Conversation on environmental education “Learning to take care of our planet. Summary of a lesson on environmental education in the senior group “Conversation about spring” (summarizing) Card file of conversations on ecology in preschool

Program tasks

· Educational: Let children understand that nature is ours common house, expand children’s knowledge about nature, continue to form an understanding of the role of nature in human life.

· Developmental: develop horizons, thinking, connected speech.

· Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work: asking riddles, reading fiction, conversations.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads a poem:

Our native home, our common home -

The land where you and I live!

We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests and mountains and seas -

Everything is called - earth!

Educator: Guys, look, what is this? (Children's answers.)

That's right, this is our land. Our land is our common home.

What do you guys think we are leaving on our planet Earth?

These are the traces that remain on the earth after you. Even if you don't see them, the earth remembers them. And every person living on this planet leaves their mark. Look at the footprints you see on the ground. (Children's answers.) That's right, big, small, clean, dirty.

Educator: Today we will talk about what kind of mark we should leave on earth.

If nature is a common home, then each of you has your own home. And everyone tries to maintain cleanliness and order in their home.

Educator: Listen here:

"I love to run barefoot

Splashing puddles

And leave traces later.

But the sun dries the earth.

I'll circle you on the asphalt

Your traces with crayons.

But the wind will bring clouds

And the rain will wash them away.

Or maybe ask for some paint?

And, having carried sandals, so on the road,

So that everyone knows about it?

And in response to me: The earth is your home.

You shouldn’t spread dirt in it.”

Educator: Children, what conclusion can you draw? (Children's answers.)

That’s right, you shouldn’t spread dirt not only in your home, but also in nature. The earth is the common home of man. All the people in the world are one big family. And everyone is trying to do something for her, some succeed, some don’t.

Nature has made sure that the Earth is always “in order.”

Guys, name what natural phenomena you know. (Children's answers.)

That's right, wind, rain, snow, sun.

Think about how these various natural phenomena help the Earth look like this?

For example, something like this natural phenomenon how does the wind help? (Children's answers.)

Yes. The wind brings coolness and cleans the air. What does rain give? (Children's answers.)

Rain nourishes plants and provides moisture.

Educator: How does snow help the Earth? (Children's answers.) That's right, it insulates the earth, covers it like a blanket, gives warmth, insulates the trees so that their roots do not freeze.

How does the sun help the Earth look this way? (Children's answers.) The sun gives light to all living things. But the sun not only shines, what else does it do?

That's right, heat comes from the sun, it warms.

Guys, each of you lives in a house with walls, but as soon as we leave the threshold of our house, we find ourselves in another house.

Listen guys:

“Like a roof over the earth,

Blue skies.

And under the blue roof -

Mountains, rivers and forests,

And meadows and flowers, and, of course, me and you.”

So, what kind of house do we find ourselves in? Right in the house - nature.

Look, guys, at these drawings of an ordinary house and a house of nature, let's compare these houses. (Paintings.)

Why is there light in our house? (From the lamp.)

What can be compared to a lamp in nature? (Sun.)

But the sun not only warms, it means it can be compared with what else?... with a stove, a battery.

It rains in nature, but in our house what resembles rain? (Shower.)

There is wind in nature, but in the house? (Fan.)

There is a floor in the house, but in nature? (Earth.)

We have a carpet on the floor, but on the ground? (The grass is growing.)

In an ordinary house there are stone and wooden walls, but in a house of nature? (Mountains and trees.)

We have a flame burning on a gas stove, but in nature where does fire come from? (Erupts from the volcano.)

In nature, snow falls, ice accumulates on high mountains, and in his ordinary home a person learned to make snow, where? (In the refrigerator.)

What animals live in nature? (Wild.)

In an ordinary house? (Domestic.)

In nature wild plants, and in the house? (houseplants)

Guys, why did the artist leave part of the drawing unpainted in both houses? What is this? (Air.)

Why do we need air, what will happen if there is no air? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Let's do a little experiment and find out what will happen if air does not enter our body. Cover your nose with your hand. Can you breathe? Why? We need air, without it we cannot live.

Tell me, please, who else needs air, who else cannot live without air? (Animals, birds.)

Now we will relax and play a little. Physical education minute:

Hands raised and waved-

these are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down -

We will fold our wings back.

There is a knock on the door, Lesovichok comes in, sad and upset.

Educator: Hello, Lesovichok, what happened to you?

Lesovichok: I visited my domain, everywhere in the forest I heard plaintive voices, plants, animals. I wrote down all the complaints in the Complaint Book of Nature. Guys, do you want to know who is complaining about what? The tree complains, here is its complaint: “I feel empty and lonely in the forest, I’m left all alone. But once upon a time there grew Christmas trees around me - beautiful ones, but under New Year cruel people with axes appeared in the forest and cut them down to the very roots.”

Educator: Is it possible to cut down Christmas trees? (Answers.) Guys, let’s do a good deed, draw posters about caring for living spruce trees and hang them in different places for people to see.

Guys, now let’s start drawing, and don’t forget to cross out the Christmas tree with a red line, what do you think the red line means? Children: no, alarm. (There is paper in the form of a circle on the tables, children draw Christmas trees to the accompaniment of calm music.)

Educator: Well done! What wonderful posters you drew. We put the posters on the edge of the table. Guys, tell me, why did you draw these posters?

That's right, children, we urge people not to cut down spruce trees without permission - this is a very good deed - protecting nature.

Lesovichok: Well done! Thank you for helping the forest. Now people will think before they go into the forest to cut down trees.

Lesovichok: Guys, I almost forgot about the clearing that I have in the forest. Previously, my clearing was very beautiful, but tourists came and cut down the birch tree for firewood and abandoned the clearing empty cans, candy wrappers, bottles.

Educator: How to help the clearing? What needs to be done? (Children's answers.) We need to get to this clearing as soon as possible, but how can we do this?

Guys, the magic words will help us get to the clearing:

Educator: let's say the magic words. “Sim-salabim, abra - kadabra”
(Children repeat the magic words and find themselves in a “clearing.”)

Educator: (draws the children’s attention to the clearing) Guys, we need to help Lesovich, put things in order, as this spoils the beauty of the forests, and also these bottles can be dangerous for animals. This is the trace the tourists left behind. (Three children are picking up trash.)

Well done! They helped Lesovich and put things in order in his clearing.

Lesovichok: I am very glad that I met you, remain friends of nature, take care of the forest. I give you my Complaint Book of Nature as a souvenir, and I want it to always remain empty so that no one complains.

Educator: Today we helped Lesovich, we left our good mark on the clearing, it’s time for us to return to our group.

The children say goodbye to Lesovichok and with the help magic words“Sim-salabim, abra-kadabra” return to the group.


Let's save the planet -

There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

There's only one in the whole planet

We need it for life and friendship!

Today, guys, we talked about how our nature needs our protection. Do you want to become friends and conservationists? Then let's promise to take care of nature and try to make sure that your footprint on Earth is useful!

Literature used:Dybina O.V. New book according to Federal State Educational Standards

Recommendations. This conversation can begin with a conversation about what specific help schoolchildren can provide to nature. By this time, children should have accumulated experience in communicating with nature and developed certain natural history and environmental knowledge. It is now important to involve younger schoolchildren in a variety of environmental conservation activities. A representative of the Ecology Committee and parents can take part in the conversation.

