m useful in other ways too:

If you have a cold,

then brew chamomile in a mug

(I'm ready in an hour)

and you will both be healthy.


Plantain by the road -

leaves and burdocks.

take me from pain

Let your wounds heal.


What is this wonderful smell?

The mint grew over the summer.

improves appetite

and is not harmful to health.


And if you have a cough,

pour boiling water on me,

medicinal decoction, strain

drink, go to bed quickly.

Ved . And now, together we will add to our list of medicinal plants (answers to questions)

This plant will calm and help with insomnia (valerian).

This plant is used in folk medicine in the treatment of various skin diseases (celandine).

How many of you know a plant used to stop bleeding and also to improve appetite? (yarrow).

Ved. Well done! All these plants are very useful, but you need to remember the rules for collecting and storing them. After returning from our trip, you will familiarize yourself with them (memos are distributed by class)


  1. It is prohibited to collect rare medicinal herbs, which are listed in the Red Book.
  2. Plants should not be collected near roads, as well as plants that are sick or damaged.
  3. Collect flowers of plants during their flowering, and rhizomes - in late autumn.
  4. Dry the plants in the shade.
  5. When collecting flowers, leave some on the plant.

Ved . Together we will go through everything - forests and mountains,

our path is difficult and shady.

We will protect nature:

Every bush, every leaf.

SONG "Take care of nature"

(to the tune of the song “It’s fun to walk together”)


And flowers, grass, trees, rivers, birds -

Let everything in nature be preserved for centuries.

a lot depends only on us,

and therefore we give all of you this order.


Forest and field, forest and field!

look how beautiful everything is around,

After all, nature is also someone’s home!

But different animals still live in the forests!


Take care of the grass, river, forest and field,

Forest and field, forest and field!

Please don't keep birds in captivity, birds in captivity, birds in captivity!

Take care of those who are defenseless

and, of course, take care of our Earth!

Let the dawn meet the blue sky -

It will be easier for us to live on Earth with you.


Well, why, tell me, should we destroy nature,

Destroy nature, destroy nature!

After all, we won’t live better year from year to year, year from year, year from year!

Together (in chorus) without music

Take care of these lands, these winds! Loving even a small epic,

Take care of all the animals within nature, kill only the animals within yourself.

  1. Igrovoy Station Air Patrol

Game "Rainbow"

Words for everyone: Oh yes, rainbow-arc! Oh yes, a rainbow!

Ved . There is thunder and thunderstorm in the sky. (Hands up)

Close your eyes! (covers eyes with hands)

Ved. The rain has passed. The grass shines. (look at their feet)

There is a rainbow in the sky. (describe a circle with hands)

All: Oh yes, rainbow-arc! Oh yes, a rainbow!

Ved . Hurry, hurry, run out the door. (running in place)

All: Oh yes, rainbow-arc! Oh yes, a rainbow!

Ved . Barefoot on the grass. (walking in place)

Jump straight into the sky. (jumping)

All: Oh yes, rainbow-arc! Oh yes, a rainbow!

Ved . Okay! Okay! (claps)

Along the rainbow, along the iris, along a colored arc (semicircle)

on one leg (jumping)

All: Oh yes, rainbow-arc! Oh yes, a rainbow!

Ved . Down the rainbow on horseback (they ride like horses)

and fall to the ground head over heels! (hand movements)

All: Oh yes, rainbow-arc! Oh yes, a rainbow! (everyone claps their hands)

3 Sea Patrol Station

Presentation of the film “The future of water depends on us”

The song “Sneak” will tell us about how difficult it is for animals to live in the underwater kingdom.

4 Station "Green Patrol"

Ved. And now we will remember the rules of behavior in nature (the game “Guess”)

Task one.

I have a lot of toys made from it; it can be multi-colored, it is very difficult to break; objects made from it weigh little; if you set it on fire, it produces black acrid smoke; it cannot be thrown away, since it does not decompose in nature./Plastic./

Task two.

It is made from sand; most often it is transparent; when it falls, it breaks; if you heat it, it becomes viscous, like dough; abandoned in the forest, it can cause a fire./Glass./

Task three.

This happens when it gets old or breaks; this can be seen everywhere: in the city, village, along the roads; you can turn it in and get money; it can be melted down to make something new; it comes in color, and it can be melted down and get money./Scrap metal./

Task four.

