On ecology. Abstract of educational activities for environmental education in the senior group “Journey to the world of wildlife” Fine motor skills

Goal: To teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial, man-made, inanimate objects.

To form in the child an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between man and nature, (man-part nature).

Introduce the main natural components and their connections.

To consolidate knowledge about air experimentally, to develop reaction speed and intelligence.

MATERIAL: pictures of nature and non-nature; living and inanimate nature; for the experiment, a jar of water, a glass, a bottle.

PRELIMINARY WORK: looking at pictures of nature and non-nature; living and non-living nature.

The children enter. The teacher reads poems:

There's a huge house on earth
Under the roof is blue.
The sun, rain and thunder live in it,
Forest and sea surf,

Birds and flowers live in it,
The cheerful sound of the stream.
You live in that bright house
And all your friends. (L. Daineko.)

Children, do you know what nature is?

(Children express their assumptions about what nature is and give examples: sun, air, forest, sea, animals, birds.)

Children, which cannot be called nature. (- What is made by human hands)

Nature is something that exists without human help.

Is there a car in nature? (children express their opinions.)

But here is a horse and a camel, which are also ridden by a person. Where shall we take it? (children speak out)

Man often comes up with things that are similar to nature. (A helicopter is like a dragonfly, a submarine is like a whale. A mushroom is like an umbrella. A rainbow is like a bridge. Rain is like a shower. An airplane is like a bird. The wind is like a fan. A carpet is like grass, etc.). Children continue this series.

Game: "What does it look like"

A forest boy came to visit us and mixed up all the pictures on my table. On one table put what belongs to nature, and on the other table - what does not belong to nature.

Game: "Nature and not nature"

Physical education minute:

Hands raised and waved.
These are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, hands shaken -
The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly -
These are the birds flying towards us.
We'll show you how they sit down -
We will fold our wings back.

(Children perform movements according to the text.)

The entire nature of the Earth can be divided into two huge world: the inanimate world and the living world. Living nature is what moves, grows, develops, dies and reproduces.

Name what belongs to living nature (children name: animals, birds, fish, insects.)

Game "Alive is not wildlife»

(they are called objects of living nature - children take a step forward, objects of inanimate nature - stand in their place.)

Guys, what kind of nature do we classify humans as?

Children: to living nature.

How is man different from animals? (children's answers.)

Do you think nature can exist without humans? (Maybe.)

What about a person without nature? (no, the children explain why.)

What will happen if there is no air?

Children's answers.

Now we will conduct experiments with air.

The teacher picks up a glass, (shows to children)

Guys, do you think this glass is empty? (Yes) Let's check if this is true. (there is a container of water on the table.) Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into a container of water. What happens? Does water get into the glass? (No) There is no water in the glass, the air does not let water in.

Conclusion: there is air in the glass, it does not let water in.

Why did we at first think that there was nothing in the glass? Because the air is transparent, invisible. This is the first property of air.

Guys, we managed to see the invisible air, and now I propose to hear it.

Take the bottle, place it on your lower lip and blow into the neck. What do you hear? (sound). The air is shaking. When the air trembles, sounds arise. What does an artist who plays a wind instrument do? He blows into the hole of the instrument. The air trembles, producing sounds that, unlike whistling, are musical. Sounds travel through the air. Sounds only happen where there is air. For example: on the Moon, where there is no air, nothing is heard. (conclusion).

Subject: Living and inanimate nature.

Target: teach children to distinguish between living and inanimate nature.


  1. Show the differences between natural objects and artificial ones.
  2. Explain the inextricable connection between humanity and its environment.
  3. Develop the ability to explore the world around us accessible ways (observation, experience, comparison, classification).
  4. Develop the skill of identifying and establishing cause-and-effect relationships in the world around you.
  5. Foster a caring and respectful attitude towards the surrounding natural and animal world.