The purpose of the conversation. To form in children knowledge about the various types of activities of schoolchildren to protect nature, to arouse a desire for this activity, to show joy from the work done, to give instructions for carrying out some activities to protect nature.

Equipment. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: “We help nature”; essays and poems by schoolchildren on the topic; a photo stand dedicated to children's activities in nature; exhibition of feeders, birdhouses; posters on nature conservation; crafts made from natural materials; memo “What you should be able to do” young friend nature."

Progress of the conversation

Guys, you already know that nature needs our protection, our help. Scientists, engineers, and the entire population of our country and planet are now thinking about this. Why has the problem of nature conservation become so important and necessary? If we don't urgently help nature, it will die. What will happen on earth then?! Do you think nature conservation is only the job of adults, or can schoolchildren also make their contribution? What can and do schoolchildren do? Yes, schoolchildren can do a lot. Their activities in nature are varied. For example, protecting the natural environment: feeding and rescuing animals in trouble; garbage control; production of bird feeders and houses; feeding animals and birds; installation of signs in places where protected plants are distributed; helping sick trees.

Now tell me about what you did. Let's now look at our exhibition of drawings “We Help Nature.” You do a lot of things that are beneficial to nature. Some drawings can even be described in poetry. (The teacher invites the children to match the drawings with poems written on separate pieces of paper and read them.)

Many of you depicted planting plants in your drawings: flowers, trees, shrubs. This is a very kind and feasible thing. You know, there is even a saying that a person has not lived his life in vain if he has planted and grown at least one tree in his life. It’s not for nothing that people say: “The one who plants a tree will be thanked by his grandchildren, and the one who destroys it will be cursed by his children.”

Who can tell us how to plant trees correctly? (If necessary, the teacher introduces students to the rules of planting.)

One of the schoolchildren reads a poem:

We will plant linden and maple trees,
The city will be elegant and green.
We will plant poplars in rows,
Our squares will become gardens.
We will surround the school with trees -
Let the cheerful hubbub ring over her.
Happy children love greenery.
They love to see trees in bloom.
Let it bloom more and more beautiful every year
Our young planet.
(N. Kutov)

Everyone loves to relax in the shade of trees, listening to the sound of leaves, but, unfortunately, not everyone participates in tree planting, for example, like this boy.

This boy loves it in the heat
Relax in the shade of the forest.
And tell him:
If the forest is so dear to you,
Why are you nowhere?
Didn't plant a tree?

Children, it is important not only to plant a plant, but also to carefully and carefully care for it, protect it from damage, from pests, and water it regularly.

The beautiful birch tree's dress is silver,
The beautiful birch tree has green braids.
Goats jumped out from the yard to the birch tree,
They began to gnaw the birch tree, and the birch tree burst into tears.
We began to defend the birch tree in a crowd,
So that the beautiful birch tree grows big.

In early spring you can see such a picture.

The shepherd cut the bark of a birch tree,
Leaning over, he sips the sweet juice.
Drop by drop falls into the sand
Birch blood, transparent as tears.
(F. Sologub)

Tree bark must not be cut! Your heart clenches painfully when you see a crippled tree - after all, it is alive! What will happen to the tree next? It will wither by next year, the trunk and branches will gradually dry out, and the roots in the soil will die.

Very great help Schoolchildren provide assistance to birch forests during the spring sap collection. They cover the wounds with clay and explain to the sap collectors what harm they cause to the trees.

Some boy injured a birch tree,
I cut birch bark with a knife.
Birch, don’t cry: I’ll go get the first aid kit,
I'll cover the deep wound with a bandage.
(V. Suslov)


Wounds on trees are covered with wax, garden varnish, clay, putty or plasticine. The wound should be bandaged.

How do you understand the proverb: “If there is a lot of forest, take care of it, if there is a little forest, don’t destroy it, if there is no forest, plant it?”

Which one of you planted a tree? Where? How do you care for it? Did you know that planted trees need watering?

Don't stop me from working,
I'll bring some water
And well water
Of course, I will treat everyone.
Drink, drink, don't regret it,
Do you want to pour it into a watering can?
Water the garden:
He drinks water too!
(E. Blaginina)

The children have a lot of concerns about nature at all times of the year. Schoolchildren are worried about their friends - plants and animals. This is how our guys describe their concerns. (The teacher reads excerpts from children’s essays, especially paying attention to the manifestation of moral feelings of pity, compassion, duty, responsibility.)

Our guys have been helping wintering birds for a long time: they make feeders, feed the birds, as described in the poem by O. Vysotskaya.

1st student.

For guests on the window
Kostya pours millet,
Water pours onto a saucer:
Let them get drunk.

2nd student.

The titmouse's paws are freezing:
They feel bad without mittens
Yes, and hungry in the cold...
I brought them some seeds:
Look here
This is delicious food!..
They sit on my palm.
Paws are warm. They are not afraid.

Let's see together what kind of feeders our guys made. (Children look at the exhibition of feeders and choose the best one.)

Schoolchildren will also have things to do in the summer.

How did you help nature in the summer, in the camp, in the village with your grandmother or in our city?
The main concern in the summer for adults and children is weed control. People have long disliked them. It is no coincidence that they say:

Get the weeds out of the field!
The weed is strong on the root.

What weeds do you know?

He grew up angry and prickly in the field,
Needles in all directions. ( Burdock)

Prickly, but not a hedgehog,
It will grab you if you pass by. ( Burdock)

Just touch and withdraw your palm,
The grass burns like fire! ( Nettle)

Nettle is a tricky herb.

Hiding in nettle grass,
Burns the kids patiently.
Evil and good - it bites everyone,
Doesn't let anyone through!

There are many types of weeds, including meadow bluegrass, creeping wheatgrass, wild oats, bromegrass, meadow timothy, sow thistle, stinging nettle, plantain, etc. Weeds are found in fields and vegetable gardens. Weeds must be removed, as they interfere with the growth of cultivated plants planted in vegetable gardens, flower beds, fields, etc. Cultivated plants that are not weeded on time give a lower yield, the fruits become small, and the plants themselves become small in size. Sometimes plants that are not weeded may even die.

Are you waiting for the harvest?
Don't be lazy to get up early!
If you start the beds,
You can't weed it, you can't water it -
Not a single sweet carrot
You won't find it in the garden!
(T. Belozerov)

Guys, do schoolchildren always help nature correctly? What do they most often get wrong? (The teacher works with posters reflecting children’s mistakes in environmental activities.)

One of the areas of environmental protection is the conservation of natural resources: economical use of water, gas, paper, heat, electricity; collection of scrap metal and waste paper.

Did you know that...

Does waste paper collection save the forest? 60 kg of waste paper saves the life of one spruce tree.

Today we awarded those who take care of books and notebooks. (A representative of the Ecology Committee awards schoolchildren.)

Children, how do you understand what is depicted here? (The teacher displays posters about caring for natural resources.)

By helping nature, schoolchildren can take active participation and in preventing bad actions towards her: raids into nature, patrolling streets and squares.

E. Arefyeva’s fairy tale “Nature and Her Friends” was written about how nature’s friends fight against bad deeds. (The teacher reads a fairy tale.)