It was invented by the Chinese; We get it from wood; it burns easily; it produces a lot of garbage; People usually draw or write on it./Paper./

Task five.

There is a lot of it in the city, but little in the countryside; it is especially strong in an industrial city, where there are many plants, factories, and machines; it makes people sick, nervous, scream loudly and it becomes more and more numerous; it is produced by various devices and machines; it causes pollution environment. And when there is too much of it, it causes a state close to intoxication in a person, acting like a drug./Noise./

Ecological song (based on the song “The Sun Came Out”) (author’s)

Decoration: (children in costumes - bright colorful front - black back)



Tree with branches

Blue Ribbon River


Bonfire (ribbons)

  1. The sun has come out and is shining in the meadow.

I will pick meadow flowers in a bouquet.

I'll break some branches and make a fire.

With a net I will catch fish in the cauldron.

  1. I feel good in the field, I feel good in the forest.

I also love the blue river.

Just what happened?

Everything around has faded...

I'm alone in nature. Everything disappeared suddenly.

I'm alone in nature. Everything disappeared suddenly (pause)

  1. Suddenly she opened her eyes.

The terrible dream disappeared.

Take care, children, of the river, meadow and forest.

Take care, children, the bright land of miracles!

The sun has risen

Flowers nod their heads

The tree waves its branches

Fishes disappear in the river

The fire burns brightly

Sings and spins

- ALL the scenery becomes dark side to the audience

ALL the scenery again faces the audience

5 Station "Terminal"

So that the joy of tomorrow

Did you manage to feel

The land must be clean

And the sky will be clear.

Save fields, forests, meadows

And the clean surface of the rivers -

The whole Earth-

Only you can

Reasonable man!

Round dance of friendship.

Tea drinking (with medicinal herbs).

Teacher primary classes Travneva Olga Yurievna.
KSU "Secondary school No. 21 in the village of Saryozek"
Osakarovsky district, Karaganda region.

Botanical train. (Ecological game.)
The game can be played as a team or individually. During the game, children receive tokens for correct answers.

Station "Forest Pharmacy"
1. There is an oak tree on the mountain,
No one will approach him:
Neither king nor queen
Neither the red maiden.
And who will come?
He will take it with him. (Burdock.)
2. Not a bumblebee, not a bee, but stings. (Nettle.)
3. Two sisters are green in the summer, by autumn one turns red and the other turns black. (Red and black currant.)
4. Poisonous plant with bright yellow flowers, popularly nicknamed “night blindness”. (Buttercup.)
5. Herb for ninety-nine diseases. (St. John's wort.)
6. The name of this plant indicates where it lives. (Plantain.)
7. Which of these plants is not used in the perfume industry?
a) Mint;
b) Oregano;
c) Basil;
d) Parsley.
8. What kind of grass do cats like? (To Valerian.)
9. Which of these plants will help with a severe cough?
a) Coltsfoot;
b) Mint;
c) Wormwood;
d) Burdock.
10. The fruits of which plants are rich in vitamin C? (Currant, lemon, cranberry.)

Station "Green Friend"
1. I dropped the curls into the river
And I was sad about something.
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow.)
2. Which tree is shown in national flag Lebanon? (Cedar.)
3. What tree do people associate with the cold snap in May? (With bird cherry.)
4. The tree is a symbol of Russia. (Birch.)
5. Which tree leaf is considered a symbol of glory and valor?
a) Lavra;
b) Cedar;
c) Oak;
d) Chestnut.
6. A branch of this tree decorates the forester’s headdress. (Oak.)
7. Which tree leaf is depicted on the Canadian flag? (Maple.)
8. Which tree’s wood does not rot? (Larch trees.)
9. What kind of wood is it made from? musical instruments? (Eli.)
10. What kind of wood are matches made from? (From aspen.)