Lesson steps:

  1. Organizational moment (reading an epigraph poem).
  2. Introduction to the topic, statement of the problem.
  3. Game moment: joint discovery of “new” knowledge.
  4. Physical education minute.
  5. Continuation of theme development.
  6. Independent generalization of acquired knowledge.
  7. Homework.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

The following poems can be read as an epigraph:

  • L. Daineko “Here is a huge house on earth.”
  • V. Kalachev “Nature is never inanimate!”
  • N. Bugaenko “Don’t walk with a slingshot, Kolka.”
  • O. Romanenko “The Earth is Suffering.”
  • O. Romanenko “Beauty”.
  • E. Kiliptari “I rejoice in the morning. I rejoice in the sun."

2. Introduction to the topic, problem statement

The teacher asks questions leading to the main topic:

What is nature? (students make assumptions, name specific objects)

What is not nature? (anything made by human hands)

Is a car/multi-storey building/house in a village considered nature?

Can domestic animals be called nature: cow, horse, dog, etc.?

The teacher makes a brief conclusion: living nature is what existed and can exist without human intervention, other objects are inanimate nature.

3. Game moment

The teacher can offer the children cards with riddles. For example:

They fly, but there are no wings,

They run, but there are no legs,

They float, but there are no sails (Clouds)

Not water, not land:

You can't sail away on a boat,

And you can’t walk with your feet (Swamp)

Lives in seas and rivers,

But it often flies across the sky.

How will she get bored of flying?

(Water) and the like fall to the ground again.

An alternative version of the game moment: students must come up with short comparisons of natural objects with non-natural ones. The teacher gives the initial instructions, i.e. example:

The submarine looks like a whale

And the helicopter is on the dragonfly.

The students' task is to continue the series. It is better to perform the exercise in a chain.

4. Physical education minute

Can be done in different forms:

  • students squat or jump; for an odd squat or jump, each of them must name one living object, for an even number - an inanimate one;
  • children perform physical exercise, not related to the topic of the lesson, based on poems (“And blueberries grow in the forest”, “Stork”, “And the clock goes on and on”, etc.);
  • if the lesson is held on the street, you can conduct a more active activity with a ball: children throw the ball to each other, naming the objects around them - if the object is artificial, the ball must be hit, and if it is natural, the ball must be caught.

5. Continued theme development

Includes game moment. Students are divided into three groups, each group is given one crossword puzzle on the topic “Living and inanimate nature.” This develops the skill of teamwork, and the game background contributes to greater assimilation of knowledge.

After solving crossword puzzles and checking the answers, the teacher shows the children cards depicting different objects (animals, trees, cars, buildings, etc.), asking the students two questions:

Is there a living or non-living object drawn on the card?

Why is it living or non-living?

How do living objects differ from artificial objects?

As an additional reinforcement of the topic, it is again used game uniform. The students stand up, the teacher pronounces words denoting objects of living and inanimate nature, and the children stand still if the object is artificial, and move if the object is natural.

A person belongs to a living or inanimate nature? (man is simultaneously part of the surrounding natural world and the engine of the artificial world)

The teacher explains to students how important it is to protect nature and treat it with respect, that people and the world around them are interconnected: without nature there will be no humanity.

6. Independent generalization of acquired knowledge

To stimulate creative and mental processes, the teacher asks a question:

What will happen to humanity if plants and animals disappear?

Children make guesses, the teacher confirms or refutes them. Next, the teacher asks the students to independently formulate a conclusion about the lesson:

What did you learn and learn today?

What difficulties did you have to face?

Briefly, each child voices his opinion about the lesson and talks about problems if they arise. You can ask to write the conclusion in a notebook.

7. Homework

Given in a creative form. Multiple options available:

  • draw a diagram in your notebooks about the relationship between the living and artificial worlds;
  • during the week, sketch in a special notebook objects of living/inanimate nature that are found on the street;
  • come up with riddles to identify living and artificial objects, voice them at the beginning of the next lesson;
  • write an essay on the topic “The connection of a person with the outside world,” etc.

Nature and man-made world: didactic games for children, cards for downloading. educational video for children about living and inanimate nature.

Nature and the man-made world: a didactic game for children

From this article you will learn how to introduce your baby to the world around him, how to explain what living and inanimate nature is, what the man-made world is and how they differ, what educational and educational games will help you.