“In the forest, near an old, old oak tree, a small spring, Veselchak, bubbled out of the ground. And in this fontanel there lived a little sparkle with all her sisters. They splashed happily in their house, shone with all the colors of the rainbow when the sun extended its gentle rays to them, and were sad if the sun was gone for a long time. But the moments of sadness were short, because the rain added new drops to the fontanel, which quickly became familiar with Sparkle and her sisters and became completely familiar.

Sparkle and her droplet sisters were very small, but this did not stop them from taking care of each other and their fontanel. The more droplets, the more friendly they are, the louder Veselchak was.

Various little animals often came running to this protected corner of the forest to drink fresh water and chat with Veselchak, vocal birds flew in and sang their songs, entertaining the droplets, and the spring itself sang along with the birds. It turned out to be an amazing forest choir! Everyone in this forest lived together and took care of each other. But one day a car drove up to the old oak tree and a man got out. The fontanel was delighted. Now it will be useful to humans too! But big man, it seemed, did not even notice how diligently the fontanel was trying to attract his attention, how the birds were singing affably and the old oak was rustling joyfully.

Suddenly the man began to cut branches from young birch trees. Seeing this, the droplets began to cry in their house, and the old oak tree creaked menacingly. But how could they help the trees? For some reason, the forest immediately became quiet, no birds could be heard, but only the sound of an ax could be heard.

Suddenly Veselchak and the old oak tree heard a cheerful song sung by boys and girls walking into the clearing. These were the guys from the Green Patrol - real friends of nature. They saw a man cutting branches and moved towards him menacingly. “Aren’t you ashamed to spoil a beautiful corner of the forest?! So big and you don’t know that nature needs to be protected!” And the adult uncle suddenly felt ashamed, got into the car and drove away.

There was nothing that could be done to help the birch trees; the guys carefully placed the branches aside. Then, seeing the spring, they hurried to it. The droplets played and sparkled in the sun. Sparkle invited the guys to drink delicious and fresh water. Friends of nature gladly accepted this offer. The water was indeed very tasty and smelled of the forest.

Birds appeared in the branches of the old oak tree, the guardian of the fontanel, and they were pleased to meet the children. The grass rustled nearby, and two lumps rolled into the clearing: a prickly and fluffy one - a hedgehog and a hare. They came running to drink water from the spring and chat with Sparkle and her sisters. The guys also met these forest inhabitants. And then they all sat together under the oak tree, listening to the conversations of Veselchak and the breeze that quietly rustled in the branches of the old oak tree.

The guys promised that they would often visit the forest corner and meet its inhabitants. And they also said that they would always protect nature and not let it be offended.”

Children, have you ever taken part in such work? Tell us about it.

There are many things children can do to improve the natural environment, such as planting trees, flowers, classrooms and schoolyards.

Did you know that natural beauty can be preserved to be enjoyed at home? How many of you have seen panels, paintings and other crafts made from natural materials? Let's admire your crafts made from natural materials and choose the most interesting, most original. Pay attention to the beauty of natural forms, colors, outlines. You see, even a dry twig, blade of grass, or pine cone can become a wonderful decoration for your home. ( Best craft awarded with a prize.)

Guys, what do you feel, what do you think about when you do good deeds in nature? Are you feeling joy? Of course, you are very happy and pleased. This is how L. Nikitina describes the feeling of a girl who helps nature in her story “joyful moments.”

“In the spring, on cold, stormy days, I constantly monitor the birds and feed them. Tits most often visit the feeder. Hearing the song of a cheerful little bird is a great joy!

I found several anthills in the forest and fenced them off. One of the anthills was destroyed by someone, the whole upper part domes. I scooped up all the scattered building material and made a top out of it. The ants quickly set about repairing the house, and after a while it looked normal, and the owners calmed down. And for me it’s a joyful moment!

On our street, workers were laying pipes and damaged many trees. I removed the fallen trees that could no longer be saved, and carefully removed the broken branches of the rest, covered the wounds here and there, and put up supports. I think that I saved them from death, and this is also joyful.

I saw a boy who caught little chick wagtails. I insisted that he let go of it in the same place where he picked it up. We placed the chick on a branch, walked away a little and waited for the parents to arrive. Soon the voice of a wagtail was heard, the chick perked up, began shaking its tail, and squeaked. And then two adult wagtails flew in with food and began to take turns stuffing the caterpillars they had brought into the chick’s eagerly open beak. And again joy - both for me and for the boy!”

Children, any help to a person, plant or animal brings joy, satisfaction, and happiness.

Today we will hear a story about how schoolchildren helped nature in our city. (WITH brief information Based on specific examples, a representative of the Committee on Ecology speaks. The conversation can be accompanied by a screening of the filmstrip “What a young conservationist should know and be able to do.”)

At the end of the conversation, the teacher gives the children a task: to explain to their younger friends and parents how they can help nature. The conversation ends with the words of M. Andronov:

All the guys, we're going on big hikes
We can entice you with a ringing song.
Vigilantly protect our nature -
This means protecting the Motherland.

List of used literature

  1. Chistyakova L.A. Formation of ecological culture. – Ural: GARK, 1998.
  2. Khafizova L.N. How to introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature //Primary school. – 1988. – No. 8.
  3. Khafizova L.M. Environmental education of junior schoolchildren // Elementary school. – 1989. – No. 3.
  4. Tsvetkova I.V. Ecology for primary school. Games and projects. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.

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Subject. Conversation as a method of environmental education for childrenth

1. Features of using conversationsin the older group kindergarten

Preschool age is an important stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude to the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the child’s interactions with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to develop environmental knowledge, norms and rules of interaction with nature, develop empathy for it, and be active in solving certain problems. environmental problems. At the same time, the accumulation of knowledge in children preschool age is not an end in itself. They are a necessary condition for developing an emotional, moral and effective attitude towards the world.

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers.

Cultivating a caring attitude towards the environment natural environment in children early age is laid down in the family and continues to develop in the preschool years in kindergarten

Familiarization of preschoolers with living and inanimate nature takes place in several stages: conversation, observation, lesson, experience. The number of stages can be adjusted depending on the task at hand when introducing children to a particular object of living and inanimate nature.

Among verbal methods, first of all, it is necessary to note a conversation with children. IN pedagogical literature conversation is defined as purposeful, organized conversation with children. Being one of the teaching methods, it is used to activate the mental activity of children, since in the process it creates the opportunity to use the knowledge they have previously acquired.

2. Theoretical part

2.1 The meaning and place of conversations inenvironmental education of children

A conversation is a purposeful discussion of something, an organized, prepared dialogue on a pre-selected topic. Conversation is considered in preschool pedagogy as a method of getting to know the environment and at the same time as a method of developing coherent speech.

The importance of conversation in educational work with children was revealed in their works by E.I. Tikheeva, E.A. Flerina, E.I. Radina, E.P. Korotkova and others. In their opinion, conversation teaches children to think logically, helps children gradually move from a concrete way of thinking to the simplest abstraction. During the conversation, preschoolers learn to perform mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), express their thoughts, listen and understand the interlocutor, and give answers to questions posed that are understandable to others. In a conversation, coherence of speech develops.

In a conversation, the teacher unites children around common interests, arouses their interest in each other, the experience of one child becomes common property.