Station "Color Show"
1. What flower starts summer? (Bell.)
2. A friend came out from under the snow -
And suddenly it smelled like spring. (Snowdrop.)
3. What vegetable plant did the French queen decorate herself with? (Potatoes.)
4. What is the name of the North American sunflower? (Sunflower.)
5. Which flower floats on water? (Water lily.)
6. Is this flower called a bouquet flower? (Lungwort.)
7. What color are the flowers of the fern? (Has no flowers.)
8. What is the name of a flower in which two names come together? (Ivan da Marya.)
9. This plant with bright yellow flowers can be found on forest edges and burnt areas. He has two names. One is given to the plant for what can be prepared from it delicious drink, similar to tea. (Ivan tea or fireweed.)
10. What is the name of the Japanese national flower?
a) Tulip;
b) Rose;
c) Chrysanthemum;
d) Cornflower.

Station "The most-most"
Questions and tasks:
1. Which tree is the thickest on earth? (Baobab.)
2. Is this plant a predator of insects? (Sundew.)
3. The tallest grass. (Bamboo.)
4. The most beautiful flower. (Rose.)
5. Which plant is one of the first to bloom in spring? (Coltsfoot.)
6. The sweetest tree in the forests? (Linden.)
7. Shrub against forty diseases?
a) Hawthorn;
b) Rosehip;
c) Viburnum;
d) Elderberry.
8. What brings you to tears without pain and sadness? (Onion.)
9. The yellow chicken is sulking under the grass.
a) Patisson;
b) Melon;
c) Pumpkin;
d) Zucchini.
10. What is the last berry to appear in the forest? (Cranberry.)

Station "It's interesting"
1. Which berry is similar to a raspberry, but black? (Blackberry.)
2. On one of the holidays, the Irish send this plant with sour leaves to their friends living abroad. What kind of plant is this? (Kislitsa.)
3. The upper side of the leaves of this plant is cold, angry, like a stepmother in a fairy tale, and the lower side is smooth, soft, like a mother. What plant are we talking about? (About mother and stepmother.)
4. Without which plant is it impossible to brew beer? (No hops.)
5. Which plant has no leaves? (At the cactus.)
6. This plant is called the “breadwinner of the East.” (Rice.)
7. In countries Western Europe It was widely believed that the cones from this tree have magical power and bring good luck. Therefore, hunters always took a handful of seeds from these cones with them when hunting. Name the tree. (Spruce.)
8. This tree is a symbol of happiness and peace in the family. Previously, newlyweds had to plant this particular tree in front of their house. The berries hang on this tree all winter. (Rowan.)
9. Tradition says that when Adam was expelled from paradise, he walked and cried for a long time. In those places where the tears fell, these modest and beautiful flowers appeared. (Violets.)
10. This plant is a symbol of bitterness. (Sagebrush.)

Summing up. Awarding the winner.

Traveling on an ecological train for 5th grade

The goals of the game are 1) to introduce environmental situation on our Earth, in our country, republic, region;
2) create a desire to protect nature;
3) educate careful attitude towards her, a feeling of compassion for animals and a feeling of love.

Progress of the game:
(Noise from the railway station)
Teacher: Dear passengers! Our eco-train is ready to depart. Please take your seats and sit comfortably.
1 slide – name of the trip
Teacher: Please familiarize yourself with the route of our trip:
Slide 2 – names of stations
1. Vodnaya station
2. Station "Green House"
3. Station "Red Book"
4. Know-It-All station
5. Station "School" Have a nice trip!
Teacher: Our train has started, and I ask you to look out the window: forests, fields, lakes are rushing past us. How amazing, beautiful and unique our Motherland is.
3-6 slides – landscapes
Teacher: But this wonderful world is very tender, fragile and cannot survive without our love, care, and help. The future of all humanity depends on the joint actions of states and peoples.
Teacher: To do this, each person must contribute to the salvation of our planet.
(Teacher reads poems by E. Shklovsky)
I look at the globe - the globe.
And suddenly he sighed as if alive.
And the continents whisper to me:
“Take care of us, take care of us.”

The groves and forests are in alarm.
Dew on the grass is like a tear.
And the springs quietly ask
“Take care of us, take care of us.”