Today I am pleased to introduce another reader of the “Native Path” website and a participant in the competition. This is not only mother of many children, but also a student at a pedagogical college and a kindergarten teacher by profession. Marina has prepared a game for readers of “Native Path” to familiarize children with the world around them.

I give the floor to Marina: “My name is Smirnova Marina Anatolyevna. I’ve been on the “Native Path” website for a short time—about a year. I live in the village. Chastoozerye. I have three children, a 4th year student at a pedagogical college. I work in kindergarten teacher I am interested in beadwork, drawing (both with pencils and paints), plasticineography, modular origami, sewing simple toys for felt activities, I make various crafts, etc. I recently started making educational games for children.” And today Marina Anatolyevna shares with us two games and cards for them.

The natural world and the man-made world. Living and inanimate nature

In didactic games, children not only clarify their ideas about the world around them and the need to take care of it, but also develop: coherent speech, cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, group objects, and children’s attention.

In didactic games, children learn that the objects around them are different.

Some objects are made by man (the man-made world), while other objects are created by nature (the natural world).

The natural world is also very diverse. There is living nature, and there is inanimate nature.

To the natural world include stars and the Moon, forests and mountains, grass and trees, birds and insects. These are those objects that exist outside of man; he did not make them with his own hands or with the help of machines and tools.

  • To inanimate nature include snow and sand, a ray of sun and stones, clay and mountains, rivers and seas.
  • Towards living nature include plants, fungi, animals and microorganisms.

To the man-made world include our clothes and shoes, houses and vehicles, tools and hats and much more, shops and other buildings around us, stadiums and roads.

How to explain to children how the natural world differs from the man-made world and how living and inanimate nature differ from each other?

It is very well explained to children what nature is and how living and inanimate nature differ, in my favorite program for children about the world around us, “Shishkina School. Natural History". Watch this educational and fun program for kids with your children. Play the game with its characters, discuss their answers and mistakes.

What kingdoms does the natural world consist of?

Children will learn about this from the program“Shishkina School” on the topic “Kingdoms of Nature”, and together with the little animals - the heroes of the program - they will guess riddles about the inhabitants of these kingdoms

And now that your baby has learned what nature is, how to distinguish the natural world from the man-made world, how to distinguish living and inanimate nature, let's play didactic game and consolidate and clarify children’s ideas about the world around them. And Marina’s games and cards will help us with this.

Didactic game 1. “Living and inanimate nature”

Material for the game

  • Pictures depicting objects of living and inanimate nature (planet earth, duckling, forest, butterfly, mushroom, mountains, etc.)
  • Red and green cards (for each child)
  • Two dolls or other toys.

Progress of the game

Create a play situation with toys. Two toys (dolls) quarreled and cannot separate the pictures. Ask the children: “How can we reconcile our dolls? How can you share these pictures between Katya and Masha?” Children discuss how they can help their toys.

Draw the children's attention to the cards - hints, remember what they mean. The duckling is the world of living nature. And mountains are a world of inanimate nature. The child helps the dolls divide the pictures correctly.

  • You can give pictures to dolls, for example, give cards to Masha doll with images of living nature, and give cards to Katya doll with images of inanimate nature.
  • Or you can enter conditional icons. The duckling card is green and the mountain card is red. Invite children to cover pictures depicting living nature with green squares (like the duckling), and cover pictures depicting inanimate nature with red cards (like the “mountains” card).
  • If the game is played with a group of children, then the adult gives each child a set of pictures and red and green cards for laying them out.

The children’s task is to correctly divide all the pictures into two groups.

Doll Masha and Katya each take their pictures and thank the children for their help, praising them for being very quick-witted and inquisitive.

Download pictures for the game “Living and Nonliving”

Didactic game 2. Nature and the man-made world

In this game, children will learn to distinguish objects of the natural world from objects made by human hands, classify pictures, reason and draw conclusions, and describe objects.

Materials for the game

For the game you will need pictures depicting objects of the natural and man-made world (anthill, mirror, bell flower; electric lamp, etc.).

Progress of the game

A group of children is playing. You can also play in pairs “adult and child”.

Each child receives from an adult a set of pictures depicting various objects of the man-made world. An adult shows a picture of a natural object.