A conversation will be pedagogically valuable if, based on the existing knowledge and experience of children, it is able to capture them, awaken the active work of thought, arouse interest in further observations and independent conclusions, and help the child develop a certain attitude towards the phenomena being discussed. In a conversation, an adult asks his questions. directing children's thoughts along a certain direction, pushes them towards memories, guesses, judgments, and conclusions. This is extremely important for the fragile mind of a child.

The topics of the conversations are determined by the specific tasks of educational work with children, their age characteristics, the stock of knowledge acquired during excursions and observations, as well as the immediate environment.

It is also necessary to take care of the accumulation of ideas in children that would allow them to make comparisons, contrasts, reveal existing connections, and generalize. Subsequent conversations should be somewhat more complex than those previously conducted.

An important question is the place of conversation among other methods of work. Its role can be fulfilled if it relies on other methods of getting to know the environment (excursions, observations, walks), if children have knowledge and experience that require streamlining.

2.2 Types of conversations, their characteristics

Classifications of conversations.

E.A. Flerina classified the conversations based on didactic tasks. She identified three types of conversations.

An introductory conversation that organizes children for one or another type of activity.

Conversation accompanying children's activities and observations.

The conversation is final, clarifying and expanding the children’s experience. Each of these conversations is unique in terms of purpose and method. This classification is based on the interaction between childhood experience and its expression in speech.

M.M. Konina identifies two types of conversations that complement the classification of E.A. Flerina. They are based on the material (painting, book) in connection with which the conversation is held.

In terms of content, we can conditionally distinguish between cognitive and ethical conversations.

Let us dwell on the characteristics and features of these conversations. Water conversation, or conversation that precedes the acquisition of new knowledge, is usually the connecting link between the experience children have and the one they will acquire. The role of the introductory conversation is limited. Its purpose is to identify disparate experiences and create interest in upcoming activities.

Introductory conversations are successful if they are short, emotional, conducted in a relaxed atmosphere, do not go beyond the child’s experience, and a number of issues remain unresolved.

The conversation that accompanies the acquisition of new experience is transitional from conversation to conversation. It is carried out in the process of children's activities, excursions, observations and brings children together common interests and collective statements. Its purpose is to stimulate and direct children’s attention to a richer and more expedient accumulation of experience. The content of the conversation is determined by the observation process.

An ethical conversation can end with a commitment to following a rule. The conversation can be ended with a riddle, reading a poem, a proverb, or listening to a tape recording related to the topic of the conversation.

Sometimes, at the end of the conversation, it is advisable to set clear tasks for children for subsequent observations, tasks related to labor activity(hang a feeder for wintering birds, draw a picture as a gift for mom). The conversation is based on the constant mobilization of children's attention, memory, and thinking. The child has to constantly follow the progress of the conversation, without deviating from the topic, listen to the interlocutors, formulate his own thoughts and express them.

An introductory conversation helps the teacher gather the children’s attention, arouse interest in the upcoming activity, update existing experience in order to establish a connection between the knowledge acquired earlier and the upcoming excursion, observation, and so on.

Heuristic conversation is used in older preschool age. Its content is varied. Observing natural phenomena, the teacher finds those that contain some contradictions, and invites the children to take part in resolving them.

The final conversation is used to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about nature, obtained in the process of observations, games, and reading works of art, labor, conducting experiments, and so on.

The final conversation is organized by the teacher starting from middle groups s. It requires a lot of preliminary work to accumulate specific ideas, expand them, and deepen them. In the conversation, children’s knowledge is generalized and systematized on the basis of identifying essential features, connections and relationships that exist between objects and natural phenomena. At the same time, the generalization and systematization of knowledge, depending on the age capabilities of children and the stock of ideas they have, can be carried out both on the basis of private connections and on the basis of general patterns showing children the connection between living organisms and the environment.

The final conversation is carried out as children accumulate ideas about nature and only if these ideas are mastered by all children.

It is important to think through illustrative means for the final conversation. You should not select a lot of illustrative and visual material. The purpose of its use is to revive children’s impressions and help them remember known facts, around which the conversation will unfold. Identification of essential features and connections between phenomena is made difficult by the abundance of visual material. Understanding connections requires special kind visual material - various models, in which the essential aspects of phenomena are presented in a generalized form: these are weather calendars, schematic images of natural phenomena.

The conversation begins with an analysis of the children’s knowledge about nature. Using questions, the teacher directs the children’s attention to comparing facts, phenomena, highlighting their features, common features, connections and relationships.

2. 3 Features are generalizingx conversations, their structure, topics

The main conversation in kindergarten is the concluding conversation, which is usually called generalizing. The purpose of the general conversation is to systematize, clarify and expand the experience of children gained in the process of their activities, observations, and excursions. It should be noted that this type of conversation, to a greater extent than the previous two, contributes to the development of dialogical speech, primarily due to the question-and-answer form of communication.

In the main part of the conversation, during the analysis of phenomena, its content is revealed. To this end, children are consistently asked questions that activate their thinking and speech activity. The teacher gives explanations, confirms the children's answers, generalizes them, makes additions and amendments. The purpose of these techniques is to clarify the child’s thought, to more clearly emphasize the fact, and to arouse a new thought. Children are given new information in order to clarify or deepen their knowledge about the essence of a phenomenon, about objects, etc. The success of the conversation is ensured by the liveliness and emotionality of its conduct, the use of poetry, riddles, visual material, the participation and activity of all children in the group.

The end of the conversation is characterized by a certain finality. Most often it is associated with generalizing conclusions throughout the conversation. The ending of the conversation may vary depending on its nature and content.

If the conversation is educational in nature, the children or the teacher make a generalization (final story).

Children aged 5-7 years can form generalized ideas different content. For example, about birds in general, about wintering birds, about ornamental birds, about domestic birds. The formation of generalized ideas occurs in the process of a special conversation, the core of which is a system of questions. Their specificity is as follows: the formulations are general in nature, since they cover not one, but a number of specific phenomena; the content of the questions is aimed at identifying those essential and characteristic features, on the basis of which a generalized representation is built; each feature corresponds special question. An important place in the conversation is also occupied by the formulation of conclusions (conclusions) - the actual construction of generalizations: specific for each significant feature and then general, which corresponds to the generalized idea.

So, the formation of generalized ideas occurs when using the verbal method of working with children. The conversation with them is carried out in a strictly defined sequence of questions, answers, conclusions - this is an algorithm for the formation of generalized knowledge. In order for the algorithm to achieve its goal (i.e., for children to learn generalized knowledge and subsequently use it independently), it is necessary to teach preschoolers the procedure for its application. That is why the second part of the lesson is very important, which is devoted to the analysis of new situations: children evaluate similar phenomena from the standpoint of a formed generalized idea (in detail for each attribute) and draw a conclusion: they belong to the category this generalization or not. And in this case, the logic of constructing a conversation is crucial.

3. Conversation technique

The method of conducting a conversation is determined by the characteristics of it as a dialogical (oral, conversational) form of speech. Great value in a conversation, there is also external emotional expressiveness of speech - gestures, facial expressions of speakers. Participants in a conversation, like participants in a dialogue, should never be passive listeners. They must not only listen carefully to the speaker, but also be able to pose a question, supplement if necessary, correct the speaker, make an appropriate remark, reason, defend their opinion, and convince the interlocutor. Thus, a conversation requires the activity of all its participants, their ability to conduct a conversation.