Sad deep river,
Our own, losing our shores,
And I hear the voice of the river:
“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:
“Be a man, man!
We believe in you, don't lie
Take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe - the globe,
So beautiful and dear!
And lips whisper in the wind:
“I will save you, I will save you!”
Teacher: Man has already caused a lot of harm to nature. When people tried to change it, they did not think about its consequences.
Teacher: Our train arrived at the Vodnaya station
Slide 7 – “Vodnaya” station
(the teacher reads poems about water)
Have you heard about water?
They say she's everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And in the water tap.
Like an icicle, it freezes,
Fog creeps into the forest,
It's called a glacier in the mountains,
It curls like a silver ribbon.
We are used to the fact that water is
Our companion always!
We can't wash ourselves without it,
Don't eat, don't get drunk.
I dare to report to you:
We can't live without her!
Teacher: Black, Azov, and Baltic Sea, Lake Ladoga, Baikal.
Teacher: Over the past 50 years, the Aral Sea has practically dried up.
Slides 8 and 9 – with a view of the Aral Sea
Teacher: Clean water There is less and less left, and the person himself is to blame for this. Rivers, lakes and seas merge dirty waters from factories and factories, sewers of large cities.
Teacher: Scientists have calculated that every year around the world so much water enters water bodies. harmful substances that they can fill 10 thousand freight trains.
Teacher: For example, the Techa River was once beautiful and rich in fish. It brought great benefit and pleasure to the residents of its shores. People swam in its waters and fished. And no one knew what awaited her ahead.
Slides 10-11 – with the Techa River
Teacher: But one day there was an accident at nuclear power plant"Mayak" and radioactive waste were lowered into Techa. Residents of some villages were evacuated, dressed in soldiers' clothes, and were not allowed to take even the most necessary things. They bulldozed all the houses and livestock into huge pits and buried them. It was as if these villages had never existed on earth. People learned that they cannot swim in the river, they cannot fish, and they must stay away from the river. The leak was blocked off with barbed wire.
Teacher: But people did not understand the danger. Still, they swam, fished, walked livestock and poultry, and picked berries on the river bank. Residents of the river banks began to get sick and die from cancer and did not know that the river was to blame for everything.
Teacher: So a river polluted by people, without fault, is still taking people’s lives.
Teacher: Guys, how can we preserve reservoirs? What to do? (listen to the children's suggestions)
Teacher: Let's continue our journey. Please take your seats.
Teacher: I have a question, why is no one on our planet dealing with the problems of nature?
Teacher: Of course, there are people who protect nature, who protect everything that grows and all animals from extinction.
Teacher: Who are these people? Guys, do you know what these people are called?
Slide 12 – ecologists
Teacher: Environmentalists say: we need to take care of the environment, the Earth, because this is our home. And the house must always be taken care of, protected and kept clean.
Teacher: What do ecologists call the Earth?
(children’s answers – “Green House”)
Teacher: We arrived at the next station, which is called the Green House.
Slide 13 – station “Green House”
Teacher: Let's get some fresh air. When I was little, there was a forest here.
Teacher: But I don't feel it fresh air, and I don’t see the forest.
Teacher: People have destroyed and continue to destroy forests, which are " lungs of the planet" Forests purify the air and are a unique community of living organisms.
Teacher: Factories and factories, with their emissions into the atmosphere, have made the Earth’s air practically unfit for breathing.
14-15 slides – pipes of factories
Teacher: How can we save our atmosphere and fresh air?
(children's answers)
Teacher: We walked a little further and then we saw the forest.
16-17 slides - forest
(sounds of the forest, birdsong)
Teacher: Let's get on our train, we continue our journey.
Teacher: While we’re playing, we’ll divide into teams. Each team must sing over the other. And we sing songs that contain lines about flowers, animals, birds.
Teacher: We are approaching the next station.
Teacher: You can guess its name now. What is the name of the book in which plants and animals that need human protection and protection are entered?
Teacher: Station "Red Book".
Slide 18 – station “Red Book”
Some plants and animals have become rare. They are included in the Red Book. This book is called that because the color red is a danger signal.
Slide 19 – “The Red Book”
Teacher: What animals and birds listed in the Red Book do you know?
Teacher: Why are predators useful, why are they also included in the Red Book, because they are so evil?
(children's answers)
Teacher: What plants are listed in the Red Book?