For example, an anthill is the home of ants. Children look among their pictures for objects of the man-made world that look like an anthill. For example, a pair for an anthill could be modern house, birdhouse, stable, poultry house, made by human hands. Or perhaps yours the child will find another pair and will be able to prove that it is suitable, because. similar to the original picture in some way.

You need to not only guess and find the right picture, but also prove that this picture matches the picture shown to adults.

Examples of such pairs in cards for the game:

  • bell flower ( natural world) - bell (man-made world),
  • the sun is a light bulb,
  • hedgehog - metal brush - comb with long teeth,
  • live butterfly - a butterfly for a festive costume,
  • planet Earth - toy ball,
  • cobweb - fishing nets,
  • swallow with wings - airplane with wings,
  • cancer claws - pincers as a human tool,
  • snowflake and snowflake - lace napkin,
  • A living mouse is a computer mouse.

Abstract open class

on cognitive development

in the pre-school group.

Topic: “Living and inanimate nature.”


Litvinenko E.V.

April 2016

Form: TV tour .

Goals : consolidate children’s knowledge about living and inanimate nature and the ability to distinguish between living and inanimate objects; to form in the child an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between living and inanimate nature; consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge acquired over the period academic year; develop children’s speech, ability to answer questions, give reasons for their answers; continue to develop knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior in nature (educate careful attitude to nature); expand range cognitive interests children, form new ways cognitive activity.

Methods of stimulation and motivation : asking a riddle, generalizing conversation, clarification, explanation, clarification, encouragement, pedagogical assessment.

Methods of organizing the educational and cognitive process: game character, demonstration, TSO, educational demonstration, observation.

Practical methods : method of collective tasks, modeling.

Dictionary – (active) living nature, inanimate nature, purity, kindness, truthfulness, hard work, protection, fauna, flora, herbivores, rodents, predators, taiga, animals of the north, animals of hot countries (passive), develops, reproduces, feeds, changes, breathes.

Equipment : TSO – tape recorder.

Demo material: 3 rectangles (green, blue, red, indicating natural areas; cards with images of animals and birds (crossbill, tiger, lynx, elk, squirrel, fox, beaver, wild boar, hare, hedgehog, brown bear, woodpecker, sable, camel, scorpion, snake, lizard, owl, walrus, seal, deer, polar owl, bear, arctic fox, giraffe, lion, rhinoceros, zebra, elephant.); cubes with images (squirrels, Christmas trees, earth, air, sun, water).

Handout: for each child a plate with cards (green-red), a picture-object of nature; a piece of chalk and two glasses, one with water, PVA glue, oilcloth, napkin.

Preliminary work : a series of educational lessons on natural areas: “Taiga and forest”, “Desert”, “ Warm countries", "Glacial zone, tundra"; general familiarity with the concepts: “Living nature”, “Inanimate nature”; games and exercises to acquire skills: for the classification of animals, plants, birds, for the ability to distinguish between living and inanimate objects, for the development logical thinking, memory.Reading the poem "Living Primer".

Progress of the lesson:

I . Motivational and incentive:

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say: "Hello!" to each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

Hi all!" and “Good afternoon!”;

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.

GOOD MORNING! (addressing guests)

Educator : (Riddle - child)

Look my dear friend,

What's around?

The sky is light blue,

The golden sun is shining,

The wind plays with the leaves,

A cloud floats in the sky.

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, animals and forests,

Thunder, fog and dew.

Man and season

It's all around... (nature).

Question: What is nature?

Children : Nature is something that exists independently of man (i.e., without the help of man).

Vos-l: What cannot be called nature?

Children: Something made by human hands.

Vos-l: That's right, this is already called a man-made world.(sat down at the tables)

D/game: “Nature can be different.” (work in pairs with cards)

(The teacher names objects of living and inanimate nature.

A living object is a green card, a non-living object is a red card. At the end of the game I call it “airplane”. Is there an airplane in nature? Children express their opinions.)

Vos-l: Man often comes up with things that are similar to nature.