When conducting a conversation, the teacher should strive to ensure that it takes place lively, naturally, with great activity from all children. Knowledge of the characteristics of dialogic speech of children aged 5-7 years will help the teacher to correctly construct and conduct a conversation.

First of all, there is a certain gap between its content and form: children have certain ideas, but find it difficult to independently answer the question or formulate a judgment.

Analysis of children's speech during conversations shows that they mainly use simple sentences, and there are almost twice as many simple uncommon sentences as simple common ones.

And sometimes the opposite phenomenon is observed - children used inappropriately large and often illiterate sentences. For example, when answering, they repeat the verb used in the question, whereas it is completely unnecessary for the answer: “What happens in the fall?” - “In autumn, flowers sometimes fade.” In all likelihood, such phrases turn out to be the result of the teacher’s formal demand to give a complete answer (“What time of year is it now?” - “Autumn.” - “Give a complete answer.” - “It’s autumn now.”

Due to the underdevelopment of the active vocabulary, children 5-7 years old quite often use some verbs without meaning and skill, for example, verbs denoting the actions of people are used to denote the actions of animals (“The hare puts on white wool”, “The birds agree when to fly south "). They often observe a peculiar expansion of the meaning of the word. For example, a word that names the lair of one animal is used in relation to another: “A bear in a den”; "Fox in the Den"; "A mole in a den." This is especially typical for children 5-6 years old.

When talking with children, the teacher must very carefully monitor their speech; with his questions and hints, he must lead them to the correct answer and the choice of its most accurate form (such as a sentence, words), in the best possible way corresponding to the transmitted content. conversation environmental education speech

After listening to a friend, a child in an older group should be able to supplement or correct his answer if necessary. The teacher must lead children to an elementary analysis of speech from the point of view of its content (correctness, completeness) and form (consistency, imagery

Methodical techniques When leading a conversation, it boils down to the following:

Do not let children move away from the main topic.

Steadily lead to final conclusions.

Do not interrupt children unless absolutely necessary. Refer comments and amendments to the end.

Don't require complete answers. The conversation should be conducted naturally and at ease. A short answer, as long as it is logical and grammatically correct, can be more convincing than a common one.

Don't overuse questions. Do without them, if it is possible to achieve the same goal through brief instructions and reminders.

Encourage children to ask questions.

Involve all children in evaluating the thoughts expressed and their verbal presentation.

Arouse competition in the desire to speak clearly and elegantly...”

But the specifics of the topic also determine the uniqueness of the conversation, its type, preparatory work, the use of illustrative material, etc. What are the features of conducting a conversation about nature? There are several types of conversations about nature:

conversations combined with direct perception (during observations, excursions, walks);

conversations combined with independent work children (during work in nature, experiments, independent observations);

conversations based on existing knowledge (summarizing, when looking at paintings, etc.).

Many teachers rightly note that the success of a conversation largely depends on the content and sequence of questions thought out in advance, on how much the teacher anticipates children’s answers and how he regulates their activity.

In conversations about nature, the teacher mainly uses questions that clarify children’s knowledge about certain objects and natural phenomena, and questions that require a generalization of factual material, the establishment of connections and dependencies in nature. In addition, at older preschool age you can use alternative questions, requiring the choice of an answer from two or more possible ones.

For the development of children’s coherent speech, questions that help uncover the causes of phenomena, establish connections between them, and establish patterns in seasonal changes in nature are especially valuable, since when answering, children try to characterize the phenomenon as fully as possible, name the established connection in a word, and indicate the sequence of development in their speech.

Children 5-6 years old, having knowledge, often cannot formulate it or find the appropriate words. Therefore, during the first conversations on material that is new to children, it is advisable to invite them to repeat the teacher’s speech pattern. For example, to the question “Why is the river covered with ice in winter?” children answer in monosyllables: “It’s cold” or “Because it’s cold,” etc.

By inviting the children to repeat the phrase he composed, the teacher thereby consolidates in their memory and consciousness speech construction, which should be used in such cases to convey the connection between phenomena: “In winter, the river is covered with ice because it’s cold”; “The water freezes from the cold, and the river becomes covered with ice”; “At the beginning of winter there are slight frosts, so the ice on the river is thin”; “The stronger the frost, the thicker the ice.” Such repetition will not be mechanical if it is built on the basis of direct perception of the phenomenon. At subsequent stages, when children learn to construct their answer according to the teacher’s model, the need to use this model will gradually disappear. The types of questions asked of children are largely determined by the type of conversation.

When conducting a conversation during an observation or excursion, questions should be posed in such a way as to help the children comprehensively consider the subject or comprehend the phenomenon, and establish their elementary connections. The teacher’s word in this case contributes to the child’s correct perception of the observed phenomenon. During such conversations, you need to give more explanations and offer samples speech expression connections or dependencies of objects and phenomena; It is absolutely necessary to alternate between the teacher’s speech and the children’s statements.

If on the first excursions one can be satisfied with their short answers, then on subsequent excursions it is necessary to achieve detailed answers, and require children to be independent when formulating their thoughts. It is necessary to approve such statements, for example: “It’s cold, that’s why there is snow all around”; “If it was warm, the snow would melt.”

Accurate identification of the observed phenomenon and its cause is the basis of the comprehension process and contributes to the development logical thinking and children's speeches. So, relying on the answers received, which were the result of observations of seasonal changes in nature, the teacher leads the children to an understanding of what time of year is coming, to a more complete description of it.

During conversations conducted during observations, work in nature, and various experiments, the teacher clarifies the children’s vocabulary. With the systematic work of the teacher, already five-year-olds begin to use words and phrases that most accurately characterize an object or phenomenon: the sun warms up, the snow settles, the grass breaks through, the buds swell, etc.

Thus, there is a mutual influence of vocabulary work and the development of dialogic speech. On the one hand, vocabulary work is a condition for the successful development of dialogical speech, on the other hand, in the process of dialogical speech (during conversations), the vocabulary is enriched, children learn to find the most accurate words to convey their thoughts.

The greatest difficulty for the teacher is generalizing conversations. The success of a general conversation largely depends on:

children's sensory experience;

a conversation plan drawn up in advance, which should not be a formal list, but a system of questions that clarify and generalize the children’s knowledge;

correct selection of visual and illustrative material;

variety of mental tasks presented to children.

In order to arouse interest in children and increase their activity during a conversation, it is necessary to begin the conversation with a story from the teacher’s own observations, and in the process use riddles, speech logic problems. In the older group, the teacher complicates speech logical tasks:

“The kids from kindergarten walked home, walked around the puddles so as not to get their feet wet, and in the morning they went to kindergarten, the ice crunching under their feet. There is no water. What's happened? Where did the water go?

Part of the conversation can be devoted to proverbs and sayings about a given time of year, an object or a natural phenomenon. A small conversation can also be used in conversation. didactic game. It will help the teacher clarify the children’s knowledge and test their ability to apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities.

A significant place in conversations about nature is occupied by looking at paintings and reading works of art. Fiction and fine arts are of great importance for clarifying and expanding children’s knowledge, developing the ability to express their thoughts, and tell stories, especially since not every natural phenomenon can be perceived directly by a child.

The teacher thinks about what essential features or connections will underlie generalizations of knowledge.

4 . Methodology for conducting conversations in the senior group

TOPIC: “HOW PEOPLE HELP FOREST Dwellers” (conversation about the work of a forester).