Teacher: How did it happen that plants also ended up in the Red Book?
(child reads poem)
If I pick a flower,
If you pick a flower,
If everything: both me and you,
If we pick flowers -
All the clearings will be empty
And there will be no beauty.
Teacher: Guys, who knows if we have such a Red Book in the Republic of Mari El? What animals, plants, birds, fish are included in it?
(Plants: Larkspur, lungwort, etc.; animals: , Birds: , Fish: Grayling)
Teacher: Who knows what is being done to preserve rare animals, birds, plants, fish?
Teacher: That’s right, in our Republic we are creating nature reserves, national parks, zones in which rare species of plants, animals, birds and fish are bred and protected. We also have such reserves in the Mari-Turek region. This is the State Natural Biological Reserve of Republican significance “Cold Key”. Or the Ireka River - a zoological natural monument. It is located on the southern outskirts of the village of Yumochka. This natural monument was created to preserve rare species European grayling fish and its habitat.
Teacher: People have been farming for a long time. They are building cities, roads, cultivating fields, laying gas and oil pipelines. All this is necessary and forests are often destroyed for this. Many trees are destroyed for timber. Every year needs
people are growing, and forests are becoming smaller.
Teacher: But the air and water bodies are becoming increasingly polluted, rivers and lakes are drying up. Therefore, plants and animals suffer and die, people get sick.
Teacher: People exterminate animals for meat, beautiful fur, for entertainment.
Teacher: What way out of this situation do you guys suggest?
(children's answers)
Teacher: Well, just think, we went into the forest and picked flowers, broke a few branches, caught butterflies, I’m alone
Teacher: We think so, that one. We will inflict one wound, your friend will inflict the other wound. What if the whole class, the whole school, the whole city goes and inflicts wounds on nature? Guys, nature has a hard time healing even the smallest wounds. Let's think about why?
(children's answers)
Teacher: Our planet Earth is kind to us. And we must respond to her with warmth for warmth, love for love. Environmental scientists are sounding the alarm: nature is in danger! But there are several simple rules, how to behave in nature and they will help preserve our nature. Do you guys know them?
(children's answers)
Slide 20 – rules of conduct
Teacher: How long were we at the Red Book station? How much we learned!
Physical education lesson: “Pinocchio”
Teacher: The next station is “Know-It-All.”
21 slides - “Know-It-All” station
What do we know about our nature, about what surrounds us:
What is a "fruit" duck called? (mandarin duck)
Which bird brings the clock to life? (cuckoo)
What bird is used as a hunting bird? (falcon)
What do you call someone who gets up early? (lark)
Do you like to stay up late? (owl)
How does a cuckoo crow: with an open or closed beak? (closed)
Why do dolphins cry? (to protect eyes from damage)
What insect, being in the Moscow region, feels an earthquake in Japan? (grasshopper)
What fish bears a person's name? (carp)
What is the most common vegetable on earth? (onion)
Why does the hare need big ears? (so as not to overheat)
Do insects “wash themselves”? (many very carefully)
The most large mammal? (whale)
Smallest mammal? ( bat)
What birds are called “birds of the world”? (pigeons)
Do mosquitoes have teeth? (yes, 22 teeth)
What bird is not a waterfowl, but lives near bodies of water? (sandpiper, heron, crane)
What do leeches breathe? (skin)
What kind of water is in icebergs: fresh or salty? (fresh)
How do ants escape from fire? (putting out the fire)
What insect larvae do fishermen call bloodworms? (mosquitoes)
Is the city sparrow migratory bird? (No)
Teacher: Well, now it's time to go back to school.
Slide 22 – station “School”
(teacher reads)
Everything - everything
Everything in the world
Everyone is needed in the world!
And midges
No less needed than elephants.
Can't get by
Without ridiculous monsters
And even without predators
Evil and ferocious!
We need everything in the world -
Who makes honey
And who makes the poison.
Bad things
A cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat
No better business.
Yes! If ket and I are not very friendly,
We still really need each other.
And if anyone seems superfluous to us,
This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake
Everything - everything
Everything in the world
Everyone is needed in the world!
And all children should remember this! B. Zakhoder

Come on people
Be friends with each other
Like birds with the sky,
Like the wind through the meadow,
Like a sail with the sea,
Grass with rain,
How the sun is friendly
With all of us.
Teacher: So, guys, we took a trip on an environmental train. Did you enjoy the trip? (Children's answers)
Which stations have we visited? (Children's answers)
Which station did you like the most? (Children's answers) What new things have you learned for yourself? I also enjoyed traveling with you! Thank you for your attention and work!