D/game: “What does it look like.” For example: a helicopter looks like a dragonfly, submarine for a whale, an umbrella for a mushroom, a bridge for a rainbow, a fan for the wind, a carpet for the grass, a shower for the rain, an airplane for a bird, a light bulb for the sun, a musical bell for the bell flower, etc.

Vos-l: Nature exists independently of humans.

Look at your tables, you will see pieces of chalk and cups on them - one empty, the other with water.

    Take the chalk and break it. What happened to the chalk? Has he stopped being chalk or not?

That's right, chalk remained chalk, only its pieces became smaller.

    Take a glass of water and pour some of the water into another glass. What happened to the water, did it cease to be water?

That's right, the water remained water, only there was less of it in the cups.

Vos-l: -What will happen to a butterfly, beetle, flower, tree, bird, animal if we divide them into parts?

Children : They will die.

Voss: - How do you see the difference between living nature and inanimate nature? (*Wildlife: breathes, grows, eats, moves, develops, reproduces, changes, dies)

II. Vos-l: Continuing the conversationabout nature, I invite you to go to television and visit several television programs, as well as be participants in these programs.

Physical education lesson “We are drivers.”

We're going, we're not going in a car,

We press the pedal.

Switching speeds

We look intently into the distance.

The wipers clear away the drops

Right, left. Purity!

The wind ruffles my hair.

We are drivers anywhere!

    Program: "Smart Men and Women" . (the intro melody of this program is played).

Voss: - So we ended up on the “Smart Men and Women” program.

- The rules of this program are as follows: you need to answer very quickly and clearly and in complete sentences.

1. How should you behave in the forest?

2. Name deciduous tree with white bark?

3. What does “legs feed the wolf” mean?

4. Where does the snow begin to melt earlier - in the forest or in the city?

5. Is it easier for a hare to run uphill or downhill?

6. Why should you not touch the eggs in the nest?

7. What is more terrible for birds – hunger or cold?

8. Most of the territory of our planetEarth, Is it water or land?

9. Name living and inanimate nature?

Vos-l : - I’m pleased with you, you are real smart and clever.

And now we are going to another TV show.

    The intro for the program “In the Animal World” plays.

Here we are on the program : “In the animal world.”

Vos-l: You and I know how diverse the animal and plant world is.

- Please tell me how animals differ from each other? (coat color, size, nutrition, habits, habitat).

- How are plants different? (color, shape, structure (structure), place of growth).

- How can you divide animals according to how they eat? (herbivores, rodents, predators).

D/i: “Who lives where?”

And now guys, we have this task. You need to go to the tables and lay out pictures of animals and birds according to their habitat. (Green circle – taiga and forest, blue circle – glacial zone and tundra,red circle - desert and steppes, warm countries).

(Children must prove the correctness of their actions).

Do you think animals from hot countries, for example, a giraffe, can live in our forests? Or a brown bear in Africa? Why?(Because each animal is accustomed to the climate where it lives and to the vegetation it eats).

    (The intro for the program “Travellers Club” plays)

Program: "Travelers Club"

Vos: Now we will be visiting the program “Travelers Club”.

- You will find out who we are going to talk about today by the riddle.

Red, but not a fox. Small, but not a cat.

Jumps, but not a hare. Lives in a hollow, but is not an owl. (Squirrel)

- Find a cube with a picture of a squirrel. Where does the squirrel live? (In the forest, in a hollow).

- On what trees does the squirrel find its home? (Find a cube with a picture of a Christmas tree(pine trees) and place the squirrels under the cube).

- And for these trees to grow, what is necessary for their growth? (Earth, sun, air, water).

- Find the cubes with these images and determine the place in this pyramid.

- We have compiled a pyramid in which it is clear that living nature is interconnected with inanimate nature.

RESULT: So what can we conclude from looking at this pyramid? (Everything in nature is interconnected: people, plants, animals, soil, air and water. Everything is in inextricable unity - living nature cannot do without inanimate nature and vice versa .)

Vos-l: All nature can be divided into two huge worlds: the world of living nature and the world of inanimate nature.

D/game: “Living and inanimate nature” .

You have pictures on your plates, look at them. The board is divided into two parts.Exercise : place objects of living nature on the left, and objects of inanimate nature on the right.