Objectives: to create conditions for the formation of children’s ideas about moose, about their life in the forest in winter time, about the forester and his environmental activities - winter feeding of animals; bring up careful attitude to the forest, the desire to do good deeds (working with environmental signs).

· Preliminary work.

Looking at illustrations.

· Conversations.

Reading educational literature.

Course of the lesson 1. Examination of the painting “Forest”.

Conversation with children:

Who lives in the forest? (Plants, animals, birds, insects.)

Children name and find named objects in the picture.

· Guessing riddles.

The teacher asks a riddle:

Hump-nosed, long-legged

Branch-horned giant

Eats grass, bush shoots,

It's hard to compete with him in running.

If you happen to meet something like this,

Know - this is... (moose).

A picture of a moose is displayed. They examine and describe (big, has horns, hooves). Moose feed on grass and juniper branches.

Do moose have enemies? (Wolf).

How does a moose defend itself? (Runs away or defends itself with its front legs (hooves).

· Physical education lesson “Animals in the forest”:

walking with high knees (large snowdrifts);

walking trail after trail (narrow path);

jumping up while “reaching branches”;

throwing snowballs.

· Conversation.

Educator. Who helps animals and birds endure the hardships of winter?

Reads a poem:

So that pines, lindens, spruce

They didn’t get sick, they turned green,

To new forests

Rising to the skies

Them to the sound and hubbub of birds

Guarded by a friend - a forester.

Foresters set up feeders with hay and salt, and hang bird feeders.

Educator. In the forest, a person is a guest, he must follow the rules of behavior so as not to disturb the life of the forest and its inhabitants. Invites children to come up with prohibitory signs (with a red rim) and environmental protection signs (with a green rim) for human behavior in the forest and draw them. Children put up signs and guess what sign each child came up with.

The productive activity of a child is one of the most important components of the development of a child’s personality. Doing it yourself, doing it for someone else is an important and necessary motive for a child’s activity.

The desire to show care for those who need it develops kindness in the child’s soul, the ability to sympathize, worry, and teaches him to help.

We invited the children's fathers to help us make bird feeders.

The children not only built feeders, glued them, cut them out, but also prepared food for the birds. During the lessons, the children learned well what tits and sparrows like to eat. All winter the birds on our site were well-fed, thanks to our children.


A theoretical study of the characteristics of environmental education in children of senior preschool age allows us to draw the following conclusions:

The goal of environmental education is the formation of moral and value-based attitudes towards nature and people, the ability to self-restraint, a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment, and practical participation in the revival of the disturbed balance between man and nature.

Environmental education and upbringing of children will make it possible to overcome a number of negative phenomena in the life of society, to harmonize human relationships with other people, with nature, with oneself as part of nature.

Environmental education represents a holistic system that covers a person’s entire life and should begin with early childhood, when the first foundations of worldview and moral and value experience of interaction with the subject-natural environment are laid.

The effectiveness of environmental education for preschool children depends entirely on the creation and correct use developing ecological environment, as well as from systematic work with children. Their development and increase in the level of environmental education is possible as a result of the application of the methodology, taking into account all age groups.

Nurturing children's correct attitude towards nature and the ability to carefully handle living beings can be fully implemented in the preschool period only if the system of work in kindergarten is combined with the influence on children in the family, i.e. is complex in nature.

Cognitive material leaves a deep trace only when it is given systematically, when impressions seem to be layered one on top of the other and are not separated from life. Thus, a conversation, which plays the role of clarifying and deepening, systematizing concepts, can be successful only when it is based on other previously used methods of introducing children to their surroundings. And also on their subjective experience, i.e. when they already have some knowledge that requires streamlining.

Conversations have an important place in the process of children’s accumulation of knowledge - during excursions and observations. As practice has shown, before observations it is very difficult for children to express their judgments and such conversations come down mainly to the teacher giving explanations. During observations, preschoolers are absorbed in new impressions and express themselves laconically. For the most part, these are exclamations of surprise, delight, or questions addressed to the teacher. The teacher himself guides the observation process with his questions and comments. The most successful conversations take place immediately after children have received new impressions during excursions, observations, or after the teacher has read stories.

So, the conversation is organically connected with everyday life child in kindergarten and family, cannot turn into a worked out topic. The material given in it should leave a deep imprint on the child’s consciousness. For this to happen, it is necessary to offer the child an active position, when he is not only observing and listening, sometimes responding, but also acting, actively communicating, but this is another form of speech work with children - communication situations.


1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I.. Methods of speech development and teaching the native language to preschoolers. - M.: Academy, 1997.

2.Veretennikova S.A. Introducing preschoolers to nature. - M.: Education, 1980.

3. From childhood to adolescence: a program for parents and educators to promote the health and development of children 4-7 years old. / ed. T.N. Dorontova, L.G. Golubeva, N.A. Gorodova and others - 3rd ed.; - M.: Education, 2004.

4. Nikolaeva S.N. Theory and methodology of environmental education for children. - M.: Academy, 2002.

5. Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. - M.: Karapuz, 2000.

6. Solomennikova O.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic Synthesis, 2010.

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Lyudmila Radchenko
Ecological conversation “Let's help nature”

Recommendations: Conversation you can start by talking about a specific help that children can provide nature By this time they have accumulated sufficient experience in communicating with nature certain natural history and environmental knowledge. IN conversation Preschoolers and parents can take part.

Target conversations: To develop children’s knowledge about various types of protection activities nature, to arouse a desire for this activity, to target the implementation of certain activities to provide helping nature.

Equipment: Photo stand, exhibition of children's drawings "how am I helping nature» "feeders" "birdhouses",posters on the topic of security nature, crafts from natural material

Participants: Teacher, invited schoolchildren, parents.

Progress of the conversation.

IN: You already know that nature needs our protection and help. Do you think security nature _ is it only for adults or can children also make their contribution? What can they do? For example: rescue animals in trouble, remove garbage, make feeders and bird houses, feed animals and birds in winter, install signs in places where protected plants are distributed, provide helping sick trees

Now tell us about what you do. Let's see our exhibition of drawings "How do I helping nature» . Many of the drawings depicted planting plants, flowers, trees, and shrubs. This is a good and feasible thing for you. You probably know the saying that a person has not lived his life in vain if he has planted and grown at least one tree.

Who can tell us? How to plant trees correctly? (If necessary, introduce children to the rules of planting)

We will plant linden and maple trees

The city will be elegant and green

We will plant poplars in rows

Our squares will become gardens

We will surround the school with trees

Let the cheerful hubbub ring over her

Happy children love greens

Love to see trees in bloom

Let it bloom more and more beautiful every year. Our young planet.

IN: It is important not only to plant a tree. The plant, but also take good care of it. Protect from pests, water regularly

The beauty of the birch tree has a silver dress

The beauty of the birch tree has green braids

Goats jumped out of the yard towards the birch tree

They began to gnaw the birch tree, and the birch trees began to cry

We began to defend the birch tree in a crowd

So that the beauty of the birch tree grows big "P. Voronko"

In early spring you can see this picture:

The shepherd cut the bark of a birch tree

Leaning over, pulling sweet juice

Drop after drop falls into the sand,

Birch trees blood is transparent like tears (F. Sologub)

IN: Tree bark cannot be cut! Your heart aches when you see a crippled tree, because it is alive! What will happen to the tree next? It will wither by next year, the trunk will gradually dry out, and the roots in the soil will die.

REMEMBER: Wounds on trees are covered with wax, garden varnish, clay, putty or plasticine. The wound should be bandaged. In the proverb it says: Take care of a lot of forest, don’t destroy a little forest, plant no forest. Which of you planted a tree together with adults? Where? How do you care for it? Did you know that planted trees need watering?

Don't stop me from working

I'll bring some water

And well water

Of course, I’ll treat everyone

Drink, drink, don’t regret -

Water the garden

He drinks water too (E. Blaginina)

IN: Children have a lot of worries at all times of the year. They are worried about winterers birds: together with parents they make feeders and feed the birds.

For guests, Kostya sprinkles millet on the window,

He pours water on a saucer - let them drink

Titmouse feet are freezing

They feel bad without gloves

Yes, and hungry in the cold winter

I brought them seeds

Look, sbda,

They sit on my palm

Paws are warm. They are not afraid (O. Vysotskaya

Let's see together what kind of feeders our guys made. (Children look at the exhibition of feeders and choose the best one)

How are you helped nature in the summer? The main task in the summer for adults and children is weed control. Not by chance They say: Weeds out of the field

There are many types of weeds, among them are meadow bluegrass, creeping wheatgrass, etc.

(Show pictures of plants)

Weeds are found in fields and vegetable gardens. They need to be removed; they choke out cultivated plants planted in the garden, flower beds, etc. Cultural plants that are not weeded on time produce a low yield and become small. Sometimes plants that are not weeded may even die.

Waiting for the harvest

Don't be lazy, get up early!

If you start the beds

You can’t weed it, you can’t water it -

Not a single sweet carrot

You won't find it in the garden (T. Belozerov)

Any help to a person , plant or small animal - brings joy, satisfaction, happiness. And the types of this help can be very different, for example, as in the poem by A. Barto.

We didn't notice the bug

And he's alive, he's alive for now

Humming in the window, spreading its wings

And I'm calling on help mom

There's a living beetle there, open the frame.

In conclusion conversations give the children the task of telling their younger friends and parents what they can help nature


RECOMMENDATIONS: Conversation It is advisable to spend in the spring in a corner nature, you can involve specialists. What role do plants play in nature? Why do humans and animals need them? Plants are the green outfit of the planet. This "lungs" planets, they release oxygen in the air, which is necessary for breathing. Plants provide food for animals and humans, and supply people building material, raw materials for fabrics.

Let's look at reproductions of paintings together “Display reproductions of paintings by landscape artists” What is shown on them? Forest, field, meadow, our dear nature. Do you like these pictures? How? Nature is also beauty, without which a person cannot do. And we see in nature First of all, the beauty of the plants around us. Unfortunately, they are sometimes in danger. Many of them die at the hands of humans, from soil and air pollution. It is no coincidence that the Red Book was created nature, where extinct and rare plants under state protection are also included. "demonstrate the Red Book" Ask the children why the book cover is red? This is a signal of danger, a sign of trouble that threatens the green side of the planet.

In one sunny day, one hectare of forest absorbs 250 kg from the air. carbon dioxide, and emits 200 kg. Oxygen

The forest takes a very long time to grow, it is difficult to grow it, and people often destroy it without thinking.

What threatens the fir trees with the approach of the New Year. How can we help them help? We will explain to people that instead of spruce it is better to decorate the room with a New Year's bouquet of spruce branches. This will save the lives of many trees.

Winter will pass, and in the spring the plant friends will again have their hands full. Meadows and forests will turn green, and people will be drawn to spring beauty nature, for the sun, air and bouquets. Trouble will come to the primrose plants, and then they will urgently need our help, because there are fewer and fewer flowers left in the forests. But flowering plants- in the field, in the forest, and in the meadow - they decorate our Earth and make people happy.

What plants appear first in spring? Which one is mentioned in riddle:

The flower is changeable. Either a red corolla, or a blue corolla "lungwort"

Delicate lungwort flowers decorate forest glades in spring. Don't collect it in bouquets; admire it in the forest.

What other flowers can be seen in the awakening forest?

He was the first to get out of the earth - on a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small "snowdrop"

The melody of the play sounds "snowdrop" P. I. Tchaikovsky Children listen to poems about snowdrops

A snowdrop looked out in the twilight of the forest -

Little scout sent in the spring

Let the snow still rule over the forest,

Let it lie under the snow, sleepy meadows

Let the ice remain motionless on the sleeping river

Once the scout has come, spring will come! "Serova"

In May, lilies of the valley appear; they are loved for their aroma and modest appearance. People carry bouquets from the forest in armfuls, the clearings become empty, the forests become gloomy.

Lily of the valley was born on a May day

And the forest protects him

I think: his rear –

It will ring quietly

And the meadow will hear this ringing,

And birds and flowers

Let's listen, what if

Shall we hear - me and you?

Let's never collect these flowers in bouquets and explain this correctly to our friends

How many of you had a dream about grass? Where did you see her? This is a very beautiful and delicate flower (show illustration). A lumbago or a dream - grass, you can see early spring in the bright pine forest. Its beautiful purple flowers look like bells, and the leaves seem to be cut into narrow strips. All plants are covered with delicate silvery fluff.

Why is this plant called dream-grass? Its drooping colors seem to be sleeping. Split leaves grow only towards the end of flowering. Dream grass is collected in armfuls, so it does not have time to produce seeds and quickly disappears. (demonstrate color photo or slide.)

Sometimes, sitting down in a clearing, we smell a subtle aroma. This is a pale blue violet. Know you are lucky, these are very rare flowers! Admire them and don’t rush to touch them with your hand. Who can show the violet in the picture? (demonstration)

In the spring, some flowering trees also get it from people. Do you know which one?

The bird cherry blossomed near the stream,

In the April sun - whispering with branches

Light as a cloud, white as snow.

Every person rejoiced at the tree

Girls came to sit under it

And it could bloom for many many days

Whose bird cherry is this? Yes she is a draw

White Snow Maiden near the stream

Aunt drove by, looking around

I immediately broke off a branch from a bird cherry tree

City schoolchildren went on a long journey

Seeing the bird cherry, they began to bend the branches.

The girls came running, but there was no Snow Maiden

Only a withered bouquet lies in the dust

And the bird cherry was as pure as snow

Every person rejoiced at the tree. (Z. Alexandrovna)

So let's not break trees. We will not collect flowers in bouquets. We will heal wounds on trees, water plants, fence young trees, plant new trees and shrubs. We will stop those who cause harm so that there are no such cases this:

Oh how I love nature! – Seryozha spoke –

I really love lilacs

And rowan too.

And I would like to ask

Quiet at Seryozha's

Who broke the lilacs in the garden

And rowan too? (R. Sef.)

In conclusion conversations Invite children to plant flowers and shrubs on the site and care for them.

Topic: “Our home”

Conversation about ecology.

Target: To form in children an idea of ​​what the world around us is like, to expand children’s knowledge about nature.

Progress of the lesson.

"Oh, what a day today bad environment“- says my mother, squeezing her temples with her hands; she gave me a headache.” “Yes,” Dad agrees, “our ecology is completely worthless, they write about it in the newspapers all the time and talk and show it on TV. We need to fix it."