Vos-l: (You named objects of living and inanimate nature.)

- What kind of objects do you think a person relates to? (showing a picture)

- Prove that man relates to living nature.

Children : A person is born, breathes, moves, grows, eats (feeds), reproduces, dies (I add a picture to objects of living nature)

Vos-l: What does a person need for growth and development?

Children: Warmth - food - water - air - love of loved ones.

Vos-l: Do you think nature can exist without humans? (Maybe)

What about a person without nature? (no) Why? Prove it.

Children: Man is part of nature. Without nature, he is doomed to death (nature gives him food, warmth, air, water).

- What will happen if there is no air?

Vos-l: How does a person differ from other natural objects?

Children: A person can think, reason,

Vos-l: Man is a thinking, rational being. He learned a lot from nature. He is smarter than everyone else on Earth, and therefore stronger than everyone else!

Voss: Guys, does nature teach us something? Why? (truthfulness, purity, kindness, justice, patience, work, friendship). Nature teaches a person how he should behave in a given situation.Therefore, you and I must protect and preserve nature!

Application: “Take care of nature” (music “On the road to goodness”)

Vos-l: And at the end of our conversation, I invite you to now plunge into the world of nature. Walk over and sit on the carpet. Let's close our eyes, imagine that we are in the forest and listen to music - nature.

"Autotraining"( D. Lolviy “Lonely Shepherd” - music of nature)

(They opened their eyes. They stood up quietly.)

Vos-l: You have good mood? Pass it on to your friends:

The lesson is summarized:

Where have we been today? (On television, as a guest on TV shows: “Smart Men and Women”; “In the Animal World”; “Travelers Club”.)

What did we talk about today?

(About living and inanimate nature, about the fact that everything in nature is interconnected.

The rules of behavior in nature were established. We played games: “Nature can be different”; “What does it look like?”; “Who lives where?”; "Living and inanimate nature."

Thanks everyone for your work.

Autotraining. (D. Lolviy “Lonely Shepherd” - melody of nature)

And at the end of our conversation, I invite you to now plunge into the world of nature. Walk over and sit on the carpet. Let's close our eyes, imagine that we are in the forest and listen to music.

The sun is shining brightly,

A light breeze is blowing,

I breathe it in pure

Fresh air.

The grasses are swaying,

Smells aroma forest berries and flowers

Birds proudly circle above me.

I feel good and pleased.

I want to live in peace with nature.

I will be a friend and conservationist.

Relax, you feel it

How the positive energy of the forest flows into you.

You have become cheerful, healthy, fatigue has passed.

(They opened their eyes. They stood up.)

Standing in a circle:

Are you in a good mood? Pass it on to your friends:

    touch each other with your fists

    touch each other's elbows

    touch each other with your palms

D/game: “What does it look like?”

airplane - bird

mushroom - umbrella

lamp - sun

parachute - dandelion

helicopter - dragonfly

submarine - whale

bridge - rainbow

musical bell - flower bell

shower - rain

fan - wind

needle - hedgehog needles

carpet - grass

floor - earth (soil), etc.

Summary of GCD in senior group.

Subject.“What is living and inanimate nature.”

Tasks. Teach children to distinguish living objects from inanimate objects, as well as natural objects from artificial ones; expand children’s understanding of living and inanimate nature, show their interconnection; encourage and support children's activity and initiative in cognitive activities; lay the foundations for a careful and caring attitude towards the world around us.

Material. 2 easels with pictures depicting objects of living and inanimate nature; results of an experiment with germination of oat seeds (“little men”); summer sketches of the growth and development of marigolds; “ecological traffic light” from the demonstration material “Ecology Lessons”; a collection of stones, the sequence of human development (from baby to old man), a recording of birdsong.

Literature. Bondarenko T.M. " Environmental activities with children 6-7 years old."

- Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello and give them a smile. And now all attention is on me. Listen to the poem.

Here is a huge house on Earth

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf

The cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it

The nature of our native Earth

This house is called.

Children, today we will talk about nature.

What do you think the word nature means? (Children’s answers and reasoning. In case of difficulty, I explain: we went to nature, what we saw around us, what we heard).