Who is this ecology that gave mom a headache, and what did she do? Did you behave badly or didn’t clean up after yourself? Did you scream loudly or act up? And if she is so bad, why do they write about her in the newspapers? Maybe she looks like Freken - Bok from the cartoon, which was shown on TV and which Carlson “brought down”? And how is dad going to correct her - with a stick or a carrot? Maybe as punishment they won’t give her candy or put her in a corner?

Ask your dad or mom what ecology is. Maybe they will tell? “This is when everything around is bad, you can’t breathe, you can’t drink water, but you can’t eat food.” “But then why punish this mysterious ecology, what is it to blame for?” - you ask and you will be absolutely right. The environment is not to blame for anything. Man is to blame for everything that happened to nature.

But in order to understand why this happened, let’s first find out what “ecology” is. The word is not Russian, but Greek. And the word “ecology” is translated as the science of the home. But houses are different. Each of us lives in a house with walls, a ceiling, a roof, a door, windows, and a floor. But as soon as we leave the threshold of such a house, we find ourselves in another - an immense house, common to all people. His name is nature.

Can we live without birds, trees, butterflies, rivers, forests, sun? If we can, we will stop being people and turn into some other creatures. Once upon a time, scientists proposed building city houses in which everything a person needs is under one roof. Here he works, here he rests. But the bigger our cities become. The higher the houses, the more paved streets, the more often we want to breathe in the smell of forests and meadows, listen to birdsong, and get away from the suffocating air of cities. Because there, outside the city, our real home- nature. A house we can't live without.

But let's return to ecology. You and I know that you need to clean your house as often as possible (even if you don’t want to do it at all), plant flowers, don’t litter, don’t break furniture, don’t pour greasy water into the sink, and take out the trash every day. But if nature is also our home, then the same rules are appropriate here. You need to clean up after yourself after relaxing in the forest, take care of flowers, don’t litter, don’t break trees, don’t drain dirty water into the rivers, do not trample the grass. By reading books on ecology, you will learn why the hare is white in the forest and gray in the summer, why it has such teeth and ears, why it is sideways, what it eats, where it lives and who can eat it.

You can live in any house only when it is built correctly, when the roof does not leak, and the walls do not try to fall on the residents. And the floor should not collapse under the weight of the fattest inhabitants. If we destroy the walls, the roof will fall and there will be nothing left of the house.

Nature, as we have already found out, is a special home. Everything inside it is very closely connected: animals with plants, plants with plants, animals with other animals, and everything together with gentle sun, earth, water. If we break these connections, it’s like the walls will fall in our house. It will stand for some time, but then it will begin to collapse. And to prevent this from happening, you need to know the rules of behavior in nature: what a person is allowed to do, and what should not be done under any circumstances. The now familiar science of ecology helps to find out all this.

Scientists say that ecology is a science that studies. How plants and animals (living organisms) are connected to each other and to the environment.

With plants and animals everything is clear: they can feed on each other, live together, help each other. But what is “ environment"? When they say environment, they mean everything that is around us, including nature. And she is around us. And to some extent, people have always been captive of nature, because they are part of it. And never believe if they tell you that man is the king of nature, its master. Nature has existed without humans for billions of years, and if he does not change his attitude towards it, he may pay in the future. But man has never lived without nature, not even for a single minute. Therefore, you cannot treat nature poorly and destroy your home. Nature must be protected and treated with care.

  1. What is the environment?
  2. What environment surrounds them?
  3. Why should it be protected?



Topic: “Our home”

Conversation about ecology.

Target: To form in children an idea of ​​what the world around us is like, to expand children’s knowledge about nature.

Progress of the lesson.

“Oh, what a bad environment today,” says my mother, squeezing her temples with her hands; she gave me a headache.” “Yes,” Dad agrees, “our ecology is completely worthless, they write about it in the newspapers all the time and talk and show it on TV. We need to fix it."

Who is this ecology that gave mom a headache, and what did she do? Did you behave badly or didn’t clean up after yourself? Did you scream loudly or act up? And if she is so bad, why do they write about her in the newspapers? Maybe she looks like Freken - Bok from the cartoon, which was shown on TV and which Carlson “brought down”? And how is dad going to correct her - with a carrot or a stick? Maybe as punishment they won’t give her candy or put her in a corner?

Ask your dad or mom what ecology is. Maybe they will tell? “This is when everything around is bad, you can’t breathe, you can’t drink water, but you can’t eat food.” “But then why punish this mysterious ecology, what is it to blame for?” - you ask and you will be absolutely right. The environment is not to blame for anything. Man is to blame for everything that happened to nature.

But in order to understand why this happened, let’s first find out what “ecology” is. The word is not Russian, but Greek. And the word “ecology” is translated as the science of the home. But houses are different. Each of us lives in a house with walls, a ceiling, a roof, a door, windows, and a floor. But as soon as we leave the threshold of such a house, we find ourselves in another - an immense house, common to all people. His name is nature.

Can we live without birds, trees, butterflies, rivers, forests, sun? If we can, we will stop being people and turn into some other creatures. Once upon a time, scientists proposed building city houses in which everything a person needs is under one roof. Here he works, here he rests. But the bigger our cities become. The higher the houses, the more paved streets, the more often we want to breathe in the smell of forests and meadows, listen to birdsong, and get away from the suffocating air of cities. Because there, outside the city, our real home is nature. A house we can't live without.

But let's return to ecology. You and I know that you need to clean your house as often as possible (even if you don’t want to do it at all), plant flowers, don’t litter, don’t break furniture, don’t pour greasy water into the sink, and take out the trash every day. But if nature is also our home, then the same rules are appropriate here. You need to clean up after yourself after relaxing in the forest, take care of flowers, don’t litter, don’t break trees, don’t dump dirty water into rivers, don’t trample the grass. By reading books on ecology, you will learn why the hare is white in the forest and gray in the summer, why it has such teeth and ears, why it is sideways, what it eats, where it lives and who can eat it.

You can live in any house only when it is built correctly, when the roof does not leak, and the walls do not try to fall on the residents. And the floor should not collapse under the weight of the fattest inhabitants. If we destroy the walls, the roof will fall and there will be nothing left of the house.

Nature, as we have already found out, is a special home. Inside it, everything is very closely connected: animals with plants, plants with plants, animals with other animals, and everything together with the gentle sun, earth, water. Let's break these connections - it's like the walls will fall in our house. It will stand for some time, but then it will begin to collapse. And to prevent this from happening, you need to know the rules of behavior in nature: what a person is allowed to do, and what should not be done under any circumstances. The now familiar science of ecology helps to find out all this.

Scientists say that ecology is a science that studies. How plants and animals (living organisms) are connected to each other and to the environment.

With plants and animals everything is clear: they can feed on each other, live together, help each other. But what is “environment”? When they say environment, they mean everything that is around us, including nature. And she is around us. And to some extent, people have always been captive of nature, because they are part of it. And never believe if they tell you that man is the king of nature, its master. Nature has existed without humans for billions of years, and if he does not change his attitude towards it, he may pay in the future. But man has never lived without nature, not even for a single minute. Therefore, you cannot treat nature poorly and destroy your home. Nature must be protected and treated with care.


  1. What is the environment?
  2. What environment surrounds them?
  3. Why should it be protected?