Nature is something that can exist without human help. (Children repeat).

The entire nature of our planet Earth can be divided into two huge worlds: the world of living and the world of inanimate nature. (I point to the corresponding easel).

All plants, animals, fish, birds, insects, inhabitants depths of the sea, mosses, lichens are living nature. They (I place the modules on a magnetic board) move (legs), eat (mouth), breathe (nose), reproduce (egg - chicken), grow (chick - hen).

Inanimate nature is air, light, sun, sky, earth underfoot (soil), sand, clay, stones, snow, rainbow, water.

I take a collection of stones and check them based on living modules: do they move? Are they eating? etc.

Two weeks ago we made two of these little men.

What did we do with this little man? (watered, fed, he was warm).

What did they do with this little man? (nothing, they just put it in the closet).

Children, what does it take for living nature to live? (Light, warmth, water, food, care, care and love of others).

Do you think living things can live without non-living things? (children’s answers and reasoning).

Our rest is a physical education minute, take your seats.

Hands raised and shook -

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly

These are the birds flying towards us,

We'll show you how they sit down.

We will fold our wings back.

Last spring, we planted marigold seedlings both in the flowerbed and in the area near the fence, and in the summer and autumn we watched their growth.

Sasha compiled a sequence of growth and development of marigolds. Look and evaluate whether Sasha completed the task correctly.

Now let’s draw up the sequence of human development. (The child makes a sequence under the sequence of plant development. So that the similarity of the development of a plant and a person is visible: a sprout is a baby, the first leaf is a preschooler, etc.)

What does a baby need to grow up and become an adult? (Light, warmth, air, water, nutrition, love and care of others).

You see, it turns out that a person needs everything that every living thing on Earth needs. If we say: plants are part of living nature, animals are part of living nature, then how can we say about humans?

For the child to grow up good person he needs help, care, love and attention from parents, friends, neighbors, teachers. Each of you, in turn, is obliged to treat the people around you with respect and understanding.

Game “Living and Inanimate Nature”: children stand near the chairs, the teacher names objects or natural phenomena. If they relate to living nature, then the children raise their hands and wave them left and right at the top, and if what is named refers to inanimate nature, then they stand still, and if something else is named, they sit quietly. At the end of the game I call the car (I act on the children’s reaction).

Yes, children, thanks to his intelligence and his powers of observation, man has created a lot of things with his own hands, with his own labor, but they are all similar to nature.

I show: a car is a beetle, a helicopter is a dragonfly, an airplane is a bird, rain is a shower, the floor is soil, the wind is a fan.

I call it: There is a fluffy carpet in the apartment, and in nature (grass), man created a submarine (whale).

Why do you think a car, helicopter, carpet, submarine is not nature? (They were created by man, and nature is something that can exist without the help of man).

Do you think nature can exist without humans? (Yes)

Of course, nature existed on our planet Earth a long time ago, when dinosaurs did not yet live on it.

Can a person live without nature? (No, he needs water, food, clothing, shelter, medicine).

Man has long used nature for his own purposes, and knows that it must be preserved and protected by all people living on Earth.

What did you do in winter for this? (They covered the roots of trees and bushes with snow and fed the birds).

Nature will always thank man for his care. On the last day of winter, on an excursion, we heard the cheerful singing of sparrows. Remember “What the sparrows sing about on the last day of winter. We survived! We survived! We are alive! We are alive! (I’m adding a picture of an “ecological traffic light”)

A red traffic light screams trouble to us. Which picture will it go with?

Yellow - think! Don't rush!

Green - how good it is that there are such caring children!

If you save money

You can buy a lot.

Home, clothes and factory

Airplane and ship.

A recording of birds singing is turned on.)

But you can't buy dew

Birds singing in the forest,

And don’t hide it in your wallet

Spring and poplar.

Tree, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

Result: the most diligent today..., the most active..., the most inquisitive..., the most attentive...

You guys have received a gift. (I show the book, packed, with an inscription).

“For the guys who don’t pick flowers in vain, don’t crush grass, don’t break branches of trees and bushes, don’t harm birds, insects and animals.” This gift was sent to you by our old friend Tsar Berendey.